-- The partiality monad's monad instance, defined via an adjunction

{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe #-}

module Partiality-monad.Inductive.Monad.Adjunction where

open import Equality.Propositional.Cubical
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude hiding (T; )

open import Adjunction equality-with-J
open import Bijection equality-with-J using (_↔_)
open import Category equality-with-J
open import Function-universe equality-with-J hiding (id; _∘_)
open import Functor equality-with-J
open import H-level equality-with-J
open import H-level.Closure equality-with-J

open import Partiality-algebra as PA hiding (id; _∘_)
open import Partiality-algebra.Category as PAC
import Partiality-algebra.Properties as PAP
open import Partiality-monad.Inductive as PI
  using (_⊥; partiality-algebra; initial)
open import Partiality-monad.Inductive.Eliminators
import Partiality-monad.Inductive.Monad as PM
import Partiality-monad.Inductive.Omega-continuous as PO

-- A forgetful functor from partiality algebras to sets.

Forget :  {a p q} {A : Type a} 
         PAC.precategory p q A  precategory-Set p ext
functor Forget =
     P  T P , T-is-set P)
  , Morphism.function
  , refl
  , refl
  open Partiality-algebra

-- The precategory of pointed ω-cpos.

ω-CPPO :  p q  Precategory (lsuc (p  q)) (p  q)
ω-CPPO p q = PAC.precategory p q ⊥₀

-- Pointed ω-cpos.

ω-cppo :  p q  Type (lsuc (p  q))
ω-cppo p q = Partiality-algebra p q ⊥₀

-- If there is a function from B to the carrier of P, then P
-- can be converted to a partiality algebra over B.

convert :  {a b p q} {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
          (P : Partiality-algebra p q A) 
          (B  Partiality-algebra.T P) 
          Partiality-algebra p q B
convert P f = record
  { T                       = T
  ; partiality-algebra-with = record
    { _⊑_               = _⊑_
    ; never             = never
    ; now               = f
    ;                  = 
    ; antisymmetry      = antisymmetry
    ; T-is-set-unused   = T-is-set-unused
    ; ⊑-refl            = ⊑-refl
    ; ⊑-trans           = ⊑-trans
    ; never⊑            = never⊑
    ; upper-bound       = upper-bound
    ; least-upper-bound = least-upper-bound
    ; ⊑-propositional   = ⊑-propositional
  open Partiality-algebra P

-- A lemma that removes convert from certain types.

drop-convert :
   {a p q p′ q′} {A : Type a} {X : ω-cppo p q} {Y : ω-cppo p′ q′}
    {f : A  _} {g : A  _} 
  Morphism (convert X f) (convert Y g)  Morphism X Y
drop-convert m = record
  { function     = function
  ; monotone     = monotone
  ; strict       = strict
  ; now-to-now   = λ x  ⊥-elim x
  ; ω-continuous = ω-continuous
  open Morphism m

-- Converts partiality algebras to ω-cppos.

drop-now :  {a p q} {A : Type a} 
           Partiality-algebra p q A  ω-cppo p q
drop-now P = convert P ⊥-elim

-- The function drop-now does not modify ω-cppos.

drop-now-constant :
   {p q} {P : ω-cppo p q} 
  drop-now P  P
drop-now-constant =
  cong  now  record { partiality-algebra-with =
                           record { now = now } })
       (⟨ext⟩ λ x  ⊥-elim x)

-- Converts types to ω-cppos.

Partial⊚ :  {}  Type   ω-cppo  
Partial⊚ = drop-now  partiality-algebra


  -- A lemma.

  Partial⊙′ :
    let open Partiality-algebra; open Morphism in

     {a b p q} {A : Type a} {B : Type b}
    (P : Partiality-algebra p q B) 
    (f : A  T P) 
     λ (m : Morphism (Partial⊚ A) (drop-now P)) 
      (∀ x  function m (PI.now x)  now (convert P f) x)
      (∀ m′  (∀ x  function m′ (PI.now x)  now (convert P f) x) 
              m  m′)
  Partial⊙′ {A = A} P f = m′ , PI.⊥-rec-now _ , lemma
    P′ : Partiality-algebra _ _ A
    P′ = convert P f

    m : Morphism (partiality-algebra A) P′
    m = proj₁ (initial P′)

    m′ : Morphism (Partial⊚ A) (drop-now P)
    m′ = drop-convert m


      lemma :
        (∀ x  Morphism.function m″ (PI.now x) 
               Partiality-algebra.now P′ x) 
        m′  m″
      lemma m″ hyp = _↔_.to equality-characterisation-Morphism (
        function m′  ≡⟨⟩
        function m   ≡⟨ cong function (proj₂ (initial P′) record
                                         { function     = function m″
                                         ; monotone     = monotone m″
                                         ; strict       = strict m″
                                         ; now-to-now   = hyp
                                         ; ω-continuous =
                                             ω-continuous m″
                                         }) ⟩∎
        function m″  )
        open Morphism

-- Lifts functions between types to morphisms between the
-- corresponding ω-cppos.

Partial⊙ :
   {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
  (A  B)  Morphism (Partial⊚ A) (Partial⊚ B)
Partial⊙ f = proj₁ (Partial⊙′ (partiality-algebra _) (PI.now  f))

-- Partial⊙ f is the unique morphism (of the given type) mapping
-- PI.now x to PI.now (f x) (for all x).

Partial⊙-now :
   {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {f : A  B} {x} 
  Morphism.function (Partial⊙ f) (PI.now x)  PI.now (f x)
Partial⊙-now = proj₁ (proj₂ (Partial⊙′ (partiality-algebra _) _)) _

Partial⊙-unique :
   {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {f : A  B} {m} 
    (∀ x  Morphism.function m (PI.now x)  PI.now (f x)) 
  Partial⊙ f  m
Partial⊙-unique = proj₂ (proj₂ (Partial⊙′ (partiality-algebra _) _)) _

-- A functor that maps a set A to A ⊥.

Partial :  {}  precategory-Set  ext  ω-CPPO  
_⇨_.functor (Partial {}) =
    Partial⊚  proj₁
  , Partial⊙
  , L.lemma₁
  , L.lemma₂
  open Morphism

  module L where

    lemma₁ : {A : Type }  Partial⊙ (id {A = A})  PA.id
    lemma₁ = Partial⊙-unique λ _  refl

    lemma₂ : {A B C : Type } {f : A  B} {g : B  C} 
             Partial⊙ (g  f)  Partial⊙ g PA.∘ Partial⊙ f
    lemma₂ {f = f} {g} = Partial⊙-unique λ x 
      function (Partial⊙ g PA.∘ Partial⊙ f) (PI.now x)  ≡⟨ cong (function (Partial⊙ g)) Partial⊙-now 
      function (Partial⊙ g) (PI.now (f x))              ≡⟨ Partial⊙-now ⟩∎
      PI.now (g (f x))                                  

-- Partial is a left adjoint of Forget.

Partial⊣Forget :  {}  Partial { = }  Forget
Partial⊣Forget {} =
  , ε
  ,  {X} 
       let P = Partial⊚ (proj₁ X) in
       _↔_.to equality-characterisation-Morphism $ ⟨ext⟩ $
       ⊥-rec-⊥ record
         { pe = fun P (function (Partial⊙ PI.now) PI.never)  ≡⟨ cong (fun P) $ strict (Partial⊙ PI.now) 
                fun P PI.never                               ≡⟨ strict (m P) ⟩∎
         ; po = λ x 
                  fun P (function (Partial⊙ PI.now) (PI.now x))  ≡⟨ cong (fun P) Partial⊙-now 
                  fun P (PI.now (PI.now x))                      ≡⟨ fun-now P ⟩∎
                  PI.now x                                       
         ; pl = λ s hyp 
                  fun P (function (Partial⊙ PI.now) (PI.⨆ s))  ≡⟨ cong (fun P) $ ω-continuous (Partial⊙ PI.now) _ 
                  fun P (PI.⨆ _)                               ≡⟨ ω-continuous (m P) _ 
                  PI.⨆ _                                       ≡⟨ cong PI.⨆ $ _↔_.to PI.equality-characterisation-increasing hyp ⟩∎
                  PI.⨆ s                                       
         ; pp = λ _  PI.⊥-is-set
  ,  {X}  ⟨ext⟩ λ x 
       fun X (PI.now x)  ≡⟨ fun-now X ⟩∎
       x                 )
  open Morphism {q₂ = }
  open PAP
  open Partiality-algebra

  η : id⇨  Forget ∙⇨ Partial
  _⇾_.natural-transformation η =
    ,  {X Y f}  ⟨ext⟩ λ x 
         function (Partial⊙ f) (PI.now x)  ≡⟨ Partial⊙-now ⟩∎
         PI.now (f x)                      )

  m : (X : ω-cppo  )  Morphism (Partial⊚ (T X)) X
  m X =                                     $⟨ id 
    (T X  T X)                             ↝⟨ proj₁  Partial⊙′ X 
    Morphism (Partial⊚ (T X)) (drop-now X)  ↝⟨ drop-convert ⟩□
    Morphism (Partial⊚ (T X)) X             

  fun : (X : ω-cppo  )  T X   T X
  fun X = function (m X)

  fun-now :  (X : ω-cppo  ) {x}  fun X (PI.now x)  x
  fun-now X = proj₁ (proj₂ (Partial⊙′ X _)) _

  fun-unique :
    (X : ω-cppo  ) (m′ : Morphism (Partial⊚ (T X)) X) 
    (∀ x  function m′ (PI.now x)  x) 
    fun X  function m′
  fun-unique X m′ hyp =
    cong function $ proj₂ (proj₂ (Partial⊙′ X _)) (drop-convert m′) hyp

  ε : Partial ∙⇨ Forget  id⇨
  _⇾_.natural-transformation ε =
       {X}  m X)
    ,  {X Y f} 
         let m′ = (Partial ∙⇨ Forget)  f in
         _↔_.to equality-characterisation-Morphism $ ⟨ext⟩ $
         ⊥-rec-⊥ record
           { pe = function f (fun X PI.never)   ≡⟨ cong (function f) (strict (m X)) 
                  function f (never X)          ≡⟨ strict f 
                  never Y                       ≡⟨ sym $ strict (m Y) 
                  fun Y PI.never                ≡⟨ cong (fun Y) $ sym $ strict m′ ⟩∎
                  fun Y (function m′ PI.never)  
           ; po = λ x 
                    function f (fun X (PI.now x))   ≡⟨ cong (function f) (fun-now X) 
                    function f x                    ≡⟨ sym $ fun-now Y 
                    fun Y (PI.now (function f x))   ≡⟨ cong (fun Y) $ sym Partial⊙-now ⟩∎
                    fun Y (function m′ (PI.now x))  
           ; pl = λ s hyp 
                    function f (fun X (PI.⨆ s))   ≡⟨ cong (function f) (ω-continuous (m X) _) 
                    function f ( X _)            ≡⟨ ω-continuous f _ 
                     Y _                         ≡⟨ cong ( Y) $ _↔_.to (equality-characterisation-increasing Y) hyp 
                     Y _                         ≡⟨ sym $ ω-continuous (m Y) _ 
                    fun Y (PI.⨆ _)                ≡⟨ cong (fun Y) $ sym $ ω-continuous m′ _ ⟩∎
                    fun Y (function m′ (PI.⨆ s))  
           ; pp = λ _  T-is-set Y

-- Thus we get that the partiality monad is a monad.

Partiality-monad :  {}  Monad (precategory-Set  ext)
Partiality-monad = adjunction→monad (Partial , Forget , Partial⊣Forget)


  -- The object part of the monad's functor really does correspond to
  -- the partiality monad.

  object-part-of-functor-correct :
     {a} {A : Set a} 
    proj₁ (proj₁ Partiality-monad  A)  proj₁ A 
  object-part-of-functor-correct = refl

  -- The definition of "map" obtained here matches the explicit
  -- definition in Partiality-monad.Inductive.Monad.

  map-correct :
     {} {A B : Set } {f : proj₁ A  proj₁ B} 
    _⊙_ (proj₁ Partiality-monad) {X = A} {Y = B} f 
    PO.[_⊥→_⊥].function (PM.map f)
  map-correct = refl

  -- The definition of "return" is the expected one.

  return-correct :
     {a} {A : Set a} 
    _⇾_.transformation (proj₁ (proj₂ Partiality-monad)) {X = A}  PI.now
  return-correct = refl

  -- The definition of "join" obtained here matches the explicit
  -- definition in Partiality-monad.Inductive.Monad.

  join-correct :
     {a} {A : Set a} 
      (proj₁ (proj₂ (proj₂ Partiality-monad))) {X = A} 
  join-correct = refl