-- Rice's theorem

module Rices-theorem where

open import Equality.Propositional
open import H-level.Truncation.Propositional as Trunc hiding (rec)
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude hiding (const; Decidable)
open import Tactic.By.Propositional

open import Double-negation equality-with-J
open import Equality.Decision-procedures equality-with-J
open import Function-universe equality-with-J as F hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level equality-with-J
open import H-level.Closure equality-with-J
open import Monad equality-with-J

-- To simplify the development, let's work with actual natural numbers
-- as variables and constants (see
-- Atom.one-can-restrict-attention-to-χ-ℕ-atoms).

open import Atom

open import Chi            χ-ℕ-atoms
open import Coding         χ-ℕ-atoms
open import Compatibility  χ-ℕ-atoms
open import Computability  χ-ℕ-atoms hiding (_∘_)
open import Constants      χ-ℕ-atoms
open import Free-variables χ-ℕ-atoms
open import Reasoning      χ-ℕ-atoms
open import Termination    χ-ℕ-atoms
open import Values         χ-ℕ-atoms

open χ-atoms χ-ℕ-atoms

import Coding.Instances.Nat as I
open import Combinators as χ hiding (id; if_then_else_)
open import Free-variables.Remove-substs
open import Halting-problem

-- The theorem

-- Definition of "pointwise semantically equivalent".

Pointwise-semantically-equivalent : Closed-exp  Closed-exp  Type
Pointwise-semantically-equivalent e₁ e₂ =
   e v  semantics [ apply-cl e₁ e ]= v 
          semantics [ apply-cl e₂ e ]= v

-- This relation is symmetric.

symmetric :
   e₁ e₂ 
  Pointwise-semantically-equivalent e₁ e₂ 
  Pointwise-semantically-equivalent e₂ e₁
symmetric _ _ eq = λ e v  inverse (eq e v)

-- Rice's theorem.

module _
  (P : Closed-exp →Bool)
  (let P′ = proj₁ P)
  (e∈ : Closed-exp)
  (Pe∈ : P′ [ e∈ ]= true)
  (e∉ : Closed-exp)
  (¬Pe∉ : P′ [ e∉ ]= false)
  (resp :  e₁ e₂ {b} 
          Pointwise-semantically-equivalent e₁ e₂ 
          P′ [ e₁ ]= b  P′ [ e₂ ]= b)


    module Helper
      (p : Exp) (cl-p : Closed p)
      (hyp :  e b  P′ [ e ]= b  apply p  e    b )

      arg : Closed-exp  Closed-exp  Closed-exp
      arg e p =
          lambda v-x
            (apply (lambda v-underscore (apply (proj₁ e) (var v-x)))
                   (proj₁ p))
        , (Closed′-closed-under-lambda $
             (Closed′-closed-under-lambda $
                (Closed→Closed′ $ proj₂ e)
                (Closed′-closed-under-var (inj₂ (inj₁ refl))))
             (Closed→Closed′ (proj₂ p)))

      coded-arg : Closed-exp  Exp
      coded-arg e =
        const c-lambda ( v-x  
          const c-apply (
             Exp.lambda v-underscore (apply (proj₁ e) (var v-x))  
            var v-p  [])  [])

      branches : List Br
      branches =
        branch c-false [] (apply p (coded-arg e∈)) 
        branch c-true  [] (χ.not (apply p (coded-arg e∉))) 

      const-loop : Closed-exp
      const-loop =
          lambda v-underscore loop
        , (Closed′-closed-under-lambda $
           Closed→Closed′ loop-closed)

      ⌜const-loop⌝ : Closed-exp
      ⌜const-loop⌝ =  proj₁ const-loop 

      halts : Exp
      halts =
        lambda v-p (case (apply p (proj₁ ⌜const-loop⌝)) branches)

      cl-coded-arg :  e  Closed′ (v-p  []) (coded-arg e)
      cl-coded-arg e =
        Closed′-closed-under-const λ where
          _ (inj₂ (inj₂ ()))
          _ (inj₁ refl) 
            Closed→Closed′ (rep-closed v-x)
          _ (inj₂ (inj₁ refl)) 
            Closed′-closed-under-const λ where
              _ (inj₂ (inj₂ ()))
              _ (inj₁ refl) 
                Closed→Closed′ $
                rep-closed (Exp.lambda v-underscore (apply (proj₁ e) (var v-x)))
              _ (inj₂ (inj₁ refl)) 
                Closed′-closed-under-var (inj₁ refl)

      cl-halts : Closed halts
      cl-halts =
        Closed′-closed-under-lambda $
             (Closed→Closed′ cl-p)
             (Closed→Closed′ $ proj₂ ⌜const-loop⌝))
             _ (inj₁ refl) 
                 (Closed→Closed′ cl-p)
                 (cl-coded-arg e∈)
             _ (inj₂ (inj₁ refl)) 
               not-closed $
                 (Closed→Closed′ cl-p)
                 (cl-coded-arg e∉))

      coded-arg⇓⌜arg⌝ :
        (e p : Closed-exp) 
        coded-arg e [ v-p   p  ]   arg e p 
      coded-arg⇓⌜arg⌝ e p =
        coded-arg e [ v-p   p  ]                                    ≡⟨⟩⟶

        const c-lambda ( v-x  
          const c-apply (
             Exp.lambda v-underscore (apply (proj₁ e) (var v-x)) 
              [ v-p   p  ] 
             p   [])  [])                                          ≡⟨ remove-substs [] ⟩⟶

        const c-lambda ( v-x  
          const c-apply (
             Exp.lambda v-underscore (apply (proj₁ e) (var v-x))  
             p   [])  [])                                          ≡⟨⟩⟶

         arg e p                                                     ■⟨ rep-value (arg e p) 

      arg-lemma-⇓ :
        (e p : Closed-exp) 
        Terminates (proj₁ p) 
        Pointwise-semantically-equivalent (arg e p) e
      arg-lemma-⇓ (e , cl-e) (p , cl-p) (vp , p⇓vp)
                  (e′ , cl-e′) (v , _) = record
        { to = λ where
            (apply {v₂ = ve′} lambda q₁
               (apply {v₂ = vp} lambda _
                  (apply {x = x} {e = e-body} {v₂ = ve″} q₂ q₃ q₄))) 

              apply e e′                                        ≡⟨ sym $ remove-substs ((e , cl-e)  []) ⟩⟶

              apply (e [ v-x  ve′ ] [ v-underscore  vp ]) e′  ⟶⟨ apply q₂ q₁ 

              e-body [ x   ve′  ]                            ≡⟨ ⟨by⟩ (values-only-compute-to-themselves (⇓-Value q₁) (

                  ve′                                                    ≡⟨ sym $ remove-substs ((ve′ , closed⇓closed q₁ cl-e′)  []) ⟩⟶
                  ve′ [ v-underscore  vp ]                              ⇓⟨ q₃ ⟩■
                  ve″                                                    )) ⟩⟶

              e-body [ x  ve″ ]                                ⇓⟨ q₄ ⟩■

        ; from = λ where
            (apply {v₂ = ve′} q₁ q₂ q₃) 

              proj₁ (apply-cl (arg (e , cl-e) (p , cl-p)) (e′ , cl-e′))  ⟶⟨ apply lambda q₂ 

              apply (lambda v-underscore (apply (e [ v-x  ve′ ]) ve′))
                    (p [ v-x  ve′ ])                                    ≡⟨ remove-substs ((e , cl-e)  (p , cl-p)  []) ⟩⟶

              apply (lambda v-underscore (apply e ve′)) p                ⟶⟨ apply lambda p⇓vp 

              apply (e [ v-underscore  vp ])
                (ve′ [ v-underscore  vp ])                              ≡⟨ remove-substs ((e , cl-e)  (ve′ , closed⇓closed q₂ cl-e′)  []) ⟩⟶

              apply e ve′                                                ⇓⟨ apply q₁ (values-compute-to-themselves (⇓-Value q₂)) q₃ ⟩■


      arg-lemma-⇓-true :
        (e : Closed-exp) 
        Terminates (proj₁ e) 
        P′ [ arg e∈ e ]= true
      arg-lemma-⇓-true e e⇓ =  $⟨ Pe∈ 
        P′ [ e∈ ]= true        ↝⟨ resp _ _ (symmetric (arg e∈ e) e∈ (arg-lemma-⇓ e∈ e e⇓)) ⟩□
        P′ [ arg e∈ e ]= true  

      arg-lemma-⇓-false :
        (e : Closed-exp) 
        Terminates (proj₁ e) 
        P′ [ arg e∉ e ]= false
      arg-lemma-⇓-false e e⇓ =  $⟨ ¬Pe∉ 
        P′ [ e∉ ]= false        ↝⟨ resp _ _ (symmetric (arg e∉ e) e∉ (arg-lemma-⇓ e∉ e e⇓)) ⟩□
        P′ [ arg e∉ e ]= false  

      arg-lemma-¬⇓′ :
        (e p : Closed-exp) 
        ¬ Terminates (proj₁ p) 
        Pointwise-semantically-equivalent (arg e p) const-loop
      arg-lemma-¬⇓′ (e , cl-e) (p , cl-p) ¬p⇓
                    (e′ , cl-e′) (v , _) = record
        { to = λ where
            (apply {v₂ = ve′} lambda _ (apply {v₂ = vp} _ q _)) 
              ⊥-elim $ ¬p⇓
                ( vp
                , (p                ≡⟨ sym $ remove-substs ((p , cl-p)  []) ⟩⟶
                   p [ v-x  ve′ ]  ⇓⟨ q ⟩■
        ; from = λ where
            (apply lambda _ loop⇓)  ⊥-elim $ ¬loop⇓ (_ , loop⇓)

      arg-lemma-¬⇓ :
         {b} (e₀ e : Closed-exp) 
        ¬ Terminates (proj₁ e) 
        P′ [ const-loop ]= b 
        P′ [ arg e₀ e ]= b
      arg-lemma-¬⇓ {b} e₀ e ¬e⇓ =
        P′ [ const-loop ]= b  ↝⟨ resp _ _ (symmetric (arg e₀ e) const-loop (arg-lemma-¬⇓′ e₀ e ¬e⇓)) ⟩□
        P′ [ arg e₀ e ]= b    

      ∃Bool : Type
      ∃Bool =  λ (b : Bool) 
                apply p (proj₁ ⌜const-loop⌝)   b 
                P′ [ const-loop ]= b

      ¬¬∃ : ¬¬ ∃Bool
      ¬¬∃ =
        excluded-middle {A = P′ [ const-loop ]= true} >>= λ where
          (inj₁ P-const-loop)  return ( true
                                       , hyp const-loop true
                                       , P-const-loop
          (inj₂ ¬P-const-loop) 
            proj₂ P const-loop >>= λ where
              (true  , P-const-loop)   ⊥-elim (¬P-const-loop
              (false , ¬P-const-loop) 
                return ( false
                       , hyp const-loop false ¬P-const-loop
                       , ¬P-const-loop

      halts⇓-lemma :
        (e : Closed-exp) 
        (P′ [ const-loop ]= false 
         apply p ( arg e∈ e )  v) 
        (P′ [ const-loop ]= true 
         χ.not (apply p ( arg e∉ e ))  v) 
        apply halts  e   v
      halts⇓-lemma {v} ∃bool e e∈⇓v e∉⇓v =
        apply halts  e                                                  ⟶⟨ apply lambda (rep⇓rep e) 

        case (apply (p [ v-p   e  ]) (proj₁ ⌜const-loop⌝))
          (branches [ v-p   e  ]B⋆)                                    ≡⟨ remove-substs ((p , cl-p)  []) ⟩⟶

        case (apply p (proj₁ ⌜const-loop⌝)) (branches [ v-p   e  ]B⋆)  ⇓⟨ lemma ∃bool ⟩■

        lemma : ∃Bool  _
        lemma (true , p⌜const-loop⌝⇓true , P-const-loop) =
          case (apply p (proj₁ ⌜const-loop⌝)) (branches [ v-p   e  ]B⋆)  ⟶⟨ case p⌜const-loop⌝⇓true (there  ()) here) [] 
          χ.not (apply (p [ v-p   e  ]) (coded-arg e∉ [ v-p   e  ]))  ≡⟨ remove-substs ((p , cl-p)  []) ⟩⟶
          χ.not (apply p (coded-arg e∉ [ v-p   e  ]))                    ⟶⟨ []⇓ (case (apply→ )) (coded-arg⇓⌜arg⌝ e∉ e) 
          χ.not (apply p ( arg e∉ e ))                                    ⇓⟨ e∉⇓v P-const-loop ⟩■

        lemma (false , p⌜const-loop⌝⇓false , ¬P-const-loop) =
          case (apply p (proj₁ ⌜const-loop⌝)) (branches [ v-p   e  ]B⋆)  ⟶⟨ case p⌜const-loop⌝⇓false here [] 
          apply (p [ v-p   e  ]) (coded-arg e∈ [ v-p   e  ])          ≡⟨ remove-substs ((p , cl-p)  []) ⟩⟶
          apply p (coded-arg e∈ [ v-p   e  ])                            ⟶⟨ []⇓ (apply→ ) (coded-arg⇓⌜arg⌝ e∈ e) 
          apply p ( arg e∈ e )                                            ⇓⟨ e∈⇓v ¬P-const-loop ⟩■

      ⇓-lemma :
        (e : Closed-exp) 
        Terminates (proj₁ e) 
        apply halts  e    true  Bool 
      ⇓-lemma ∃bool e e⇓ = halts⇓-lemma ∃bool e

           apply p ( arg e∈ e )  ⇓⟨ hyp (arg e∈ e) true (arg-lemma-⇓-true e e⇓) ⟩■
            true  Bool )

           χ.not (apply p ( arg e∉ e ))  ⟶⟨ []⇓ (case ) (hyp (arg e∉ e) false (arg-lemma-⇓-false e e⇓)) 
           χ.not  false  Bool           ⇓⟨ not-correct false (rep⇓rep (false  Bool)) ⟩■
            true  Bool )

      ¬⇓-lemma :
        (e : Closed-exp) 
        ¬ Terminates (proj₁ e) 
        apply halts  e    false  Bool 
      ¬⇓-lemma ∃bool e ¬e⇓ = halts⇓-lemma ∃bool e

           apply p ( arg e∈ e )  ⇓⟨ hyp (arg e∈ e) false (arg-lemma-¬⇓ e∈ e ¬e⇓ ¬P-const-loop) ⟩■
            false  Bool )

           χ.not (apply p ( arg e∉ e ))  ⟶⟨ []⇓ (case ) (hyp (arg e∉ e) true (arg-lemma-¬⇓ e∉ e ¬e⇓ P-const-loop)) 
           χ.not  true  Bool            ⇓⟨ not-correct true (rep⇓rep (true  Bool)) ⟩■
            false  Bool )

  rice's-theorem : ¬ Decidable P
  rice's-theorem (p , cl-p , hyp , _) = ¬¬¬⊥ $
    ¬¬∃ >>= λ ∃bool 
    return (intensional-halting-problem₀
              ( halts
              , cl-halts
              , λ e cl-e  ⇓-lemma  ∃bool (e , cl-e)
                         , ¬⇓-lemma ∃bool (e , cl-e)
    open Helper p cl-p hyp

-- A variant of the theorem.

rice's-theorem′ :
  (P : Closed-exp  Type)
  (e∈ : Closed-exp) 
  P e∈ 
  (e∉ : Closed-exp) 
  ¬ P e∉ 
  (∀ e₁ e₂ 
   Pointwise-semantically-equivalent e₁ e₂ 
   P e₁  P e₂) 
  ¬ Decidable (as-function-to-Bool₁ P)
rice's-theorem′ P e∈ Pe∈ e∉ ¬Pe∉ resp =
    (as-function-to-Bool₁ P)
    ((λ _  refl) , ⊥-elim  (_$ Pe∈))
    (⊥-elim  ¬Pe∉ ,  _  refl))
     e₁ e₂ eq 
       Σ-map (_∘ resp e₂ e₁ (symmetric e₁ e₂ eq))
             (_∘ (_∘ resp e₁ e₂ eq)))

-- Examples

-- The problem of deciding whether an expression implements the
-- successor function is undecidable.

Equal-to-suc : Closed-exp →Bool
Equal-to-suc =
  as-function-to-Bool₁ λ e 
    (n : )  apply (proj₁ e)  n    suc n 

equal-to-suc-not-decidable : ¬ Decidable Equal-to-suc
equal-to-suc-not-decidable =
    (s , from-⊎ (closed? s))
     n  apply lambda (rep⇓rep n) (rep⇓rep (suc n)))
    (z , from-⊎ (closed? z))
     z⌜n⌝⇓  case z⌜n⌝⇓ 0 of λ { (apply () _ _) })
     e₁ e₂ e₁∼e₂ Pe₁ n 
       apply (proj₁ e₂)  n   ⇓⟨ _⇔_.to (e₁∼e₂  n   suc n ) (Pe₁ n) ⟩■
        suc n )
  z = const c-zero []
  s = lambda v-n (const c-suc (var v-n  []))

-- The problem of deciding whether an expression always terminates
-- with the same value when applied to an arbitrary argument is
-- undecidable.

Is-constant : Closed-exp →Bool
Is-constant = as-function-to-Bool₁ λ e 
   λ v  (n : )  apply (proj₁ e)  n   v

is-constant-not-decidable : ¬ Decidable Is-constant
is-constant-not-decidable =
    (c , from-⊎ (closed? c))
    (( 0   Exp) , λ n 
       apply c  n   ⇓⟨ apply lambda (rep⇓rep n) (const []) ⟩■
        0 )
    (f , from-⊎ (closed? f))
     e₁ e₂ e₁∼e₂  Σ-map id λ {v} ⇓v n 
       let v-closed : Closed v
           v-closed = closed⇓closed (⇓v n) $
                          (proj₂ e₁)
                          (rep-closed n)
       apply (proj₁ e₂)  n   ⇓⟨ _⇔_.to (e₁∼e₂  n  (v , v-closed)) (⇓v n) ⟩■
  c = lambda v-underscore  0 
  f = lambda v-n (var v-n)

  not-constant : ¬  λ v  (n : )  apply f  n   v
  not-constant (v  , constant) = impossible
    v≡0 : v   0 
    v≡0 with constant 0
    ... | apply lambda (const []) (const []) = refl

    v≡1 : v   1 
    v≡1 with constant 1
    ... | apply lambda (const (const []  [])) (const (const []  [])) =

    0≡1 =
       0   ≡⟨ sym v≡0 
      v      ≡⟨ v≡1 ⟩∎

    impossible : 
    impossible with 0≡1
    ... | ()