{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}
open import Equality
module Erased.Stability
{c⁺} (eq : ∀ {a p} → Equality-with-J a p c⁺) where
open Derived-definitions-and-properties eq
open import Logical-equivalence as LE using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude as P
open import Bijection eq as Bijection using (_↔_; Has-quasi-inverse)
open import Double-negation eq as DN
open import Embedding eq as Emb using (Embedding; Is-embedding)
open import Embedding.Erased eq as EEmb using (Is-embeddingᴱ)
open import Equality.Decidable-UIP eq
open import Equality.Decision-procedures eq
open import Equivalence eq as Eq using (_≃_; Is-equivalence)
open import Equivalence.Erased eq as EEq using (_≃ᴱ_; Is-equivalenceᴱ)
open import Equivalence.Erased.Contractible-preimages eq as ECP
using (Contractibleᴱ)
import Equivalence.Half-adjoint eq as HA
open import Equivalence.Path-split eq as PS
using (Is-∞-extendable-along-[_]; Is-[_]-extendable-along-[_];
_-Null_; _-Nullᴱ_)
open import Excluded-middle eq
open import Extensionality eq hiding (module Extensionality)
open import For-iterated-equality eq
open import Function-universe eq as F hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level eq as H-level
open import H-level.Closure eq
open import Injection eq using (_↣_; Injective)
import List eq as L
open import Modality.Basics eq
import Modality.Empty-modal eq as EM
open import Modality.Identity eq using (Identity-modality)
import Nat eq as Nat
open import Surjection eq using (_↠_; Split-surjective)
open import Univalence-axiom eq
open import Erased.Level-1 eq as E₁
hiding (module []-cong; module []-cong₁; module []-cong₂;
module Extensionality)
import Erased.Level-2
module E₂ = Erased.Level-2 eq
a b c ℓ ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃ p : Level
A B : Type a
P : A → Type p
ext f k k′ r s x y : A
n : ℕ
Very-stable→Is-embedding-[] :
Very-stable A → Is-embedding [ A ∣_]→
Very-stable→Is-embedding-[] {A} s x y =
_≃_.is-equivalence ≡≃[]≡[]
A≃Erased-A : A ≃ Erased A
A≃Erased-A = Eq.⟨ _ , s ⟩
≡≃[]≡[] : (x ≡ y) ≃ ([ x ] ≡ [ y ])
≡≃[]≡[] = inverse $ Eq.≃-≡ A≃Erased-A
Very-stable→Split-surjective-[] :
Very-stable A → Split-surjective [ A ∣_]→
Very-stable→Split-surjective-[] {A} =
Very-stable A ↔⟨⟩
Is-equivalence [_]→ ↝⟨ (λ hyp → _↠_.split-surjective $ _≃_.surjection $ Eq.⟨ _ , hyp ⟩) ⟩
Split-surjective [_]→ □
Very-stable-propositional :
{A : Type a} →
Extensionality a a →
Is-proposition (Very-stable A)
Very-stable-propositional = Is-equivalence-propositional
For-iterated-equality-Very-stable-propositional :
{A : Type a} →
Extensionality a a →
∀ n → Is-proposition (For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A)
For-iterated-equality-Very-stable-propositional ext n =
H-level-For-iterated-equality ext 1 n
(Very-stable-propositional ext)
@0 Very-stableᴱ-propositional :
{A : Type a} →
Extensionality a a →
Is-proposition (Very-stableᴱ A)
Very-stableᴱ-propositional ext =
EEq.Is-equivalenceᴱ-propositional ext _
Very-stable→Stable₀ : {@0 A : Type a} → Very-stable A → Stable A
Very-stable→Stable₀ s = Eq._≃₀_.from Eq.⟨ _ , s ⟩
Very-stable→Stable :
∀ n →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A →
For-iterated-equality n Stable-[ k ] A
Very-stable→Stable {k} n =
For-iterated-equality-cong₁ _ n λ {A} →
Very-stable A ↝⟨ Eq.⟨ _ ,_⟩ ⟩
A ≃ Erased A ↝⟨ inverse ⟩
Erased A ≃ A ↔⟨⟩
Stable-[ equivalence ] A ↝⟨ from-equivalence ⟩□
Stable-[ k ] A □
_ : Very-stable→Stable₀ s ≡ Very-stable→Stable 0 s
_ = refl _
Very-stable→Stable-[]≡id :
(s : Very-stable A) →
Very-stable→Stable₀ s [ x ] ≡ x
Very-stable→Stable-[]≡id {x} s =
Very-stable→Stable₀ s [ x ] ≡⟨⟩
Eq._≃₀_.from Eq.⟨ _ , s ⟩ [ x ] ≡⟨ _≃_.left-inverse-of Eq.⟨ _ , s ⟩ x ⟩∎
x ∎
Very-stable→Very-stableᴱ :
{@0 A : Type a} →
∀ n →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stableᴱ A
Very-stable→Very-stableᴱ n =
For-iterated-equality-cong₁ᴱ-→ n EEq.Is-equivalence→Is-equivalenceᴱ
@0 Very-stableᴱ→Very-stable :
∀ n →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stableᴱ A →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A
Very-stableᴱ→Very-stable n =
For-iterated-equality-cong₁ _ n EEq.Is-equivalenceᴱ→Is-equivalence
Very-stableᴱ→Stable-≃ᴱ :
{@0 A : Type a} →
∀ n →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stableᴱ A →
For-iterated-equality n Stable-[ equivalenceᴱ ] A
Very-stableᴱ→Stable-≃ᴱ {A} n =
For-iterated-equality-cong₁ᴱ-→ n λ {A} →
Very-stableᴱ A →⟨ EEq.⟨ _ ,_⟩₀ ⟩
A ≃ᴱ Erased A →⟨ EEq.inverse ⟩
Erased A ≃ᴱ A →⟨ id ⟩□
Stable-[ equivalenceᴱ ] A □
Very-stableᴱ→Stable :
{@0 A : Type a} →
∀ n →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stableᴱ A →
For-iterated-equality n Stable A
Very-stableᴱ→Stable {A} n =
For-iterated-equality n Very-stableᴱ A →⟨ Very-stableᴱ→Stable-≃ᴱ n ⟩
For-iterated-equality n Stable-[ equivalenceᴱ ] A →⟨ For-iterated-equality-cong₁ᴱ-→ n _≃ᴱ_.to ⟩□
For-iterated-equality n Stable A □
@0 Very-stableᴱ→Stable-[]≡id :
(s : Very-stableᴱ A) →
Very-stableᴱ→Stable 0 s [ x ] ≡ x
Very-stableᴱ→Stable-[]≡id {x} s =
Very-stableᴱ→Stable 0 s [ x ] ≡⟨⟩
_≃ᴱ_.from EEq.⟨ _ , s ⟩ [ x ] ≡⟨ _≃ᴱ_.left-inverse-of EEq.⟨ _ , s ⟩ x ⟩∎
x ∎
[Erased→Very-stable]→Very-stable :
(Erased A → Very-stable A) → Very-stable A
[Erased→Very-stable]→Very-stable =
[Erased→Very-stableᴱ]→Very-stableᴱ :
{@0 A : Type a} →
(Erased A → Very-stableᴱ A) → Very-stableᴱ A
[Erased→Very-stableᴱ]→Very-stableᴱ =
Erased-Very-stable :
{@0 A : Type a} → Erased (Very-stable A)
Erased-Very-stable {A} =
[ _≃_.is-equivalence ( $⟨ Erased↔ ⟩
Erased (Erased A ↔ A) ↝⟨ erased ⟩
Erased A ↔ A ↝⟨ Eq.↔⇒≃ ∘ inverse ⟩□
A ≃ Erased A □)
Very-stable-Very-stable→Very-stable :
Very-stable (Very-stable A) →
Very-stable A
Very-stable-Very-stable→Very-stable s =
Very-stable→Stable 0 s Erased-Very-stable
Very-stableᴱ-Very-stableᴱ→Very-stableᴱ :
{@0 A : Type a} →
Very-stableᴱ (Very-stableᴱ A) →
Very-stableᴱ A
Very-stableᴱ-Very-stableᴱ→Very-stableᴱ {A} s =
$⟨ Erased-Very-stable ⟩
Erased (Very-stable A) →⟨ map (Very-stable→Very-stableᴱ 0) ⟩
Erased (Very-stableᴱ A) →⟨ Very-stableᴱ→Stable 0 s ⟩□
Very-stableᴱ A □
Erased→¬¬ : {@0 A : Type a} → Erased A → ¬ ¬ A
Erased→¬¬ [ x ] f = _↔_.to Erased-⊥↔⊥ [ f x ]
¬¬-stable→Stable : {@0 A : Type a} → (¬ ¬ A → A) → Stable A
¬¬-stable→Stable ¬¬-Stable x = ¬¬-Stable (Erased→¬¬ x)
Dec→Stable : {@0 A : Type a} → Dec A → Stable A
Dec→Stable (yes x) _ = x
Dec→Stable (no ¬x) x with () ← Erased→¬¬ x ¬x
¬¬-Stable : {@0 A : Type a} → ¬¬ Stable A
¬¬-Stable = DN.map′ Dec→Stable excluded-middle
¬¬-Very-stable : {@0 A : Type ℓ} → ¬¬ Very-stable A
¬¬-Very-stable {A} = $⟨ Erased-Very-stable ⟩
Erased (Very-stable A) →⟨ wrap ∘ Erased→¬¬ ⟩□
¬¬ Very-stable A □
Stable-≡→≃ᴱ→≃ : Stable-≡ A → Stable-≡ B → A ≃ᴱ B → A ≃ B
Stable-≡→≃ᴱ→≃ sA sB A≃ᴱB = Eq.↔→≃
(_≃ᴱ_.to A≃ᴱB)
(_≃ᴱ_.from A≃ᴱB)
(λ x → sB _ _ [ _≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of A≃ᴱB x ])
(λ x → sA _ _ [ _≃ᴱ_.left-inverse-of A≃ᴱB x ])
Stable→Left-inverse→Very-stableᴱ :
{@0 A : Type a} →
(s : Stable A) → @0 (∀ x → s [ x ] ≡ x) → Very-stableᴱ A
Stable→Left-inverse→Very-stableᴱ s inv =
_≃ᴱ_.is-equivalence $
(λ @0 { [ x ] → cong [_]→ (inv x) })
H-level-suc→For-iterated-equality-Is-proposition :
H-level (1 + n) A →
For-iterated-equality n Is-proposition A
H-level-suc→For-iterated-equality-Is-proposition {n} {A} =
H-level (1 + n) A ↝⟨ _⇔_.to H-level⇔H-level′ ⟩
H-level′ (1 + n) A ↝⟨ inverse-ext? (For-iterated-equality-For-iterated-equality n 1) _ ⟩
For-iterated-equality n (H-level′ 1) A ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-cong₁ _ n $
_⇔_.from (H-level⇔H-level′ {n = 1}) ⟩□
For-iterated-equality n Is-proposition A □
Stable-proposition→Very-stableᴱ :
{@0 A : Type a} →
Stable A → @0 Is-proposition A → Very-stableᴱ A
Stable-proposition→Very-stableᴱ {A} s prop =
_≃ᴱ_.is-equivalence $
( $⟨ prop ⟩
Is-proposition A ↝⟨ H-level-cong _ 1 (inverse $ Erased↔ .erased) ⦂ (_ → _) ⟩□
Is-proposition (Erased A) □)
Stable→H-level-suc→Very-stableᴱ :
{@0 A : Type a} →
∀ n →
For-iterated-equality n Stable A →
@0 H-level (1 + n) A →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stableᴱ A
Stable→H-level-suc→Very-stableᴱ {A} n s h = $⟨ s ,′ [ H-level-suc→For-iterated-equality-Is-proposition h ] ⟩
For-iterated-equality n Stable A ×
Erased (For-iterated-equality n Is-proposition A) →⟨ Σ-map id $
For-iterated-equality-commutesᴱ-→ (λ A → Erased A) n (λ ([ f ]) x → [ f x ]) ⟩
For-iterated-equality n Stable A ×
For-iterated-equality n (λ A → Erased (Is-proposition A)) A →⟨ For-iterated-equality-commutesᴱ-×-→ n ⟩
For-iterated-equality n
(λ A → Stable A × Erased (Is-proposition A)) A →⟨ (For-iterated-equality-cong₁ᴱ-→ n λ (s , [ prop ]) →
Stable-proposition→Very-stableᴱ s prop) ⟩□
For-iterated-equality n Very-stableᴱ A □
H-level→Very-stableᴱ :
{@0 A : Type a} →
∀ n →
For-iterated-equality n Contractibleᴱ A →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stableᴱ A
H-level→Very-stableᴱ {A} n =
For-iterated-equality n Contractibleᴱ A →⟨ For-iterated-equality-cong₁ᴱ-→ n Contractibleᴱ→Very-stableᴱ ⟩□
For-iterated-equality n Very-stableᴱ A □
Contractibleᴱ→Very-stableᴱ :
∀ {@0 A} → Contractibleᴱ A → Very-stableᴱ A
Contractibleᴱ→Very-stableᴱ c =
(λ _ → proj₁₀ c)
(mono₁ 0 $ ECP.Contractibleᴱ→Contractible c)
Stable-map :
{@0 A : Type a} {@0 B : Type b} →
(A → B) → @0 (B → A) → Stable A → Stable B
Stable-map A→B B→A s x = A→B (s (map B→A x))
Stable-map-⇔ :
{@0 A : Type a} {@0 B : Type b} →
A ⇔ B → Stable A → Stable B
Stable-map-⇔ A⇔B =
Stable-map (to-implication A⇔B) (_⇔_.from A⇔B)
Stable-≃ᴱ-cong :
{A : Type ℓ₁} {B : Type ℓ₂} →
@0 Extensionality (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) →
A ≃ᴱ B → Stable-[ equivalenceᴱ ] A ≃ᴱ Stable-[ equivalenceᴱ ] B
Stable-≃ᴱ-cong {A} {B} ext A≃B =
Stable-[ equivalenceᴱ ] A ↔⟨⟩
Erased A ≃ᴱ A ↝⟨ EEq.≃ᴱ-cong ext (Erased-cong-≃ᴱ A≃B) A≃B ⟩
Erased B ≃ᴱ B ↔⟨⟩
Stable-[ equivalenceᴱ ] B □
Injective→Stable-≡→Stable-≡ :
{@0 A : Type a} {@0 B : Type b} →
(f : A → B) → Injective f → Stable-≡ B → Stable-≡ A
Injective→Stable-≡→Stable-≡ f inj s x y =
Stable-map inj (cong f) (s (f x) (f y))
→→Is-equivalence→Very-stableᴱ→Very-stableᴱ :
{@0 A : Type a} {@0 B : Type b}
(f : A → B) → @0 Is-equivalence f → Very-stableᴱ A → Very-stableᴱ B
→→Is-equivalence→Very-stableᴱ→Very-stableᴱ {A} {B} f eq s =
_≃ᴱ_.is-equivalence $
(Erased B →⟨ map (_≃_.from Eq.⟨ _ , eq ⟩) ⟩
Erased A →⟨ _≃ᴱ_.from EEq.⟨ _ , s ⟩₀ ⟩
A →⟨ f ⟩□
B □)
(λ @0 { [ x ] → cong [_]→ (lemma x) })
@0 lemma : _
lemma = λ x →
f (_≃ᴱ_.from EEq.⟨ _ , s ⟩ [ _≃_.from Eq.⟨ _ , eq ⟩ x ]) ≡⟨ cong f $ _≃ᴱ_.left-inverse-of EEq.⟨ _ , s ⟩ _ ⟩
f (_≃_.from Eq.⟨ _ , eq ⟩ x) ≡⟨ _≃_.right-inverse-of Eq.⟨ _ , eq ⟩ _ ⟩∎
x ∎
≃ᴱ→Very-stableᴱ→Very-stableᴱ :
{@0 A : Type a} {@0 B : Type b} →
A ≃ᴱ B → Very-stableᴱ A → Very-stableᴱ B
≃ᴱ→Very-stableᴱ→Very-stableᴱ A≃ᴱB =
_ (_≃_.is-equivalence $ EEq.≃ᴱ→≃ A≃ᴱB)
Very-stableᴱ-cong :
{@0 A : Type a} {@0 B : Type b} →
@0 Extensionality (a ⊔ b) (a ⊔ b) →
A ≃ᴱ B → Very-stableᴱ A ≃ᴱ Very-stableᴱ B
Very-stableᴱ-cong {a} {b} ext A≃ᴱB =
(Very-stableᴱ-propositional (lower-extensionality b b ext))
(Very-stableᴱ-propositional (lower-extensionality a a ext))
(≃ᴱ→Very-stableᴱ→Very-stableᴱ A≃ᴱB)
(≃ᴱ→Very-stableᴱ→Very-stableᴱ (EEq.inverse A≃ᴱB))
Very-stableᴱ-congⁿ :
{A : Type a} {B : Type b} →
@0 Extensionality (a ⊔ b) (a ⊔ b) →
∀ n →
A ↔[ k ] B →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stableᴱ A ≃ᴱ
For-iterated-equality n Very-stableᴱ B
Very-stableᴱ-congⁿ ext n A↔B =
[ ext ]
(Very-stableᴱ-cong ext ∘ from-isomorphism)
(from-isomorphism A↔B)
Very-stable-⊤ : Very-stable ⊤
Very-stable-⊤ = _≃_.is-equivalence $ Eq.↔⇒≃ $ inverse Erased-⊤↔⊤
Very-stable-⊥ : Very-stable (⊥ {ℓ = ℓ})
Very-stable-⊥ = _≃_.is-equivalence $ Eq.↔⇒≃ $ inverse Erased-⊥↔⊥
Very-stable-T : (b : A ⊎ B) → Very-stable (T b)
Very-stable-T = P.[ (λ _ → Very-stable-⊤) , (λ _ → Very-stable-⊥) ]
Stable-Π :
{@0 A : Type a} {@0 P : A → Type p} →
(∀ x → Stable (P x)) → Stable ((x : A) → P x)
Stable-Π s [ f ] x = s x [ f x ]
Stable-[]-Π :
{A : Type a} {P : A → Type p} →
Extensionality? k a p →
(∀ x → Stable-[ k ] (P x)) → Stable-[ k ] ((x : A) → P x)
Stable-[]-Π {P} ext s =
Erased (∀ x → P x) ↝⟨ Erased-Π↔Π ext ⟩
(∀ x → Erased (P x)) ↝⟨ ∀-cong ext s ⟩□
(∀ x → P x) □
Very-stable-Π :
{A : Type a} {P : A → Type p} →
Extensionality a p →
(∀ x → Very-stable (P x)) →
Very-stable ((x : A) → P x)
Very-stable-Π ext s = _≃_.is-equivalence $
inverse $ Stable-[]-Π ext $ λ x → inverse Eq.⟨ _ , s x ⟩
Very-stableᴱ-Π :
{@0 A : Type a} {@0 P : A → Type p} →
@0 Extensionality a p →
(∀ x → Very-stableᴱ (P x)) →
Very-stableᴱ ((x : A) → P x)
Very-stableᴱ-Π {P} ext s =
((∀ x → P x) EEq.≃ᴱ⟨ (EEq.∀-cong-≃ᴱ ext λ x → EEq.⟨ _ , s x ⟩₀) ⟩
(∀ x → Erased (P x)) EEq.≃ᴱ⟨ EEq.inverse (Erased-Π≃ᴱΠ ext) ⟩□
Erased (∀ x → P x) □)
Very-stableᴱ-Πⁿ :
{A : Type a} {P : A → Type p} →
Extensionality a p →
∀ n →
(∀ x → For-iterated-equality n Very-stableᴱ (P x)) →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stableᴱ ((x : A) → P x)
Very-stableᴱ-Πⁿ ext n =
(≃ᴱ→Very-stableᴱ→Very-stableᴱ ∘ from-isomorphism)
(Very-stableᴱ-Π ext)
Π-Erased≃Π :
{A : Type a} {P : @0 A → Type p} →
Extensionality? ⌊ k ⌋-sym a p →
(∀ (@0 x) → Stable-[ ⌊ k ⌋-sym ] (P x)) →
((x : Erased A) → P (erased x)) ↝[ ⌊ k ⌋-sym ] ((x : A) → P x)
Π-Erased≃Π {a} {p} {A} {P} = lemma₂
lemma₁ lemma₂ :
Extensionality? ⌊ k ⌋-sym a p →
(∀ (@0 x) → Stable-[ ⌊ k ⌋-sym ] (P x)) →
((x : Erased A) → P (erased x)) ↝[ ⌊ k ⌋-sym ] ((x : A) → P x)
lemma₁ ext s =
((x : Erased A) → P (erased x)) ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ x → inverse $ s (erased x)) ⟩
((x : Erased A) → Erased (P (erased x))) ↝⟨ inverse-ext? Erased-Π↔Π-Erased ext ⟩
Erased ((x : A) → P x) ↝⟨ Stable-[]-Π ext (λ x → s x) ⟩□
((x : A) → P x) □
lemma₂ {k = equivalence} ext s =
(lemma₁ ext s)
(_∘ [_]→)
(λ f → apply-ext ext λ x →
_≃_.to (s x) [ erased (_≃_.from (s x) (f [ x ])) ] ≡⟨ cong (_≃_.to (s _)) Erased-η ⟩
_≃_.to (s x) (_≃_.from (s x) (f [ x ])) ≡⟨ _≃_.right-inverse-of (s x) _ ⟩∎
f [ x ] ∎)
lemma₂ {k = equivalenceᴱ} ext s =
(lemma₁ ext s)
(_∘ [_]→)
(λ f → apply-ext (erased ext) λ x →
_≃ᴱ_.to (lemma₁ ext s) f x ≡⟨ cong {x = ext} (λ ext → _≃ᴱ_.to (lemma₁ ext _) _ _) $ sym Erased-η ⟩
_≃ᴱ_.to (lemma₁ [ erased ext ] s) f x ≡⟨⟩
_≃ᴱ_.to (s x) [ erased (_≃ᴱ_.from (s x) (f [ x ])) ] ≡⟨ cong (_≃ᴱ_.to (s _)) Erased-η ⟩
_≃ᴱ_.to (s x) (_≃ᴱ_.from (s x) (f [ x ])) ≡⟨ _≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of (s x) _ ⟩∎
f [ x ] ∎)
lemma₂ {k = bijection} ext s =
(lemma₁ ext s)
(_∘ [_]→)
(λ f → apply-ext ext λ x →
_↔_.to (s x) [ erased (_↔_.from (s x) (f [ x ])) ] ≡⟨ cong (_↔_.to (s _)) Erased-η ⟩
_↔_.to (s x) (_↔_.from (s x) (f [ x ])) ≡⟨ _↔_.right-inverse-of (s x) _ ⟩∎
f [ x ] ∎)
lemma₂ {k = logical-equivalence} ext s =
record (lemma₁ ext s) { to = _∘ [_]→ }
_ : _≃_.to (Π-Erased≃Π ext s) f x ≡ f [ x ]
_ = refl _
_ : _≃ᴱ_.to (Π-Erased≃Π ext s) f x ≡ f [ x ]
_ = refl _
_ : _↔_.to (Π-Erased≃Π ext s) f x ≡ f [ x ]
_ = refl _
_ : _⇔_.to (Π-Erased≃Π ext s) f x ≡ f [ x ]
_ = refl _
Very-stable-Stable-Σ :
Very-stable A →
(∀ x → Stable-[ k ] (P x)) →
Stable-[ k ] (Σ A P)
Very-stable-Stable-Σ {A} {P} s s′ =
Erased (Σ A P) ↔⟨ Erased-Σ↔Σ ⟩
Σ (Erased A) (λ x → Erased (P (erased x))) ↝⟨ Σ-cong-contra Eq.⟨ _ , s ⟩ s′ ⟩□
Σ A P □
Stable-Σ :
(s : Stable A) →
(∀ x → [ s x ] ≡ x) →
(∀ x → Stable (P x)) →
Stable (Σ A P)
Stable-Σ {A} {P} s₁ hyp s₂ =
Erased (Σ A P) ↔⟨ Erased-Σ↔Σ ⟩
Σ (Erased A) (λ x → Erased (P (erased x))) ↝⟨ Σ-cong-contra-→ surj s₂ ⟩□
Σ A P □
surj : A ↠ Erased A
surj = record
{ logical-equivalence = record
{ to = [_]→
; from = s₁
; right-inverse-of = hyp
Very-stable-Σ :
Very-stable A →
(∀ x → Very-stable (P x)) →
Very-stable (Σ A P)
Very-stable-Σ {A} {P} s s′ = _≃_.is-equivalence (
Σ A P ↝⟨ Σ-cong Eq.⟨ _ , s ⟩ (λ x → Eq.⟨ _ , s′ x ⟩) ⟩
Σ (Erased A) (λ x → Erased (P (erased x))) ↔⟨ inverse Erased-Σ↔Σ ⟩□
Erased (Σ A P) □)
Stable-× :
{@0 A : Type a} {@0 B : Type b} →
Stable A → Stable B → Stable (A × B)
Stable-× s s′ [ x , y ] = s [ x ] , s′ [ y ]
Stable-[]-× : Stable-[ k ] A → Stable-[ k ] B → Stable-[ k ] (A × B)
Stable-[]-× {A} {B} s s′ =
Erased (A × B) ↔⟨ Erased-Σ↔Σ ⟩
Erased A × Erased B ↝⟨ s ×-cong s′ ⟩□
A × B □
Very-stable-× : Very-stable A → Very-stable B → Very-stable (A × B)
Very-stable-× s s′ = _≃_.is-equivalence $
inverse $ Stable-[]-× (inverse Eq.⟨ _ , s ⟩) (inverse Eq.⟨ _ , s′ ⟩)
Very-stableᴱ-× :
{@0 A : Type a} {@0 B : Type b} →
Very-stableᴱ A → Very-stableᴱ B → Very-stableᴱ (A × B)
Very-stableᴱ-× {A} {B} s s′ =
(A × B EEq.≃ᴱ⟨ EEq.⟨ _ , s ⟩₀ EEq.×-cong-≃ᴱ EEq.⟨ _ , s′ ⟩₀ ⟩
Erased A × Erased B EEq.↔⟨ inverse Erased-Σ↔Σ ⟩□
Erased (A × B) □)
Very-stableᴱ-×ⁿ :
∀ n →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stableᴱ A →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stableᴱ B →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stableᴱ (A × B)
Very-stableᴱ-×ⁿ n =
(≃ᴱ→Very-stableᴱ→Very-stableᴱ ∘ from-isomorphism)
Stable-⇔ : Stable A → Stable B → Stable (A ⇔ B)
Stable-⇔ {A} {B} s s′ =
$⟨ (Stable-Π λ _ → s′) , (Stable-Π λ _ → s) ⟩
Stable (A → B) × Stable (B → A) →⟨ uncurry Stable-[]-× ⟩
Stable ((A → B) × (B → A)) →⟨ Stable-map-⇔ (from-bijection $ inverse ⇔↔→×→) ⟩□
Stable (A ⇔ B) □
Stable-↑ : Stable-[ k ] A → Stable-[ k ] (↑ ℓ A)
Stable-↑ {A} s =
Erased (↑ _ A) ↔⟨ Erased-↑↔↑ ⟩
↑ _ (Erased A) ↝⟨ ↑-cong s ⟩□
↑ _ A □
Very-stable-↑ : Very-stable A → Very-stable (↑ ℓ A)
Very-stable-↑ s = _≃_.is-equivalence $
inverse $ Stable-↑ $ inverse Eq.⟨ _ , s ⟩
Very-stableᴱ-↑ :
{@0 A : Type a} →
Very-stableᴱ A → Very-stableᴱ (↑ ℓ A)
Very-stableᴱ-↑ {A} s =
(↑ _ A EEq.≃ᴱ⟨ EEq.↑-cong-≃ᴱ EEq.⟨ _ , s ⟩₀ ⟩
↑ _ (Erased A) EEq.↔⟨ inverse Erased-↑↔↑ ⟩□
Erased (↑ _ A) □)
Very-stableᴱ-↑ⁿ :
∀ n →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stableᴱ A →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stableᴱ (↑ ℓ A)
Very-stableᴱ-↑ⁿ n =
(≃ᴱ→Very-stableᴱ→Very-stableᴱ ∘ from-isomorphism)
Stable-¬ :
{@0 A : Type a} →
Stable (¬ A)
Stable-¬ =
Stable-Π λ _ →
Very-stable→Stable 0 Very-stable-⊥
Stable-[]-¬ :
{A : Type a} →
Extensionality? k a lzero →
Stable-[ k ] (¬ A)
Stable-[]-¬ ext =
Stable-[]-Π ext λ _ →
Very-stable→Stable 0 Very-stable-⊥
Very-stable-¬ :
{A : Type a} →
Extensionality a lzero →
Very-stable (¬ A)
Very-stable-¬ {A} ext =
Very-stable-Π ext λ _ →
Stable-H-level′ :
∀ n →
For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Stable A →
Stable (H-level′ (1 + n) A)
Stable-H-level′ {A} n =
For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Stable A ↝⟨ inverse-ext? (λ ext → For-iterated-equality-For-iterated-equality n 1 ext) _ ⟩
For-iterated-equality n Stable-≡ A ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-cong₁ _ n lemma ⟩
For-iterated-equality n (Stable ∘ H-level′ 1) A ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-commutes-← _ Stable n Stable-Π ⟩
Stable (For-iterated-equality n (H-level′ 1) A) ↝⟨ Stable-map-⇔ (For-iterated-equality-For-iterated-equality n 1 _) ⟩□
Stable (H-level′ (1 + n) A) □
lemma : ∀ {A} → Stable-≡ A → Stable (H-level′ 1 A)
lemma s =
(H-level↔H-level′ {n = 1} _)
(Stable-Π λ _ →
Stable-Π λ _ →
s _ _)
Stable-H-level :
∀ n →
For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Stable A →
Stable (H-level (1 + n) A)
Stable-H-level {A} n =
For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Stable A ↝⟨ Stable-H-level′ n ⟩
Stable (H-level′ (1 + n) A) ↝⟨ Stable-map-⇔ (inverse-ext? H-level↔H-level′ _) ⟩□
Stable (H-level (1 + n) A) □
Stable-≡-⊎ :
∀ n →
For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Stable A →
For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Stable B →
For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Stable (A ⊎ B)
Stable-≡-⊎ n sA sB =
(Very-stable→Stable 0 Very-stable-⊥)
(For-iterated-equality-↑ _ (1 + n) lemma sA)
(For-iterated-equality-↑ _ (1 + n) lemma sB)
lemma : A ↔ B → Stable A → Stable B
lemma = Stable-map-⇔ ∘ from-isomorphism
Stable-≡-⊎₀ : Stable-≡ A → Stable-≡ B → Stable-≡ (A ⊎ B)
Stable-≡-⊎₀ sA sB = λ where
(inj₁ x) (inj₁ y) →
Erased (inj₁ x ≡ inj₁ y) ↝⟨ map (_↔_.from Bijection.≡↔inj₁≡inj₁) ⟩
Erased (x ≡ y) ↝⟨ sA _ _ ⟩
x ≡ y ↔⟨ Bijection.≡↔inj₁≡inj₁ ⟩□
inj₁ x ≡ inj₁ y □
(inj₁ x) (inj₂ y) →
Erased (inj₁ x ≡ inj₂ y) ↝⟨ map (_↔_.to Bijection.≡↔⊎) ⟩
Erased ⊥ ↝⟨ Very-stable→Stable 0 Very-stable-⊥ ⟩
⊥ ↔⟨ inverse Bijection.≡↔⊎ ⟩□
inj₁ x ≡ inj₂ y □
(inj₂ x) (inj₁ y) →
Erased (inj₂ x ≡ inj₁ y) ↝⟨ map (_↔_.to Bijection.≡↔⊎) ⟩
Erased ⊥ ↝⟨ Very-stable→Stable 0 Very-stable-⊥ ⟩
⊥ ↔⟨ inverse Bijection.≡↔⊎ ⟩□
inj₂ x ≡ inj₁ y □
(inj₂ x) (inj₂ y) →
Erased (inj₂ x ≡ inj₂ y) ↝⟨ map (_↔_.from Bijection.≡↔inj₂≡inj₂) ⟩
Erased (x ≡ y) ↝⟨ sB _ _ ⟩
x ≡ y ↔⟨ Bijection.≡↔inj₂≡inj₂ ⟩□
inj₂ x ≡ inj₂ y □
Very-stableᴱ-≡-⊎ :
∀ n →
For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Very-stableᴱ A →
For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Very-stableᴱ B →
For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Very-stableᴱ (A ⊎ B)
Very-stableᴱ-≡-⊎ n sA sB =
(Very-stable→Very-stableᴱ 0 Very-stable-⊥)
(For-iterated-equality-↑ _ (1 + n) lemma sA)
(For-iterated-equality-↑ _ (1 + n) lemma sB)
lemma : A ↔ B → Very-stableᴱ A → Very-stableᴱ B
lemma = ≃ᴱ→Very-stableᴱ→Very-stableᴱ ∘ from-isomorphism
Stable-≡-List :
∀ n →
For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Stable A →
For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Stable (List A)
Stable-≡-List n =
(Stable-map-⇔ ∘ from-isomorphism)
(Very-stable→Stable 0 $ Very-stable-↑ Very-stable-⊤)
(Very-stable→Stable 0 Very-stable-⊥)
Very-stableᴱ-≡-List :
∀ n →
For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Very-stableᴱ A →
For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Very-stableᴱ (List A)
Very-stableᴱ-≡-List n =
(≃ᴱ→Very-stableᴱ→Very-stableᴱ ∘ from-isomorphism)
(Very-stable→Very-stableᴱ 0 $
Very-stable-↑ Very-stable-⊤)
(Very-stable→Very-stableᴱ 0 Very-stable-⊥)
∘-[]-equivalence :
{A : Type a} {B : Type b} →
Extensionality a b →
Very-stable B →
Is-equivalence (λ (f : Erased A → B) → f ∘ [_]→)
∘-[]-equivalence ext s =
_≃_.is-equivalence (Eq.↔⇒≃ (record
{ surjection = record
{ logical-equivalence = record
{ from = λ f x → _≃_.from Eq.⟨ _ , s ⟩ (map f x)
; right-inverse-of = λ f → apply-ext ext λ x →
_≃_.left-inverse-of Eq.⟨ _ , s ⟩ (f x)
; left-inverse-of = λ f → apply-ext ext λ { x@([ _ ]) →
_≃_.left-inverse-of Eq.⟨ _ , s ⟩ (f x) }
Is-equivalenceᴱ-∘[] :
{@0 A : Type a} {@0 B : Type b} →
@0 Extensionality a b →
Very-stableᴱ B →
Is-equivalenceᴱ (λ (f : Erased A → B) → f ∘ [_]→)
Is-equivalenceᴱ-∘[] ext s =
_≃ᴱ_.is-equivalence $
(λ f x → _≃ᴱ_.from EEq.⟨ _ , s ⟩₀ (map f x))
(λ f → apply-ext ext λ x →
_≃ᴱ_.left-inverse-of EEq.⟨ _ , s ⟩ (f x))
(λ f → apply-ext ext λ @0 { x@([ _ ]) →
_≃ᴱ_.left-inverse-of EEq.⟨ _ , s ⟩ (f x) })
Erased-is-accessible-and-topological′ : (a : Level) → Type (lsuc a)
Erased-is-accessible-and-topological′ a =
∃ λ (I : Type a) →
∃ λ (P : I → Type a) →
(∀ i → Is-proposition (P i)) ×
((A : Type a) →
Very-stable A ⇔
∀ i →
Is-∞-extendable-along-[ (λ (_ : P i) → lift tt) ]
(λ (_ : ↑ a ⊤) → A))
Erased-is-accessible-and-topological : (a : Level) → Type (lsuc a)
Erased-is-accessible-and-topological a =
∃ λ (I : Type a) →
∃ λ (P : I → Type a) →
(∀ i → Is-proposition (P i)) ×
((A : Type a) → Very-stable A ⇔ P -Null A)
≃Erased-is-accessible-and-topological :
Extensionality (lsuc a) a →
Erased-is-accessible-and-topological′ a ≃
Erased-is-accessible-and-topological a
≃Erased-is-accessible-and-topological {a} ext =
∃-cong λ _ → ∃-cong λ _ → ∃-cong λ _ →
∀-cong ext λ _ →
⇔-cong (lower-extensionality _ lzero ext) Eq.id $
(lower-extensionality _ lzero ext)
Erased-is-accessible-and-topologicalᴱ : (a : Level) → Type (lsuc a)
Erased-is-accessible-and-topologicalᴱ a =
∃ λ (I : Type a) →
∃ λ (P : I → Type a) →
(∀ i → Erased (Is-proposition (P i))) ×
((A : Type a) → Very-stableᴱ A ⇔ P -Nullᴱ A)
@0 erased-is-accessible-and-topological-in-erased-contexts′ :
Erased-is-accessible-and-topological′ a
erased-is-accessible-and-topological-in-erased-contexts′ {a} =
↑ a ⊤
, (λ _ → ↑ a ⊤)
, (λ _ → H-level.mono₁ 0 (↑-closure 0 ⊤-contractible))
, (λ _ → record
{ to = λ _ _ → PS.∞-extendable-along-id
; from = λ _ → Erased-Very-stable .erased
@0 erased-is-accessible-and-topological-in-erased-contexts :
Extensionality a a →
Erased-is-accessible-and-topological a
erased-is-accessible-and-topological-in-erased-contexts {a} ext =
↑ a ⊤
, (λ _ → ↑ a ⊤)
, (λ _ → H-level.mono₁ 0 $ ↑-closure 0 ⊤-contractible)
, λ A →
Very-stable A ↔⟨ _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
(Very-stable-propositional ext)
(Erased-Very-stable .erased) ⟩
⊤ ↝⟨ record { to = λ _ _ → _≃_.is-equivalence $ Eq.↔→≃ _ (_$ _) refl refl } ⟩□
(λ _ → ↑ a ⊤) -Null A □
erased-is-accessible-and-topological :
Excluded-middle a →
Extensionality a a →
Erased-is-accessible-and-topological a
erased-is-accessible-and-topological {a} em ext = $⟨ (λ _ →
[ erased-is-accessible-and-topological-in-erased-contexts
ext .proj₂ .proj₂ .proj₂ _ ]) ⟩
((A : Type a) →
Erased (Very-stable A ⇔ (λ (_ : ↑ a ⊤) → ↑ a ⊤) -Null A)) →⟨ (wrap ∘ Erased→¬¬) ∘_ ⟩
((A : Type a) →
¬¬ (Very-stable A ⇔ (λ (_ : ↑ a ⊤) → ↑ a ⊤) -Null A)) →⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _ →
Excluded-middle→Double-negation-elimination em $
⇔-closure ext 1
(Very-stable-propositional ext)
(Π-closure ext 1 λ _ →
Is-equivalence-propositional ext)) ⟩
((A : Type a) → Very-stable A ⇔ (λ (_ : ↑ a ⊤) → ↑ a ⊤) -Null A) →⟨ (λ hyp →
, _
, (λ _ → H-level.mono₁ 0 $ ↑-closure 0 ⊤-contractible)
, hyp) ⟩□
Erased-is-accessible-and-topological a □
Very-stable≃Very-stable-Null :
{A : Type a} →
Extensionality a a →
Very-stable A ↝[ lsuc a ∣ a ] (λ (A : Type a) → Very-stable A) -Null A
Very-stable≃Very-stable-Null {A} ext =
(record { to = to; from = from })
(λ _ → Very-stable-propositional ext)
(λ ext′ →
Π-closure ext′ 1 λ _ →
Is-equivalence-propositional ext)
open []-cong-axiomatisation
(Extensionality→[]-cong-axiomatisation ext)
to : Very-stable A → Very-stable -Null A
to sA _ =
_≃_.is-equivalence $
(λ f → Very-stable→Stable 0 sA [ f sB ])
(λ f → apply-ext ext λ x →
const (Very-stable→Stable 0 sA [ f sB ]) x ≡⟨⟩
Very-stable→Stable 0 sA [ f sB ] ≡⟨ cong (Very-stable→Stable 0 sA) $
[]-cong [ cong f $ Very-stable-propositional ext _ _ ] ⟩
Very-stable→Stable 0 sA [ f x ] ≡⟨ Very-stable→Stable-[]≡id sA ⟩∎
f x ∎)
(λ x →
Very-stable→Stable 0 sA [ x ] ≡⟨ Very-stable→Stable-[]≡id sA ⟩∎
x ∎)
@0 sB : Very-stable B
sB = Erased-Very-stable .erased
from : Very-stable -Null A → Very-stable A
from hyp =
_≃_.is-equivalence $
(Erased A →⟨ flip (Very-stable→Stable 0) ⟩
(Very-stable A → A) ↔⟨ inverse A≃ ⟩□
A □)
(λ { [ x ] → []-cong [ lemma x ] })
A≃ : A ≃ (Very-stable A → A)
A≃ = Eq.⟨ const , hyp A ⟩
lemma :
∀ x →
_≃_.from A≃ (λ s → Very-stable→Stable 0 s [ x ]) ≡ x
lemma x =
_≃_.from A≃ (λ s → Very-stable→Stable 0 s [ x ]) ≡⟨ (cong (_≃_.from A≃) $
apply-ext ext λ s →
Very-stable→Stable-[]≡id s) ⟩
_≃_.from A≃ (const x) ≡⟨⟩
_≃_.from A≃ (_≃_.to A≃ x) ≡⟨ _≃_.left-inverse-of A≃ _ ⟩∎
x ∎
Very-stableᴱ≃Very-stableᴱ-Nullᴱ :
{A : Type a} →
@0 Extensionality (lsuc a) a →
Very-stableᴱ A ≃ᴱ (λ (A : Type a) → Very-stableᴱ A) -Nullᴱ A
Very-stableᴱ≃Very-stableᴱ-Nullᴱ {A} ext =
(Very-stableᴱ-propositional ext′)
(Π-closure ext 1 λ _ →
EEq.Is-equivalenceᴱ-propositional ext′ _)
@0 ext′ : _
ext′ = lower-extensionality _ lzero ext
to : Very-stableᴱ A → Very-stableᴱ -Nullᴱ A
to sA _ =
_≃ᴱ_.is-equivalence $
(λ f → Very-stableᴱ→Stable 0 sA [ f sB ])
(λ f → apply-ext ext′ λ x →
const (Very-stableᴱ→Stable 0 sA [ f sB ]) x ≡⟨⟩
Very-stableᴱ→Stable 0 sA [ f sB ] ≡⟨ cong (Very-stableᴱ→Stable 0 sA ∘ [_]→ ∘ f) $
Very-stableᴱ-propositional ext′ _ _ ⟩
Very-stableᴱ→Stable 0 sA [ f x ] ≡⟨ Very-stableᴱ→Stable-[]≡id sA ⟩∎
f x ∎)
(λ x →
Very-stableᴱ→Stable 0 sA [ x ] ≡⟨ Very-stableᴱ→Stable-[]≡id sA ⟩∎
x ∎)
@0 sB : Very-stableᴱ B
sB = Very-stable→Very-stableᴱ 0 (Erased-Very-stable .erased)
from : Very-stableᴱ -Nullᴱ A → Very-stableᴱ A
from hyp =
_≃ᴱ_.is-equivalence $
(Erased A →⟨ flip (Very-stableᴱ→Stable 0) ⟩
(Very-stableᴱ A → A) →⟨ _≃ᴱ_.from A≃ ⟩□
A □)
(λ @0 { [ x ] → cong [_]→ (lemma x) })
A≃ : A ≃ᴱ (Very-stableᴱ A → A)
A≃ = EEq.⟨ const , hyp A ⟩
@0 lemma :
∀ x →
_≃ᴱ_.from A≃ (λ s → Very-stableᴱ→Stable 0 s [ x ]) ≡ x
lemma x =
_≃ᴱ_.from A≃ (λ s → Very-stableᴱ→Stable 0 s [ x ]) ≡⟨ (cong (_≃ᴱ_.from A≃) $
apply-ext ext′ λ s →
Very-stableᴱ→Stable-[]≡id s) ⟩
_≃ᴱ_.from A≃ (const x) ≡⟨⟩
_≃ᴱ_.from A≃ (_≃ᴱ_.to A≃ x) ≡⟨ _≃ᴱ_.left-inverse-of A≃ _ ⟩∎
x ∎
Erased-singleton : {A : Type a} → @0 A → Type a
Erased-singleton x = ∃ λ y → Erased (y ≡ x)
Erased-other-singleton : {A : Type a} → @0 A → Type a
Erased-other-singleton x = ∃ λ y → Erased (x ≡ y)
inspectᴱ :
{@0 A : Type a}
(x : A) → Erased-other-singleton x
inspectᴱ x = x , [ refl x ]
Σ-Erased-Erased-singleton⇔ :
{A : Type ℓ} →
(∃ λ (x : Erased A) → Erased-singleton (erased x)) ⇔ A
Σ-Erased-Erased-singleton⇔ {A} =
(∃ λ (x : Erased A) → ∃ λ y → Erased (y ≡ erased x)) ↔⟨ ∃-comm ⟩
(∃ λ y → ∃ λ (x : Erased A) → Erased (y ≡ erased x)) ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _ → inverse Erased-Σ↔Σ) ⟩
(∃ λ y → Erased (∃ λ (x : A) → y ≡ x)) ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _ → Erased-cong-⇔ (from-isomorphism $ _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
other-singleton-contractible _)) ⟩
A × Erased ⊤ ↔⟨ drop-⊤-right (λ _ → Erased-⊤↔⊤) ⟩□
A □
erased-singleton-contractible :
{x : A} →
Very-stable-≡ A →
Contractible (Erased-singleton x)
erased-singleton-contractible {x} s =
$⟨ singleton-contractible x ⟩
Contractible (Singleton x) ↝⟨ H-level-cong _ 0 (∃-cong λ _ → Eq.⟨ _ , s _ _ ⟩) ⦂ (_ → _) ⟩□
Contractible (Erased-singleton x) □
erased-other-singleton-contractible :
{x : A} →
Very-stable-≡ A →
Contractible (Erased-other-singleton x)
erased-other-singleton-contractible {x} s =
$⟨ other-singleton-contractible x ⟩
Contractible (Other-singleton x) ↝⟨ H-level-cong _ 0 (∃-cong λ _ → Eq.⟨ _ , s _ _ ⟩) ⦂ (_ → _) ⟩□
Contractible (Erased-other-singleton x) □
Contractibleᴱ-Erased-singleton :
{@0 A : Type a} {x : A} →
Contractibleᴱ (Erased-singleton x)
Contractibleᴱ-Erased-singleton {x} =
(x , [ proj₂₀ (proj₁₀ contr) .erased ])
, [ proj₂ contr ]
@0 contr : Contractible (Erased-singleton x)
contr =
(λ _ _ → Erased-Very-stable .erased)
Contractibleᴱ-Erased-other-singleton :
{@0 A : Type a} {x : A} →
Contractibleᴱ (Erased-other-singleton x)
Contractibleᴱ-Erased-other-singleton {x} =
(x , [ proj₂ (proj₁ contr) .erased ])
, [ proj₂ contr ]
@0 contr : Contractible (Erased-other-singleton x)
contr =
(λ _ _ → Erased-Very-stable .erased)
Erased-singleton≃ᴱ⊤ :
{@0 A : Type a} {x : A} →
Erased-singleton x ≃ᴱ ⊤
Erased-singleton≃ᴱ⊤ =
let record { to = to } = EEq.Contractibleᴱ⇔≃ᴱ⊤ in
to Contractibleᴱ-Erased-singleton
Erased-other-singleton≃ᴱ⊤ :
{@0 A : Type a} {x : A} →
Erased-other-singleton x ≃ᴱ ⊤
Erased-other-singleton≃ᴱ⊤ =
let record { to = to } = EEq.Contractibleᴱ⇔≃ᴱ⊤ in
to Contractibleᴱ-Erased-other-singleton
module []-cong₂
(ax₁ : []-cong-axiomatisation ℓ₁)
(ax₂ : []-cong-axiomatisation ℓ₂)
open Erased-cong ax₁ ax₂
Stable-≃-cong :
{A : Type ℓ₁} {B : Type ℓ₂} →
Extensionality? k (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) →
A ≃ B → Stable-[ equivalence ] A ↝[ k ] Stable-[ equivalence ] B
Stable-≃-cong {A} {B} ext A≃B =
Stable-[ equivalence ] A ↔⟨⟩
Erased A ≃ A ↝⟨ generalise-ext?
(Eq.≃-preserves-⇔ (Erased-cong-≃ A≃B) A≃B)
(λ ext →
let eq = Eq.≃-preserves ext (Erased-cong-≃ A≃B) A≃B in
_≃_.right-inverse-of eq , _≃_.left-inverse-of eq)
ext ⟩
Erased B ≃ B ↔⟨⟩
Stable-[ equivalence ] B □
Very-stable-map-↠′ :
{B : Type b} →
[]-cong-axiomatisation b →
A ↠ B → Very-stable A → Very-stable B
Very-stable-map-↠′ {A} {B} ax A↠B s =
_≃_.is-equivalence $
(Erased B →⟨ map (_↠_.from A↠B) ⟩
Erased A →⟨ Very-stable→Stable 0 s ⟩
A →⟨ _↠_.to A↠B ⟩□
B □)
(λ { x@([ _ ]) →
[ _↠_.to A↠B
(Very-stable→Stable 0 s (map (_↠_.from A↠B) x))
] ≡⟨ []-cong-axiomatisation.[]-cong ax [ lemma (erased x) ] ⟩∎
x ∎ })
lemma = λ x →
_↠_.to A↠B (Very-stable→Stable 0 s (map (_↠_.from A↠B) [ x ])) ≡⟨⟩
_↠_.to A↠B (Very-stable→Stable 0 s [ _↠_.from A↠B x ]) ≡⟨ cong (_↠_.to A↠B) $ Very-stable→Stable-[]≡id s ⟩
_↠_.to A↠B (_↠_.from A↠B x) ≡⟨ _↠_.right-inverse-of A↠B _ ⟩∎
x ∎
Very-stable-map-↠ :
{A : Type ℓ₁} {B : Type ℓ₂} →
A ↠ B → Very-stable A → Very-stable B
Very-stable-map-↠ = Very-stable-map-↠′ ax₂
Very-stable-map-↠ⁿ :
{A : Type ℓ₁} {B : Type ℓ₂} →
∀ n →
A ↠ B →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stable B
Very-stable-map-↠ⁿ n A↠B =
Very-stable-cong :
{A : Type ℓ₁} {B : Type ℓ₂} →
Extensionality? k (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) →
A ≃ B → Very-stable A ↝[ k ] Very-stable B
Very-stable-cong ext A≃B =
{ to = Very-stable-map-↠′ ax₂ (_≃_.surjection A≃B)
; from = Very-stable-map-↠′ ax₁ (_≃_.surjection $ inverse A≃B)
(Very-stable-propositional ∘ lower-extensionality ℓ₂ ℓ₂)
(Very-stable-propositional ∘ lower-extensionality ℓ₁ ℓ₁)
Very-stable-congⁿ :
{A : Type ℓ₁} {B : Type ℓ₂} →
Extensionality? k′ (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) →
∀ n →
A ↔[ k ] B →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A ↝[ k′ ]
For-iterated-equality n Very-stable B
Very-stable-congⁿ ext n A↔B =
(Very-stable-cong ext ∘ from-isomorphism)
(from-isomorphism A↔B)
Very-stable-≡-map-Embedding :
{A : Type ℓ₁} {B : Type ℓ₂} →
Embedding B A → Very-stable-≡ A → Very-stable-≡ B
Very-stable-≡-map-Embedding B↣A s x y =
$⟨ s _ _ ⟩
Very-stable (Embedding.to B↣A x ≡ Embedding.to B↣A y) →⟨ Very-stable-cong _ (inverse $ Embedding.equivalence B↣A) ⟩□
Very-stable (x ≡ y) □
module []-cong₂-⊔₁
(ax₁ : []-cong-axiomatisation ℓ₁)
(ax₂ : []-cong-axiomatisation ℓ₂)
(ax : []-cong-axiomatisation (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂))
open []-cong-axiomatisation ax
open E₂.[]-cong₂-⊔ ax₁ ax₂ ax
Stable-[]-map :
{A : Type ℓ₂} {B : Type ℓ₁} →
A ↝[ k ] B → @0 B ↝[ k ] A → Stable-[ k ] A → Stable-[ k ] B
Stable-[]-map {A} {B} A↝B B↝A s =
Erased B ↝⟨ Erased-cong B↝A ⟩
Erased A ↝⟨ s ⟩
A ↝⟨ A↝B ⟩□
B □
Stable-[]-map-↔ :
{A : Type ℓ₂} {B : Type ℓ₁} →
A ↔ B → Stable-[ k ] A → Stable-[ k ] B
Stable-[]-map-↔ A↔B =
(from-isomorphism A↔B)
(from-isomorphism $ inverse A↔B)
Stable-[]-map-↝ :
{A : Type ℓ₂} {B : Type ℓ₁} →
A ↝[ ℓ₂ ∣ ℓ₁ ] B →
Extensionality? k ℓ₂ ℓ₁ → Stable-[ k ] A → Stable-[ k ] B
Stable-[]-map-↝ A↝B ext =
Stable-[]-map (A↝B ext) (inverse-ext? A↝B ext)
Stable-cong :
{A : Type ℓ₁} {B : Type ℓ₂} →
Extensionality? ⌊ k ⌋-sym (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) →
A ↝[ ⌊ k ⌋-sym ] B → Stable A ↝[ ⌊ k ⌋-sym ] Stable B
Stable-cong {k} {A} {B} ext A↝B =
Stable A ↔⟨⟩
(Erased A → A) ↝⟨ →-cong ext (Erased-cong A↝B) A↝B ⟩
(Erased B → B) ↔⟨⟩
Stable B □
module []-cong₁ (ax : []-cong-axiomatisation ℓ) where
open E₁.[]-cong₁ ax
open []-cong₂ ax ax
open []-cong₂-⊔₁ ax ax ax
Stable→Left-inverse→Very-stable :
{A : Type ℓ}
(s : Stable A) → (∀ x → s [ x ] ≡ x) → Very-stable A
Stable→Left-inverse→Very-stable s inv =
_≃_.is-equivalence (Eq.↔⇒≃ (record
{ surjection = record
{ logical-equivalence = record
{ from = s
; right-inverse-of = λ { [ x ] → []-cong [ inv x ] }
; left-inverse-of = inv
Very-stable-Erased :
{@0 A : Type ℓ} → Very-stable (Erased A)
Very-stable-Erased =
(λ ([ x ]) → [ erased x ])
(λ _ → Erased-η)
Stable-proposition→Very-stable :
{A : Type ℓ} →
Stable A → Is-proposition A → Very-stable A
Stable-proposition→Very-stable s prop =
_≃_.is-equivalence $
(H-level-Erased 1 prop)
Stable→H-level-suc→Very-stable :
{A : Type ℓ} →
∀ n →
For-iterated-equality n Stable A → H-level (1 + n) A →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A
Stable→H-level-suc→Very-stable {A} n = curry (
For-iterated-equality n Stable A × H-level (1 + n) A ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _ → H-level-suc→For-iterated-equality-Is-proposition) ⟩
For-iterated-equality n Stable A ×
For-iterated-equality n Is-proposition A ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-commutes-× n _ ⟩
For-iterated-equality n (λ A → Stable A × Is-proposition A) A ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-cong₁ _ n $
uncurry Stable-proposition→Very-stable ⟩
For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A □)
Decidable-equality→Very-stable-≡ :
{A : Type ℓ} →
Decidable-equality A → Very-stable-≡ A
Decidable-equality→Very-stable-≡ dec =
(λ x y → Dec→Stable (dec x y))
(decidable⇒set dec)
H-level→Very-stable :
{A : Type ℓ} →
∀ n → H-level n A → For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A
H-level→Very-stable {A} n =
H-level n A ↝⟨ _⇔_.to H-level⇔H-level′ ⟩
H-level′ n A ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-cong₁ _ n Contractible→Very-stable ⟩□
For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A □
Contractible→Very-stable :
∀ {A} → Contractible A → Very-stable A
Contractible→Very-stable c =
(λ _ → proj₁ c)
(mono₁ 0 c)
Stable-≡↔Injective-[] :
{A : Type ℓ} →
Stable-≡ A ↝[ ℓ ∣ ℓ ] Injective [ A ∣_]→
Stable-≡↔Injective-[] ext =
(∀ x y → Erased (x ≡ y) → x ≡ y) ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _ → from-isomorphism $ inverse Bijection.implicit-Π↔Π) ⟩
(∀ x {y} → Erased (x ≡ y) → x ≡ y) ↔⟨ inverse Bijection.implicit-Π↔Π ⟩
(∀ {x y} → Erased (x ≡ y) → x ≡ y) ↝⟨ (implicit-∀-cong ext $ implicit-∀-cong ext $
Π-cong ext Erased-≡↔[]≡[] λ _ → F.id) ⟩□
(∀ {x y} → [ x ] ≡ [ y ] → x ≡ y) □
Very-stable-≡↔Is-embedding-[] :
{A : Type ℓ} →
Very-stable-≡ A ↝[ ℓ ∣ ℓ ] Is-embedding [ A ∣_]→
Very-stable-≡↔Is-embedding-[] ext =
(∀ x y → Is-equivalence [ x ≡ y ∣_]→) ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _ → ∀-cong ext λ _ →
Is-equivalence≃Is-equivalence-∘ˡ []-cong-equivalence ext) ⟩
(∀ x y → Is-equivalence ([]-cong ∘ [ x ≡ y ∣_]→)) ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _ → ∀-cong ext λ _ → Is-equivalence-cong ext λ _ → []-cong-[]≡cong-[]) ⟩□
(∀ x y → Is-equivalence (cong {x = x} {y = y} [_]→)) □
Very-stable-≡↔Is-embedding-[]→ :
{A : Type ℓ} →
∀ n →
For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Very-stable A ↝[ ℓ ∣ ℓ ]
For-iterated-equality n (λ A → Is-embedding [ A ∣_]→) A
Very-stable-≡↔Is-embedding-[]→ {A} n ext =
For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Very-stable A ↝⟨ inverse-ext? (For-iterated-equality-For-iterated-equality n 1) ext ⟩
For-iterated-equality n Very-stable-≡ A ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-cong₁ ext n (Very-stable-≡↔Is-embedding-[] ext) ⟩□
For-iterated-equality n (λ A → Is-embedding [ A ∣_]→) A □
Very-stableᴱ-≡⇔Is-embeddingᴱ-[] :
{@0 A : Type ℓ} →
Very-stableᴱ-≡ A ⇔ Is-embeddingᴱ [ A ∣_]→
Very-stableᴱ-≡⇔Is-embeddingᴱ-[] =
(∀ x y → Is-equivalenceᴱ [ x ≡ y ∣_]→) LE.⇔⟨ (LE.∀-cong λ _ → LE.∀-cong λ _ →
(EEq.Is-equivalence→Is-equivalenceᴱ []-cong-equivalence)) ⟩
(∀ x y → Is-equivalenceᴱ ([]-cong ∘ [ x ≡ y ∣_]→)) LE.⇔⟨ (LE.∀-cong λ _ → LE.∀-cong λ _ →
EEq.Is-equivalenceᴱ-cong-⇔ λ _ →
[]-cong-[]≡cong-[]) ⟩□
(∀ x y → Is-equivalenceᴱ (cong {x = x} {y = y} [_]→)) □
Very-stableᴱ-≡≃ᴱIs-embeddingᴱ-[] :
{@0 A : Type ℓ} →
@0 Extensionality ℓ ℓ →
Very-stableᴱ-≡ A ≃ᴱ Is-embeddingᴱ [ A ∣_]→
Very-stableᴱ-≡≃ᴱIs-embeddingᴱ-[] ext =
let record { to = to; from = from } =
(H-level-For-iterated-equality ext 1 1 λ {A} →
Very-stableᴱ-propositional {A = A} ext)
(EEmb.Is-embeddingᴱ-propositional ext)
Stable-∃-Very-stable : Stable (∃ λ (A : Type ℓ) → Very-stable A)
Stable-∃-Very-stable [ A ] = Erased (proj₁ A) , Very-stable-Erased
Stable-∃-Very-stableᴱ : Stable (∃ λ (A : Type ℓ) → Very-stableᴱ A)
Stable-∃-Very-stableᴱ [ A ] =
Erased (proj₁ A) , Very-stable→Very-stableᴱ 0 Very-stable-Erased
Very-stableᴱ-∃-Very-stableᴱ :
@0 Extensionality ℓ ℓ →
@0 Univalence ℓ →
Very-stableᴱ (∃ λ (A : Type ℓ) → Very-stableᴱ A)
Very-stableᴱ-∃-Very-stableᴱ ext univ =
Stable→Left-inverse→Very-stableᴱ Stable-∃-Very-stableᴱ inv
@0 inv : ∀ p → Stable-∃-Very-stableᴱ [ p ] ≡ p
inv (A , s) = Σ-≡,≡→≡
(Erased A ≡⟨ ≃⇒≡ univ (Very-stable→Stable 0 (Very-stableᴱ→Very-stable 0 s)) ⟩∎
A ∎)
(Very-stableᴱ-propositional ext _ _)
Very-stableᴱ-Σ :
{@0 A : Type ℓ} {@0 P : A → Type p} →
Very-stableᴱ A →
(∀ x → Very-stableᴱ (P x)) →
Very-stableᴱ (Σ A P)
Very-stableᴱ-Σ {A} {P} s s′ = _≃ᴱ_.is-equivalence (
Σ A P EEq.≃ᴱ⟨ EEq.[]-cong₁.Σ-cong-≃ᴱ-Erased ax EEq.⟨ _ , s ⟩₀ (λ x → EEq.⟨ _ , s′ x ⟩₀) ⟩
Σ (Erased A) (λ x → Erased (P (erased x))) EEq.↔⟨ inverse Erased-Σ↔Σ ⟩□
Erased (Σ A P) □)
Very-stableᴱ-Σⁿ :
{A : Type ℓ} {P : A → Type p} →
∀ n →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stableᴱ A →
(∀ x → For-iterated-equality n Very-stableᴱ (P x)) →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stableᴱ (Σ A P)
Very-stableᴱ-Σⁿ n =
(≃ᴱ→Very-stableᴱ→Very-stableᴱ ∘ from-isomorphism)
Very-stable→Very-stable-≡ :
{A : Type ℓ} →
∀ n →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A →
For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Very-stable A
Very-stable→Very-stable-≡ {A} n =
For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-cong₁ _ n lemma ⟩
For-iterated-equality n Very-stable-≡ A ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-For-iterated-equality n 1 _ ⟩□
For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Very-stable A □
lemma : ∀ {A} → Very-stable A → Very-stable-≡ A
lemma {A} =
Very-stable A ↝⟨ Very-stable→Is-embedding-[] ⟩
Is-embedding [ A ∣_]→ ↝⟨ inverse-ext? Very-stable-≡↔Is-embedding-[] _ ⟩□
Very-stable-≡ A □
Very-stable-≡₀ :
{@0 A : Type ℓ} →
Very-stable-≡ (Erased A)
Very-stable-≡₀ = Very-stable→Very-stable-≡ 0 Very-stable-Erased
Very-stable-≡₁ :
{@0 A : Type ℓ} →
For-iterated-equality 2 Very-stable (Erased A)
Very-stable-≡₁ = Very-stable→Very-stable-≡ 1 Very-stable-≡₀
Very-stable→Very-stable⁺ :
{A : Type ℓ} →
∀ m →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A →
For-iterated-equality (m + n) Very-stable A
Very-stable→Very-stable⁺ zero = id
Very-stable→Very-stable⁺ {n} (suc m) =
Very-stable→Very-stable-≡ (m + n) ∘
Very-stable→Very-stable⁺ m
Very-stable→Very-stableⁿ :
{A : Type ℓ} →
∀ n →
Very-stable A →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A
Very-stable→Very-stableⁿ n =
subst (λ n → For-iterated-equality n Very-stable _)
(Nat.+-right-identity {n = n}) ∘
Very-stable→Very-stable⁺ n
Stable-[]-H-level′ :
{A : Type ℓ} →
Extensionality? k ℓ ℓ →
∀ n →
For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Stable-[ k ] A →
Stable-[ k ] (H-level′ (1 + n) A)
Stable-[]-H-level′ {k} {A} ext n =
For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Stable-[ k ] A ↝⟨ inverse-ext? (For-iterated-equality-For-iterated-equality n 1) _ ⟩
For-iterated-equality n Stable-≡-[ k ] A ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-cong₁ _ n lemma ⟩
For-iterated-equality n (Stable-[ k ] ∘ H-level′ 1) A ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-commutes-← _ Stable-[ k ] n (Stable-[]-Π ext) ⟩
Stable-[ k ] (For-iterated-equality n (H-level′ 1) A) ↝⟨ Stable-[]-map-↝ (For-iterated-equality-For-iterated-equality n 1) ext ⟩□
Stable-[ k ] (H-level′ (1 + n) A) □
lemma : ∀ {A} → Stable-≡-[ k ] A → Stable-[ k ] (H-level′ 1 A)
lemma s =
(H-level↔H-level′ {n = 1})
(Stable-[]-Π ext λ _ →
Stable-[]-Π ext λ _ →
s _ _)
Stable-[]-H-level :
{A : Type ℓ} →
Extensionality? k ℓ ℓ →
∀ n →
For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Stable-[ k ] A →
Stable-[ k ] (H-level (1 + n) A)
Stable-[]-H-level {k} {A} ext n =
For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Stable-[ k ] A ↝⟨ Stable-[]-H-level′ ext n ⟩
Stable-[ k ] (H-level′ (1 + n) A) ↝⟨ Stable-[]-map-↝ (inverse-ext? H-level↔H-level′) ext ⟩□
Stable-[ k ] (H-level (1 + n) A) □
Very-stable-H-level′ :
{A : Type ℓ} →
Extensionality ℓ ℓ →
∀ n →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A →
Very-stable (H-level′ n A)
Very-stable-H-level′ {A} ext n =
For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-cong₁ _ n lemma ⟩
For-iterated-equality n (Very-stable ∘ Contractible) A ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-commutes-← _ Very-stable n (Very-stable-Π ext) ⟩□
Very-stable (H-level′ n A) □
lemma : ∀ {A} → Very-stable A → Very-stable (Contractible A)
lemma s =
Very-stable-Σ s λ _ →
Very-stable-Π ext λ _ →
Very-stable→Very-stable-≡ 0 s _ _
Very-stableᴱ-H-levelᴱ :
{@0 A : Type ℓ} →
@0 Extensionality ℓ ℓ →
∀ n →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stableᴱ A →
Very-stableᴱ (For-iterated-equality n Contractibleᴱ A)
Very-stableᴱ-H-levelᴱ {A} ext n =
For-iterated-equality n Very-stableᴱ A →⟨ For-iterated-equality-cong₁ᴱ-→ n lemma ⟩
For-iterated-equality n (Very-stableᴱ ∘ Contractibleᴱ) A →⟨ For-iterated-equality-commutesᴱ-← Very-stableᴱ n (Very-stableᴱ-Π ext) ⟩□
Very-stableᴱ (For-iterated-equality n Contractibleᴱ A) □
lemma : ∀ {@0 A} → Very-stableᴱ A → Very-stableᴱ (Contractibleᴱ A)
lemma s =
Very-stableᴱ-Σ s λ _ →
Very-stable→Very-stableᴱ 0
Very-stable-H-level :
{A : Type ℓ} →
Extensionality ℓ ℓ →
∀ n →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A →
Very-stable (H-level n A)
Very-stable-H-level {A} ext n =
For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A ↝⟨ Very-stable-H-level′ ext n ⟩
Very-stable (H-level′ n A) ↝⟨ Very-stable-cong _ (inverse $ H-level↔H-level′ ext) ⟩□
Very-stable (H-level n A) □
Very-stable-Very-stable≃Very-stable :
{A : Type ℓ} →
Extensionality ℓ ℓ →
Very-stable (Very-stable A) ≃ Very-stable A
Very-stable-Very-stable≃Very-stable ext =
_↠_.from (Eq.≃↠⇔ (Very-stable-propositional ext)
(Very-stable-propositional ext))
{ to = Very-stable-Very-stable→Very-stable
; from = λ s →
Very-stable-cong _
(inverse $ Is-equivalence≃Is-equivalence-CP ext) $
Very-stable-Π ext λ _ →
Very-stable-H-level ext 0 $
Very-stable-Σ s (λ _ → Very-stable-≡₀ _ _)
Very-stableᴱ-Very-stableᴱ≃ᴱVery-stableᴱ :
{@0 A : Type ℓ} →
@0 Extensionality ℓ ℓ →
Very-stableᴱ (Very-stableᴱ A) ≃ᴱ Very-stableᴱ A
Very-stableᴱ-Very-stableᴱ≃ᴱVery-stableᴱ ext =
(Very-stableᴱ-propositional ext)
(Very-stableᴱ-propositional ext)
(λ s →
(EEq.inverse $ EEq.Is-equivalenceᴱ≃ᴱIs-equivalenceᴱ-CP ext) $
Very-stableᴱ-Π ext λ _ →
Very-stableᴱ-H-levelᴱ ext 0 $
Very-stableᴱ-Σ s λ _ →
Very-stable→Very-stableᴱ 0 $
Stable-[]-≡-List :
{A : Type ℓ} →
∀ n →
For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Stable-[ k ] A →
For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Stable-[ k ] (List A)
Stable-[]-≡-List n =
(Very-stable→Stable 0 $ Very-stable-↑ Very-stable-⊤)
(Very-stable→Stable 0 Very-stable-⊥)
Very-stable-≡-List :
{A : Type ℓ} →
∀ n →
For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Very-stable A →
For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Very-stable (List A)
Very-stable-≡-List n =
(Very-stable-cong _ ∘ from-isomorphism)
(Very-stable-↑ Very-stable-⊤)
extendable :
{@0 A : Type a} {P : Erased A → Type ℓ} →
(∀ x → Very-stable (P x)) →
Is-∞-extendable-along-[ [_]→ ] P
extendable s zero = _
extendable s (suc n) =
(λ f →
(λ { x@([ _ ]) → _≃_.from Eq.⟨ _ , s x ⟩ (map f x) })
, λ x →
_≃_.from Eq.⟨ _ , s [ x ] ⟩ (map f [ x ]) ≡⟨⟩
_≃_.from Eq.⟨ _ , s [ x ] ⟩ [ f x ] ≡⟨ _≃_.left-inverse-of Eq.⟨ _ , s [ x ] ⟩ _ ⟩∎
f x ∎)
, λ g h →
extendable (λ x → Very-stable→Very-stable-≡ 0 (s x) _ _) n
const-extendable :
{@0 A : Type a} {B : Type ℓ} →
Very-stable B →
Is-∞-extendable-along-[ [_]→ ] (λ (_ : Erased A) → B)
const-extendable s = extendable (λ _ → s)
Erased-Σ-closed-reflective-subuniverse :
Σ-closed-reflective-subuniverse ℓ
Erased-Σ-closed-reflective-subuniverse = λ where
.◯ → λ A → Erased A
.η → [_]→
.Modal → Very-stable
.Modal-propositional → Very-stable-propositional
.Modal-◯ → Very-stable-Erased
.Modal-respects-≃ → Very-stable-cong _
.extendable-along-η → const-extendable
.Σ-closed → Very-stable-Σ
open Σ-closed-reflective-subuniverse
Erased-modality : Modality ℓ
Erased-modality = λ where
.◯ → λ A → Erased A
.η → [_]→
.modality-for → λ where
.Modal → Very-stable
.Modal-propositional → Very-stable-propositional
.Modal-◯ → Very-stable-Erased
.Modal-respects-≃ → Very-stable-cong _
.extendable-along-η → extendable
open Modality
open Modality-for
Erased-empty-modal : Empty-modal Erased-modality
Erased-empty-modal = Very-stable-⊥
Erased-very-modal : Very-modal Erased-modality
Erased-very-modal = Erased-Very-stable
@0 Erased-topological-in-erased-contexts :
Topological Erased-modality
Erased-topological-in-erased-contexts =
let I , P , prop , p =
in (I , P , p) , prop
module Excluded-middle (em : Excluded-middle ℓ) where
very-stable :
{A : Type ℓ} →
Extensionality ℓ ℓ →
Very-stable A
very-stable ext =
Erased≡Identity-modality :
Extensionality (lsuc ℓ) (lsuc ℓ) →
Univalence ℓ →
Erased-modality ≡ Identity-modality
Erased≡Identity-modality ext univ =
ext univ
Erased-topological :
Extensionality ℓ ℓ →
Topological Erased-modality
Erased-topological ext =
Erased-cotopological : Cotopological (λ (A : Type ℓ) → Erased A)
Erased-cotopological =
Σ-Erased-Erased-singleton↔ :
{A : Type ℓ} →
(∃ λ (x : Erased A) → Erased-singleton (erased x)) ↔ A
Σ-Erased-Erased-singleton↔ {A} =
(∃ λ (x : Erased A) → ∃ λ y → Erased (y ≡ erased x)) ↝⟨ ∃-comm ⟩
(∃ λ y → ∃ λ (x : Erased A) → Erased (y ≡ erased x)) ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _ → inverse Erased-Σ↔Σ) ⟩
(∃ λ y → Erased (∃ λ (x : A) → y ≡ x)) ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _ →
Erased-cong.Erased-cong-↔ ax (lower-[]-cong-axiomatisation _ ax)
(_⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ (other-singleton-contractible _))) ⟩
A × Erased ⊤ ↝⟨ drop-⊤-right (λ _ → Erased-⊤↔⊤) ⟩□
A □
_ :
_↔_.logical-equivalence (Σ-Erased-Erased-singleton↔ {A = A}) ≡
_ = refl _
Very-stableᴱ-≡→Contractible-Erased-singleton :
{A : Type ℓ} {x : A} →
Very-stableᴱ-≡ A →
Contractible (Erased-singleton x)
Very-stableᴱ-≡→Contractible-Erased-singleton {x} s =
(x , [ refl x ])
, λ { (y , [ y≡x ]) →
(_≃ᴱ_.from EEq.⟨ _ , s _ _ ⟩₀ [ sym y≡x ])
(subst (λ y → Erased (y ≡ x))
(_≃ᴱ_.from EEq.⟨ _ , s _ _ ⟩₀ [ sym y≡x ])
[ refl x ] ≡⟨ push-subst-[] ⟩
[ subst (_≡ x)
(_≃ᴱ_.from EEq.⟨ _ , s _ _ ⟩₀ [ sym y≡x ])
(refl x)
] ≡⟨ []-cong [ cong (flip (subst _) _) $
_≃ᴱ_.left-inverse-of EEq.⟨ _ , s _ _ ⟩₀ _ ] ⟩
[ subst (_≡ x) (sym y≡x) (refl x) ] ≡⟨ []-cong [ subst-trans _ ] ⟩
[ trans y≡x (refl x) ] ≡⟨ []-cong [ trans-reflʳ _ ] ⟩∎
[ y≡x ] ∎) }
erased-singleton-with-erased-center-propositional :
{A : Type ℓ} {@0 x : A} →
Very-stableᴱ-≡ A →
Is-proposition (Erased-singleton x)
erased-singleton-with-erased-center-propositional {x} s =
$⟨ [ erased-singleton-contractible (λ _ _ → erased Erased-Very-stable) ] ⟩
Erased (Contractible (Erased-singleton x)) ↝⟨ map (mono₁ 0) ⟩
Erased (Is-proposition (Erased-singleton x)) ↝⟨ (Stable-H-level 0 $
Very-stableᴱ→Stable 1 $
Very-stableᴱ-Σⁿ 1 s λ _ →
Very-stable→Very-stableᴱ 1 $
Very-stable→Very-stable-≡ 0
Very-stable-Erased) ⟩□
Is-proposition (Erased-singleton x) □
erased-singleton-with-erased-center-contractible :
{A : Type ℓ} {@0 x : A} →
Very-stable A →
Contractible (Erased-singleton x)
erased-singleton-with-erased-center-contractible {x} s =
$⟨ [ (x , [ refl _ ]) ] ⟩
Erased (Erased-singleton x) ↝⟨ Very-stable→Stable 0 (Very-stable-Σ s λ _ → Very-stable-Erased) ⟩
Erased-singleton x ↝⟨ propositional⇒inhabited⇒contractible $
erased-singleton-with-erased-center-propositional $
Very-stable→Very-stableᴱ 1 $
Very-stable→Very-stable-≡ 0 s ⟩□
Contractible (Erased-singleton x) □
module []-cong₁-lsuc (ax : []-cong-axiomatisation (lsuc ℓ)) where
open []-cong₁ {ℓ = ℓ} (lower-[]-cong-axiomatisation _ ax)
Very-stable-∃-Very-stable :
Extensionality ℓ ℓ →
Univalence ℓ →
Very-stable (∃ λ (A : Type ℓ) → Very-stable A)
Very-stable-∃-Very-stable ext univ =
[]-cong₁.Stable→Left-inverse→Very-stable ax
Stable-∃-Very-stable inv
inv : ∀ p → Stable-∃-Very-stable [ p ] ≡ p
inv (A , s) = Σ-≡,≡→≡
(Erased A ≡⟨ ≃⇒≡ univ (Very-stable→Stable 0 s) ⟩∎
A ∎)
(Very-stable-propositional ext _ _)
module []-cong₂-⊔₂
(ax₁ : []-cong-axiomatisation ℓ₁)
(ax₂ : []-cong-axiomatisation ℓ₂)
(ax : []-cong-axiomatisation (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂))
Stable-Erased↝Erased :
{@0 A : Type ℓ₁} {@0 B : Type ℓ₂} →
Stable (Erased A ↝[ k ] Erased B)
Stable-Erased↝Erased {k} {A} {B} = $⟨ []-cong₁.Very-stable-Erased ax ⟩
Very-stable (Erased (A ↝[ k ] B)) ↝⟨ Very-stable→Stable 0 ⟩
Stable (Erased (A ↝[ k ] B)) ↝⟨ Stable-map-⇔ (E₂.[]-cong₂-⊔.Erased-↝↝↝ ax₁ ax₂ ax _) ⟩□
Stable (Erased A ↝[ k ] Erased B) □
Stable-[]-⇔ :
{A : Type ℓ₁} {B : Type ℓ₂} →
Extensionality? k (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) →
Stable-[ k ] A → Stable-[ k ] B → Stable-[ k ] (A ⇔ B)
Stable-[]-⇔ {k} {A} {B} ext s s′ = $⟨ (Stable-[]-Π (lower-extensionality? k ℓ₂ ℓ₁ ext) λ _ → s′)
, (Stable-[]-Π (lower-extensionality? k ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ext) λ _ → s) ⟩
Stable-[ k ] (A → B) × Stable-[ k ] (B → A) →⟨ uncurry Stable-[]-× ⟩
Stable-[ k ] ((A → B) × (B → A)) →⟨ []-cong₂-⊔₁.Stable-[]-map-↔ ax ax ax (inverse ⇔↔→×→) ⟩□
Stable-[ k ] (A ⇔ B) □
Very-stable-↝ :
{A : Type ℓ₁} {B : Type ℓ₂} →
Extensionality (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) →
Very-stable A → Very-stable B → Very-stable (A ↝[ k ] B)
Very-stable-↝ {k} {A} {B} ext sA sB = lemma k
ext₁₁ : Extensionality ℓ₁ ℓ₁
ext₁₁ = lower-extensionality ℓ₂ ℓ₂ ext
ext₁₂ : Extensionality ℓ₁ ℓ₂
ext₁₂ = lower-extensionality ℓ₂ ℓ₁ ext
ext₁₁₂ : Extensionality ℓ₁ (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)
ext₁₁₂ = lower-extensionality ℓ₂ lzero ext
ext₂₁ : Extensionality ℓ₂ ℓ₁
ext₂₁ = lower-extensionality ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ext
ext₂₁₂ : Extensionality ℓ₂ (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)
ext₂₁₂ = lower-extensionality ℓ₁ lzero ext
ext₂₂ : Extensionality ℓ₂ ℓ₂
ext₂₂ = lower-extensionality ℓ₁ ℓ₁ ext
Very-stable-map :
{A B : Type (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)} →
B ↔ A → Very-stable A → Very-stable B
Very-stable-map =
[]-cong₂.Very-stable-cong ax ax _ ∘ from-bijection ∘ inverse
sA→B : Very-stable (A → B)
sA→B = Very-stable-Π ext₁₂ (λ _ → sB)
sB→A : Very-stable (B → A)
sB→A = Very-stable-Π ext₂₁ (λ _ → sA)
s≡A : ∀ n → For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A
s≡A n = []-cong₁.Very-stable→Very-stableⁿ ax₁ n sA
s≡B : ∀ n → For-iterated-equality n Very-stable B
s≡B n = []-cong₁.Very-stable→Very-stableⁿ ax₂ n sB
lemma : ∀ k → Very-stable (A ↝[ k ] B)
lemma implication = sA→B
lemma logical-equivalence = $⟨ Very-stable-× sA→B sB→A ⟩
Very-stable ((A → B) × (B → A)) →⟨ Very-stable-map ⇔↔→×→ ⟩□
Very-stable (A ⇔ B) □
lemma injection = $⟨ (Very-stable-Σ sA→B λ _ →
Very-stable-Π ext₁₁₂ λ _ →
Very-stable-Π ext₁₁₂ λ _ →
Very-stable-Π ext₂₁ λ _ → s≡A 1 _ _) ⟩
Very-stable (∃ λ (f : A → B) → ∀ x y → f x ≡ f y → x ≡ y) →⟨ (Very-stable-map $
∃-cong λ _ →
(∀-cong ext₁₁₂ λ _ → Bijection.implicit-Π↔Π) F.∘
Bijection.implicit-Π↔Π) ⟩
Very-stable (∃ λ (f : A → B) → Injective f) →⟨ Very-stable-map ↣↔∃-Injective ⟩□
Very-stable (A ↣ B) □
lemma embedding = $⟨ (Very-stable-Σ sA→B λ _ →
Very-stable-Π ext₁₁₂ λ _ →
Very-stable-Π ext₁₁₂ λ _ →
Very-stable-Σ (Very-stable-Π ext₂₁ λ _ → s≡A 1 _ _) λ _ →
Very-stable-Σ (Very-stable-Π ext₂₂ λ _ → s≡B 2 _ _ _ _) λ _ →
Very-stable-Σ (Very-stable-Π ext₁₁ λ _ → s≡A 2 _ _ _ _) λ _ →
Very-stable-Π ext₁₂ λ _ → s≡B 3 _ _ _ _ _ _) ⟩
Very-stable (∃ λ (f : A → B) → Is-embedding f) →⟨ Very-stable-map Emb.Embedding-as-Σ ⟩□
Very-stable (Embedding A B) □
lemma surjection = $⟨ (Very-stable-Σ sA→B λ _ →
Very-stable-Π ext₂₁₂ λ _ →
Very-stable-Σ sA λ _ → s≡B 1 _ _) ⟩
Very-stable (∃ λ (f : A → B) → Split-surjective f) →⟨ Very-stable-map ↠↔∃-Split-surjective ⟩□
Very-stable (A ↠ B) □
lemma bijection = $⟨ (Very-stable-Σ sA→B λ _ →
Very-stable-Σ sB→A λ _ →
(Very-stable-Π ext₂₂ λ _ → s≡B 1 _ _)
(Very-stable-Π ext₁₁ λ _ → s≡A 1 _ _)) ⟩
Very-stable (∃ λ (f : A → B) → Has-quasi-inverse f) →⟨ Very-stable-map Bijection.↔-as-Σ ⟩□
Very-stable (A ↔ B) □
lemma equivalence = $⟨ (Very-stable-Σ sA→B λ _ →
Very-stable-Σ sB→A λ _ →
Very-stable-Σ (Very-stable-Π ext₂₂ λ _ → s≡B 1 _ _) λ _ →
Very-stable-Σ (Very-stable-Π ext₁₁ λ _ → s≡A 1 _ _) λ _ →
Very-stable-Π ext₁₂ λ _ → s≡B 2 _ _ _ _) ⟩
Very-stable (∃ λ (f : A → B) → Is-equivalence f) →⟨ Very-stable-map Eq.≃-as-Σ ⟩□
Very-stable (A ≃ B) □
lemma equivalenceᴱ = $⟨ (Very-stable-Σ sA→B λ _ →
Very-stable-Σ sB→A λ _ →
[]-cong₁.Very-stable-Erased ax) ⟩
Very-stable (∃ λ (f : A → B) → Is-equivalenceᴱ f) →⟨ Very-stable-map (from-equivalence EEq.≃ᴱ-as-Σ) ⟩□
Very-stable (A ≃ᴱ B) □
Very-stable-Erased↝Erased :
{@0 A : Type ℓ₁} {@0 B : Type ℓ₂} →
Extensionality (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) →
Very-stable (Erased A ↝[ k ] Erased B)
Very-stable-Erased↝Erased {k} {A} {B} ext =
$⟨ []-cong₁.Very-stable-Erased ax ⟩
Very-stable (Erased (A ↝[ k ] B)) ↝⟨ []-cong₂.Very-stable-cong ax ax _ (E₂.[]-cong₂-⊔.Erased-↝↝↝ ax₁ ax₂ ax ext)
⦂ (_ → _) ⟩□
Very-stable (Erased A ↝[ k ] Erased B) □
Very-stable-Σ↔Π :
{A : Type ℓ₁} {P : A → Type ℓ₂} →
Very-stable A →
Very-stable (Σ A P) ↝[ ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂ ∣ ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂ ] (∀ x → Very-stable (P x))
Very-stable-Σ↔Π {A} {P} s =
{ from = Very-stable-Σ s
; to = flip λ x →
Very-stable (Σ A P) ↝⟨ flip Very-stable-Σ (λ _ → []-cong₁.Very-stable→Very-stable-≡ ax₁ 0 s _ _) ⟩
Very-stable (∃ λ ((y , _) : Σ A P) → y ≡ x) ↝⟨ []-cong₂.Very-stable-cong ax ax _ $ from-bijection $ inverse Σ-assoc ⟩
Very-stable (∃ λ (y : A) → P y × y ≡ x) ↝⟨ []-cong₂.Very-stable-cong ax ax₂ _ $ from-bijection $ inverse $ ∃-intro _ _ ⟩□
Very-stable (P x) □
(λ ext →
Π-closure (lower-extensionality ℓ₂ ℓ₁ ext) 1 λ _ →
Very-stable-propositional (lower-extensionality ℓ₁ ℓ₁ ext))
Very-stableᴱ-Σ≃ᴱΠ :
{A : Type ℓ₁} {P : A → Type ℓ₂} →
@0 Extensionality (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) →
Very-stableᴱ A →
Very-stableᴱ-≡ A →
Very-stableᴱ (Σ A P) ≃ᴱ (∀ x → Very-stableᴱ (P x))
Very-stableᴱ-Σ≃ᴱΠ {A} {P} ext s s-≡ =
(Very-stableᴱ-propositional ext)
(Π-closure (lower-extensionality ℓ₂ ℓ₁ ext) 1 λ _ →
Very-stableᴱ-propositional (lower-extensionality ℓ₁ ℓ₁ ext))
(flip λ x →
Very-stableᴱ (Σ A P) ↝⟨ flip ([]-cong₁.Very-stableᴱ-Σ ax) (λ _ → s-≡ _ _) ⟩
Very-stableᴱ (∃ λ ((y , _) : Σ A P) → y ≡ x) ↝⟨ ≃ᴱ→Very-stableᴱ→Very-stableᴱ $ from-bijection $ inverse Σ-assoc ⟩
Very-stableᴱ (∃ λ (y : A) → P y × y ≡ x) ↝⟨ ≃ᴱ→Very-stableᴱ→Very-stableᴱ $ from-bijection $ inverse $ ∃-intro _ _ ⟩□
Very-stableᴱ (P x) □)
([]-cong₁.Very-stableᴱ-Σ ax₁ s)
Stable-[]-≡-⊎ :
{A : Type ℓ₁} {B : Type ℓ₂} →
∀ n →
For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Stable-[ k ] A →
For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Stable-[ k ] B →
For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Stable-[ k ] (A ⊎ B)
Stable-[]-≡-⊎ n sA sB =
([]-cong₂-⊔₁.Stable-[]-map-↔ ax ax ax)
(Very-stable→Stable 0 Very-stable-⊥)
(For-iterated-equality-↑ _ (1 + n)
([]-cong₂-⊔₁.Stable-[]-map-↔ ax ax₁ ax) sA)
(For-iterated-equality-↑ _ (1 + n)
([]-cong₂-⊔₁.Stable-[]-map-↔ ax ax₂ ax) sB)
Very-stable-≡-⊎ :
{A : Type ℓ₁} {B : Type ℓ₂} →
∀ n →
For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Very-stable A →
For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Very-stable B →
For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Very-stable (A ⊎ B)
Very-stable-≡-⊎ n sA sB =
(lemma ax ax)
(For-iterated-equality-↑ _ (1 + n) (lemma ax₁ ax) sA)
(For-iterated-equality-↑ _ (1 + n) (lemma ax₂ ax) sB)
lemma :
∀ {ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {A : Type ℓ₁} {B : Type ℓ₂} →
[]-cong-axiomatisation ℓ₁ →
[]-cong-axiomatisation ℓ₂ →
A ↔ B → Very-stable A → Very-stable B
lemma ax₁ ax₂ =
[]-cong₂.Very-stable-cong ax₁ ax₂ _ ∘
Stable-Πⁿ :
{A : Type ℓ₁} {P : A → Type ℓ₂} →
Extensionality ℓ₁ ℓ₂ →
∀ n →
(∀ x → For-iterated-equality n Stable-[ k ] (P x)) →
For-iterated-equality n Stable-[ k ] ((x : A) → P x)
Stable-Πⁿ {k} ext n =
([]-cong₂-⊔₁.Stable-[]-map-↔ ax ax ax)
(Stable-[]-Π (forget-ext? k ext))
Very-stable-Πⁿ :
{A : Type ℓ₁} {P : A → Type ℓ₂} →
Extensionality ℓ₁ ℓ₂ →
∀ n →
(∀ x → For-iterated-equality n Very-stable (P x)) →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stable ((x : A) → P x)
Very-stable-Πⁿ ext n =
([]-cong₂.Very-stable-cong ax ax _ ∘ from-isomorphism)
(Very-stable-Π ext)
Very-stable-Stable-Σⁿ :
{A : Type ℓ₁} {P : A → Type ℓ₂} →
∀ n →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A →
(∀ x → For-iterated-equality n Stable-[ k ] (P x)) →
For-iterated-equality n Stable-[ k ] (Σ A P)
Very-stable-Stable-Σⁿ {k} n =
([]-cong₂-⊔₁.Stable-[]-map-↔ ax ax ax)
Stable-≡-Σ :
{A : Type ℓ₁} {P : A → Type ℓ₂} {p q : Σ A P} →
(s : Stable (proj₁ p ≡ proj₁ q)) →
(∀ eq → [ s eq ] ≡ eq) →
(∀ eq → Stable (subst P eq (proj₂ p) ≡ proj₂ q)) →
Stable (p ≡ q)
Stable-≡-Σ {P} {p} {q} s₁ hyp s₂ = $⟨ Stable-Σ s₁ hyp s₂ ⟩
Stable (∃ λ (eq : proj₁ p ≡ proj₁ q) →
subst P eq (proj₂ p) ≡ proj₂ q) ↝⟨ []-cong₂-⊔₁.Stable-[]-map-↔ ax ax ax Bijection.Σ-≡,≡↔≡ ⟩□
Stable (p ≡ q) □
Very-stable-Σⁿ :
{A : Type ℓ₁} {P : A → Type ℓ₂} →
∀ n →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A →
(∀ x → For-iterated-equality n Very-stable (P x)) →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stable (Σ A P)
Very-stable-Σⁿ n =
([]-cong₂.Very-stable-cong ax ax _ ∘ from-isomorphism)
Stable-[]-×ⁿ :
{A : Type ℓ₁} {B : Type ℓ₂} →
∀ n →
For-iterated-equality n Stable-[ k ] A →
For-iterated-equality n Stable-[ k ] B →
For-iterated-equality n Stable-[ k ] (A × B)
Stable-[]-×ⁿ n =
([]-cong₂-⊔₁.Stable-[]-map-↔ ax ax ax)
Very-stable-×ⁿ :
{A : Type ℓ₁} {B : Type ℓ₂} →
∀ n →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stable B →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stable (A × B)
Very-stable-×ⁿ n =
([]-cong₂.Very-stable-cong ax ax _ ∘ from-isomorphism)
Stable-↑ⁿ :
{A : Type ℓ₂} →
∀ n →
For-iterated-equality n Stable-[ k ] A →
For-iterated-equality n Stable-[ k ] (↑ ℓ₁ A)
Stable-↑ⁿ n =
For-iterated-equality-↑ _ n
([]-cong₂-⊔₁.Stable-[]-map-↔ ax ax₂ ax)
Very-stable-↑ⁿ :
{A : Type ℓ₂} →
∀ n →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stable (↑ ℓ₁ A)
Very-stable-↑ⁿ n =
([]-cong₂.Very-stable-cong ax₂ ax _ ∘ from-isomorphism)
module []-cong (ax : ∀ {ℓ} → []-cong-axiomatisation ℓ) where
open module BC₂ {ℓ₁ ℓ₂} =
[]-cong₂ (ax {ℓ = ℓ₁}) (ax {ℓ = ℓ₂})
open module BC₂₁ {ℓ₁ ℓ₂} =
[]-cong₂-⊔₁ (ax {ℓ = ℓ₁}) (ax {ℓ = ℓ₂}) ax
open module BC₁ {ℓ} = []-cong₁ (ax {ℓ = ℓ})
open module BC₁-lsuc {ℓ} = []-cong₁-lsuc (ax {ℓ = lsuc ℓ})
open module BC₂₂ {ℓ₁ ℓ₂} =
[]-cong₂-⊔₂ (ax {ℓ = ℓ₁}) (ax {ℓ = ℓ₂}) ax
module Extensionality where
Very-stable-H-level′ :
{A : Type a} →
Extensionality a a →
∀ n →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A →
Very-stable (H-level′ n A)
Very-stable-H-level′ ext =
(Extensionality→[]-cong-axiomatisation ext) ext
Very-stable-H-level :
{A : Type a} →
Extensionality a a →
∀ n →
For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A →
Very-stable (H-level n A)
Very-stable-H-level ext =
(Extensionality→[]-cong-axiomatisation ext) ext
Very-stable-Very-stable≃Very-stable :
{A : Type a} →
Extensionality a a →
Very-stable (Very-stable A) ≃ Very-stable A
Very-stable-Very-stable≃Very-stable ext =
(Extensionality→[]-cong-axiomatisation ext) ext
Erased-modality :
Extensionality ℓ ℓ →
Modality ℓ
Erased-modality ext =
(Extensionality→[]-cong-axiomatisation ext)
Very-stable-Erased↝Erased :
{@0 A : Type a} {@0 B : Type b} →
Extensionality (a ⊔ b) (a ⊔ b) →
Very-stable (Erased A ↝[ k ] Erased B)
Very-stable-Erased↝Erased {a} {b} ext =
(lower-extensionality b b ext))
(lower-extensionality a a ext))
(Extensionality→[]-cong-axiomatisation ext)
module Excluded-middle (em : Excluded-middle ℓ) where
very-stable :
{A : Type ℓ} →
Extensionality ℓ ℓ →
Very-stable A
very-stable ext =
(Extensionality→[]-cong-axiomatisation ext)
em ext
Erased≡Identity-modality :
Extensionality (lsuc ℓ) (lsuc ℓ) →
(ext : Extensionality ℓ ℓ) →
Univalence ℓ →
Erased-modality ext ≡ Identity-modality
Erased≡Identity-modality ext′ ext univ =
(Extensionality→[]-cong-axiomatisation ext)
em ext′ univ
Erased-topological :
(ext : Extensionality ℓ ℓ) →
Topological (Erased-modality {ℓ = ℓ} ext)
Erased-topological ext =
(Extensionality→[]-cong-axiomatisation ext)
em ext
[]-cong-axiomatisation⇔Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation :
[]-cong-axiomatisation ℓ ⇔ Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation ℓ
[]-cong-axiomatisation⇔Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation {ℓ} = record
{ to = λ ax →
let open []-cong₁ ax
s : {@0 A : Type ℓ} → Very-stable-≡ (Erased A)
s = Very-stable→Very-stable-≡ 0 Very-stable-Erased
Very-stable→Stable 1 s
, (λ {_ x} →
Very-stable→Stable 1 s x x [ refl x ] ≡⟨ _≃_.left-inverse-of Eq.⟨ _ , s x x ⟩ _ ⟩∎
refl x ∎)
; from = S→B.instance-of-[]-cong-axiomatisation
module S→B = Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation→[]-cong-axiomatisation
Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation-propositional :
Extensionality (lsuc ℓ) ℓ →
Is-proposition (Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation ℓ)
Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation-propositional {ℓ} ext =
[inhabited⇒contractible]⇒propositional λ ax →
let ax′ = _⇔_.from
module BC = []-cong-axiomatisation ax′
module EC = Erased-cong ax′ ax′
_⇔_.from contractible⇔↔⊤
(Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation ℓ ↔⟨ Eq.↔→≃
(λ (Stable-≡-Erased , Stable-≡-Erased-[refl]) _ →
, (λ _ → Stable-≡-Erased-[refl]))
(λ hyp → hyp _ .proj₁ , hyp _ .proj₂ _)
refl ⟩
((@0 A : Type ℓ) →
∃ λ (s : (x y : Erased A) → Erased (x ≡ y) → x ≡ y) →
(x : Erased A) → s x x [ refl x ] ≡ refl x) ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _ →
((Π-cong-contra ext′
((∃-cong λ { [ _ ] →
(∃-cong λ { [ _ ] →
F.id }) F.∘
Erased-Σ↔Σ }) F.∘
Erased-Σ↔Σ) λ { [ _ ] →
F.id }) F.∘
inverse ((∀-cong ext′ λ _ → currying) F.∘ currying)) λ _ →
∀-cong ext′ λ { [ _ ] →
F.id }) F.∘
inverse (Π-Erased≃Π0 ext) ⟩
((([ A ]) : Erased (Type ℓ)) →
∃ λ (s : (([ x , y , _ ]) :
Erased (∃ λ x → ∃ λ y → [ x ] ≡ [ y ])) →
[ x ] ≡ [ y ]) →
((([ x ]) : Erased A) →
s [ (x , x , refl [ x ]) ] ≡ refl [ x ])) ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _ → inverse $
(inverse $
(EC.Erased-cong-≃ (∃-cong λ _ → ∃-cong λ _ → []≡[]≃≡))
(λ _ → Eq.id)) λ s →
∀-cong ext′ λ ([ x ]) →
s [ (x , x , refl x) ] ≡ refl [ x ] ↝⟨ ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong (_≡ _) $
cong (λ (([ eq ]) : Erased (x ≡ x)) → s [ (x , x , eq) ]) $
BC.[]-cong [ sym $ cong-refl _ ] ⟩□
s [ (x , x , cong erased (refl [ x ])) ] ≡ refl [ x ] □) ⟩
((([ A ]) : Erased (Type ℓ)) →
∃ λ (s : (([ x , y , _ ]) : Erased (A ²/≡)) → [ x ] ≡ [ y ]) →
((([ x ]) : Erased A) → s [ (x , x , refl x) ] ≡ refl [ x ])) ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _ →
(inverse $
Π-cong ext′ (inverse $ EC.Erased-cong-↔ -²/≡↔-)
(λ { [ _ ] → Eq.id })) λ _ →
∀-cong ext′ λ { [ _ ] →
F.id }) ⟩
((([ A ]) : Erased (Type ℓ)) →
∃ λ (r : (x : Erased A) → x ≡ x) →
(x : Erased A) → r x ≡ refl x) ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _ → inverse
ΠΣ-comm) ⟩
((([ A ]) : Erased (Type ℓ))
(x : Erased A) →
∃ λ (x≡x : x ≡ x) → x≡x ≡ refl x) ↝⟨ (_⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
Π-closure ext 0 λ _ →
Π-closure ext′ 0 λ _ →
singleton-contractible _) ⟩□
⊤ □)
ext′ : Extensionality ℓ ℓ
ext′ = lower-extensionality _ lzero ext
[]-cong-axiomatisation≃Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation :
[]-cong-axiomatisation ℓ ↝[ lsuc ℓ ∣ ℓ ]
Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation ℓ
[]-cong-axiomatisation≃Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation {ℓ} =
[]-cong-axiomatisation⇔Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation′ :
[]-cong-axiomatisation ℓ ⇔ Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation′ ℓ
[]-cong-axiomatisation⇔Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation′ {ℓ} = record
{ to = []-cong-axiomatisation ℓ →⟨ _⇔_.to []-cong-axiomatisation⇔Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation ⟩
Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation ℓ →⟨ Σ-map (λ f → f) (λ f → f) ⟩□
Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation′ ℓ □
; from = S→B.instance-of-[]-cong-axiomatisation
module S→B = Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation′→[]-cong-axiomatisation
Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation′-propositional :
Extensionality (lsuc ℓ) ℓ →
Is-proposition (Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation′ ℓ)
Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation′-propositional {ℓ} ext =
[inhabited⇒contractible]⇒propositional λ ax →
let ax′ = _⇔_.from
module BC = []-cong-axiomatisation ax′
module EC = Erased-cong ax′ ax′
_⇔_.from contractible⇔↔⊤
(Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation′ ℓ ↔⟨ Eq.↔→≃
(λ (Stable-≡-Erased , Stable-≡-Erased-[refl]) _ →
, (λ _ → Stable-≡-Erased-[refl]))
(λ hyp → hyp _ .proj₁ , hyp _ .proj₂ _)
refl ⟩
((A : Type ℓ) →
∃ λ (s : (x y : Erased A) → Erased (x ≡ y) → x ≡ y) →
(x : Erased A) → s x x [ refl x ] ≡ refl x) ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _ →
((Π-cong-contra ext′
((∃-cong λ { [ _ ] →
(∃-cong λ { [ _ ] →
F.id }) F.∘
Erased-Σ↔Σ }) F.∘
Erased-Σ↔Σ) λ { [ _ ] →
F.id }) F.∘
inverse ((∀-cong ext′ λ _ → currying) F.∘ currying)) λ _ →
∀-cong ext′ λ { [ _ ] →
F.id }) ⟩
((A : Type ℓ) →
∃ λ (s : (([ x , y , _ ]) :
Erased (∃ λ x → ∃ λ y → [ x ] ≡ [ y ])) →
[ x ] ≡ [ y ]) →
((([ x ]) : Erased A) →
s [ (x , x , refl [ x ]) ] ≡ refl [ x ])) ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _ → inverse $
(inverse $
(EC.Erased-cong-≃ (∃-cong λ _ → ∃-cong λ _ → []≡[]≃≡))
(λ _ → Eq.id)) λ s →
∀-cong ext′ λ ([ x ]) →
s [ (x , x , refl x) ] ≡ refl [ x ] ↝⟨ ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong (_≡ _) $
cong (λ (([ eq ]) : Erased (x ≡ x)) → s [ (x , x , eq) ]) $
BC.[]-cong [ sym $ cong-refl _ ] ⟩□
s [ (x , x , cong erased (refl [ x ])) ] ≡ refl [ x ] □) ⟩
((A : Type ℓ) →
∃ λ (s : (([ x , y , _ ]) : Erased (A ²/≡)) → [ x ] ≡ [ y ]) →
((([ x ]) : Erased A) → s [ (x , x , refl x) ] ≡ refl [ x ])) ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _ →
(inverse $
Π-cong ext′ (inverse $ EC.Erased-cong-↔ -²/≡↔-)
(λ { [ _ ] → Eq.id })) λ _ →
∀-cong ext′ λ { [ _ ] →
F.id }) ⟩
((A : Type ℓ) →
∃ λ (r : (x : Erased A) → x ≡ x) →
(x : Erased A) → r x ≡ refl x) ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _ → inverse
ΠΣ-comm) ⟩
((A : Type ℓ)
(x : Erased A) →
∃ λ (x≡x : x ≡ x) → x≡x ≡ refl x) ↝⟨ (_⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
Π-closure ext 0 λ _ →
Π-closure ext′ 0 λ _ →
singleton-contractible _) ⟩□
⊤ □)
ext′ : Extensionality ℓ ℓ
ext′ = lower-extensionality _ lzero ext
[]-cong-axiomatisation≃Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation′ :
[]-cong-axiomatisation ℓ ↝[ lsuc ℓ ∣ ℓ ]
Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation′ ℓ
[]-cong-axiomatisation≃Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation′ {ℓ} =
Very-stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation : (ℓ : Level) → Type (lsuc ℓ)
Very-stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation ℓ =
{A : Type ℓ} → Very-stable-≡ (Erased A)
Very-stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation-propositional :
Extensionality (lsuc ℓ) ℓ →
Is-proposition (Very-stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation ℓ)
Very-stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation-propositional ext =
implicit-Π-closure ext 1 λ _ →
(lower-extensionality _ lzero ext)
Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation′≃Very-stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation :
Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation′ ℓ ↝[ lsuc ℓ ∣ ℓ ]
Very-stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation ℓ
{ℓ} =
(record { to = to; from = from })
to :
Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation′ ℓ →
Very-stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation ℓ
to ax = Very-stable→Very-stable-≡ 0 Very-stable-Erased
open []-cong₁
from :
Very-stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation ℓ →
Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation′ ℓ
from Very-stable-≡-Erased =
Very-stable→Stable 1 Very-stable-≡-Erased
, (λ {_ x} →
Very-stable→Stable 1 Very-stable-≡-Erased x x [ refl x ] ≡⟨ _≃_.left-inverse-of Eq.⟨ _ , Very-stable-≡-Erased x x ⟩ _ ⟩∎
refl x ∎)
[]-cong-axiomatisation≃Very-stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation :
[]-cong-axiomatisation ℓ ↝[ lsuc ℓ ∣ ℓ ]
Very-stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation ℓ
[]-cong-axiomatisation≃Very-stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation {ℓ} =
([]-cong-axiomatisation ℓ ↝⟨ []-cong-axiomatisation⇔Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation′ ⟩
Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation′ ℓ ↝⟨ Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation′≃Very-stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation _ ⟩□
Very-stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation ℓ □)
[]-modality-axiomatisation : (ℓ : Level) → Type (lsuc ℓ)
[]-modality-axiomatisation ℓ =
Modality-for (λ {A : Type ℓ} (x : A) → [ x ])
[]-modality-axiomatisation-propositional :
Extensionality (lsuc ℓ) (lsuc ℓ) →
Univalence ℓ →
Is-proposition ([]-modality-axiomatisation ℓ)
[]-modality-axiomatisation-propositional =
[]-cong-axiomatisation⇔[]-modality-axiomatisation :
[]-cong-axiomatisation ℓ ⇔ []-modality-axiomatisation ℓ
[]-cong-axiomatisation⇔[]-modality-axiomatisation {ℓ} = record
{ to = λ ax → []-cong₁.Erased-modality ax .Modality.modality-for
; from =
[]-modality-axiomatisation ℓ →⟨ (λ mf →
let open Modality (record { modality-for = mf }) in
{ []-cong = η-cong
; []-cong-[refl] = λ {_} {x = x} →
η-cong [ refl x ] ≡⟨ η-cong-η ⟩
cong [_]→ (refl x) ≡⟨ cong-refl _ ⟩∎
refl [ x ] ∎
}) ⟩
[]-cong-axiomatisation′ ℓ →⟨ []-cong-axiomatisation′→[]-cong-axiomatisation ⟩
[]-cong-axiomatisation ℓ □
[]-cong-axiomatisation≃[]-modality-axiomatisation :
Extensionality (lsuc ℓ) (lsuc ℓ) →
Univalence ℓ →
[]-cong-axiomatisation ℓ ≃ []-modality-axiomatisation ℓ
[]-cong-axiomatisation≃[]-modality-axiomatisation ext univ =
(lower-extensionality lzero _ ext))
([]-modality-axiomatisation-propositional ext univ))
2-extendable-along-[]→-axiomatisation : (ℓ : Level) → Type (lsuc ℓ)
2-extendable-along-[]→-axiomatisation ℓ =
{A B : Type ℓ} →
Very-stable B →
Is-[ 2 ]-extendable-along-[ [_]→ ] (λ (_ : Erased A) → B)
2-extendable-along-[]→-Erased-axiomatisation :
(ℓ : Level) → Type (lsuc ℓ)
2-extendable-along-[]→-Erased-axiomatisation ℓ =
{A B : Type ℓ} →
Is-[ 2 ]-extendable-along-[ [_]→ ] (λ (_ : Erased A) → Erased B)
2-extendable-along-[]→-axiomatisation-propositional :
Extensionality (lsuc ℓ) (lsuc ℓ) →
Is-proposition (2-extendable-along-[]→-axiomatisation ℓ)
2-extendable-along-[]→-axiomatisation-propositional ext =
implicit-Π-closure ext 1 λ _ →
implicit-Π-closure ext′ 1 λ _ →
Π-closure ext″ 1 λ _ →
PS.Is-extendable-along-propositional ext″
ext′ = lower-extensionality lzero _ ext
ext″ = lower-extensionality _ _ ext
2-extendable-along-[]→-Erased-axiomatisation-propositional :
Extensionality (lsuc ℓ) (lsuc ℓ) →
Is-proposition (2-extendable-along-[]→-Erased-axiomatisation ℓ)
2-extendable-along-[]→-Erased-axiomatisation-propositional ext =
implicit-Π-closure ext 1 λ _ →
implicit-Π-closure ext′ 1 λ _ →
PS.Is-extendable-along-propositional ext″
ext′ = lower-extensionality lzero _ ext
ext″ = lower-extensionality _ _ ext
[]-cong-axiomatisation≃2-extendable-along-[]→-Erased-axiomatisation :
[]-cong-axiomatisation ℓ ↝[ lsuc ℓ ∣ lsuc ℓ ]
2-extendable-along-[]→-Erased-axiomatisation ℓ
{ℓ} =
{B = 2-extendable-along-[]→-Erased-axiomatisation ℓ}
{ to = λ ax →
[]-cong₁.extendable ax
(λ _ → []-cong₁.Very-stable-Erased ax) 2
; from =
2-extendable-along-[]→-Erased-axiomatisation ℓ ↝⟨ (λ ext → Stable-≡-Erased ext , Stable-≡-Erased-[refl] ext) ⟩
Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation′ ℓ ↝⟨ _⇔_.from $ []-cong-axiomatisation≃Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation′ _ ⟩□
[]-cong-axiomatisation ℓ □
([]-cong-axiomatisation-propositional ∘
lower-extensionality lzero _)
module _ (ext : 2-extendable-along-[]→-Erased-axiomatisation ℓ) where
Stable-≡-Erased : {A : Type ℓ} → Stable-≡ (Erased A)
Stable-≡-Erased x y =
ext .proj₂ (λ _ → x) (λ _ → y) .proj₁ id .proj₁
Stable-≡-Erased-[refl] :
{A : Type ℓ} {x : Erased A} →
Stable-≡-Erased x x [ refl x ] ≡ refl x
Stable-≡-Erased-[refl] {x} =
ext .proj₂ (λ _ → x) (λ _ → x) .proj₁ id .proj₂ (refl x)
∞-extendable-along-[]→-axiomatisation : (ℓ : Level) → Type (lsuc ℓ)
∞-extendable-along-[]→-axiomatisation ℓ =
{A B : Type ℓ} →
Very-stable B → Is-∞-extendable-along-[ [_]→ ] (λ (_ : Erased A) → B)
∞-extendable-along-[]→-Erased-axiomatisation :
(ℓ : Level) → Type (lsuc ℓ)
∞-extendable-along-[]→-Erased-axiomatisation ℓ =
{A B : Type ℓ} →
Is-∞-extendable-along-[ [_]→ ] (λ (_ : Erased A) → Erased B)
∞-extendable-along-[]→-axiomatisation-propositional :
Extensionality (lsuc ℓ) (lsuc ℓ) →
Is-proposition (∞-extendable-along-[]→-axiomatisation ℓ)
∞-extendable-along-[]→-axiomatisation-propositional ext =
implicit-Π-closure ext 1 λ _ →
implicit-Π-closure ext′ 1 λ _ →
Π-closure ext″ 1 λ _ →
PS.Is-∞-extendable-along-propositional ext″
ext′ = lower-extensionality lzero _ ext
ext″ = lower-extensionality _ _ ext
∞-extendable-along-[]→-Erased-axiomatisation-propositional :
Extensionality (lsuc ℓ) (lsuc ℓ) →
Is-proposition (∞-extendable-along-[]→-Erased-axiomatisation ℓ)
∞-extendable-along-[]→-Erased-axiomatisation-propositional ext =
implicit-Π-closure ext 1 λ _ →
implicit-Π-closure ext′ 1 λ _ →
PS.Is-∞-extendable-along-propositional ext″
ext′ = lower-extensionality lzero _ ext
ext″ = lower-extensionality _ _ ext
[]-cong-axiomatisation≃∞-extendable-along-[]→-Erased-axiomatisation :
[]-cong-axiomatisation ℓ ↝[ lsuc ℓ ∣ lsuc ℓ ]
∞-extendable-along-[]→-Erased-axiomatisation ℓ
{ℓ} =
{B = ∞-extendable-along-[]→-Erased-axiomatisation ℓ}
{ to = λ ax →
[]-cong₁.extendable ax
(λ _ → []-cong₁.Very-stable-Erased ax)
; from =
∞-extendable-along-[]→-Erased-axiomatisation ℓ ↝⟨ (λ ext → ext 2) ⟩
2-extendable-along-[]→-Erased-axiomatisation ℓ ↝⟨ _⇔_.from ([]-cong-axiomatisation≃2-extendable-along-[]→-Erased-axiomatisation _) ⟩□
[]-cong-axiomatisation ℓ □
([]-cong-axiomatisation-propositional ∘
lower-extensionality lzero _)
[]-cong-axiomatisation′-propositional :
Extensionality (lsuc a) a →
Is-proposition ([]-cong-axiomatisation′ a)
[]-cong-axiomatisation′-propositional {a} ext =
[inhabited⇒contractible]⇒propositional λ ax →
let ax′ = []-cong-axiomatisation′→[]-cong-axiomatisation ax
module BC = []-cong₁ ax′
s₁ : {@0 A : Type a} → Very-stable-≡ (Erased A)
s₁ = BC.Very-stable→Very-stable-≡
0 ([]-cong₁.Very-stable-Erased ax′)
s₂ : {@0 A : Type a} →
For-iterated-equality 2