-- Partial functions, computability

open import Atom

module Computability (atoms : χ-atoms) where

open import Equality.Propositional.Cubical
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude as P hiding (_∘_; Decidable)
open import Tactic.By.Propositional

open import Bool equality-with-J
open import Bijection equality-with-J using (_↔_)
open import Double-negation equality-with-J
open import Equality.Decision-procedures equality-with-J
open import Equivalence equality-with-J as Eq using (_≃_)
open import Excluded-middle equality-with-J
open import Function-universe equality-with-J hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level equality-with-J as H-level
open import H-level.Closure equality-with-J
open import H-level.Truncation.Propositional equality-with-paths
  as Trunc
open import Monad equality-with-J

open import Chi            atoms
open import Coding         atoms
import Coding.Instances    atoms as Dummy
open import Deterministic  atoms
open import Free-variables atoms
open import Propositional  atoms
open import Reasoning      atoms
open import Values         atoms

-- Partial functions

-- Partial functions for which the relation defining the partial
-- function must be propositional.

record _⇀_ {a b} (A : Type a) (B : Type b) : Type (lsuc (a  b)) where
  infix 4 _[_]=_
    -- The relation defining the partial function.
    _[_]=_ : A  B  Type (a  b)

    -- The relation must be deterministic and propositional.
    deterministic :  {a b₁ b₂}  _[_]=_ a b₁  _[_]=_ a b₂  b₁  b₂
    propositional :  {a b}  Is-proposition (_[_]=_ a b)

  -- The type ∃ (_[_]=_ a) is a proposition.

  ∃[]=-propositional :
    Is-proposition ( (_[_]=_ a))
  ∃[]=-propositional (b₁ , [a]=b₁) (b₂ , [a]=b₂) =
    Σ-≡,≡→≡ (deterministic [a]=b₁ [a]=b₂)
            (propositional _ _)

open _⇀_ public using (_[_]=_)

-- The semantics of χ as a partial function.

semantics : Closed-exp  Closed-exp
semantics = record
  { _[_]=_        = _⇓_ on proj₁
  ; deterministic = λ e⇓v₁ e⇓v₂ 
      closed-equal-if-expressions-equal (⇓-deterministic e⇓v₁ e⇓v₂)
  ; propositional = ⇓-propositional

-- Composition of partial functions.

infixr 9 _∘_

_∘_ :  { c} {A B : Type } {C : Type c} 
      B  C  A  B  A  C
f  g = record
  { _[_]=_        = λ a c   λ b  g [ a ]= b × f [ b ]= c
  ; deterministic = λ where
      (b₁ , g[a]=b₁ , f[b₁]=c₁) (b₂ , g[a]=b₂ , f[b₂]=c₂) 
        _⇀_.deterministic f
          (subst (f [_]= _) (_⇀_.deterministic g g[a]=b₁ g[a]=b₂) f[b₁]=c₁)
  ; propositional = λ {a c}                                            $⟨ Σ-closure 1 (_⇀_.∃[]=-propositional g)  _  _⇀_.propositional f) 
      Is-proposition ( λ (p :  λ b  g [ a ]= b)  f [ proj₁ p ]= c)  ↝⟨ H-level.respects-surjection (_↔_.surjection $ inverse Σ-assoc) 1 ⟩□
      Is-proposition ( λ b  g [ a ]= b × f [ b ]= c)                  

-- If the codomain of a function is a set, then the function can be
-- turned into a partial function.

as-partial :  {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
             Is-set B  (A  B)  A  B
as-partial {ℓa} B-set f = record
  { _[_]=_        = λ a b   ℓa (f a  b)
  ; deterministic = λ {a b₁ b₂} fa≡b₁ fa≡b₂ 
                      b₁   ≡⟨ sym (lower fa≡b₁) 
                      f a  ≡⟨ lower fa≡b₂ ⟩∎
  ; propositional = ↑-closure 1 (+⇒≡ {n = 1} B-set)

-- If f is a partial function, g a function whose domain is a set, and
-- f (g a) = c, then (f ∘ g) a = c.

pre-apply :  { c} {A B : Type } {C : Type c}
            (f : B  C) {g : A  B} {a c}
            (B-set : Is-set B) 
            f [ g a ]= c  f  as-partial B-set g [ a ]= c
pre-apply _ _ f[ga]=b = _ , lift refl , f[ga]=b

-- If f is a function whose domain is a set, g a partial function, and
-- g a = b, then (f ∘ g) a = f b.

post-apply :  { c} {A B : Type } {C : Type c}
               {f : B  C} (g : A  B) {a b}
             (C-set : Is-set C) 
             g [ a ]= b  as-partial C-set f  g [ a ]= f b
post-apply _ _ g[a]=b = _ , g[a]=b , lift refl

-- Totality

-- Totality. The definition is parametrised by something which could
-- be a modality.

Total :  {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
        (Type (a  b)  Type (a  b)) 
        A  B  Type (a  b)
Total P f =  a  P ( λ b  f [ a ]= b)

-- If P maps propositions to propositions then Total P f is a
-- proposition.

Total-propositional :
   {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b}
     rA : Rep A Consts   rB : Rep B Consts  
    {P : Type (a  b)  Type (a  b)}
  (f : A  B) 
  (∀ {A}  Is-proposition A  Is-proposition (P A)) 
  Is-proposition (Total P f)
Total-propositional f pres =
  Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
  pres $
  _⇀_.∃[]=-propositional f

-- Totality with ∥_∥ as the modality implies totality with the
-- identity function as the modality.

total-with-∥∥→total :
   {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b} (f : A  B) 
  Total ∥_∥ f 
  Total id f
total-with-∥∥→total f total a =
    (_⇀_.∃[]=-propositional f)
    (total a)

-- Computability

-- Implements P p f means that p is an implementation of f. The
-- definition is parametrised by P, which could be a modality.

Implements :
   {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b}
     rA : Rep A Consts   rB : Rep B Consts  
  (Type (a  b)  Type (a  b)) 
  Exp  A  B  Type (a  b)
Implements P p f =
  Closed p
  (∀ x y  f [ x ]= y  apply p  x    y )
  (∀ x y  apply p  x   y 
     P ( λ y′  f [ x ]= y′ × y   y′ ))


  -- A lemma used below.

  Σ[]=×≡⌜⌝-propositional :
     {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b}  rB : Rep B Consts 
      {x} {y : Exp}
    (p : Exp) (f : A  B) 
    Is-proposition ( λ y′  f [ x ]= y′ × y   y′ )
  Σ[]=×≡⌜⌝-propositional {x = x} {y = y} _ f =                    $⟨ (Σ-closure 1 (_⇀_.∃[]=-propositional f) λ _  Exp-set) 
    Is-proposition ( λ ((y′ , _) :  (f [ x ]=_))  y   y′ )  →⟨ H-level-cong _ 1 (inverse Σ-assoc) ⟩□
    Is-proposition ( λ y′  f [ x ]= y′ × y   y′ )            

-- If excluded middle holds then Implements ¬¬_ p f is equivalent to
-- Implements id p f.

Implements-¬¬≃Implements-id :
   {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {p : Exp}
     rA : Rep A Consts   rB : Rep B Consts  
  Excluded-middle (a  b) 
  (f : A  B)  Implements ¬¬_ p f  Implements id p f
Implements-¬¬≃Implements-id {p = p} em f =
  ∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _ 
  ∀-cong ext λ x  ∀-cong ext λ y  ∀-cong ext λ _ 
  ¬¬≃ (Σ[]=×≡⌜⌝-propositional p f)
    (Excluded-middle→Double-negation-elimination em) ext

-- If P maps propositions to propositions, then Implements P p f is a
-- proposition.

Implements-propositional :
   {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b}
     rA : Rep A Consts   rB : Rep B Consts  
    {P : Type (a  b)  Type (a  b)} {p : Exp}
  (f : A  B) 
  (∀ {A}  Is-proposition A  Is-proposition (P A)) 
  Is-proposition (Implements P p f)
Implements-propositional {p = p} f pres =
  ×-closure 1 Closed-propositional $
  ×-closure 1 (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
               Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
               Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
              (Π-closure ext 1 λ x 
               Π-closure ext 1 λ y 
               Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
               pres $
               Σ[]=×≡⌜⌝-propositional p f)

-- Computability. The definition is parametrised by something which
-- could be a modality.

Computable′ :
   {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b}
     rA : Rep A Consts   rB : Rep B Consts  
  (Type (a  b)  Type (a  b)) 
  A  B  Type (a  b)
Computable′ P f =  λ p  Implements P p f

-- Computability.

Computable :
   {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b}
     rA : Rep A Consts   rB : Rep B Consts  
  A  B  Type (a  b)
Computable = Computable′ id

-- If excluded middle holds then Computable′ ¬¬_ f is equivalent to
-- Computable f.

Computable′-¬¬≃Computable :
   {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b}
     rA : Rep A Consts   rB : Rep B Consts  
  Excluded-middle (a  b) 
  (f : A  B)  Computable′ ¬¬_ f  Computable f
Computable′-¬¬≃Computable em f =
  ∃-cong λ _  Implements-¬¬≃Implements-id em f

-- If the partial function is total, then one part of the proof of
-- computability can be omitted.

total→almost-computable→computable :
   {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b}
     rA : Rep A Consts   rB : Rep B Consts 
  (P : Type (a  b)  Type (a  b)) 
  (∀ {X Y}  (X  Y)  P X  P Y) 
  (f : A  B) 
  Total P f 
  ( λ p 
     Closed p
     (∀ x y  f [ x ]= y  apply p  x    y )) 
  Computable′ P f
total→almost-computable→computable P map f total (p , cl-p , hyp) =
  , cl-p
  , hyp
  , λ x y px⇓y 
      flip map (total x) λ where
        (y′ , f[x]=y′) 
          y′ , f[x]=y′ , ⇓-deterministic px⇓y (hyp x y′ f[x]=y′)

-- Another definition of computability.

Computable″ :
   {} {A B : Type }
     rA : Rep A Consts   rB : Rep B Consts  
  A  B  Type 
Computable″ f =
   λ (p : Closed-exp)   a 
     q  semantics [ apply-cl p  a  ]= q
          as-partial Closed-exp-set ⌜_⌝  f [ a ]= q

-- The two definitions of computability are logically equivalent.

Computable⇔Computable″ :
   {} {A B : Type }  rA : Rep A Consts   rB : Rep B Consts  
  (f : A  B) 
  Computable f  Computable″ f
Computable⇔Computable″ f = record { to = to; from = from }
  to : Computable f  Computable″ f
  to (p , cl , hyp₁ , hyp₂) =
    (p , cl) , λ { a (q , cl-q)  record
      { to   = Σ-map id (Σ-map id (lift P.∘
                                   closed-equal-if-expressions-equal P.∘
               hyp₂ a q
      ; from = λ { (b , f[a]=b , ⌜b⌝≡q) 
                   apply p  a   ⇓⟨ hyp₁ a b f[a]=b 
                    b           ≡⟨ cong proj₁ (lower ⌜b⌝≡q) ⟩⟶
                   q              ■⟨ subst Value (cong proj₁ (lower ⌜b⌝≡q)) (rep-value b)  }
      } }

  from : Computable″ f  Computable f
  from ((p , cl) , hyp) =
    p , cl ,
     a b f[a]=b 
       apply p  a   ⇓⟨ _⇔_.from (hyp a  b ) (post-apply f Closed-exp-set f[a]=b) ⟩■
        b ) ,
    λ a q p⌜a⌝⇓q 
      let cl-q : Closed q
          cl-q = closed⇓closed p⌜a⌝⇓q
                      (Closed→Closed′ cl)
                      (Closed→Closed′ (rep-closed a)))
      Σ-map id (Σ-map id (cong proj₁ P.∘ sym P.∘ lower))
        (_⇔_.to (hyp a (q , cl-q)) p⌜a⌝⇓q)

-- Yet another definition of computability.

Computable‴ :
   {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b}
     rA : Rep A Consts   rB : Rep B Consts  
  A  B  Type (a  b)
Computable‴ f =
   λ (p : Closed-exp) 
       λ b 
        apply (proj₁ p)  a    b 
        f [ a ]= b

-- If a partial function is computable by the last definition of
-- computability above, then it is also computable by the first one.

Computable‴→Computable :
   {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b}
     rA : Rep A Consts   rB : Rep B Consts  
  (f : A  B) 
  Computable‴ f  Computable f
Computable‴→Computable f ((p , cl-p) , hyp) =
  , cl-p
  ,  a b f[a]=b  case hyp a of λ where
       (b′ , p⌜a⌝⇓⌜b′⌝ , f[a]=b′) 
         apply p  a   ⇓⟨ p⌜a⌝⇓⌜b′⌝ 
          b′          ≡⟨ by (_⇀_.deterministic f f[a]=b f[a]=b′) ⟩⟶
          b           ■⟨ rep-value b )
  ,  a v p⌜a⌝⇓v  case hyp a of λ where
       (b , p⌜a⌝⇓⌜b⌝ , f[a]=b) 
         , f[a]=b
         , ⇓-deterministic p⌜a⌝⇓v p⌜a⌝⇓⌜b⌝)

-- Reductions

module _  {a b c d} {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {C : Type c} {D : Type d}
           rA : Rep A Consts   rB : Rep B Consts 
           rC : Rep C Consts   rD : Rep D Consts  where

  -- Reductions.

  Reduction : A  B  C  D  Type (a  b  c  d)
  Reduction f g = Computable g  Computable f

  -- If f can be reduced to g, and f is not computable, then g is not
  -- computable.

  Reduction→¬Computable→¬Computable :
    (f : A  B) (g : C  D) 
    Reduction f g  ¬ Computable f  ¬ Computable g
  Reduction→¬Computable→¬Computable _ _ red ¬f g = ¬f (red g)

-- Turning predicates into partial functions

-- One way to view a predicate as a partial function to the booleans.

as-partial-function-to-Bool₁ :
   {a} {A : Type a}  (A  Type a)  A  Bool
as-partial-function-to-Bool₁ P = record
  { _[_]=_        = λ a b 
                      (P a  b  true)
                      ¬ ¬ P a
  ; deterministic = λ where
      {b₁ = true}  {b₂ = true}  _ _  refl
      {b₁ = false} {b₂ = false} _ _  refl
      {b₁ = true}  {b₂ = false} _ f 
        ⊥-elim $ proj₂ f (Bool.true≢false P.∘ sym P.∘ proj₁ f)
      {b₁ = false} {b₂ = true}  f _ 
        ⊥-elim $ proj₂ f (Bool.true≢false P.∘ sym P.∘ proj₁ f)
  ; propositional = ×-closure 1
                      (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      (¬-propositional ext)

-- Another way to view a predicate as a partial function to the
-- booleans.
-- See also as-function-to-Bool₁ and as-function-to-Bool₂ below.

as-partial-function-to-Bool₂ :
   {a} {A : Type a} 
  (P : A  Type a) 
  (∀ {a}  Is-proposition (P a)) 
  A  Bool
as-partial-function-to-Bool₂ P P-prop = record
  { _[_]=_        = λ a b  P a × b  true
  ; deterministic = λ { (_ , refl) (_ , refl)  refl }
  ; propositional = ×-closure 1 P-prop Bool-set

-- If a is mapped to b by as-partial-function-to-Bool₂ P P-prop, then
-- a is also mapped to b by as-partial-function-to-Bool₁ P.

partial-to-Bool₂→partial-to-Bool₁ :
   {a} {A : Type a}  rA : Rep A Consts 
  (P : A  Type a) (P-prop :  {a}  Is-proposition (P a)) {a b} 
  as-partial-function-to-Bool₂ P P-prop [ a ]= b 
  as-partial-function-to-Bool₁ P [ a ]= b
  P _ {a = a} {b = b} =
  P a × b  true              →⟨  (hyp₁ , hyp₂)  P.const hyp₂ , return hyp₁ .run) ⟩□
  (P a  b  true) × ¬ ¬ P a  

-- If a is mapped to b by as-partial-function-to-Bool₁ P, then a is
-- not not mapped to b by as-partial-function-to-Bool₂ P P-prop.

partial-to-Bool₁→partial-to-Bool₂ :
   {a} {A : Type a}  rA : Rep A Consts 
  (P : A  Type a) (P-prop :  {a}  Is-proposition (P a)) {a b} 
  as-partial-function-to-Bool₁ P [ a ]= b 
  ¬¬ as-partial-function-to-Bool₂ P P-prop [ a ]= b
  P P-prop {a = a} {b = b} =
  (P a  b  true) × ¬ ¬ P a  →⟨  (hyp₁ , hyp₂) 
                                    wrap hyp₂ >>= λ Pa  return (Pa , hyp₁ Pa)) ⟩□
  ¬¬ (P a × b  true)         

-- If as-partial-function-to-Bool₁ P is ¬¬-computable, then
-- as-partial-function-to-Bool₂ P P-prop is also ¬¬-computable.

partial-to-Bool₁-computable→partial-to-Bool₂-computable :
   {a} {A : Type a}  rA : Rep A Consts 
  (P : A  Type a) (P-prop :  {a}  Is-proposition (P a)) 
  Computable′  A  ¬¬ A) (as-partial-function-to-Bool₁ P) 
  Computable′  A  ¬¬ A) (as-partial-function-to-Bool₂ P P-prop)
partial-to-Bool₁-computable→partial-to-Bool₂-computable P
  P-prop (p , cl , hyp₁ , hyp₂) =
  , cl
  ,  a b 
       as-partial-function-to-Bool₂ P P-prop [ a ]= b  →⟨ partial-to-Bool₂→partial-to-Bool₁ P P-prop 
       as-partial-function-to-Bool₁ P [ a ]= b         →⟨ hyp₁ a b ⟩□
       apply p  a    b                            )
  ,  a b 
       apply p  a   b                                             →⟨ hyp₂ a b 

       ¬¬ ( λ b′ 
               as-partial-function-to-Bool₁ P [ a ]= b′ ×
               b   b′ )                                           →⟨ _>>=  (b′ , =b′ , ≡⌜b′⌝) 
                                                                                partial-to-Bool₁→partial-to-Bool₂ P P-prop =b′ >>= λ =b′ 
                                                                                return (b′ , =b′ , ≡⌜b′⌝)) ⟩□
       ¬¬ ( λ b′ 
               as-partial-function-to-Bool₂ P P-prop [ a ]= b′ ×
               b   b′ )                                           )

-- If as-partial-function-to-Bool₂ P P-prop is computable, then
-- as-partial-function-to-Bool₁ P is also computable (assuming
-- excluded middle).

partial-to-Bool₂-computable→partial-to-Bool₁-computable :
   {a} {A : Type a}  rA : Rep A Consts  
  Excluded-middle a 
  (P : A  Type a) (P-prop :  {a}  Is-proposition (P a)) 
  Computable (as-partial-function-to-Bool₂ P P-prop) 
  Computable (as-partial-function-to-Bool₁ P)
  em P P-prop (p , cl , hyp₁ , hyp₂) =
  , cl
  ,  a b 
       as-partial-function-to-Bool₁ P [ a ]= b            →⟨ partial-to-Bool₁→partial-to-Bool₂ P P-prop 
       ¬¬ as-partial-function-to-Bool₂ P P-prop [ a ]= b  →⟨ Excluded-middle→Double-negation-elimination em $
                                                             ×-closure 1 P-prop Bool-set 
       as-partial-function-to-Bool₂ P P-prop [ a ]= b     →⟨ hyp₁ a b ⟩□
       apply p  a    b                               )
  ,  a b 
       apply p  a   b                                       →⟨ hyp₂ a b 

       ( λ b′ 
            as-partial-function-to-Bool₂ P P-prop [ a ]= b′ ×
            b   b′ )                                        →⟨ Σ-map id (Σ-map (partial-to-Bool₂→partial-to-Bool₁ P P-prop) id) ⟩□

       ( λ b′ 
            as-partial-function-to-Bool₁ P [ a ]= b′ ×
            b   b′ )                                        )

-- Total partial functions to the booleans

-- Total partial functions to the booleans. Note that totality is
-- defined using the double-negation modality.

_→Bool :  {}  Type   Type (lsuc )
A →Bool =  λ (f : A  Bool)  Total  A  ¬¬ A) f

-- One way to view a predicate as a total partial function to the
-- booleans.

as-function-to-Bool₁ :  {a} {A : Type a}  (A  Type a)  A →Bool
as-function-to-Bool₁ P =
       { _[_]=_        = λ a b 
                           (P a  b  true)
                           (¬ P a  b  false)
       ; deterministic = λ where
           {b₁ = true}  {b₂ = true}  _  _   refl
           {b₁ = false} {b₂ = false} _  _   refl
           {b₁ = true}  {b₂ = false} f₁ f₂ 
             proj₂ f₁ (Bool.true≢false P.∘ sym P.∘ proj₁ f₂)
           {b₁ = false} {b₂ = true}  f₁ f₂ 
             sym (proj₂ f₂ (Bool.true≢false P.∘ sym P.∘ proj₁ f₁))
       ; propositional = ×-closure 1
                           (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                           (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
  , λ a 
      [  p   true  ,  _  refl)  , ⊥-elim P.∘ (_$ p))
      ,  ¬p  false , ⊥-elim P.∘ ¬p ,  _  refl))
      ] ⟨$⟩ excluded-middle

-- Another way to view a predicate as a total partial function to the
-- booleans.

as-function-to-Bool₂ :
   {a} {A : Type a} 
  (P : A  Type a) 
  (∀ {a}  Is-proposition (P a)) 
  A →Bool
as-function-to-Bool₂ P P-prop =
       { _[_]=_        = λ a b 
                           P a × b  true
                           ¬ P a × b  false
       ; deterministic = λ where
           (inj₁ (_ , refl)) (inj₁ (_ , refl))  refl
           (inj₁ (p , _))    (inj₂ (¬p , _))    ⊥-elim (¬p p)
           (inj₂ (¬p , _))   (inj₁ (p , _))     ⊥-elim (¬p p)
           (inj₂ (_ , refl)) (inj₂ (_ , refl))  refl
       ; propositional = λ {_ b} 
              { (_ , b≡true) (_ , b≡false) 
                  Bool.true≢false (
                    true   ≡⟨ sym b≡true 
                    b      ≡⟨ b≡false ⟩∎
                    false  ) })
             (×-closure 1 P-prop Bool-set)
             (×-closure 1 (¬-propositional ext) Bool-set)
  , λ a 
      [  p   true  , inj₁ (p , refl))
      ,  ¬p  false , inj₂ (¬p , refl))
      ] ⟨$⟩ excluded-middle

-- If a is mapped to b by as-function-to-Bool₂ P P-prop, then a is
-- also mapped to b by as-function-to-Bool₁ P.

to-Bool₂→to-Bool₁ :
   {a} {A : Type a}  rA : Rep A Consts 
  (P : A  Type a) (P-prop :  {a}  Is-proposition (P a)) {a b} 
  proj₁ (as-function-to-Bool₂ P P-prop) [ a ]= b 
  proj₁ (as-function-to-Bool₁ P) [ a ]= b
to-Bool₂→to-Bool₁ _ _ = λ where
  (inj₁ (Pa  , refl))   _  refl) , ⊥-elim P.∘ (_$ Pa)
  (inj₂ (¬Pa , refl))  ⊥-elim P.∘ ¬Pa , λ _  refl

-- If a is mapped to b by as-function-to-Bool₁ P, then a is not not
-- mapped to b by as-function-to-Bool₂ P P-prop.

to-Bool₁→to-Bool₂ :
   {a} {A : Type a}  rA : Rep A Consts 
  (P : A  Type a) (P-prop :  {a}  Is-proposition (P a)) {a b} 
  proj₁ (as-function-to-Bool₁ P) [ a ]= b 
  ¬¬ proj₁ (as-function-to-Bool₂ P P-prop) [ a ]= b
to-Bool₁→to-Bool₂ _ _ (Pa→b≡true , ¬Pa→b≡false) =
  ⊎-map  Pa  Pa , Pa→b≡true Pa)  ¬Pa  ¬Pa , ¬Pa→b≡false ¬Pa) ⟨$⟩

-- If as-function-to-Bool₁ P is ¬¬-computable, then
-- as-function-to-Bool₂ P P-prop is also ¬¬-computable.

to-Bool₁-computable→to-Bool₂-computable :
   {a} {A : Type a}  rA : Rep A Consts 
  (P : A  Type a) (P-prop :  {a}  Is-proposition (P a)) 
  Computable′  A  ¬¬ A) (proj₁ (as-function-to-Bool₁ P)) 
  Computable′  A  ¬¬ A) (proj₁ (as-function-to-Bool₂ P P-prop))
  P P-prop (p , cl-p , hyp₁ , hyp₂) =
  , cl-p
  ,  a b 
       proj₁ (as-function-to-Bool₂ P P-prop) [ a ]= b  ↝⟨ to-Bool₂→to-Bool₁ P P-prop 
       proj₁ (as-function-to-Bool₁ P)        [ a ]= b  ↝⟨ hyp₁ a b ⟩□
       apply p  a    b                            )
  , λ a e 
      apply p  a   e                                             ↝⟨ hyp₂ a e 

      ¬¬ ( λ b  proj₁ (as-function-to-Bool₁ P) [ a ]= b ×
                  e   b )                                        ↝⟨ _>>=  { (b , =b , ≡⌜b⌝) 
                                                                                 to-Bool₁→to-Bool₂ P P-prop =b >>= λ =b 
                                                                                 return (b , =b , ≡⌜b⌝) }) ⟩□
      ¬¬ ( λ b  proj₁ (as-function-to-Bool₂ P P-prop) [ a ]= b ×
                  e   b )                                        

-- If P is pointwise propositional then
-- P a × b ≡ true ⊎ ¬ P a × b ≡ false is a proposition.

×≡true⊎¬×≡false-propositional :
   {a} {A : Type a}
  (P : A  Type a)  (∀ {a}  Is-proposition (P a)) 
   {a b}  Is-proposition (P a × b  true  ¬ P a × b  false)
×≡true⊎¬×≡false-propositional P P-prop =
     (Pa , _) (¬Pa , _)  ¬Pa Pa)
    (×-closure 1 P-prop Bool-set)
    (×-closure 1 (¬-propositional ext) Bool-set)

-- The statement P a × b ≡ true ⊎ ¬ P a × b ≡ false is equivalent to
-- stating that P a holds exactly when T b holds (assuming that P is
-- pointwise propositional).

×≡true⊎¬×≡false≃⇔T :
   {a} {A : Type a} {P : A  Type a} 
  (∀ {a}  Is-proposition (P a)) 
   {a b}  (P a × b  true  ¬ P a × b  false)  (P a  T b)
×≡true⊎¬×≡false≃⇔T {P = P} P-prop {a = a} {b = b} = Eq.⇔→≃
  (×≡true⊎¬×≡false-propositional P P-prop)
  (⇔-closure ext 1 P-prop (T-propositional b))
     (inj₁ (p  , refl))  record { from = λ _  p }
     (inj₂ (¬p , refl))  record { to = ¬p; from = ⊥-elim })
  (helper b)
  helper :  b  P a  T b  P a × b  true  ¬ P a × b  false
  helper true  hyp = inj₁ (_⇔_.from hyp _ , refl)
  helper false hyp = inj₂ (_⇔_.to hyp , refl)

-- If as-function-to-Bool₂ P P-prop is computable, then
-- as-function-to-Bool₁ P is computable (assuming excluded middle).

to-Bool₂-computable→to-Bool₁-computable :
   {a} {A : Type a}  rA : Rep A Consts  
  Excluded-middle a 
  (P : A  Type a) (P-prop :  {a}  Is-proposition (P a)) 
  Computable (proj₁ (as-function-to-Bool₂ P P-prop)) 
  Computable (proj₁ (as-function-to-Bool₁ P))
  em P P-prop (p , cl-p , hyp₁ , hyp₂) =
  , cl-p
  ,  a b 
       proj₁ (as-function-to-Bool₁ P) [ a ]= b            →⟨ to-Bool₁→to-Bool₂ P P-prop 
       ¬¬ proj₁ (as-function-to-Bool₂ P P-prop) [ a ]= b  →⟨ Excluded-middle→Double-negation-elimination em $
                                                             ×≡true⊎¬×≡false-propositional P P-prop 
       proj₁ (as-function-to-Bool₂ P P-prop) [ a ]= b     →⟨ hyp₁ a b ⟩□
       apply p  a    b                               )
  ,  a b 
       apply p  a   b                                       →⟨ hyp₂ a b 

       ( λ b′ 
            proj₁ (as-function-to-Bool₂ P P-prop) [ a ]= b′ ×
            b   b′ )                                        →⟨ Σ-map id (Σ-map (to-Bool₂→to-Bool₁ P P-prop) id) ⟩□

       ( λ b′ 
            proj₁ (as-function-to-Bool₁ P) [ a ]= b′ ×
            b   b′ )                                        )

-- Decidability

-- One definition of what it means for a total partial function to the
-- booleans to be decidable.

Decidable :
   {a} {A : Type a}  rA : Rep A Consts  
  A →Bool  Type a
Decidable = Computable P.∘ proj₁

-- Another definition of what it means for a total partial function to
-- the booleans to be decidable.

Decidable′ :
   {a} {A : Type a}  rA : Rep A Consts  
  A →Bool  Type a
Decidable′ = Computable‴ P.∘ proj₁