-- The delay monad, defined using increasing sequences of potential
-- values

{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

module Delay-monad.Alternative where

open import Equality.Propositional
open import Prelude hiding ()

-- _↓_ and _↑

module _ {a} {A : Type a} where

  infix 4 _↑ _↓_

  -- x ↓ y means that the computation x has the value y.

  _↓_ : Maybe A  A  Type a
  x  y = x  just y

  -- x ↑ means that the computation x does not have a value.

  _↑ : Maybe A  Type a
  x  = x  nothing

-- An alternative definition of the delay monad

module _ {a} {A : Type a} where

  -- The property of being an increasing sequence.

  LE : Maybe A  Maybe A  Type a
  LE x y = x  y  (x  × ¬ y )

  Increasing-at :   (  Maybe A)  Type a
  Increasing-at n f = LE (f n) (f (suc n))

  Increasing : (  Maybe A)  Type a
  Increasing f =  n  Increasing-at n f

-- An alternative definition of the delay monad.

Delay :  {a}  Type a  Type a
Delay A =  λ (f :   Maybe A)  Increasing f