{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}
open import Equality
module Embedding
{reflexive} (eq : ∀ {a p} → Equality-with-J a p reflexive) where
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude as P hiding (id) renaming (_∘_ to _⊚_)
open import Bijection eq using (_↔_)
open Derived-definitions-and-properties eq
open import Equivalence eq as Eq hiding (id; _∘_)
import Equivalence.Half-adjoint eq as HA
open import Excluded-middle eq
open import Extensionality eq
open import H-level eq
open import H-level.Closure eq
open import Injection eq as Injection using (Injective; _↣_)
open import Preimage eq using (_⁻¹_)
open import Surjection eq using (Split-surjective; _↠_)
a b t : Level
A B C : Type a
f x y : A
Is-embedding : {A : Type a} {B : Type b} → (A → B) → Type (a ⊔ b)
Is-embedding f = ∀ x y → Is-equivalence (cong {x = x} {y = y} f)
Is-embedding-propositional :
{A : Type a} {B : Type b} {f : A → B} →
Extensionality (a ⊔ b) (a ⊔ b) →
Is-proposition (Is-embedding f)
Is-embedding-propositional {b} ext =
Π-closure (lower-extensionality b lzero ext) 1 λ _ →
Π-closure (lower-extensionality b lzero ext) 1 λ _ →
Is-equivalence-propositional ext
record Embedding (From : Type f) (To : Type t) : Type (f ⊔ t) where
to : From → To
is-embedding : Is-embedding to
equivalence : (x ≡ y) ≃ (to x ≡ to y)
equivalence = ⟨ _ , is-embedding _ _ ⟩
Embedding-as-Σ : Embedding A B ↔ ∃ λ (f : A → B) → Is-embedding f
Embedding-as-Σ = record
{ surjection = record
{ logical-equivalence = record
{ to = λ emb → Embedding.to emb , Embedding.is-embedding emb
; from = λ { (f , is) → record { to = f; is-embedding = is } }
; right-inverse-of = refl
; left-inverse-of = refl
Is-equivalence→Is-embedding :
Is-equivalence f → Is-embedding f
Is-equivalence→Is-embedding is-equiv _ _ =
_≃_.is-equivalence (Eq.inverse (Eq.≃-≡ Eq.⟨ _ , is-equiv ⟩))
≃→Embedding :
A ≃ B → Embedding A B
≃→Embedding A≃B = record
{ to = _≃_.to A≃B
; is-embedding =
Is-equivalence→Is-embedding (_≃_.is-equivalence A≃B)
id : Embedding A A
id {A} = record
{ to = P.id
; is-embedding = λ x y →
infixr 9 _∘_
_∘_ : Embedding B C → Embedding A B → Embedding A C
f ∘ g = record
{ to = to f ⊚ to g
; is-embedding = λ _ _ →
(cong-∘ (to f) (to g))
(is-embedding f _ _)
(is-embedding g _ _))
open Embedding
embedding→⁻¹-propositional :
Is-embedding f →
∀ y → Is-proposition (f ⁻¹ y)
embedding→⁻¹-propositional {f} is-emb y (x₁ , eq₁) (x₂ , eq₂) =
equiv : (x₁ ≡ x₂) ≃ (f x₁ ≡ f x₂)
equiv = ⟨ _ , is-emb _ _ ⟩
x₁≡x₂ : x₁ ≡ x₂
x₁≡x₂ = _≃_.from equiv
(f x₁ ≡⟨ eq₁ ⟩
y ≡⟨ sym eq₂ ⟩∎
f x₂ ∎)
(subst (λ z → f z ≡ y) x₁≡x₂ eq₁ ≡⟨ subst-∘ (_≡ y) f x₁≡x₂ ⟩
subst (_≡ y) (cong f x₁≡x₂) eq₁ ≡⟨ cong (λ eq → subst (_≡ y) eq eq₁) $ sym $ sym-sym (cong f x₁≡x₂) ⟩
subst (_≡ y) (sym $ sym $ cong f x₁≡x₂) eq₁ ≡⟨ subst-trans (sym $ cong f x₁≡x₂) ⟩
trans (sym $ cong f x₁≡x₂) eq₁ ≡⟨ cong (λ eq → trans (sym eq) eq₁) $ _≃_.right-inverse-of equiv _ ⟩
trans (sym $ trans eq₁ (sym eq₂)) eq₁ ≡⟨ cong (flip trans eq₁) $ sym-trans eq₁ (sym eq₂) ⟩
trans (trans (sym (sym eq₂)) (sym eq₁)) eq₁ ≡⟨ trans-[trans-sym]- _ eq₁ ⟩
sym (sym eq₂) ≡⟨ sym-sym _ ⟩∎
eq₂ ∎)
injective : Is-embedding f → Injective f
injective is-emb = _≃_.from ⟨ _ , is-emb _ _ ⟩
injection : Embedding A B → A ↣ B
injection f = record
{ to = Embedding.to f
; injective = injective (Embedding.is-embedding f)
Injective-propositional :
{A : Type a} {B : Type b} {f : A → B} →
Extensionality (a ⊔ b) (a ⊔ b) →
Is-set A → Is-proposition (Injective f)
Injective-propositional {a} {b} ext A-set =
implicit-Π-closure (lower-extensionality b lzero ext) 1 λ _ →
implicit-Π-closure (lower-extensionality b lzero ext) 1 λ _ →
Π-closure (lower-extensionality a b ext) 1 λ _ →
Injective⇔Is-embedding :
Is-set A → Is-set B →
(f : A → B) → Injective f ⇔ Is-embedding f
Injective⇔Is-embedding A-set B-set f = record
{ to = λ cong-f⁻¹ _ _ →
_≃_.is-equivalence $
_↠_.from (≃↠⇔ A-set B-set)
(record { from = cong-f⁻¹ })
; from = injective
Injective≃Is-embedding :
{A : Type a} {B : Type b} →
Extensionality (a ⊔ b) (a ⊔ b) →
Is-set A → Is-set B →
(f : A → B) → Injective f ≃ Is-embedding f
Injective≃Is-embedding ext A-set B-set f =
(⇔↔≃ ext
(Injective-propositional ext A-set)
(Is-embedding-propositional ext))
(Injective⇔Is-embedding A-set B-set f)
↣⇔Embedding :
{A : Type a} {B : Type b} →
Is-set A → Is-set B →
(A ↣ B) ⇔ Embedding A B
↣⇔Embedding A-set B-set = record
{ to = λ f → record
{ to = _↣_.to f
; is-embedding =
_⇔_.to (Injective⇔Is-embedding A-set B-set _)
(_↣_.injective f)
; from = injection
↣↔Embedding :
{A : Type a} {B : Type b} →
Extensionality (a ⊔ b) (a ⊔ b) →
Is-set A → Is-set B →
(A ↣ B) ↔ Embedding A B
↣↔Embedding ext A-set B-set = record
{ surjection = record
{ logical-equivalence = ↣⇔Embedding A-set B-set
; right-inverse-of = λ f →
cong (uncurry λ to (emb : Is-embedding to) →
record { to = to; is-embedding = emb })
(Σ-≡,≡→≡ (refl _)
(Is-embedding-propositional ext _ _))
; left-inverse-of = λ f →
cong (uncurry λ to (inj : Injective to) →
record { to = to; injective = inj })
(Σ-≡,≡→≡ (refl _)
(Injective-propositional ext A-set _ _))
Is-embedding×Split-surjective⇔Is-equivalence :
Is-embedding f × Split-surjective f ⇔ Is-equivalence f
Is-embedding×Split-surjective⇔Is-equivalence {f} = record
{ to = λ (emb , surj) →
_⇔_.from HA.Is-equivalence⇔Is-equivalence-CP λ y →
(embedding→⁻¹-propositional emb y)
(surj y) ⦂
Contractible (f ⁻¹ y)
; from = λ eq →
Is-equivalence→Is-embedding eq
, (λ y → HA.inverse eq y , HA.right-inverse-of eq y)
Embedding→↠ :
{A : Type a} {B : Type b} →
Excluded-middle (a ⊔ b) →
A → Embedding A B → B ↠ A
Embedding→↠ {A} {B} em a A↣B = record
{ logical-equivalence = record
{ to = from
; from = to
; right-inverse-of = from-to
open Embedding A↣B
prop : ∀ b → Is-proposition (to ⁻¹ b)
prop = embedding→⁻¹-propositional is-embedding
from : B → A
from b = case em (prop b) of λ where
(yes (a , _)) → a
(no _) → a
from-to : ∀ a → from (to a) ≡ a
from-to a with em (prop (to a))
... | (yes (a′ , to-a′≡to-a)) = injective is-embedding to-a′≡to-a
... | (no hyp) = ⊥-elim (hyp (a , refl _))
Has-left-inverse→Is-embedding :
{g : B → A} →
Is-set B →
(∀ x → g (f x) ≡ x) →
Is-embedding f
Has-left-inverse→Is-embedding {f} {g} B-set g-f x y =
_≃_.is-equivalence $
(f x ≡ f y →⟨ cong g ⟩
g (f x) ≡ g (f y) →⟨ trans (sym (g-f x)) ⊚ flip trans (g-f y) ⟩□
x ≡ y □)
(λ _ → B-set _ _)
(λ {y = y} x≡y →
trans (sym (g-f x)) (trans (cong g (cong f x≡y)) (g-f y)) ≡
(trans (sym (g-f x)) (trans (cong g (cong f (refl x))) (g-f x)) ≡⟨ cong (trans _) $
trans (cong (flip trans _) $
trans (cong (cong _) $ cong-refl _) $
cong-refl _) $
trans-reflˡ _ ⟩
trans (sym (g-f x)) (g-f x) ≡⟨ trans-symˡ _ ⟩∎
refl x ∎))