-- A quotient inductive-inductive definition of the partiality monad

{-# OPTIONS --erased-cubical --safe #-}

module Partiality-monad.Inductive where

import Equality.Path as P
open import Equality.Propositional.Cubical
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude hiding ()

open import Bijection equality-with-J using (_↔_)
open import Equivalence equality-with-J as Eq using (_≃_)
open import Function-universe equality-with-J hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level equality-with-J
open import H-level.Closure equality-with-J

open import Partiality-algebra as PA hiding (_∘_)
open import Partiality-algebra.Eliminators as PAE hiding (Arguments)
import Partiality-algebra.Properties

    a  p q : Level
    A       : Type a


  infix 10 _⊥
  infix 4  _⊑_

  -- Originally the monad was postulated. After the release of Cubical
  -- Agda it was turned into a QIIT, but in order to not get any extra
  -- computation rules it was made abstract.


    -- The partiality monad.

    data _⊥ (A : Type a) : Type a where
      never        : A 
      now          : A  A 
                  : Increasing-sequence A  A 
      antisymmetry : x  y  y  x  x P.≡ y

      -- We have chosen to explicitly make the type set-truncated.
      -- However, this constructor is mostly unused: it is used to
      -- define partiality-algebra below (and the corresponding record
      -- field is in turn also mostly unused, see its documentation
      -- for details), and it is mentioned in the implementation of
      -- eliminators (also below).
      ⊥-is-set-unused : P.Is-set (A )

  -- Increasing sequences.

  Increasing-sequence : Type   Type 
  Increasing-sequence A =
    Σ (  A ) λ f   n  f n  f (suc n)

  -- Upper bounds.

  Is-upper-bound :
    {A : Type a}  Increasing-sequence A  A   Type a
  Is-upper-bound s x =  n  (s [ n ])  x

  -- A projection function for Increasing-sequence.

  infix 30 _[_]

  _[_] : Increasing-sequence A    A 
  _[_] s n = proj₁ {A = _  _ } s n

      x y z : A 


    -- An ordering relation.

    data _⊑_ {A : Type a} : A   A   Type a where
      ⊑-refl            :  x  x  x
      ⊑-trans           : x  y  y  z  x  z
      never⊑            :  x  never  x
      upper-bound       :  s  Is-upper-bound s ( s)
      least-upper-bound :  s ub  Is-upper-bound s ub   s  ub
      ⊑-propositional   : P.Is-proposition (x  y)

-- A partiality algebra for the partiality monad.

partiality-algebra :  {a} (A : Type a)  Partiality-algebra a a A
partiality-algebra A = record
  { T                       = A 
  ; partiality-algebra-with = record
    { _⊑_               = _⊑_
    ; never             = never′
    ; now               = now′
    ;                  = ⨆′
    ; antisymmetry      = antisymmetry′
    ; T-is-set-unused   = T-is-set-unused′
    ; ⊑-refl            = ⊑-refl′
    ; ⊑-trans           = ⊑-trans′
    ; never⊑            = never⊑′
    ; upper-bound       = upper-bound′
    ; least-upper-bound = least-upper-bound′
    ; ⊑-propositional   = ⊑-propositional′


    never′ : A 
    never′ = never

    now′ : A  A 
    now′ = now

    ⨆′ : Increasing-sequence A  A 
    ⨆′ = 

    antisymmetry′ : x  y  y  x  x  y
    antisymmetry′ = λ p q  _↔_.from ≡↔≡ (antisymmetry p q)

    T-is-set-unused′ : Is-set (A )
    T-is-set-unused′ =
                      $⟨  {x y}  ⊥-is-set-unused {x = x} {y = y}) 
      P.Is-set (A )  ↝⟨ _↔_.from (H-level↔H-level 2) ⟩□
      Is-set (A )    

    ⊑-refl′ : (x : A )  x  x
    ⊑-refl′ = ⊑-refl

    ⊑-trans′ : x  y  y  z  x  z
    ⊑-trans′ = ⊑-trans

    never⊑′ :  x  never′  x
    never⊑′ = never⊑

    upper-bound′ :  s  Is-upper-bound s (⨆′ s)
    upper-bound′ = upper-bound

    least-upper-bound′ :  s ub  Is-upper-bound s ub  ⨆′ s  ub
    least-upper-bound′ = least-upper-bound

    ⊑-propositional′ : Is-proposition (x  y)
    ⊑-propositional′ {x = x} {y = y} =
                                $⟨ ⊑-propositional 
      P.Is-proposition (x  y)  ↝⟨ _↔_.from (H-level↔H-level 1) ⟩□
      Is-proposition (x  y)    


  -- The elimination principle.

  eliminators : Elimination-principle p q (partiality-algebra A)
  eliminators {A = A} args = record
    { ⊥-rec       = ⊥-rec
    ; ⊑-rec       = ⊑-rec
    ; ⊥-rec-never = refl
    ; ⊥-rec-now   = λ _  refl
    ; ⊥-rec-⨆     = λ _  refl
    module A = PAE.Arguments args


      inc-rec : (s : Increasing-sequence A)  A.Inc A.P A.Q s
      inc-rec (s , inc) =  n  ⊥-rec (s   n))
                        ,  n  ⊑-rec (inc n))

      ⊥-rec : (x : A )  A.P x
      ⊥-rec never                                     = A.pe
      ⊥-rec (now x)                                   = A.po x
      ⊥-rec ( s)                                     = A.pl s (inc-rec s)
      ⊥-rec (antisymmetry {x = x} {y = y} p q i)      = subst≡→[]≡
                                                          {B = A.P}
                                                          {eq = antisymmetry p q}
                                                          (A.pa p q
                                                             (⊥-rec x) (⊥-rec y)
                                                             (⊑-rec p) (⊑-rec q))
      ⊥-rec (⊥-is-set-unused {x = x} {y = y} p q i j) = lemma i j
        ⊥-is-set-unused′ : P.Is-set (A )
        ⊥-is-set-unused′ = ⊥-is-set-unused

        lemma :
          P.[  i  P.[  j  A.P (⊥-is-set-unused′ p q i j)) ]
                       ⊥-rec x  ⊥-rec y) ]
             i  ⊥-rec (p i))   i  ⊥-rec (q i))
        lemma = P.heterogeneous-UIP
                   x  _↔_.to (H-level↔H-level 2) (A.pp {x = x}))
                  (⊥-is-set-unused p q)
                  _ _

      ⊑-rec : (x⊑y : x  y)  A.Q (⊥-rec x) (⊥-rec y) x⊑y
      ⊑-rec (⊑-refl x)                              = A.qr x (⊥-rec x)
      ⊑-rec (⊑-trans {x = x} {y = y} {z = z} p q)   = A.qt p q
                                                        (⊥-rec x) (⊥-rec y) (⊥-rec z)
                                                        (⊑-rec p) (⊑-rec q)
      ⊑-rec (never⊑ x)                              = A.qe x (⊥-rec x)
      ⊑-rec (upper-bound s n)                       = A.qu s (inc-rec s) n
      ⊑-rec (least-upper-bound s ub is-ub)          = A.ql s ub is-ub
                                                        (inc-rec s) (⊥-rec ub)
                                                         n  ⊑-rec {x = proj₁ s n}
                                                                     (is-ub n))
      ⊑-rec (⊑-propositional {x = x} {y = y} p q i) = lemma i
        ⊑-propositional′ : P.Is-proposition (x  y)
        ⊑-propositional′ = ⊑-propositional

        lemma : P.[  i  A.Q (⊥-rec x) (⊥-rec y)
                             (⊑-propositional′ p q i)) ]
                  ⊑-rec p  ⊑-rec q
        lemma =
             p  _↔_.to (H-level↔H-level 1)
                     (A.qp (⊥-rec x) (⊥-rec y) p))

module _ {A : Type a} where

  open Partiality-algebra (partiality-algebra A) public
    hiding (T; _⊑_; _[_]; Increasing-sequence; Is-upper-bound)
    renaming ( T-is-set to ⊥-is-set
             ; equality-characterisation-T to

  open Partiality-algebra.Properties (partiality-algebra A) public

-- The eliminators' arguments.

Arguments :  {a} p q (A : Type a)  Type (a  lsuc (p  q))
Arguments p q A = PAE.Arguments p q (partiality-algebra A)

module _ (args : Arguments p q A) where
  open Eliminators (eliminators args) public

-- Initiality.

initial : Initial p q (partiality-algebra A)
initial = eliminators→initiality _ eliminators