-- The partiality monads in Partiality-monad.Inductive and
-- Partiality-monad.Coinductive are pointwise equivalent, for sets,
-- assuming extensionality and countable choice

{-# OPTIONS --cubical --sized-types #-}

open import Prelude hiding (; )

module Partiality-monad.Equivalence {a} {A : Type a} where

open import Equality.Propositional.Cubical
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude.Size

open import Bijection equality-with-J using (_↔_)
open import Embedding equality-with-J
  using (Is-embedding; Injective≃Is-embedding)
open import Equivalence equality-with-J as Eq
  using (_≃_; Is-equivalence)
open import Function-universe equality-with-J as F hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level equality-with-J
open import H-level.Closure equality-with-J
open import H-level.Truncation.Propositional equality-with-paths
  as Trunc
open import Injection equality-with-J using (Injective)
open import Quotient equality-with-paths as Quotient hiding ([_])
open import Univalence-axiom equality-with-J

import Delay-monad as D
open import Delay-monad.Alternative as A using (_↓_; _↑)
import Delay-monad.Alternative.Equivalence as A
import Delay-monad.Alternative.Partial-order as A
import Delay-monad.Alternative.Termination as A
import Delay-monad.Alternative.Weak-bisimilarity as A
import Delay-monad.Bisimilarity as B
import Partiality-monad.Coinductive as C
import Partiality-monad.Coinductive.Alternative as CA
open import Partiality-monad.Inductive as I
  hiding (_⊥; _⊑_; Increasing-sequence; _⇓_)
open import Partiality-monad.Inductive.Alternative-order
open import Partiality-monad.Inductive.Eliminators

-- A function from the partiality monad defined in
-- Partiality-monad.Coinductive.Alternative to the inductive
-- partiality monad

-- Turns potential values into partial values.

Maybe→⊥ : Maybe A  A I.⊥
Maybe→⊥ nothing  = never
Maybe→⊥ (just y) = now y

-- Maybe→⊥ is monotone.

Maybe→⊥-mono :  {x y}  A.LE x y  Maybe→⊥ x I.⊑ Maybe→⊥ y
Maybe→⊥-mono (inj₁ refl) = ⊑-refl _
Maybe→⊥-mono (inj₂ (refl , y≢n)) = never⊑ _

-- Maybe→⊥ can be used to turn increasing sequences of one kind into
-- increasing sequences of another kind.

Delay→Inc-seq : A.Delay A  I.Increasing-sequence A
Delay→Inc-seq (f , inc) = Maybe→⊥  f , Maybe→⊥-mono  inc

-- Turns increasing sequences of potential values into partial values.

Delay→⊥ : A.Delay A  A I.⊥
Delay→⊥ =   Delay→Inc-seq

-- Delay→⊥ is monotone (if A is a set).

Delay→⊥-mono :
  Is-set A   x y  x A.∥⊑∥ y  Delay→⊥ x I.⊑ Delay→⊥ y
Delay→⊥-mono A-set x@(f , _) y@(g , _) x⊑y = ∃⊑→⨆⊑⨆ inc
  inc :  m   λ n  Maybe→⊥ (f m) I.⊑ Maybe→⊥ (g n)
  inc m with inspect (f m)
  inc m | nothing , fm↑  = 0 , (Maybe→⊥ (f m)  ≡⟨ cong Maybe→⊥ fm↑ ⟩⊑
                                never          ⊑⟨ never⊑ _ ⟩■
                                Maybe→⊥ (g 0)  )
  inc m | just z  , fm↓z =
    k , (Maybe→⊥ (f m)     ≡⟨ cong Maybe→⊥ fm↓z ⟩⊑
         Maybe→⊥ (just z)  ≡⟨ cong Maybe→⊥ (sym $ proj₂ y⇓z) ⟩⊑
         Maybe→⊥ (g k)     )
    y⇓z =        $⟨  m , fm↓z  
      x A.∥⇓∥ z  ↝⟨ x⊑y z 
      y A.∥⇓∥ z  ↝⟨ _⇔_.from (A.⇓⇔∥⇓∥ A-set y) ⟩□
      y A.⇓ z    

    k : 
    k = proj₁ y⇓z

-- Delay→⊥ maps weakly bisimilar values to equal values (if A is a
-- set).

Delay→⊥-≈→≡ : Is-set A   x y  x A.≈ y  Delay→⊥ x  Delay→⊥ y
Delay→⊥-≈→≡ A-set x y =
  x A.≈ y                                            ↝⟨ Σ-map (Delay→⊥-mono A-set x y) (Delay→⊥-mono A-set y x) 
  Delay→⊥ x I.⊑ Delay→⊥ y × Delay→⊥ x I.⊒ Delay→⊥ y  ↝⟨ uncurry antisymmetry ⟩□
  Delay→⊥ x  Delay→⊥ y                              

-- If A is a set, then values in A CA.⊥ can be mapped to values in the
-- inductive partiality monad.

⊥→⊥ : Is-set A  A CA.⊥  A I.⊥
⊥→⊥ A-set = Quotient.rec λ where
  .[]ʳ                                    Delay→⊥
  .[]-respects-relationʳ {x = x} {y = y}  Delay→⊥-≈→≡ A-set x y
  .is-setʳ                                ⊥-is-set

-- A lemma

-- I._⇓_ and A._∥⇓∥_ are pointwise logically equivalent (via Delay→⊥),
-- for sets.

⇓⇔∥⇓∥ :
  Is-set A 
   x {y}  Delay→⊥ x I.⇓ y  x A.∥⇓∥ y
⇓⇔∥⇓∥ A-set x@(f , _) {y} =
  Delay→⊥ x I.⇓ y                    ↔⟨⟩
   (Delay→Inc-seq x) I.⇓ y          ↔⟨ ⨆⇓≃∥∃⇓∥ 
   ( λ n  Maybe→⊥ (f n) I.⇓ y)   ↝⟨ ∥∥-cong-⇔ (∃-cong λ _  record { to = to _; from = cong Maybe→⊥ }) 
   ( λ n  f n  y)               ↝⟨ F.id ⟩□
  x A.∥⇓∥ y                          
  to :  n  Maybe→⊥ (f n) I.⇓ y  f n  y
  to n f⇓y with f n
  ... | nothing = ⊥-elim $ now≢never _ (sym f⇓y)
  ... | just y′ =
    just y′  ≡⟨ cong just y′≡y ⟩∎
    just y   
    y′≡y =            $⟨ f⇓y 
      now y′  now y  ↔⟨ now≡now≃∥≡∥ 
       y′  y       ↝⟨ ∥∥↔ A-set ⟩□
      y′  y          

-- ⊥→⊥ is injective

-- Delay→⊥ is (kind of) injective (if A is a set).

Delay→⊥-injective :
  Is-set A 
   x y  Delay→⊥ x  Delay→⊥ y  x A.≈ y
Delay→⊥-injective A-set x y x≡y =
    lemma A-set x y (≡→⊑      x≡y)
  , lemma A-set y x (≡→⊑ (sym x≡y))
  ≡→⊑ :  {x y}  x  y  x I.⊑ y
  ≡→⊑ refl = ⊑-refl _

  lemma :
    Is-set A 
     x y  Delay→⊥ x I.⊑ Delay→⊥ y  x A.∥⊑∥ y
  lemma A-set x y x⊑y z =
    x A.∥⇓∥ z            ↝⟨ _⇔_.from (⇓⇔∥⇓∥ A-set x) 
    Delay→⊥ x I.⇓ z      ↔⟨ ⇓≃now⊑ 
    now z I.⊑ Delay→⊥ x  ↝⟨ flip ⊑-trans x⊑y 
    now z I.⊑ Delay→⊥ y  ↔⟨ inverse ⇓≃now⊑ 
    Delay→⊥ y I.⇓ z      ↝⟨ _⇔_.to (⇓⇔∥⇓∥ A-set y) ⟩□
    y A.∥⇓∥ z            

-- ⊥→⊥ A-set is injective.

⊥→⊥-injective :
  (A-set : Is-set A) 
  Injective (⊥→⊥ A-set)
⊥→⊥-injective A-set {x} {y} = Quotient.elim-prop
  {P = λ x  ⊥→⊥ A-set x  ⊥→⊥ A-set y  x  y}
     .[]ʳ x  Quotient.elim-prop
       {P = λ y  Delay→⊥ x  ⊥→⊥ A-set y  Quotient.[ x ]  y}
          .[]ʳ y  []-respects-relation 
                   Delay→⊥-injective A-set x y
          .is-propositionʳ _ 
            Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
     .is-propositionʳ _ 
       Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 

-- ⊥→⊥ is surjective

-- Delay→⊥ is surjective (if A is a set, assuming countable choice).

Delay→⊥-surjective :
  Is-set A 
  Axiom-of-countable-choice a 
  Surjective Delay→⊥
Delay→⊥-surjective A-set cc =
  ⊥-rec-⊥ (record
    { pe = constant-sequence nothing
    ; po = constant-sequence  just
    ; pl = λ s 
             (∀ n   ( λ x  Delay→⊥ x  s [ n ]) )    ↝⟨ cc 
              (∀ n   λ x  Delay→⊥ x  s [ n ])       ↔⟨ ∥∥-cong ΠΣ-comm 
              ( λ f   n  Delay→⊥ (f n)  s [ n ])   ↝⟨ ∥∥-map (uncurry $ flip construct s) ⟩□
              ( λ x  Delay→⊥ x   s)                 
    ; pp = λ _  truncation-is-proposition
  -- The increasing sequences (of type A.Delay A) returned by this
  -- function are constant.

  constant-sequence :  x   ( λ y  Delay→⊥ y  Maybe→⊥ x) 
  constant-sequence x =  (const x , const (inj₁ refl)) , ⨆-const 

  -- Given a sequence and an increasing sequence s that are pointwise
  -- equal (via Delay→⊥) one can construct an increasing sequence that
  -- is equal (via Delay→⊥) to ⨆ s.

  construct :
    (f :   A.Delay A)
    (s : I.Increasing-sequence A) 
    (∀ n  Delay→⊥ (f n)  s [ n ]) 
     λ x  Delay→⊥ x   s
  construct f s h = x , x-correct
    -- We use f and an isomorphism between ℕ and ℕ × ℕ to construct a
    -- function from ℕ to Maybe A.

    f₂ :     Maybe A
    f₂ m n = proj₁ (f m) n

    f₁ :   Maybe A
    f₁ =
              ↔⟨ ℕ↔ℕ² 
       ×     ↝⟨ uncurry f₂ ⟩□
      Maybe A  

    -- All values that this function can terminate with are equal.

    termination-value-unique-f₂ :
       {m n y m′ n′ y′} 
      f₂ m n  y × f₂ m′ n′  y′ 
      y  y′
    termination-value-unique-f₂ {m} {n} {y} {m′} {n′} {y′} =
      f₂ m n  y × f₂ m′ n′  y′  ↝⟨ f₂↓→⨆s⇓ ×-cong f₂↓→⨆s⇓ 
       s I.⇓ y ×  s I.⇓ y′      ↝⟨ uncurry termination-value-merely-unique 
       y  y′                   ↔⟨ ∥∥↔ A-set ⟩□
      y  y′                      
      f₂↓→⨆s⇓ :  {y m n}  f₂ m n  y   s I.⇓ y
      f₂↓→⨆s⇓ {y} {m} f₂↓ =
        terminating-element-is-⨆ s
          (s [ m ]        ≡⟨ sym (h m) 
           Delay→⊥ (f m)  ≡⟨ _⇔_.from (⇓⇔∥⇓∥ A-set (f m))  _ , f₂↓  ⟩∎
           now y          )

    termination-value-unique-f₁ :
       {y y′} 
      ( λ n  f₁ n  y) 
      ( λ n  f₁ n  y′) 
      y  y′
    termination-value-unique-f₁ (_ , ↓y) (_ , ↓y′) =
      termination-value-unique-f₂ (↓y , ↓y′)


      -- Thus the function can be completed to an increasing sequence.

      completed-f₁ :  λ x   {y}  x A.⇓ y   λ n  f₁ n  y
      completed-f₁ = A.complete-function f₁ termination-value-unique-f₁

    -- The increasing sequence that is returned above.

    x : A.Delay A
    x = proj₁ completed-f₁

    -- Every potential value in the increasing sequence x is smaller
    -- than or equal to (via Maybe→⊥) some value in s.

    x⊑s :  m   λ n  Maybe→⊥ (proj₁ x m) I.⊑ s [ n ]
    x⊑s m with inspect (proj₁ x m)
    x⊑s m | nothing , x↑ =
      , (Maybe→⊥ (proj₁ x m)  ≡⟨ cong Maybe→⊥ x↑ ⟩⊑
         never                ⊑⟨ never⊑ _ ⟩■
         s [ 0 ]              )
    x⊑s m | just y , x↓ =
      , (Maybe→⊥ (proj₁ x m)  ≡⟨ cong Maybe→⊥ x↓ ⟩⊑
         now y                ≡⟨ sym f⇓ ⟩⊑
         Delay→⊥ (f n₁)       ≡⟨ h n₁ ⟩⊑
         s [ n₁ ]             )
      f₁↓ :  λ n  f₁ n  y
      f₁↓ = _⇔_.to (proj₂ completed-f₁) (_ , x↓)

      n  = proj₁ f₁↓
      n₁ = proj₁ (_↔_.to ℕ↔ℕ² n)
      n₂ = proj₂ (_↔_.to ℕ↔ℕ² n)

      f⇓ : Delay→⊥ (f n₁) I.⇓ y
      f⇓ =
        _≃_.from ⇓≃now⊑
          (now y                        ≡⟨ cong Maybe→⊥ $ sym $ proj₂ f₁↓ ⟩⊑
           Maybe→⊥ (f₁ n)               ⊑⟨⟩
           Maybe→⊥ (f₂ n₁ n₂)           ⊑⟨⟩
           Maybe→⊥ (proj₁ (f n₁) n₂)    ⊑⟨⟩
           Delay→Inc-seq (f n₁) [ n₂ ]  ⊑⟨ upper-bound (Delay→Inc-seq (f n₁)) _ ⟩■
           Delay→⊥ (f n₁)               )

    -- Furthermore every potential value in f is smaller than or equal
    -- to x.

    f⊑x :  m  f m A.⊑ x
    f⊑x m y =
      f m A.⇓ y                                                 ↝⟨ Σ-map (_↔_.from ℕ↔ℕ²  (m ,_))  {n} 

          f₂ m n  y                                                 ↝⟨ ≡⇒→ (cong ((_↓ y)  uncurry f₂) $ sym $ _↔_.right-inverse-of ℕ↔ℕ² (m , n)) 
          uncurry f₂ (_↔_.to ℕ↔ℕ² (_↔_.from ℕ↔ℕ² (m , n)))  y       ↝⟨ F.id ⟩□
          f₁ (_↔_.from ℕ↔ℕ² (m , n))  y                             ) 

      ( λ n  f₁ n  y)                                        ↝⟨ _⇔_.from (proj₂ completed-f₁) ⟩□
      x A.⇓ y                                                   

    -- Thus x is correctly defined.

    x-correct : Delay→⊥ x   s
    x-correct = antisymmetry
      (⊑→⨆⊑⨆ λ n 
         Delay→Inc-seq x [ n ]  ⊑⟨ proj₂ (x⊑s n) ⟩■
         s [ proj₁ (x⊑s n) ]    )
      (least-upper-bound _ _ λ m 
         s [ m ]        ≡⟨ sym (h m) ⟩⊑
         Delay→⊥ (f m)  ⊑⟨ Delay→⊥-mono A-set (f m) x (∥∥-map  f⊑x m) ⟩■
         Delay→⊥ x      )

-- ⊥→⊥ A-set is surjective (assuming countable choice).

⊥→⊥-surjective :
  (A-set : Is-set A) 
  Axiom-of-countable-choice a 
  Surjective (⊥→⊥ A-set)
⊥→⊥-surjective A-set cc x =
  ∥∥-map  { (pre , can-pre≡x)  Quotient.[ pre ] , can-pre≡x })
         (Delay→⊥-surjective A-set cc x)

-- ⊥→⊥ is an equivalence

-- ⊥→⊥ A-set is an equivalence (assuming countable choice).

⊥→⊥-equiv :
  (A-set : Is-set A) 
  Axiom-of-countable-choice a 
  Is-equivalence (⊥→⊥ A-set)
⊥→⊥-equiv A-set cc =                                 $⟨ _,_ {B = const _}
                                                            (⊥→⊥-surjective A-set cc)
                                                             {_ _}  ⊥→⊥-injective A-set) 
  Surjective (⊥→⊥ A-set) × Injective (⊥→⊥ A-set)     ↝⟨ Σ-map id (_≃_.to (Injective≃Is-embedding ext /-is-set ⊥-is-set _)) 
  Surjective (⊥→⊥ A-set) × Is-embedding (⊥→⊥ A-set)  ↝⟨ _≃_.to surjective×embedding≃equivalence ⟩□
  Is-equivalence (⊥→⊥ A-set)                         

-- Thus the inductive definition of the partiality monad is equivalent
-- to the definition in Partiality-monad.Coinductive.Alternative, for
-- sets, assuming countable choice.

⊥≃⊥′ :
  Is-set A 
  Axiom-of-countable-choice a 
  A CA.⊥  A I.⊥
⊥≃⊥′ A-set choice = Eq.⟨ _ , ⊥→⊥-equiv A-set choice 

-- The two definitions of the partiality monad are equivalent

-- The inductive and coinductive definitions of the partiality monad
-- are pointwise equivalent, for sets, assuming extensionality and
-- countable choice.

⊥≃⊥ :
  Is-set A 
  B.Extensionality a 
  Axiom-of-countable-choice a 
  A I.⊥  A C.⊥
⊥≃⊥ A-set delay-ext choice =
  A I.⊥   ↝⟨ inverse (⊥≃⊥′ A-set choice) 
  A CA.⊥  ↔⟨ CA.⊥↔⊥ A-set delay-ext ⟩□
  A C.⊥   

-- The previous result has a number of preconditions. None of these
-- preconditions are needed to translate from the delay monad to the
-- quotient inductive-inductive partiality monad.

Delay→⊥′ : D.Delay A   A I.⊥
Delay→⊥′ =
  D.Delay A   ↝⟨ _⇔_.from A.Delay⇔Delay 
  A.Delay A    ↝⟨ Delay→⊥ ⟩□
  A I.⊥        

-- This translation turns weakly bisimilar computations into equal
-- computations, assuming that the underlying type is a set.

Delay→⊥′-≈→≡ :
  Is-set A 
   {x y}  x B.≈ y  Delay→⊥′ x  Delay→⊥′ y
Delay→⊥′-≈→≡ A-set {x} {y} =
  x B.≈ y                                                ↝⟨ _⇔_.to (A.≈⇔≈′ A-set) 
  _⇔_.from A.Delay⇔Delay x A.≈ _⇔_.from A.Delay⇔Delay y  ↝⟨ Delay→⊥-≈→≡ A-set (_⇔_.from A.Delay⇔Delay x) (_⇔_.from A.Delay⇔Delay y) ⟩□
  Delay→⊥′ x  Delay→⊥′ y                                

-- One can also translate from the coinductive to the inductive
-- partiality monad, as long as the underlying type is a set.

⊥→⊥′ : Is-set A  A C.⊥  A I.⊥
⊥→⊥′ A-set = Quotient.rec λ where
  .[]ʳ                    Delay→⊥′
  .[]-respects-relationʳ  Trunc.rec I.⊥-is-set (Delay→⊥′-≈→≡ A-set)
  .is-setʳ                I.⊥-is-set