-- Termination predicates

{-# OPTIONS --erased-cubical --sized-types #-}

open import Prelude hiding (; module W)

module Delay-monad.Alternative.Termination {a} {A : Type a} where

open import Equality.Propositional.Cubical
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)

open import Equality.Decision-procedures equality-with-J
open import Function-universe equality-with-J hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level equality-with-J
open import H-level.Closure equality-with-J
open import H-level.Truncation.Propositional equality-with-paths
  as Trunc
import Nat equality-with-J as N

open import Delay-monad hiding (Delay)
open import Delay-monad.Alternative
open import Delay-monad.Alternative.Equivalence
open import Delay-monad.Alternative.Properties
import Delay-monad.Bisimilarity as B
import Delay-monad.Termination as T

infix 4 _⇓_ _∥⇓∥_ _⇓′_

-- The three logically equivalent types x ⇓ y, x ∥⇓∥ y and x ⇓′ y
-- all mean that the computation x terminates with the value y:
-- ∙ _⇓_ is the "obvious" definition. The definition does not
--   involve truncation, and can be used directly.
-- ∙ _∥⇓∥_ is a truncated variant of _⇓_. It may be more convenient
--   to construct values of type x ∥⇓∥ y than of type x ⇓ y, because
--   the former type is a proposition.
-- ∙ _⇓′_ is an auxiliary definition, used to prove that the other
--   two are logically equivalent. This definition does not use
--   truncation, but is still propositional (if A is a set).

_⇓_ : Delay A  A  Type a
(f , _)  y =  λ n  f n  y

_∥⇓∥_ : Delay A  A  Type a
x ∥⇓∥ y =  x  y 

_⇓′_ : Delay A  A  Type _
(f , _) ⇓′ y =  λ m  f m  y × (∀ n  ¬ f n   m N.≤ n)

-- _⇓′_ is a family of propositions (if A is a set).

⇓′-propositional :
  Is-set A   x {y : A}  Is-proposition (x ⇓′ y)
⇓′-propositional A-set x@(f , _) {y} p q =
                     $⟨ number-unique p q 
  proj₁ p  proj₁ q  ↝⟨ ignore-propositional-component
                          (×-closure 1 (Maybe-closure 0 A-set)
                                       (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                                        Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                                        ≤-propositional)) ⟩□
  p  q              
  number-unique : (p q : x ⇓′ y)  proj₁ p  proj₁ q
  number-unique (pm , f-pm↓y , pm≤) (qm , f-qm↓y , qm≤) =
      (pm≤ qm λ f-qm↑  ⊎.inj₁≢inj₂ (nothing  ≡⟨ sym f-qm↑ 
                                     f qm     ≡⟨ f-qm↓y ⟩∎
                                     just y   ))
      (qm≤ pm λ f-pm↑  ⊎.inj₁≢inj₂ (nothing  ≡⟨ sym f-pm↑ 
                                     f pm     ≡⟨ f-pm↓y ⟩∎
                                     just y   ))

-- All values that a computation can terminate with are equal.

termination-value-unique :
   (x : Delay A) {y z}  x  y  x  z  y  z
termination-value-unique (f , inc) {y} {z} (m , fm↓y) (n , fn↓z)
  with N.total m n
... | inj₁ m≤n = ⊎.cancel-inj₂
                   (just y  ≡⟨ sym (↓-upwards-closed inc m≤n fm↓y) 
                    f n     ≡⟨ fn↓z ⟩∎
                    just z  )
... | inj₂ n≤m = ⊎.cancel-inj₂
                   (just y  ≡⟨ sym fm↓y 
                    f m     ≡⟨ ↓-upwards-closed inc n≤m fn↓z ⟩∎
                    just z  )

-- _⇓_ is contained in _⇓′_.

⇓→⇓′ :  x {y : A}  x  y  x ⇓′ y
⇓→⇓′ x@(f , inc) = uncurry find-min
  find-min :  {y} m  f m  y  x ⇓′ y
  find-min     zero    f0↓y    = zero , f0↓y , λ _ _  N.zero≤ _
  find-min {y} (suc m) f-1+m↓y with inspect (f m)
  ... | nothing , fm↑ = suc m , f-1+m↓y , 1+m-is-min
    1+m-is-min :  n  ¬ f n   m N.< n
    1+m-is-min n ¬fn↑ with inspect (f n)
    ... | nothing , fn↑ = ⊥-elim (¬fn↑ fn↑)
    ... | just _  , fn↓ = ↑<↓ inc fm↑ fn↓
  ... | just y′ , fm↓y′ =
             $⟨ find-min m fm↓y′ 
    x ⇓′ y′  ↝⟨ Σ-map id (Σ-map with-other-value id) ⟩□
    x ⇓′ y   
    with-other-value :  {n}  f n  y′  f n  y
    with-other-value =
      subst (_ ↓_)
            (termination-value-unique x (_ , fm↓y′) (_ , f-1+m↓y))

-- _⇓_ and _∥⇓∥_ are pointwise logically equivalent (if A is a set).

⇓⇔∥⇓∥ : Is-set A   x {y : A}  x  y  x ∥⇓∥ y
⇓⇔∥⇓∥ A-set x {y} = record
  { to   = ∣_∣
  ; from = x ∥⇓∥ y  ↝⟨ Trunc.rec (⇓′-propositional A-set x) (⇓→⇓′ x) 
           x ⇓′ y   ↝⟨ Σ-map id proj₁ ⟩□
           x  y    

-- The notion of termination defined here is logically equivalent
-- (via Delay⇔Delay) to the one defined for the coinductive delay
-- monad.

⇓⇔⇓ :  x {y}  x  y  _⇔_.to Delay⇔Delay x T.⇓ y
⇓⇔⇓ x = record
  { to   = λ { (n , fn↓y)  to n _ (proj₂ x) refl fn↓y }
  ; from = from _ refl
  to :  {f :   Maybe A} n x {y} 
       Increasing f 
       x  f 0  f n  y  Delay⇔Delay.To.to′ f x T.⇓ y
  to (suc n) nothing f-inc f0↑ fn↓y =
    B.laterʳ (to n _ (f-inc  suc) refl fn↓y)

  to {f} zero nothing {y} _ f0↑ fn↓y =
    ⊥-elim $ ⊎.inj₁≢inj₂ (
      nothing  ≡⟨ f0↑ 
      f 0      ≡⟨ fn↓y ⟩∎
      just y   )

  to {f} n (just x) {y} f-inc f0↓x fn↓y =
    subst (_ T.⇓_)
          (⊎.cancel-inj₂ {A = }
             (just x  ≡⟨ sym $ ↓-upwards-closed₀ f-inc (sym f0↓x) n 
              f n     ≡⟨ fn↓y ⟩∎
              just y  ))

  from :  {f :   Maybe A} {y} x 
         x  f 0  Delay⇔Delay.To.to′ f x T.⇓ y   λ n  f n  y
  from (just x) f0↓x B.now           = 0 , sym f0↓x
  from nothing  _    (B.laterʳ to⇓y) =
    Σ-map suc id (from _ refl to⇓y)

⇓⇔⇓′ :  {x} {y : A}  x T.⇓ y  _⇔_.from Delay⇔Delay x  y
⇓⇔⇓′ = record
  { to   = to
  ; from = uncurry (from _)
  to :  {x y}  x T.⇓ y  Delay⇔Delay.from x  y
  to B.now        = 0 , refl
  to (B.laterʳ p) = Σ-map suc id (to p)

  from :  x {y} n  proj₁ (Delay⇔Delay.from x) n  y  x T.⇓ y
  from (now x)   n       refl = B.now
  from (later x) zero    ()
  from (later x) (suc n) xn↓y = B.laterʳ (from (force x) n xn↓y)

-- If there is a function f : ℕ → Maybe A satisfying a property
-- similar to termination-value-unique, then this function can be
-- turned into a value in Delay A which is, in some sense, weakly
-- bisimilar to the function.

complete-function :
  (f :   Maybe A) 
  (∀ {y z}  ( λ m  f m  y)  ( λ n  f n  z)  y  z) 
   λ x   {y}  x  y   λ n  f n  y
complete-function f unique =
    (first-value , inc)
  , λ {y}  record
      { to   = ( λ n  first-value n  y)  ↝⟨ uncurry first-value↓→f↓ ⟩□
               ( λ n  f n  y)            
      ; from = ( λ n  f n  y)            ↝⟨ Σ-map id (f↓→first-value↓ _) ⟩□
               ( λ n  first-value n  y)  
  -- If f m terminates for some m smaller than or equal to n, then
  -- first-value n returns the value of f for the largest such m, and
  -- otherwise nothing.

  first-value :   Maybe A
  first-value zero    = f zero
  first-value (suc n) =
    Prelude.[  _  first-value n) , just ] (f (suc n))

  -- Some simple lemmas.

  step :  {n}  f (suc n)   first-value (suc n)  first-value n
  step {n} = cong Prelude.[  _  first-value n) , just ]

  done :  {n y}  f (suc n)  y  first-value (suc n)  y
  done {n} = cong Prelude.[  _  first-value n) , just ]

  -- If f n terminates with a certain value, then first-value n
  -- terminates with the same value.

  f↓→first-value↓ :  {y} n  f n  y  first-value n  y
  f↓→first-value↓ zero    f↓ = f↓
  f↓→first-value↓ (suc n) f↑ = done f↑

  -- If first-value m terminates with a certain value, then there is
  -- some n for which f n terminates with the same value.

  first-value↓→f↓ :  {y} m  first-value m  y   λ n  f n  y
  first-value↓→f↓     zero    first-value↓ = zero , first-value↓
  first-value↓→f↓ {y} (suc n) first-value↓ with inspect (f (suc n))
  ... | just y′ , f↓ = suc n , (f (suc n)            ≡⟨ f↓ 
                                just y′              ≡⟨ sym (done f↓) 
                                first-value (suc n)  ≡⟨ first-value↓ ⟩∎
                                just y               )
  ... | nothing , f↑ =
    first-value↓→f↓ n (first-value n        ≡⟨ sym (step f↑) 
                       first-value (suc n)  ≡⟨ first-value↓ ⟩∎
                       just y               )

  -- The function first-value is an increasing sequence.

  inc : Increasing first-value
  inc n with inspect (first-value n) | inspect (f (suc n))
  inc n | _ | nothing , f↑ =
    inj₁ (first-value n        ≡⟨ sym (step f↑) ⟩∎
          first-value (suc n)  )
  inc n | nothing , first-value↑ | just y , f↓ =
    inj₂ (first-value↑ , λ first-value↑  ⊎.inj₁≢inj₂ (
                             nothing              ≡⟨ sym first-value↑ 
                             first-value (suc n)  ≡⟨ done f↓ ⟩∎
                             just y               ))
  inc n | just y , first-value↓ | just y′ , f↓ =
    inj₁ (first-value n        ≡⟨ first-value↓ 
          just y               ≡⟨ cong just $ unique (_ , proj₂ (first-value↓→f↓ n first-value↓)) (_ , f↓) 
          just y′              ≡⟨ sym (done f↓) ⟩∎
          first-value (suc n)  )