-- A tactic that can "remove" applications of substitutions to closed
-- expressions

module Free-variables.Remove-substs where

open import Equality.Propositional
open import Prelude hiding (const)
open import Tactic.By.Propositional using (make-cong)

open import List equality-with-J as L
open import Monad equality-with-J
open import TC-monad equality-with-J hiding (Type)

-- The tactic uses actual natural numbers as variables and constants.

open import Atom
import Chi
import Coding
open import Coding.Instances.Nat

open        Chi            χ-ℕ-atoms hiding (∷_)
open        Coding         χ-ℕ-atoms
open import Free-variables χ-ℕ-atoms
open import Reasoning      χ-ℕ-atoms
open import Values         χ-ℕ-atoms

private variable
  a             : Level
  A             : Type a
  e e′ e″ e₁ e₂ : Exp
  x y           : A

-- The tactic


  -- A lemma used in some proofs constructed by "proof".

  subst-cong₁ :  x e  e₁  e₂  e₁ [ x  e ]  e₂ [ x  e ]
  subst-cong₁ _ _ = cong _[ _  _ ]

  -- Given the left-hand side of an equality statement an attempt is
  -- made to construct a proof showing that the left-hand side is
  -- equal to the right-hand side.

  proof : List (Name × Term)  List ( × Term)  Term  TC Term
  proof closed-defs closed-vars t = the-proof ⟨$⟩ term t
    -- Different kinds of right-hand sides.

    data RHS : Type where
      -- Applications of ⌜_⌝. The Term is the argument of ⌜_⌝.
      rep-rhs : Term  RHS
      -- Closed terms. The Term is a proof showing that the right-hand
      -- side is closed.
      closed-rhs : Term  RHS

    -- Different kinds of attempted proofs.

    data Proof : Type where
      -- A trivial proof attempt: just reflexivity.
      trivial : Proof
      -- A non-trivial proof attempt.
      -- If the constructed proof is (known/intended to be) of the
      -- form "_ ≡ rhs", then the second argument is just rhs.
      non-trivial : Term  Maybe RHS  Proof

    the-proof : Proof  Term
    the-proof trivial           = con (quote refl) []
    the-proof (non-trivial p _) = p


      term : Term  TC Proof

      -- Special cases for applications of _[_←_].
      term (def (quote _[_←_])
              (varg (def (quote Coding.Rep.⌜_⌝)
                       (_  _  _  _  _  _  varg e₁  [])) 
               varg _  varg _  [])) =
        subst-rep-proof e₁
      term (def (quote Chi._[_←_])
              (_  varg (def (quote Coding.Rep.⌜_⌝)
                           (_  _  _  _  _  _  varg e₁  [])) 
               varg _  varg _  [])) =
        subst-rep-proof e₁
      term (def f@(quote _[_←_])
              (varg e₁@(def (quote _[_←_]) _) 
               varg x  varg e₂  [])) =
        subst-subst-proof f e₁ x e₂
      term (def f@(quote Chi._[_←_])
              (_  varg e₁@(def (quote _[_←_]) _) 
               varg x  varg e₂  [])) =
        subst-subst-proof f e₁ x e₂
      term (def f@(quote _[_←_])
              (varg e₁@(def (quote Chi._[_←_]) _) 
               varg x  varg e₂  [])) =
        subst-subst-proof f e₁ x e₂
      term (def f@(quote Chi._[_←_])
              (_  varg e₁@(def (quote Chi._[_←_]) _) 
               varg x  varg e₂  [])) =
        subst-subst-proof f e₁ x e₂
      term (def (quote _[_←_])
              (varg (def e₁ [])  varg x  varg e₂  [])) =
        subst-def-proof e₁ x e₂
      term (def (quote Chi._[_←_])
              (_  varg (def e₁ [])  varg x  varg e₂  [])) =
        subst-def-proof e₁ x e₂
      term (def (quote _[_←_])
              (varg (var x₁ [])  varg x  varg e₂  [])) =
        subst-var-proof x₁ x e₂
      term (def (quote Chi._[_←_])
              (_  varg (var x₁ [])  varg x  varg e₂  [])) =
        subst-var-proof x₁ x e₂

      -- General cases for applications.
      term (con c ts) = try-cong (con c []) ts
      term (def f ts) = try-cong (def f []) ts
      term (var x ts) = try-cong (var x []) ts

      term (meta m _) = blockOnMeta m
      term _          = return trivial

      subst-rep-proof : Term  TC Proof
      subst-rep-proof e₁ = return $
          (def (quote subst-rep) (varg e₁  []))
          (just (rep-rhs e₁))

      subst-subst-proof :
        Name  Term  Term  Term  TC Proof
      subst-subst-proof f e₁ x e₂ = do
        p₁  term e₁
        return $ case p₁ of λ where
          trivial              trivial
          (non-trivial p₁ e₁)  flip non-trivial e₁ $
            let p₁ = def (quote subst-cong₁)
                       (varg x  varg e₂  varg p₁  [])
            in case e₁ of λ where
              nothing              p₁
              (just (rep-rhs e₁)) 
                def (quote trans)
                  (varg p₁ 
                   varg (def (quote subst-rep) (varg e₁  [])) 
              (just (closed-rhs cl)) 
                def (quote trans)
                  (varg p₁ 
                   varg (def (quote subst-closed)
                           (varg x  varg e₂  varg cl  [])) 

      subst-def-proof : Name  Term  Term  TC Proof
      subst-def-proof e₁ x e₂ =
        return $ case lookup eq-Name e₁ closed-defs of λ where
          nothing    trivial
          (just cl)  non-trivial
            (def (quote subst-closed) (varg x  varg e₂  varg cl  []))
            (just (closed-rhs cl))

      subst-var-proof :   Term  Term  TC Proof
      subst-var-proof x₁ x e₂ =
        return $ case lookup eq-ℕ x₁ closed-vars of λ where
          nothing    trivial
          (just cl)  non-trivial
            (def (quote subst-closed) (varg x  varg e₂  varg cl  []))
            (just (closed-rhs cl))

      try-cong : Term  List (Arg Term)  TC Proof
      try-cong f [] =
        -- Reflexivity should work fine if there are no arguments.
        return trivial
      try-cong f ts =
        case non-default-modality-after-first-visible-arg of λ where
          true   return trivial
          false  do
            (ts , triv)  args ts
            case triv of λ where
              true   return trivial
              false  do
                cong-proof  make-cong visible-args
                  (non-trivial (def cong-proof (varg f  ts)) nothing)
        non-default-modality-after-first-visible-arg =
          skip-prefix ts
          skip-prefix : List (Arg Term)  Bool
          skip-prefix ts@(arg (arg-info visible _) _  _) =
            foldr _∨_ false $
            flip L.map ts λ where
              (arg (arg-info v m) _) 
                not (eq-Modality m (modality relevant quantity-ω))
          skip-prefix (_  ts) = skip-prefix ts
          skip-prefix []       = true

        visible-args = length $ flip filter ts λ where
          (arg (arg-info v _) _)  eq-Visibility v visible

      -- The returned boolean is true iff the proofs constructed for
      -- all arguments are trivial.

      args : List (Arg Term)  TC (List (Arg Term) × Bool)
      args [] =
        return ([] , true)
      args (arg i@(arg-info visible _) t  ts) = do
        p            term t
        (ps , triv)  args ts
        return $ (arg i (the-proof p)  ps ,_) $
          case p , triv of λ where
            (trivial , true)  true
            _                 false
      args (_  ts) =
        -- Arguments that are not visible are ignored.
        args ts

  -- Checks that the assumptions are plain names and returns the names
  -- along with the quoted proofs.

  process-closed :
    List ( λ (e : Exp)  Closed e) 
    TC (List (Name × Term) × List ( × Term))
  process-closed []               = return ([] , [])
  process-closed ((e , c)  rest) = do
    e  quoteTC e
    c  quoteTC c
    case e of λ where
      (def f [])  Σ-map ((f , c) ∷_) id ⟨$⟩ process-closed rest
      (var x [])  Σ-map id ((x , c) ∷_) ⟨$⟩ process-closed rest
      _  typeError $
        termErr e 
        strErr " is not the name of a definition or variable"  []

  -- A function used to implement remove-substs.

  remove-substs-tactic : List ( λ (e : Exp)  Closed e)  Term  TC 
  remove-substs-tactic closed goal =
    inferType goal >>= reduce >>= λ where
      (def (quote _≡_) (_  _  arg _ e  _  []))  do
        closed-defs , closed-vars  process-closed closed
        t                          proof closed-defs closed-vars e
        debugPrint "remove-substs" 5 $
          strErr "The macro remove-substs constructed the following " 
          strErr "proof term:\n" 
          strErr "  "  termErr t  []
        unify goal t
      _  typeError $
        termErr goal  strErr " is not an equality type"  []


  -- A tactic that tries to "remove" applications of substitutions to
  -- closed expressions. The tactic knows that Coding.rep-as-Exp
  -- returns closed terms, and one can provide the tactic with
  -- information about names standing for closed terms.
  -- The tactic can for instance be used to prove the following goal
  -- (where e has type Exp):
  --   Exp.const 12 (⌜ e ⌝ [ x ← e′ ] ∷ []) ≡ Exp.const 12 (⌜ e ⌝ ∷ [])
  -- The tactic does not look at the right-hand side, that side is
  -- assumed to have the right form.
  -- Given the information that e is closed the tactic can also be
  -- used to prove the following goal:
  --   Exp.const 12 (e [ x ← e′ ] ∷ []) ≡ Exp.const 12 (e ∷ [])
  -- The tactic's first argument is a list of pairs of expressions and
  -- proofs that the expressions are closed. The expressions must be
  -- given as names of definitions or variables.

  remove-substs :
    List ( λ (e : Exp)  Closed e)  Term  TC 
  remove-substs closed goal = remove-substs-tactic closed goal

-- Unit tests


  _ : Exp.rec 0 (var 0)  rec 0 (var 0)
  _ = remove-substs []

  _ : Exp.const 12 ( e  [ x  e′ ]  [])  Exp.const 12 ( e   [])
  _ = remove-substs []

  _ : Exp.const 12 ( e  [ x  e′ ] [ y  e″ ]  []) 
      Exp.const 12 ( e   [])
  _ = remove-substs []

  [id] : Exp
  [id] = lambda 0 (var 0)

  [id]-is-closed : Closed [id]
  [id]-is-closed = from-⊎ $ closed? [id]

  _ : Exp.const 12 ([id] [ x  e′ ]  [])  Exp.const 12 ([id]  [])
  _ = remove-substs (([id] , [id]-is-closed)  [])

  _ : Exp.const 12 ([id] [ x  e′ ] [ y  e″ ]  []) 
      Exp.const 12 ([id]  [])
  _ = remove-substs (([id] , [id]-is-closed)  [])

  _ : (e : Exp) (cl : Closed e) 
      Exp.const 12 (e [ x  e′ ] [ y  e″ ]  []) 
      Exp.const 12 (e  [])
  _ = λ e cl  remove-substs ((e , cl)  [])

  _ : (n : )  const 3 ( n   [])  const 3 ( n   [])
  _ = λ n 
    const 3 ( n   [])                     ≡⟨ sym $ remove-substs [] ⟩⟶
    const 3 ( n  [ 0  const 0 [] ]  [])  ≡⟨ remove-substs [] ⟩⟶
    const 3 ( n   [])                     ■⟨ const _ (rep-value n  []) 

  f : Exp  Exp
  f e = const 7 (e  [])

  _ : f ( e  [ x  e′ ])  f  e 
  _ = remove-substs []

  _ : (f : (n : )   λ (m : )  m  n) (n : ) 
      Exp.const (proj₁ (f n)) ( e  [ x  e′ ]  []) 
      const (proj₁ (f n)) ( e   [])
  _ = λ _ _  remove-substs []