-- Functors and natural transformations (for 1-categories)

-- The code is based on the presentation in the HoTT book (but might
-- not follow it exactly).

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

open import Equality

module Functor
  {reflexive} (eq :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p reflexive) where

import Surjection

open import Bijection eq hiding (id; _∘_; inverse; step-↔; finally-↔)
open import Category eq
open Derived-definitions-and-properties eq
open import Equivalence eq as Eq using (_≃_; module _≃_; ↔⇒≃)
open import Extensionality eq
open import Function-universe eq hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level eq
open import H-level.Closure eq
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_; module _⇔_)
open import Prelude as P hiding (id; _^_)

-- Functors

Functor :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃ ℓ₄} 
          Precategory ℓ₁ ℓ₂  Precategory ℓ₃ ℓ₄  Type _
Functor C D =
  -- Object map.
   λ (F₀ : Obj C  Obj D) 

  -- Morphism map.
   λ (F :  {X Y}  Hom C X Y  Hom D (F₀ X) (F₀ Y)) 

  -- F should be homomorphic with respect to identity and composition.
  (∀ {X}  F (id C {X = X})  id D) ×
  (∀ {X Y Z} {f : Hom C X Y} {g : Hom C Y Z} 
     F (_∙_ C g f)  _∙_ D (F g) (F f))

  where open Precategory

-- A wrapper.

infix 4 _⇨_

record _⇨_ {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃ ℓ₄}
           (C : Precategory ℓ₁ ℓ₂) (D : Precategory ℓ₃ ℓ₄) :
           Type (ℓ₁  ℓ₂  ℓ₃  ℓ₄) where
    functor : Functor C D

  open Precategory

  infixr 10 _⊚_ _⊙_

  -- Object map.

  _⊚_ : Obj C  Obj D
  _⊚_ = proj₁ functor

  -- Morphism map.

  _⊙_ :  {X Y}  Hom C X Y  Hom D (_⊚_ X) (_⊚_ Y)
  _⊙_ = proj₁ (proj₂ functor)

  -- The morphism map is homomorphic with respect to identity.

  ⊙-id :  {X}  _⊙_ (id C {X = X})  id D
  ⊙-id = proj₁ (proj₂ (proj₂ functor))

  -- The morphism map is homomorphic with respect to composition.

  ⊙-∙ :  {X Y Z} {f : Hom C X Y} {g : Hom C Y Z} 
        _⊙_ (_∙_ C g f)  _∙_ D (_⊙_ g) (_⊙_ f)
  ⊙-∙ = proj₂ (proj₂ (proj₂ functor))

open _⇨_ public


  -- The homomorphism properties are propositional (assuming
  -- extensionality).

  functor-properties-propositional :
     {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃ ℓ₄} 
    Extensionality (ℓ₁  ℓ₂) (ℓ₁  ℓ₂  ℓ₄) 
    {C : Precategory ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {D : Precategory ℓ₃ ℓ₄}
    (F : C  D)  let open Precategory in

    Is-proposition ((∀ {X}  F  id C {X = X}  id D) ×
                    (∀ {X Y Z} {f : Hom C X Y} {g : Hom C Y Z} 
                     F  (_∙_ C g f)  _∙_ D (F  g) (F  f)))

  functor-properties-propositional {ℓ₁} {ℓ₂} ext {D} _ = ×-closure 1
    (implicit-Π-closure (lower-extensionality ℓ₂ (ℓ₁  ℓ₂) ext) 1 λ _ 
     Precategory.Hom-is-set D)
    (implicit-Π-closure (lower-extensionality ℓ₂ lzero     ext) 1 λ _ 
     implicit-Π-closure (lower-extensionality ℓ₂ lzero     ext) 1 λ _ 
     implicit-Π-closure (lower-extensionality ℓ₂ ℓ₁        ext) 1 λ _ 
     implicit-Π-closure (lower-extensionality ℓ₁ ℓ₁        ext) 1 λ _ 
     implicit-Π-closure (lower-extensionality ℓ₁ (ℓ₁  ℓ₂) ext) 1 λ _ 
     Precategory.Hom-is-set D)


  -- Functor equality is equivalent to equality of the corresponding
  -- maps, suitably transported (assuming extensionality).

  equality-characterisation⇨ :
     {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃ ℓ₄} 
    Extensionality (ℓ₁  ℓ₂) (ℓ₁  ℓ₂  ℓ₄) 
    {C : Precategory ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {D : Precategory ℓ₃ ℓ₄} {F G : C  D} 
    let open Precategory in

    (F  G)


     λ (⊚F≡⊚G : _⊚_ F  _⊚_ G) 
        _≡_ {A =  {X Y}  Hom C X Y  Hom D (G  X) (G  Y)}
            (subst  F   {X Y}  Hom C X Y  Hom D (F X) (F Y))
                   ⊚F≡⊚G (_⊙_ F))
            (_⊙_ G)

  equality-characterisation⇨ ext {C} {D} {F} {G} =
    let P : (Obj C  Obj D)  Type _
        P = λ F₀   {X Y}  Hom C X Y  Hom D (F₀ X) (F₀ Y)

        Q :  P  Type _
        Q = λ { (F₀ , F)  (∀ {X}  F (id C {X = X})  id D) ×
                           (∀ {X Y Z} {f : Hom C X Y} {g : Hom C Y Z} 
                              F (_∙_ C g f)  _∙_ D (F g) (F f)) }

    (F  G)                                                              ↝⟨ ↔⇒≃ record
                                                                              { surjection = record
                                                                                { logical-equivalence = record
                                                                                  { to   = cong functor
                                                                                  ; from = cong λ f  record { functor = f }
                                                                                ; right-inverse-of = λ _  trans (cong-∘ _ _ _) (sym $ cong-id _)
                                                                              ; left-inverse-of = λ _  trans (cong-∘ _ _ _) (sym $ cong-id _)
    (functor F  functor G)                                              ↔⟨ inverse Σ-≡,≡↔≡ 

    ( λ (⊚F≡⊚G : _⊚_ F  _⊚_ G) 
         subst  F₀   λ (F : P F₀)  Q (F₀ , F)) ⊚F≡⊚G
               (proj₂ $ functor F)  proj₂ (functor G))                  ↝⟨ ∃-cong  ⊚F≡⊚G  ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong  x  x  proj₂ (functor G)) $
                                                                              push-subst-pair P Q) 
    ( λ (⊚F≡⊚G : _⊚_ F  _⊚_ G) 
         _≡_ {A =  λ (H : P (_⊚_ G))  Q (_⊚_ G , H)}
         ( subst P ⊚F≡⊚G (_⊙_ F)
         , subst Q (Σ-≡,≡→≡ ⊚F≡⊚G (refl _)) (proj₂ $ proj₂ $ functor F)
         (proj₂ (functor G)))                                            ↔⟨ ∃-cong  ⊚F≡⊚G  inverse $
                                                                                (functor-properties-propositional ext G)) ⟩□
    ( λ (⊚F≡⊚G : _⊚_ F  _⊚_ G) 
          {_ _}  subst P ⊚F≡⊚G (_⊙_ F))  _⊙_ G)                      

    where open Precategory

  -- Some simplification lemmas.

  proj₁-to-equality-characterisation⇨ :
     {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃ ℓ₄}
    (ext : Extensionality (ℓ₁  ℓ₂) (ℓ₁  ℓ₂  ℓ₄))
    {C : Precategory ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {D : Precategory ℓ₃ ℓ₄} {F G : C  D} 
    let open Precategory in
    (F≡G : F  G) 

    proj₁ (_≃_.to (equality-characterisation⇨ ext {F = F} {G = G}) F≡G)
    cong _⊚_ F≡G

  proj₁-to-equality-characterisation⇨ ext F≡G =
    proj₁ (_≃_.to (equality-characterisation⇨ ext) F≡G)  ≡⟨ proj₁-Σ-≡,≡←≡ _ 
    cong proj₁ (cong functor F≡G)                        ≡⟨ cong-∘ _ _ _ ⟩∎
    cong _⊚_ F≡G                                         

  cong-⊚-from-equality-characterisation⇨ :
     {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃ ℓ₄}
    (ext : Extensionality (ℓ₁  ℓ₂) (ℓ₁  ℓ₂  ℓ₄))
    {C : Precategory ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {D : Precategory ℓ₃ ℓ₄} {F G : C  D} 
    let open Precategory in
    (⊚F≡⊚G : _⊚_ F  _⊚_ G) 
    (⊙F≡⊙G : _≡_ {A =  {X Y}  Hom C X Y  Hom D (G  X) (G  Y)}
                 (subst  F   {X Y}  Hom C X Y  Hom D (F X) (F Y))
                        ⊚F≡⊚G (_⊙_ F))
                 (_⊙_ G)) 

    cong _⊚_ (_≃_.from (equality-characterisation⇨ ext {F = F} {G = G})
                       (⊚F≡⊚G , ⊙F≡⊙G))

  cong-⊚-from-equality-characterisation⇨ ext {F} {G} ⊚F≡⊚G ⊙F≡⊙G =
    cong _⊚_ (_≃_.from (equality-characterisation⇨ ext {F = F} {G = G})
                       (⊚F≡⊚G , ⊙F≡⊙G))                                  ≡⟨ cong-∘ _ _ _ 

    cong proj₁ (Σ-≡,≡→≡ ⊚F≡⊚G _)                                         ≡⟨ proj₁-Σ-≡,≡→≡ _ _ ⟩∎



  -- Another equality characterisation lemma.

  equality-characterisation≡⇨ :
     {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃ ℓ₄} 
    Extensionality (ℓ₁  ℓ₂) (ℓ₁  ℓ₂  ℓ₄) 
    {C : Precategory ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {D : Precategory ℓ₃ ℓ₄} {F G : C  D}
    {eq₁ eq₂ : F  G} 
    (eq₁  eq₂)  (cong _⊚_ eq₁  cong _⊚_ eq₂)
  equality-characterisation≡⇨ {ℓ₁} {ℓ₂} ext {D} {eq₁} {eq₂} =
    eq₁  eq₂                                              ↝⟨ inverse $ Eq.≃-≡ (equality-characterisation⇨ ext) 

    _≃_.to (equality-characterisation⇨ ext) eq₁ 
    _≃_.to (equality-characterisation⇨ ext) eq₂            ↔⟨ inverse $ ignore-propositional-component
                                                                (implicit-Π-closure (lower-extensionality ℓ₂ lzero     ext) 2 λ _ 
                                                                 implicit-Π-closure (lower-extensionality ℓ₂ ℓ₁        ext) 2 λ _ 
                                                                 Π-closure          (lower-extensionality ℓ₁ (ℓ₁  ℓ₂) ext) 2 λ _ 
                                                                 Precategory.Hom-is-set D) 
    proj₁ (_≃_.to (equality-characterisation⇨ ext) eq₁) 
    proj₁ (_≃_.to (equality-characterisation⇨ ext) eq₂)    ↝⟨ ≡⇒↝ _ (cong₂ _≡_ (proj₁-to-equality-characterisation⇨ _ _)
                                                                               (proj₁-to-equality-characterisation⇨ _ _)) ⟩□
    cong _⊚_ eq₁  cong _⊚_ eq₂                            

-- Identity functor.

id⇨ :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {C : Precategory ℓ₁ ℓ₂}  C  C
functor id⇨ = P.id , P.id , refl _ , refl _

-- Composition of functors.

infixr 10 _∙⇨_

_∙⇨_ :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {C : Precategory ℓ₁ ℓ₂}
         {ℓ₃ ℓ₄} {D : Precategory ℓ₃ ℓ₄}
         {ℓ₅ ℓ₆} {E : Precategory ℓ₅ ℓ₆} 
       D  E  C  D  C  E
functor (_∙⇨_ {C} {D} {E} G F) =
  (G ⊚_)  (F ⊚_) ,
  (G ⊙_)  (F ⊙_) ,
  (G  F  id C              ≡⟨ cong (G ⊙_) $ ⊙-id F 
   G  id D                  ≡⟨ ⊙-id G ⟩∎
   id E                      ) ,
   {_ _ _ f g} 
     G  F  _∙_ C g f              ≡⟨ cong (G ⊙_) $ ⊙-∙ F 
     G  _∙_ D (F  g) (F  f)      ≡⟨ ⊙-∙ G ⟩∎
     _∙_ E (G  F  g) (G  F  f)  )
  open Precategory

-- id⇨ is a left identity (assuming extensionality).

id⇨∙⇨ :
   {ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {C : Precategory ℓ₁ ℓ₂}
    {ℓ₃ ℓ₄} {D : Precategory ℓ₃ ℓ₄} 
  Extensionality (ℓ₁  ℓ₂) (ℓ₁  ℓ₂  ℓ₄) 
  {F : C  D}  id⇨ ∙⇨ F  F
id⇨∙⇨ ext {F} = _≃_.from (equality-characterisation⇨ ext)
  ( refl (F ⊚_)
  , (subst _ (refl (F ⊚_))  {_ _}  F ⊙_)  ≡⟨ subst-refl _ _ ⟩∎
      {_ _}  F ⊙_)                        )

-- id⇨ is a right identity (assuming extensionality).

∙⇨id⇨ :
   {ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {C : Precategory ℓ₁ ℓ₂}
    {ℓ₃ ℓ₄} {D : Precategory ℓ₃ ℓ₄} 
  Extensionality (ℓ₁  ℓ₂) (ℓ₁  ℓ₂  ℓ₄) 
  {F : C  D}  F ∙⇨ id⇨  F
∙⇨id⇨ ext {F} = _≃_.from (equality-characterisation⇨ ext)
  ( refl (F ⊚_)
  , (subst _ (refl (F ⊚_))  {_ _}  F ⊙_)  ≡⟨ subst-refl _ _ ⟩∎
      {_ _}  F ⊙_)                        )

-- _∙⇨_ is associative (assuming extensionality).

∙⇨-assoc :
   {ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {C₁ : Precategory ℓ₁ ℓ₂}
    {ℓ₃ ℓ₄} {C₂ : Precategory ℓ₃ ℓ₄}
    {ℓ₅ ℓ₆} {C₃ : Precategory ℓ₅ ℓ₆}
    {ℓ₇ ℓ₈} {C₄ : Precategory ℓ₇ ℓ₈} 
  Extensionality (ℓ₁  ℓ₂) (ℓ₁  ℓ₂  ℓ₈) 
  (F : C₃  C₄) (G : C₂  C₃) {H : C₁  C₂} 
  F ∙⇨ (G ∙⇨ H)  (F ∙⇨ G) ∙⇨ H
∙⇨-assoc ext F G {H} = _≃_.from (equality-characterisation⇨ ext)
  ( refl _
  , (subst _ (refl _)  {_ _}  (F ∙⇨ G ∙⇨ H) ⊙_)  ≡⟨ subst-refl _ _ 
      {_ _}  (F ∙⇨ G ∙⇨ H) ⊙_)                   )

-- Natural transformations

Natural-transformation :
   {ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {C : Precategory ℓ₁ ℓ₂}
    {ℓ₃ ℓ₄} {D : Precategory ℓ₃ ℓ₄} 
  C  D  C  D  Type _
Natural-transformation {C} {D} F G =
  -- Morphisms.
   λ (γ :  {X}  Hom D (F  X) (G  X)) 

  -- Naturality.
   {X Y} {f : Hom C X Y}  (G  f)  γ  γ  (F  f)

  open Precategory hiding (_∙_)
  open Precategory D using (_∙_)

-- A wrapper.

infix 4 _⇾_

record _⇾_ {ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {C : Precategory ℓ₁ ℓ₂}
           {ℓ₃ ℓ₄} {D : Precategory ℓ₃ ℓ₄}
           (F G : C  D) : Type (ℓ₁  ℓ₂  ℓ₃  ℓ₄) where
    natural-transformation : Natural-transformation F G

  open Precategory hiding (_∙_)
  open Precategory D using (_∙_)

  -- Morphisms.

  transformation :  {X}  Hom D (F  X) (G  X)
  transformation = proj₁ natural-transformation

  -- Naturality.

  natural :  {X Y} {f : Hom C X Y} 
            (G  f)  transformation  transformation  (F  f)
  natural = proj₂ natural-transformation


  -- The naturality property is a proposition (assuming
  -- extensionality).

  naturality-propositional :
     {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃ ℓ₄} 
    Extensionality (ℓ₁  ℓ₂) (ℓ₁  ℓ₂  ℓ₄) 
    {C : Precategory ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {D : Precategory ℓ₃ ℓ₄}
    (F G : C  D) 
    let open Precategory hiding (_∙_); open Precategory D using (_∙_) in
    {transformation :  {X}  Hom D (F  X) (G  X)} 

    Is-proposition (∀ {X Y} {f : Hom C X Y} 
                    (G  f)  transformation 
                    transformation  (F  f))

  naturality-propositional {ℓ₁} {ℓ₂} ext {D} _ _ =
    implicit-Π-closure (lower-extensionality ℓ₂ lzero     ext) 1 λ _ 
    implicit-Π-closure (lower-extensionality ℓ₂ ℓ₁        ext) 1 λ _ 
    implicit-Π-closure (lower-extensionality ℓ₁ (ℓ₁  ℓ₂) ext) 1 λ _ 
    Precategory.Hom-is-set D

  -- Natural transformation equality is equivalent to pointwise
  -- equality of the corresponding "transformations" (assuming
  -- extensionality).

  equality-characterisation⇾ :
     {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃ ℓ₄} 
    Extensionality (ℓ₁  ℓ₂) (ℓ₁  ℓ₂  ℓ₄) 
    {C : Precategory ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {D : Precategory ℓ₃ ℓ₄}
    {F G : C  D} {γ δ : F  G} 

    (γ  δ)
    (∀ {X}  _⇾_.transformation γ {X = X} 
             _⇾_.transformation δ {X = X})

  equality-characterisation⇾ {ℓ₁} {ℓ₂} ext {F} {G} {γ} {δ} =
    γ  δ                                                          ↝⟨ inverse $ Eq.≃-≡ $ ↔⇒≃ record
                                                                        { surjection = record
                                                                          { logical-equivalence = record
                                                                            { to   = _⇾_.natural-transformation
                                                                            ; from = λ γ  record { natural-transformation = γ }
                                                                          ; right-inverse-of = refl
                                                                        ; left-inverse-of = refl
    _⇾_.natural-transformation γ  _⇾_.natural-transformation δ    ↔⟨ inverse $ ignore-propositional-component
                                                                                  (naturality-propositional ext F G) 
     {X}  _⇾_.transformation γ {X = X})  _⇾_.transformation δ  ↝⟨ inverse $ Eq.≃-≡ (Eq.↔⇒≃ implicit-Π↔Π) 

     X  _⇾_.transformation γ {X = X}) 
     X  _⇾_.transformation δ {X = X})                           ↝⟨ inverse $ Eq.extensionality-isomorphism
                                                                                  (lower-extensionality ℓ₂ (ℓ₁  ℓ₂) ext) 
    (∀ X  _⇾_.transformation γ {X = X} 
           _⇾_.transformation δ {X = X})                           ↔⟨ inverse implicit-Π↔Π ⟩□

    (∀ {X}  _⇾_.transformation γ {X = X} 
             _⇾_.transformation δ {X = X})                         

  -- Natural transformations form sets (assuming extensionality).

  ⇾-set :
     {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃ ℓ₄} 
    Extensionality (ℓ₁  ℓ₂) (ℓ₁  ℓ₂  ℓ₄) 
    {C : Precategory ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {D : Precategory ℓ₃ ℓ₄} {F G : C  D} 
    Is-set (F  G)
  ⇾-set {ℓ₁} {ℓ₂} ext {D} {F} {G} =
    let surj = record
          { logical-equivalence = record
            { to   = λ γ  record { natural-transformation = γ }
            ; from = _⇾_.natural-transformation
          ; right-inverse-of = refl
          } in

    respects-surjection surj 2 $
      Σ-closure 2
           (lower-extensionality ℓ₂ (ℓ₁  ℓ₂) ext) 2 λ _ 
         Precategory.Hom-is-set D)
         _  mono₁ 1 $ naturality-propositional ext F G)

-- Identity natural transformation.

id⇾ :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {C : Precategory ℓ₁ ℓ₂}
        {ℓ₃ ℓ₄} {D : Precategory ℓ₃ ℓ₄}
      (F : C  D)  F  F
id⇾ {C} {D} F =
  record { natural-transformation = id , nat }
  open Precategory D


    nat :  {X Y} {f : Precategory.Hom C X Y} 
          (F  f)  id  id  (F  f)
    nat {f} =
      (F  f)  id  ≡⟨ right-identity 
      F  f         ≡⟨ sym $ left-identity ⟩∎
      id  (F  f)  

-- Composition of natural transformations.

infixr 10 _∙⇾_

_∙⇾_ :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {C : Precategory ℓ₁ ℓ₂}
         {ℓ₃ ℓ₄} {D : Precategory ℓ₃ ℓ₄}
         {F G H : C  D} 
       G  H  F  G  F  H
_∙⇾_ {C} {D} {F} {G} {H} γ δ =
  record { natural-transformation = ε , nat }
  open Precategory D
  open _⇾_

  ε :  {X}  Hom (F  X) (H  X)
  ε = transformation γ  transformation δ


    nat :  {X Y} {f : Precategory.Hom C X Y} 
          (H  f)  ε  ε  (F  f)
    nat {f} =
      (H  f)  (transformation γ  transformation δ)  ≡⟨ assoc 
      ((H  f)  transformation γ)  transformation δ  ≡⟨ cong  f  f  _) $ natural γ 
      (transformation γ  (G  f))  transformation δ  ≡⟨ sym assoc 
      transformation γ  ((G  f)  transformation δ)  ≡⟨ cong (_∙_ _) $ natural δ 
      transformation γ  (transformation δ  (F  f))  ≡⟨ assoc ⟩∎
      (transformation γ  transformation δ)  (F  f)  

-- Composition of functors and natural transformations.

infixr 10 _⇾∙⇨_ _⇨∙⇾_

_⇾∙⇨_ :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {C : Precategory ℓ₁ ℓ₂}
          {ℓ₃ ℓ₄} {D : Precategory ℓ₃ ℓ₄}
          {ℓ₅ ℓ₆} {E : Precategory ℓ₅ ℓ₆}
          {G H : D  E} 
        G  H  (F : C  D)  (G ∙⇨ F)  (H ∙⇨ F)
_⇾_.natural-transformation (γ ⇾∙⇨ _) = transformation , natural
  open _⇾_ γ

_⇨∙⇾_ :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {C : Precategory ℓ₁ ℓ₂}
          {ℓ₃ ℓ₄} {D : Precategory ℓ₃ ℓ₄}
          {ℓ₅ ℓ₆} {E : Precategory ℓ₅ ℓ₆}
          {G H : C  D} 
        (F : D  E)  G  H  (F ∙⇨ G)  (F ∙⇨ H)
_⇾_.natural-transformation (_⇨∙⇾_ {C} {D} {E} {G} {H} F γ) = ε , nat
  open Precategory
  open _⇾_ γ

  ε :  {X}  Hom E (F  G  X) (F  H  X)
  ε = F  transformation


    nat :  {X Y} {f : Hom C X Y} 
          _∙_ E (F  H  f) ε  _∙_ E ε (F  G  f)
    nat {f} =
      _∙_ E (F  H  f) (F  transformation)  ≡⟨ sym $ ⊙-∙ F 
      F  _∙_ D (H  f) transformation        ≡⟨ cong (F ⊙_) natural 
      F  _∙_ D transformation (G  f)        ≡⟨ ⊙-∙ F ⟩∎
      _∙_ E (F  transformation) (F  G  f)  

-- Functor precategories

-- Functor precategories are defined using extensionality.

infix 10 _^_

_^_ :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃ ℓ₄} 
      Precategory ℓ₁ ℓ₂  Precategory ℓ₃ ℓ₄ 
      Extensionality (ℓ₃  ℓ₄) (ℓ₂  ℓ₃  ℓ₄) 
      Precategory _ _
(D ^ C) ext = record
  { precategory =
        (C  D)
      ,  F G  (F  G) , ⇾-set ext)
      , id⇾ _
      , _∙⇾_
      , _≃_.from (equality-characterisation⇾ ext) left-identity
      , _≃_.from (equality-characterisation⇾ ext) right-identity
      , _≃_.from (equality-characterisation⇾ ext) assoc
  open Precategory D


  -- The natural transformation γ is an isomorphism in (D ^ C) ext iff
  -- _⇾_.transformation γ {X = X} is an isomorphism in D for every X.

  natural-isomorphism-lemma :
     {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃ ℓ₄}
    (ext : Extensionality (ℓ₁  ℓ₂) (ℓ₁  ℓ₂  ℓ₄)) 
    {C : Precategory ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {D : Precategory ℓ₃ ℓ₄}
    {F G : C  D} {γ : F  G}  let open Precategory in

    Is-isomorphism ((D ^ C) ext) γ 
    (∀ {X}  Is-isomorphism D (_⇾_.transformation γ {X = X}))

  natural-isomorphism-lemma ext {D} {F} {G} {γ} = record
    { to = λ { (δ , γδ , δγ) 
        transformation δ ,
        (transformation γ  transformation δ  ≡⟨⟩
         transformation (γ ∙⇾ δ)              ≡⟨ cong  ε  transformation ε) γδ 
         transformation (id⇾ G)               ≡⟨⟩
         id                                   ) ,
        (transformation δ  transformation γ  ≡⟨⟩
         transformation (δ ∙⇾ γ)              ≡⟨ cong  ε  transformation ε) δγ 
         transformation (id⇾ F)               ≡⟨⟩
         id                                   ) }
    ; from = λ iso 
        record { natural-transformation =
          proj₁ iso ,
           {_ _ f} 
               (F  f)  proj₁ iso                                     ≡⟨ sym left-identity 
               id  (F  f)  proj₁ iso                                ≡⟨ cong  g  g  (F  f)  proj₁ iso) $ sym $ proj₂ (proj₂ iso) 
               (proj₁ iso  transformation γ)  (F  f)  proj₁ iso    ≡⟨ sym assoc 
               proj₁ iso  (transformation γ  (F  f)  proj₁ iso)    ≡⟨ cong (_ ∙_) assoc 
               proj₁ iso  ((transformation γ  (F  f))  proj₁ iso)  ≡⟨ cong  g  _  (g  _)) $ sym $ natural γ 
               proj₁ iso  (((G  f)  transformation γ)  proj₁ iso)  ≡⟨ cong (_ ∙_) $ sym assoc 
               proj₁ iso  (G  f)  (transformation γ  proj₁ iso)    ≡⟨ cong ((_ ∙_)  ((G  f) ∙_)) $ proj₁ (proj₂ iso) 
               proj₁ iso  (G  f)  id                                ≡⟨ assoc 
               (proj₁ iso  (G  f))  id                              ≡⟨ right-identity ⟩∎
               proj₁ iso  (G  f)                                     ) } ,
        _≃_.from (equality-characterisation⇾ ext) (proj₁ (proj₂ iso)) ,
        _≃_.from (equality-characterisation⇾ ext) (proj₂ (proj₂ iso))
    open Precategory D
    open _⇾_


  -- If D is a category, then (D ^ C) ext is also a category.

  infix 10 _↑_

  _↑_ :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃ ℓ₄} 
        Category ℓ₁ ℓ₂  Precategory ℓ₃ ℓ₄ 
        Extensionality (ℓ₃  ℓ₄) (ℓ₁  ℓ₂  ℓ₃  ℓ₄) 
        Category (ℓ₁  ℓ₂  ℓ₃  ℓ₄) (ℓ₁  ℓ₂  ℓ₃  ℓ₄)
  _↑_ {ℓ₁} {ℓ₂} {ℓ₃} {ℓ₄} D C ext = record { category =
    D^C ,

     {F G}  _≃_.is-equivalence $ ↔⇒≃ $ record
       { surjection = record
         { logical-equivalence = record
           { to   = Precategory.≡→≅ D^C
           ; from = λ { (F⇾G , F⇾G-iso) 

               let γ :  X  F  X  G  X
                   γ _ = _⇾_.transformation F⇾G ,
                         _⇔_.to (natural-isomorphism-lemma ext₁) F⇾G-iso

                   ⊚F≡⊚G : _⊚_ F  _⊚_ G
                   ⊚F≡⊚G = apply-ext ext₂ λ X 
                     F  X  ≡⟨ ≅→≡ (γ X) ⟩∎
                     G  X  

                   cong-⊚F≡⊚G :  {X}  cong  H  H X) ⊚F≡⊚G  ≅→≡ (γ X)
                   cong-⊚F≡⊚G = cong-ext ext₂

                   ⊙F≡⊙G : _≡_ {A =  {X Y}  HomC X Y  Hom (G  X) (G  Y)}
                               (subst  F   {X Y}  HomC X Y  Hom (F X) (F Y))
                                      (_⊙_ F))
                               (_⊙_ G)
                   ⊙F≡⊙G =
                     implicit-extensionality (lower-extensionality ℓ₄ ℓ₁        ext) λ X 
                     implicit-extensionality (lower-extensionality ℓ₄ (ℓ₁  ℓ₃) ext) λ Y 
                     apply-ext (lower-extensionality ℓ₃ (ℓ₁  ℓ₃  ℓ₄) ext) λ f 

                     subst  F   {X Y}  HomC X Y  Hom (F X) (F Y))
                           ⊚F≡⊚G (_⊙_ F) f                               ≡⟨ cong  H  H f) $ sym $
                                                                                 push-subst-implicit-application ⊚F≡⊚G
                                                                                    F X   {Y}  HomC X Y  Hom (F X) (F Y)) 
                     subst  F   {Y}  HomC X Y  Hom (F X) (F Y))
                           ⊚F≡⊚G (_⊙_ F) f                               ≡⟨ cong  H  H f) $ sym $
                                                                                 push-subst-implicit-application ⊚F≡⊚G
                                                                                    F Y  HomC X Y  Hom (F X) (F Y)) 
                     subst  F  HomC X Y  Hom (F X) (F Y))
                           ⊚F≡⊚G (_⊙_ F) f                               ≡⟨ sym $ push-subst-application ⊚F≡⊚G
                                                                                     F _  Hom (F X) (F Y)) 
                     subst  F  Hom (F X) (F Y)) ⊚F≡⊚G (F  f)         ≡⟨ subst-∘ (uncurry Hom)  H  (H X , H Y)) ⊚F≡⊚G 

                     subst (uncurry Hom)
                           (cong  H  (H X , H Y)) ⊚F≡⊚G) (F  f)      ≡⟨ cong  p  subst (uncurry Hom) p (F  f)) $ sym $
                                                                                 cong₂-cong-cong {eq = ⊚F≡⊚G}  H  H X)  H  H Y) _,_ 
                     subst (uncurry Hom)
                           (cong₂ _,_ (cong  H  H X) ⊚F≡⊚G)
                                      (cong  H  H Y) ⊚F≡⊚G)) (F  f)  ≡⟨ cong₂  p q  subst (uncurry Hom) (cong₂ _,_ p q) (F  f))
                                                                                  cong-⊚F≡⊚G cong-⊚F≡⊚G 
                     subst (uncurry Hom)
                           (cong₂ _,_ (≅→≡ (γ X)) (≅→≡ (γ Y))) (F  f)   ≡⟨ Hom-, (≅→≡ (γ X)) (≅→≡ (γ Y)) 

                     ≡→≅ (≅→≡ (γ Y)) ¹  (F  f)  ≡→≅ (≅→≡ (γ X)) ⁻¹    ≡⟨ cong₂  p q  p ¹  (F  f)  q ⁻¹)
                                                                                  (_≃_.right-inverse-of ≡≃≅ _)
                                                                                  (_≃_.right-inverse-of ≡≃≅ _) 
                     γ Y ¹  (F  f)  γ X ⁻¹                            ≡⟨ assoc 

                     (γ Y ¹  (F  f))  γ X ⁻¹                          ≡⟨ cong (_∙ γ X ⁻¹) $ sym $ _⇾_.natural F⇾G 

                     ((G  f)  γ X ¹)  γ X ⁻¹                          ≡⟨ sym assoc 

                     (G  f)  γ X ¹  γ X ⁻¹                            ≡⟨ cong (_ ∙_) $ γ X ¹⁻¹ 

                     (G  f)  id                                        ≡⟨ right-identity ⟩∎

                     G  f                                               

               in _≃_.from (equality-characterisation⇨ ext₁)
                           (⊚F≡⊚G , ⊙F≡⊙G) }
         ; right-inverse-of = λ { (F⇾G , F⇾G-iso) 
             _≃_.from (Precategory.≡≃≡¹ D^C) $
             _≃_.from (equality-characterisation⇾ ext₁) λ {X} 
               _⇾_.transformation (proj₁ (Precategory.≡→≅ D^C _))         ≡⟨⟩

                 (proj₁ (elim  {F G} _  Precategory._≅_ D^C F G)
                               _  Precategory.id≅ D^C) _))             ≡⟨ elim
                                                                                {F G} F≡G 
                                                                                  _⇾_.transformation (proj₁ (Precategory.≡→≅ D^C F≡G)) 
                                                                                  elim  {F G} _  Hom (F X) (G X))  _  id) (cong _⊚_ F≡G))
                     (proj₁ (elim  {F G} _  Precategory._≅_ D^C F G)
                                   _  Precategory.id≅ D^C) (refl F)))          ≡⟨ cong  f  _⇾_.transformation (proj₁ f) {X = X}) $
                                                                                     elim-refl  {X Y} _  Precategory._≅_ D^C X Y) _ 
                   _⇾_.transformation {F = F}
                     (proj₁ (Precategory.id≅ D^C))                                ≡⟨⟩

                   id                                                             ≡⟨ sym $ elim-refl  {F G} _  Hom (F X) (G X)) _ 

                   elim  {F G} _  Hom (F X) (G X))
                         _  id) (refl (_⊚_ F))                                 ≡⟨ cong (elim  {F G} _  Hom (F X) (G X)) _) $
                                                                                     sym $ cong-refl _⊚_ ⟩∎
                   elim  {F G} _  Hom (F X) (G X))
                         _  id) (cong _⊚_ (refl F))                            )
               elim  {F G} _  Hom (F X) (G X))
                     _  id) (cong _⊚_ _)                               ≡⟨ cong (elim  {F G} _  Hom (F X) (G X))  _  id)) $
                                                                             cong-⊚-from-equality-characterisation⇨ _ _ _ 
               elim  {F G} _  Hom (F X) (G X))  _  id)
                    (apply-ext ext₂ λ Y 
                     ≅→≡ (_⇾_.transformation F⇾G {X = Y} , _))            ≡⟨ elim-ext ext₂ 

               elim  {X Y} _  Hom X Y)  _  id)
                    (≅→≡ (_⇾_.transformation F⇾G {X = X} , _))            ≡⟨ elim
                                                                                {X Y} X≡Y 
                                                                                  elim  {X Y} _  Hom X Y)  _  id) X≡Y 
                                                                                  proj₁ (≡→≅ X≡Y))
                   elim  {X Y} _  Hom X Y)  _  id) (refl X)                 ≡⟨ elim-refl  {X Y} _  Hom X Y) _ 
                   id                                                             ≡⟨⟩
                   proj₁ id≅                                                      ≡⟨ cong proj₁ (sym ≡→≅-refl) ⟩∎
                   proj₁ (≡→≅ (refl X))                                            )

               proj₁ (≡→≅ (≅→≡ (_⇾_.transformation F⇾G {X = X} , _)))     ≡⟨ cong proj₁ (_≃_.right-inverse-of ≡≃≅ _) ⟩∎

               _⇾_.transformation F⇾G {X = X}                              }
       ; left-inverse-of = λ F≡G 
           _≃_.from (equality-characterisation≡⇨ ext₁) (
              cong _⊚_ _                                           ≡⟨ cong-⊚-from-equality-characterisation⇨ _ _ _ 

              (apply-ext ext₂ λ X 
               ≅→≡ ( _⇾_.transformation
                       (proj₁ $ Precategory.≡→≅ D^C F≡G) {X = X}
                   , _
                   ))                                              ≡⟨ elim
                                                                         {F G} F≡G  (f : (X : _)  _) 
                                                                           (apply-ext ext₂ λ X 
                                                                            ≅→≡ (_⇾_.transformation (proj₁ $ Precategory.≡→≅ D^C F≡G) , f X)) 
                                                                           cong _⊚_ F≡G)
                                                                         F _ 
                  (apply-ext ext₂ λ _ 
                   ≅→≡ ( _⇾_.transformation
                           (proj₁ $ Precategory.≡→≅ D^C (refl F))
                       , _
                       ))                                                  ≡⟨ (cong (apply-ext ext₂) $ apply-ext ext₂ λ X  cong ≅→≡ $
                                                                                 (cong  f  _⇾_.transformation (proj₁ f) {X = X}) $
                                                                                  Precategory.≡→≅-refl D^C)
                                                                                 (refl _)) 
                  (apply-ext ext₂ λ _ 
                   ≅→≡ ( _⇾_.transformation {F = F}
                           (proj₁ $ Precategory.id≅ D^C)
                       , _
                       ))                                                  ≡⟨⟩

                  apply-ext ext₂  _  ≅→≡ (id , _))                      ≡⟨ (cong (apply-ext ext₂) $ apply-ext ext₂ λ _ 
                                                                               cong ≅→≡ $ _≃_.from ≡≃≡¹ $ refl _) 

                  apply-ext ext₂  _  ≅→≡ id≅)                           ≡⟨ (cong (apply-ext ext₂) $ apply-ext ext₂ λ _ 

                  apply-ext ext₂  X  refl (F  X))                      ≡⟨ ext-refl ext₂ 

                  refl (_⊚_ F)                                             ≡⟨ sym $ cong-refl _ ⟩∎

                  cong _⊚_ (refl F)                                        )

                                                                        F≡G _ ⟩∎
              cong _⊚_ F≡G                                         )
       }) }
    open Category D
    open Precategory C using () renaming (Hom to HomC)

    ext₁ : Extensionality (ℓ₃  ℓ₄) (ℓ₂  ℓ₃  ℓ₄)
    ext₁ = lower-extensionality lzero ℓ₁ ext

    ext₂ : Extensionality ℓ₃ ℓ₁
    ext₂ = lower-extensionality ℓ₄ (ℓ₂  ℓ₃  ℓ₄) ext

    D^C : Precategory (ℓ₁  ℓ₂  ℓ₃  ℓ₄) (ℓ₁  ℓ₂  ℓ₃  ℓ₄)
    D^C = (precategory ^ C) ext₁