-- Some partiality algebra properties

{-# OPTIONS --erased-cubical --safe #-}

open import Prelude hiding (T)

open import Partiality-algebra as PA hiding (id; _∘_)

module Partiality-algebra.Properties
  {a p q} {A : Type a} (P : Partiality-algebra p q A) where

open import Equality.Propositional.Cubical

open import Function-universe equality-with-J hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level equality-with-J
open import H-level.Closure equality-with-J
open import H-level.Truncation.Propositional equality-with-paths
open import Nat equality-with-J as Nat

open Partiality-algebra P

-- Some predicates

-- A termination predicate: x ⇓ y means that x terminates with the
-- value y.

infix 4 _⇓_ _⇑

_⇓_ : T  A  Type p
x  y = x  now y

-- A non-termination predicate.

_⇑ : T  Type p
x  = x  never

-- Preorder reasoning combinators

infix  -1 finally-⊑
infix  -1 _■
infixr -2 _⊑⟨_⟩_ _⊑⟨⟩_ _≡⟨_⟩⊑_

_⊑⟨_⟩_ : (x {y z} : T)  x  y  y  z  x  z
_ ⊑⟨ x⊑y  y⊑z = ⊑-trans x⊑y y⊑z

_⊑⟨⟩_ : (x {y} : T)  x  y  x  y
_ ⊑⟨⟩ x⊑y = x⊑y

_≡⟨_⟩⊑_ : (x {y z} : T)  x  y 
          y  z  x  z
_ ≡⟨ refl ⟩⊑ y⊑z = y⊑z

_■ : (x : T)  x  x
x  = ⊑-refl x

finally-⊑ : (x y : T)  x  y  x  y
finally-⊑ _ _ x⊑y = x⊑y

syntax finally-⊑ x y x⊑y = x ⊑⟨ x⊑y ⟩■ y 

-- Some simple lemmas

-- If every element in one increasing sequence is bounded by some
-- element in another, then the least upper bound of the first
-- sequence is bounded by the least upper bound of the second one.

⊑→⨆⊑⨆ :  {s₁ s₂} {f :   } 
        (∀ n  s₁ [ n ]  s₂ [ f n ])   s₁   s₂
⊑→⨆⊑⨆ {s₁} {s₂} {f} s₁⊑s₂ =
  least-upper-bound _ _ λ n 
    s₁ [ n ]    ⊑⟨ s₁⊑s₂ n 
    s₂ [ f n ]  ⊑⟨ upper-bound _ _ ⟩■

-- A variant of the previous lemma.

∃⊑→⨆⊑⨆ :  {s₁ s₂} 
         (∀ m   λ n  s₁ [ m ]  s₂ [ n ])   s₁   s₂
∃⊑→⨆⊑⨆ s₁⊑s₂ = ⊑→⨆⊑⨆ (proj₂  s₁⊑s₂)

-- ⨆ is monotone.

⨆-mono : {s₁ s₂ : Increasing-sequence} 
         (∀ n  s₁ [ n ]  s₂ [ n ])   s₁   s₂
⨆-mono = ⊑→⨆⊑⨆

-- Later elements in an increasing sequence are larger.

later-larger : (s : Increasing-sequence) 
                {m n}  m  n  s [ m ]  s [ n ]
later-larger s {m} (≤-refl′ refl)           = s [ m ] 
later-larger s {m} (≤-step′ {k = n} p refl) =
  s [ m ]      ⊑⟨ later-larger s p 
  s [ n ]      ⊑⟨ increasing s n ⟩■
  s [ suc n ]  

-- If the final elements of an increasing sequence have an upper
-- bound, then all elements have this upper bound.

upper-bound-≤→upper-bound :
   (s : Increasing-sequence) {m x} 
  (∀ n  m  n  s [ n ]  x) 
   n  s [ n ]  x
upper-bound-≤→upper-bound s {m} {x} is-ub n with Nat.total m n
... | inj₁ m≤n = is-ub n m≤n
... | inj₂ n≤m =
  s [ n ]  ⊑⟨ later-larger s n≤m 
  s [ m ]  ⊑⟨ is-ub m ≤-refl ⟩■

-- Only never is smaller than or equal to never.

only-never-⊑-never : {x : T}  x  never  x  never
only-never-⊑-never x⊑never = antisymmetry x⊑never (never⊑ _)

-- Tails

-- The tail of an increasing sequence.

tailˢ : Increasing-sequence  Increasing-sequence
tailˢ = Σ-map (_∘ suc) (_∘ suc)

-- The tail has the same least upper bound as the full sequence.

⨆tail≡⨆ :  s   (tailˢ s)   s
⨆tail≡⨆ s = antisymmetry
  (⊑→⨆⊑⨆ λ n  s [ suc n ]  ⊑⟨⟩
               s [ suc n ]  )
  (⨆-mono λ n  s [ n ]      ⊑⟨ increasing s n ⟩■
                s [ suc n ]  )

-- Constant sequences

-- One way to form a constant sequence.

constˢ : T  Increasing-sequence
constˢ x = const x , const (⊑-refl x)

-- The least upper bound of a constant sequence is equal to the
-- value in the sequence.

⨆-const :  {x : T} {inc}   (const x , inc)  x
⨆-const {x} =
  antisymmetry (least-upper-bound _ _  _  ⊑-refl x))
               (upper-bound _ 0)

-- Box and diamond

-- Box.

 :  {}  (A  Type )  T  Type (a  p  )
 P x =  y  x  y  P y

-- Diamond.

 :  {}  (A  Type )  T  Type (a  p  )
 P x =  ( λ y  x  y × P y) 

-- All h-levels are closed under box.

□-closure :  {} {P : A  Type } {x} n 
            (∀ x  H-level n (P x))  H-level n ( P x)
□-closure n h =
  Π-closure ext n λ y 
  Π-closure ext n λ _ 
  h y

-- A "constructor" for ◇. For more "constructors" for □ and ◇, see
-- Partiality-monad.Inductive.Alternative-order.

◇-now :
   {} {P : A  Type } 
   {x}  P x   P (now x)
◇-now p =  _ , refl , p 

-- An alternative characterisation of _⊑_

-- A relation which, /for the partiality monad/, is pointwise
-- equivalent to _⊑_. See
-- Partiality-monad.Inductive.Alternative-order.≼≃⊑ for the proof.

_≼_ : T  T  Type (a  p)
x  y =  z  x  z  y  z

-- _≼_ is propositional.

≼-propositional :  {x y}  Is-proposition (x  y)
≼-propositional =
  Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
  Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 

-- _≼_ is transitive.

≼-trans :  {x y z}  x  y  y  z  x  z
≼-trans {x} {y} {z} x≼y y≼z u =
  x  u  ↝⟨ x≼y u 
  y  u  ↝⟨ y≼z u ⟩□
  z  u  

-- Combinators that can be used to prove that two least upper bounds
-- are equal

-- For an example of how these combinators can be used, see
-- Lambda.Partiality-monad.Inductive.Compiler-correctness.

-- A relation between sequences.

infix 4 _≳[_]_

record _≳[_]_ (s₁ :   T) (n : ) (s₂ :   T) : Type p where
  constructor wrap
    run :  λ k  s₁ (k + n)  s₂ n

open _≳[_]_ public

steps-≳ :  {s₁ n s₂}  s₁ ≳[ n ] s₂  
steps-≳ = proj₁  run

-- If two increasing sequences are related in a certain way, then
-- their least upper bounds are equal.

≳→⨆≡⨆ :  {s₁ s₂} k 
        (∀ {n}  proj₁ s₁ ≳[ n ] proj₁ s₂  (k +_)) 
         s₁   s₂
≳→⨆≡⨆ {s₁} {s₂} k s₁≳s₂ = antisymmetry
  (⊑→⨆⊑⨆ λ n 
     let m , s₁[m+n]≡s₂[k+n] = run s₁≳s₂ in

     s₁ [ n ]      ⊑⟨ later-larger s₁ (m≤n+m _ m) 
     s₁ [ m + n ]  ≡⟨ s₁[m+n]≡s₂[k+n] ⟩⊑
     s₂ [ k + n ]  )
  (⊑→⨆⊑⨆ λ n 
     let m , s₁[m+n]≡s₂[k+n] = run s₁≳s₂ in

     s₂ [ n ]      ⊑⟨ later-larger s₂ (m≤n+m _ k) 
     s₂ [ k + n ]  ≡⟨ sym s₁[m+n]≡s₂[k+n] ⟩⊑
     s₁ [ m + n ]  )

-- Preorder-like reasoning combinators.

infix  -1 _∎≳
infixr -2 _≳⟨⟩_ trans-≳ trans-≡≳ trans-∀≡≳

_∎≳ :  s {n}  s ≳[ n ] s
run (_ ∎≳) = 0 , refl

_≳⟨⟩_ :  {n} s₁ {s₂}  s₁ ≳[ n ] s₂  s₁ ≳[ n ] s₂
_ ≳⟨⟩ s₁≳s₂ = s₁≳s₂

trans-≳ :  {n} s₁ {s₂ s₃}
          (s₂≳s₃ : s₂ ≳[ n ] s₃) 
          s₁ ≳[ steps-≳ s₂≳s₃ + n ] s₂ 
          s₁ ≳[ n ] s₃
run (trans-≳ {n} s₁ {s₂} {s₃} s₂≳s₃ s₁≳s₂) =
  let k₁ , eq₁ = run s₂≳s₃
      k₂ , eq₂ = run s₁≳s₂
    k₂ + k₁
  , (s₁ ((k₂ + k₁) + n)  ≡⟨ cong s₁ (sym $ +-assoc k₂) 
     s₁ (k₂ + (k₁ + n))  ≡⟨ eq₂ 
     s₂       (k₁ + n)   ≡⟨ eq₁ ⟩∎
     s₃             n    )

trans-≡≳ :  {n} s₁ {s₂ s₃}
           (s₂≳s₃ : s₂ ≳[ n ] s₃) 
           s₁ (steps-≳ s₂≳s₃ + n)  s₂ (steps-≳ s₂≳s₃ + n) 
           s₁ ≳[ n ] s₃
trans-≡≳ _ s₂≳s₃ s₁≡s₂ = _ ≳⟨ wrap (0 , s₁≡s₂)  s₂≳s₃

trans-∀≡≳ :  {n} s₁ {s₂ s₃} 
            s₂ ≳[ n ] s₃ 
            (∀ n  s₁ n  s₂ n) 
            s₁ ≳[ n ] s₃
trans-∀≡≳ _ s₂≳s₃ s₁≡s₂ = trans-≡≳ _ s₂≳s₃ (s₁≡s₂ _)

syntax trans-≳   s₁ s₂≳s₃ s₁≳s₂ = s₁ ≳⟨  s₁≳s₂   s₂≳s₃
syntax trans-≡≳  s₁ s₂≳s₃ s₁≡s₂ = s₁ ≡⟨  s₁≡s₂ ⟩≳ s₂≳s₃
syntax trans-∀≡≳ s₁ s₂≳s₃ s₁≡s₂ = s₁ ∀≡⟨ s₁≡s₂ ⟩≳ s₂≳s₃

-- Some "stepping" combinators.

later :  {n s₁ s₂} 
        s₁  suc ≳[ n ] s₂  suc  s₁ ≳[ suc n ] s₂
run (later {n} {s₁} {s₂} s₁≳s₂) =
  let k , eq = run s₁≳s₂
  , (s₁ (k + suc n)  ≡⟨ cong s₁ (sym $ suc+≡+suc k) 
     s₁ (suc k + n)  ≡⟨ eq ⟩∎
     s₂ (suc n)      )

earlier :  {n s₁ s₂} 
          s₁ ≳[ suc n ] s₂  s₁  suc ≳[ n ] s₂  suc
run (earlier {n} {s₁} {s₂} s₁≳s₂) =
  let k , eq = run s₁≳s₂
  , (s₁ (suc k + n)  ≡⟨ cong s₁ (suc+≡+suc k) 
     s₁ (k + suc n)  ≡⟨ eq ⟩∎
     s₂ (suc n)      )

laterˡ :  {n s₁ s₂}  s₁  suc ≳[ n ] s₂  s₁ ≳[ n ] s₂
run (laterˡ s₁≳s₂) = Σ-map suc id (run s₁≳s₂)

step⇓ :  {n s}  s ≳[ n ] s  suc
step⇓ = laterˡ (_ ∎≳)