-- Propositional truncation

{-# OPTIONS --erased-cubical --safe #-}

-- Partly following the HoTT book.

-- The module is parametrised by a notion of equality. The higher
-- constructor of the HIT defining the propositional truncation uses
-- path equality, but the supplied notion of equality is used for many
-- other things.

import Equality.Path as P

module H-level.Truncation.Propositional
  {e⁺} (eq :  {a p}  P.Equality-with-paths a p e⁺) where

open P.Derived-definitions-and-properties eq hiding (elim)

open import Dec
open import Prelude
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)

open import Accessibility equality-with-J as A using (Acc)
open import Bijection equality-with-J as Bijection using (_↔_)
open import Embedding equality-with-J as Embedding hiding (id; _∘_)
open import Equality.Decidable-UIP equality-with-J
open import Equality.Path.Isomorphisms eq
open import Equivalence equality-with-J as Eq
  using (_≃_; Is-equivalence)
open import Equivalence.Path-split equality-with-J as PS
  using (Is-∞-extendable-along-[_]; _-Null_)
open import Equivalence.Erased equality-with-J using (_≃ᴱ_)
open import Equivalence.Erased.Contractible-preimages equality-with-J
  as ECP using (_⁻¹ᴱ_)
open import Equivalence-relation equality-with-J
open import Erased.Cubical eq as E
  using (Erased; erased; Dec-Erased; Very-stableᴱ-≡; Erased-singleton)
import Erased.Stability equality-with-J as ES
open import Extensionality equality-with-J
open import Function-universe equality-with-J as F hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level equality-with-J as H-level
open import H-level.Closure equality-with-J
import H-level.Truncation.Church equality-with-J as Trunc
open import H-level.Truncation.Propositional.Erased eq as TE
  using (∥_∥ᴱ; Surjectiveᴱ)
open import Injection equality-with-J using (_↣_)
open import Modality.Basics equality-with-J
open import Monad equality-with-J
import Nat equality-with-J as Nat
open import Preimage equality-with-J as Preimage using (_⁻¹_)
open import Surjection equality-with-J as Surjection
  using (_↠_; Split-surjective)

    a b c d p r  ℓ′    : Level
    A A₁ A₂ B B₁ B₂ C D : Type a
    P Q                 : A  Type p
    R                   : A  A  Type r
    A↠B f k s x y       : A

-- The type constructor and some eliminators

-- Propositional truncation.

data ∥_∥ (A : Type a) : Type a where
  ∣_∣                        : A   A 
  truncation-is-propositionᴾ : P.Is-proposition  A 

-- The truncation produces propositions.

truncation-is-proposition : Is-proposition  A 
truncation-is-proposition =
  _↔_.from (H-level↔H-level 1) truncation-is-propositionᴾ

-- A dependent eliminator, expressed using paths.

record Elimᴾ′ {A : Type a} (P :  A   Type p) : Type (a  p) where
    ∣∣ʳ : (x : A)  P  x 

    truncation-is-propositionʳ :
      (p : P x) (q : P y) 
      P.[  i  P (truncation-is-propositionᴾ x y i)) ] p  q

open Elimᴾ′ public

elimᴾ′ : Elimᴾ′ P  (x :  A )  P x
elimᴾ′ {A} {P} e = helper
  module E′ = Elimᴾ′ e

  helper : (x :  A )  P x
  helper  x                               = E′.∣∣ʳ x
  helper (truncation-is-propositionᴾ x y i) =
    E′.truncation-is-propositionʳ (helper x) (helper y) i

-- A possibly more useful dependent eliminator, expressed using paths.

record Elimᴾ {A : Type a} (P :  A   Type p) : Type (a  p) where
    ∣∣ʳ : (x : A)  P  x 

    truncation-is-propositionʳ :
      (x :  A )  P.Is-proposition (P x)

open Elimᴾ public

elimᴾ : Elimᴾ P  (x :  A )  P x
elimᴾ e = elimᴾ′ e′
  module E′ = Elimᴾ e

  e′ : Elimᴾ′ _
  e′ .∣∣ʳ                            = E′.∣∣ʳ
  e′ .truncation-is-propositionʳ _ _ =
    P.heterogeneous-irrelevance E′.truncation-is-propositionʳ

-- A non-dependent eliminator, expressed using paths.

record Recᴾ (A : Type a) (B : Type b) : Type (a  b) where
    ∣∣ʳ                        : A  B
    truncation-is-propositionʳ : P.Is-proposition B

open Recᴾ public

recᴾ : Recᴾ A B   A   B
recᴾ r = elimᴾ e
  module R = Recᴾ r

  e : Elimᴾ _
  e .∣∣ʳ                          = R.∣∣ʳ
  e .truncation-is-propositionʳ _ = R.truncation-is-propositionʳ

-- A dependently typed eliminator.

record Elim′ {A : Type a} (P :  A   Type p) : Type (a  p) where
    ∣∣ʳ : (x : A)  P  x 

    truncation-is-propositionʳ :
      (x :  A )  Is-proposition (P x)

open Elim′ public

elim′ : Elim′ P  (x :  A )  P x
elim′ e = elimᴾ e′
  module E′ = Elim′ e

  e′ : Elimᴾ _
  e′ .∣∣ʳ                        = E′.∣∣ʳ
  e′ .truncation-is-propositionʳ =
    _↔_.to (H-level↔H-level 1)  E′.truncation-is-propositionʳ

elim :
  (P :  A   Type p) 
  (∀ x  Is-proposition (P x)) 
  ((x : A)  P  x ) 
  (x :  A )  P x
elim _ p f = elim′ λ where
  .∣∣ʳ                         f
  .truncation-is-propositionʳ  p

-- Primitive "recursion".

record Rec′ (A : Type a) (B : Type b) : Type (a  b) where
    ∣∣ʳ                        : A  B
    truncation-is-propositionʳ : Is-proposition B

open Rec′ public

rec′ : Rec′ A B   A   B
rec′ r = recᴾ r′
  module R = Rec′ r

  r′ : Recᴾ _ _
  r′ .∣∣ʳ                        = R.∣∣ʳ
  r′ .truncation-is-propositionʳ =
    _↔_.to (H-level↔H-level 1) R.truncation-is-propositionʳ

rec : Is-proposition B  (A  B)   A   B
rec p f = rec′ λ where
  .∣∣ʳ                         f
  .truncation-is-propositionʳ  p

-- A lemma

-- A map function.

∥∥-map : (A  B)   A    B 
∥∥-map f = rec truncation-is-proposition (∣_∣  f)

-- The axiom of choice, and the axiom of countable choice

-- The axiom of choice, in one of the alternative forms given in the
-- HoTT book (§3.8).

Axiom-of-choice : (a b : Level)  Type (lsuc (a  b))
Axiom-of-choice a b =
  {A : Type a} {B : A  Type b} 
  Is-set A  (∀ x   B x )   (∀ x  B x) 

-- The axiom of choice can be turned into a bijection.

choice-bijection :
  {A : Type a} {B : A  Type b} 
  Axiom-of-choice a b  Is-set A 
  (∀ x   B x )   (∀ x  B x) 
choice-bijection choice A-set = record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { to   = choice A-set
      ; from = λ f x  ∥∥-map (_$ x) f
    ; right-inverse-of = λ _  truncation-is-proposition _ _
  ; left-inverse-of = λ _ 
      (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
       truncation-is-proposition) _ _

-- The axiom of countable choice, stated in a corresponding way.

Axiom-of-countable-choice : (b : Level)  Type (lsuc b)
Axiom-of-countable-choice b =
  {B :   Type b}  (∀ x   B x )   (∀ x  B x) 

-- The axiom of countable choice can be turned into a bijection.

countable-choice-bijection :
  {B :   Type b} 
  Axiom-of-countable-choice b 
  (∀ x   B x )   (∀ x  B x) 
countable-choice-bijection cc = record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { to   = cc
      ; from = λ f x  ∥∥-map (_$ x) f
    ; right-inverse-of = λ _  truncation-is-proposition _ _
  ; left-inverse-of = λ _ 
      (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
       truncation-is-proposition) _ _

-- Propositional truncation is an accessible modality

-- Propositional truncation is a modality.
-- This proof is based on "Modalities in Homotopy Type Theory" by
-- Rijke, Shulman and Spitters.

∥∥-modality : Modality 
∥∥-modality {} = λ where
    .             ∥_∥
    .η             ∣_∣
    .modality-for  λ where
      .Modal                Is-proposition
      .Modal-propositional  λ ext  H-level-propositional ext 1
      .Modal-◯              truncation-is-proposition
      .Modal-respects-≃     H-level-cong _ 1
      .extendable-along-η   extendable
  open Modality
  open Modality-for

  extendable :
    {A : Type } {P :  A   Type } 
    (∀ x  Is-proposition (P x)) 
    Is-∞-extendable-along-[ ∣_∣ ] P
  extendable {A} {P} =
    (∀ x  Is-proposition (P x))                          →⟨  prop 
                                                                _≃_.is-equivalence $
                                                                  (elim _ prop)
                                                                   f  ⟨ext⟩ $
                                                                       (⇒≡ 1  prop)
                                                                        _  refl _))) 
    Is-equivalence  (f : (x :  A )  P x)  f  ∣_∣)  ↔⟨ inverse $ PS.Is-∞-extendable-along≃Is-equivalence ext ⟩□
    Is-∞-extendable-along-[ ∣_∣ ] P                       

-- The propositional truncation modality is accessible.
-- This proof is based on "Modalities in Homotopy Type Theory" by
-- Rijke, Shulman and Spitters.

∥∥-accessible : Accessible (∥∥-modality { = })
∥∥-accessible {} =
  ,  _    Bool)
  ,  A 
       Is-proposition A                                 ↝⟨ record { from = from; to = to } 
        (_ :   )    Bool) -Null A               ↔⟨ inverse $ PS.Π-Is-∞-extendable-along≃Null ext ⟩□
       (    Is-∞-extendable-along-[ _ ]  _  A))  )

  to : Is-proposition A   (_ :   )    Bool) -Null A
  to prop _ =
    _≃_.is-equivalence $
      (Π-closure ext 1 λ _  prop)
      (_$ lift true)

  from :  (_ :   )    Bool) -Null A  Is-proposition A
  from {A} null x y =
    x                                           ≡⟨⟩
    case true  Bool of if_then x else y        ≡⟨ cong (_$ true) $ sym $ EB→.right-inverse-of _ 
    EB→.to (EB→.from (if_then x else y)) true   ≡⟨⟩
    EB→.from (if_then x else y)                 ≡⟨⟩
    EB→.to (EB→.from (if_then x else y)) false  ≡⟨ cong (_$ false) $ EB→.right-inverse-of _ 
    case false  Bool of if_then x else y       ≡⟨⟩
    ≃Bool→ : A  (Bool  A)
    ≃Bool→ =
      A               ↝⟨ Eq.⟨ _ , null _  
      (  Bool  A)  ↝⟨ Eq.↔→≃ (_∘ lift) (_∘ lower) refl refl ⟩□
      (Bool  A)      

    module EB→ = _≃_ ≃Bool→

-- The propositional truncation modality is empty-modal.

∥∥-empty-modal : Empty-modal (∥∥-modality { = })
∥∥-empty-modal = ⊥-propositional

-- The modality is not left exact.
-- This result is mentioned by Rijke, Shulman and Spitters in
-- "Modalities in Homotopy Type Theory".

¬-∥∥-left-exact : ¬ Left-exact (∥_∥ {a = a})
¬-∥∥-left-exact {a} =
    ∥∥-empty-modal truncation-is-proposition
  open Modality (∥∥-modality { = a})

-- The modality is not very modal.

¬-∥∥-very-modal : ¬ Very-modal (∥∥-modality { = })
¬-∥∥-very-modal {} =
  Very-modal (∥∥-modality { = })       ↔⟨⟩
  ({A : Type }   Is-proposition A )  →⟨  hyp  hyp) 
   Is-proposition (  Bool)           →⟨ ◯-map (⊥-elim  ¬-Bool-propositional  H-level-cong _ 1 Bijection.↑↔) 
                                      →⟨ ⊥-elim  Modal→Stable ∥∥-empty-modal ⟩□
  open Modality (∥∥-modality { = })

-- The modality is W-modal.

∥∥-W-modal : W-modal (∥∥-modality { = })
∥∥-W-modal = W-closure ext 0

-- The modality is not accessibility-modal.

¬-∥∥-accessibility-modal :
  ¬ Modality.Accessibility-modal (∥∥-modality { = })
¬-∥∥-accessibility-modal {} =
  open Modality (∥∥-modality { = })

-- The modality is accessibility-modal for propositional types and
-- relations.

Is-proposition→∥∥-accessibility-modal :
  {A : Type } {_<_ : A  A  Type } 
  Is-proposition A 
  (∀ x y  Is-proposition (x < y)) 
  Modality.Accessibility-modal-for ∥∥-modality _<_
Is-proposition→∥∥-accessibility-modal {} p₁ p₂ =
         (rec′ λ where
            .∣∣ʳ                         id
            .truncation-is-propositionʳ  p₂ _ _)
  , (rec′ λ where
       .∣∣ʳ                         id
       .truncation-is-propositionʳ  A.Acc-propositional ext)
  open Modality (∥∥-modality { = })

-- If the modality is accessibility-modal for all relations for a
-- type A, then all values of type A are not not equal.

∥∥-accessibility-modal→¬¬≡ :
  {x y : A} 
  ({_<_ : A  A  Type } 
   Modality.Accessibility-modal-for ∥∥-modality _<_) 
  ¬ ¬ x  y
∥∥-accessibility-modal→¬¬≡ {} {A} {x} {y} acc x≢y =
                         $⟨ (A.acc λ _ x≡y  ⊥-elim $ x≢y x≡y) 
  Acc _<_ x              →⟨ Acc-[]◯-η acc 
  Acc _[ _<_ ]◯_  x    →⟨  acc 
                                  _   y , y
                                        , truncation-is-proposition _ _
                                        , truncation-is-proposition _ _
                                        , refl _
  Acc  _ _  )  x   →⟨ A.<→¬-Acc _ ⟩□
  open Modality (∥∥-modality { = })

  _<_ : A  A  Type 
  _ < z = z  y

-- The modality commutes with Σ.

∥∥-commutes-with-Σ : Modality.Commutes-with-Σ (∥∥-modality { = })
∥∥-commutes-with-Σ = Modality.commutes-with-Σ ∥∥-modality ext

-- If the axiom of choice holds, then the modality has choice for
-- families over sets.

∥∥-has-choice-for-sets :
  {A : Type } 
  Is-set A 
  Modality.Has-choice-for (∥∥-modality { = }) A
∥∥-has-choice-for-sets choice set =
  _≃_.from (Has-choice-for≃Is-equivalence-◯Π→Π◯ ext) $
  _≃_.is-equivalence $
    (from-bijection $ inverse $ choice-bijection choice set)
     _  (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
             _ _)
  open Modality ∥∥-modality

-- If the axiom of countable choice holds, then the modality has
-- choice for families over ℕ (lifted).

∥∥-has-choice-for-ℕ :
  Modality.Has-choice-for (∥∥-modality { = }) (  )
∥∥-has-choice-for-ℕ choice =
  _≃_.from (Has-choice-for≃Is-equivalence-◯Π→Π◯ ext) λ {P = P} 
  _≃_.is-equivalence $
    ( ((n :  _ )  P n)      ↝⟨ (◯-cong-≃ $ Π-cong ext Bijection.↑↔ λ _  F.id) 
      ((n : )  P (lift n))   ↔⟨ inverse $ countable-choice-bijection choice 
     ((n : )   P (lift n) )  ↝⟨ (Π-cong ext (inverse Bijection.↑↔) λ _  F.id) ⟩□
     ((n :  _ )   P n )     )
     _  (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
             _ _)
  open Modality ∥∥-modality

-- Various lemmas

-- The propositional truncation defined here is isomorphic to the one
-- defined in H-level.Truncation.Church.

∥∥↔∥∥ :
    {a} {A : Type a} 
   A   Trunc.∥ A  1 (a  )
∥∥↔∥∥  = record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { to   = rec (Trunc.truncation-has-correct-h-level 1 ext)
      ; from = lower { = } 
               Trunc.rec 1
                         (↑-closure 1 truncation-is-proposition)
                         (lift  ∣_∣)
    ; right-inverse-of = λ _ 
        Trunc.truncation-has-correct-h-level 1 ext _ _
  ; left-inverse-of = λ _  truncation-is-proposition _ _

-- If A is merely inhabited (with erased proofs), then A is merely
-- inhabited.

∥∥ᴱ→∥∥ :  A ∥ᴱ   A 
∥∥ᴱ→∥∥ = TE.rec λ where
  .TE.∣∣ʳ                         ∣_∣
  .TE.truncation-is-propositionʳ  truncation-is-proposition

-- In an erased context the propositional truncation operator defined
-- in H-level.Truncation.Propositional.Erased is equivalent to the one
-- defined here.

@0 ∥∥ᴱ≃∥∥ :  A ∥ᴱ   A 
∥∥ᴱ≃∥∥ = Eq.⇔→≃
  (rec TE.truncation-is-proposition TE.∣_∣)

-- One can convert from Dec ∥ A ∥ᴱ to Dec-Erased ∥ A ∥.

Dec-∥∥ᴱ→Dec-Erased-∥∥ : Dec  A ∥ᴱ  Dec-Erased  A 
Dec-∥∥ᴱ→Dec-Erased-∥∥ =
  E.Dec→Dec-Erased  Dec-map₀ ∥∥ᴱ→∥∥ (_≃_.from ∥∥ᴱ≃∥∥)


  -- If A and B are logically equivalent, then functions of any kind can
  -- be constructed from ∥ A ∥ to ∥ B ∥.

  ∥∥-cong-⇔ :  {k}  A  B   A  ↝[ k ]  B 
  ∥∥-cong-⇔ A⇔B = ∥∥-cong-⇔′ (∣_∣  _⇔_.to A⇔B) (∣_∣  _⇔_.from A⇔B)

  -- A variant of the previous result.

  ∥∥-cong-⇔′ :  {k}  (A   B )  (B   A )   A  ↝[ k ]  B 
  ∥∥-cong-⇔′ A→∥B∥ B→∥A∥ =
    from-equivalence $
      (rec truncation-is-proposition A→∥B∥)
      (rec truncation-is-proposition B→∥A∥)

-- The truncation operator preserves all kinds of functions.


  ∥∥-cong-↣ : A  B   A    B 
  ∥∥-cong-↣ f = record
    { to        = ∥∥-map (_↣_.to f)
    ; injective = λ _  truncation-is-proposition _ _

∥∥-cong : A ↝[ k ] B   A  ↝[ k ]  B 
∥∥-cong {k = implication}         = ∥∥-map
∥∥-cong {k = logical-equivalence} = ∥∥-cong-⇔
∥∥-cong {k = surjection}          = ∥∥-cong-⇔  _↠_.logical-equivalence
∥∥-cong {k = bijection}           = ∥∥-cong-⇔  from-isomorphism
∥∥-cong {k = equivalence}         = ∥∥-cong-⇔  from-isomorphism
∥∥-cong {k = equivalenceᴱ}        = ∥∥-cong-⇔  _≃ᴱ_.logical-equivalence
∥∥-cong {k = injection}           = ∥∥-cong-↣
∥∥-cong {k = embedding}           =
  _↔_.to (↣↔Embedding ext
            (mono₁ 1 truncation-is-proposition)
            (mono₁ 1 truncation-is-proposition)) 
  ∥∥-cong-↣  Embedding.injection

-- A form of idempotence for binary sums.

idempotent :  A  A    A 
idempotent = ∥∥-cong-⇔ (record { to = [ id , id ]; from = inj₁ })

-- A generalised flattening lemma.

flatten′ :
  (F : (Type   Type )  Type f) 
  (∀ {G H}  (∀ {A}  G A  H A)  F G  F H) 
  (F ∥_∥   F id ) 
   F ∥_∥    F id 
flatten′ _ map f = record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { to   = rec truncation-is-proposition f
      ; from = ∥∥-map (map ∣_∣)
    ; right-inverse-of = λ _  truncation-is-proposition _ _
  ; left-inverse-of = λ _  truncation-is-proposition _ _

-- Nested truncations can be flattened.

flatten :   A     A 
flatten {A} = flatten′  F  F A)  f  f) id


  -- Another flattening lemma, given as an example of how flatten′ can
  -- be used.

  ∥∃∥∥∥↔∥∃∥ : {B : A  Type b} 
                (∥_∥  B)     B 
  ∥∃∥∥∥↔∥∃∥ {B} =
    flatten′  F   (F  B))
              f  Σ-map id f)
             (uncurry λ x  ∥∥-map (x ,_))

-- A universe-polymorphic variant of bind.

infixl 5 _>>=′_

_>>=′_ :  A   (A   B )   B 
x >>=′ f = _↔_.to flatten (∥∥-map f x)

-- The universe-polymorphic variant of bind is associative.

>>=′-associative :
  (x :  A ) {f : A   B } {g : B   C } 
  x >>=′  x  f x >>=′ g)  x >>=′ f >>=′ g
>>=′-associative x {f} {g} = elim
   x  x >>=′  x₁  f x₁ >>=′ g)  x >>=′ f >>=′ g)
   _  ⇒≡ 1 truncation-is-proposition)
   _  refl _)


  -- The propositional truncation operator is a monad.

  raw-monad :  {}  Raw-monad (∥_∥ {a = })
  Raw-monad.return raw-monad = ∣_∣
  Raw-monad._>>=_  raw-monad = _>>=′_

  monad :  {}  Monad (∥_∥ {a = })
  Monad.raw-monad monad           = raw-monad
  Monad.left-identity monad x f   = refl _
  Monad.associativity monad x _ _ = >>=′-associative x
  Monad.right-identity monad      = elim
     _  ⇒≡ 1 truncation-is-proposition)
     _  refl _)

-- Surjectivity.

Surjective :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
  (A  B)  Type (a  b)
Surjective f =  b   f ⁻¹ b 

-- The property Surjective f is a proposition.

Surjective-propositional : {f : A  B}  Is-proposition (Surjective f)
Surjective-propositional =
  Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 

-- In an erased context surjectivity with erased proofs is equivalent
-- to surjectivity.
-- It appears to me as if neither direction of this equivalence can be
-- established if the erasure annotation is removed.

@0 Surjectiveᴱ≃Surjective : Surjectiveᴱ f  Surjective f
Surjectiveᴱ≃Surjective {f} =
  (∀ y   f ⁻¹ᴱ y ∥ᴱ)  ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∥∥ᴱ≃∥∥) 
  (∀ y   f ⁻¹ᴱ y )   ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∥∥-cong (inverse ECP.⁻¹≃⁻¹ᴱ)) ⟩□
  (∀ y   f ⁻¹  y )   

-- The function ∣_∣ is surjective.

∣∣-surjective : Surjective (∣_∣ {A = A})
∣∣-surjective = elim
   _  truncation-is-proposition)
   x   x , refl _ )

-- Split surjective functions are surjective.

Split-surjective→Surjective :
  {f : A  B}  Split-surjective f  Surjective f
Split-surjective→Surjective s = λ b   s b 

-- Being both surjective and an embedding is equivalent to being an
-- equivalence.
-- This is Corollary 4.6.4 from the first edition of the HoTT book
-- (the proof is perhaps not quite identical).

surjective×embedding≃equivalence :
  {f : A  B} 
  (Surjective f × Is-embedding f)  Is-equivalence f
surjective×embedding≃equivalence {f} =
  (Surjective f × Is-embedding f)          ↔⟨ ∀-cong ext  _  ∥∥↔∥∥ lzero) ×-cong F.id 
  (Trunc.Surjective _ f × Is-embedding f)  ↝⟨ Trunc.surjective×embedding≃equivalence lzero ext ⟩□
  Is-equivalence f                         

-- If the underlying type is a proposition, then truncations of the
-- type are isomorphic to the type itself.

∥∥↔ : Is-proposition A   A   A
∥∥↔ A-prop = record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { to   = rec A-prop id
      ; from = ∣_∣
    ; right-inverse-of = λ _  refl _
  ; left-inverse-of = λ _  truncation-is-proposition _ _

-- A type is a proposition if it is equivalent to the propositional
-- truncation of some type.

≃∥∥→Is-proposition : A   B   Is-proposition A
≃∥∥→Is-proposition A≃∥B∥ a₁ a₂ =     $⟨ truncation-is-proposition _ _ 
  _≃_.to A≃∥B∥ a₁  _≃_.to A≃∥B∥ a₂  ↝⟨ Eq.≃-≡ A≃∥B∥ ⟩□
  a₁  a₂                            

-- A simple isomorphism involving propositional truncation.

∥∥×↔ :  A  × A  A
∥∥×↔ =
  drop-⊤-left-× λ a 
  _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $

-- A variant of ∥∥×↔, introduced to ensure that the right-inverse-of
-- proof is, by definition, simple.

∥∥×≃ : ( A  × A)  A
∥∥×≃ = Eq.↔→≃
   x   x  , x)
   _  cong (_, _) (truncation-is-proposition _ _))

_ : _≃_.right-inverse-of ∥∥×≃ x  refl _
_ = refl _

-- A variant of ∥∥×≃.

Erased-∥∥×≃ : (Erased  A  × A)  A
Erased-∥∥×≃ = Eq.↔→≃
   x  E.[  x  ] , x)
   { (E.[ _ ] , x) 
       cong (_, x) (E.[]-cong E.[ truncation-is-proposition _ _ ]) })

_ : _≃_.right-inverse-of Erased-∥∥×≃ x  refl _
_ = refl _

-- ∥_∥ commutes with _×_.

∥∥×∥∥↔∥×∥ : ( A  ×  B )   A × B 
∥∥×∥∥↔∥×∥ = record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { from = λ p  ∥∥-map proj₁ p , ∥∥-map proj₂ p
      ; to   = λ { (x , y) 
                   rec truncation-is-proposition
                        x  rec truncation-is-proposition
                                   y   x , y )
                       x }
    ; right-inverse-of = λ _  truncation-is-proposition _ _
  ; left-inverse-of = λ _ 
      ×-closure 1 truncation-is-proposition
        _ _

-- A zip function.

∥∥-zip : (A  B  C)   A    B    C 
∥∥-zip {A} {B} {C} f = curry
  ( A  ×  B   ↔⟨ ∥∥×∥∥↔∥×∥ 
    A × B       →⟨ ∥∥-map (uncurry f) ⟩□
    C           )

-- Variants of proj₁-closure.


  H-level-×₁-lemma :
    (A   B ) 
     n  H-level (suc n) (A × B)  H-level (suc n) A
  H-level-×₁-lemma inhabited n h =
    [inhabited⇒+]⇒+ n λ a 
    rec (H-level-propositional ext (suc n))
         b  proj₁-closure  _  b) (suc n) h)
        (inhabited a)

H-level-×₁ :
  (A   B ) 
   n  H-level n (A × B)  H-level n A
H-level-×₁ inhabited zero h =
    (H-level-×₁-lemma inhabited 0 (mono₁ 0 h))
    (proj₁ (proj₁ h))
H-level-×₁ inhabited (suc n) =
  H-level-×₁-lemma inhabited n

H-level-×₂ :
  (B   A ) 
   n  H-level n (A × B)  H-level n B
H-level-×₂ {B} {A} inhabited n =
  H-level n (A × B)  ↝⟨ H-level.respects-surjection (from-bijection ×-comm) n 
  H-level n (B × A)  ↝⟨ H-level-×₁ inhabited n ⟩□
  H-level n B        

-- If A is merely inhabited, then the truncation of A is isomorphic to
-- the unit type.

inhabited⇒∥∥↔⊤ :  A    A   
inhabited⇒∥∥↔⊤ ∥a∥ =
  _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $

-- If A is not inhabited, then the propositional truncation of A is
-- isomorphic to the empty type.

not-inhabited⇒∥∥↔⊥ : ¬ A   A    { = }
not-inhabited⇒∥∥↔⊥ {A} =
  ¬ A        ↝⟨  ¬a ∥a∥  rec ⊥-propositional ¬a ∥a∥) 
  ¬  A     ↝⟨ inverse  Bijection.⊥↔uninhabited ⟩□

-- The negation of the truncation of A is isomorphic to the negation
-- of A.

¬∥∥↔¬ : ¬  A   ¬ A
¬∥∥↔¬ {A} = record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { to   = λ f  f  ∣_∣
      ; from = rec ⊥-propositional
    ; right-inverse-of = λ _  ¬-propositional ext _ _
  ; left-inverse-of = λ _  ¬-propositional ext _ _

-- The function λ R x y → ∥ R x y ∥ preserves Is-equivalence-relation.

∥∥-preserves-Is-equivalence-relation :
  Is-equivalence-relation R 
  Is-equivalence-relation  x y   R x y )
∥∥-preserves-Is-equivalence-relation R-equiv = record
  { reflexive  =  reflexive 
  ; symmetric  = symmetric ⟨$⟩_
  ; transitive = λ p q  transitive ⟨$⟩ p  q
  open Is-equivalence-relation R-equiv


  -- The propositional truncation's universal property.

  universal-property :
    Is-proposition B 
    ( A   B)  (A  B)
  universal-property B-prop = universal-property-Π  _  B-prop)

  -- A generalisation of the universal property.

  universal-property-Π :
    (∀ x  Is-proposition (P x)) 
    ((x :  A )  P x)  ((x : A)  P  x )
  universal-property-Π {A} {P} P-prop =
    ((x :  A )  P x)      ↝⟨ Eq.⇔→≃ prop truncation-is-proposition
                                   f   f  ∣_∣ ) (rec prop (elim _ P-prop)) 
     ((x : A)  P  x )   ↔⟨ ∥∥↔ (Π-closure ext 1 λ _  P-prop _) ⟩□
    ((x : A)  P  x )      
    prop = Π-closure ext 1 λ _  P-prop _


  -- The universal property computes in the right way.

  _ :
    (B-prop : Is-proposition B)
    (f :  A   B) 
    _≃_.to (universal-property B-prop) f  f  ∣_∣
  _ = λ _ _  refl _

  _ :
    (B-prop : Is-proposition B)
    (f : A  B) (x : A) 
    _≃_.from (universal-property B-prop) f  x   f x
  _ = λ _ _ _  refl _

-- If there is a function f : A → ∥ B ∥, then f is an equivalence if
-- and only if the second projection from A × B is an equivalence.

equivalence-to-∥∥≃proj₂-equivalence :
  (f : A   B ) 
  Is-equivalence f  Is-equivalence (proj₂  (A × B  B))
equivalence-to-∥∥≃proj₂-equivalence {A} {B} f = Eq.⇔→≃
  (Is-equivalence-propositional ext)
  (Is-equivalence-propositional ext)
   eq  _≃_.is-equivalence
            (A × B      ↝⟨ (×-cong₁ λ _  Eq.⟨ _ , eq ) 
              B  × B  ↝⟨ ∥∥×≃ ⟩□
             B          ))
  from : Is-equivalence proj₂  Is-equivalence f
  from eq = _≃_.is-equivalence $ Eq.⇔→≃
    (rec A-prop (proj₁  _≃_.from Eq.⟨ _ , eq ))
    A-prop₁ : B  Is-proposition A
    A-prop₁ b a₁ a₂ =                  $⟨ refl _ 
      b  b                            ↔⟨⟩
      proj₂ (a₁ , b)  proj₂ (a₂ , b)  ↔⟨ Eq.≃-≡ Eq.⟨ _ , eq  
      (a₁ , b)  (a₂ , b)              ↝⟨ cong proj₁ ⟩□
      a₁  a₂                          

    A-prop : Is-proposition A
    A-prop = [inhabited⇒+]⇒+ 0
      (A                 ↝⟨ f 
        B              ↝⟨ rec (H-level-propositional ext 1) A-prop₁ ⟩□
       Is-proposition A  )

-- There is an equivalence between "A is equivalent to ∥ B ∥" and
-- "there is a function from A to ∥ B ∥ and the second projection is
-- an equivalence from A × B to B".

≃∥∥≃→∥∥×proj₂-equivalence :
  (A   B )  ((A   B ) × Is-equivalence (proj₂  (A × B  B)))
≃∥∥≃→∥∥×proj₂-equivalence {A} {B} =
  A   B                                            ↔⟨ Eq.≃-as-Σ 
  ( λ (f : A   B )  Is-equivalence f)            ↝⟨ ∃-cong equivalence-to-∥∥≃proj₂-equivalence ⟩□
  (A   B ) × Is-equivalence (proj₂  (A × B  B))  

-- The following three results come from "Generalizations of Hedberg's
-- Theorem" by Kraus, Escardó, Coquand and Altenkirch.

-- Types with constant endofunctions are "h-stable" (meaning that
-- "mere inhabitance" implies inhabitance).

constant-endofunction⇒h-stable : {f : A  A}  Constant f   A   A
constant-endofunction⇒h-stable {A} {f} c =
   A                     ↝⟨ rec (fixpoint-lemma f c)  x  f x , c (f x) x) 
  ( λ (x : A)  f x  x)  ↝⟨ proj₁ ⟩□

-- Having a constant endofunction is logically equivalent to being
-- h-stable.

constant-endofunction⇔h-stable :
  ( λ (f : A  A)  Constant f)  ( A   A)
constant-endofunction⇔h-stable = record
  { to = λ { (_ , c)  constant-endofunction⇒h-stable c }
  ; from = λ f  f  ∣_∣ , λ x y 

      f  x   ≡⟨ cong f $ truncation-is-proposition _ _ ⟩∎
      f  y   

-- A type is a set if and only if it is "h-separated" (which means
-- that all its equality types are h-stable).

Is-set⇔h-separated :
  Is-set A  ((x y : A)   x  y   x  y)
Is-set⇔h-separated {A} = record
  { to   = λ A-set _ _  rec A-set id
  ; from =
      ((x y : A)   x  y   x  y)                     ↝⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  ∀-cong _ λ _ 
                                                              _⇔_.from constant-endofunction⇔h-stable) 
      ((x y : A)   λ (f : x  y  x  y)  Constant f)  ↝⟨ constant⇒set ⟩□
      Is-set A                                            

-- If A is decided, then ∥ A ∥ is decided.

Dec→Dec-∥∥ : Dec A  Dec  A 
Dec→Dec-∥∥ (yes a) = yes  a 
Dec→Dec-∥∥ (no ¬A) = no (_↔_.from ¬∥∥↔¬ ¬A)

-- If A is decided (with erased proofs), then ∥ A ∥ is decided (with
-- erased proofs).

Dec-Erased→Dec-Erased-∥∥ : Dec-Erased A  Dec-Erased  A 
Dec-Erased→Dec-Erased-∥∥ {A} =
  Dec-Erased A        →⟨ E.Dec-Erased↔Dec-Erased _ 
  Dec (Erased A)      →⟨ Dec→Dec-∥∥ 
  Dec  Erased A     →⟨ Dec-map₀
                           (rec′ λ where
                                E.map ∣_∣
                                E.H-level-Erased 1 truncation-is-proposition)
                            (E.[ x ])  ∥∥-map E.[_]→ x) 
  Dec (Erased  A )  →⟨ _⇔_.from (E.Dec-Erased↔Dec-Erased _) ⟩□
  Dec-Erased  A     

-- If a binary relation can be decided, then the propositional
-- truncation of the relation can also be decided.

ΠΠ-Dec→ΠΠ-Dec-∥∥ :
  {P : A  B  Type p} 
  ((x : A) (y : B)  Dec (P x y)) 
  ((x : A) (y : B)  Dec  P x y )
ΠΠ-Dec→ΠΠ-Dec-∥∥ dec =
  λ x y  Dec→Dec-∥∥ (dec x y)

-- A variant of ΠΠ-Dec→ΠΠ-Dec-∥∥ for Dec-Erased.

ΠΠ-Dec-Erased→ΠΠ-Dec-Erased-∥∥ :
  {P : A  B  Type p} 
  ((x : A) (y : B)  Dec-Erased (P x y)) 
  ((x : A) (y : B)  Dec-Erased  P x y )
ΠΠ-Dec-Erased→ΠΠ-Dec-Erased-∥∥ dec =
  λ x y  Dec-Erased→Dec-Erased-∥∥ (dec x y)

-- If A is decided, then one can convert between ∥ A ∥ and A.

Dec→∥∥⇔ :
  Dec A   A   A
Dec→∥∥⇔ _       ._⇔_.from = ∣_∣
Dec→∥∥⇔ (yes a) ._⇔_.to   = λ _  a
Dec→∥∥⇔ (no ¬A) ._⇔_.to   = ⊥-elim  rec ⊥-propositional ¬A

-- If A is decided, then one can convert between Erased ∥ A ∥ and A.

Dec→Erased-∥∥⇔ : Dec A  Erased  A   A
Dec→Erased-∥∥⇔ {A} dec =
  Erased  A   ↝⟨ record { to = E.Dec→Stable (Dec→Dec-∥∥ dec); from = E.[_]→ } 
   A          ↝⟨ Dec→∥∥⇔ dec ⟩□

-- If A is decided, then one can convert between ∥ Erased A ∥ and A.

Dec→∥Erased∥⇔ : Dec A   Erased A   A
Dec→∥Erased∥⇔ {A} dec =
   Erased A   ↝⟨ Dec→∥∥⇔ (E.Dec-Erased↔Dec-Erased _ (E.Dec→Dec-Erased dec)) 
  Erased A      ↝⟨ record { to = E.Dec→Stable dec; from = E.[_]→ } ⟩□

-- Variants of the following two lemmas were communicated to me by
-- Nicolai Kraus. They are closely related to Lemma 2.1 in his paper
-- "The General Universal Property of the Propositional Truncation".

-- A variant of ∥∥×≃.

drop-∥∥ :
  {B : A  Type b} 
  (A   C ) 
  ( C    x  B x)  (∀ x  B x)
drop-∥∥ {C} {B} inh =
    (( C    a  B a)  ↔⟨ Π-comm 
     (∀ a   C   B a)  ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ a  drop-⊤-left-Π ext (inhabited⇒∥∥↔⊤ (inh a))) ⟩□
     (∀ a  B a)          )
     f _  f)
     f  ⟨ext⟩ λ _  ⟨ext⟩ λ a 
       _    ≡⟨ subst-const _ ⟩∎
       f a  )

-- Another variant of ∥∥×≃.

push-∥∥ :
  {B : A  Type b} {C : (∀ x  B x)  Type c} 
  (A   D ) 
  ( D    λ (f :  x  B x)  C f) 
  ( λ (f :  x  B x)   D   C f)
push-∥∥ {D} {B} {C} inh =
  ( D    λ (f :  c  B c)  C f)            ↔⟨ ΠΣ-comm 
  ( λ (f :  D    c  B c)   b  C (f b))  ↝⟨ (Σ-cong-contra (inverse $ drop-∥∥ inh) λ _  F.id) ⟩□
  ( λ (f :  c  B c)   D   C f)            

-- Having a coherently constant function into a groupoid is equivalent
-- to having a function from a propositionally truncated type into the
-- groupoid. This result is Proposition 2.3 in "The General Universal
-- Property of the Propositional Truncation" by Kraus.

Coherently-constant :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
  (A  B)  Type (a  b)
Coherently-constant f =
   λ (c : Constant f) 
   a₁ a₂ a₃  trans (c a₁ a₂) (c a₂ a₃)  c a₁ a₃

coherently-constant-function≃∥inhabited∥⇒inhabited :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
  H-level 3 B 
  ( λ (f : A  B)  Coherently-constant f)  ( A   B)
  {a} {b} {A} {B} B-groupoid =

  ( λ (f : A  B)  Coherently-constant f)  ↝⟨ Trunc.coherently-constant-function≃∥inhabited∥⇒inhabited lzero ext B-groupoid 
  (Trunc.∥ A  1 (a  b)  B)                ↝⟨ →-cong₁ ext (inverse $ ∥∥↔∥∥ (a  b)) ⟩□
  ( A   B)                                


  -- One direction of the proposition above computes in the right way.

  to-coherently-constant-function≃∥inhabited∥⇒inhabited :
    (h : H-level 3 B)
    (f :  λ (f : A  B)  Coherently-constant f) (x : A) 
    _≃_.to (coherently-constant-function≃∥inhabited∥⇒inhabited h)
      f  x  
    proj₁ f x
  to-coherently-constant-function≃∥inhabited∥⇒inhabited _ _ _ = refl _

-- Having a constant function into a set is equivalent to having a
-- function from a propositionally truncated type into the set. The
-- statement of this result is that of Proposition 2.2 in "The General
-- Universal Property of the Propositional Truncation" by Kraus, but
-- it uses a different proof: as observed by Kraus this result follows
-- from Proposition 2.3.

constant-function≃∥inhabited∥⇒inhabited :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
  Is-set B 
  ( λ (f : A  B)  Constant f)  ( A   B)
constant-function≃∥inhabited∥⇒inhabited {a} {b} {A} {B} B-set =
  ( λ (f : A  B)  Constant f)  ↝⟨ Trunc.constant-function≃∥inhabited∥⇒inhabited lzero ext B-set 
  (Trunc.∥ A  1 (a  b)  B)     ↝⟨ →-cong₁ ext (inverse $ ∥∥↔∥∥ (a  b)) ⟩□
  ( A   B)                     


  -- One direction of the proposition above computes in the right way.

  to-constant-function≃∥inhabited∥⇒inhabited :
    (B-set : Is-set B)
    (f :  λ (f : A  B)  Constant f) (x : A) 
    _≃_.to (constant-function≃∥inhabited∥⇒inhabited B-set) f  x  
    proj₁ f x
  to-constant-function≃∥inhabited∥⇒inhabited _ _ _ = refl _

-- Definitions related to truncated binary sums

-- Truncated binary sums.

infixr 1 _∥⊎∥_

_∥⊎∥_ : Type a  Type b  Type (a  b)
A ∥⊎∥ B =  A  B 

-- Introduction rules.

∣inj₁∣ : A  A ∥⊎∥ B
∣inj₁∣ = ∣_∣  inj₁

∣inj₂∣ : B  A ∥⊎∥ B
∣inj₂∣ = ∣_∣  inj₂

-- _∥⊎∥_ is pointwise propositional.

∥⊎∥-propositional : Is-proposition (A ∥⊎∥ B)
∥⊎∥-propositional = truncation-is-proposition

-- _∥⊎∥_ preserves all kinds of functions.

infixr 1 _∥⊎∥-cong_

_∥⊎∥-cong_ : A₁ ↝[ k ] A₂  B₁ ↝[ k ] B₂  A₁ ∥⊎∥ B₁ ↝[ k ] A₂ ∥⊎∥ B₂
A₁↝A₂ ∥⊎∥-cong B₁↝B₂ = ∥∥-cong (A₁↝A₂ ⊎-cong B₁↝B₂)

-- _∥⊎∥_ is commutative.

∥⊎∥-comm : A ∥⊎∥ B  B ∥⊎∥ A
∥⊎∥-comm = ∥∥-cong ⊎-comm

-- If one truncates the types to the left or right of _∥⊎∥_, then one
-- ends up with an isomorphic type.

truncate-left-∥⊎∥ : A ∥⊎∥ B   A  ∥⊎∥ B
truncate-left-∥⊎∥ =
  inverse $ flatten′  F  F _  _)  f  ⊎-map f id) [ ∥∥-map inj₁ , ∣inj₂∣ ]

truncate-right-∥⊎∥ : A ∥⊎∥ B  A ∥⊎∥  B 
truncate-right-∥⊎∥ {A} {B} =
  A ∥⊎∥ B      ↝⟨ ∥⊎∥-comm 
  B ∥⊎∥ A      ↝⟨ truncate-left-∥⊎∥ 
   B  ∥⊎∥ A  ↝⟨ ∥⊎∥-comm ⟩□
  A ∥⊎∥  B   

-- _∥⊎∥_ is associative.

∥⊎∥-assoc : A ∥⊎∥ (B ∥⊎∥ C)  (A ∥⊎∥ B) ∥⊎∥ C
∥⊎∥-assoc {A} {B} {C} =
   A   B  C    ↝⟨ inverse truncate-right-∥⊎∥ 
   A  B  C       ↝⟨ ∥∥-cong ⊎-assoc 
   (A  B)  C     ↝⟨ truncate-left-∥⊎∥ ⟩□
    A  B   C   

-- ⊥ is a left and right identity of _∥⊎∥_ if the other argument is a
-- proposition.

∥⊎∥-left-identity : Is-proposition A   { = } ∥⊎∥ A  A
∥⊎∥-left-identity {A} A-prop =
     A   ↝⟨ ∥∥-cong ⊎-left-identity 
   A       ↝⟨ ∥∥↔ A-prop ⟩□

∥⊎∥-right-identity : Is-proposition A  A ∥⊎∥  { = }  A
∥⊎∥-right-identity {A} A-prop =
  A ∥⊎∥   ↔⟨ ∥⊎∥-comm 
   ∥⊎∥ A  ↔⟨ ∥⊎∥-left-identity A-prop ⟩□

-- _∥⊎∥_ is idempotent for propositions.

∥⊎∥-idempotent : Is-proposition A  A ∥⊎∥ A  A
∥⊎∥-idempotent {A} A-prop =
   A  A   ↝⟨ idempotent 
   A       ↝⟨ ∥∥↔ A-prop ⟩□

-- Sometimes a truncated binary sum is isomorphic to one of its
-- summands.

drop-left-∥⊎∥ :
  Is-proposition B  (A  B)  A ∥⊎∥ B  B
drop-left-∥⊎∥ B-prop A→B =
  _≃_.bijection $
  Eq.⇔→≃ ∥⊎∥-propositional B-prop
    (rec B-prop [ to-implication A→B , id ]) ∣inj₂∣

drop-right-∥⊎∥ :
  Is-proposition A  (B  A)  A ∥⊎∥ B  A
drop-right-∥⊎∥ {A} {B} A-prop B→A =
  A ∥⊎∥ B  ↝⟨ ∥⊎∥-comm 
  B ∥⊎∥ A  ↝⟨ drop-left-∥⊎∥ A-prop B→A ⟩□

drop-⊥-right-∥⊎∥ :
  Is-proposition A  ¬ B  A ∥⊎∥ B  A
drop-⊥-right-∥⊎∥ A-prop ¬B =
  drop-right-∥⊎∥ A-prop (⊥-elim  ¬B)

drop-⊥-left-∥⊎∥ :
  Is-proposition B  ¬ A  A ∥⊎∥ B  B
drop-⊥-left-∥⊎∥ B-prop ¬A =
  drop-left-∥⊎∥ B-prop (⊥-elim  ¬A)

-- A type of functions from a truncated binary sum to a family of
-- propositions can be expressed as a binary product of function
-- types.

Π∥⊎∥↔Π×Π :
  (∀ x  Is-proposition (P x)) 
  ((x : A ∥⊎∥ B)  P x)
  ((x : A)  P (∣inj₁∣ x)) × ((y : B)  P (∣inj₂∣ y))
Π∥⊎∥↔Π×Π {A} {B} {P} P-prop =
  ((x : A ∥⊎∥ B)  P x)                                ↔⟨ universal-property-Π P-prop 
  ((x : A  B)  P  x )                              ↝⟨ Π⊎↔Π×Π ext ⟩□
  ((x : A)  P (∣inj₁∣ x)) × ((y : B)  P (∣inj₂∣ y))  

-- Two distributivity laws for Σ and _∥⊎∥_.

Σ-∥⊎∥-distrib-left :
  Is-proposition A 
  Σ A  x  P x ∥⊎∥ Q x)  Σ A P ∥⊎∥ Σ A Q
Σ-∥⊎∥-distrib-left {P} {Q} A-prop =
  ( λ x   P x  Q x )      ↝⟨ inverse $ ∥∥↔ (Σ-closure 1 A-prop λ _  ∥⊎∥-propositional) 
   ( λ x   P x  Q x )   ↝⟨ flatten′  F  ( λ x  F (P x  Q x)))  f  Σ-map id f) (uncurry λ x  ∥∥-map (x ,_)) 
   ( λ x  P x  Q x)       ↝⟨ ∥∥-cong ∃-⊎-distrib-left ⟩□
    P   Q                 

Σ-∥⊎∥-distrib-right :
  (∀ x  Is-proposition (P x)) 
  Σ (A ∥⊎∥ B) P  Σ A (P  ∣inj₁∣) ∥⊎∥ Σ B (P  ∣inj₂∣)
Σ-∥⊎∥-distrib-right {A} {B} {P} P-prop =
  _≃_.bijection $
  Eq.⇔→≃ prop₂ prop₁
    (uncurry $
     elim _  _  Π-closure ext 1 λ _  prop₁) λ where
       (inj₁ x) y   inj₁ (x , y) 
       (inj₂ x) y   inj₂ (x , y) )
    (rec prop₂ [ Σ-map ∣inj₁∣ id , Σ-map ∣inj₂∣ id ])
  prop₁ = ∥⊎∥-propositional
  prop₂ = Σ-closure 1 ∥⊎∥-propositional P-prop

-- A variant of one of De Morgan's laws.

¬∥⊎∥¬↔¬× :
  Dec (¬ A)  Dec (¬ B) 
  ¬ A ∥⊎∥ ¬ B  ¬ (A × B)
¬∥⊎∥¬↔¬× {A} {B} dec-¬A dec-¬B = record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { to   = rec (¬-propositional ext) ¬⊎¬→׬
      ; from = ∣_∣  _↠_.from (¬⊎¬↠¬× ext dec-¬A dec-¬B)
    ; right-inverse-of = λ _  ¬-propositional ext _ _
  ; left-inverse-of = λ _  ∥⊎∥-propositional _ _

-- If ∥ A ∥ is decided, then A ∥⊎∥ B is equivalent to A ∥⊎∥ ¬ A × B.

∥⊎∥≃∥⊎∥¬× :
  Dec  A  
  (A ∥⊎∥ B)  (A ∥⊎∥ ¬ A × B)
∥⊎∥≃∥⊎∥¬× (yes ∥A∥) = Eq.⇔→≃
  (const (∥∥-map inj₁ ∥A∥))
  (id ∥⊎∥-cong proj₂)
∥⊎∥≃∥⊎∥¬× (no ¬∥A∥) = Eq.⇔→≃
  (id ∥⊎∥-cong (¬∥A∥  ∣_∣) ,_)
  (id ∥⊎∥-cong proj₂)

-- If ∥ B ∥ is decided, then A ∥⊎∥ B is equivalent to ¬ B × A ∥⊎∥ B.

∥⊎∥≃¬×∥⊎∥ :
  Dec  B  
  (A ∥⊎∥ B)  (¬ B × A ∥⊎∥ B)
∥⊎∥≃¬×∥⊎∥ {B} {A} dec-∥B∥ =
  A ∥⊎∥ B        ↔⟨ ∥⊎∥-comm 
  B ∥⊎∥ A        ↝⟨ ∥⊎∥≃∥⊎∥¬× dec-∥B∥ 
  B ∥⊎∥ ¬ B × A  ↔⟨ ∥⊎∥-comm ⟩□
  ¬ B × A ∥⊎∥ B  

-- Code related to Erased-singleton

-- A corollary of erased-singleton-with-erased-center-propositional.

↠→↔Erased-singleton :
  {@0 y : B}
  (A↠B : A  B) 
  Very-stableᴱ-≡ B 
   ( λ (x : A)  Erased (_↠_.to A↠B x  y))   Erased-singleton y
↠→↔Erased-singleton {A} {y} A↠B s =
   ( λ (x : A)  Erased (_↠_.to A↠B x  y))   ↝⟨ ∥∥-cong-⇔ (Surjection.Σ-cong-⇔ A↠B λ _  F.id) 
   Erased-singleton y                          ↝⟨ ∥∥↔ (E.erased-singleton-with-erased-center-propositional s) ⟩□
  Erased-singleton y                             


  -- The right-to-left direction of the previous lemma does not depend
  -- on the assumption of stability.

  ↠→Erased-singleton→ :
    {@0 y : B}
    (A↠B : A  B) 
    Erased-singleton y 
     ( λ (x : A)  Erased (_↠_.to A↠B x  y)) 
  ↠→Erased-singleton→ = _  -- Agda can infer the definition.

  _ : _↔_.from (↠→↔Erased-singleton A↠B s) x 
      ↠→Erased-singleton→ A↠B x
  _ = refl _

-- A corollary of Σ-Erased-Erased-singleton↔ and ↠→↔Erased-singleton.

Σ-Erased-∥-Σ-Erased-≡-∥↔ :
  (A↠B : A  B) 
  Very-stableᴱ-≡ B 
  ( λ (x : Erased B) 
      ( λ (y : A)  Erased (_↠_.to A↠B y  erased x)) ) 
Σ-Erased-∥-Σ-Erased-≡-∥↔ {A} {B} A↠B s =
  ( λ (x : Erased B) 
      ( λ (y : A)  Erased (_↠_.to A↠B y  erased x)) )  ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ↠→↔Erased-singleton A↠B s) 

  ( λ (x : Erased B)  Erased-singleton (erased x))        ↝⟨ E.Σ-Erased-Erased-singleton↔ ⟩□



  -- Again the right-to-left direction of the previous lemma does not
  -- depend on the assumption of stability.

  →Σ-Erased-∥-Σ-Erased-≡-∥ :
    (A↠B : A  B) 
     λ (x : Erased B) 
       ( λ (y : A)  Erased (_↠_.to A↠B y  erased x)) 
  →Σ-Erased-∥-Σ-Erased-≡-∥ = _  -- Agda can infer the definition.

  _ : _↔_.from (Σ-Erased-∥-Σ-Erased-≡-∥↔ A↠B s) x 
      →Σ-Erased-∥-Σ-Erased-≡-∥ A↠B x
  _ = refl _

-- In an erased context the left-to-right direction of
-- Σ-Erased-∥-Σ-Erased-≡-∥↔ returns the erased first component.

@0 to-Σ-Erased-∥-Σ-Erased-≡-∥↔≡ :
   (A↠B : A  B) (s : Very-stableᴱ-≡ B) x 
  _↔_.to (Σ-Erased-∥-Σ-Erased-≡-∥↔ A↠B s) x  erased (proj₁ x)
to-Σ-Erased-∥-Σ-Erased-≡-∥↔≡ A↠B s (E.[ x ] , y) =
  _↔_.to (Σ-Erased-∥-Σ-Erased-≡-∥↔ A↠B s) (E.[ x ] , y)  ≡⟨⟩
  proj₁ (_↔_.to (↠→↔Erased-singleton A↠B s) y)           ≡⟨ erased (proj₂ (_↔_.to (↠→↔Erased-singleton A↠B s) y)) ⟩∎

-- Some properties that hold for Erased do not hold for every
-- accessible modality

-- It is not the case that, for all types A, ∥ Is-proposition A ∥
-- holds.
-- Compare with Erased.Stability.Erased-Very-stable.

¬∥Is-proposition∥ : ¬ ({A : Type a}   Is-proposition A )
¬∥Is-proposition∥ {a} =
  ({A : Type a}   Is-proposition A )  →⟨  hyp  hyp) 
   Is-proposition ( a Bool)           →⟨ ∥∥-map (H-level-cong _ 1 Bijection.↑↔) 
   Is-proposition Bool                 →⟨ ∥∥-map ¬-Bool-propositional 
                                      ↔⟨ ∥∥↔ ⊥-propositional ⟩□

-- It is not the case that, for all types A and B and functions
-- f : A → B, "f is ∥∥-connected" implies ∥ Is-equivalence f ∥.

¬[∥∥-connected→∥Is-equivalence∥] :
  ¬ ({A : Type a} {B : Type b} {f : A  B} 
     (∀ y  Contractible  f ⁻¹ y )   Is-equivalence f )
¬[∥∥-connected→∥Is-equivalence∥] hyp =
                                                                   $⟨  _   lift true , refl _ ) 

  ((y :  _ )   (const (lift tt)  ( _ Bool   _ )) ⁻¹ y )  →⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _ 
                                                                       propositional⇒inhabited⇒contractible truncation-is-proposition) 
  ((y :  _ ) 
   Contractible  (const (lift tt)  ( _ Bool   _ )) ⁻¹ y )   →⟨ hyp 

   Is-equivalence (const (lift tt)  ( _ Bool   _ ))         ↔⟨ ∥∥↔ (Is-equivalence-propositional ext) 

  Is-equivalence (const (lift tt)  ( _ Bool   _ ))            →⟨ Eq.⟨ _ ,_⟩ 

   _ Bool   _                                                  →⟨  eq  Eq.↔⇒≃ Bijection.↑↔ F.∘ eq F.∘ Eq.↔⇒≃ (inverse Bijection.↑↔)) 

  Bool                                                           →⟨  eq  H-level-cong _ 1 (inverse eq) (mono₁ 0 ⊤-contractible)) 

  Is-proposition Bool                                              →⟨ ¬-Bool-propositional ⟩□


-- It is not the case that, for all types A and B and functions
-- f : A → B, "f is ∥∥-connected" is equivalent to
-- ∥ Is-equivalence f ∥.
-- Compare with
-- Erased.Level-1.[]-cong₂-⊔.Erased-connected↔Erased-Is-equivalence.

¬[∥∥-connected≃∥Is-equivalence∥] :
  ¬ ({A : Type a} {B : Type b} {f : A  B} 
     (∀ y  Contractible  f ⁻¹ y )   Is-equivalence f )
¬[∥∥-connected≃∥Is-equivalence∥] hyp =
  ¬[∥∥-connected→∥Is-equivalence∥] (_≃_.to hyp)

-- If (x : A) → ∥ P x ∥ implies ∥ ((x : A) → P x) ∥ for all types A
-- and type families P over A, then the axiom of choice holds.

[Π∥∥→∥Π∥]→Axiom-of-choice :
  ({A : Type a} {P : A  Type p} 
   ((x : A)   P x )   ((x : A)  P x) ) 
  Axiom-of-choice a p
[Π∥∥→∥Π∥]→Axiom-of-choice hyp = λ _  hyp

-- If ∥ ((x : A) → P x) ∥ is isomorphic to (x : A) → ∥ P x ∥ for all
-- types A and type families P over A, then the axiom of choice holds.
-- Compare with Erased.Level-1.Erased-Π↔Π.

[∥Π∥↔Π∥∥]→Axiom-of-choice :
  ({A : Type a} {P : A  Type p} 
    ((x : A)  P x)   ((x : A)   P x )) 
  Axiom-of-choice a p
[∥Π∥↔Π∥∥]→Axiom-of-choice hyp =
  [Π∥∥→∥Π∥]→Axiom-of-choice (_↔_.from hyp)

-- If ∥ A ∥ → ∥ B ∥ implies ∥ (A → B) ∥ for all types A and B in the
-- same universe, then ∥ (∥ A ∥ → A) ∥ holds for every type A in this
-- universe. This is a variant of the axiom of choice of which Kraus
-- et al. state that "We expect that this makes it possible to show
-- that, in MLTT with weak propositional truncation, [a logically
-- equivalent variant of the axiom] is not derivable" (see "Notions of
-- Anonymous Existence in Martin-Löf Type Theory").

[[∥∥→∥∥]→∥→∥]→Axiom-of-choice :
  ({A B : Type a}  ( A    B )   (A  B) ) 
  ({A : Type a}   ( A   A) )
[[∥∥→∥∥]→∥→∥]→Axiom-of-choice hyp {A} =
                       $⟨ rec truncation-is-proposition id 
  (  A     A )  →⟨ hyp ⟩□
   ( A   A)       

-- If ∥ (A → B) ∥ is isomorphic to ∥ A ∥ → ∥ B ∥ for all types A and B
-- in the same universe, then ∥ (∥ A ∥ → A) ∥ holds for every type A
-- in this universe. This is a variant of the axiom of choice of which
-- Kraus et al. state that "We expect that this makes it possible to
-- show that, in MLTT with weak propositional truncation, [a logically
-- equivalent variant of the axiom] is not derivable" (see "Notions of
-- Anonymous Existence in Martin-Löf Type Theory").
-- Compare with Erased.Level-1.Erased-Π↔Π-Erased.

[∥→∥↔[∥∥→∥∥]]→Axiom-of-choice :
  ({A B : Type a}   (A  B)   ( A    B )) 
  ({A : Type a}   ( A   A) )
[∥→∥↔[∥∥→∥∥]]→Axiom-of-choice hyp =
  [[∥∥→∥∥]→∥→∥]→Axiom-of-choice (_↔_.from hyp)

-- It is not the case that, for every type A, if A is Is-proposition,
-- then A is (λ (A : Type a) → Is-proposition A)-null.

¬[Is-proposition→Is-proposition-Null] :
  ¬ ({A : Type a} 
     Is-proposition A   (A : Type a)  Is-proposition A) -Null A)
¬[Is-proposition→Is-proposition-Null] hyp =                     $⟨ ⊥-propositional 
  Is-proposition                                               →⟨ hyp 
  (∀ A  Is-equivalence (const  (  Is-proposition A  )))   →⟨ _$ _ 
  Is-equivalence (const  (  Is-proposition ( _ Bool)  ))  →⟨ Eq.⟨ _ ,_⟩ 
    (Is-proposition ( _ Bool)  )                           →⟨ →-cong ext
                                                                     (Eq.↔⇒≃ $ inverse $
                                                                      Bijection.⊥↔uninhabited (¬-Bool-propositional  ↑⁻¹-closure 1))
                                                                     Eq.id F.∘_ 
    (⊥₀  )                                                  →⟨ Π⊥↔⊤ ext F.∘_ 
                                                             →⟨  eq  ⊥-elim $ _≃_.from eq _) ⟩□

-- It is not the case that, for every type A, there is an equivalence
-- between "A is Is-proposition" and
-- (λ (A : Type a) → Is-proposition A) -Null A.
-- Compare with Erased.Stability.Very-stable≃Very-stable-Null.

¬[Is-proposition≃Is-proposition-Null] :
  ¬ ({A : Type a} 
     Is-proposition A   (A : Type a)  Is-proposition A) -Null A)
¬[Is-proposition≃Is-proposition-Null] hyp =
  ¬[Is-proposition→Is-proposition-Null] (_≃_.to hyp)

-- It is not the case that, for every type A : Type a and proof of
-- Extensionality a a, there is an equivalence between "A is
-- Is-proposition" and (λ (A : Type a) → Is-proposition A) -Null A.
-- Compare with Erased.Stability.Very-stable≃Very-stable-Null.

¬[Is-proposition≃Is-proposition-Null]′ :
  ¬ ({A : Type a} 
     Extensionality a a 
     Is-proposition A   (A : Type a)  Is-proposition A) -Null A)
¬[Is-proposition≃Is-proposition-Null]′ hyp =
  ¬[Is-proposition≃Is-proposition-Null] (hyp ext)