-- Strict ω-continuous functions

{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe #-}

module Partiality-monad.Inductive.Strict-omega-continuous where

open import Equality.Propositional.Cubical
open import Prelude hiding ()

open import Bijection equality-with-J using (_↔_)
open import Function-universe equality-with-J hiding (_∘_)
open import Monad equality-with-J

import Partiality-algebra.Strict-omega-continuous as S
open import Partiality-monad.Inductive
open import Partiality-monad.Inductive.Eliminators
open import Partiality-monad.Inductive.Monad
open import Partiality-monad.Inductive.Monotone
open import Partiality-monad.Inductive.Omega-continuous

-- Definition of strict ω-continuous functions.

[_⊥→_⊥]-strict :  {a b}  Type a  Type b  Type (a  b)
[ A ⊥→ B ⊥]-strict = S.[ partiality-algebra A  partiality-algebra B ]⊥

module [_⊥→_⊥]-strict
         {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b}
         (f : [ A ⊥→ B ⊥]-strict) =
         S.[_⟶_]⊥ f

open [_⊥→_⊥]-strict

-- Identity.

id-strict :  {a} {A : Type a}  [ A ⊥→ A ⊥]-strict
id-strict = S.id⊥

-- Composition.

infixr 40 _∘-strict_

_∘-strict_ :
   {a b c} {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {C : Type c} 
  [ B ⊥→ C ⊥]-strict  [ A ⊥→ B ⊥]-strict  [ A ⊥→ C ⊥]-strict
_∘-strict_ = S._∘⊥_

-- Equality characterisation lemma for strict ω-continuous functions.

equality-characterisation-strict :
   {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {f g : [ A ⊥→ B ⊥]-strict} 
  (∀ x  function f x  function g x)  f  g
equality-characterisation-strict =

-- Composition is associative.

∘-strict-assoc :
   {a b c d} {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {C : Type c} {D : Type d}
  (f : [ C ⊥→ D ⊥]-strict) (g : [ B ⊥→ C ⊥]-strict)
  (h : [ A ⊥→ B ⊥]-strict) 
  f ∘-strict (g ∘-strict h)  (f ∘-strict g) ∘-strict h
∘-strict-assoc = S.∘⊥-assoc

-- Strict ω-continuous functions satisfy an extra monad law.

>>=-∘-return :
   {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
  (f : [ A ⊥→ B ⊥]-strict) 
   x  x >>=′ (function f  return)  function f x
>>=-∘-return fs = ⊥-rec-⊥
     { P  = λ x  x >>=′ (f  return)  f x
     ; pe = never >>=′ f  return  ≡⟨ never->>= 
            never                  ≡⟨ sym (strict fs) ⟩∎
            f never                
     ; po = λ x 
              now x >>=′ f  return  ≡⟨ now->>= ⟩∎
              f (now x)              
     ; pl = λ s p 
               s >>=′ (f  return)     ≡⟨ ⨆->>= 
               ((f  return) ∗-inc s)  ≡⟨ cong  (_↔_.to equality-characterisation-increasing λ n 

                (f  return) ∗-inc s [ n ]   ≡⟨ p n ⟩∎
                [ f⊑ $ s ]-inc [ n ]         ) 

               [ f⊑ $ s ]-inc          ≡⟨ sym $ ω-continuous fs s ⟩∎
              f ( s)                   
     ; pp = λ _  ⊥-is-set
  f⊑ = monotone-function fs
  f  = function fs

-- Strict ω-continuous functions from A ⊥ to B ⊥ are isomorphic to
-- functions from A to B ⊥.

partial↔strict :
   {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
  (A  B )  [ A ⊥→ B ⊥]-strict
partial↔strict {a} = record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { to   = λ f  record
                 { ω-continuous-function = f 
                 ; strict                =
                     never >>=′ f  ≡⟨ never->>= ⟩∎
      ; from = λ f x  function f (return x)
    ; right-inverse-of = λ f 
        _↔_.to equality-characterisation-strict λ x 
          x >>=′ (function f  return)  ≡⟨ >>=-∘-return f x ⟩∎
          function f x                  
  ; left-inverse-of = λ f  ⟨ext⟩ λ x 
      return x >>=′ f  ≡⟨ Monad-laws.left-identity x f ⟩∎
      f x              