-- Compatibility lemmas

open import Atom

module Compatibility (atoms : χ-atoms) where

open import Bag-equivalence hiding (trans)
open import Equality.Propositional
open import Prelude hiding (const)
open import Tactic.By

open import List equality-with-J using (map)

open import Chi           atoms
open import Constants     atoms
open import Deterministic atoms
open import Reasoning     atoms
open import Values        atoms

open χ-atoms atoms

-- A compatibility lemma that does not hold.

¬-⇓-[←]-right :
  ¬ (∀ {e′ v′} e x {v} 
     e′  v′  e [ x  v′ ]  v  e [ x  e′ ]  v)
¬-⇓-[←]-right hyp = ¬e[x←e′]⇓v (hyp e x e′⇓v′ e[x←v′]⇓v)
  x : Var
  x = v-x

  e′ v′ e v : Exp
  e′ = apply (lambda v-x (var v-x)) (const c-true [])
  v′ = const c-true []
  e  = lambda v-y (var v-x)
  v  = lambda v-y (const c-true [])

  e′⇓v′ : e′  v′
  e′⇓v′ = apply lambda (const [])
            (case v-x V.≟ v-x
             return  b  if b then const c-true []
                                else var v-x  v′) of  where
               (yes _)    const []
               (no  x≢x)  ⊥-elim (x≢x refl)))

  lemma :  v  e [ x  v ]  lambda v-y v
  lemma _ with v-x V.≟ v-y
  ... | yes x≡y = ⊥-elim (V.distinct-codes→distinct-names  ()) x≡y)
  ... | no  _   with v-x V.≟ v-x
  ...   | yes _   = refl
  ...   | no  x≢x = ⊥-elim (x≢x refl)

  e[x←v′]⇓v : e [ x  v′ ]  v
  e[x←v′]⇓v =
    e [ x  v′ ]   ≡⟨ lemma _ ⟩⟶
    lambda v-y v′  ⇓⟨ lambda ⟩■

  ¬e[x←e′]⇓v : ¬ e [ x  e′ ]  v
  ¬e[x←e′]⇓v p with _[_←_] e x e′ | lemma e′
  ¬e[x←e′]⇓v () | ._ | refl


  -- Contexts.

  data Context : Type where
           : Context
    apply←_ : Context  {e : Exp}  Context
    apply→_ : {e : Exp}  Context  Context
    const   : {c : Const}  Context⋆  Context
    case    : Context  {bs : List Br}  Context

  data Context⋆ : Type where
    here  : Context  {es : List Exp}  Context⋆
    there : {e : Exp}  Context⋆  Context⋆


  -- Filling a context's hole (∙) with an expression.

  infix 6 _[_] _[_]⋆

  _[_] : Context  Exp  Exp
                    [ e ] = e
  apply←_ c {e = e′} [ e ] = apply (c [ e ]) e′
  apply→_ {e = e′} c [ e ] = apply e′ (c [ e ])
  const {c = c′} c   [ e ] = const c′ (c [ e ]⋆)
  case c {bs = bs}   [ e ] = case (c [ e ]) bs

  _[_]⋆ : Context⋆  Exp  List Exp
  here c {es = es} [ e ]⋆ = (c [ e ])  es
  there {e = e′} c [ e ]⋆ = e′  (c [ e ]⋆)


  -- If e₁ terminates with v₁ and c [ v₁ ] terminates with v₂, then
  -- c [ e₁ ] also terminates with v₂.

  []⇓ :
     c {e₁ v₁ v₂} 
    e₁  v₁  c [ v₁ ]  v₂  c [ e₁ ]  v₂
  []⇓  {e₁} {v₁} {v₂} p q =
    e₁  ⇓⟨ p 
    v₁  ⇓⟨ q ⟩■

  []⇓ (apply← c) p (apply q r s)  = apply ([]⇓ c p q) r s
  []⇓ (apply→ c) p (apply q r s)  = apply q ([]⇓ c p r) s
  []⇓ (const c)  p (const ps)     = const ([]⇓⋆ c p ps)
  []⇓ (case c)   p (case q r s t) = case ([]⇓ c p q) r s t

  []⇓⋆ :
     c {e v vs} 
    e  v  c [ v ]⋆ ⇓⋆ vs  c [ e ]⋆ ⇓⋆ vs
  []⇓⋆ (here  c) p (q  qs) = []⇓ c p q  qs
  []⇓⋆ (there c) p (q  qs) = q  []⇓⋆ c p qs


  -- If e₁ terminates with v₁ and c [ e₁ ] terminates with v₂, then
  -- c [ v₁ ] also terminates with v₂.

  []⇓⁻¹ :
     c {e₁ v₁ v₂} 
    e₁  v₁  c [ e₁ ]  v₂  c [ v₁ ]  v₂
  []⇓⁻¹  {v₁ = v₁} {v₂ = v₂} e₁⇓v₁ e₁⇓v₂ =
    v₁  ≡⟨ ⇓-deterministic e₁⇓v₁ e₁⇓v₂ ⟩⟶
    v₂  ■⟨ ⇓-Value e₁⇓v₂ 

  []⇓⁻¹ (apply← c) p (apply q r s)  = apply ([]⇓⁻¹ c p q) r s
  []⇓⁻¹ (apply→ c) p (apply q r s)  = apply q ([]⇓⁻¹ c p r) s
  []⇓⁻¹ (const c)  p (const ps)     = const ([]⇓⋆⁻¹ c p ps)
  []⇓⁻¹ (case c)   p (case q r s t) = case ([]⇓⁻¹ c p q) r s t

  []⇓⋆⁻¹ :
     c {e v vs} 
    e  v  c [ e ]⋆ ⇓⋆ vs  c [ v ]⋆ ⇓⋆ vs
  []⇓⋆⁻¹ (here  c) p (q  qs) = []⇓⁻¹ c p q  qs
  []⇓⋆⁻¹ (there c) p (q  qs) = q  []⇓⋆⁻¹ c p qs