I am Nikolas' and Yiannis'
father. I am also a professor in the Department of Computer Science and
Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology. I am
the co-leader of the Distributed Computing and
Systems Research Group. Formerly I was with these institutes.
My CV in pdf can be found here.
Research Interests
My current research interests center on distributed/parallel
computing and systems and information visualization in general. More
specifically my research interests include:
- efficient and fault tolerant inter-process communication/coordination
mechanisms, with applications in: i) Lock-free
programming and lock-free data structures for multicore and many core
systems, in particular on the EXCESS
project, the NOBLE library project and the Euro-TM
project. The WARPing, the Lockless-Spark98&Lockless-miniSPLASH2, the NBmalloc, the Dynamic Load
Balancing on Graphics Processors projects were also projects from the same
general area. ii) Algorithms for multicore systems, in particular in the
GPU Quicksort project.
- Secure Network Services and Communication.
- communication and data fusion in mobile systems in particular on
the MiNEMA programme and the DYNAMO action;
- visualization of distributed algorithms, files, networks and software, in
particular on the LYDIAN, the CausalViz, the CiteWiz and the
- interactive visualization for reducing occlusion
in 3D environments, in particular on the PMorph and the
"Image-Space Dynamic Transparency" projects.
For more information please have a look at the page of the distributed
computing and systems research group, you can also look at the list of
my publications. A
couple of news and press releases from Chalmers (in Swedish) regarding our
research can be found here and here.
Best paper awards: 1) ''Fast and Lock-Free Concurrent Priority Queues for Multi-Thread Systems",17th IEEE/ACM International Parallel And Distributed Processing Symposium, 2003. 2) “Towards modeling legitimate and unsolicited email traffic using social network properties", Fifth Workshop on Social Network Systems (SNS 2012). Papers invited to special issues of journals devoted to selected papers: 1) "Animated Visualization of Causal Relations Through Growing 2D Geometry" 2) "Reactive Multi-word Synchronization for Multiprocessors" 3) "Allocating Memory in a Lock-free Manner" 4) "DataMeadow: A Visual Canvas for Analysis of Large-Scale Multivariate Data" 5) “Strategies for Repeated Games With Subsystem Takeovers: Implementable by Deterministic and Self-Stabilizing Automata” |
Academic Children
- Yi
Zhang, Ph.D. received June 2003, SAP Research. First employment: Research
Fellow at The University of Birmingham, England. Dissertation: Non-blocking
Synchronization: Algorithms and Performance Evaluation. Download the disseratation in pdf.
- Håkan Sundell, Ph.D. received November 2004. Startup, CEO Parallel
Scalable Solutions, PSS.
Dissertation: Efficient and Practical Non-Blocking Data Structures.
Download the dissertation in pdf.
- Boris Koldehofe, Ph.D. received March 2005
(co-supervised with Marina Papatriantafilou), First employment: PostDoc at The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,
Lausanne, Switzerland. Dissertation: Distributed Algorithms and
Educational Simulation/Visualisation in
Collaborative Environments. Download the disseratation
in pdf.
- Phuong Ha, Ph.D. received June 2006. First Employment: PostDoc at the University of Tromsø.
Norway. Dissertation: Reactive Concurrent Data Structures and Algorithms
for Synchronization. Download the dissertation in pdf.
- Niklas Elmqvist,
Ph.D. received December 2006. First Employment: PostDoc
at the University Paris Sud, France. DIssertation: 3D Occlusion Management and Causality
Visualization. Download the dissertation in pdf.
- Daniel
Cederman, Ph.D. received March 2011. First Employment: PostDoc
at our group working at the PEPPHER project. Dissertation: Concurrent Algorithms and
Data-Structures for Many-Core Processors. Download the dissertation in pdf.
Andreas Larsson, Ph.D. received June 2012. First Employment: Aeroflex Gaisler AB. Dissertation: Security and Self-stabilization in Sensor Network
Services. Download
the dissertation in pdf.
- Nhan
D. Nguyen, Ph.D. received May 2014. First Employment: NTT Com Security
Sweden AB. Dissertation: On Composability, Efficient Design and Memory Reclamation
of Lock-free Data Structures. Download
the dissertation in pdf.
- Farnaz
Moradi, Ph.D. received September 2014. First Employment: ERICSSON Research.
Dissertation: Improving
Community Detection Methods for Network Data. Download the dissertation in pdf.
The youngsters
I am currently
working with these great
PhD students.
Academic Ancestrors
academic father is Lefteris Kirousis,
he was my thesis advisor. Click here to find
his academic father from the Mathematics Genealogy Project.
Most of
the research mentioned above would have not been possible without the
support from VR
(Swedish Research Council), SSF (Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research), KBM (the
Swedish Emergency Management Agency), ESF
(European Science Foundation), Microsoft Research,
Chalmers Foundation.
Systems II - Distribuerade system fk, TDA297 (CTH), DIT290 (GU). LP3 –
7.5 hec (hp)
Some Masters' Thesis
Educational programs for
Secure Clock Synchronization in Sensor
Visualization of Citation Networks.
Contact me to discuss possible projects.
How to Reach Me
My office is at the EDIT-building, Rännvägen 6B (campus map), 5th
floor, room 5112. For detailed information you can look at a neighborhood map.
Postal Address
Philippas Tsigas
Department of Cs&E
Chalmers University of Technology
S-412 96 Göteborg
last name # at # cs.chalmers.se.
My office number is +46 31 772
My office fax number is +46 31 772 3663.