-- Listed finite subsets

-- Based on Frumin, Geuvers, Gondelman and van der Weide's "Finite
-- Sets in Homotopy Type Theory".

-- A membership relation, and a number of definitions that make use of
-- the membership relation, can be found in
-- Finite-subset.Listed.Membership. That module uses --cubical rather
-- than --erased-cubical. However, definitions from that module can be
-- used in erased contexts in modules that use --erased-cubical. That
-- approach is taken in Finite-subset.Listed.Membership.Erased.

{-# OPTIONS --erased-cubical --safe #-}

import Equality.Path as P

module Finite-subset.Listed
  {e⁺} (eq :  {a p}  P.Equality-with-paths a p e⁺) where

open P.Derived-definitions-and-properties eq hiding (elim)

open import Prelude hiding (swap)

open import Bijection equality-with-J using (_↔_)
open import Equality.Path.Isomorphisms eq
open import Function-universe equality-with-J hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level equality-with-J as H-level
import List equality-with-J as L
open import Maybe equality-with-J as Maybe using (maybe)
open import Monad equality-with-J as M using (Raw-monad; Monad; _=<<_)

    a b p       : Level
    A B         : Type a
    x y z z₁ z₂ : A
    P           : A  Type p
    f g         : (x : A)  P x

-- Listed finite subsets

-- Listed finite subsets of a given type.

infixr 5 _∷_

data Finite-subset-of (A : Type a) : Type a where
  []      : Finite-subset-of A
  _∷_     : A  Finite-subset-of A  Finite-subset-of A
  dropᴾ   : x  x  y P.≡ x  y
  swapᴾ   : x  y  z P.≡ y  x  z
  is-setᴾ : P.Is-set (Finite-subset-of A)

-- Variants of some of the constructors.

drop :
  {x : A} {y : Finite-subset-of A} 
  x  x  y  x  y
drop = _↔_.from ≡↔≡ dropᴾ

swap :
  {x y : A} {z : Finite-subset-of A} 
  x  y  z  y  x  z
swap = _↔_.from ≡↔≡ swapᴾ

is-set : Is-set (Finite-subset-of A)
is-set =
  _↔_.from (H-level↔H-level 2) Finite-subset-of.is-setᴾ

-- Eliminators

-- A dependent eliminator, expressed using paths.

record Elimᴾ {A : Type a} (P : Finite-subset-of A  Type p) :
             Type (a  p) where
    []ʳ     : P []
    ∷ʳ      :  x  P y  P (x  y)
    dropʳ   :  x (p : P y) 
              P.[  i  P (dropᴾ {x = x} {y = y} i)) ]
                ∷ʳ x (∷ʳ x p)  ∷ʳ x p
    swapʳ   :  x y (p : P z) 
              P.[  i  P (swapᴾ {x = x} {y = y} {z = z} i)) ]
                ∷ʳ x (∷ʳ y p)  ∷ʳ y (∷ʳ x p)
    is-setʳ :  x  P.Is-set (P x)

open Elimᴾ public

elimᴾ : Elimᴾ P  (x : Finite-subset-of A)  P x
elimᴾ {A} {P} e = helper
  module E = Elimᴾ e

  helper : (x : Finite-subset-of A)  P x
  helper []      = E.[]ʳ
  helper (x  y) = E.∷ʳ x (helper y)

  helper (dropᴾ {x} {y} i) =
    E.dropʳ x (helper y) i

  helper (swapᴾ {x} {y} {z} i) =
    E.swapʳ x y (helper z) i

  helper (is-setᴾ x y i j) =
      E.is-setʳ (Finite-subset-of.is-setᴾ x y)
       i  helper (x i))  i  helper (y i)) i j

-- A non-dependent eliminator, expressed using paths.

record Recᴾ (A : Type a) (B : Type b) : Type (a  b) where
    []ʳ     : B
    ∷ʳ      : A  Finite-subset-of A  B  B
    dropʳ   :  x y p 
              ∷ʳ x (x  y) (∷ʳ x y p) P.≡ ∷ʳ x y p
    swapʳ   :  x y z p 
              ∷ʳ x (y  z) (∷ʳ y z p) P.≡ ∷ʳ y (x  z) (∷ʳ x z p)
    is-setʳ : P.Is-set B

open Recᴾ public

recᴾ : Recᴾ A B  Finite-subset-of A  B
recᴾ r = elimᴾ e
  module R = Recᴾ r

  e : Elimᴾ _
  e .[]ʳ           = R.[]ʳ
  e .∷ʳ {y} x      = R.∷ʳ x y
  e .dropʳ {y} x   = R.dropʳ x y
  e .swapʳ {z} x y = R.swapʳ x y z
  e .is-setʳ _     = R.is-setʳ

-- A dependent eliminator, expressed using equality.

record Elim {A : Type a} (P : Finite-subset-of A  Type p) :
            Type (a  p) where
    []ʳ     : P []
    ∷ʳ      :  x  P y  P (x  y)
    dropʳ   :  x (p : P y) 
              subst P (drop {x = x} {y = y}) (∷ʳ x (∷ʳ x p))  ∷ʳ x p
    swapʳ   :  x y (p : P z) 
              subst P (swap {x = x} {y = y} {z = z}) (∷ʳ x (∷ʳ y p)) 
              ∷ʳ y (∷ʳ x p)
    is-setʳ :  x  Is-set (P x)

open Elim public

elim : Elim P  (x : Finite-subset-of A)  P x
elim e = elimᴾ e′
  module E = Elim e

  e′ : Elimᴾ _
  e′ .[]ʳ         = E.[]ʳ
  e′ .∷ʳ          = E.∷ʳ
  e′ .dropʳ x p   = subst≡→[]≡ (E.dropʳ x p)
  e′ .swapʳ x y p = subst≡→[]≡ (E.swapʳ x y p)
  e′ .is-setʳ x   = _↔_.to (H-level↔H-level 2) (E.is-setʳ x)

-- A non-dependent eliminator, expressed using equality.

record Rec (A : Type a) (B : Type b) : Type (a  b) where
    []ʳ     : B
    ∷ʳ      : A  Finite-subset-of A  B  B
    dropʳ   :  x y p 
              ∷ʳ x (x  y) (∷ʳ x y p)  ∷ʳ x y p
    swapʳ   :  x y z p 
              ∷ʳ x (y  z) (∷ʳ y z p)  ∷ʳ y (x  z) (∷ʳ x z p)
    is-setʳ : Is-set B

open Rec public

rec : Rec A B  Finite-subset-of A  B
rec r = recᴾ r′
  module R = Rec r

  r′ : Recᴾ _ _
  r′ .[]ʳ           = R.[]ʳ
  r′ .∷ʳ            = R.∷ʳ
  r′ .dropʳ x y p   = _↔_.to ≡↔≡ (R.dropʳ x y p)
  r′ .swapʳ x y z p = _↔_.to ≡↔≡ (R.swapʳ x y z p)
  r′ .is-setʳ       = _↔_.to (H-level↔H-level 2) R.is-setʳ

-- A dependent eliminator for propositions.

record Elim-prop
         {A : Type a} (P : Finite-subset-of A  Type p) :
         Type (a  p) where
    []ʳ             : P []
    ∷ʳ              :  x  P y  P (x  y)
    is-propositionʳ :  x  Is-proposition (P x)

open Elim-prop public

elim-prop : Elim-prop P  (x : Finite-subset-of A)  P x
elim-prop e = elim e′
  module E = Elim-prop e

  e′ : Elim _
  e′ .[]ʳ         = E.[]ʳ
  e′ .∷ʳ          = E.∷ʳ
  e′ .dropʳ _ _   = E.is-propositionʳ _ _ _
  e′ .swapʳ _ _ _ = E.is-propositionʳ _ _ _
  e′ .is-setʳ _   = H-level.mono₁ 1 (E.is-propositionʳ _)

-- A non-dependent eliminator for propositions.

record Rec-prop (A : Type a) (B : Type b) : Type (a  b) where
    []ʳ             : B
    ∷ʳ              : A  Finite-subset-of A  B  B
    is-propositionʳ : Is-proposition B

open Rec-prop public

rec-prop : Rec-prop A B  Finite-subset-of A  B
rec-prop r = elim-prop e
  module R = Rec-prop r

  e : Elim-prop _
  e .[]ʳ               = R.[]ʳ
  e .∷ʳ {y} x          = R.∷ʳ x y
  e .is-propositionʳ _ = R.is-propositionʳ

-- Some operations

-- Singleton subsets.

singleton : A  Finite-subset-of A
singleton x = x  []

-- The union of two finite subsets.

infixr 5 _∪_

_∪_ :
  Finite-subset-of A  Finite-subset-of A 
  Finite-subset-of A
[]                   y = y
(x  y)              z = x  (y  z)
dropᴾ {x} {y} i      z = dropᴾ {x = x} {y = y  z} i
swapᴾ {x} {y} {z} i  u = swapᴾ {x = x} {y = y} {z = z  u} i
is-setᴾ x y i j      z = is-setᴾ  i  x i  z)  i  y i  z) i j

-- [] is a right identity for _∪_.

∪[] :
  (x : Finite-subset-of A) 
  x  []  x
∪[] = elim-prop e
  e : Elim-prop _
  e .is-propositionʳ _ = is-set
  e .[]ʳ               = refl _
  e .∷ʳ {y} x hyp      =
    x  y  []  ≡⟨ cong (x ∷_) hyp ⟩∎
    x  y       

-- A lemma relating _∪_ and _∷_.

∪∷ :
  (x : Finite-subset-of A) 
  x  (y  z)  y  x  z
∪∷ {y} {z} = elim-prop e
  e : Elim-prop _
  e .is-propositionʳ _ = is-set

  e .[]ʳ = refl _

  e .∷ʳ {y = u} x hyp =
    (x  u)  (y  z)  ≡⟨⟩
    x  u  (y  z)    ≡⟨ cong (x ∷_) hyp 
    x  y  u  z      ≡⟨ swap 
    y  x  u  z      ≡⟨⟩
    y  (x  u)  z    

-- Union is associative.

assoc :
  (x : Finite-subset-of A) 
  x  (y  z)  (x  y)  z
assoc {y} {z} = elim-prop e
  e : Elim-prop _
  e .is-propositionʳ _ = is-set

  e .[]ʳ = refl _

  e .∷ʳ {y = u} x hyp =
    x  u  (y  z)  ≡⟨ cong (x ∷_) hyp ⟩∎
    x  (u  y)  z  

-- Union is commutative.

comm :
  (x : Finite-subset-of A) 
  x  y  y  x
comm {y} = elim-prop e
  e : Elim-prop _
  e .is-propositionʳ _ = is-set

  e .[]ʳ =
    []  y  ≡⟨⟩
    y       ≡⟨ sym (∪[] y) ⟩∎
    y  []  

  e .∷ʳ {y = z} x hyp =
    x  z  y    ≡⟨ cong (x ∷_) hyp 
    x  y  z    ≡⟨ sym (∪∷ y) ⟩∎
    y  (x  z)  

-- Union is idempotent.

idem : (x : Finite-subset-of A)  x  x  x
idem = elim-prop e
  e : Elim-prop _
  e .[]ʳ =
    []  []  ≡⟨⟩

  e .∷ʳ {y} x hyp =
    (x  y)  (x  y)  ≡⟨⟩
    x  y  x  y      ≡⟨ cong (_ ∷_) (∪∷ y) 
    x  x  y  y      ≡⟨ drop 
    x  y  y          ≡⟨ cong (_ ∷_) hyp ⟩∎
    x  y              

  e .is-propositionʳ = λ _  is-set

-- Union distributes from the left and right over union.

∪-distrib-left :  x  x  (y  z)  (x  y)  (x  z)
∪-distrib-left {y} {z} x =
  x  (y  z)        ≡⟨ cong (_∪ _) $ sym (idem x) 
  (x  x)  (y  z)  ≡⟨ sym $ assoc x 
  x  (x  (y  z))  ≡⟨ cong (x ∪_) $ assoc x 
  x  ((x  y)  z)  ≡⟨ cong ((x ∪_)  (_∪ _)) $ comm x 
  x  ((y  x)  z)  ≡⟨ cong (x ∪_) $ sym $ assoc y 
  x  (y  (x  z))  ≡⟨ assoc x ⟩∎
  (x  y)  (x  z)  

∪-distrib-right :  x  (x  y)  z  (x  z)  (y  z)
∪-distrib-right {y} {z} x =
  (x  y)  z        ≡⟨ comm (x  _) 
  z  (x  y)        ≡⟨ ∪-distrib-left z 
  (z  x)  (z  y)  ≡⟨ cong₂ _∪_ (comm z) (comm z) ⟩∎
  (x  z)  (y  z)  

-- A map function.

map : (A  B)  Finite-subset-of A  Finite-subset-of B
map f = recᴾ r
  r : Recᴾ _ _
  r .[]ʳ           = []
  r .∷ʳ x _ y      = f x  y
  r .dropʳ _ _ _   = dropᴾ
  r .swapʳ _ _ _ _ = swapᴾ
  r .is-setʳ       = is-setᴾ

-- Join.

join : Finite-subset-of (Finite-subset-of A)  Finite-subset-of A
join = rec r
  r : Rec _ _
  r .[]ʳ           = []
  r .∷ʳ x _        = x ∪_
  r .dropʳ x y z   = x  x  z    ≡⟨ assoc x 
                     (x  x)  z  ≡⟨ cong (_∪ _) (idem x) ⟩∎
                     x  z        
  r .swapʳ x y z u = x  y  u    ≡⟨ assoc x 
                     (x  y)  u  ≡⟨ cong (_∪ _) (comm x) 
                     (y  x)  u  ≡⟨ sym (assoc y) ⟩∎
                     y  x  u    
  r .is-setʳ       = is-set

-- A universe-polymorphic variant of bind.

infixl 5 _>>=′_

_>>=′_ :
  Finite-subset-of A  (A  Finite-subset-of B)  Finite-subset-of B
x >>=′ f = join (map f x)

-- Bind distributes from the right over union.

>>=-right-distributive :
   x  (x  y) >>=′ f  (x >>=′ f)  (y >>=′ f)
>>=-right-distributive {y} {f} = elim-prop e
  e : Elim-prop _
  e .[]ʳ               = refl _
  e .is-propositionʳ _ = is-set
  e .∷ʳ {y = z} x hyp  =
    ((x  z)  y) >>=′ f             ≡⟨⟩
    f x  ((z  y) >>=′ f)           ≡⟨ cong (f x ∪_) hyp 
    f x  ((z >>=′ f)  (y >>=′ f))  ≡⟨ assoc (f x) 
    (f x  (z >>=′ f))  (y >>=′ f)  ≡⟨⟩
    ((x  z) >>=′ f)  (y >>=′ f)    

-- Bind distributes from the left over union.

>>=-left-distributive :
   x  (x >>=′ λ x  f x  g x)  (x >>=′ f)  (x >>=′ g)
>>=-left-distributive {f} {g} = elim-prop e
  e : Elim-prop _
  e .[]ʳ               = refl _
  e .is-propositionʳ _ = is-set
  e .∷ʳ {y} x hyp      =
    (x  y) >>=′  x  f x  g x)           ≡⟨⟩
    (f x  g x)  (y >>=′ λ x  f x  g x)   ≡⟨ cong ((f x  g x) ∪_) hyp 
    (f x  g x)  ((y >>=′ f)  (y >>=′ g))  ≡⟨ sym (assoc (f x)) 
    f x  (g x  ((y >>=′ f)  (y >>=′ g)))  ≡⟨ cong (f x ∪_) (assoc (g x)) 
    f x  ((g x  (y >>=′ f))  (y >>=′ g))  ≡⟨ cong ((f x ∪_)  (_∪ (y >>=′ g))) (comm (g x)) 
    f x  (((y >>=′ f)  g x)  (y >>=′ g))  ≡⟨ cong (f x ∪_) (sym (assoc (y >>=′ f))) 
    f x  ((y >>=′ f)  (g x  (y >>=′ g)))  ≡⟨ assoc (f x) 
    (f x  (y >>=′ f))  (g x  (y >>=′ g))  ≡⟨⟩
    ((x  y) >>=′ f)  ((x  y) >>=′ g)      

-- Monad laws.

singleton->>= :
  (f : A  Finite-subset-of B) 
  singleton x >>=′ f  f x
singleton->>= {x} f =
  f x  []  ≡⟨ ∪[] _ ⟩∎
  f x       

>>=-singleton : x >>=′ singleton  x
>>=-singleton = elim-prop e _
  e : Elim-prop  x  x >>=′ singleton  x)
  e .[]ʳ               = refl _
  e .is-propositionʳ _ = is-set
  e .∷ʳ {y} x hyp      =
    x  (y >>=′ singleton)  ≡⟨ cong (_ ∷_) hyp ⟩∎
    x  y                   

>>=-assoc :  x  x >>=′  x  f x >>=′ g)  x >>=′ f >>=′ g
>>=-assoc {f} {g} = elim-prop e
  e : Elim-prop _
  e .[]ʳ               = refl _
  e .is-propositionʳ _ = is-set
  e .∷ʳ {y} x hyp      =
    (x  y) >>=′  x  f x >>=′ g)           ≡⟨⟩
    (f x >>=′ g)  (y >>=′ λ x  f x >>=′ g)  ≡⟨ cong ((f x >>=′ g) ∪_) hyp 
    (f x >>=′ g)  (y >>=′ f >>=′ g)          ≡⟨ sym (>>=-right-distributive (f x)) 
    (f x  (y >>=′ f)) >>=′ g                 ≡⟨⟩
    (x  y) >>=′ f >>=′ g                     

-- A monad instance.


  raw-monad : Raw-monad {d = a} Finite-subset-of
  raw-monad .M.return = singleton
  raw-monad .M._>>=_  = _>>=′_

  monad : Monad {d = a} Finite-subset-of
  monad .M.Monad.raw-monad           = raw-monad
  monad .M.Monad.left-identity _     = singleton->>=
  monad .M.Monad.right-identity _    = >>=-singleton
  monad .M.Monad.associativity x _ _ = >>=-assoc x


  -- A function used to define map-Maybe.

  map-Maybe-cons : Maybe B  Finite-subset-of B  Finite-subset-of B
  map-Maybe-cons = maybe _∷_ id

-- A combination of map and filter.

map-Maybe : (A  Maybe B)  Finite-subset-of A  Finite-subset-of B
map-Maybe f = rec r
  r : Rec _ _
  r .[]ʳ         = []

  r .∷ʳ x _ y    = map-Maybe-cons (f x) y

  r .is-setʳ     = is-set

  r .dropʳ x _ y = lemma (f x)
    lemma :
       m  map-Maybe-cons m (map-Maybe-cons m y)  map-Maybe-cons m y
    lemma nothing  = refl _
    lemma (just _) = drop

  r .swapʳ x y _ z = lemma (f x) (f y)
    lemma :
       m₁ m₂ 
      map-Maybe-cons m₁ (map-Maybe-cons m₂ z) 
      map-Maybe-cons m₂ (map-Maybe-cons m₁ z)
    lemma (just _) (just _) = swap
    lemma _        nothing  = refl _
    lemma nothing  _        = refl _

-- The function map-Maybe f commutes with map-Maybe g if f commutes
-- with g in a certain way.

map-Maybe-comm :
  {A : Type a} {f g : A  Maybe A} 
  (∀ x  f =<< g x  g =<< f x) 
   x  map-Maybe f (map-Maybe g x)  map-Maybe g (map-Maybe f x)
map-Maybe-comm {A} {f} {g} hyp = elim-prop λ where
    .is-propositionʳ _  is-set
    .[]ʳ                refl _
    .∷ʳ {y} x          
      curry (lemma (g x) (f x) (map-Maybe g y) (map-Maybe f y)) (hyp x)
  lemma :
     (gx fx : Maybe A) gy fy 
    f =<< gx  g =<< fx ×
    map-Maybe f gy  map-Maybe g fy 
    map-Maybe f (map-Maybe-cons gx gy) 
    map-Maybe g (map-Maybe-cons fx fy)
  lemma nothing nothing gy fy =
    nothing  nothing × map-Maybe f gy  map-Maybe g fy  →⟨ proj₂ ⟩□
    map-Maybe f gy  map-Maybe g fy                      
  lemma nothing (just fx) gy fy =
    nothing  g fx × map-Maybe f gy  map-Maybe g fy         →⟨  (hyp₁ , hyp₂) 
                                                                   trans hyp₂ (cong (flip map-Maybe-cons (map-Maybe g fy)) hyp₁)) ⟩□
    map-Maybe f gy  map-Maybe-cons (g fx) (map-Maybe g fy)  
  lemma (just gx) nothing gy fy =
    f gx  nothing × map-Maybe f gy  map-Maybe g fy         →⟨  (hyp₁ , hyp₂) 
                                                                   trans (cong (flip map-Maybe-cons (map-Maybe f gy)) hyp₁) hyp₂) ⟩□
    map-Maybe-cons (f gx) (map-Maybe f gy)  map-Maybe g fy  
  lemma (just gx) (just fx) gy fy =
    f gx  g fx × map-Maybe f gy  map-Maybe g fy  →⟨ uncurry (cong₂ map-Maybe-cons) ⟩□

    map-Maybe-cons (f gx) (map-Maybe f gy) 
    map-Maybe-cons (g fx) (map-Maybe g fy)         

-- The function map-Maybe commutes with union.

map-Maybe-∪ :
   x  map-Maybe f (x  y)  map-Maybe f x  map-Maybe f y
map-Maybe-∪ {f} = elim-prop λ where
    .is-propositionʳ _  is-set
    .[]ʳ                refl _
    .∷ʳ x               lemma (f x)
  lemma :
     x  y  z₁  z₂ 
    map-Maybe-cons x y  map-Maybe-cons x z₁  z₂
  lemma nothing  = id
  lemma (just x) = cong (x ∷_)

-- One can express map using map-Maybe.

map≡map-Maybe-just :
  (x : Finite-subset-of A) 
  map f x  map-Maybe (just  f) x
map≡map-Maybe-just {f} = elim-prop e
  e : Elim-prop _
  e .[]ʳ               = refl _
  e .∷ʳ x              = cong (f x ∷_)
  e .is-propositionʳ _ = is-set

-- The function map commutes with union.

map-∪ :  x  map f (x  y)  map f x  map f y
map-∪ {f} {y} x =
  map f (x  y)                                    ≡⟨ map≡map-Maybe-just (x  y) 
  map-Maybe (just  f) (x  y)                     ≡⟨ map-Maybe-∪ x 
  map-Maybe (just  f) x  map-Maybe (just  f) y  ≡⟨ sym $ cong₂ _∪_ (map≡map-Maybe-just x) (map≡map-Maybe-just y) ⟩∎
  map f x  map f y                                


  -- A function used to define filter.

  include-if : Bool  A  Maybe A
  include-if b x = if b then just x else nothing

-- A filter function.

filter : (A  Bool)  Finite-subset-of A  Finite-subset-of A
filter p = map-Maybe  x  include-if (p x) x)

-- Filtering commutes with itself.

filter-comm :
   (p q : A  Bool) x 
  filter p (filter q x)  filter q (filter p x)
filter-comm p q = elim-prop λ where
    .is-propositionʳ _  is-set
    .[]ʳ                refl _
    .∷ʳ {y} x          
      lemma (p x) (q x) (filter p y) (filter q y) (refl _) (refl _)
  lemma :
     (px qx : Bool) py qy 
    p x  px  qx  q x 
    filter p qy  filter q py 
    filter p (map-Maybe-cons (include-if qx x) qy) 
    filter q (map-Maybe-cons (include-if px x) py)
  lemma {x} nothing nothing py qy ≡px qx≡ =
    filter p qy  filter q py                            →⟨ trans (cong  px  map-Maybe-cons (include-if px x) (filter p qy)) ≡px) 
                                                            flip trans (cong  qx  map-Maybe-cons (include-if qx x) (filter q py)) qx≡) 
                                                            cong (x ∷_) ⟩□
    map-Maybe-cons (include-if (p x) x) (filter p qy) 
    map-Maybe-cons (include-if (q x) x) (filter q py)    
  lemma {x} nothing (just qx) py qy _ qx≡ =
    filter p qy  filter q py                          →⟨ flip trans (cong  qx  map-Maybe-cons (include-if qx x) (filter q py)) qx≡) ⟩□

    filter p qy 
    map-Maybe-cons (include-if (q x) x) (filter q py)  
  lemma {x} (just px) nothing py qy ≡px _ =
    filter p qy  filter q py                            →⟨ trans (cong  px  map-Maybe-cons (include-if px x) (filter p qy)) ≡px) ⟩□

    map-Maybe-cons (include-if (p x) x) (filter p qy) 
    filter q py                                          
  lemma (just _) (just _) py qy _ _ =
    filter p qy  filter q py  

-- Filtering commutes with union.

filter-∪ :
   p x  filter p (x  y)  filter p x  filter p y
filter-∪ _ = map-Maybe-∪

-- Converts lists to finite subsets.

from-List : List A  Finite-subset-of A
from-List = L.foldr _∷_ []