-- Partiality algebras

{-# OPTIONS --erased-cubical --safe #-}

module Partiality-algebra where

open import Equality.Propositional.Cubical
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude hiding (id; T) renaming (_∘_ to _⊚_)

open import Bijection equality-with-J as Bijection using (_↔_)
open import Equivalence equality-with-J as Eq using (_≃_)
open import Function-universe equality-with-J as F hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level equality-with-J as H-level
open import H-level.Closure equality-with-J
open import Univalence-axiom equality-with-J

-- Partiality algebras

-- Partiality algebras for certain universe levels and types, with a
-- certain underlying type (T).

record Partiality-algebra-with
  {a p} (T : Type p) q (A : Type a) : Type (a  p  lsuc q) where

  -- A binary relation on the type.

  infix 4 _⊑_ _⊒_

    _⊑_ : T  T  Type q

  _⊒_ : T  T  Type q
  _⊒_ x y = y  x

  -- Increasing sequences.

  Increasing-sequence : Type (p  q)
  Increasing-sequence =  λ (f :   T)   n  f n  f (suc n)

  -- Projection functions for Increasing-sequence.

  infix 30 _[_]

  _[_] : Increasing-sequence    T
  _[_] s n = proj₁ s n

  increasing : (s : Increasing-sequence) 
                n  (s [ n ])  (s [ suc n ])
  increasing = proj₂

  -- Upper bounds.

  Is-upper-bound : Increasing-sequence  T  Type q
  Is-upper-bound s x =  n  (s [ n ])  x

    -- T "constructors".

    never        : T
    now          : A  T
                : Increasing-sequence  T
    antisymmetry :  {x y}  x  y  y  x  x  y

    -- We have chosen to explicitly make the type set-truncated.
    -- However, this "constructor" is not used anywhere in the
    -- development (except when partiality algebras are modified, see
    -- for instance equality-characterisation-Partiality-algebra-with₁
    -- or Partiality-algebra.Pi.Π-with).
    T-is-set-unused : Is-set T

    -- _⊑_ "constructors".

    ⊑-refl            :  x  x  x
    ⊑-trans           :  {x y z}  x  y  y  z  x  z
    never⊑            :  x  never  x
    upper-bound       :  s  Is-upper-bound s ( s)
    least-upper-bound :  s ub  Is-upper-bound s ub   s  ub
    ⊑-propositional   :  {x y}  Is-proposition (x  y)

  -- Some simple consequences


    -- A lemma.

    T-is-set-and-equality-characterisation : Is-set T × _
    T-is-set-and-equality-characterisation =
         x y  x  y × y  x)
         _ _  ×-closure 1 ⊑-propositional ⊑-propositional)
         x  ⊑-refl x , ⊑-refl x)
         x y  uncurry {B = λ _  y  x} antisymmetry)

  -- T is a set. (This lemma is analogous to Theorem 11.3.9 in
  -- "Homotopy Type Theory: Univalent Foundations of Mathematics"
  -- (first edition).)

  T-is-set : Is-set T
  T-is-set = proj₁ T-is-set-and-equality-characterisation

  -- Equality characterisation lemma for T.

  equality-characterisation-T :
     {x y}  (x  y × y  x)  (x  y)
  equality-characterisation-T =
    proj₂ T-is-set-and-equality-characterisation ext

  -- Equality characterisation lemma for increasing sequences.

  equality-characterisation-increasing :
     {s₁ s₂}  (∀ n  s₁ [ n ]  s₂ [ n ])  s₁  s₂
  equality-characterisation-increasing {s₁} {s₂} =
    (∀ n  s₁ [ n ]  s₂ [ n ])  ↔⟨ Eq.extensionality-isomorphism ext 
    proj₁ s₁  proj₁ s₂          ↝⟨ ignore-propositional-component
                                      (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                                       ⊑-propositional) ⟩□
    s₁  s₂                      

-- Partiality algebras for certain universe levels and types.

record Partiality-algebra {a} p q (A : Type a) :
                          Type (a  lsuc (p  q)) where
  constructor ⟨_⟩
    -- A type.

    {T} : Type p

    -- A partiality-algebra with that type as the underlying type.

    partiality-algebra-with : Partiality-algebra-with T q A

  open Partiality-algebra-with partiality-algebra-with public

-- Partiality algebra morphisms

-- Morphisms from one partiality algebra to another.

record Morphism {a p₁ p₂ q₁ q₂} {A : Type a}
                (P₁ : Partiality-algebra p₁ q₁ A)
                (P₂ : Partiality-algebra p₂ q₂ A) :
                Type (a  p₁  p₂  q₁  q₂) where

    module P₁ = Partiality-algebra P₁
    module P₂ = Partiality-algebra P₂

    function : P₁.T  P₂.T
    monotone :  {x y}  x P₁.⊑ y  function x P₂.⊑ function y

  sequence-function : P₁.Increasing-sequence  P₂.Increasing-sequence
  sequence-function = Σ-map (function ⊚_) (monotone ⊚_)

    strict       : function P₁.never  P₂.never
    now-to-now   :  x  function (P₁.now x)  P₂.now x
    ω-continuous :  s  function (P₁.⨆ s)  P₂.⨆ (sequence-function s)

-- An identity morphism.

id :
   {a p q} {A : Type a} {P : Partiality-algebra p q A} 
  Morphism P P
id = record
  { function     = Prelude.id
  ; monotone     = Prelude.id
  ; strict       = refl
  ; now-to-now   = λ _  refl
  ; ω-continuous = λ _  refl

-- Composition of morphisms.

_∘_ :  {a p₁ p₂ p₃ q₁ q₂ q₃} {A : Type a}
        {P₁ : Partiality-algebra p₁ q₁ A}
        {P₂ : Partiality-algebra p₂ q₂ A}
        {P₃ : Partiality-algebra p₃ q₃ A} 
      Morphism P₂ P₃  Morphism P₁ P₂  Morphism P₁ P₃
_∘_ {P₁ = P₁} {P₂} {P₃} m₁ m₂ = record
  { function     = function m₁  function m₂
  ; monotone     = monotone m₁  monotone m₂
  ; strict       = function m₁ (function m₂ (never P₁))  ≡⟨ cong (function m₁) (strict m₂) 
                   function m₁ (never P₂)                ≡⟨ strict m₁ ⟩∎
                   never P₃                              
  ; now-to-now   = λ x 
                     function m₁ (function m₂ (now P₁ x))  ≡⟨ cong (function m₁) (now-to-now m₂ x) 
                     function m₁ (now P₂ x)                ≡⟨ now-to-now m₁ x ⟩∎
                     now P₃ x                              
  ; ω-continuous = λ s 
      function m₁ (function m₂ ( P₁ s))                    ≡⟨ cong (function m₁) (ω-continuous m₂ s) 
      function m₁ ( P₂ (sequence-function m₂ s))           ≡⟨ ω-continuous m₁ (sequence-function m₂ s) ⟩∎
       P₃ (sequence-function m₁ (sequence-function m₂ s))  
  open Morphism
  open Partiality-algebra

-- Is-morphism-with P Q f holds if f is a morphism from P to Q.

Is-morphism-with :
   {a p₁ p₂ q₁ q₂} {T₁ : Type p₁} {T₂ : Type p₂} {A : Type a}
  (P₁ : Partiality-algebra-with T₁ q₁ A)
  (P₂ : Partiality-algebra-with T₂ q₂ A) 
  (T₁  T₂)  Type _
Is-morphism-with P₁ P₂ f =
   λ (m :  {x y}  x P₁.⊑ y  f x P₂.⊑ f y) 
  f P₁.never  P₂.never
  (∀ x  f (P₁.now x)  P₂.now x)
  (∀ s  f (P₁.⨆ s)  P₂.⨆ (Σ-map (f ⊚_) (m ⊚_) s))
  module P₁ = Partiality-algebra-with P₁
  module P₂ = Partiality-algebra-with P₂

-- Is-morphism P Q f holds if f is a morphism from P to Q.

Is-morphism :
  let open Partiality-algebra in
   {a p₁ p₂ q₁ q₂} {A : Type a}
  (P₁ : Partiality-algebra p₁ q₁ A) (P₂ : Partiality-algebra p₂ q₂ A) 
  (T P₁  T P₂)  Type _
Is-morphism P₁ P₂ =
  Is-morphism-with P₁.partiality-algebra-with
  module P₁ = Partiality-algebra P₁
  module P₂ = Partiality-algebra P₂

-- An alternative definition of morphisms.

Morphism-as-Σ :
   {a p₁ p₂ q₁ q₂} {A : Type a} 
  Partiality-algebra p₁ q₁ A  Partiality-algebra p₂ q₂ A  Type _
Morphism-as-Σ P₁ P₂ =
   λ (f : P₁.T  P₂.T)  Is-morphism P₁ P₂ f
  module P₁ = Partiality-algebra P₁
  module P₂ = Partiality-algebra P₂

-- The two definitions are isomorphic.

Morphism↔Morphism-as-Σ :
   {a p₁ p₂ q₁ q₂} {A : Type a}
    {P₁ : Partiality-algebra p₁ q₁ A}
    {P₂ : Partiality-algebra p₂ q₂ A} 
  Morphism P₁ P₂  Morphism-as-Σ P₁ P₂
Morphism↔Morphism-as-Σ = record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { to   = λ m  function m
                   , monotone m
                   , strict m
                   , now-to-now m
                   , ω-continuous m
      ; from = λ { (f , m , s , n , ω)  record
                   { function     = f
                   ; monotone     = m
                   ; strict       = s
                   ; now-to-now   = n
                   ; ω-continuous = ω
    ; right-inverse-of = λ _  refl
  ; left-inverse-of = λ _  refl
  open Morphism


  -- Is-morphism-with is pointwise propositional.

  Is-morphism-with-propositional :
    let open Partiality-algebra in
     {a p₁ p₂ q₁ q₂} {T₁ : Type p₁} {T₂ : Type p₂} {A : Type a}
      (P₁ : Partiality-algebra-with T₁ q₁ A)
      (P₂ : Partiality-algebra-with T₂ q₂ A)
      {f : T₁  T₂} 
    Is-proposition (Is-morphism-with P₁ P₂ f)
  Is-morphism-with-propositional _ P₂ =
    Σ-closure 1 (implicit-Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                 implicit-Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                 Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                 P₂.⊑-propositional) λ _ 
    ×-closure 1 P₂.T-is-set $
    ×-closure 1 (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                 P₂.T-is-set) $
    Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
    module P₂ = Partiality-algebra-with P₂

  -- Is-morphism is pointwise propositional.

  Is-morphism-propositional :
    let open Partiality-algebra in
     {a p₁ p₂ q₁ q₂} {A : Type a}
      (P₁ : Partiality-algebra p₁ q₁ A)
      (P₂ : Partiality-algebra p₂ q₂ A)
      {f : T P₁  T P₂} 
    Is-proposition (Is-morphism P₁ P₂ f)
  Is-morphism-propositional P₁ P₂ =
    module P₁ = Partiality-algebra P₁
    module P₂ = Partiality-algebra P₂

  -- An equality characterisation lemma for morphisms.

  equality-characterisation-Morphism :
     {a p₁ p₂ q₁ q₂} {A : Type a}
      {P₁ : Partiality-algebra p₁ q₁ A}
      {P₂ : Partiality-algebra p₂ q₂ A} 
      {m₁ m₂ : Morphism P₁ P₂} 

    Morphism.function m₁  Morphism.function m₂
    m₁  m₂
  equality-characterisation-Morphism {P₁ = P₁} {P₂} {m₁} {m₂} =
    function m₁  function m₂                                            ↝⟨ ignore-propositional-component (Is-morphism-propositional P₁ P₂) 
    _↔_.to Morphism↔Morphism-as-Σ m₁  _↔_.to Morphism↔Morphism-as-Σ m₂  ↔⟨ Eq.≃-≡ (Eq.↔⇒≃ Morphism↔Morphism-as-Σ) ⟩□
    m₁  m₂                                                              
    open Morphism

  -- The type of morphisms is a set.

  Morphism-set :
      {a p₁ p₂ q₁ q₂} {A : Type a}
       {P₁ : Partiality-algebra p₁ q₁ A}
       {P₂ : Partiality-algebra p₂ q₂ A} 
    Is-set (Morphism P₁ P₂)
  Morphism-set {P₂ = P₂} =
      (_↔_.surjection equality-characterisation-Morphism)
      (Π-closure ext 2 λ _  T-is-set P₂)
    open Partiality-algebra