Gerardo Schneider
    Postal Address: Department of Computer Science and Engineering
                Chalmers University of Technology
                SE-41296 Gothenburg, SWEDEN
    Visiting Address: Room 6475, 6th floor EDIT building
                Rännvägen 6B, Johanneberg campus
                Gothenburg, SWEDEN
    Phone:   +46 (0)31 772 60 73
    Mobile:  +46 (0)72-974 49 64
    Fax:     +46 (0)31 772 48 99
    E-mail:   gersch at / gerardo.schneider at
Curriculum Vitae

Research Interests
Formal Specification and Analysis of Contracts, Formalization of Privacy Policies, Model Checking, Verification of Real-Time and Polygonal Hybrid Systems, Verification of Embedded Systems (in particular smart Java cards), Semantics, Logics for Computer Science, Security.

If you want to know what is Model Checking, you can see a simple explanation here.

Edited Books/Journals

You can find a complete list of my publications (you may also see a pdf version, and here my publications in DBLP). You can also see my public Google Scholar profile)

PhD Students

Main supervisor:
  1. William Hughes, University of Gothenburg - Working on DSL for Smart Contracts.
  2. Hanaa AlShareef, Chalmers - Model-based Approaches to Privacy Compliance. (Viva: August 30, 2022)
  3. Raúl Pardo Jiménez, Chalmers - Privacy Policies for Social Networks: A Formal Approach. (Viva: November 22, 2017)
  4. John J. Camilleri, University of Gothenburg - Contracts and Computation - Formal modelling and analysis for normative natural language. (Viva: November 1st, 2017)
  5. Hallstein A. Hansen, University of Oslo - Safety verification of planar, nonlinear, complex control systems by over-approximation. (Viva: June 2012)
  6. Cristian Prisacariu, University of Oslo - A Dynamic Deontic Logic over Synchronous Actions. (Viva: December 2010)

  1. David Lidell, University of Gothenburg - Working on controller synthesis and runtime verification. (Main supervisor: Nir Piterman)
  2. Claudia Cauli, University of Gothenburg - Pre-deployment Description Logic-based Reasoning for Cloud Infrastructure Security. (Main supervisor: Nir Piterman) (Viva: June 2022)
  3. Piergiuseppe Mallozzi, Chalmers - Designing Trustworthy Autonomous Systems. (Main supervisor: Patrizio Pelliccione) (Viva: June 2021)
  4. Mauricio Chimento, Chalmers - Combined Static and Dynamic Verification of Object Oriented Software Through Partial Proofs. (Main supervisor: Wolfgang Ahrendt) (Viva: June 2019)
  5. Mahsa Varshosaz, Halmstad University - Modeling and Model-Based Testing of Software Product Lines. (Main supervisor: Mohammad Reza Mousavi) (Viva: February 2019)
  6. Hamid Ebadi, Chalmers - Dynamic Enforcement of Differential Privacy. (Main supervisor: Dave Sands) (Viva: March 2018)
  7. Einar W. Host , University of Oslo - Interactive Tool Support for Agile Development (Main supervisor: Bjarte M. Ostvold) (Viva: March 2011).

Guest Researchers and Postdocs

  1. Sandro Stucki, postdoc (Jun 2018 - Dec 2020)
  2. Pablo Picazo Sánchez, postdoc (Sep 2016 - Oct 2019)
  3. Srinivas Pinisetty, postdoc (Apr 2017 - Mar 2018)
  4. Thibaud Antignac, postdoc (Mar 2015 - Dec 2016)
  5. Emilia Cambronero Piqueras, guest researcher (Mar-Jun 2015)

Current Events (Organization)

  • Program Committee Member, Co-Chairing, and Co-Organization:
      1. ICTAC'24: 21st International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing - Bangkok (Thailand), 25-29 Nov 2024.
      2. RV'24: 24th International Conference on Runtime Verification (RV'24). Istanbul (Turkey), 15-18 Oct 2024.

      Past events:
      1. ICTAC'23: 20th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing - Lima (Peru), 04-08 Dec 2023.
      2. RV'23: 23rd International Conference on Runtime Verification (RV'23). Thessaloniki (Greece), 3-6 Oct 2023.
      3. FormaliSE'23: 9th International Conference in Formal Methods and Software Engineering - Melbourne, Victoria (Australia), 14-15 May 2023.
      4. RV'22: 22nd International Conference on Runtime Verification - Tbilisi (Georgia), 28-30 Sep 2022.
      5. SEFM'22: 20th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods - Berlin (Germany), 26-30 Sep 2022.
      6. SEFM'21: 19th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods - Virtual event, 6-10 Dec 2021
      7. RV'21: 21st International Conference on Runtime Verification - Los Angeles (USA), 11-14 Oct 2021.
      8. Workshop on Ethics, AI, Technology and Society. (Video available.) Världskulturmuseet, Gothenburg, Sweden. 13 Oct 2021 (Chair).
      9. VORTEX'21: 5th International Workshop on Verification and mOnitoring at Runtime EXecution (co-located with ECOOP'21) - Aarhus (Denmark), 12 Jul 2021.
      10. Reliable Smart Contracts: State-of-the-art, Applications, Challenges and Future Directions , a track of ISoLA 2020, Rhodes, Greece (26-30 Oct 2020). Co-chaired with Cesar Sánchez and Gordon Pace. (Co-Chair)
      11. FormaliSE'20: 8th International Conference in Formal Methods and Software Engineering - 25-26 May 2020. (Co-located with ICSE 2020)
      12. RV'20: 20th International Conference on Runtime Verification - Los Angeles (USA), 6-9 Oct 2020.
      13. SEFM'20: 18th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods - Amsterdam (The Netherlands), 16-18 Sep 2020
      14. PhD-iFM'19: PhD Symposium at iFM 2019 on Formal Methods: Algorithms, Tools and Applications - Bergen (Norway), 3 Dec 2019.
      15. FMFun'19: 1st International Workshop on "Formal Methods: Fun for Everybody" - Bergen (Norway), 2-3 Dec 2019.
      16. NWPT'19: 31st Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory - Tallinn (Estonia), 13-15 Nov 2019.
      17. FM'19: 23rd International Symposium on Formal Methods - Porto (Portugal), 7-11 Oct 2019.
      18. RV'19: 19th International Conference on Runtime Verification - Porto (Portugal), 8-11 Oct 2019.
      19. SEFM'19: 17th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods - Oslo (Norway), 16-20 Sep 2019
      20. STINT (UBA-GU) Workshop on Runtime Verification and Autonomous Systems, Gothenburg, Sweden (26 Aug 2019). (Organizer).
      21. SACLA'19: The Southern African Computer Lecturers' Association - Northern Drakensberg (South Africa), 15-17 Jul 2019
      22. FormaliSE'19: 7th International Conference in Formal Methods and Software Engineering - Montreal (Canada), 27 May 2019. (Co-located with ICSE 2019)
      23. ARVI Workshop on Privacy & Security, part of the ARVI: EU COST action IC1402, Siracusa (Sicily island), Italy (3 Sep 2018). Co-chaired with Leonardo Mariani. (Co-Chair)
      24. Reliable Smart Contracts: State-of-the-art, Applications, Challenges and Future Directions , a track of ISoLA 2018, Limassol, Cyprus (5-9 Nov 2018). Co-chaired with Cesar Sánchez and Martin Leucker. (Co-Chair)
      25. RV'18: 18th International Conference on Runtime Verification - Limassol (Cyprus), 10-13 Nov 2018.
      26. ISoLA'18: 8th International Symposium On Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation - Limassol (Cyprus), 5-9 Nov 2018.
      27. NWPT'18: 30th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory - Oslo (Norway), 24-26 Oct 2018.
      28. iFM'18: 14th International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods - Maynooth (Ireland), 5-7 Sep 2018.
      29. FM'18: 22nd International Symposium on Formal Methods - Oxford (UK), 15-17 Jul 2018. (As part of FLOC 2018, the Federated Logic Conferences.)
      30. VORTEX'18: 3rd VORTEX Workshop on Runtime Verification (co-located with ECOOP'18) - Amsterdam (The Netherlands), 16-21 Jul 2018.
      31. FormaliSE'18: 6th International Conference in Formal Methods and Software Engineering - Gothenburg (Sweden), 2 Jun 2018. (Co-located with ICSE 2018)
      32. NWPT'17: 29th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory - Turku (Finland), 1-3 Nov 2017.
      33. iFM'17: 13th International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods - Torino (Italy), 18-22 Sep 2017.
      34. PrePost'17: Second International Workshop on Pre- and Post-Deployment Verification Techniques - Torino (Italy), 19 Sep 2017.
      35. RV'17: 17th International Conference on Runtime Verification - Seattle (USA), 13-16 Sep 2017.
      36. TTCS'17: 2nd IFIP International Conference on Topics in Theoretical Computer Science - Tehran (Iran), 12-14 Sep 2017.
      37. QRS'17: IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability, and Security - Prague (Czech Republic), 26-28 Jul 2017.
      38. VORTEX'17: 2nd VORTEX Workshop on Runtime Verification (co-located with ECOOP'17) - Barcelona (Spain), 18-23 Jun 2017.
      39. ACM SAC-SVT'17: Software Verification and Testing (SVT'17) - A track of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing - Marrakech (Morocco), 27-31 Mar 2017.
      40. ARVI Workshop on Legal Contract Analysis, part of the ARVI: EU COST action IC1402, Prague, Czech Republic, 17 Mar 2017. Co-chaired with Christian Colombo and Gordon Pace. (Co-Chair)
      41. FM on Privacy'16: 1st Workshop on Formal Methods on Privacy (co-located with FM'16). Limassol (Cyprus), 8 Nov 2016.
      42. FM'16: 21st International Symposium on Formal Methods - Limassol (Cyprus), 7-11 November 2016.
      43. NWPT'16: 28th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory - Rold Storkro, North Jutland (Denmark), 31 Oct - 2 Nov 2016.
      44. RV'16: 16th International Conference on Runtime Verification - Madrid (Spain), 23-30 September 2016.
      45. VORTEX'16: 1st VORTEX Workshop on Runtime Verification (co-located with ECOOP'16) - Rome (Italy), 17-22 July 2016.
      46. TASE'16: The 10th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering - Shangai (China), 17-19 July 2016.
      47. iFM'16: 12th International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods - Reykjavik (Iceland), 1-3 June 2016.
      48. TTCS'15: First International Conference on Topics in Theoretical Computer Science. Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM) - Tehran (Iran), 26-28 August 2015
      49. SEFM'15: 13th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods - York (UK), 7-11 September 2015
      50. ICTAC'15: 12th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing - Cali (Colombia), 29-31 October 2015
      51. NWPT'15: 27th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory - Reykjavik (Iceland), 21-23 October 2015
      52. NWPT'14: 26th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory - Halmstad (Sweden), 29-31 October 2014
      53. SEFM'14: 12th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods - Grenoble (France), 1-5 September 2014
      54. SEFM'13: 11th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods - Madrid (Spain), 25-27 September 2013
      55. NWPT'13: 25th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory - Tallin (Estonia), 20-22 November 2013
      56. SEFM'12: 10th International Conferences on Software Engineering and Formal Methods - Thessaloniki (Greece), 1-5 October 2012
      57. FLACOS'12: 6th workshop on Formal Languages and Analysis of Contract-Oriented Software -Bertinoro (Italy), September 2012
      58. NWPT'12: 24th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory - Bergen, Norway, Oct 2012
      59. SBIA'12: 21st Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence - Curitiba, Brazil, 20-25 Oct 2012.
      60. SEFM'11: 9th International Conferences on Software Engineering and Formal Methods - Montevideo (Uruguay), 14-18 November 2011 (PC chair)
      61. FLACOS'11: 5th workshop on Formal Languages and Analysis of Contract-Oriented Software - Málaga (Spain), 22-23 September 2011
      62. ICTAC'11: 8th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing - Johannesburg (South Africa), 31 August - 2 September 2011
      63. NWPT'11: 23rd Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory - Västerås (Sweden), October 2011.
      64. FMSPLE'11: 2nd Workshop on Formal Methods in Software Product Line Engineering - Munich (Germany), August 2011
      65. Doctoral Symposium at FCT 2011: Doctoral symposium associated to the 18th International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory - Oslo (Norway), 21 August 2011
      66. CSBC'11 - ENIA: VIII Encontro Nacional de Inteligencia Artificial - Natal, Brazil, 19-22 July 2011
      67. NWPT'10: 22nd Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory - Turku (Finland), 10-12 November 2010.
      68. SBIA'10: XX Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (SBIA 2010). São Bernardo do Campo, Brazil, October 2010
      69. FLACOS'10: 4th workshop on Formal Languages and Analysis of Contract-Oriented Software - Pisa (Italy), 17-18 September 2010 (PC Chair)
      70. FMSPLE'10: First Workshop on Formal Methods in Software Product Line Engineering. Jeju Island (South Korea) September 2010.
      71. SEFM'10: 8th IEEE International Conferences on Software Engineering and Formal Methods - Pisa (Italy), 13-17 September 2010
      72. VERIFY'10: 6th International Verification Workshop - Edinburgh (UK), 20-21 July 2010.
      73. WCSI'10: International Workshop on Component and Service Interoperability - Málaga (Spain), 29 June 2010.
      74. FLACOS'09: 3rd workshop on Formal Languages and Analysis of Contract-Oriented Software - Toledo (Spain), 24-25 September 2009 (PC Chair)
      75. ChWFM'09: Chilean Workshop on Formal Methods - Santiago de Chile (Chile), 9-13 November 2009
      76. NWPT'09: 21st Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory. Lyngby, Denmark, 14-16 October 2009
      77. ADHS'09: 3rd IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems - Zaragoza (Spain), 16-18 September 2009
      78. SEFM'09: 7th IEEE International Conferences on Software Engineering and Formal Methods - Hanoi (Vietnam), 23-27 November 2009
      79. FLACOS'08: 2nd workshop on Formal Languages and Analysis of Contract-Oriented Software - Malta, 27-28 November 2008 (PC Chair)
      80. SEFM'08: 6th IEEE International Conferences on Software Engineering and Formal Methods - Cape Town (South Africa), 10-14 Nov 2008
      81. NWPT'08: The 20th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory - Tallinn (Estonia), 19-21 November 2008
      82. RV'08: 8th Workshop on Runtime Verification - Budapest (Hungary), 30 March 2008
      83. FLACOS'07: 1st workshop on Formal Languages and Analysis of Contract-Oriented Software - Oslo (Norway), 9-10 October 2007 (PC Chair)
      84. NWPT'07: The 19th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory - Oslo (Norway), 10-12 October (PC Chair)
      85. PDMC'05: The 4th International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Methods in verifiCation - Lisbon (Portugal), 10 July 2005.

    Teaching (since 2005)
    • TDA384 / DIT391 (Principles of Concurrent Programming), Bachelor in Computer Science and Engineering, 2022, 2021. Chalmers | Univ. of Gothenburg (Course responsible)
    • DAT260 / DIT848 (Model-Based Testing), Master on SE&M, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016. Chalmers | Univ. of Gothenburg (Course responsible)
    • DIT085 (Test and Verification), Bachelor on SE&M, 2010, 2011, 2012. Chalmers | Univ. of Gothenburg (Course responsible)
    • DIT597 (Technical Challenge Project), Master on SE&M, 2011. Chalmers | Univ. of Gothenburg (Coordinator and supervisor)
    • TIA050 (Technical Challenge Project), Master on SE&M, 2010. Univ. of Gothenburg (Coordinator and supervisor)
    • TIG029 (Software Architecture for Distributed Systems), Bachelor on SE&M, 2009. Univ. of Gothenburg (Coordinator and supervisor)
    • TIA051 (Seminars on SE&M), Master on SE&M, 2009. Univ. of Gothenburg (Coordinator and lecturer)
    • TIA049 (Industrial Challenge Project), Master on SE&M, 2009. Univ. of Gothenburg (Supervisor)
    • INF5906 (Selected Topics on Static Analysis). Together with Martin Steffen. Univ. of Oslo.
    • INF3110\4110 - 2005, 2008 (Programming Languages - Programmeringsspråk).Together with Prof. Birger Møller-Pedersen. Slides of the lectures can be found here: 2005, 2008. Univ. of Oslo.
    • INF5140 - 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011 (Specification and verification of parallel systems - Kravspesifikasjon og verifikasjon av parallelle systemer). A course for M.Sc. and PhD students. Together with Espen H. Lian. Slides of the lectures can be found here. Univ. of Oslo.

    Master subjects

    Suggestions for Master thesis may be found here. If you are interested in those subjects or if you have a proposal for a Master thesis related to my research topics, please contact me. Not updated! Please contact me if you want to know the current master topics available.

    Some Talks (slides)
    • SPeeDI is a tool for the verification of Polygonal Differential Inclusions (SPDI).
    • CLAN is the prototype of a tool to detect normative conflicts in contracts written int the formal language CL.
    • AnaCon is a prototype of a framework for analysis normative texts written in controlled natural language (CNL). The analysis performed so far is concerned with normative conflicts by using CLAN. This is done by first translating the CNL into the language CL using the Grammatical Framework.

    • I like to do many things (dance tango, play football and other sports, read, go to the cinema etc). Though I have not so much time now to do many of those things, I try to read a bit (about popular science, history, politics, fiction, biographies, fiction, etc.). In case you also like to read and go to the cinema you can take a look at:
    • If you are interested in real journalism, showing what is really going on in the World (and what really happened in the past), and not filtered by the controlled media, read books and articles by Noam Chomsky, George Monbiot and John Pilger (Pilger has also produced some interesting documentaries). You might also want to see Adam Curtis documentaries. Also, I highly recommend the book Flat Earth News by Nick Davies.
    • About the ESLAI (Escuela Superior Latino-Americana de Informática):
      • A short explanation about the School can be found in Frito's homepage: click here.
      • A very interesting article about the School has appeared at the SADIO Newspaper (in Spanish). See the html version or download the pdf version.
    • Some links to my country, Uruguay (in Spanish):