-- The partiality monad's monad instance

{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe #-}

module Partiality-monad.Inductive.Monad where

open import Equality.Propositional.Cubical
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
import Monad
open import Prelude hiding ()

open import Bijection equality-with-J using (_↔_)
open import Equivalence equality-with-J as Eq using (_≃_)
open import Function-universe equality-with-J as F hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level equality-with-J
open import H-level.Closure equality-with-J
open import H-level.Truncation.Propositional equality-with-paths
  as Trunc hiding (_>>=′_)
open import Nat equality-with-J as Nat
open import Univalence-axiom equality-with-J

open import Partiality-monad.Inductive
open import Partiality-monad.Inductive.Alternative-order
open import Partiality-monad.Inductive.Eliminators
open import Partiality-monad.Inductive.Monotone
open import Partiality-monad.Inductive.Omega-continuous

open [_⊥→_⊥]

-- The monad instance

-- Functions of type A → B ⊥ can be lifted to /ω-continuous/ functions
-- from A ⊥ to B ⊥.


  =<<-args :  {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b}
             (f : A  B )  Arguments-nd b b A
  =<<-args {B = B} f = record
    { P  = B 
    ; Q  = _⊑_
    ; pe = never
    ; po = f
    ; pl = λ _  
    ; pa = λ _ _  antisymmetry
    ; ps = ⊥-is-set
    ; qr = λ _  ⊑-refl
    ; qt = λ _ _ _ _ _  ⊑-trans
    ; qe = λ _  never⊑
    ; qu = λ _  upper-bound
    ; ql = λ _ _ _  least-upper-bound
    ; qp = λ _ _  ⊑-propositional

infix 50 _∗ _∗-inc_

_∗ :  {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
     (A  B )  [ A ⊥→ B ⊥]
f  = record
  { monotone-function = record
    { function = ⊥-rec-nd (=<<-args f)
    ; monotone = ⊑-rec-nd (=<<-args f)
  ; ω-continuous = λ s 
      ⊥-rec-nd (=<<-args f) ( s)    ≡⟨ ⊥-rec-nd-⨆ (=<<-args f) s ⟩∎
       (inc-rec-nd (=<<-args f) s)  

_∗-inc_ :  {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
          (A  B )  Increasing-sequence A  Increasing-sequence B
_∗-inc_ f = inc-rec-nd (=<<-args f)

-- A universe-polymorphic variant of bind.

infixl 5 _>>=′_

_>>=′_ :  {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
         A   (A  B )  B 
x >>=′ f = function (f ) x

-- Join.

join :  {a} {A : Type a}  A    A 
join x = x >>=′ id

-- "Computation" rules for bind.

never->>= :  {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {f : A  B } 
            never >>=′ f  never
never->>= = ⊥-rec-nd-never (=<<-args _)

now->>= :  {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {f : A  B } {x} 
          now x >>=′ f  f x
now->>= = ⊥-rec-nd-now (=<<-args _) _

⨆->>= :  {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {f : A  B } {s} 
         s >>=′ f   (f ∗-inc s)
⨆->>= = ⊥-rec-nd-⨆ (=<<-args _) _

-- Bind is monotone.

infixl 5 _>>=-mono_

_>>=-mono_ :
   {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {x y : A } {f g : A  B } 
  x  y  (∀ z  f z  g z)  x >>=′ f  y >>=′ g
_>>=-mono_ {x = x} {y} {f} {g} x⊑y f⊑g =
  x >>=′ f ⊑⟨ monotone (f ) x⊑y 
  y >>=′ f ⊑⟨ ⊥-rec-⊥ (record
                { P  = λ y  y >>=′ f  y >>=′ g
                ; pe = never >>=′ f  ≡⟨ never->>= ⟩⊑
                       never         ⊑⟨ never⊑ _ ⟩■
                       never >>=′ g  
                ; po = λ x 
                         now x >>=′ f  ≡⟨ now->>= ⟩⊑
                         f x           ⊑⟨ f⊑g x 
                         g x           ≡⟨ sym now->>= ⟩⊑
                         now x >>=′ g  
                ; pl = λ s ih 
                          s >>=′ f     ≡⟨ ⨆->>= ⟩⊑
                          (f ∗-inc s)  ⊑⟨ ⨆-mono ih 
                          (g ∗-inc s)  ≡⟨ sym ⨆->>= ⟩⊑
                          s >>=′ g     
                ; pp = λ _  ⊑-propositional
  y >>=′ g 

-- Instances of the monad laws with extra universe polymorphism.

module Monad-laws where

  left-identity :  {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b} x (f : A  B ) 
                  now x >>=′ f  f x
  left-identity _ _ = now->>=

  right-identity :  {a} {A : Type a} (x : A ) 
                   x >>=′ now  x
  right-identity = ⊥-rec-⊥
       { pe = never >>=′ now  ≡⟨ never->>= ⟩∎
       ; po = λ x 
                now x >>=′ now  ≡⟨ now->>= ⟩∎
                now x           
       ; pl = λ s hyp 
                 s >>=′ now        ≡⟨ ⨆->>= 
                 (now ∗-inc s)     ≡⟨ cong  (_↔_.to equality-characterisation-increasing λ n 

                  s [ n ] >>=′ now       ≡⟨ hyp n ⟩∎
                  s [ n ]                ) ⟩∎

       ; pp = λ _  ⊥-is-set

  associativity :  {a b c} {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {C : Type c} 
                  (x : A ) (f : A  B ) (g : B  C ) 
                  x >>=′  x  f x >>=′ g)  x >>=′ f >>=′ g
  associativity x f g = ⊥-rec-⊥
       { pe = (never >>=′ λ x  f x >>=′ g)  ≡⟨ never->>= 
              never                          ≡⟨ sym never->>= 
              never >>=′ g                   ≡⟨ cong (_>>=′ g) $ sym never->>= ⟩∎
              never >>=′ f >>=′ g            
       ; po = λ x 
                (now x >>=′ λ x  f x >>=′ g)  ≡⟨ now->>= 
                f x >>=′ g                     ≡⟨ cong (_>>=′ g) $ sym now->>= ⟩∎
                now x >>=′ f >>=′ g            
       ; pl = λ s hyp 
                ( s >>=′ λ x  f x >>=′ g)        ≡⟨ ⨆->>= 
                 ((λ x  f x >>=′ g) ∗-inc s)     ≡⟨ cong  (_↔_.to equality-characterisation-increasing λ n 

                  s [ n ] >>=′  x  f x >>=′ g)       ≡⟨ hyp n ⟩∎
                  s [ n ] >>=′ f >>=′ g                 ) 

                 (g ∗-inc (f ∗-inc s))            ≡⟨ sym ⨆->>= 
                 (f ∗-inc s) >>=′ g               ≡⟨ cong (_>>=′ g) (sym ⨆->>=) ⟩∎
                 s >>=′ f >>=′ g                  
       ; pp = λ _  ⊥-is-set

open Monad equality-with-J hiding (map; map-id; map-∘)


  -- The partiality monad's monad instance.

  partiality-raw-monad :  {}  Raw-monad (_⊥ {a = })
  Raw-monad.return partiality-raw-monad = now
  Raw-monad._>>=_  partiality-raw-monad = _>>=′_

  partiality-monad :  {}  Monad (_⊥ {a = })
  Monad.raw-monad      partiality-monad = partiality-raw-monad
  Monad.left-identity  partiality-monad = Monad-laws.left-identity
  Monad.right-identity partiality-monad = Monad-laws.right-identity
  Monad.associativity  partiality-monad = Monad-laws.associativity

-- _⊥ is a functor

map :  {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
      (A  B)  [ A ⊥→ B ⊥]
map f = (return  f) 

map-id :  {a} {A : Type a} 
         map (id {A = A})  idω
map-id =
  return   ≡⟨ _↔_.to equality-characterisation-continuous  x 

    x >>= return  ≡⟨ right-identity x ⟩∎
    x             ) ⟩∎


map-∘ :  {a b c} {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {C : Type c}
        (f : B  C) (g : A  B) 
        map (f  g)  map f ∘ω map g
map-∘ f g =
  (now  f  g)                 ≡⟨ _↔_.to equality-characterisation-continuous  x 

    x >>=′ (now  f  g)                     ≡⟨ cong (x >>=′_) (⟨ext⟩ λ _  sym now->>=) 
    x >>=′  x  now (g x) >>=′ (now  f))  ≡⟨ Monad-laws.associativity x (now  g) (now  f) ⟩∎
    x >>=′ (now  g) >>=′ (now  f)          ) ⟩∎

  (now  f)  ∘ω (now  g)   

-- Some properties

-- A kind of inversion lemma for _⇓_.

>>=-⇓ :
   {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b}
    {x : A } {f : A  B } {y} 
  (x >>=′ f  y)     z  x  z × f z  y) 
>>=-⇓ {x = x} {f} {y} = ⊥-rec-⊥
     { P  = λ x  (x >>=′ f  y)     z  x  z × f z  y) 
     ; pe = never >>=′ f  y                   ↝⟨ ≡⇒↝ _ (cong (_⇓ y) never->>=) 
            never  y                          ↝⟨ never⇓≃⊥ 
            Prelude.⊥                          ↔⟨ inverse (not-inhabited⇒∥∥↔⊥ id) 
             Prelude.⊥                       ↔⟨ ∥∥-cong (inverse ×-right-zero) 
               z  ⊥₀)                    ↔⟨ ∥∥-cong (∃-cong  _  inverse ×-left-zero)) 
               z  Prelude.⊥ × f z  y)   ↝⟨ ∥∥-cong (∃-cong  _  inverse never⇓≃⊥ ×-cong F.id)) ⟩□
               z  never  z × f z  y)   
     ; po = λ x 
              now x >>=′ f  y                                   ↝⟨ ≡⇒↝ _ (cong (_⇓ y) now->>=) 
              f x  y                                            ↔⟨ inverse (∥∥↔ ⊥-is-set) 
               f x  y                                         ↔⟨ ∥∥-cong (inverse $ drop-⊤-left-Σ $
                                                                      _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ (other-singleton-contractible _)) 
                 (p :   z  x  z))  f (proj₁ p)  y)   ↔⟨ ∥∥-cong (inverse Σ-assoc) 
                 z  x  z × f z  y)                       ↔⟨ inverse $ Trunc.flatten′
                                                                       F    _  F (_  _) × _))
                                                                       f  Σ-map id (Σ-map f id))
                                                                       { (x , y , z)  ∥∥-map ((x ,_)  (_, z)) y }) 
                 z   x  z  × f z  y)                   ↝⟨ ∥∥-cong (∃-cong λ _  inverse now≡now≃∥≡∥ ×-cong F.id) ⟩□
                 z  now x  z × f z  y)                   
     ; pl = λ s ih 
               s >>=′ f  y                                     ↝⟨ ≡⇒↝ _ (cong (_⇓ y) ⨆->>=) 
               (f ∗-inc s)  y                                  ↝⟨ ⨆⇓≃∥∃⇓∥ 
               ( λ n  s [ n ] >>=′ f  y)                    ↝⟨ ∥∥-cong (∃-cong ih) 
               ( λ n     z  s [ n ]  z × f z  y) )   ↔⟨ Trunc.flatten′  F   λ _  F ( λ _  _ × _))
                                                                                    f  Σ-map id f)
                                                                                   (uncurry λ x  ∥∥-map (x ,_)) 
               ( λ n   λ z  s [ n ]  z × f z  y)         ↔⟨ ∥∥-cong ∃-comm 
               ( λ z   λ n  s [ n ]  z × f z  y)         ↔⟨ ∥∥-cong (∃-cong λ _  Σ-assoc) 
               ( λ z  ( λ n  s [ n ]  z) × f z  y)       ↔⟨ inverse $ Trunc.flatten′
                                                                       F  ( λ _  F ( λ _  _  _) × _))
                                                                       f  Σ-map id (Σ-map f id))
                                                                       { (x , y , z)  ∥∥-map ((x ,_)  (_, z)) y }) 
               ( λ z   ( λ n  s [ n ]  z)  × f z  y)   ↝⟨ ∥∥-cong (∃-cong λ _  inverse ⨆⇓≃∥∃⇓∥ ×-cong F.id) ⟩□
                 z   s  z × f z  y)                     
     ; pp = λ _  Eq.right-closure ext 0 truncation-is-proposition

-- □ is closed, in a certain sense, under bind.

□->>= :
   {a b p q}
    {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {P : A  Type p} {Q : B  Type q}
    {x : A } {f : A  B } 
  (∀ x  Is-proposition (Q x)) 
   P x  (∀ {x}  P x   Q (f x))   Q (x >>=′ f)
□->>= {Q = Q} {x} {f} Q-prop □-x □-f y =
  x >>=′ f  y                   ↔⟨ >>=-⇓ 
   ( λ z  x  z × f z  y)   ↝⟨ Trunc.rec (Q-prop y)  { (z , x⇓z , fz⇓y)  □-f (□-x z x⇓z) y fz⇓y }) ⟩□
  Q y                            

-- ◇ is closed, in a certain sense, under bind.

◇->>= :
   {a b p q}
    {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {P : A  Type p} {Q : B  Type q}
    {x : A } {f : A  B } 
   P x  (∀ {x}  P x   Q (f x))   Q (x >>=′ f)
◇->>= {x = x} {f} ◇-x ◇-f = Trunc.rec
   { (y , x⇓y , Py) 
       ∥∥-map  { (z , fy⇓z , Qz) 
                   , (x >>=′ f      ≡⟨ cong (_>>=′ f) x⇓y 
                      now y >>=′ f  ≡⟨ now->>= 
                      f y           ≡⟨ fy⇓z ⟩∎
                      now z         )
                   , Qz
              (◇-f Py)

-- Certain nested occurrences of ⨆ can be replaced by a single one.

⨆>>=⨆≡⨆>>= :
   {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
   (s : Increasing-sequence A) (f : A  Increasing-sequence B)
    {inc₁ inc₂} 
   ((λ n  s [ n ] >>=′   f) , inc₁) 
   ((λ n  s [ n ] >>=′ λ y  f y [ n ]) , inc₂)
⨆>>=⨆≡⨆>>= s f = antisymmetry
  (least-upper-bound _ _ λ n 
   _≃_.to ≼≃⊑ $ λ z 

     s [ n ] >>=′   f  z                                   ↔⟨ >>=-⇓ 
      ( λ y  s [ n ]  y ×  (f y)  z)                   ↔⟨ ∥∥-cong (∃-cong λ _  F.id ×-cong ⨆⇓≃∥∃⇓∥) 
      ( λ y  s [ n ]  y ×  ( λ m  f y [ m ]  z) )   ↔⟨ Trunc.flatten′
                                                                    F   λ _  _ × F ( λ _  _  _))
                                                                    f  Σ-map id (Σ-map id f))
                                                                    { (y , p , q)  ∥∥-map ((y ,_)  (p ,_)) q }) 
      ( λ y  s [ n ]  y ×  λ m  f y [ m ]  z)         ↔⟨ ∥∥-cong (∃-cong λ _  ∃-comm) 
      ( λ y   λ m  s [ n ]  y × f y [ m ]  z)         ↝⟨ ∥∥-map (Σ-map id lemma) 
      ( λ y   λ m  s [ m ]  y × f y [ m ]  z)         ↔⟨ ∥∥-cong ∃-comm 
      ( λ m   λ y  s [ m ]  y × f y [ m ]  z)         ↔⟨ inverse $ Trunc.flatten′
                                                                    F   λ _  F ( λ _  _ × _))
                                                                    f  Σ-map id f)
                                                                    { (m , p)  ∥∥-map (m ,_) p }) 
      ( λ m   ( λ y  s [ m ]  y × f y [ m ]  z) )   ↔⟨ ∥∥-cong (∃-cong λ _  inverse $ >>=-⇓) 
      ( λ m  (s [ m ] >>=′ λ y  f y [ m ])  z)          ↔⟨ inverse ⨆⇓≃∥∃⇓∥ ⟩□
      ((λ m  s [ m ] >>=′ λ y  f y [ m ]) , _)  z         )

  (⨆-mono λ n 

    (s [ n ] >>=′ λ y  f y [ n ])  ⊑⟨ ⊑-refl (s [ n ]) >>=-mono  y  upper-bound (f y) n) ⟩■
    (s [ n ] >>=′   f)            )

  lemma :
     {n y z} 
    ( λ m  s [ n ]  y × f y [ m ]  z) 
    ( λ m  s [ m ]  y × f y [ m ]  z)
  lemma {n} (m , p , q) with Nat.total m n
  ... | inj₁ m≤n = n
                 , p
                 , _≃_.from ≼≃⊑ (later-larger (f _) m≤n) _ q
  ... | inj₂ n≤m = m
                 , _≃_.from ≼≃⊑ (later-larger s n≤m) _ p
                 , q