-- Definitions of "free in" and "closed", along with some properties

open import Atom

module Free-variables (atoms : χ-atoms) where

open import Dec
open import Equality.Propositional.Cubical
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude hiding (const; swap)

open import Bag-equivalence equality-with-J as B
  using (_∈_; _∼[_]_; bag; subset)
open import Bijection equality-with-J as Bijection using (_↔_)
open import Erased.Cubical equality-with-paths as E using (Erased)
open import Equivalence equality-with-J as Eq using (_≃_)
open import Finite-subset.Listed equality-with-paths as S
  using (Finite-subset-of)
import Finite-subset.Listed.Membership.Erased equality-with-paths as SM
open import Function-universe equality-with-J as F hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level equality-with-J
open import H-level.Closure equality-with-J
open import H-level.Truncation.Propositional equality-with-paths as T
  using (∥_∥)
open import List equality-with-J using (_++_; foldr)
open import List.All equality-with-J as All using (All)

open import Chi           atoms
open import Propositional atoms
open import Substitution  atoms
open import Values        atoms

open χ-atoms atoms

    A             : Type
    bs            : List Br
    c c′          : Const
    e e₁ e₂ e′ e″ : Exp
    es            : List Exp
    x y           : Var
    xs xs′ ys     : A


  -- A variant of V._≟_.

  _≟V_ : (x y : Var)  E.Dec-Erased T.∥ x  y 
  x ≟V y = E.Dec→Dec-Erased (T.ΠΠ-Dec→ΠΠ-Dec-∥∥ V._≟_ x y)

-- Definitions

-- Free variables.

infix 4 _∈FV_

data _∈FV_ (x : Var) : Exp  Type where
  apply-left  :  {e₁ e₂}  x ∈FV e₁  x ∈FV apply e₁ e₂
  apply-right :  {e₁ e₂}  x ∈FV e₂  x ∈FV apply e₁ e₂
  lambda      :  {y e}  x  y  x ∈FV e  x ∈FV lambda y e
  case-head   :  {e bs}  x ∈FV e  x ∈FV case e bs
  case-body   :  {e bs c xs e′} 
                x ∈FV e′  branch c xs e′  bs  ¬ x  xs 
                x ∈FV case e bs
  rec         :  {y e}  x  y  x ∈FV e  x ∈FV rec y e
  var         :  {y}  x  y  x ∈FV var y
  const       :  {c es e}  x ∈FV e  e  es  x ∈FV const c es

-- Closed, except that the given variables may occur.

Closed′ : List Var  Exp  Type
Closed′ xs e =  x  ¬ x  xs  ¬ x ∈FV e

-- The property of being closed.

Closed : Exp  Type
Closed = Closed′ []

-- A variant of Closed′ for branches.

Closed′-Br : List Var  Br  Type
Closed′-Br xs (branch c ys e) = Closed′ (ys ++ xs) e

-- A variant of Closed for branches.

Closed-Br : Br  Type
Closed-Br = Closed′-Br []

-- Closed expressions.

Closed-exp : Type
Closed-exp =  Closed

-- Inversion lemmas for _∈_

∈apply : (x ∈FV apply e₁ e₂)  (x ∈FV e₁  x ∈FV e₂)
∈apply = Eq.↔→≃
   { (apply-left  x∈)  inj₁ x∈
     ; (apply-right x∈)  inj₂ x∈
  [ apply-left , apply-right ]
  [  _  refl) ,  _  refl) ]
   { (apply-left  _)  refl
     ; (apply-right _)  refl

∈lambda : (x ∈FV lambda y e)  (x  y × x ∈FV e)
∈lambda = Eq.↔→≃
   { (lambda x≢y x∈e)  x≢y , x∈e })
  (uncurry lambda)
   _  refl)
   { (lambda _ _)  refl })

∈case :
  (x ∈FV case e bs) 
  (x ∈FV e 
    λ c   λ xs   λ e′  x ∈FV e′ × branch c xs e′  bs × ¬ x  xs)
∈case = Eq.↔→≃
   { (case-head x∈)        inj₁ x∈
     ; (case-body x∈ b∈ x∉)  inj₂ (_ , _ , _ , x∈ , b∈ , x∉)
  [ case-head ,  (_ , _ , _ , x∈ , b∈ , x∉)  case-body x∈ b∈ x∉) ]
  [  _  refl) ,  _  refl) ]
   { (case-head _)      refl
     ; (case-body _ _ _)  refl

∈rec : (x ∈FV rec y e)  (x  y × x ∈FV e)
∈rec = Eq.↔→≃
   { (rec x≢y x∈e)  x≢y , x∈e })
  (uncurry rec)
   _  refl)
   { (rec _ _)  refl })

∈var : (x ∈FV var y)  (x  y)
∈var = Eq.↔→≃
   { (var x≡y)  x≡y })
   _  refl)
   { (var _)  refl })

∈const : (x ∈FV const c es)  ( λ e  x ∈FV e × e  es)
∈const = Eq.↔→≃
   { (const ∈e ∈es)  _ , ∈e , ∈es })
   (_ , ∈e , ∈es)  const ∈e ∈es)
   _  refl)
   { (const _ _)  refl })

-- Some properties

-- Closed is propositional.

Closed-propositional :  {e}  Is-proposition (Closed e)
Closed-propositional =
  Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
  Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
  ¬-propositional ext

-- Closed-exp is a set.

Closed-exp-set : Is-set Closed-exp
Closed-exp-set =
  Σ-closure 2 Exp-set  _  mono₁ 1 Closed-propositional)

-- Two closed expressions are equal if the underlying expressions are
-- equal.

closed-equal-if-expressions-equal :
  {e₁ e₂ : Closed-exp}  proj₁ e₁  proj₁ e₂  e₁  e₂
closed-equal-if-expressions-equal eq =
  Σ-≡,≡→≡ eq (Closed-propositional _ _)

-- Constructor applications are closed.


  const→closed :  {e}  Constructor-application e  Closed e
  const→closed (const c cs) x x∉[] (const x∈e e∈es) =
    consts→closed cs e∈es x x∉[] x∈e

  consts→closed :  {e es} 
                  Constructor-applications es  e  es  Closed e
  consts→closed []       ()
  consts→closed (c  cs) (inj₁ refl) = const→closed c
  consts→closed (c  cs) (inj₂ e∈es) = consts→closed cs e∈es

-- Closed e implies Closed′ xs e, for any xs.

Closed→Closed′ :  {xs e}  Closed e  Closed′ xs e
Closed→Closed′ cl x _ = cl x  ())

-- If xs is bag equivalent to ys, then Closed′ xs e and Closed′ ys e
-- are equivalent.

Closed′-≃ : xs ∼[ bag ] ys  Closed′ xs e  Closed′ ys e
Closed′-≃ {xs = xs} {ys = ys} {e = e} xs≈ys =
  (∀ x  ¬ x  xs  ¬ x ∈FV e)  ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  →-cong₁ ext $ ¬-cong ext (xs≈ys _)) ⟩□
  (∀ x  ¬ x  ys  ¬ x ∈FV e)  

-- If xs is a "subset" of ys and Closed′ xs e holds, then Closed′ ys e
-- holds.

Closed′-⊆ :
   {xs ys e} 
  xs ∼[ subset ] ys  Closed′ xs e  Closed′ ys e
Closed′-⊆ {xs = xs} {ys = ys} {e = e} xs⊆ys =
  (∀ x  ¬ x  xs  ¬ x ∈FV e)  →⟨ (∀-cong _ λ x  →-cong-→ (→-cong-→ (xs⊆ys _) id) id) ⟩□
  (∀ x  ¬ x  ys  ¬ x ∈FV e)  

-- An instance of Closed′-⊆.

Closed′-++-∷ :
   {x} xs {ys e} 
  Closed′ (x  xs ++ ys) e  Closed′ (xs ++ x  ys) e
Closed′-++-∷ {x = x} xs {ys = ys} = Closed′-⊆ λ z 
  z  x  xs ++ ys         ↔⟨ F.id ⊎-cong B.Any-++ _ _ _ 
  z  x  z  xs  z  ys  ↔⟨ inverse ⊎-assoc F.∘
                              (⊎-comm ⊎-cong F.id) F.∘
  z  xs  z  x  z  ys  ↔⟨ inverse (B.Any-++ _ _ _) ⟩□
  z  xs ++ x  ys         

-- If a variable is free in e [ x ← e′ ], then it is either free in e′,
-- or it is distinct from x and free in e.


  subst-∈FV :  x e {x′ e′} 
              x′ ∈FV e [ x  e′ ]  x′ ∈FV e × x′  x  x′ ∈FV e′
  subst-∈FV x (apply e₁ e₂) (apply-left  p)        = ⊎-map (Σ-map apply-left  id) id (subst-∈FV x e₁ p)
  subst-∈FV x (apply e₁ e₂) (apply-right p)        = ⊎-map (Σ-map apply-right id) id (subst-∈FV x e₂ p)
  subst-∈FV x (lambda y e)  (lambda x′≢y p)        with x V.≟ y
  subst-∈FV x (lambda y e)  (lambda x′≢y p)        | yes x≡y = inj₁ (lambda x′≢y p , x′≢y  flip trans x≡y)
  subst-∈FV x (lambda y e)  (lambda x′≢y p)        | no  _   = ⊎-map (Σ-map (lambda x′≢y) id) id (subst-∈FV x e p)
  subst-∈FV x (case e bs)   (case-head p)          = ⊎-map (Σ-map case-head id) id (subst-∈FV x e p)
  subst-∈FV x (case e bs)   (case-body p ps x′∉xs) = ⊎-map (Σ-map  (p :  λ _   λ _   λ _  _ × _ × _) 
                                                                     let _ , _ , _ , ps , p ,  = p in
                                                                     case-body p ps )
                                                           (subst-∈FV-B⋆ bs p ps x′∉xs)
  subst-∈FV x (rec y e)     p                      with x V.≟ y
  subst-∈FV x (rec y e)     (rec x′≢y p)           | yes x≡y = inj₁ (rec x′≢y p , x′≢y  flip trans x≡y)
  subst-∈FV x (rec y e)     (rec x′≢y p)           | no  x≢y = ⊎-map (Σ-map (rec x′≢y) id) id (subst-∈FV x e p)
  subst-∈FV x (var y)       p                      with x V.≟ y
  subst-∈FV x (var y)       p                      | yes x≡y = inj₂ p
  subst-∈FV x (var y)       (var x′≡y)             | no  x≢y = inj₁ (var x′≡y , x≢y  flip trans x′≡y  sym)
  subst-∈FV x (const c es)  (const p ps)           = ⊎-map (Σ-map  { (_ , ps , p)  const p ps }) id) id
                                                           (subst-∈FV-⋆ es p ps)

  subst-∈FV-⋆ :  {x x′ e e′} es 
                x′ ∈FV e  e  es [ x  e′ ]⋆ 
                ( λ e  e  es × x′ ∈FV e) × x′  x  x′ ∈FV e′
  subst-∈FV-⋆ []       p ()
  subst-∈FV-⋆ (e  es) p (inj₁ refl) = ⊎-map (Σ-map  p  _ , inj₁ refl , p) id) id (subst-∈FV _ e p)
  subst-∈FV-⋆ (e  es) p (inj₂ q)    = ⊎-map (Σ-map (Σ-map id (Σ-map inj₂ id)) id) id (subst-∈FV-⋆ es p q)

  subst-∈FV-B⋆ :  {x x′ e e′ c xs} bs 
                 x′ ∈FV e  branch c xs e  bs [ x  e′ ]B⋆  ¬ x′  xs 
                 ( λ c   λ xs   λ e 
                    branch c xs e  bs × x′ ∈FV e × ¬ x′  xs) × x′  x
                 x′ ∈FV e′
  subst-∈FV-B⋆     []                   p ()
  subst-∈FV-B⋆ {x} (branch c xs e  bs) p (inj₁ eq)   q with V.member x xs
  subst-∈FV-B⋆ {x} (branch c xs e  bs) p (inj₁ refl) q | yes x∈xs = inj₁ ((c , xs , e , inj₁ refl , p , q) , λ x′≡x 
                                                                       q (subst (_∈ _) (sym x′≡x) x∈xs))
  subst-∈FV-B⋆ {x} (branch c xs e  bs) p (inj₁ refl) q | no  x∉xs = ⊎-map (Σ-map  p  _ , _ , _ , inj₁ refl , p , q) id)
                                                                           (subst-∈FV _ e p)
  subst-∈FV-B⋆     (b              bs) p (inj₂ ps)   q =
    ⊎-map (Σ-map (Σ-map _ (Σ-map _ (Σ-map _ (Σ-map inj₂ id)))) id) id
      (subst-∈FV-B⋆ bs p ps q)

-- Characterisation lemmas for Closed′

Closed′-apply≃ :
  Closed′ xs (apply e₁ e₂)  (Closed′ xs e₁ × Closed′ xs e₂)
Closed′-apply≃ {xs = xs} {e₁ = e₁} {e₂ = e₂} =
  Closed′ xs (apply e₁ e₂)                                       ↔⟨⟩
  (∀ x  ¬ x  xs  ¬ x ∈FV apply e₁ e₂)                         ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  ¬-cong ext ∈apply) 
  (∀ x  ¬ x  xs  ¬ (x ∈FV e₁  x ∈FV e₂))                     ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  ¬⊎↔¬×¬ ext) 
  (∀ x  ¬ x  xs  (¬ x ∈FV e₁ × ¬ x ∈FV e₂))                   ↔⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ΠΣ-comm) 
  (∀ x  (¬ x  xs  ¬ x ∈FV e₁) × (¬ x  xs  ¬ x ∈FV e₂))      ↔⟨ ΠΣ-comm 
  (∀ x  ¬ x  xs  ¬ x ∈FV e₁) × (∀ x  ¬ x  xs  ¬ x ∈FV e₂)  ↔⟨⟩
  Closed′ xs e₁ × Closed′ xs e₂                                  

Closed′-lambda≃ :
  Closed′ xs (lambda x e)  Closed′ (x  xs) e
Closed′-lambda≃ {xs = xs} {x = x} {e = e} =
  Closed′ xs (lambda x e)                 ↔⟨⟩
  (∀ y  ¬ y  xs  ¬ y ∈FV lambda x e)   ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  ¬-cong ext ∈lambda) 
  (∀ y  ¬ y  xs  ¬ (y  x × y ∈FV e))  ↔⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  currying) 
  (∀ y  ¬ y  xs  y  x  ¬ y ∈FV e)    ↔⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  Π-comm) 
  (∀ y  y  x  ¬ y  xs  ¬ y ∈FV e)    ↔⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  inverse currying) 
  (∀ y  y  x × ¬ y  xs  ¬ y ∈FV e)    ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  →-cong₁ {k₁ = equivalence} ext $ inverse $ ¬⊎↔¬×¬ ext) 
  (∀ y  ¬ (y  x  y  xs)  ¬ y ∈FV e)  ↔⟨⟩
  Closed′ (x  xs) e                      

Closed′-rec≃ :
  Closed′ xs (rec x e)  Closed′ (x  xs) e
Closed′-rec≃ {xs = xs} {x = x} {e = e} =
  Closed′ xs (rec x e)                    ↔⟨⟩
  (∀ y  ¬ y  xs  ¬ y ∈FV rec x e)      ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  ¬-cong ext ∈rec) 
  (∀ y  ¬ y  xs  ¬ (y  x × y ∈FV e))  ↔⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  currying) 
  (∀ y  ¬ y  xs  y  x  ¬ y ∈FV e)    ↔⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  Π-comm) 
  (∀ y  y  x  ¬ y  xs  ¬ y ∈FV e)    ↔⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  inverse currying) 
  (∀ y  y  x × ¬ y  xs  ¬ y ∈FV e)    ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  →-cong₁ {k₁ = equivalence} ext $ inverse $ ¬⊎↔¬×¬ ext) 
  (∀ y  ¬ (y  x  y  xs)  ¬ y ∈FV e)  ↔⟨⟩
  Closed′ (x  xs) e                      

Closed′-case≃ :
  Closed′ xs (case e bs)  (Closed′ xs e × All (Closed′-Br xs) bs)
Closed′-case≃ {xs = xs} {e = e} {bs = bs} =
  Closed′ xs (case e bs)                                           ↔⟨⟩

  (∀ x  ¬ x  xs  ¬ x ∈FV case e bs)                             ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  ¬-cong ext ∈case) 

  (∀ x  ¬ x  xs 
   ¬ (x ∈FV e 
       λ c   λ ys   λ e′ 
        x ∈FV e′ × branch c ys e′  bs × ¬ x  ys))                ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  ¬⊎↔¬×¬ ext) 

  (∀ x  ¬ x  xs 
   ¬ x ∈FV e ×
   ¬  λ c   λ ys   λ e′ 
       x ∈FV e′ × branch c ys e′  bs × ¬ x  ys)                  ↔⟨ ΠΣ-comm F.∘
                                                                      (∀-cong ext λ _  ΠΣ-comm) 
  (∀ x  ¬ x  xs  ¬ x ∈FV e) ×
  (∀ x  ¬ x  xs 
   ¬  λ c   λ ys   λ e′ 
       x ∈FV e′ × branch c ys e′  bs × ¬ x  ys)                  ↝⟨ ∃-cong lemma 

  (∀ x  ¬ x  xs  ¬ x ∈FV e) × (∀ b  b  bs  Closed′-Br xs b)  ↔⟨⟩

  Closed′ xs e × All (Closed′-Br xs) bs                            
  Br′ = Const × List Var × Exp

  lemma = λ hyp 
    (∀ x  ¬ x  xs 
     ¬  λ c   λ ys   λ e 
         x ∈FV e × branch c ys e  bs × ¬ x  ys)  ↔⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                       inverse currying F.∘
                                                       (∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                        inverse currying F.∘
                                                        (∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                         (∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                          currying F.∘
                                                          Π-comm F.∘
                                                          currying) F.∘
                                                         currying) F.∘
                                                        currying) F.∘
    (∀ x  ¬ x  xs  ((c , ys , e) : Br′) 
     branch c ys e  bs  ¬ x  ys  ¬ x ∈FV e)    ↔⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                       (∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                        (∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                         inverse currying) F.∘
                                                        currying) F.∘
                                                       Π-comm) F.∘
                                                      Π-comm F.∘
                                                      inverse currying 
    (((c , ys , e) : Br′)  branch c ys e  bs 
      x  ¬ x  xs × ¬ x  ys  ¬ x ∈FV e)        ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                       ∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  →-cong₁ ext $
                                                       ¬-cong ext (
                                                         inverse (B.Any-++ _ _ _) F.∘
                                                         ⊎-comm) F.∘
                                                       inverse (¬⊎↔¬×¬ ext)) 
    (((c , ys , e) : Br′)  branch c ys e  bs 
      x  ¬ x  ys ++ xs  ¬ x ∈FV e)             ↔⟨⟩

    (((c , ys , e) : Br′)  branch c ys e  bs 
     Closed′-Br xs (branch c ys e))                ↝⟨ (Π-cong ext
                                                             (c , ys , e)  branch c ys e)
                                                             { (branch c ys e)  c , ys , e })
                                                             { (branch _ _ _)  refl })
                                                             _  refl)) λ _ 
                                                         F.id) ⟩□

    (∀ b  b  bs  Closed′-Br xs b)               

Closed′-const≃ :
  Closed′ xs (const c es)  All (Closed′ xs) es
Closed′-const≃ {xs = xs} {c = c} {es = es} =
  Closed′ xs (const c es)                        ↔⟨⟩
  (∀ x  ¬ x  xs  ¬ x ∈FV const c es)          ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  ¬-cong ext ∈const) 
  (∀ x  ¬ x  xs  ¬  λ e  x ∈FV e × e  es)  ↔⟨ currying F.∘
                                                    (∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                     currying) F.∘
                                                    Π-comm F.∘
                                                    (∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                     inverse currying F.∘
                                                     (∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                      Π-comm F.∘
                                                      currying) F.∘
                                                     currying) F.∘
                                                    inverse currying 
  (∀ e  e  es   x  ¬ x  xs  ¬ x ∈FV e)    ↔⟨⟩
  (∀ e  e  es  Closed′ xs e)                  

Closed′-var≃ : Closed′ xs (var x)   x  xs 
Closed′-var≃ {xs = xs} {x = x} =
  Closed′ xs (var x)                ↔⟨⟩
  (∀ y  ¬ y  xs  ¬ y ∈FV var x)  ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  ¬-cong ext ∈var) 
  (∀ y  ¬ y  xs  ¬ y  x)        ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  →-cong₁ ext $ inverse T.¬∥∥↔¬) 
  (∀ y  ¬  y  xs   ¬ y  x)    ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  inverse $
                                           _ _  T.truncation-is-proposition)
                                           _  T.Dec→Dec-∥∥ (B.Decidable-∈ V._≟_ _ _))
  (∀ y  y  x   y  xs )        ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  →-cong₁ ext ≡-comm) 
  (∀ y  x  y   y  xs )        ↝⟨ inverse $ ∀-intro _ ext ⟩□
   x  xs                         

Closed′-Br-branch≃ :
   c xs 
  Closed′-Br xs (branch c ys e)  Closed′ (xs ++ ys) e
Closed′-Br-branch≃ {ys = ys} {e = e} c xs =
  Closed′-Br xs (branch c ys e)  ↔⟨⟩
  Closed′ (ys ++ xs) e           ↝⟨ Closed′-≃ (B.++-comm ys _) ⟩□
  Closed′ (xs ++ ys) e           

-- Various closure properties (or similar properties) for Closed′ and
-- Closed′-Br

Closed′-closed-under-apply :
   {xs e₁ e₂} 
  Closed′ xs e₁  Closed′ xs e₂  Closed′ xs (apply e₁ e₂)
Closed′-closed-under-apply = curry $ _≃_.from Closed′-apply≃

Closed′-closed-under-lambda :
   {x xs e} 
  Closed′ (x  xs) e  Closed′ xs (lambda x e)
Closed′-closed-under-lambda = _≃_.from Closed′-lambda≃

Closed′-closed-under-rec :
   {x xs e} 
  Closed′ (x  xs) e  Closed′ xs (rec x e)
Closed′-closed-under-rec = _≃_.from Closed′-rec≃

Closed′-closed-under-case :
   {xs e bs} 
  Closed′ xs e 
  All (Closed′-Br xs) bs 
  Closed′ xs (case e bs)
Closed′-closed-under-case = curry $ _≃_.from Closed′-case≃

Closed′-closed-under-const :
   {xs c es} 
  All (Closed′ xs) es 
  Closed′ xs (const c es)
Closed′-closed-under-const = _≃_.from Closed′-const≃

Closed′-closed-under-var :  {x xs}  x  xs  Closed′ xs (var x)
Closed′-closed-under-var = _≃_.from Closed′-var≃  T.∣_∣

Closed′-Br-closed-under-branch :
   c xs 
  Closed′ (xs ++ ys) e 
  Closed′-Br xs (branch c ys e)
Closed′-Br-closed-under-branch c xs =
  _≃_.from (Closed′-Br-branch≃ c xs)

Closed′-closed-under-subst :
   {x xs e e′} 
  Closed′ (x  xs) e 
  Closed′ xs e′ 
  Closed′ xs (e [ x  e′ ])
Closed′-closed-under-subst cl-e cl-e′ y y∉xs =
  [ uncurry  y∈e y≢x  cl-e y [ y≢x , y∉xs ] y∈e)
  , cl-e′ y y∉xs
  ]  subst-∈FV _ _

Closed′-closed-under-[←]↦ :
   {e xs es e′ ys} 
  e [ xs  es ]↦ e′ 
  Closed′ (xs ++ ys) e 
  All (Closed′ ys) es 
  Closed′ ys e′
Closed′-closed-under-[←]↦ {e = e} {ys = ys} [] cl =
  All (Closed′ ys) []  →⟨  _  cl) ⟩□
  Closed′ ys e         
  {ys = ys} (∷_ {x = x} {xs = xs} {e′ = e} {es′ = es} {e″ = e′} p) cl =
  All (Closed′ ys) (e  es)                 →⟨ All.All-∷ _ 
  Closed′ ys e × All (Closed′ ys) es        →⟨ Σ-map id (All.map₁ λ _  Closed′-⊆ λ _  inj₂) 
  Closed′ ys e × All (Closed′ (x  ys)) es  →⟨ Σ-map id (Closed′-closed-under-[←]↦ p (Closed′-++-∷ xs cl)) 
  Closed′ ys e × Closed′ (x  ys) e′        →⟨ uncurry $ flip Closed′-closed-under-subst ⟩□
  Closed′ ys (e′ [ x  e ])                 

-- Computing free or fresh variables

-- One can construct a finite set containing exactly the free
-- variables in a term.


  free :
    (e : Exp) 
     λ (fs : Finite-subset-of Var)   x  (x SM.∈ fs)  (x ∈FV e)
  free (apply e₁ e₂) =
    Σ-zip S._∪_
       {fs₁ fs₂} hyp₁ hyp₂ x 
         x SM.∈ fs₁ S.∪ fs₂                    ↔⟨ _≃_.to SM.∈≃≃∈≃Erased E.[ SM.∈∪≃ ] 
         Erased (x SM.∈ fs₁ T.∥⊎∥ x SM.∈ fs₂)  ↝⟨ T.Dec→Erased-∥∥⇔ $
                                                  Dec-⊎ (SM.member? _≟V_ _ _)
                                                        (SM.member? _≟V_ _ _) 
         x SM.∈ fs₁  x SM.∈ fs₂               ↝⟨ hyp₁ x ⊎-cong hyp₂ x 
         x ∈FV e₁  x ∈FV e₂                   ↔⟨ inverse ∈apply ⟩□
         x ∈FV apply e₁ e₂                     )
      (free e₁) (free e₂)
  free (lambda x e) =
    Σ-map (SM.delete _≟V_ x)
       {fs} hyp y 
         y SM.∈ SM.delete _≟V_ x fs  ↔⟨ SM.∈delete≃ _≟V_ 
         y  x × y SM.∈ fs           ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  hyp y) 
         y  x × y ∈FV e             ↔⟨ inverse ∈lambda ⟩□
         y ∈FV lambda x e            )
      (free e)
  free (case e bs) =
    Σ-zip S._∪_
       {fs₁ fs₂} hyp₁ hyp₂ x 
         x SM.∈ fs₁ S.∪ fs₂                             ↔⟨ _≃_.to SM.∈≃≃∈≃Erased E.[ SM.∈∪≃ ] 

         Erased (x SM.∈ fs₁ T.∥⊎∥ x SM.∈ fs₂)           ↝⟨ T.Dec→Erased-∥∥⇔ $
                                                           Dec-⊎ (SM.member? _≟V_ _ _)
                                                                 (SM.member? _≟V_ _ _) 

         x SM.∈ fs₁  x SM.∈ fs₂                        ↝⟨ hyp₁ x ⊎-cong hyp₂ x 

         (x ∈FV e 
           λ c   λ xs   λ e′ 
            x ∈FV e′ × branch c xs e′  bs × ¬ x  xs)  ↔⟨ inverse ∈case ⟩□

         x ∈FV case e bs                                )
      (free e) (free-B⋆ bs)
  free (rec x e) =
    Σ-map (SM.delete _≟V_ x)
       {fs} hyp y 
         y SM.∈ SM.delete _≟V_ x fs  ↔⟨ SM.∈delete≃ _≟V_ 
         y  x × y SM.∈ fs           ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  hyp y) 
         y  x × y ∈FV e             ↔⟨ inverse ∈rec ⟩□
         y ∈FV rec x e               )
      (free e)
  free (var x) =
      S.singleton x
    , λ y 
        y SM.∈ S.singleton x  ↔⟨ _≃_.to SM.∈≃≃∈≃Erased E.[ SM.∈singleton≃ ] 
        Erased T.∥ y  x     ↝⟨ T.Dec→Erased-∥∥⇔ (_ V.≟ _) 
        y  x                 ↔⟨ inverse ∈var ⟩□
        y ∈FV var x           
  free (const c es) =
    Σ-map id
       {fs} hyp x 
         x SM.∈ fs                   ↝⟨ hyp x 
         ( λ e  x ∈FV e × e  es)  ↔⟨ inverse ∈const ⟩□
         x ∈FV const c es            )
      (free-⋆ es)

  free-⋆ :
    (es : List Exp) 
     λ (fs : Finite-subset-of Var) 
       x  (x SM.∈ fs)  ( λ e  x ∈FV e × e  es)
  free-⋆ [] =
    , λ x 
        x SM.∈ S.[]                 ↔⟨ SM.∈[]≃ 
                                   ↔⟨ inverse ×-right-zero 
        Exp × ⊥₀                    ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  inverse ×-right-zero) 
        ( λ e  x ∈FV e × )       ↔⟨⟩
        ( λ e  x ∈FV e × e  [])  
  free-⋆ (e  es) =
    Σ-zip S._∪_
       {fs₁ fs₂} hyp₁ hyp₂ x 
         x SM.∈ fs₁ S.∪ fs₂                                           ↔⟨ _≃_.to SM.∈≃≃∈≃Erased E.[ SM.∈∪≃ ] 
         Erased (x SM.∈ fs₁ T.∥⊎∥ x SM.∈ fs₂)                         ↝⟨ T.Dec→Erased-∥∥⇔ $
                                                                         Dec-⊎ (SM.member? _≟V_ _ _)
                                                                               (SM.member? _≟V_ _ _) 
         x SM.∈ fs₁  x SM.∈ fs₂                                      ↝⟨ hyp₁ x ⊎-cong hyp₂ x 
         x ∈FV e  ( λ e′  x ∈FV e′ × e′  es)                      ↔⟨ inverse $
                                                                         (drop-⊤-right λ _  _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                                                          singleton-contractible _)
         x ∈FV e × ( λ e′  e′  e)  ( λ e′  x ∈FV e′ × e′  es)  ↔⟨ ∃-comm ⊎-cong F.id 
         ( λ e′  x ∈FV e × e′  e)  ( λ e′  x ∈FV e′ × e′  es)  ↔⟨ inverse ∃-⊎-distrib-left 
         ( λ e′  (x ∈FV e × e′  e)  (x ∈FV e′ × e′  es))         ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                          (×-cong₁ λ e′≡e  ≡⇒↝ equivalence $ cong (_ ∈FV_) $ sym
         ( λ e′  (x ∈FV e′ × e′  e)  (x ∈FV e′ × e′  es))        ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  inverse ×-⊎-distrib-left) 
         ( λ e′  x ∈FV e′ × (e′  e  e′  es))                     ↔⟨⟩
         ( λ e′  x ∈FV e′ × e′  e  es)                            )
      (free e) (free-⋆ es)

  free-B :
    (b : Br) 
     λ (fs : Finite-subset-of Var) 
      (x SM.∈ fs) 
      ( λ c   λ xs   λ e 
         x ∈FV e × branch c xs e  b × ¬ x  xs)
  free-B (branch c xs e) =
    Σ-map  fs  SM.minus _≟V_ fs (S.from-List xs))
       {fs} hyp x 
         x SM.∈ SM.minus _≟V_ fs (S.from-List xs)                      ↔⟨ SM.∈minus≃ 

         x SM.∈ fs × x SM.∉ S.from-List xs                             ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ¬-cong ext (inverse

         x SM.∈ fs × ¬ T.∥ x  xs                                     ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  T.¬∥∥↔¬) 

         x SM.∈ fs × ¬ x  xs                                          ↝⟨ hyp x ×-cong F.id 

         x ∈FV e × ¬ x  xs                                            ↔⟨ (inverse $ drop-⊤-right λ _ 
                                                                           ×-left-identity F.∘ ×-left-identity) 

         (x ∈FV e × ¬ x  xs) ×  ×  ×                               ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  inverse $
                                                                           (_⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $ singleton-contractible _)
                                                                           (_⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $ singleton-contractible _)
                                                                           (_⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $ singleton-contractible _)) 
         (x ∈FV e × ¬ x  xs) ×
         ( λ c′  c′  c) × ( λ xs′  xs′  xs) × ( λ e′  e′  e)  ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                           (∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                            (∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                             ∃-comm F.∘
                                                                             (∃-cong λ _  ∃-comm)) F.∘
                                                                            ∃-comm F.∘
                                                                            (∃-cong λ _  inverse Σ-assoc)) F.∘
                                                                           inverse Σ-assoc) 
         (x ∈FV e × ¬ x  xs) ×
         ( λ c′   λ xs′   λ e′  c′  c × xs′  xs × e′  e)      ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _  ∃-comm) F.∘
                                                                          (∃-cong λ _  ∃-comm) F.∘
         ( λ c′   λ xs′   λ e′ 
            (x ∈FV e × ¬ x  xs) × (c′  c × xs′  xs × e′  e))       ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                           (∃-cong λ _  ×-comm) F.∘
                                                                           inverse Σ-assoc) 
         ( λ c′   λ xs′   λ e′ 
            x ∈FV e × (c′  c × xs′  xs × e′  e) × ¬ x  xs)         ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                           ∃-cong λ (_ , xs′≡xs , _)  ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong (¬_  (_ ∈_)) $ sym
         ( λ c′   λ xs′   λ e′ 
            x ∈FV e × (c′  c × xs′  xs × e′  e) × ¬ x  xs′)        ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                           ×-cong₁ λ ((_ , _ , e′≡e) , _)  ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong (_ ∈FV_) $ sym
         ( λ c′   λ xs′   λ e′ 
            x ∈FV e′ × (c′  c × xs′  xs × e′  e) × ¬ x  xs′)       ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _  ×-cong₁ λ _ 
                                                                           lemma) ⟩□
         ( λ c′   λ xs′   λ e′ 
            x ∈FV e′ × branch c′ xs′ e′  branch c xs e × ¬ x  xs′)   )
      (free e)
    lemma :
      c′  c × xs′  xs × e′  e  branch c′ xs′ e′  branch c xs e
    lemma ._⇔_.to (c′≡c , xs′≡xs , e′≡e) =
      cong₂ (uncurry branch) (cong₂ _,_ c′≡c xs′≡xs) e′≡e
    lemma ._⇔_.from eq =
        cong  { (branch c _ _)   c  }) eq
      , cong  { (branch _ xs _)  xs }) eq
      , cong  { (branch _ _ e)   e  }) eq

  free-B⋆ :
    (bs : List Br) 
     λ (fs : Finite-subset-of Var) 
      (x SM.∈ fs) 
      ( λ c   λ xs   λ e 
         x ∈FV e × branch c xs e  bs × ¬ x  xs)
  free-B⋆ [] =
    , λ x 
        x SM.∈ S.[]                                        ↔⟨ SM.∈[]≃ 

                                                          ↔⟨ (inverse $
                                                               ×-right-zero {ℓ₁ = lzero} F.∘
                                                               ∃-cong λ _ 
                                                               ×-right-zero {ℓ₁ = lzero} F.∘
                                                               ∃-cong λ _ 
                                                               ×-right-zero {ℓ₁ = lzero} F.∘
                                                               ∃-cong λ _ 
                                                               ×-right-zero {ℓ₁ = lzero} F.∘
                                                               ∃-cong λ _ 
        Const × ( λ xs   λ e  x ∈FV e ×  × ¬ x  xs)  ↔⟨⟩

        ( λ c   λ xs   λ e 
           x ∈FV e × branch c xs e  [] × ¬ x  xs)        
  free-B⋆ (b  bs) =
    Σ-zip S._∪_
       {fs₁ fs₂} hyp₁ hyp₂ x 
         x SM.∈ fs₁ S.∪ fs₂                               ↔⟨ _≃_.to SM.∈≃≃∈≃Erased E.[ SM.∈∪≃ ] 

         Erased (x SM.∈ fs₁ T.∥⊎∥ x SM.∈ fs₂)             ↝⟨ T.Dec→Erased-∥∥⇔ $
                                                             Dec-⊎ (SM.member? _≟V_ _ _)
                                                                   (SM.member? _≟V_ _ _) 

         x SM.∈ fs₁  x SM.∈ fs₂                          ↝⟨ hyp₁ x ⊎-cong hyp₂ x 

         ( λ c   λ xs   λ e 
            x ∈FV e × branch c xs e  b × ¬ x  xs) 
         ( λ c   λ xs   λ e 
            x ∈FV e × branch c xs e  bs × ¬ x  xs)      ↔⟨ (inverse $
                                                              ∃-⊎-distrib-left F.∘
                                                              ∃-cong λ _ 
                                                              ∃-⊎-distrib-left F.∘
                                                              ∃-cong λ _ 
                                                              ∃-⊎-distrib-left F.∘
                                                              ∃-cong λ _ 
                                                              ∃-⊎-distrib-left F.∘
                                                              ∃-cong λ _ 
         ( λ c   λ xs   λ e 
            x ∈FV e ×
            (branch c xs e  b  branch c xs e  bs) ×
            ¬ x  xs)                                     ↔⟨⟩

         ( λ c   λ xs   λ e 
            x ∈FV e × branch c xs e  b  bs × ¬ x  xs)  )
      (free-B b) (free-B⋆ bs)

-- It is possible to find a variable that is neither free in a given
-- expression, nor a member of a given finite set.

fresh′ :
  (xs : Finite-subset-of Var) (e : Exp) 
   λ (x : Var)  ¬ x ∈FV e × x SM.∉ xs
fresh′ xs e =
  Σ-map id
       x SM.∉ proj₁ (free e) S.∪ xs               ↔⟨ ¬-cong ext SM.∈∪≃ 
       ¬ (x SM.∈ proj₁ (free e) T.∥⊎∥ x SM.∈ xs)  ↔⟨ T.¬∥∥↔¬ 
       ¬ (x SM.∈ proj₁ (free e)  x SM.∈ xs)      ↝⟨ ¬⊎↔¬×¬ _ 
       x SM.∉ proj₁ (free e) × x SM.∉ xs          ↔⟨ ¬-cong-⇔ ext (proj₂ (free e) x) ×-cong F.id ⟩□
       ¬ x ∈FV e × x SM.∉ xs                      )
    (V.fresh (proj₁ (free e) S.∪ xs))

-- It is possible to find a variable that is not free in a given
-- expression.

fresh : (e : Exp)   λ (x : Var)  ¬ x ∈FV e
fresh e = Σ-map id proj₁ (fresh′ S.[] e)

-- If two expressions have the same free variables (ignoring any
-- variables in xs), then fresh′ xs returns the same fresh variable
-- for both expressions.

fresh′-unique :
  (∀ x  x SM.∉ xs  x ∈FV e₁  x ∈FV e₂) 
  proj₁ (fresh′ xs e₁)  proj₁ (fresh′ xs e₂)
fresh′-unique {xs = xs} {e₁ = e₁} {e₂ = e₂} same =
    (E.Decidable-equality→Very-stable-≡ V._≟_ _ _)
    E.[ proj₁ (V.fresh (proj₁ (free e₁) S.∪ xs))  ≡⟨ (cong (proj₁  V.fresh) $
                                                      _≃_.from SM.extensionality λ x 
            x SM.∈ proj₁ (free e₁) S.∪ xs               ↝⟨ lemma x e₁ 
            x SM.∉ xs × x ∈FV e₁ T.∥⊎∥ x SM.∈ xs        ↝⟨ ∃-cong (same x) T.∥⊎∥-cong F.id 
            x SM.∉ xs × x ∈FV e₂ T.∥⊎∥ x SM.∈ xs        ↝⟨ inverse $ lemma x e₂ ⟩□
            x SM.∈ proj₁ (free e₂) S.∪ xs               ) ⟩∎

        proj₁ (V.fresh (proj₁ (free e₂) S.∪ xs))  
  @0 lemma :  _ _  _  _
  lemma x e =
    x SM.∈ proj₁ (free e) S.∪ xs           ↔⟨ SM.∈∪≃ 
    x SM.∈ proj₁ (free e) T.∥⊎∥ x SM.∈ xs  ↝⟨ proj₂ (free e) x T.∥⊎∥-cong F.id 
    x ∈FV e T.∥⊎∥ x SM.∈ xs                ↔⟨ T.∥⊎∥≃¬×∥⊎∥ $ T.Dec→Dec-∥∥ $ SM.member? _≟V_ x xs ⟩□
    x SM.∉ xs × x ∈FV e T.∥⊎∥ x SM.∈ xs    

-- If two expressions have the same free variables, then fresh returns
-- the same fresh variable for both expressions.

fresh-unique :
  (∀ x  x ∈FV e₁  x ∈FV e₂) 
  proj₁ (fresh e₁)  proj₁ (fresh e₂)
fresh-unique same = fresh′-unique  x _  same x)

-- Decision procedures

-- These decision procedures could presumably be implemented using
-- free.

-- The free variable relation, _∈FV_, is decidable.


  _∈?_ :  x e  Dec (x ∈FV e)
  x ∈? apply e₁ e₂ with x ∈? e₁
  x ∈? apply e₁ e₂ | yes x∈e₁ = yes (apply-left x∈e₁)
  x ∈? apply e₁ e₂ | no x∉e₁  = ⊎-map apply-right
                                       x∉e₂  λ { (apply-left  x∈e₁)  x∉e₁ x∈e₁
                                                  ; (apply-right x∈e₂)  x∉e₂ x∈e₂
                                      (x ∈? e₂)
  x ∈? lambda y e  with x V.≟ y
  x ∈? lambda y e  | yes x≡y = no  { (lambda x≢y _)  x≢y x≡y })
  x ∈? lambda y e  | no  x≢y = ⊎-map (lambda x≢y)
                                      x∉e  λ { (lambda _ x∈e)  x∉e x∈e })
                                     (x ∈? e)
  x ∈? rec y e     with x V.≟ y
  x ∈? rec y e     | yes x≡y = no  { (rec x≢y _)  x≢y x≡y })
  x ∈? rec y e     | no  x≢y = ⊎-map (rec x≢y)
                                      x∉e  λ { (rec _ x∈e)  x∉e x∈e })
                                     (x ∈? e)
  x ∈? var y       with x V.≟ y
  x ∈? var y       | yes x≡y = yes (var x≡y)
  x ∈? var y       | no  x≢y = no  { (var x≡y)  x≢y x≡y })
  x ∈? const c es  = ⊎-map  { (_ , e∈es , x∈e)  const x∈e e∈es })
                            x∉es  λ { (const x∈e e∈es) 
                                         x∉es (_ , e∈es , x∈e) })
                           (x ∈?-⋆ es)
  x ∈? case e bs   with x ∈? e
  x ∈? case e bs   | yes x∈e = yes (case-head x∈e)
  x ∈? case e bs   | no  x∉e = ⊎-map  { (_ , _ , _ , xs→e∈bs , x∈e , x∉xs) 
                                            case-body x∈e xs→e∈bs x∉xs })
                                      x∉bs  λ { (case-head x∈e)               x∉e x∈e
                                                 ; (case-body x∈e xs→e∈bs x∉xs) 
                                                     x∉bs (_ , _ , _ , xs→e∈bs , x∈e , x∉xs)
                                     (x ∈?-B⋆ bs)

  _∈?-⋆_ :  x es  Dec ( λ e  e  es × x ∈FV e)
  x ∈?-⋆ []       = no  { (_ , () , _) })
  x ∈?-⋆ (e  es) with x ∈? e
  x ∈?-⋆ (e  es) | yes x∈e = yes (_ , inj₁ refl , x∈e)
  x ∈?-⋆ (e  es) | no  x∉e =
    ⊎-map (Σ-map id (Σ-map inj₂ id))
           x∉es  λ { (_ , inj₁ refl , x∈e)  x∉e x∈e
                      ; (_ , inj₂ e∈es , x∈e)  x∉es (_ , e∈es , x∈e)
          (x ∈?-⋆ es)

  _∈?-B⋆_ :
     x bs 
    Dec ( λ c   λ xs   λ e 
           branch c xs e  bs × x ∈FV e × ¬ x  xs)
  x ∈?-B⋆ []                   = no λ { (_ , _ , _ , () , _) }

  x ∈?-B⋆ (branch c xs e  bs) with x ∈?-B⋆ bs
  x ∈?-B⋆ (branch c xs e  bs) | yes x∈bs =
    yes (Σ-map id (Σ-map id (Σ-map id (Σ-map inj₂ id))) x∈bs)

  x ∈?-B⋆ (branch c xs e  bs) | no  x∉bs with V.member x xs
  x ∈?-B⋆ (branch c xs e  bs) | no  x∉bs | yes x∈xs =
    no  { (_ , _ , _ , inj₁ refl , _   , x∉xs)  x∉xs x∈xs
          ; (_ , _ , _ , inj₂ e∈es , x∈e , x∉xs) 
              x∉bs (_ , _ , _ , e∈es , x∈e , x∉xs)

  x ∈?-B⋆ (branch c xs e  bs) | no  x∉bs | no  x∉xs =
    ⊎-map  x∈e  _ , _ , _ , inj₁ refl , x∈e , x∉xs)
           x∉e  λ { (_ , _ , _ , inj₁ refl , x∈e , _)     x∉e x∈e
                     ; (_ , _ , _ , inj₂ e∈es , x∈e , x∉xs) 
                         x∉bs (_ , _ , _ , e∈es , x∈e , x∉xs)
          (x ∈? e)

-- The Closed′ relation is decidable.


  closed′? :  e xs  Dec (Closed′ xs e)
  closed′? (apply e₁ e₂) xs with closed′? e₁ xs
  closed′? (apply e₁ e₂) xs | no ¬cl₁ = no (¬cl₁   cl₁ x x∉xs  cl₁ x x∉xs  apply-left))
  closed′? (apply e₁ e₂) xs | yes cl₁ = ⊎-map (Closed′-closed-under-apply cl₁)
                                              (_∘  cl₂ x x∉xs  cl₂ x x∉xs  apply-right))
                                              (closed′? e₂ xs)
  closed′? (lambda x e)  xs = ⊎-map Closed′-closed-under-lambda
                                     ¬cl cl  ¬cl  y y∉x∷xs y∈e  cl y (y∉x∷xs  inj₂)
                                                                           (lambda (y∉x∷xs  inj₁) y∈e)))
                                    (closed′? e (x  xs))
  closed′? (rec x e)     xs = ⊎-map Closed′-closed-under-rec
                                     ¬cl cl  ¬cl  y y∉x∷xs y∈e  cl y (y∉x∷xs  inj₂)
                                                                           (rec (y∉x∷xs  inj₁) y∈e)))
                                    (closed′? e (x  xs))
  closed′? (var x)       xs = ⊎-map Closed′-closed-under-var
                                     x∉xs cl  cl x x∉xs (var refl))
                                    (V.member x xs)
  closed′? (const c es)  xs = ⊎-map Closed′-closed-under-const
                                     ¬cl cl  ¬cl  _ e∈es x x∉xs x∈e 
                                                       cl x x∉xs (const x∈e e∈es)))
                                    (closed′?-⋆ es xs)
  closed′? (case e bs)   xs with closed′? e xs
  closed′? (case e bs)   xs | no  ¬cl-e = no  cl  ¬cl-e  x x∉xs 
                                                              cl x x∉xs  case-head))
  closed′? (case e bs)   xs | yes cl-e  =
    ⊎-map (Closed′-closed-under-case cl-e)
          (_∘ proj₂  _≃_.to Closed′-case≃)
          (closed′?-B⋆ bs xs)

  closed′?-⋆ :  es xs  Dec (All (Closed′ xs) es)
  closed′?-⋆ []       xs = yes  _ ())
  closed′?-⋆ (e  es) xs with closed′? e xs
  closed′?-⋆ (e  es) xs | no  ¬cl-e = no  cl 
                                             ¬cl-e (cl _ (inj₁ refl)))
  closed′?-⋆ (e  es) xs | yes cl-e  =
    ⊎-map  cl-es e  [  e′≡e x x∉xs  subst  e  ¬ x ∈FV e)
                                                (sym e′≡e)
                                                (cl-e x x∉xs))
                       , cl-es e
           ¬cl-es cl  ¬cl-es  e  cl e  inj₂))
          (closed′?-⋆ es xs)

  closed′?-B :  b xs  Dec (Closed′-Br xs b)
  closed′?-B (branch c ys e) xs = closed′? e (ys ++ xs)

  closed′?-B⋆ :  bs xs  Dec (All (Closed′-Br xs) bs)
  closed′?-B⋆ []       xs = yes  _ ())

  closed′?-B⋆ (b  bs) xs with closed′?-B⋆ bs xs
  closed′?-B⋆ (b  bs) xs | no ¬cl-bs =
    no  cl  ¬cl-bs λ _  cl _  inj₂)

  closed′?-B⋆ (b  bs) xs | yes cl-bs =
    ⊎-map  cl-b b′ 
             [  b′≡b  subst (Closed′-Br _) (sym b′≡b) cl-b)
             , cl-bs _
          (_∘ λ cl-bs  cl-bs _ (inj₁ refl))
          (closed′?-B b xs)

-- The Closed relation is decidable.

closed? :  e  Dec (Closed e)
closed? e = closed′? e []

-- Substituting something for a variable that is not free

-- If x is not free in e, then nothing happens when a term is
-- substituted for x in e.


  subst-∉ :  x e {e′}  ¬ x ∈FV e  e [ x  e′ ]  e
  subst-∉ x (apply e₁ e₂) x∉ = cong₂ apply (subst-∉ x e₁ (x∉  apply-left))
                                           (subst-∉ x e₂ (x∉  apply-right))
  subst-∉ x (lambda y e)  x∉ with x V.≟ y
  subst-∉ x (lambda y e)  x∉ | yes _   = refl
  subst-∉ x (lambda y e)  x∉ | no  x≢y = cong (lambda y) (subst-∉ x e (x∉  lambda x≢y))
  subst-∉ x (case e bs)   x∉ = cong₂ case (subst-∉ x e (x∉  case-head))
                                          (subst-∉-B⋆ x bs _  { (_ , _ , _ , ∈bs , x∈ , x∉xs) 
                                                                  x∉ (case-body x∈ ∈bs x∉xs) }))
  subst-∉ x (rec y e)     x∉ with x V.≟ y
  subst-∉ x (rec y e)     x∉ | yes _   = refl
  subst-∉ x (rec y e)     x∉ | no  x≢y = cong (rec y) (subst-∉ x e (x∉  rec x≢y))
  subst-∉ x (var y)       x∉ with x V.≟ y
  subst-∉ x (var y)       x∉ | yes x≡y = ⊥-elim (x∉ (var x≡y))
  subst-∉ x (var y)       x∉ | no  _   = refl
  subst-∉ x (const c es)  x∉ = cong (const c) (subst-∉-⋆ x es
                                                 (x∉   { (_ , ps , p)  const p ps })))

  subst-∉-⋆ :
     x es {e′} 
    ¬ ( λ e  e  es × x ∈FV e) 
    es [ x  e′ ]⋆  es
  subst-∉-⋆ x []       x∉ = refl
  subst-∉-⋆ x (e  es) x∉ = cong₂ _∷_ (subst-∉ x e  x∈  x∉ (_ , inj₁ refl , x∈)))
                                      (subst-∉-⋆ x es (x∉  Σ-map id (Σ-map inj₂ id)))

  subst-∉-B :
    ¬ (x ∈FV e × ¬ x  xs) 
    branch c xs e [ x  e′ ]B  branch c xs e
  subst-∉-B {x = x} {e = e} {xs = xs} {c = c} {e′ = e′} x∉
    with V.member x xs
   | yes _ =
    branch c xs e  
   | no x∉xs =
    branch c xs (e [ x  e′ ])  ≡⟨ cong (branch _ _) $ subst-∉ x e (→-cong-→ (_, x∉xs) id x∉) ⟩∎
    branch c xs e               

  subst-∉-B⋆ :
     x bs e′ 
    ¬ ( λ c   λ xs   λ e 
         branch c xs e  bs × x ∈FV e × ¬ x  xs) 
    bs [ x  e′ ]B⋆  bs
  subst-∉-B⋆ x []                  _ x∉ = refl
  subst-∉-B⋆ x (branch c xs e  bs) _ x∉ = cong₂ _∷_
    (subst-∉-B (x∉  (c ,_)  (xs ,_)  (e ,_)  (inj₁ refl ,_)))
    (subst-∉-B⋆ _ bs _
       (x∉  Σ-map id (Σ-map id (Σ-map id (Σ-map inj₂ id)))))

-- If it is not the case that x is both free in e and not a member of
-- xs, then ⟨ xs , e ⟩[ x ← e′ ] is equal to e.

⟨,⟩[←]-∉ :
  ¬ (x ∈FV e × ¬ x  xs) 
   xs , e ⟩[ x  e′ ]  e
⟨,⟩[←]-∉ {x = x} {e = e} {e′ = e′} xs hyp =
   xs , e ⟩[ x  e′ ]                       ≡⟨ ⟨,⟩[←]≡ xs 
  if V.member x xs then e else e [ x  e′ ]  ≡⟨ lemma (V.member x xs) ⟩∎
  lemma :
    (b : Dec (x  xs)) 
    if b then e else e [ x  e′ ]  e
  lemma (yes _)   = refl
  lemma (no x∉xs) =         $⟨ hyp 
    ¬ (x ∈FV e × ¬ x  xs)  →⟨ →-cong-→ (_, x∉xs) id 
    ¬ x ∈FV e               →⟨ subst-∉ _ _ ⟩□
    e [ x  e′ ]  e        

-- If e is closed, then nothing happens when a term is substituted for
-- x in e.

subst-closed :  x e′ {e}  Closed e  e [ x  e′ ]  e
subst-closed _ _ c = subst-∉ _ _ (c _  ()))

-- An n-ary variant of the previous lemma.

substs-closed :
   e  Closed e   ps 
  foldr  ye  _[ proj₁ ye  proj₂ ye ]) e ps  e
substs-closed e cl []              = refl
substs-closed e cl ((y , e′)  ps) =
  foldr  { (y , e)  _[ y  e ] }) e ps [ y  e′ ]  ≡⟨ cong _[ y  e′ ] (substs-closed e cl ps) 
  e [ y  e′ ]                                        ≡⟨ subst-closed _ _ cl ⟩∎

-- Evaluation and free variables

-- A lemma used below: if Lookup c bs xs e holds then branch c xs e is
-- one of the branches in bs.

Lookup→branch∈ : Lookup c bs xs e  branch c xs e  bs
Lookup→branch∈ here        = inj₁ refl
Lookup→branch∈ (there _ p) = inj₂ (Lookup→branch∈ p)

-- If a value contains a free variable, then every term that evaluates
-- to this value also contains the given free variable.


  ⇓-does-not-introduce-variables :
     {x v e}  e  v  x ∈FV v  x ∈FV e
  ⇓-does-not-introduce-variables lambda     q                = q
  ⇓-does-not-introduce-variables (const ps) (const x∈v v∈vs)
    with ⇓⋆-does-not-introduce-variables ps (_ , v∈vs , x∈v)
  ... | _ , e∈es , x∈e = const x∈e e∈es
  ⇓-does-not-introduce-variables (apply {e = e} p₁ p₂ p₃) q
    with subst-∈FV _ e (⇓-does-not-introduce-variables p₃ q)
  ... | inj₂ x∈v₂         = apply-right
                              (⇓-does-not-introduce-variables p₂ x∈v₂)
  ... | inj₁ (x∈e , x≢x′) = apply-left
                              (⇓-does-not-introduce-variables p₁
                                 (lambda x≢x′ x∈e))
  ⇓-does-not-introduce-variables (rec {e = e} p) q
    with subst-∈FV _ e (⇓-does-not-introduce-variables p q)
  ... | inj₂ x∈rec        = x∈rec
  ... | inj₁ (x∈e , x≢x′) = rec x≢x′ x∈e
  ⇓-does-not-introduce-variables {x} {w}
    (case {e = e} {bs = bs} {c = c} {es = es} {xs = xs} {e′ = e′} {e″ = e″} p₁ p₂ p₃ p₄) =

    x ∈FV w                                                   ↝⟨ ⇓-does-not-introduce-variables p₄ 
    x ∈FV e″                                                  ↝⟨ lemma p₃ 
    (x ∈FV e′ × ¬ x  xs)    e″₁  e″₁  es × x ∈FV e″₁)  ↝⟨ ⊎-map id  { (_ , ps , p)  const p ps }) 
    (x ∈FV e′ × ¬ x  xs)  x ∈FV const c es                  ↝⟨ ⊎-map  p  Lookup→branch∈ p₂ , p) (⇓-does-not-introduce-variables p₁) 
    (branch c xs e′  bs × x ∈FV e′ × ¬ x  xs)  x ∈FV e     ↝⟨ [  { (ps , p , q)  case-body p ps q }) , case-head ] 
    x ∈FV case e bs                                           

    lemma :  {e e′ x xs es} 
            e [ xs  es ]↦ e′  x ∈FV e′ 
            (x ∈FV e × ¬ x  xs)   λ e″  e″  es × x ∈FV e″
    lemma {e′ = e′} {x} [] =
      x ∈FV e′                 ↝⟨  p  inj₁ (p ,  ()))) ⟩□
      x ∈FV e′ × ¬ x  []  _  
    lemma {e} {x = x}
          (∷_ {x = y} {xs = ys} {e′ = e′} {es′ = es′} {e″ = e″} p) =

      x ∈FV e″ [ y  e′ ]                                           ↝⟨ subst-∈FV _ _ 

      x ∈FV e″ × x  y  x ∈FV e′                                   ↝⟨ ⊎-map (Σ-map (lemma p) id) id 

      (x ∈FV e × ¬ x  ys   λ e‴  e‴  es′ × x ∈FV e‴) × x  y
      x ∈FV e′                                                      ↝⟨ [ uncurry  p x≢y  ⊎-map (Σ-map id  x∉ys  [ x≢y , x∉ys ]))
                                                                                                  (Σ-map id (Σ-map inj₂ id))
                                                                       ,  p  inj₂ (_ , inj₁ refl , p))
                                                                       ] ⟩□
      x ∈FV e × ¬ x  y  ys  ( λ e″  e″  e′  es′ × x ∈FV e″)  

  ⇓⋆-does-not-introduce-variables :
     {x es vs} 
    es ⇓⋆ vs 
    ( λ v  v  vs × x ∈FV v) 
    ( λ e  e  es × x ∈FV e)
  ⇓⋆-does-not-introduce-variables [] = id
  ⇓⋆-does-not-introduce-variables (p  ps) (v , inj₁ refl , q) =
    _ , inj₁ refl , ⇓-does-not-introduce-variables p q
  ⇓⋆-does-not-introduce-variables (p  ps) (v , inj₂ v∈   , q) =
    Σ-map id (Σ-map inj₂ id)
      (⇓⋆-does-not-introduce-variables ps (v , v∈ , q))

-- A closed term's value is closed.

closed⇓closed :  {e v xs}  e  v  Closed′ xs e  Closed′ xs v
closed⇓closed {e} {v} {xs} p q x x∉xs =
  x ∈FV v  ↝⟨ ⇓-does-not-introduce-variables p 
  x ∈FV e  ↝⟨ q x x∉xs ⟩□

-- More properties

-- A constructor for closed expressions.

apply-cl : Closed-exp  Closed-exp  Closed-exp
apply-cl (e₁ , cl-e₁) (e₂ , cl-e₂) =
    apply e₁ e₂
  , (Closed′-closed-under-apply
       (Closed→Closed′ cl-e₁)
       (Closed→Closed′ cl-e₂))

-- A certain "swapping" lemma does not hold.

no-swapping :
  ¬ (∀ x y e e′ e″ 
     x  y 
     Closed e′ 
     Closed (e″ [ x  e′ ]) 
     e [ x  e′ ] [ y  e″ [ x  e′ ] ]  e [ y  e″ ] [ x  e′ ])
no-swapping hyp = distinct (hyp x′ y′ e₁′ e₂′ e₃′ x≢y cl₁ cl₂)
  x′ = V.name 0
  y′ = V.name 1

  e₁′ : Exp
  e₁′ = lambda x′ (var y′)

  e₂′ : Exp
  e₂′ = const (C.name 0) []

  e₃′ : Exp
  e₃′ = var x′

  x≢y : x′  y′
  x≢y = V.distinct-codes→distinct-names  ())

  cl₁ : Closed e₂′
  cl₁ = from-⊎ (closed? e₂′)

  cl₂ : Closed (e₃′ [ x′  e₂′ ])
  cl₂ with x′ V.≟ x′
  ... | no  x≢x = ⊥-elim (x≢x refl)
  ... | yes _   = cl₁

  lhs : e₁′ [ x′  e₂′ ] [ y′  e₃′ [ x′  e₂′ ] ]  lambda x′ e₂′
  lhs with x′ V.≟ x′
  ... | no  x≢x = ⊥-elim (x≢x refl)
  ... | yes _   with y′ V.≟ x′
  ...   | yes y≡x = ⊥-elim (x≢y (sym y≡x))
  ...   | no  _   with y′ V.≟ y′
  ...     | no  y≢y = ⊥-elim (y≢y refl)
  ...     | yes _   = refl

  rhs : e₁′ [ y′  e₃′ ] [ x′  e₂′ ]  lambda x′ (var x′)
  rhs with y′ V.≟ x′
  ... | yes y≡x = ⊥-elim (x≢y (sym y≡x))
  ... | no  _   with y′ V.≟ y′
  ...   | no  y≢y = ⊥-elim (y≢y refl)
  ...   | yes _   with x′ V.≟ x′
  ...     | no  x≢x = ⊥-elim (x≢x refl)
  ...     | yes _   = refl

  distinct : e₁′ [ x′  e₂′ ] [ y′  e₃′ [ x′  e₂′ ] ] 
             e₁′ [ y′  e₃′ ] [ x′  e₂′ ]
  distinct rewrite lhs | rhs = λ ()

-- Another swapping lemma does hold.

module _
  (x≢y  : x  y)
  (x∉e″ : ¬ x ∈FV e″)
  (y∉e′ : ¬ y ∈FV e′)


    swap :  e  e [ x  e′ ] [ y  e″ ]  e [ y  e″ ] [ x  e′ ]
    swap (apply e₁ e₂) = cong₂ apply (swap e₁) (swap e₂)

    swap (lambda z e) with x V.≟ z | y V.≟ z
     | yes _ | yes _ = refl
     | yes _ | no  _ = refl
     | no  _ | yes _ = refl
     | no  _ | no  _ = cong (lambda z) (swap e)

    swap (case e bs) = cong₂ case (swap e) (swap-B⋆ bs)

    swap (rec z e) with x V.≟ z | y V.≟ z
     | yes _ | yes _ = refl
     | yes _ | no  _ = refl
     | no  _ | yes _ = refl
     | no  _ | no  _ = cong (rec z) (swap e)

    swap (var z) with x V.≟ z | y V.≟ z
     | yes x≡z | yes y≡z =
      ⊥-elim $ x≢y (trans x≡z (sym y≡z))

     | yes x≡z | no _ =
      e′ [ y  e″ ]     ≡⟨ subst-∉ _ _ y∉e′ 
      e′                ≡⟨ sym $ var-step-≡ x≡z ⟩∎
      var z [ x  e′ ]  

     | no _ | yes y≡z =
      var z [ y  e″ ]  ≡⟨ var-step-≡ y≡z 
      e″                ≡⟨ sym $ subst-∉ _ _ x∉e″ ⟩∎
      e″ [ x  e′ ]     

     | no x≢z | no y≢z =
      var z [ y  e″ ]  ≡⟨ var-step-≢ y≢z 
      var z             ≡⟨ sym $ var-step-≢ x≢z ⟩∎
      var z [ x  e′ ]  

    swap (const c es) = cong (const c) (swap-⋆ es)

    swap-B :
       b  b [ x  e′ ]B [ y  e″ ]B  b [ y  e″ ]B [ x  e′ ]B
    swap-B (branch c zs e) with V.member x zs | V.member y zs
     | yes x∈zs | yes y∈zs =
      branch c zs e [ y  e″ ]B  ≡⟨ branch-step-∈ y∈zs 
      branch c zs e              ≡⟨ sym $ branch-step-∈ x∈zs ⟩∎
      branch c zs e [ x  e′ ]B  

     | yes x∈zs | no y∉zs =
      branch c zs e [ y  e″ ]B               ≡⟨ branch-step-∉ y∉zs 
      branch c zs (e [ y  e″ ])              ≡⟨ sym $ branch-step-∈ x∈zs ⟩∎
      branch c zs (e [ y  e″ ]) [ x  e′ ]B  

     | no x∉zs | yes y∈zs =
      branch c zs (e [ x  e′ ]) [ y  e″ ]B  ≡⟨ branch-step-∈ y∈zs 
      branch c zs (e [ x  e′ ])              ≡⟨ sym $ branch-step-∉ x∉zs ⟩∎
      branch c zs e [ x  e′ ]B               

     | no x∉zs | no y∉zs =
      branch c zs (e [ x  e′ ]) [ y  e″ ]B  ≡⟨ branch-step-∉ y∉zs 
      branch c zs (e [ x  e′ ] [ y  e″ ])   ≡⟨ cong (branch c zs) (swap e) 
      branch c zs (e [ y  e″ ] [ x  e′ ])   ≡⟨ sym $ branch-step-∉ x∉zs ⟩∎
      branch c zs (e [ y  e″ ]) [ x  e′ ]B  

    swap-⋆ :
       es  es [ x  e′ ]⋆ [ y  e″ ]⋆  es [ y  e″ ]⋆ [ x  e′ ]⋆
    swap-⋆ []       = refl
    swap-⋆ (e  es) = cong₂ _∷_ (swap e) (swap-⋆ es)

    swap-B⋆ :
       bs  bs [ x  e′ ]B⋆ [ y  e″ ]B⋆  bs [ y  e″ ]B⋆ [ x  e′ ]B⋆
    swap-B⋆ []       = refl
    swap-B⋆ (b  bs) = cong₂ _∷_ (swap-B b) (swap-B⋆ bs)