-- The "terminates" relation

open import Atom

module Termination (atoms : χ-atoms) where

open import Equality.Propositional
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude

open import Double-negation equality-with-J
open import Function-universe equality-with-J hiding (id; _∘_)
open import Monad equality-with-J
open import Nat equality-with-J as Nat using (_≤_)

open import Chi             atoms
open import Derivation-size atoms
open import Deterministic   atoms
open import Propositional   atoms

-- Terminates e means that e terminates with a value.

Terminates : Exp  Type
Terminates p =  λ v  p  v

-- This relation is propositional.

Terminates-propositional :
  Is-proposition (Terminates e)
Terminates-propositional (_ , e₁) (_ , e₂) =
  Σ-≡,≡→≡ (⇓-deterministic e₁ e₂)
          (⇓-propositional _ _)

-- Termination in at most a given number of steps.

infix 4 _⇓≤_ _⇓⋆≤_

_⇓≤_ : Exp    Type
e ⇓≤ n =  λ v   λ (p : e  v)  size p  n

_⇓⋆≤_ : List Exp    Type
es ⇓⋆≤ n =  λ vs   λ (ps : es ⇓⋆ vs)  size⋆ ps  n

-- An expression terminates if and only if there is some n such that
-- the expression terminates in at most n steps.

⇓⇔⇓≤ :  {e}  Terminates e   (e ⇓≤_)
⇓⇔⇓≤ = record
  { to   = λ (v , e⇓v)  (size e⇓v , v , e⇓v , Nat.≤-refl)
  ; from = Σ-map id proj₁  proj₂

-- An expression does not terminate if and only if, for every n, it
-- does not terminate in at most n steps.

¬⇓⇔¬⇓≤ :  {e}  ¬ Terminates e  (∀ n  ¬ e ⇓≤ n)
¬⇓⇔¬⇓≤ {e = e} =
  ¬ Terminates e    ↝⟨ ¬-cong _ ⇓⇔⇓≤ 
  ¬  (e ⇓≤_)       ↔⟨ currying ⟩□
  (∀ n  ¬ e ⇓≤ n)