-- Some tactics aimed at making equational reasoning proofs more
-- readable for propositional equality

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Tactic.By.Propositional where

open import Equality.Propositional
open import Prelude

open import List equality-with-J
open import Maybe equality-with-J
open import Monad equality-with-J
open import Tactic.By equality-with-J as TB
open import TC-monad equality-with-J as TC hiding (Type)

open TB public using (⟨_⟩)


  -- Constructs the type of equalities between its two arguments.

  equality : Term  Term  TC.Type
  equality lhs rhs = def (quote _≡_) (varg lhs  varg rhs  [])

  -- An illustration of what the cong functions constructed by
  -- make-cong-called look like.

  cong₃′ :
     {a b c d : Level}
      {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {C : Type c} {D : Type d}
      {x₁ y₁ x₂ y₂ x₃ y₃}
    (f : A  B  C  D) 
    x₁  y₁  x₂  y₂  x₃  y₃  f x₁ x₂ x₃  f y₁ y₂ y₃
  cong₃′ f refl refl refl = refl

  -- Constructs a "cong" function (similar to cong and cong₂ in
  -- Equality), with the given name, for functions with the given
  -- number of arguments.

  make-cong-called : Name    TC 
  make-cong-called cong n = do
    declareDef (varg cong) (type-of-cong equality n)
    defineFun cong (the-clause  [])
    the-clause = clause
      (("f" , varg unknown)  [])
      (varg (var 0)  replicate n (varg (con (quote refl) [])))
      (con (quote refl) [])

  unquoteDecl cong₃  = make-cong-called cong₃   3
  unquoteDecl cong₄  = make-cong-called cong₄   4
  unquoteDecl cong₅  = make-cong-called cong₅   5
  unquoteDecl cong₆  = make-cong-called cong₆   6
  unquoteDecl cong₇  = make-cong-called cong₇   7
  unquoteDecl cong₈  = make-cong-called cong₈   8
  unquoteDecl cong₉  = make-cong-called cong₉   9
  unquoteDecl cong₁₀ = make-cong-called cong₁₀ 10

-- Constructs a "cong" function (similar to cong and cong₂ in
-- Equality) for functions with the given number of arguments. The
-- name of the constructed function is returned (for 1 and 2 the
-- functions in Equality are returned). The cong functions for
-- functions with 3 up to 10 arguments are cached to avoid creating
-- lots of copies of the same functions.

make-cong :   TC Name
make-cong  1 = return (quote cong)
make-cong  2 = return (quote cong₂)
make-cong  3 = return (quote cong₃)
make-cong  4 = return (quote cong₄)
make-cong  5 = return (quote cong₅)
make-cong  6 = return (quote cong₆)
make-cong  7 = return (quote cong₇)
make-cong  8 = return (quote cong₈)
make-cong  9 = return (quote cong₉)
make-cong 10 = return (quote cong₁₀)
make-cong n  = do
  cong  freshName "cong"
  make-cong-called cong n
  return cong

open Tactics
     (def (quote _≡_) (arg _ a  arg _ A  arg _ x  arg _ y  [])) 
       return $ just (a , A , x , y)
     _  return nothing)
   a A x  con (quote refl) (harg a  harg A  harg x  []))
   p  def (quote sym) (varg p  []))
   lhs rhs f p  def (quote cong)
                       (replicate 4 (harg unknown) ++
                        harg lhs  harg rhs  varg f  varg p  []))

-- Some unit tests


  module Tests
    (assumption : 48  42)
    (lemma      :  n  n + 8  n + 2)
    (f          :       )

    g :       
    g zero    _ _ = 12
    g (suc _) _ _ = 12

    fst :  {a b} {A : Type a} {B : A  Type b} 
          Σ A B  A
    fst = proj₁

    {-# NOINLINE fst #-}

    record R (F : Type  Type) : Type₁ where
        p : {A : Type} {x : F A}  x  x

    open R    public

    -- Tests for by.

    module By-tests where

      test₁ : 40 + 2  42
      test₁ = by definition

      test₂ : 48  42  42  48
      test₂ eq = by eq

      test₃ : (f :   )  f 42  f 48
      test₃ f = by assumption

      test₄ : (f :   )  f 48  f 42
      test₄ f = by assumption

      test₅ : (f :     )  f 42 48  f 48 42
      test₅ f = by assumption

      test₆ : (f :       )  f 42 45 48  f 48 45 42
      test₆ f = by assumption

      test₇ : f 48 (f 42 45 48) 42  f 48 (f 48 45 42) 48
      test₇ = by assumption

      test₈ :  n  g n (g n 45 48) 42  g n (g n 45 42) 48
      test₈ n = by assumption

      test₉ : (f :   )  f 42  f 48
      test₉ f = by (lemma 40)

      test₁₀ : (f :   )  f 42  f 48
      test₁₀ f = by  (_ : )  assumption)

      test₁₁ : (f :  ×    × )  (∀ x   _≡_  (f x) x) 
               fst (f (12 , 73))  fst {B = λ _  } (12 , 73)
      test₁₁ _ hyp = by hyp

      -- Two test cases for the extra check in try-refl.

      -- test₁₂ : (h : ℕ → Maybe ℕ) →
      --          ((xs : ℕ) → h xs ≡ just xs) →
      --          (xs : ℕ) → suc ⟨$⟩ h xs ≡ suc ⟨$⟩ return xs
      -- test₁₂ h hyp xs =
      --   suc ⟨$⟩ h xs       ≡⟨ by (hyp xs) ⟩∎
      --   suc ⟨$⟩ return xs  ∎

      -- test₁₃ : (h : List ⊤ → Maybe (List ⊤)) →
      --          ((xs : List ⊤) → h xs ≡ just xs) →
      --          (x : ⊤) (xs : List ⊤) → _
      -- test₁₃ h hyp x xs =
      --   _∷_ ⟨$⟩ return x ⊛ h xs       ≡⟨ by (hyp xs) ⟩∎
      --   _∷_ ⟨$⟩ return x ⊛ return xs  ∎

      -- This test case fails if "refl a A lhs" is replaced by
      -- "refl unknown unknown lhs" in try-refl.

      test₁₅ :
        (F : Type  Type  Type)
        (G : Bool  Type  Type) 
        ((A : Type)  F (G false A) A  G false (F A A)) 
        (A : Type) 
        G false (F (G false A) A) 
        G false (G false (F A A))
      test₁₅ F G hyp A =
        G false (F (G false A) A)  ≡⟨ by hyp ⟩∎
        G false (G false (F A A))  

      -- test₁₇ :
      --   (P : ℕ → Type)
      --   (f : ∀ {n} → P n → P n)
      --   (p : P 0) →
      --   f (subst P refl p) ≡ f p
      -- test₁₇ P _ _ = by (subst-refl P)

      test₁₈ :
        (subst′ :
            {a p} {A : Type a} {x y : A}
           (P : A  Type p)  x  y  P x  P y) 
        (∀ {a p} {A : Type a} {x : A} (P : A  Type p) (p : P x) 
         subst′ P refl p  p) 
        (P :   Type)
        (f :  {n}  P n  P n)
        (p : P 0) 
        f (subst′ P refl p)  f p
      test₁₈ _ subst′-refl P _ _ = by (subst′-refl P)

      -- test₁₉ :
      --   {F : Type → Type} ⦃ r : R F ⦄ {A : Type} {x₁ x₂ : F A}
      --   (p₁ p₂ : x₁ ≡ x₂) (assumption : p₁ ≡ p₂) →
      --   trans p p₁ ≡ trans p p₂
      -- test₁₉ p₁ p₂ assumption =
      --   trans p p₁  ≡⟨ by assumption ⟩∎
      --   trans p p₂  ∎

    -- Tests for ⟨by⟩.

    module ⟨By⟩-tests where

      -- At the time of writing the following test case works if the
      -- "cong-with-lhs-and-rhs" argument is true, but then test₁₈
      -- fails.

      -- test₁ : ⟨ 40 + 2 ⟩ ≡ 42
      -- test₁ = ⟨by⟩ refl

      test₂ : 48  42   42   48
      test₂ eq = ⟨by⟩ eq

      test₃ : (f :   )  f  42   f 48
      test₃ f = ⟨by⟩ assumption

      test₄ : (f :   )  f  48   f 42
      test₄ f = ⟨by⟩ assumption

      test₅ : (f :     )  f  42   42   f 48 48
      test₅ f = ⟨by⟩ assumption

      test₆ : (f :       )  f  48  45  48   f 42 45 42
      test₆ f = ⟨by⟩ assumption

      test₇ : f  48  (f  48  45  48 )  48   f 42 (f 42 45 42) 42
      test₇ = ⟨by⟩ assumption

      test₈ :  n  g n (g n 45  48 )  48   g n (g n 45 42) 42
      test₈ n = ⟨by⟩ assumption

      test₉ : (f :   )  f  42   f 48
      test₉ f = ⟨by⟩ (lemma 40)

      test₁₀ : (f :   )  f  42   f 48
      test₁₀ f = ⟨by⟩  (_ : )  assumption)

      test₁₁ : (f :  ×    × )  (∀ x   _≡_  (f x) x) 
               fst  f (12 , 73)   fst {B = λ _  } (12 , 73)
      test₁₁ _ hyp = ⟨by⟩ hyp

      test₁₂ : (h :   Maybe ) 
               ((xs : )  h xs  just xs) 
               (xs : )  suc ⟨$⟩ h xs  suc ⟨$⟩ return xs
      test₁₂ h hyp xs =
        suc ⟨$⟩  h xs    ≡⟨ ⟨by⟩ (hyp xs) ⟩∎
        suc ⟨$⟩ return xs  

      test₁₃ : (h : List   Maybe (List )) 
               ((xs : List )  h xs  just xs) 
               (x : ) (xs : List )  _
      test₁₃ h hyp x xs =
        _∷_ ⟨$⟩ return x   h xs    ≡⟨ ⟨by⟩ (hyp xs) ⟩∎
        _∷_ ⟨$⟩ return x  return xs  

      test₁₄ : (h : List   Maybe (List )) 
               ((xs : List )  h xs  just xs) 
               (x : ) (xs : List )  _
      test₁₄ h hyp x xs =
        _∷_ ⟨$⟩  h xs    ≡⟨ ⟨by⟩ (hyp xs) ⟩∎
        _∷_ ⟨$⟩ return xs  

      test₁₅ :
        (F : Type  Type  Type)
        (G : Bool  Type  Type) 
        ((A : Type)  F (G false A) A  G false (F A A)) 
        (A : Type) 
        G false (F (G false A) A) 
        G false (G false (F A A))
      test₁₅ F G hyp A =
        G false  F (G false A) A   ≡⟨ ⟨by⟩ hyp ⟩∎
        G false (G false (F A A))    

      test₁₆ : 48  42 
               _≡_ {A =   }  x  x +  42 )  x  x + 48)
      test₁₆ hyp = ⟨by⟩ hyp

      test₁₇ :
        (P :   Type)
        (f :  {n}  P n  P n)
        (p : P 0) 
        f  subst P refl p   f p
      test₁₇ P _ _ = ⟨by⟩ (subst-refl P)

      test₁₈ :
        (subst′ :
            {a p} {A : Type a} {x y : A}
           (P : A  Type p)  x  y  P x  P y) 
        (∀ {a p} {A : Type a} {x : A} (P : A  Type p) (p : P x) 
         subst′ P refl p  p) 
        (P :   Type)
        (f :  {n}  P n  P n)
        (p : P 0) 
        f  subst′ P refl p   f p
      test₁₈ _ subst′-refl _ _ _ = ⟨by⟩ subst′-refl

      test₁₉ :
        {F : Type  Type}  r : R F  {A : Type} {x₁ x₂ : F A}
        (p₁ p₂ : x₁  x₂) (assumption : p₁  p₂) 
        trans p p₁  trans p p₂
      test₁₉ p₁ p₂ assumption =
        trans p p₁      ≡⟨⟩
        trans p  p₁   ≡⟨ ⟨by⟩ assumption ⟩∎
        trans p p₂