-- A type for values that should be erased at run-time

-- Most of the definitions in this module are reexported, in one way
-- or another, from Erased.

-- This module imports Function-universe, but not Equivalence.Erased.

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

open import Equality

module Erased.Level-1
  {e⁺} (eq-J :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p e⁺) where

open Derived-definitions-and-properties eq-J

open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude hiding ([_,_])

open import Accessibility eq-J as A using (Acc; Well-founded)
open import Bijection eq-J as Bijection using (_↔_; Has-quasi-inverse)
open import Embedding eq-J as Emb using (Embedding; Is-embedding)
open import Equality.Decidable-UIP eq-J
open import Equivalence eq-J as Eq using (_≃_; Is-equivalence)
import Equivalence.Contractible-preimages eq-J as CP
open import Equivalence.Erased.Basics eq-J as EEq
  using (_≃ᴱ_; Is-equivalenceᴱ)
import Equivalence.Half-adjoint eq-J as HA
open import Equivalence-relation eq-J
open import Extensionality eq-J hiding (module Extensionality)
open import Function-universe eq-J as F hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level eq-J as H-level
open import H-level.Closure eq-J
open import Injection eq-J using (_↣_; Injective)
open import Modality.Basics eq-J
  using (Uniquely-eliminating-modality; Left-exact; Cotopological)
open import Monad eq-J hiding (map; map-id; map-∘)
open import Preimage eq-J using (_⁻¹_)
open import Surjection eq-J as Surjection using (_↠_; Split-surjective)
open import Univalence-axiom eq-J as U using (Univalence; ≡⇒→; _²/≡)

    a b c d  ℓ₁ ℓ₂ q r : Level
    A B                 : Type a
    eq k k′ p x y       : A
    P                   : A  Type p
    f g                 : A  B
    n                   : 

-- Some basic definitions

open import Erased.Basics                       public
open import Erased.Box-cong-axiomatisation eq-J public

-- Stability

-- A generalisation of Stable.

Stable-[_] : Kind  Type a  Type a
Stable-[ k ] A = Erased A ↝[ k ] A

-- A variant of Stable-[ equivalence ].

Very-stable : Type a  Type a
Very-stable A = Is-equivalence [ A ∣_]→

-- A variant of Stable-[ equivalenceᴱ ].

Very-stableᴱ : Type a  Type a
Very-stableᴱ A = Is-equivalenceᴱ [ A ∣_]→

-- Variants of the definitions above for equality.

Stable-≡ : Type a  Type a
Stable-≡ = For-iterated-equality 1 Stable

Stable-≡-[_] : Kind  Type a  Type a
Stable-≡-[ k ] = For-iterated-equality 1 Stable-[ k ]

Very-stable-≡ : Type a  Type a
Very-stable-≡ = For-iterated-equality 1 Very-stable

Very-stableᴱ-≡ : Type a  Type a
Very-stableᴱ-≡ = For-iterated-equality 1 Very-stableᴱ

-- Erased is a monad

-- A universe-polymorphic variant of bind.

infixl 5 _>>=′_

_>>=′_ :
  {@0 A : Type a} {@0 B : Type b} 
  Erased A  (A  Erased B)  Erased B
x >>=′ f = [ erased (f (erased x)) ]


  -- Erased is a monad.

  raw-monad : Raw-monad  (A : Type a)  Erased A)
  Raw-monad.return raw-monad = [_]→
  Raw-monad._>>=_  raw-monad = _>>=′_

  monad : Monad  (A : Type a)  Erased A)
  Monad.raw-monad      monad = raw-monad
  Monad.left-identity  monad = λ _ _  refl _
  Monad.right-identity monad = λ _  refl _
  Monad.associativity  monad = λ _ _ _  refl _

-- Erased preserves some kinds of functions

-- Erased is functorial for dependent functions.

map-id : {@0 A : Type a}  map id  id {A = Erased A}
map-id = refl _

map-∘ :
  {@0 A : Type a} {@0 P : A  Type b} {@0 Q : {x : A}  P x  Type c}
  (@0 f :  {x} (y : P x)  Q y) (@0 g : (x : A)  P x) 
  map (f  g)  map f  map g
map-∘ _ _ = refl _

-- Erased preserves logical equivalences.

Erased-cong-⇔ :
  {@0 A : Type a} {@0 B : Type b} 
  @0 A  B  Erased A  Erased B
Erased-cong-⇔ A⇔B = record
  { to   = map (_⇔_.to   A⇔B)
  ; from = map (_⇔_.from A⇔B)

-- Erased is functorial for logical equivalences.

Erased-cong-⇔-id :
  {@0 A : Type a} 
  Erased-cong-⇔ F.id  F.id {A = Erased A}
Erased-cong-⇔-id = refl _

Erased-cong-⇔-∘ :
  {@0 A : Type a} {@0 B : Type b} {@0 C : Type c}
  (@0 f : B  C) (@0 g : A  B) 
  Erased-cong-⇔ (f F.∘ g)  Erased-cong-⇔ f F.∘ Erased-cong-⇔ g
Erased-cong-⇔-∘ _ _ = refl _

-- Erased preserves equivalences with erased proofs.

Erased-cong-≃ᴱ :
  {@0 A : Type a} {@0 B : Type b} 
  @0 A ≃ᴱ B  Erased A ≃ᴱ Erased B
Erased-cong-≃ᴱ A≃ᴱB = EEq.↔→≃ᴱ
  (map (_≃ᴱ_.to   A≃ᴱB))
  (map (_≃ᴱ_.from A≃ᴱB))
  (cong [_]→  _≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of A≃ᴱB  erased)
  (cong [_]→  _≃ᴱ_.left-inverse-of  A≃ᴱB  erased)

-- Some isomorphisms

-- In an erased context Erased A is always isomorphic to A.

Erased↔ : {@0 A : Type a}  Erased (Erased A  A)
Erased↔ = [ record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { to   = erased
      ; from = [_]→
    ; right-inverse-of = λ _  refl _
  ; left-inverse-of = λ _  refl _
  } ]

-- The following result is based on a result in Mishra-Linger's PhD
-- thesis (see Section 5.4.4).

-- Erased (Erased A) is isomorphic to Erased A.

Erased-Erased↔Erased :
  {@0 A : Type a} 
  Erased (Erased A)  Erased A
Erased-Erased↔Erased = record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { to   = λ x  [ erased (erased x) ]
      ; from = [_]→
    ; right-inverse-of = λ _  refl _
  ; left-inverse-of = λ _  refl _

-- Erased ⊤ is isomorphic to ⊤.

Erased-⊤↔⊤ : Erased   
Erased-⊤↔⊤ = record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { to   = λ _  tt
      ; from = [_]→
    ; right-inverse-of = λ _  refl _
  ; left-inverse-of = λ _  refl _

-- Erased ⊥ is isomorphic to ⊥.

Erased-⊥↔⊥ : Erased ( { = })   { = }
Erased-⊥↔⊥ = record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { to   = λ { [ () ] }
      ; from = [_]→
    ; right-inverse-of = λ ()
  ; left-inverse-of = λ { [ () ] }

-- Erased commutes with Π A.

Erased-Π↔Π :
  {@0 P : A  Type p} 
  Erased ((x : A)  P x)  ((x : A)  Erased (P x))
Erased-Π↔Π = record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { to   = λ { [ f ] x  [ f x ] }
      ; from = λ f  [  x  erased (f x)) ]
    ; right-inverse-of = λ _  refl _
  ; left-inverse-of = λ _  refl _

-- A variant of Erased-Π↔Π.

Erased-Π≃ᴱΠ :
  {@0 A : Type a} {@0 P : A  Type p} 
  Erased ((x : A)  P x) ≃ᴱ ((x : A)  Erased (P x))
Erased-Π≃ᴱΠ = EEq.[≃]→≃ᴱ (EEq.[proofs] $ from-isomorphism Erased-Π↔Π)

-- Erased commutes with Π.

Erased-Π↔Π-Erased :
  {@0 A : Type a} {@0 P : A  Type p} 
  Erased ((x : A)  P x)  ((x : Erased A)  Erased (P (erased x)))
Erased-Π↔Π-Erased = record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { to   = λ ([ f ])  map f
      ; from = λ f  [  x  erased (f [ x ])) ]
    ; right-inverse-of = λ _  refl _
  ; left-inverse-of = λ _  refl _

-- Erased commutes with Σ.

Erased-Σ↔Σ :
  {@0 A : Type a} {@0 P : A  Type p} 
  Erased (Σ A P)  Σ (Erased A)  x  Erased (P (erased x)))
Erased-Σ↔Σ = record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { to   = λ { [ p ]  [ proj₁ p ] , [ proj₂ p ] }
      ; from = λ { ([ x ] , [ y ])  [ x , y ] }
    ; right-inverse-of = λ _  refl _
  ; left-inverse-of = λ _  refl _

-- Erased commutes with ↑ ℓ.

Erased-↑↔↑ :
  {@0 A : Type a} 
  Erased (  A)    (Erased A)
Erased-↑↔↑ = record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { to   = λ { [ x ]  lift [ lower x ] }
      ; from = λ { (lift [ x ])  [ lift x ] }
    ; right-inverse-of = λ _  refl _
  ; left-inverse-of = λ _  refl _

-- Erased commutes with ¬_ (assuming extensionality).

Erased-¬↔¬ :
  {@0 A : Type a} 
  Erased (¬ A) ↝[ a  lzero ] ¬ Erased A
Erased-¬↔¬ {A} ext =
  Erased (A  )         ↔⟨ Erased-Π↔Π-Erased 
  (Erased A  Erased )  ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  from-isomorphism Erased-⊥↔⊥) ⟩□
  (Erased A  )         

-- Erased can be dropped under ¬_ (assuming extensionality).

¬-Erased↔¬ :
  {A : Type a} 
  ¬ Erased A ↝[ a  lzero ] ¬ A
¬-Erased↔¬ {a} {A} =
       { to   = λ ¬[a] a  ¬[a] [ a ]
       ; from = λ ¬a ([ a ])  _↔_.to Erased-⊥↔⊥ [ ¬a a ]

-- The following three results are inspired by a result in
-- Mishra-Linger's PhD thesis (see Section 5.4.1).
-- See also Π-Erased↔Π0[], Π-Erased≃Π0[], Π-Erased↔Π0 and Π-Erased≃Π0
-- in Erased.Cubical and Erased.With-K.

-- There is a logical equivalence between
-- (x : Erased A) → P (erased x) and (@0 x : A) → P x.

Π-Erased⇔Π0 :
  {@0 A : Type a} {@0 P : A  Type p} 
  ((x : Erased A)  P (erased x))  ((@0 x : A)  P x)
Π-Erased⇔Π0 = record
  { to   = λ f x  f [ x ]
  ; from = λ f ([ x ])  f x

-- There is an equivalence with erased proofs between
-- (x : Erased A) → P (erased x) and (@0 x : A) → P x.

Π-Erased≃ᴱΠ0 :
  {@0 A : Type a} {@0 P : A  Type p} 
  ((x : Erased A)  P (erased x)) ≃ᴱ ((@0 x : A)  P x)
Π-Erased≃ᴱΠ0 = EEq.↔→≃ᴱ
  (_⇔_.to Π-Erased⇔Π0)
  (_⇔_.from Π-Erased⇔Π0)

-- There is an equivalence between (x : Erased A) → P (erased x) and
-- (@0 x : A) → P x.

Π-Erased≃Π0 :
  {@0 A : Type a} {P : @0 A  Type p} 
  ((x : Erased A)  P (erased x))  ((@0 x : A)  P x)
Π-Erased≃Π0 {A} {P} =
  Eq.↔→≃ {B = (@0 x : A)  P x}
    (_⇔_.to Π-Erased⇔Π0)
    (_⇔_.from Π-Erased⇔Π0)
     _  refl {A = (@0 x : A)  P x} _)
     _  refl _)

-- A variant of Π-Erased≃Π0.

Π-Erased≃Π0[] :
  {@0 A : Type a} {P : Erased A  Type p} 
  ((x : Erased A)  P x)  ((@0 x : A)  P [ x ])
Π-Erased≃Π0[] = Π-Erased≃Π0

-- Erased is a modality

-- The function λ A → Erased A is the modal operator of a uniquely
-- eliminating modality with [_]→ as the modal unit.
-- The terminology here roughly follows that of "Modalities in
-- Homotopy Type Theory" by Rijke, Shulman and Spitters.

uniquely-eliminating :
  {@0 P : Erased A  Type p} 
     (f : (x : Erased A)  Erased (P x))  f  [ A ∣_]→)
uniquely-eliminating {A} {P} =
    (((x : Erased A)  Erased (P x))  ↔⟨ inverse Erased-Π↔Π-Erased 
     Erased ((x : A)  (P [ x ]))     ↔⟨ Erased-Π↔Π 
     ((x : A)  Erased (P [ x ]))     )

-- The function λ A → Erased A is the modal operator of a uniquely
-- eliminating modality with [_]→ as the modal unit.

uniquely-eliminating-modality : Uniquely-eliminating-modality a
uniquely-eliminating-modality = λ where
    .Uniquely-eliminating-modality.◯ A                   Erased A
    .Uniquely-eliminating-modality.η                     [_]→

-- Two results that are closely related to uniquely-eliminating.
-- These results are based on the Coq source code accompanying
-- "Modalities in Homotopy Type Theory" by Rijke, Shulman and
-- Spitters.

-- Precomposition with [_]→ is injective for functions from Erased A
-- to Erased B.

∘-[]-injective :
  {@0 B : Type b} 
  Injective  (f : Erased A  Erased B)  f  [_]→)
∘-[]-injective = _≃_.injective Eq.⟨ _ , uniquely-eliminating 

-- A rearrangement lemma for ext⁻¹ and ∘-[]-injective.

ext⁻¹-∘-[]-injective :
  {@0 B : Type b} {f g : Erased A  Erased B} {p : f  [_]→  g  [_]→} 
  ext⁻¹ (∘-[]-injective {x = f} {y = g} p) [ x ]  ext⁻¹ p x
ext⁻¹-∘-[]-injective {x} {f} {g} {p} =
  ext⁻¹ (∘-[]-injective p) [ x ]               ≡⟨ elim₁
                                                     p  ext⁻¹ p [ x ]  ext⁻¹ (_≃_.from equiv p) x) (
      ext⁻¹ (refl g) [ x ]                            ≡⟨ cong-refl (_$ [ x ]) 
      refl (g [ x ])                                  ≡⟨ sym $ cong-refl _ 
      ext⁻¹ (refl (g  [_]→)) x                       ≡⟨ cong  p  ext⁻¹ p x) $ sym $ cong-refl _ ⟩∎
      ext⁻¹ (_≃_.from equiv (refl g)) x               )
                                                    (∘-[]-injective p) 
  ext⁻¹ (_≃_.from equiv (∘-[]-injective p)) x  ≡⟨ cong (flip ext⁻¹ x) $ _≃_.left-inverse-of equiv _ ⟩∎
  ext⁻¹ p x                                    
  equiv = Eq.≃-≡ Eq.⟨ _ , uniquely-eliminating 

-- In erased contexts the function λ (A : Type a) → Erased A is the
-- modal operator of a cotopological modality.

@0 cotopological-modality : Cotopological  (A : Type a)  Erased A)
cotopological-modality =
     {A x y} 
       Contractible (Erased A)        →⟨ H-level-cong _ 0 $ Erased↔ .erased 
       Contractible A                 →⟨ H-level.⇒≡ 0 
       Contractible (x  y)           →⟨ H-level-cong _ 0 $ inverse $ Erased↔ .erased ⟩□
       Contractible (Erased (x  y))  )
  ,  {A} _ 
       Contractible (Erased A)  →⟨ H-level-cong _ 0 $ Erased↔ .erased ⟩□
       Contractible A           )

-- Some lemmas related to functions with erased domains

-- A variant of H-level.Π-closure for function spaces with erased
-- explicit domains. Note the type of P.

Πᴱ-closure :
  {@0 A : Type a} {P : @0 A  Type p} 
  Extensionality a p 
  ((@0 x : A)  H-level n (P x)) 
  H-level n ((@0 x : A)  P x)
Πᴱ-closure {P} ext n =
  (∀ (@0 x)  H-level n (P x))       →⟨ Eq._≃₀_.from Π-Erased≃Π0 
  (∀ x  H-level n (P (x .erased)))  →⟨ Π-closure ext n 
  H-level n (∀ x  P (x .erased))    →⟨ H-level-cong {B =  (@0 x)  P x} _ n Π-Erased≃Π0 ⟩□
  H-level n (∀ (@0 x)  P x)         

-- A variant of H-level.Π-closure for function spaces with erased
-- implicit domains. Note the type of P.

implicit-Πᴱ-closure :
  {@0 A : Type a} {P : @0 A  Type p} 
  Extensionality a p 
  ((@0 x : A)  H-level n (P x)) 
  H-level n ({@0 x : A}  P x)
implicit-Πᴱ-closure {A} {P} ext n =
  (∀ (@0 x)  H-level n (P x))  →⟨ Πᴱ-closure ext n 
  H-level n (∀ (@0 x)  P x)    →⟨ H-level-cong {A =  (@0 x)  P x} {B =  {@0 x}  P x} _ n $
                                   inverse {A =  {@0 x}  P x} {B =  (@0 x)  P x}
                                   Bijection.implicit-Πᴱ↔Πᴱ′ ⟩□
  H-level n (∀ {@0 x}  P x)    

-- Extensionality implies extensionality for some functions with
-- erased arguments (note the type of P).

apply-extᴱ :
  {@0 A : Type a} {P : @0 A  Type p} {f g : (@0 x : A)  P x} 
  Extensionality a p 
  ((@0 x : A)  f x  g x) 
  f  g
apply-extᴱ {A} {P} {f} {g} ext =
  ((@0 x : A)  f x  g x)                          →⟨ Eq._≃₀_.from Π-Erased≃Π0 
  ((x : Erased A)  f (x .erased)  g (x .erased))  →⟨ apply-ext ext 
   x  f (x .erased))   x  g (x .erased))     →⟨ cong {B = (@0 x : A)  P x} (Eq._≃₀_.to Π-Erased≃Π0) ⟩□
  f  g                                             

-- Extensionality implies extensionality for some functions with
-- implicit erased arguments (note the type of P).

implicit-apply-extᴱ :
  {@0 A : Type a} {P : @0 A  Type p} {f g : {@0 x : A}  P x} 
  Extensionality a p 
  ((@0 x : A)  f {x = x}  g {x = x}) 
  _≡_ {A = {@0 x : A}  P x} f g
implicit-apply-extᴱ {A} {P} {f} {g} ext =
  ((@0 x : A)  f {x = x}  g {x = x})                            →⟨ apply-extᴱ ext 
  _≡_ {A = (@0 x : A)  P x}  x  f {x = x})  x  g {x = x})  →⟨ cong {A = (@0 x : A)  P x} {B = {@0 x : A}  P x}  f {x = x}  f x) ⟩□
  _≡_ {A = {@0 x : A}  P x} f g                                  

-- A variant of Dec ∘ Erased

-- Dec-Erased A means that either we have A (erased), or we have ¬ A
-- (also erased).

Dec-Erased : @0 Type   Type 
Dec-Erased A = Erased A  Erased (¬ A)

-- Dec A implies Dec-Erased A.

Dec→Dec-Erased :
  {@0 A : Type a}  Dec A  Dec-Erased A
Dec→Dec-Erased (yes a) = yes [ a ]
Dec→Dec-Erased (no ¬a) = no [ ¬a ]

-- In erased contexts Dec-Erased A is equivalent to Dec A.

@0 Dec-Erased≃Dec :
  {@0 A : Type a}  Dec-Erased A  Dec A
Dec-Erased≃Dec {A} =
    (Erased A  Erased (¬ A)  ↔⟨ erased Erased↔ ⊎-cong erased Erased↔ ⟩□
     A  ¬ A                  )
    Prelude.[  _  refl _) ,  _  refl _) ]

-- Dec-Erased A is isomorphic to Dec (Erased A) (assuming
-- extensionality).

Dec-Erased↔Dec-Erased :
  {@0 A : Type a} 
  Dec-Erased A ↝[ a  lzero ] Dec (Erased A)
Dec-Erased↔Dec-Erased {A} ext =
  Erased A  Erased (¬ A)  ↝⟨ F.id ⊎-cong Erased-¬↔¬ ext ⟩□
  Erased A  ¬ Erased A    

-- A map function for Dec-Erased.

Dec-Erased-map :
  {@0 A : Type a} {@0 B : Type b} 
  @0 A  B  Dec-Erased A  Dec-Erased B
Dec-Erased-map A⇔B =
  ⊎-map (map (_⇔_.to A⇔B))
        (map (_∘ _⇔_.from A⇔B))

-- Dec-Erased preserves logical equivalences.

Dec-Erased-cong-⇔ :
  {@0 A : Type a} {@0 B : Type b} 
  @0 A  B  Dec-Erased A  Dec-Erased B
Dec-Erased-cong-⇔ A⇔B = record
  { to   = Dec-Erased-map A⇔B
  ; from = Dec-Erased-map (inverse A⇔B)

-- If A and B are decided (with erased proofs), then A × B is.

Dec-Erased-× :
  {@0 A : Type a} {@0 B : Type b} 
  Dec-Erased A  Dec-Erased B  Dec-Erased (A × B)
Dec-Erased-× (no [ ¬a ]) _           = no [ ¬a  proj₁ ]
Dec-Erased-× _           (no [ ¬b ]) = no [ ¬b  proj₂ ]
Dec-Erased-× (yes [ a ]) (yes [ b ]) = yes [ a , b ]

-- If A and B are decided (with erased proofs), then A ⊎ B is.

Dec-Erased-⊎ :
  {@0 A : Type a} {@0 B : Type b} 
  Dec-Erased A  Dec-Erased B  Dec-Erased (A  B)
Dec-Erased-⊎ (yes [ a ]) _           = yes [ inj₁ a ]
Dec-Erased-⊎ (no [ ¬a ]) (yes [ b ]) = yes [ inj₂ b ]
Dec-Erased-⊎ (no [ ¬a ]) (no [ ¬b ]) = no [ Prelude.[ ¬a , ¬b ] ]

-- A variant of Equality.Decision-procedures.×.dec⇒dec⇒dec.

dec-erased⇒dec-erased⇒×-dec-erased :
  {@0 A : Type a} {@0 B : Type b} {@0 x₁ x₂ : A} {@0 y₁ y₂ : B} 
  Dec-Erased (x₁  x₂) 
  Dec-Erased (y₁  y₂) 
  Dec-Erased ((x₁ , y₁)  (x₂ , y₂))
dec-erased⇒dec-erased⇒×-dec-erased = λ where
  (no  [ x₁≢x₂ ]) _                no [ x₁≢x₂  cong proj₁ ]
  _               (no  [ y₁≢y₂ ])  no [ y₁≢y₂  cong proj₂ ]
  (yes [ x₁≡x₂ ]) (yes [ y₁≡y₂ ])  yes [ cong₂ _,_ x₁≡x₂ y₁≡y₂ ]

-- A variant of Equality.Decision-procedures.Σ.set⇒dec⇒dec⇒dec.
-- See also set⇒dec-erased⇒dec-erased⇒Σ-dec-erased below.

set⇒dec⇒dec-erased⇒Σ-dec-erased :
  {@0 A : Type a} {@0 P : A  Type p}
  {@0 x₁ x₂ : A} {@0 y₁ : P x₁} {@0 y₂ : P x₂} 
  @0 Is-set A 
  Dec (x₁  x₂) 
  (∀ eq  Dec-Erased (subst P eq y₁  y₂)) 
  Dec-Erased ((x₁ , y₁)  (x₂ , y₂))
set⇒dec⇒dec-erased⇒Σ-dec-erased _ (no x₁≢x₂) _ =
  no [ x₁≢x₂  cong proj₁ ]
set⇒dec⇒dec-erased⇒Σ-dec-erased {P} {y₁} {y₂} set₁ (yes x₁≡x₂) dec₂ =
    (map (Σ-≡,≡→≡ x₁≡x₂))
    (map λ cast-y₁≢y₂ eq 
                                             $⟨ proj₂ (Σ-≡,≡←≡ eq) 
       subst P (proj₁ (Σ-≡,≡←≡ eq)) y₁  y₂  ↝⟨ subst  p  subst _ p _  _) (set₁ _ _) 
       subst P x₁≡x₂ y₁  y₂                 ↝⟨ cast-y₁≢y₂ ⟩□
    (dec₂ x₁≡x₂)

-- A variant of Equality.Decision-procedures.Σ.decidable⇒dec⇒dec.
-- See also decidable-erased⇒dec-erased⇒Σ-dec-erased below.

decidable⇒dec-erased⇒Σ-dec-erased :
  {@0 A : Type a} {@0 P : A  Type p}
  {x₁ x₂ : A} {@0 y₁ : P x₁} {@0 y₂ : P x₂} 
  Decidable-equality A 
  (∀ eq  Dec-Erased (subst P eq y₁  y₂)) 
  Dec-Erased ((x₁ , y₁)  (x₂ , y₂))
decidable⇒dec-erased⇒Σ-dec-erased dec =
    (decidable⇒set dec)
    (dec _ _)

-- Decidable erased equality

-- A variant of Decidable-equality that is defined using Dec-Erased.

Decidable-erased-equality : Type   Type 
Decidable-erased-equality A = (x y : A)  Dec-Erased (x  y)

-- Decidable equality implies decidable erased equality.

Decidable-equality→Decidable-erased-equality :
  {@0 A : Type a} 
  Decidable-equality A 
  Decidable-erased-equality A
Decidable-equality→Decidable-erased-equality dec x y =
  Dec→Dec-Erased (dec x y)

-- In erased contexts Decidable-erased-equality A is equivalent to
-- Decidable-equality A (assuming extensionality).

@0 Decidable-erased-equality≃Decidable-equality :
  {A : Type a} 
  Decidable-erased-equality A ↝[ a  a ] Decidable-equality A
Decidable-erased-equality≃Decidable-equality {A} ext =
  ((x y : A)  Dec-Erased (x  y))  ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  from-equivalence Dec-Erased≃Dec) ⟩□
  ((x y : A)  Dec (x  y))         

-- A map function for Decidable-erased-equality.

Decidable-erased-equality-map :
  A  B 
  Decidable-erased-equality A  Decidable-erased-equality B
Decidable-erased-equality-map A↠B _≟_ x y =     $⟨ _↠_.from A↠B x  _↠_.from A↠B y 
  Dec-Erased (_↠_.from A↠B x  _↠_.from A↠B y)  ↝⟨ Dec-Erased-map (_↠_.logical-equivalence $ Surjection.↠-≡ A↠B) ⟩□
  Dec-Erased (x  y)                            

-- A variant of Equality.Decision-procedures.×.Dec._≟_.

decidable-erased⇒decidable-erased⇒×-decidable-erased :
  {@0 A : Type a} {@0 B : Type b} 
  Decidable-erased-equality A 
  Decidable-erased-equality B 
  Decidable-erased-equality (A × B)
decidable-erased⇒decidable-erased⇒×-decidable-erased decA decB _ _ =
  dec-erased⇒dec-erased⇒×-dec-erased (decA _ _) (decB _ _)

-- A variant of Equality.Decision-procedures.Σ.Dec._≟_.
-- See also decidable-erased⇒decidable-erased⇒Σ-decidable-erased
-- below.

decidable⇒decidable-erased⇒Σ-decidable-erased :
  Decidable-equality A 
  ({x : A}  Decidable-erased-equality (P x)) 
  Decidable-erased-equality (Σ A P)
  {P} decA decP (_ , x₂) (_ , y₂) =
     eq  decP (subst P eq x₂) y₂)

-- Erased binary relations

-- Lifts binary relations from A to Erased A.

Erasedᴾ :
  {@0 A : Type a} {@0 B : Type b} 
  @0 (A  B  Type r) 
  (Erased A  Erased B  Type r)
Erasedᴾ R [ x ] [ y ] = Erased (R x y)

-- Erasedᴾ preserves Is-equivalence-relation.

Erasedᴾ-preserves-Is-equivalence-relation :
  {@0 A : Type a} {@0 R : A  A  Type r} 
  @0 Is-equivalence-relation R 
  Is-equivalence-relation (Erasedᴾ R)
Erasedᴾ-preserves-Is-equivalence-relation equiv = λ where
    [ equiv .Is-equivalence-relation.reflexive ]
    map (equiv .Is-equivalence-relation.symmetric)
    zip (equiv .Is-equivalence-relation.transitive)

-- Some results that hold in erased contexts

-- In an erased context there is an equivalence between equality of
-- "boxed" values and equality of values.

@0 []≡[]≃≡ : ([ x ]  [ y ])  (x  y)
[]≡[]≃≡ = Eq.↔⇒≃ (record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { to   = cong erased
      ; from = cong [_]→
    ; right-inverse-of = λ eq 
        cong erased (cong [_]→ eq)  ≡⟨ cong-∘ _ _ _ 
        cong id eq                  ≡⟨ sym $ cong-id _ ⟩∎
  ; left-inverse-of = λ eq 
      cong [_]→ (cong erased eq)  ≡⟨ cong-∘ _ _ _ 
      cong id eq                  ≡⟨ sym $ cong-id _ ⟩∎

-- In an erased context [_]→ is always an embedding.

Erased-Is-embedding-[] :
  {@0 A : Type a}  Erased (Is-embedding [ A ∣_]→)
Erased-Is-embedding-[] =
  [  x y  _≃_.is-equivalence (
       x  y          ↝⟨ inverse $ Eq.≃-≡ $ Eq.↔⇒≃ $ inverse $ erased Erased↔ ⟩□
       [ x ]  [ y ]  ))

-- In an erased context [_]→ is always split surjective.

Erased-Split-surjective-[] :
  {@0 A : Type a}  Erased (Split-surjective [ A ∣_]→)
Erased-Split-surjective-[] = [  ([ x ])  x , refl _) ]

-- In erased contexts the type ∃ λ (A : Type a) → Erased (H-level n A)
-- has h-level 1 + n (assuming function extensionality and
-- univalence).

@0 H-level-1+-∃-H-level-Erased :
  Extensionality a a 
  Univalence a 
   n  H-level (1 + n) ( λ (A : Type a)  Erased (H-level n A))
H-level-1+-∃-H-level-Erased ext univ n =          $⟨ U.∃-H-level-H-level-1+ ext univ n 
  H-level (1 + n) ( λ A  H-level n A)           →⟨ H-level-cong _ (1 + n) (∃-cong λ _  inverse $ Erased↔ .erased) ⟩□
  H-level (1 + n) ( λ A  Erased (H-level n A))  

-- An alternative to []-cong-axiomatisation

-- If x and y have type Erased A, and x ≡ y, then
-- Erased (erased x ≡ erased y).

≡→Erased[erased≡erased] :
  {x y : Erased A} 
  x  y  Erased (erased x  erased y)
≡→Erased[erased≡erased] eq = [ cong erased eq ]

-- An alternative to []-cong-axiomatisation is to state that equality
-- on Erased A is "defined" by the function above, in the sense that
-- the function is an equivalence for all relevant arguments.
-- See also
-- []-cong-axiomatisation≃≡→Erased[erased≡erased]-axiomatisation
-- below.

≡→Erased[erased≡erased]-axiomatisation : ( : Level)  Type (lsuc )
≡→Erased[erased≡erased]-axiomatisation  =
  {A : Type } {x y : Erased A} 
    (≡→Erased[erased≡erased]  (x  y  Erased (erased x  erased y)))

-- The type ≡→Erased[erased≡erased]-axiomatisation ℓ is propositional
-- (assuming function extensionality).

≡→Erased[erased≡erased]-axiomatisation-propositional :
  Extensionality (lsuc )  
  Is-proposition (≡→Erased[erased≡erased]-axiomatisation )
≡→Erased[erased≡erased]-axiomatisation-propositional {} ext =
  implicit-Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
  implicit-Π-closure ext′ 1 λ _ 
  implicit-Π-closure ext′ 1 λ _ 
  Is-equivalence-propositional ext′
  ext′ : Extensionality  
  ext′ = lower-extensionality _ lzero ext

-- A variant of []-cong-axiomatisation

-- A variant of []-cong-axiomatisation where some erased arguments
-- have been replaced with non-erased ones.

record []-cong-axiomatisation′ a : Type (lsuc a) where
    []-cong :
      {A : Type a} {x y : A} 
      Erased (x  y)  [ x ]  [ y ]
    []-cong-[refl] :
      []-cong [ refl x ]  refl [ x ]

-- When implementing the []-cong axioms it suffices to prove "weaker"
-- variants with fewer erased arguments.
-- See also
-- Erased.Stability.[]-cong-axiomatisation≃[]-cong-axiomatisation′.

[]-cong-axiomatisation′→[]-cong-axiomatisation :
  []-cong-axiomatisation′ a 
  []-cong-axiomatisation a
[]-cong-axiomatisation′→[]-cong-axiomatisation {a} ax = record
  { []-cong        = []-cong₀
  ; []-cong-[refl] = []-cong₀-[refl]
  open []-cong-axiomatisation′ ax

  []-cong₀ :
    {@0 A : Type a} {@0 x y : A} 
    Erased (x  y)  [ x ]  [ y ]
  []-cong₀ {A} {x} {y} =
    Erased (x  y)          →⟨ map (cong [_]→) 
    Erased ([ x ]  [ y ])  →⟨ []-cong 
    [ [ x ] ]  [ [ y ] ]   →⟨ cong (map erased) ⟩□
    [ x ]  [ y ]           

  []-cong₀-[refl] :
    {@0 A : Type a} {@0 x : A} 
    []-cong₀ [ refl x ]  refl [ x ]
  []-cong₀-[refl] {x} =
    cong (map erased) ([]-cong (map (cong [_]→) [ refl x ]))  ≡⟨⟩
    cong (map erased) ([]-cong [ cong [_]→ (refl x) ])        ≡⟨ cong (cong (map erased)  []-cong) $
                                                                 []-cong₀ [ cong-refl _ ] 
    cong (map erased) ([]-cong [ refl [ x ] ])                ≡⟨ cong (cong (map erased)) []-cong-[refl] 
    cong (map erased) (refl [ [ x ] ])                        ≡⟨ cong-refl _ ⟩∎
    refl [ x ]                                                

-- Some alternatives to []-cong-axiomatisation

-- Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation′ a is the property that equality is
-- stable for Erased A, for every type A : Type a, along with a
-- "computation" rule.

Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation′ : (a : Level)  Type (lsuc a)
Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation′ a =
   λ (Stable-≡-Erased : {A : Type a}  Stable-≡ (Erased A)) 
    {A : Type a} {x : Erased A} 
    Stable-≡-Erased x x [ refl x ]  refl x

-- Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation a is the property that equality is
-- stable for Erased A, for every *erased* type A : Type a, along with
-- a "computation" rule.

Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation : (a : Level)  Type (lsuc a)
Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation a =
   λ (Stable-≡-Erased : {@0 A : Type a}  Stable-≡ (Erased A)) 
    {@0 A : Type a} {x : Erased A} 
    Stable-≡-Erased x x [ refl x ]  refl x

-- Some lemmas used to implement Extensionality→[]-cong as well as
-- Erased.Stability.[]-cong-axiomatisation≃Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation.

module Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation→[]-cong-axiomatisation
  ((Stable-≡-Erased , Stable-≡-Erased-[refl]) :
   Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation a)

  -- An implementation of []-cong.

  []-cong :
    {@0 A : Type a} {@0 x y : A} 
    Erased (x  y)  [ x ]  [ y ]
  []-cong {x} {y} =
    Erased (x  y)          ↝⟨ map (cong [_]→) 
    Erased ([ x ]  [ y ])  ↝⟨ Stable-≡-Erased _ _ ⟩□
    [ x ]  [ y ]           

  -- A "computation rule" for []-cong.

  []-cong-[refl] :
    {@0 A : Type a} {@0 x : A} 
    []-cong [ refl x ]  refl [ x ]
  []-cong-[refl] {x} =
    []-cong [ refl x ]                          ≡⟨⟩
    Stable-≡-Erased _ _ [ cong [_]→ (refl x) ]  ≡⟨ cong (Stable-≡-Erased _ _) ([]-cong [ cong-refl _ ]) 
    Stable-≡-Erased _ _ [ refl [ x ] ]          ≡⟨ Stable-≡-Erased-[refl] ⟩∎
    refl [ x ]                                  

  -- The []-cong axioms can be instantiated.

  instance-of-[]-cong-axiomatisation :
    []-cong-axiomatisation a
  instance-of-[]-cong-axiomatisation = record
    { []-cong        = []-cong
    ; []-cong-[refl] = []-cong-[refl]

-- One can also derive []-cong-axiomatisation a from
-- Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation′ a, by going via
-- []-cong-axiomatisation′ a.

module Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation′→[]-cong-axiomatisation
  ((Stable-≡-Erased , Stable-≡-Erased-[refl]) :
   Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation′ a)

  -- An implementation of []-cong (with a non-erased type argument).

  []-cong :
    {A : Type a} {@0 x y : A} 
    Erased (x  y)  [ x ]  [ y ]
  []-cong {x} {y} =
    Erased (x  y)          ↝⟨ map (cong [_]→) 
    Erased ([ x ]  [ y ])  ↝⟨ Stable-≡-Erased _ _ ⟩□
    [ x ]  [ y ]           

  -- A "computation rule" for []-cong.

  []-cong-[refl] :
    {A : Type a} {@0 x : A} 
    []-cong [ refl x ]  refl [ x ]
  []-cong-[refl] {x} =
    []-cong [ refl x ]                          ≡⟨⟩
    Stable-≡-Erased _ _ [ cong [_]→ (refl x) ]  ≡⟨ cong (Stable-≡-Erased _ _) ([]-cong [ cong-refl _ ]) 
    Stable-≡-Erased _ _ [ refl [ x ] ]          ≡⟨ Stable-≡-Erased-[refl] ⟩∎
    refl [ x ]                                  

  -- []-cong-axiomatisation′ a is inhabited.

  instance-of-[]-cong-axiomatisation′ :
    []-cong-axiomatisation′ a
  instance-of-[]-cong-axiomatisation′ = record
    { []-cong        = []-cong
    ; []-cong-[refl] = []-cong-[refl]

  -- The []-cong axioms can be instantiated.

  instance-of-[]-cong-axiomatisation :
    []-cong-axiomatisation a
  instance-of-[]-cong-axiomatisation =

-- In the presence of function extensionality the []-cong axioms can
-- be instantiated

-- Some lemmas used to implement
-- Extensionality→[]-cong-axiomatisation.

module Extensionality→[]-cong-axiomatisation
  (ext : Extensionality a a)

  -- Equality is stable for Erased A.
  -- The proof is based on the proof of Lemma 1.25 in "Modalities in
  -- Homotopy Type Theory" by Rijke, Shulman and Spitters, and the
  -- corresponding Coq source code.

  Stable-≡-Erased : {@0 A : Type a}  Stable-≡ (Erased A)
  Stable-≡-Erased x y eq =
    x                               ≡⟨ flip ext⁻¹ eq (

       (_ : Erased (x  y))  x)     ≡⟨ ∘-[]-injective (

         (_ : x  y)  x)               ≡⟨ apply-ext ext  (eq : x  y) 

          x                                  ≡⟨ eq ⟩∎
          y                                  ) ⟩∎

         (_ : x  y)  y)               ) ⟩∎

       (_ : Erased (x  y))  y)     ) ⟩∎


  -- A "computation rule" for Stable-≡-Erased.

  Stable-≡-Erased-[refl] :
    {@0 A : Type a} {x : Erased A} 
    Stable-≡-Erased x x [ refl x ]  refl x
  Stable-≡-Erased-[refl] {x = [ x ]} =
    Stable-≡-Erased [ x ] [ x ] [ refl [ x ] ]                ≡⟨⟩
    ext⁻¹ (∘-[]-injective (apply-ext ext id)) [ refl [ x ] ]  ≡⟨ ext⁻¹-∘-[]-injective 
    ext⁻¹ (apply-ext ext id) (refl [ x ])                     ≡⟨ cong (_$ refl _) $ _≃_.left-inverse-of (Eq.extensionality-isomorphism ext) _ ⟩∎
    refl [ x ]                                                

  open Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation→[]-cong-axiomatisation
    (Stable-≡-Erased , Stable-≡-Erased-[refl])

-- If we have extensionality, then []-cong can be implemented.
-- The idea for this result comes from "Modalities in Homotopy Type
-- Theory" in which Rijke, Shulman and Spitters state that []-cong can
-- be implemented for every modality, and that it is an equivalence
-- for lex modalities (Theorem 3.1 (ix)).

Extensionality→[]-cong-axiomatisation :
  Extensionality a a 
  []-cong-axiomatisation a
Extensionality→[]-cong-axiomatisation ext =
  open Extensionality→[]-cong-axiomatisation ext

-- The []-cong axioms can be instantiated in the presence of a limited
-- form of function extensionality

-- A limited form of function extensionality.

Extensionality-for-≡-Erased : (a : Level)  Type (lsuc a)
Extensionality-for-≡-Erased a =
  {A : Type a} {x y : Erased A} 
  Extensionality′ (x  y)  _  Erased A)

-- Some lemmas used to implement
-- Extensionality-for-≡-Erased→[]-cong-axiomatisation.

module Extensionality-for-≡-Erased→[]-cong-axiomatisation
  (ext : Extensionality-for-≡-Erased a)

  -- Equality is stable for Erased A.
  -- The proof is based on the proof of Lemma 1.25 in "Modalities in
  -- Homotopy Type Theory" by Rijke, Shulman and Spitters, and the
  -- corresponding Coq source code.

  Stable-≡-Erased : {A : Type a}  Stable-≡ (Erased A)
  Stable-≡-Erased x y eq =
    x                               ≡⟨ flip ext⁻¹ eq (

       (_ : Erased (x  y))  x)     ≡⟨ ∘-[]-injective (

         (_ : x  y)  x)               ≡⟨ apply-ext′ ext  (eq : x  y) 

          x                                  ≡⟨ eq ⟩∎
          y                                  ) ⟩∎

         (_ : x  y)  y)               ) ⟩∎

       (_ : Erased (x  y))  y)     ) ⟩∎


  -- A "computation rule" for Stable-≡-Erased.

  Stable-≡-Erased-[refl] :
    {A : Type a} {x : Erased A} 
    Stable-≡-Erased x x [ refl x ]  refl x
  Stable-≡-Erased-[refl] {x = [ x ]} =
    Stable-≡-Erased [ x ] [ x ] [ refl [ x ] ]                 ≡⟨⟩
    ext⁻¹ (∘-[]-injective (apply-ext′ ext id)) [ refl [ x ] ]  ≡⟨ ext⁻¹-∘-[]-injective 
    ext⁻¹ (apply-ext′ ext id) (refl [ x ])                     ≡⟨ cong (_$ refl _) $ _≃_.left-inverse-of (inverse Eq.⟨ _ , ext ) _ ⟩∎
    refl [ x ]                                                 

  open Stable-≡-Erased-axiomatisation′→[]-cong-axiomatisation
    (Stable-≡-Erased , Stable-≡-Erased-[refl])

-- Extensionality-for-≡-Erased a implies []-cong-axiomatisation a.
-- The idea for this result comes from "Modalities in Homotopy Type
-- Theory" in which Rijke, Shulman and Spitters state that []-cong can
-- be implemented for every modality, and that it is an equivalence
-- for lex modalities (Theorem 3.1 (ix)).

Extensionality-for-≡-Erased→[]-cong-axiomatisation :
  Extensionality-for-≡-Erased a 
  []-cong-axiomatisation a
Extensionality-for-≡-Erased→[]-cong-axiomatisation ext =
  open Extensionality-for-≡-Erased→[]-cong-axiomatisation ext

-- One may wonder whether the other direction is provable: does
-- []-cong-axiomatisation a imply Extensionality-for-≡-Erased a?
-- My guess is that this is not provable. If a given program is
-- type-correct, then it should still be type-correct if every
-- occurrence of @0 is removed (and the feature that makes parameter
-- arguments erased in the types of constructors and projections is
-- turned off). After every occurrence of @0 has been removed one can
-- prove []-cong-axiomatisation a (see
-- erased-instance-of-[]-cong-axiomatisation). Furthermore
-- Extensionality-for-≡-Erased a turns into something that is
-- essentially
--   {A : Type a} {x y : A} →
--   Extensionality′ (x ≡ y) (λ _ → A).
-- This statement should not be provable in "plain" Agda (with the
-- --safe option), and thus the implication under discussion should
-- not be provable.

-- Erased preserves some kinds of functions

-- The following definitions are parametrised by two implementations
-- of the []-cong axioms.

module Erased-cong
  (ax₁ : []-cong-axiomatisation ℓ₁)
  (ax₂ : []-cong-axiomatisation ℓ₂)
  {@0 A : Type ℓ₁} {@0 B : Type ℓ₂}

    module BC₁ = []-cong-axiomatisation ax₁
    module BC₂ = []-cong-axiomatisation ax₂

  -- Erased preserves split surjections.

  Erased-cong-↠ :
    @0 A  B  Erased A  Erased B
  Erased-cong-↠ A↠B = record
    { logical-equivalence = Erased-cong-⇔
                              (_↠_.logical-equivalence A↠B)
    ; right-inverse-of    = λ { [ x ] 
        BC₂.[]-cong [ _↠_.right-inverse-of A↠B x ] }

  -- Erased preserves bijections.

  Erased-cong-↔ : @0 A  B  Erased A  Erased B
  Erased-cong-↔ A↔B = record
    { surjection      = Erased-cong-↠ (_↔_.surjection A↔B)
    ; left-inverse-of = λ { [ x ] 
        BC₁.[]-cong [ _↔_.left-inverse-of A↔B x ] }

  -- Erased preserves equivalences.

  Erased-cong-≃ : @0 A  B  Erased A  Erased B
  Erased-cong-≃ A≃B =
    from-isomorphism (Erased-cong-↔ (from-isomorphism A≃B))

  -- A variant of Erased-cong (which is defined in Erased.Level-2).

  Erased-cong? :
    @0 A ↝[ c  d ] B 
    Erased A ↝[ c  d ]ᴱ Erased B
  Erased-cong? hyp = generalise-erased-ext?
    (Erased-cong-⇔ (hyp _))
     ext  Erased-cong-↔ (hyp ext))

-- Some results that follow if the []-cong axioms hold for a single
-- universe level

module []-cong₁ (ax : []-cong-axiomatisation ) where

  open []-cong-axiomatisation ax public
  open Erased-cong ax ax

  -- Some definitions directly related to []-cong

  -- []-cong is an equivalence.

  []-cong-equivalence :
    {@0 A : Type } {@0 x y : A} 
    Is-equivalence ([]-cong {x = x} {y = y})
  []-cong-equivalence {x} = _≃_.is-equivalence $ Eq.↔→≃
     eq  [ cong erased eq ])
        eq  []-cong [ cong erased eq ]  eq)
       ([]-cong [ cong erased (refl [ x ]) ]  ≡⟨ cong []-cong $ []-cong [ cong-refl _ ] 
        []-cong [ refl x ]                    ≡⟨ []-cong-[refl] ⟩∎
        refl [ x ]                            ))
     ([ eq ]) 
       [ cong erased ([]-cong [ eq ]) ]    ≡⟨ []-cong
                                                [ elim¹
                                                     eq  cong erased ([]-cong [ eq ])  eq)
         cong erased ([]-cong [ refl x ])            ≡⟨ cong (cong erased) []-cong-[refl] 
         cong erased (refl [ x ])                    ≡⟨ cong-refl _ ⟩∎
         refl x                                      )
                                                ] ⟩∎
       [ eq ]                              )

  -- There is an equivalence between erased equality proofs and
  -- equalities between erased values.

  Erased-≡≃[]≡[] :
    {@0 A : Type } {@0 x y : A} 
    Erased (x  y)  ([ x ]  [ y ])
  Erased-≡≃[]≡[] = Eq.⟨ _ , []-cong-equivalence 

  -- There is a bijection between erased equality proofs and
  -- equalities between erased values.

  Erased-≡↔[]≡[] :
    {@0 A : Type } {@0 x y : A} 
    Erased (x  y)  [ x ]  [ y ]
  Erased-≡↔[]≡[] = _≃_.bijection Erased-≡≃[]≡[]

  -- The inverse of []-cong.

  []-cong⁻¹ :
    {@0 A : Type } {@0 x y : A} 
    [ x ]  [ y ]  Erased (x  y)
  []-cong⁻¹ = _≃_.from Erased-≡≃[]≡[]

  -- Rearrangement lemmas for []-cong and []-cong⁻¹.

  []-cong-[]≡cong-[] :
    {A : Type } {x y : A} {x≡y : x  y} 
    []-cong [ x≡y ]  cong [_]→ x≡y
  []-cong-[]≡cong-[] {x} {x≡y} = elim¹
     x≡y  []-cong [ x≡y ]  cong [_]→ x≡y)
    ([]-cong [ refl x ]  ≡⟨ []-cong-[refl] 
     refl [ x ]          ≡⟨ sym $ cong-refl _ ⟩∎
     cong [_]→ (refl x)  )

  []-cong⁻¹≡[cong-erased] :
    {@0 A : Type } {@0 x y : A} {@0 x≡y : [ x ]  [ y ]} 
    []-cong⁻¹ x≡y  [ cong erased x≡y ]
  []-cong⁻¹≡[cong-erased] {x≡y} = []-cong
    [ erased ([]-cong⁻¹ x≡y)      ≡⟨ cong erased (_↔_.from (from≡↔≡to Erased-≡≃[]≡[]) lemma) 
      erased [ cong erased x≡y ]  ≡⟨⟩
      cong erased x≡y             
    @0 lemma : _
    lemma =
      x≡y                          ≡⟨ cong-id _ 
      cong id x≡y                  ≡⟨⟩
      cong ([_]→  erased) x≡y     ≡⟨ sym $ cong-∘ _ _ _ 
      cong [_]→ (cong erased x≡y)  ≡⟨ sym []-cong-[]≡cong-[] ⟩∎
      []-cong [ cong erased x≡y ]  

  -- A "computation rule" for []-cong⁻¹.

  []-cong⁻¹-refl :
    {@0 A : Type } {@0 x : A} 
    []-cong⁻¹ (refl [ x ])  [ refl x ]
  []-cong⁻¹-refl {x} =
    []-cong⁻¹ (refl [ x ])        ≡⟨ []-cong⁻¹≡[cong-erased] 
    [ cong erased (refl [ x ]) ]  ≡⟨ []-cong [ cong-refl _ ] ⟩∎
    [ refl x ]                    

  -- []-cong and []-cong⁻¹ commute (kind of) with sym.

  []-cong⁻¹-sym :
    {@0 A : Type } {@0 x y : A} {x≡y : [ x ]  [ y ]} 
    []-cong⁻¹ (sym x≡y)  map sym ([]-cong⁻¹ x≡y)
  []-cong⁻¹-sym = elim¹
     x≡y  []-cong⁻¹ (sym x≡y)  map sym ([]-cong⁻¹ x≡y))
    ([]-cong⁻¹ (sym (refl _))      ≡⟨ cong []-cong⁻¹ sym-refl 
     []-cong⁻¹ (refl _)            ≡⟨ []-cong⁻¹-refl 
     [ refl _ ]                    ≡⟨ []-cong [ sym sym-refl ] 
     [ sym (refl _) ]              ≡⟨⟩
     map sym [ refl _ ]            ≡⟨ cong (map sym) $ sym []-cong⁻¹-refl ⟩∎
     map sym ([]-cong⁻¹ (refl _))  )

  []-cong-[sym] :
    {@0 A : Type } {@0 x y : A} {@0 x≡y : x  y} 
    []-cong [ sym x≡y ]  sym ([]-cong [ x≡y ])
  []-cong-[sym] {x≡y} =
    sym $ _↔_.to (from≡↔≡to $ Eq.↔⇒≃ Erased-≡↔[]≡[]) (
      []-cong⁻¹ (sym ([]-cong [ x≡y ]))      ≡⟨ []-cong⁻¹-sym 
      map sym ([]-cong⁻¹ ([]-cong [ x≡y ]))  ≡⟨ cong (map sym) $ _↔_.left-inverse-of Erased-≡↔[]≡[] _ ⟩∎
      map sym [ x≡y ]                        )

  -- []-cong and []-cong⁻¹ commute (kind of) with trans.

  []-cong⁻¹-trans :
    {@0 A : Type } {@0 x y z : A}
    {x≡y : [ x ]  [ y ]} {y≡z : [ y ]  [ z ]} 
    []-cong⁻¹ (trans x≡y y≡z) 
    [ trans (erased ([]-cong⁻¹ x≡y)) (erased ([]-cong⁻¹ y≡z)) ]
  []-cong⁻¹-trans {y≡z} = elim₁
     x≡y  []-cong⁻¹ (trans x≡y y≡z) 
             [ trans (erased ([]-cong⁻¹ x≡y)) (erased ([]-cong⁻¹ y≡z)) ])
    ([]-cong⁻¹ (trans (refl _) y≡z)                                    ≡⟨ cong []-cong⁻¹ $ trans-reflˡ _ 
     []-cong⁻¹ y≡z                                                     ≡⟨⟩
     [ erased ([]-cong⁻¹ y≡z) ]                                        ≡⟨ []-cong [ sym $ trans-reflˡ _ ] 
     [ trans (refl _) (erased ([]-cong⁻¹ y≡z)) ]                       ≡⟨⟩
     [ trans (erased [ refl _ ]) (erased ([]-cong⁻¹ y≡z)) ]            ≡⟨ []-cong [ cong (flip trans _) $ cong erased $ sym
                                                                          []-cong⁻¹-refl ] ⟩∎
     [ trans (erased ([]-cong⁻¹ (refl _))) (erased ([]-cong⁻¹ y≡z)) ]  )

  []-cong-[trans] :
    {@0 A : Type } {@0 x y z : A} {@0 x≡y : x  y} {@0 y≡z : y  z} 
    []-cong [ trans x≡y y≡z ] 
    trans ([]-cong [ x≡y ]) ([]-cong [ y≡z ])
  []-cong-[trans] {x≡y} {y≡z} =
    sym $ _↔_.to (from≡↔≡to $ Eq.↔⇒≃ Erased-≡↔[]≡[]) (
      []-cong⁻¹ (trans ([]-cong [ x≡y ]) ([]-cong [ y≡z ]))  ≡⟨ []-cong⁻¹-trans 

      [ trans (erased ([]-cong⁻¹ ([]-cong [ x≡y ])))
              (erased ([]-cong⁻¹ ([]-cong [ y≡z ]))) ]       ≡⟨ []-cong [ cong₂  p q  trans (erased p) (erased q))
                                                                            (_↔_.left-inverse-of Erased-≡↔[]≡[] _)
                                                                            (_↔_.left-inverse-of Erased-≡↔[]≡[] _) ] ⟩∎
      [ trans x≡y y≡z ]                                      )

  -- In an erased context there is an equivalence between equality of
  -- values and equality of "boxed" values.

  @0 ≡≃[]≡[] :
    {A : Type } {x y : A} 
    (x  y)  ([ x ]  [ y ])
  ≡≃[]≡[] = Eq.↔⇒≃ (record
    { surjection = record
      { logical-equivalence = record
        { to   = []-cong  [_]→
        ; from = cong erased
      ; right-inverse-of = λ eq 
          []-cong [ cong erased eq ]  ≡⟨ []-cong-[]≡cong-[] 
          cong [_]→ (cong erased eq)  ≡⟨ cong-∘ _ _ _ 
          cong id eq                  ≡⟨ sym $ cong-id _ ⟩∎
    ; left-inverse-of = λ eq 
        cong erased ([]-cong [ eq ])  ≡⟨ cong (cong erased) []-cong-[]≡cong-[] 
        cong erased (cong [_]→ eq)    ≡⟨ cong-∘ _ _ _ 
        cong id eq                    ≡⟨ sym $ cong-id _ ⟩∎

  -- The left-to-right and right-to-left directions of the equivalence
  -- are definitionally equal to certain functions.

  _ : _≃_.to (≡≃[]≡[] {x = x} {y = y})  []-cong  [_]→
  _ = refl _

  @0 _ : _≃_.from (≡≃[]≡[] {x = x} {y = y})  cong erased
  _ = refl _

  -- Variants of subst, cong and the J rule that take erased equality
  -- proofs

  -- A variant of subst that takes an erased equality proof.

  substᴱ :
    {@0 A : Type } {@0 x y : A}
    (P : @0 A  Type p)  @0 x  y  P x  P y
  substᴱ P eq = subst  ([ x ])  P x) ([]-cong [ eq ])

  -- A variant of elim₁ that takes an erased equality proof.

  elim₁ᴱ :
    {@0 A : Type } {@0 x y : A}
    (P : {@0 x : A}  @0 x  y  Type p) 
    P (refl y) 
    (@0 x≡y : x  y)  P x≡y
  elim₁ᴱ {x} {y} P p x≡y =
       p  P (proj₂ p))
      (proj₂ (singleton-contractible y) (x , x≡y))

  -- A variant of elim¹ that takes an erased equality proof.

  elim¹ᴱ :
    {@0 A : Type } {@0 x y : A}
    (P : {@0 y : A}  @0 x  y  Type p) 
    P (refl x) 
    (@0 x≡y : x  y)  P x≡y
  elim¹ᴱ {x} {y} P p x≡y =
       p  P (proj₂ p))
      (proj₂ (other-singleton-contractible x) (y , x≡y))

  -- A variant of elim that takes an erased equality proof.

  elimᴱ :
    {@0 A : Type } {@0 x y : A}
    (P : {@0 x y : A}  @0 x  y  Type p) 
    ((@0 x : A)  P (refl x)) 
    (@0 x≡y : x  y)  P x≡y
  elimᴱ {y} P p = elim₁ᴱ P (p y)

  -- A variant of cong that takes an erased equality proof.

  congᴱ :
    {@0 A : Type } {@0 x y : A}
    (f : @0 A  B)  @0 x  y  f x  f y
  congᴱ f = elimᴱ  {x y} _  f x  f y)  x  refl (f x))

  -- A "computation rule" for substᴱ.

  substᴱ-refl :
    {@0 A : Type } {@0 x : A} {P : @0 A  Type p} {p : P x} 
    substᴱ P (refl x) p  p
  substᴱ-refl {P} {p} =
    subst  ([ x ])  P x) ([]-cong [ refl _ ]) p  ≡⟨ cong (flip (subst _) _) []-cong-[refl] 
    subst  ([ x ])  P x) (refl [ _ ]) p          ≡⟨ subst-refl _ _ ⟩∎

  -- If all arguments are non-erased, then one can replace substᴱ with
  -- subst (if the first explicit argument is η-expanded).

  substᴱ≡subst :
    {P : @0 A  Type p} {p : P x} 
    substᴱ P eq p  subst  x  P x) eq p
  substᴱ≡subst {eq} {P} {p} = elim¹
     eq  substᴱ P eq p  subst  x  P x) eq p)
    (substᴱ P (refl _) p           ≡⟨ substᴱ-refl 
     p                             ≡⟨ sym $ subst-refl _ _ ⟩∎
     subst  x  P x) (refl _) p  )

  -- A computation rule for elim₁ᴱ.

  elim₁ᴱ-refl :
     {@0 A : Type } {@0 y}
      {P : {@0 x : A}  @0 x  y  Type p}
      {p : P (refl y)} 
    elim₁ᴱ P p (refl y)  p
  elim₁ᴱ-refl {y} {P} {p} =
       p  P (proj₂ p))
      (proj₂ (singleton-contractible y) (y , refl y))
      p                                                ≡⟨ congᴱ  q  substᴱ  p  P (proj₂ p)) q _)
                                                            (singleton-contractible-refl _) 

    substᴱ  p  P (proj₂ p)) (refl (y , refl y)) p   ≡⟨ substᴱ-refl ⟩∎


  -- If all arguments are non-erased, then one can replace elim₁ᴱ with
  -- elim₁ (if the first explicit argument is η-expanded).

  elim₁ᴱ≡elim₁ :
    {P : {@0 x : A}  @0 x  y  Type p} {r : P (refl y)} 
    elim₁ᴱ P r eq  elim₁  x  P x) r eq
  elim₁ᴱ≡elim₁ {eq} {P} {r} = elim₁
     eq  elim₁ᴱ P r eq  elim₁  x  P x) r eq)
    (elim₁ᴱ P r (refl _)           ≡⟨ elim₁ᴱ-refl 
     r                             ≡⟨ sym $ elim₁-refl _ _ ⟩∎
     elim₁  x  P x) r (refl _)  )

  -- A computation rule for elim¹ᴱ.

  elim¹ᴱ-refl :
     {@0 A : Type } {@0 x}
      {P : {@0 y : A}  @0 x  y  Type p}
      {p : P (refl x)} 
    elim¹ᴱ P p (refl x)  p
  elim¹ᴱ-refl {x} {P} {p} =
       p  P (proj₂ p))
      (proj₂ (other-singleton-contractible x) (x , refl x))
      p                                                      ≡⟨ congᴱ  q  substᴱ  p  P (proj₂ p)) q _)
                                                                  (other-singleton-contractible-refl _) 

    substᴱ  p  P (proj₂ p)) (refl (x , refl x)) p         ≡⟨ substᴱ-refl ⟩∎


  -- If all arguments are non-erased, then one can replace elim¹ᴱ with
  -- elim¹ (if the first explicit argument is η-expanded).

  elim¹ᴱ≡elim¹ :
    {P : {@0 y : A}  @0 x  y  Type p} {r : P (refl x)} 
    elim¹ᴱ P r eq  elim¹  x  P x) r eq
  elim¹ᴱ≡elim¹ {eq} {P} {r} = elim¹
     eq  elim¹ᴱ P r eq  elim¹  x  P x) r eq)
    (elim¹ᴱ P r (refl _)           ≡⟨ elim¹ᴱ-refl 
     r                             ≡⟨ sym $ elim¹-refl _ _ ⟩∎
     elim¹  x  P x) r (refl _)  )

  -- A computation rule for elimᴱ.

  elimᴱ-refl :
    {@0 A : Type } {@0 x : A} {P : {@0 x y : A}  @0 x  y  Type p}
    (r : (@0 x : A)  P (refl x)) 
    elimᴱ P r (refl x)  r x
  elimᴱ-refl _ = elim₁ᴱ-refl

  -- If all arguments are non-erased, then one can replace elimᴱ with
  -- elim (if the first two explicit arguments are η-expanded).

  elimᴱ≡elim :
    {P : {@0 x y : A}  @0 x  y  Type p}
    {r :  (@0 x)  P (refl x)} 
    elimᴱ P r eq  elim  x  P x)  x  r x) eq
  elimᴱ≡elim {eq} {P} {r} = elim
     eq  elimᴱ P r eq  elim  x  P x)  x  r x) eq)
       elimᴱ P r (refl _)                     ≡⟨ elimᴱ-refl r 
       r x                                    ≡⟨ sym $ elim-refl _ _ ⟩∎
       elim  x  P x)  x  r x) (refl _)  )

  -- A "computation rule" for congᴱ.

  congᴱ-refl :
    {@0 A : Type } {@0 x : A} {f : @0 A  B} 
    congᴱ f (refl x)  refl (f x)
  congᴱ-refl {x} {f} =
    elimᴱ  {x y} _  f x  f y)  x  refl (f x)) (refl x)  ≡⟨ elimᴱ-refl  x  refl (f x)) ⟩∎
    refl (f x)                                                 

  -- If all arguments are non-erased, then one can replace congᴱ with
  -- cong (if the first explicit argument is η-expanded).

  congᴱ≡cong :
    {f : @0 A  B} 
    congᴱ f eq  cong  x  f x) eq
  congᴱ≡cong {eq} {f} = elim¹
     eq  congᴱ f eq  cong  x  f x) eq)
    (congᴱ f (refl _)           ≡⟨ congᴱ-refl 
     refl _                     ≡⟨ sym $ cong-refl _ ⟩∎
     cong  x  f x) (refl _)  )

  -- Some equalities

  -- [_] can be "pushed" through subst.

  push-subst-[] :
    {@0 P : A  Type } {@0 p : P x} {x≡y : x  y} 
    subst  x  Erased (P x)) x≡y [ p ]  [ subst P x≡y p ]
  push-subst-[] {P} {p} = elim¹
     x≡y  subst  x  Erased (P x)) x≡y [ p ]  [ subst P x≡y p ])
    (subst  x  Erased (P x)) (refl _) [ p ]  ≡⟨ subst-refl _ _ 
     [ p ]                                      ≡⟨ []-cong [ sym $ subst-refl _ _ ] ⟩∎
     [ subst P (refl _) p ]                     )

  -- []-cong kind of commutes with trans.

  []-cong-trans :
    {@0 A : Type } {@0 x y z : A} {@0 p : x  y} {@0 q : y  z} 
    []-cong [ trans p q ]  trans ([]-cong [ p ]) ([]-cong [ q ])
  []-cong-trans =
          (@0 q) 
         []-cong [ trans p q ]  trans ([]-cong [ p ]) ([]-cong [ q ]))
         []-cong [ trans (refl _) q ]                ≡⟨ cong []-cong $ []-cong [ trans-reflˡ _ ] 
         []-cong [ q ]                               ≡⟨ sym $ trans-reflˡ _ 
         trans (refl [ _ ]) ([]-cong [ q ])          ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ sym []-cong-[refl] ⟩∎
         trans ([]-cong [ refl _ ]) ([]-cong [ q ])  )
      _ _

  -- All h-levels are closed under Erased

  -- Erased commutes with H-level′ n (assuming extensionality).

  Erased-H-level′↔H-level′ :
    {@0 A : Type } 
     n  Erased (H-level′ n A) ↝[    ] H-level′ n (Erased A)
  Erased-H-level′↔H-level′ {A} zero ext =
    Erased (H-level′ zero A)                                              ↔⟨⟩
    Erased ( λ (x : A)  (y : A)  x  y)                                ↔⟨ Erased-Σ↔Σ 
    ( λ (x : Erased A)  Erased ((y : A)  erased x  y))                ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  Erased-Π↔Π-Erased) 
    ( λ (x : Erased A)  (y : Erased A)  Erased (erased x  erased y))  ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  from-isomorphism Erased-≡↔[]≡[]) 
    ( λ (x : Erased A)  (y : Erased A)  x  y)                         ↔⟨⟩
    H-level′ zero (Erased A)                                              
  Erased-H-level′↔H-level′ {A} (suc n) ext =
    Erased (H-level′ (suc n) A)                                      ↔⟨⟩
    Erased ((x y : A)  H-level′ n (x  y))                          ↔⟨ Erased-Π↔Π-Erased 
    ((x : Erased A)  Erased ((y : A)  H-level′ n (erased x  y)))  ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  from-isomorphism Erased-Π↔Π-Erased) 
    ((x y : Erased A)  Erased (H-level′ n (erased x  erased y)))   ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  Erased-H-level′↔H-level′ n ext) 
    ((x y : Erased A)  H-level′ n (Erased (erased x  erased y)))   ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  H-level′-cong ext n Erased-≡↔[]≡[]) 
    ((x y : Erased A)  H-level′ n (x  y))                          ↔⟨⟩
    H-level′ (suc n) (Erased A)                                      

  -- Erased commutes with H-level n (assuming extensionality).

  Erased-H-level↔H-level :
    {@0 A : Type } 
     n  Erased (H-level n A) ↝[    ] H-level n (Erased A)
  Erased-H-level↔H-level {A} n ext =
    Erased (H-level n A)   ↝⟨ Erased-cong? H-level↔H-level′ ext 
    Erased (H-level′ n A)  ↝⟨ Erased-H-level′↔H-level′ n ext 
    H-level′ n (Erased A)  ↝⟨ inverse-ext? H-level↔H-level′ ext ⟩□
    H-level n (Erased A)   

  -- H-level n is closed under Erased.

  H-level-Erased :
    {@0 A : Type } 
     n  @0 H-level n A  H-level n (Erased A)
  H-level-Erased n h = Erased-H-level↔H-level n _ [ h ]

  -- Some closure properties related to Is-proposition

  -- If A is a proposition, then Dec-Erased A is a proposition
  -- (assuming extensionality).

  Is-proposition-Dec-Erased :
    {@0 A : Type } 
    Extensionality  lzero 
    @0 Is-proposition A 
    Is-proposition (Dec-Erased A)
  Is-proposition-Dec-Erased {A} ext p =
                                     $⟨ Dec-closure-propositional ext (H-level-Erased 1 p) 
    Is-proposition (Dec (Erased A))  ↝⟨ H-level-cong _ 1 (inverse $ Dec-Erased↔Dec-Erased {k = equivalence} ext)  (_  _) ⟩□
    Is-proposition (Dec-Erased A)    

  -- If A is a set, then Decidable-erased-equality A is a proposition
  -- (assuming extensionality).

  Is-proposition-Decidable-erased-equality :
    {A : Type } 
    @0 Is-set A 
    Is-proposition (Decidable-erased-equality A)
  Is-proposition-Decidable-erased-equality ext s =
    Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
    Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
    Is-proposition-Dec-Erased (lower-extensionality lzero _ ext) s

  -- Erasedᴾ preserves Is-proposition.

  Is-proposition-Erasedᴾ :
    {@0 A : Type a} {@0 B : Type b} {@0 R : A  B  Type } 
    @0 (∀ {x y}  Is-proposition (R x y)) 
     {x y}  Is-proposition (Erasedᴾ R x y)
  Is-proposition-Erasedᴾ prop =
    H-level-Erased 1 prop

  -- Some properties related to "Modalities in Homotopy Type Theory"
  -- by Rijke, Shulman and Spitters

  -- The function λ (A : Type ℓ) → Erased A is the modal operator of a
  -- lex modality (see Theorem 3.1, case (i) in "Modalities in
  -- Homotopy Type Theory" for the definition used here).

  lex :
    {@0 A : Type } {@0 x y : A} 
    Contractible (Erased A)  Contractible (Erased (x  y))
  lex {A} {x} {y} =
    Contractible (Erased A)        ↝⟨ _⇔_.from (Erased-H-level↔H-level 0 _) 
    Erased (Contractible A)        ↝⟨ map (⇒≡ 0) 
    Erased (Contractible (x  y))  ↝⟨ Erased-H-level↔H-level 0 _ ⟩□
    Contractible (Erased (x  y))  

  -- The function λ (A : Type ℓ) → Erased A is the modal operator of a
  -- lex modality.

  lex-modality : Left-exact  (A : Type )  Erased A)
  lex-modality = lex

  -- Erased "commutes" with various things

  -- Erased "commutes" with _⁻¹_.

  Erased-⁻¹ :
    {@0 A : Type a} {@0 B : Type } {@0 f : A  B} {@0 y : B} 
    Erased (f ⁻¹ y)  map f ⁻¹ [ y ]
  Erased-⁻¹ {f} {y} =
    Erased ( λ x  f x  y)             ↝⟨ Erased-Σ↔Σ 
    ( λ x  Erased (f (erased x)  y))  ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  Erased-≡↔[]≡[]) ⟩□
    ( λ x  map f x  [ y ])            

  -- Erased "commutes" with Split-surjective.

  Erased-Split-surjective↔Split-surjective :
    {@0 A : Type a} {@0 B : Type } {@0 f : A  B} 
    Erased (Split-surjective f) ↝[   a   ]
    Split-surjective (map f)
  Erased-Split-surjective↔Split-surjective {f} ext =
    Erased (∀ y   λ x  f x  y)                    ↔⟨ Erased-Π↔Π-Erased 
    (∀ y  Erased ( λ x  f x  erased y))           ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  from-isomorphism Erased-Σ↔Σ) 
    (∀ y   λ x  Erased (f (erased x)  erased y))  ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∃-cong λ _  from-isomorphism Erased-≡↔[]≡[]) 
    (∀ y   λ x  [ f (erased x) ]  y)              ↔⟨⟩
    (∀ y   λ x  map f x  y)                       

  -- Some lemmas related to whether [_]→ is injective or an embedding

  -- In erased contexts [_]→ is injective.
  -- See also Erased.With-K.Injective-[].

  @0 Injective-[] :
    {A : Type } 
    Injective {A = A} [_]→
  Injective-[] = erased  []-cong⁻¹

  -- If A is a proposition, then [_]→ {A = A} is an embedding.
  -- See also Erased-Is-embedding-[] and Erased-Split-surjective-[]
  -- above as well as Very-stable→Is-embedding-[] and
  -- Very-stable→Split-surjective-[] in Erased.Stability and
  -- Injective-[] and Is-embedding-[] in Erased.With-K.

  Is-proposition→Is-embedding-[] :
    {A : Type } 
    Is-proposition A  Is-embedding [ A ∣_]→
  Is-proposition→Is-embedding-[] prop =
    _⇔_.to (Emb.Injective⇔Is-embedding
              set (H-level-Erased 2 set) [_]→)
       _  prop _ _)
    set = mono₁ 1 prop

  -- Variants of some functions from Equality.Decision-procedures

  -- A variant of Equality.Decision-procedures.Σ.set⇒dec⇒dec⇒dec.

  set⇒dec-erased⇒dec-erased⇒Σ-dec-erased :
    {@0 A : Type } {@0 P : A  Type p}
    {@0 x₁ x₂ : A} {@0 y₁ : P x₁} {@0 y₂ : P x₂} 
    @0 Is-set A 
    Dec-Erased (x₁  x₂) 
    (∀ (@0 eq)  Dec-Erased (substᴱ  x  P x) eq y₁  y₂)) 
    Dec-Erased ((x₁ , y₁)  (x₂ , y₂))
  set⇒dec-erased⇒dec-erased⇒Σ-dec-erased _ (no [ x₁≢x₂ ]) _ =
    no [ x₁≢x₂  cong proj₁ ]
    {P} {y₁} {y₂} set₁ (yes [ x₁≡x₂ ]) dec₂ =
      (map λ cast-y₁≡y₂ 
         Σ-≡,≡→≡ x₁≡x₂
           (subst  x  P x) x₁≡x₂ y₁   ≡⟨ sym substᴱ≡subst 
            substᴱ  x  P x) x₁≡x₂ y₁  ≡⟨ cast-y₁≡y₂ ⟩∎
            y₂                           ))
      (map λ cast-y₁≢y₂ eq                               $⟨ proj₂ (Σ-≡,≡←≡ eq) 
         subst  x  P x) (proj₁ (Σ-≡,≡←≡ eq)) y₁  y₂   ↝⟨ ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong (_≡ _) $ sym substᴱ≡subst 
         substᴱ  x  P x) (proj₁ (Σ-≡,≡←≡ eq)) y₁  y₂  ↝⟨ subst  p  substᴱ _ p _  _) (set₁ _ _) 
         substᴱ  x  P x) x₁≡x₂ y₁  y₂                 ↝⟨ cast-y₁≢y₂ ⟩□
      (dec₂ x₁≡x₂)

  -- A variant of Equality.Decision-procedures.Σ.decidable⇒dec⇒dec.

  decidable-erased⇒dec-erased⇒Σ-dec-erased :
    {@0 A : Type } {@0 P : A  Type p}
    {x₁ x₂ : A} {@0 y₁ : P x₁} {@0 y₂ : P x₂} 
    Decidable-erased-equality A 
    (∀ (@0 eq)  Dec-Erased (substᴱ  x  P x) eq y₁  y₂)) 
    Dec-Erased ((x₁ , y₁)  (x₂ , y₂))
  decidable-erased⇒dec-erased⇒Σ-dec-erased dec =
         (Decidable-erased-equality≃Decidable-equality _ dec))
      (dec _ _)

  -- A variant of Equality.Decision-procedures.Σ.Dec._≟_.

  decidable-erased⇒decidable-erased⇒Σ-decidable-erased :
    {@0 A : Type } {P : @0 A  Type p} 
    Decidable-erased-equality A 
    ({x : A}  Decidable-erased-equality (P x)) 
    Decidable-erased-equality (Σ A λ x  P x)
    {P} decA decP (_ , x₂) (_ , y₂) =
       eq  decP (substᴱ P eq x₂) y₂)

-- Some results that follow if the []-cong axioms hold for two
-- universe levels

module []-cong₂
  (ax₁ : []-cong-axiomatisation ℓ₁)
  (ax₂ : []-cong-axiomatisation ℓ₂)

    module BC₁ = []-cong₁ ax₁
    module BC₂ = []-cong₁ ax₂

  -- Some equalities

  -- The function map (cong f) can be expressed in terms of
  -- cong (map f) (up to pointwise equality).

  map-cong≡cong-map :
    {@0 A : Type ℓ₁} {@0 B : Type ℓ₂} {@0 x y : A}
    {@0 f : A  B} {x≡y : Erased (x  y)} 
    map (cong f) x≡y  BC₂.[]-cong⁻¹ (cong (map f) (BC₁.[]-cong x≡y))
  map-cong≡cong-map {f} {x≡y = [ x≡y ]} =
    [ cong f x≡y ]                                        ≡⟨⟩
    [ cong (erased  map f  [_]→) x≡y ]                  ≡⟨ BC₂.[]-cong [ sym $ cong-∘ _ _ _ ] 
    [ cong (erased  map f) (cong [_]→ x≡y) ]             ≡⟨ BC₂.[]-cong [ cong (cong _) $ sym BC₁.[]-cong-[]≡cong-[] ] 
    [ cong (erased  map f) (BC₁.[]-cong [ x≡y ]) ]       ≡⟨ BC₂.[]-cong [ sym $ cong-∘ _ _ _ ] 
    [ cong erased (cong (map f) (BC₁.[]-cong [ x≡y ])) ]  ≡⟨ sym BC₂.[]-cong⁻¹≡[cong-erased] ⟩∎
    BC₂.[]-cong⁻¹ (cong (map f) (BC₁.[]-cong [ x≡y ]))    

  -- []-cong kind of commutes with cong.

  []-cong-cong :
    {@0 A : Type ℓ₁} {@0 B : Type ℓ₂}
    {@0 f : A  B} {@0 x y : A} {@0 p : x  y} 
    BC₂.[]-cong [ cong f p ]  cong (map f) (BC₁.[]-cong [ p ])
  []-cong-cong {f} =
       p  BC₂.[]-cong [ cong f p ] 
             cong (map f) (BC₁.[]-cong [ p ]))
      (BC₂.[]-cong [ cong f (refl _) ]        ≡⟨ cong BC₂.[]-cong (BC₂.[]-cong [ cong-refl _ ]) 
       BC₂.[]-cong [ refl _ ]                 ≡⟨ BC₂.[]-cong-[refl] 
       refl _                                 ≡⟨ sym $ cong-refl _ 
       cong (map f) (refl _)                  ≡⟨ sym $ cong (cong (map f)) BC₁.[]-cong-[refl] ⟩∎
       cong (map f) (BC₁.[]-cong [ refl _ ])  )

  -- Erased "commutes" with various things

  -- Erased "commutes" with Has-quasi-inverse.

  Erased-Has-quasi-inverse↔Has-quasi-inverse :
    {@0 A : Type ℓ₁} {@0 B : Type ℓ₂} {@0 f : A  B} 
    Erased (Has-quasi-inverse f) ↝[ ℓ₁  ℓ₂  ℓ₁  ℓ₂ ]
    Has-quasi-inverse (map f)
  Erased-Has-quasi-inverse↔Has-quasi-inverse {A} {B} {f} {k} ext =
    Erased ( λ g  (∀ x  f (g x)  x) × (∀ x  g (f x)  x))            ↔⟨ Erased-Σ↔Σ 

    ( λ g 
       Erased ((∀ x  f (erased g x)  x) × (∀ x  erased g (f x)  x)))  ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  from-isomorphism Erased-Σ↔Σ) 

    ( λ g 
       Erased (∀ x  f (erased g x)  x) ×
       Erased (∀ x  erased g (f x)  x))                                 ↝⟨ Σ-cong Erased-Π↔Π-Erased  g 
                                                                             lemma₁ (erased g) ×-cong lemma₂ (erased g)) ⟩□
    ( λ g  (∀ x  map f (g x)  x) × (∀ x  g (map f x)  x))           
    lemma₁ : (@0 g : B  A)  _ ↝[ k ] _
    lemma₁ g =
      Erased (∀ x  f (g x)  x)                    ↔⟨ Erased-Π↔Π-Erased 
      (∀ x  Erased (f (g (erased x))  erased x))  ↝⟨ (∀-cong (lower-extensionality? k ℓ₁ ℓ₁ ext) λ _ 
                                                        from-isomorphism BC₂.Erased-≡↔[]≡[]) 
      (∀ x  [ f (g (erased x)) ]  x)              ↔⟨⟩
      (∀ x  map (f  g) x  x)                     

    lemma₂ : (@0 g : B  A)  _ ↝[ k ] _
    lemma₂ g =
      Erased (∀ x  g (f x)  x)                    ↔⟨ Erased-Π↔Π-Erased 
      (∀ x  Erased (g (f (erased x))  erased x))  ↝⟨ (∀-cong (lower-extensionality? k ℓ₂ ℓ₂ ext) λ _ 
                                                        from-isomorphism BC₁.Erased-≡↔[]≡[]) 
      (∀ x  [ g (f (erased x)) ]  x)              ↔⟨⟩
      (∀ x  map (g  f) x  x)                     

  -- Erased "commutes" with HA.Proofs (assuming extensionality).

  Erased-Half-adjoint-proofs≃Half-adjoint-proofs :
    {@0 A : Type ℓ₁} {@0 B : Type ℓ₂} {@0 f : A  B} {@0 g : B  A} 
    Extensionality (ℓ₁  ℓ₂) (ℓ₁  ℓ₂) 
    Erased (HA.Proofs f g)  HA.Proofs (map f) (map g)
  Erased-Half-adjoint-proofs≃Half-adjoint-proofs {A} {B} {f} {g} ext =
    Erased (HA.Proofs f g)                                                ↔⟨⟩

      ( λ (f-g : (x : B)  f (g x)  x) 
        λ (g-f : (x : A)  g (f x)  x) 
       (x : A)  cong f (g-f x)  f-g (f x))                              ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  Erased-Σ↔Σ) F.∘
    ( λ (f-g : Erased ((x : B)  f (g x)  x)) 
      λ (g-f : Erased ((x : A)  g (f x)  x)) 
     Erased ((x : A)  cong f (erased g-f x)  erased f-g (f x)))         ↔⟨ (Σ-cong Erased-Π↔Π-Erased λ _ 
                                                                              Σ-cong Erased-Π↔Π-Erased λ _ 
    ( λ (f-g : (x : Erased B)  Erased (f (g (erased x))  erased x)) 
      λ (g-f : (x : Erased A)  Erased (g (f (erased x))  erased x)) 
     (x : Erased A) 
     Erased (cong f (erased (g-f x))  erased (f-g (map f x))))           ↝⟨ (Σ-cong (∀-cong (lower-extensionality ℓ₁ ℓ₁ ext) λ _ 
                                                                                      BC₂.Erased-≡≃[]≡[]) λ f-g 
                                                                              Σ-cong (∀-cong (lower-extensionality ℓ₂ ℓ₂ ext) λ _ 
                                                                                      BC₁.Erased-≡≃[]≡[]) λ g-f 
                                                                              ∀-cong (lower-extensionality ℓ₂ ℓ₁ ext) λ x 
      Erased (cong f (erased (g-f x))  erased (f-g (map f x)))                 ↝⟨ BC₂.Erased-≡≃[]≡[] 

      map (cong f) (g-f x)  f-g (map f x)                                      ↝⟨ inverse $ Eq.≃-≡ BC₂.Erased-≡≃[]≡[] 

      BC₂.[]-cong (map (cong f) (g-f x))  BC₂.[]-cong (f-g (map f x))          ↔⟨⟩

      BC₂.[]-cong [ cong f (erased (g-f x)) ] 
      BC₂.[]-cong (f-g (map f x))                                               ↝⟨ ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong (_≡ _) $
                                                                                        BC₂.[]-cong [ cong f eq ] 
                                                                                        cong (map f) (BC₁.[]-cong [ eq ]))
        BC₂.[]-cong [ cong f (refl x) ]                                                 ≡⟨ cong BC₂.[]-cong $ BC₂.[]-cong [ cong-refl _ ] 
        BC₂.[]-cong [ refl (f x) ]                                                      ≡⟨ BC₂.[]-cong-[refl] 
        refl [ f x ]                                                                    ≡⟨ sym $ cong-refl _ 
        cong (map f) (refl [ x ])                                                       ≡⟨ cong (cong (map f)) $ sym BC₁.[]-cong-[refl] ⟩∎
        cong (map f) (BC₁.[]-cong [ refl x ])                                           )
      cong (map f) (BC₁.[]-cong [ erased (g-f x) ]) 
      BC₂.[]-cong (f-g (map f x))                                               ↔⟨⟩

      cong (map f) (BC₁.[]-cong (g-f x))  BC₂.[]-cong (f-g (map f x))          ) 

    ( λ (f-g : (x : Erased B)  map (f  g) x  x) 
      λ (g-f : (x : Erased A)  map (g  f) x  x) 
     (x : Erased A)  cong (map f) (g-f x)  f-g (map f x))               ↔⟨⟩

    HA.Proofs (map f) (map g)                                             

-- Some results that follow if the []-cong axioms hold for the maximum
-- of two universe levels (as well as for the two universe levels)

-- It is possible to instantiate the first two arguments using the
-- third and lower-[]-cong-axiomatisation, but this is not what is
-- done in the module []-cong below.

module []-cong₂-⊔
  (ax₁ : []-cong-axiomatisation ℓ₁)
  (ax₂ : []-cong-axiomatisation ℓ₂)
  (ax  : []-cong-axiomatisation (ℓ₁  ℓ₂))

    module EC  = Erased-cong ax ax
    module BC₁ = []-cong₁ ax₁
    module BC₂ = []-cong₁ ax₂
    module BC  = []-cong₁ ax

  -- A property related to "Modalities in Homotopy Type Theory" by
  -- Rijke, Shulman and Spitters

  -- A function f is Erased-connected in the sense of Rijke et al.
  -- exactly when there is an erased proof showing that f is an
  -- equivalence (assuming extensionality).
  -- See also Erased-Is-equivalence↔Is-equivalence below.

  Erased-connected↔Erased-Is-equivalence :
    {@0 A : Type ℓ₁} {B : Type ℓ₂} {@0 f : A  B} 
    (∀ y  Contractible (Erased (f ⁻¹ y))) ↝[ ℓ₁  ℓ₂  ℓ₁  ℓ₂ ]
    Erased (Is-equivalence f)
  Erased-connected↔Erased-Is-equivalence {f} {k} ext =
    (∀ y  Contractible (Erased (f ⁻¹ y)))  ↝⟨ (∀-cong (lower-extensionality? k ℓ₁ lzero ext) λ _ 
                                                inverse-ext? (BC.Erased-H-level↔H-level 0) ext) 
    (∀ y  Erased (Contractible (f ⁻¹ y)))  ↔⟨ inverse Erased-Π↔Π 
    Erased (∀ y  Contractible (f ⁻¹ y))    ↔⟨⟩
    Erased (CP.Is-equivalence f)            ↝⟨ inverse-ext?  ext  EC.Erased-cong? Is-equivalence≃Is-equivalence-CP ext) ext ⟩□
    Erased (Is-equivalence f)               

  -- Erased "commutes" with various things

  -- Erased "commutes" with Is-equivalence.

  Erased-Is-equivalence↔Is-equivalence :
    {@0 A : Type ℓ₁} {@0 B : Type ℓ₂} {@0 f : A  B} 
    Erased (Is-equivalence f) ↝[ ℓ₁  ℓ₂  ℓ₁  ℓ₂ ]
    Is-equivalence (map f)
  Erased-Is-equivalence↔Is-equivalence {f} {k} ext =
    Erased (Is-equivalence f)                      ↝⟨ EC.Erased-cong? Is-equivalence≃Is-equivalence-CP ext 
    Erased (∀ x  Contractible (f ⁻¹ x))           ↔⟨ Erased-Π↔Π-Erased 
    (∀ x  Erased (Contractible (f ⁻¹ erased x)))  ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext′ λ _  BC.Erased-H-level↔H-level 0 ext) 
    (∀ x  Contractible (Erased (f ⁻¹ erased x)))  ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext′ λ _  H-level-cong ext 0 BC₂.Erased-⁻¹) 
    (∀ x  Contractible (map f ⁻¹ x))              ↝⟨ inverse-ext? Is-equivalence≃Is-equivalence-CP ext ⟩□
    Is-equivalence (map f)                         
    ext′ = lower-extensionality? k ℓ₁ lzero ext

  -- Erased "commutes" with Injective.

  Erased-Injective↔Injective :
    {@0 A : Type ℓ₁} {@0 B : Type ℓ₂} {@0 f : A  B} 
    Erased (Injective f) ↝[ ℓ₁  ℓ₂  ℓ₁  ℓ₂ ] Injective (map f)
  Erased-Injective↔Injective {f} {k} ext =
    Erased (∀ {x y}  f x  f y  x  y)                          ↔⟨ EC.Erased-cong-↔ Bijection.implicit-Π↔Π 

    Erased (∀ x {y}  f x  f y  x  y)                          ↝⟨ EC.Erased-cong?
                                                                        {k} ext 
                                                                          ∀-cong (lower-extensionality? k ℓ₂ lzero ext) λ _ 
                                                                          from-isomorphism Bijection.implicit-Π↔Π)

    Erased (∀ x y  f x  f y  x  y)                            ↔⟨ Erased-Π↔Π-Erased 

    (∀ x  Erased (∀ y  f (erased x)  f y  erased x  y))      ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext′ λ _  from-isomorphism Erased-Π↔Π-Erased) 

    (∀ x y 
     Erased (f (erased x)  f (erased y)  erased x  erased y))  ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext′ λ _  ∀-cong ext′ λ _  from-isomorphism Erased-Π↔Π-Erased) 

    (∀ x y 
     Erased (f (erased x)  f (erased y)) 
     Erased (erased x  erased y))                                ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext′ λ _  ∀-cong ext′ λ _ 
                                                                         {k} ext  →-cong (lower-extensionality?  k ⌋-sym ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ext)
                                                                                            (from-isomorphism BC₂.Erased-≡↔[]≡[])
                                                                                            (from-isomorphism BC₁.Erased-≡↔[]≡[]))

    (∀ x y  [ f (erased x) ]  [ f (erased y) ]  x  y)         ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext′ λ _  from-isomorphism $ inverse Bijection.implicit-Π↔Π) 

    (∀ x {y}  [ f (erased x) ]  [ f (erased y) ]  x  y)       ↔⟨ inverse Bijection.implicit-Π↔Π ⟩□

    (∀ {x y}  [ f (erased x) ]  [ f (erased y) ]  x  y)       
    ext′ = lower-extensionality? k ℓ₂ lzero ext

  -- Erased "commutes" with Is-embedding.

  Erased-Is-embedding↔Is-embedding :
    {@0 A : Type ℓ₁} {@0 B : Type ℓ₂} {@0 f : A  B} 
    Erased (Is-embedding f) ↝[ ℓ₁  ℓ₂  ℓ₁  ℓ₂ ] Is-embedding (map f)
  Erased-Is-embedding↔Is-embedding {f} {k} ext =
    Erased (∀ x y  Is-equivalence (cong f))                         ↔⟨ Erased-Π↔Π-Erased 

    (∀ x  Erased (∀ y  Is-equivalence (cong f)))                   ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext′ λ _  from-isomorphism Erased-Π↔Π-Erased) 

    (∀ x y  Erased (Is-equivalence (cong f)))                       ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext′ λ _  ∀-cong ext′ λ _ 
                                                                         Erased-Is-equivalence↔Is-equivalence ext) 

    (∀ x y  Is-equivalence (map (cong f)))                          ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext′ λ x  ∀-cong ext′ λ y 
                                                                         Is-equivalence-cong ext λ _  []-cong₂.map-cong≡cong-map ax₁ ax₂) 

    (∀ x y 
       Is-equivalence (BC₂.[]-cong⁻¹  cong (map f)  BC₁.[]-cong))  ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext′ λ _  ∀-cong ext′ λ _ 
                                                                           (Is-equivalence≃Is-equivalence-∘ʳ BC₁.[]-cong-equivalence)

    (∀ x y  Is-equivalence (BC₂.[]-cong⁻¹  cong (map f)))          ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext′ λ _  ∀-cong ext′ λ _ 
                                                                              (_≃_.is-equivalence $ from-isomorphism $ inverse
                                                                           ext) ⟩□
    (∀ x y  Is-equivalence (cong (map f)))                          
    ext′ = lower-extensionality? k ℓ₂ lzero ext

  -- Erased commutes with various type formers

  -- Erased commutes with _⇔_.

  Erased-⇔↔⇔ :
    {@0 A : Type ℓ₁} {@0 B : Type ℓ₂} 
    Erased (A  B)  (Erased A  Erased B)
  Erased-⇔↔⇔ {A} {B} =
    Erased (A  B)                                 ↝⟨ EC.Erased-cong-↔ ⇔↔→×→ 
    Erased ((A  B) × (B  A))                     ↝⟨ Erased-Σ↔Σ 
    Erased (A  B) × Erased (B  A)                ↝⟨ Erased-Π↔Π-Erased ×-cong Erased-Π↔Π-Erased 
    (Erased A  Erased B) × (Erased B  Erased A)  ↝⟨ inverse ⇔↔→×→ ⟩□
    (Erased A  Erased B)                          

  -- Erased commutes with _↣_.

  Erased-cong-↣ :
    {@0 A : Type ℓ₁} {@0 B : Type ℓ₂} 
    @0 A  B  Erased A  Erased B
  Erased-cong-↣ A↣B = record
    { to        = map (_↣_.to A↣B)
    ; injective = Erased-Injective↔Injective _ [ _↣_.injective A↣B ]

-- Some results that follow if the []-cong axioms hold for all
-- universe levels

module []-cong (ax :  {}  []-cong-axiomatisation ) where

    open module EC {ℓ₁ ℓ₂} =
      Erased-cong (ax { = ℓ₁}) (ax { = ℓ₂})
    open module BC₁ {} =
      []-cong₁ (ax { = })
    open module BC₂ {ℓ₁ ℓ₂} = []-cong₂ (ax { = ℓ₁}) (ax { = ℓ₂})
    open module BC₂-⊔ {ℓ₁ ℓ₂} =
      []-cong₂-⊔ (ax { = ℓ₁}) (ax { = ℓ₂}) (ax { = ℓ₁  ℓ₂})

-- Some results that were proved assuming extensionality and also that
-- one or more instances of the []-cong axioms can be implemented,
-- reproved without the latter assumptions

module Extensionality where

  -- Erased commutes with H-level′ n (assuming extensionality).

  Erased-H-level′≃H-level′ :
    {@0 A : Type a} 
    Extensionality a a 
     n  Erased (H-level′ n A)  H-level′ n (Erased A)
  Erased-H-level′≃H-level′ ext n =
      (Extensionality→[]-cong-axiomatisation ext)

  -- Erased commutes with H-level n (assuming extensionality).

  Erased-H-level≃H-level :
    {@0 A : Type a} 
    Extensionality a a 
     n  Erased (H-level n A)  H-level n (Erased A)
  Erased-H-level≃H-level ext n =
      (Extensionality→[]-cong-axiomatisation ext)

  -- If A is a set, then Decidable-erased-equality A is a proposition
  -- (assuming extensionality).

  Is-proposition-Decidable-erased-equality′ :
    {A : Type a} 
    Extensionality a a 
    @0 Is-set A 
    Is-proposition (Decidable-erased-equality A)
  Is-proposition-Decidable-erased-equality′ ext =
      (Extensionality→[]-cong-axiomatisation ext)

  -- Erased "commutes" with Split-surjective.

  Erased-Split-surjective≃Split-surjective :
    {@0 A : Type a} {@0 B : Type b} {@0 f : A  B} 
    Extensionality b (a  b) 
    Erased (Split-surjective f)  Split-surjective (map f)
  Erased-Split-surjective≃Split-surjective {a} ext =
         (lower-extensionality lzero a ext))

  -- A function f is Erased-connected in the sense of Rijke et al.
  -- exactly when there is an erased proof showing that f is an
  -- equivalence (assuming extensionality).

  Erased-connected≃Erased-Is-equivalence :
    {@0 A : Type a} {B : Type b} {@0 f : A  B} 
    Extensionality (a  b) (a  b) 
    (∀ y  Contractible (Erased (f ⁻¹ y)))  Erased (Is-equivalence f)
  Erased-connected≃Erased-Is-equivalence {a} {b} ext =
         (lower-extensionality b b ext))
         (lower-extensionality a a ext))
      (Extensionality→[]-cong-axiomatisation ext)

  -- Erased "commutes" with Is-equivalence (assuming extensionality).

  Erased-Is-equivalence≃Is-equivalence :
    {@0 A : Type a} {@0 B : Type b} {@0 f : A  B} 
    Extensionality (a  b) (a  b) 
    Erased (Is-equivalence f)  Is-equivalence (map f)
  Erased-Is-equivalence≃Is-equivalence {a} {b} ext =
         (lower-extensionality b b ext))
         (lower-extensionality a a ext))
      (Extensionality→[]-cong-axiomatisation ext)

  -- Erased "commutes" with Has-quasi-inverse (assuming
  -- extensionality).

  Erased-Has-quasi-inverse≃Has-quasi-inverse :
    {@0 A : Type a} {@0 B : Type b} {@0 f : A  B} 
    Extensionality (a  b) (a  b) 
    Erased (Has-quasi-inverse f)  Has-quasi-inverse (map f)
  Erased-Has-quasi-inverse≃Has-quasi-inverse {a} {b} ext =
         (lower-extensionality b b ext))
         (lower-extensionality a a ext))

  -- Erased "commutes" with Injective (assuming extensionality).

  Erased-Injective≃Injective :
    {@0 A : Type a} {@0 B : Type b} {@0 f : A  B} 
    Extensionality (a  b) (a  b) 
    Erased (Injective f)  Injective (map f)
  Erased-Injective≃Injective {a} {b} ext =
         (lower-extensionality b b ext))
         (lower-extensionality a a ext))
      (Extensionality→[]-cong-axiomatisation ext)

  -- Erased "commutes" with Is-embedding (assuming extensionality).

  Erased-Is-embedding≃Is-embedding :
    {@0 A : Type a} {@0 B : Type b} {@0 f : A  B} 
    Extensionality (a  b) (a  b) 
    Erased (Is-embedding f)  Is-embedding (map f)
  Erased-Is-embedding≃Is-embedding {a} {b} ext =
         (lower-extensionality b b ext))
         (lower-extensionality a a ext))
      (Extensionality→[]-cong-axiomatisation ext)

-- Some lemmas related to []-cong-axiomatisation

-- The []-cong axioms can be instantiated in erased contexts.

@0 erased-instance-of-[]-cong-axiomatisation :
  []-cong-axiomatisation a
  .[]-cong-axiomatisation.[]-cong =
  cong [_]→  erased
  .[]-cong-axiomatisation.[]-cong-[refl] {x} =
  cong [_]→ (erased [ refl x ])  ≡⟨⟩
  cong [_]→ (refl x)             ≡⟨ cong-refl _ ⟩∎
  refl [ x ]                     

-- If the []-cong axioms can be implemented for a certain universe
-- level, then they can also be implemented for all smaller universe
-- levels.

lower-[]-cong-axiomatisation :
   a′  []-cong-axiomatisation (a  a′)  []-cong-axiomatisation a
lower-[]-cong-axiomatisation {a} a′ ax = λ where
    .[]-cong-axiomatisation.[]-cong         []-cong′
    .[]-cong-axiomatisation.[]-cong-[refl]  []-cong′-[refl]
  open []-cong₁ ax

  lemma :
    {@0 A : Type a} {@0 x y : A} 
    Erased (lift { = a′} x  lift y)  ([ x ]  [ y ])
  lemma {x} {y} =
    Erased (lift { = a′} x  lift y)  ↝⟨ Erased-≡≃[]≡[] 
    [ lift x ]  [ lift y ]            ↝⟨ inverse $ Eq.≃-≡ (Eq.↔→≃ (map lower) (map lift) refl refl) ⟩□
    [ x ]  [ y ]                      

  []-cong′ :
    {@0 A : Type a} {@0 x y : A} 
    Erased (x  y)  [ x ]  [ y ]
  []-cong′ {x} {y} =
    Erased (x  y)                     ↝⟨ map (cong lift) 
    Erased (lift { = a′} x  lift y)  ↔⟨ lemma ⟩□
    [ x ]  [ y ]                      

  []-cong′-[refl] :
    {@0 A : Type a} {@0 x : A} 
    []-cong′ [ refl x ]  refl [ x ]
  []-cong′-[refl] {x} =
    cong (map lower) ([]-cong [ cong lift (refl x) ])  ≡⟨ cong (cong (map lower)  []-cong) $ []-cong [ cong-refl _ ] 
    cong (map lower) ([]-cong [ refl (lift x) ])       ≡⟨ cong (cong (map lower)) []-cong-[refl] 
    cong (map lower) (refl [ lift x ])                 ≡⟨ cong-refl _ ⟩∎
    refl [ x ]                                         

-- Any two implementations of []-cong are pointwise equal.

[]-cong-unique :
  {@0 A : Type a} {@0 x y : A} {x≡y : Erased (x  y)}
  (ax₁ ax₂ : []-cong-axiomatisation a) 
  []-cong-axiomatisation.[]-cong ax₁ x≡y 
  []-cong-axiomatisation.[]-cong ax₂ x≡y
[]-cong-unique {x} ax₁ ax₂ =
     x≡y  BC₁.[]-cong [ x≡y ]  BC₂.[]-cong [ x≡y ])
    (BC₁.[]-cong [ refl x ]  ≡⟨ BC₁.[]-cong-[refl] 
     refl [ x ]              ≡⟨ sym BC₂.[]-cong-[refl] ⟩∎
     BC₂.[]-cong [ refl x ]  )
  module BC₁ = []-cong₁ ax₁
  module BC₂ = []-cong₁ ax₂

-- The type []-cong-axiomatisation a is propositional (assuming
-- extensionality).
-- The proof is based on a proof due to Nicolai Kraus that shows that
-- "J + its computation rule" is contractible, see
-- Equality.Instances-related.Equality-with-J-contractible.

[]-cong-axiomatisation-propositional :
  Extensionality (lsuc a) a 
  Is-proposition ([]-cong-axiomatisation a)
[]-cong-axiomatisation-propositional {a} ext =
  [inhabited⇒contractible]⇒propositional λ ax 
  let module BC = []-cong₁ ax
      module EC = Erased-cong ax ax
  _⇔_.from contractible⇔↔⊤
    ([]-cong-axiomatisation a                                             ↔⟨ Eq.↔→≃
                                                                                (record { []-cong             = c
                                                                                          ; []-cong-[refl]      = r
                                                                                     ([ _ , _ , x≡y ])  c [ x≡y ])
                                                                                  ,  _  r))
                                                                                f  record
                                                                                  { []-cong        = λ ([ x≡y ]) 
                                                                                                       f _ .proj₁ [ _ , _ , x≡y ]
                                                                                  ; []-cong-[refl] = f _ .proj₂ _
     ((([ A ]) : Erased (Type a)) 
       λ (c : ((([ x , y , _ ]) : Erased (A ²/≡))  [ x ]  [ y ])) 
        ((([ x ]) : Erased A)  c [ x , x , refl x ]  refl [ x ]))       ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                                                (inverse $
                                                                                 Π-cong ext′ (EC.Erased-cong-↔ (inverse U.-²/≡↔-)) λ _ 
                                                                                 λ _ 
     ((([ A ]) : Erased (Type a)) 
       λ (c : ((x : Erased A)  x  x)) 
        ((x : Erased A)  c x  refl x))                                  ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  inverse
     ((([ A ]) : Erased (Type a)) (x : Erased A) 
       λ (c : x  x)  c  refl x)                                       ↔⟨⟩

     ((([ A ]) : Erased (Type a)) (x : Erased A)  Singleton (refl x))    ↝⟨ _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                                                               (Π-closure ext  0 λ _ 
                                                                                Π-closure ext′ 0 λ _ 
                                                                                singleton-contractible _) ⟩□
  ext′ : Extensionality a a
  ext′ = lower-extensionality _ lzero ext

-- The type []-cong-axiomatisation a is contractible (assuming
-- extensionality).

[]-cong-axiomatisation-contractible :
  Extensionality (lsuc a) a 
  Contractible ([]-cong-axiomatisation a)
[]-cong-axiomatisation-contractible {a} ext =
    ([]-cong-axiomatisation-propositional ext)
       (lower-extensionality _ lzero ext))

-- An alternative to []-cong-axiomatisation

-- An axiomatisation of "the inverse of []-cong".

[]-cong⁻¹-axiomatisation : ( : Level)  Type (lsuc )
[]-cong⁻¹-axiomatisation  =
  {A : Type } {x y : A} 
  Is-equivalence  (eq : [ x ]  [ y ])  [ cong erased eq ])

-- The type []-cong⁻¹-axiomatisation ℓ is propositional (assuming
-- function extensionality).

[]-cong⁻¹-axiomatisation-propositional :
  Extensionality (lsuc )  
  Is-proposition ([]-cong⁻¹-axiomatisation )
[]-cong⁻¹-axiomatisation-propositional {} ext =
  implicit-Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
  implicit-Π-closure ext′ 1 λ _ 
  implicit-Π-closure ext′ 1 λ _ 
  Is-equivalence-propositional ext′
  ext′ : Extensionality  
  ext′ = lower-extensionality _ lzero ext

-- The type []-cong-axiomatisation ℓ is equivalent to
-- []-cong⁻¹-axiomatisation ℓ (assuming extensionality).

[]-cong-axiomatisation≃[]-cong⁻¹-axiomatisation :
  []-cong-axiomatisation  ↝[ lsuc    ] []-cong⁻¹-axiomatisation 
[]-cong-axiomatisation≃[]-cong⁻¹-axiomatisation =
       { to   = to
       ; from = []-cong-axiomatisation′→[]-cong-axiomatisation  from
  to : []-cong-axiomatisation   []-cong⁻¹-axiomatisation 
  to ax {x} {y} =                                                 $⟨ _≃_.is-equivalence $ inverse Erased-≡≃[]≡[] 
    Is-equivalence ([]-cong⁻¹ {x = x} {y = y})                    →⟨ (Is-equivalence-cong _ λ _  []-cong⁻¹≡[cong-erased]) ⟩□
    Is-equivalence  (eq : [ x ]  [ y ])  [ cong erased eq ])  
    open []-cong₁ ax

  module _ (ax : []-cong⁻¹-axiomatisation ) where

    Erased-≡≃[]≡[] :
      {A : Type } {x y : A} 
      Erased (x  y)  ([ x ]  [ y ])
    Erased-≡≃[]≡[] = inverse Eq.⟨ _ , ax 

    []-cong :
      {A : Type } {x y : A} 
      Erased (x  y)  [ x ]  [ y ]
    []-cong = _≃_.to Erased-≡≃[]≡[]

    []-cong⁻¹ :
      {A : Type } {x y : A} 
      [ x ]  [ y ]  Erased (x  y)
    []-cong⁻¹ eq = [ cong erased eq ]

    []-cong₀ :
      {@0 A : Type } {@0 x y : A} 
      Erased (x  y)  [ x ]  [ y ]
    []-cong₀ {A} {x} {y} =
      Erased (x  y)          →⟨ map (cong [_]→) 
      Erased ([ x ]  [ y ])  →⟨ []-cong 
      [ [ x ] ]  [ [ y ] ]   →⟨ cong (map erased) ⟩□
      [ x ]  [ y ]           

    from : []-cong-axiomatisation′ 
    from .[]-cong-axiomatisation′.[]-cong =
    from .[]-cong-axiomatisation′.[]-cong-[refl] {x} =
      _≃_.from-to Erased-≡≃[]≡[]
        ([]-cong⁻¹ (refl [ x ])        ≡⟨⟩
         [ cong erased (refl [ x ]) ]  ≡⟨ []-cong₀ [ cong-refl _ ] ⟩∎
         [ refl x ]                    )

-- Some lemmas related to ≡→Erased[erased≡erased]-axiomatisation

-- The type []-cong⁻¹-axiomatisation ℓ is equivalent to
-- ≡→Erased[erased≡erased]-axiomatisation ℓ (assuming function
-- extensionality).

[]-cong⁻¹-axiomatisation≃≡→Erased[erased≡erased]-axiomatisation :
  []-cong⁻¹-axiomatisation  ↝[ lsuc    ]
[]-cong⁻¹-axiomatisation≃≡→Erased[erased≡erased]-axiomatisation {} =
    (record { to = to; from = from })
  from :
  from ax {x} {y} =                                                 $⟨ ax 

      (≡→Erased[erased≡erased]  ([ x ]  [ y ]  Erased (x  y)))  →⟨ id ⟩□

    Is-equivalence  (eq : [ x ]  [ y ])  [ cong erased eq ])    

  to :
  to ax {x} {y} =                                             $⟨ _≃_.is-equivalence $ inverse Erased-≡≃[]≡[] 
    Is-equivalence ([]-cong⁻¹ {x = erased x} {y = erased y})  →⟨ (Is-equivalence-cong _ λ _  []-cong⁻¹≡[cong-erased]) ⟩□
    Is-equivalence (≡→Erased[erased≡erased] {x = x} {y = y})  
    open []-cong₁
      (_⇔_.from ([]-cong-axiomatisation≃[]-cong⁻¹-axiomatisation _) ax)

-- The type []-cong-axiomatisation ℓ is equivalent to
-- ≡→Erased[erased≡erased]-axiomatisation ℓ (assuming function
-- extensionality).

[]-cong-axiomatisation≃≡→Erased[erased≡erased]-axiomatisation :
  []-cong-axiomatisation  ↝[ lsuc    ]
[]-cong-axiomatisation≃≡→Erased[erased≡erased]-axiomatisation {} ext =
  []-cong-axiomatisation                   ↝⟨ []-cong-axiomatisation≃[]-cong⁻¹-axiomatisation ext 
  []-cong⁻¹-axiomatisation                 ↝⟨ []-cong⁻¹-axiomatisation≃≡→Erased[erased≡erased]-axiomatisation ext ⟩□

-- Another alternative to []-cong-axiomatisation

-- An axiomatisation of substᴱ, restricted to a fixed universe, along
-- with its computation rule.

Substᴱ-axiomatisation : ( : Level)  Type (lsuc )
Substᴱ-axiomatisation  =
   λ (substᴱ :
         {@0 A : Type } {@0 x y : A}
         (P : @0 A  Type )  @0 x  y  P x  P y) 
    {@0 A : Type } {@0 x : A} {P : @0 A  Type } {p : P x} 
    substᴱ P (refl x) p  p


  -- The type []-cong-axiomatisation ℓ is logically equivalent to
  -- Substᴱ-axiomatisation ℓ.

  []-cong-axiomatisation⇔Substᴱ-axiomatisation :
    []-cong-axiomatisation   Substᴱ-axiomatisation 
  []-cong-axiomatisation⇔Substᴱ-axiomatisation {} =
    record { to = to; from = from }
    to : []-cong-axiomatisation   Substᴱ-axiomatisation 
    to ax = []-cong₁.substᴱ ax , []-cong₁.substᴱ-refl ax

    from : Substᴱ-axiomatisation   []-cong-axiomatisation 
    from (substᴱ , substᴱ-refl) = λ where
      []-cong :
        {@0 A : Type } {@0 x y : A} 
        Erased (x  y)  [ x ]  [ y ]
      []-cong {x} ([ x≡y ]) =
        substᴱ  y  [ x ]  [ y ]) x≡y (refl [ x ])

-- The type Substᴱ-axiomatisation ℓ is propositional (assuming
-- extensionality).
-- The proof is based on a proof due to Nicolai Kraus that shows that
-- "J + its computation rule" is contractible, see
-- Equality.Instances-related.Equality-with-J-contractible.

Substᴱ-axiomatisation-propositional :
  Extensionality (lsuc ) (lsuc ) 
  Is-proposition (Substᴱ-axiomatisation )
Substᴱ-axiomatisation-propositional {} ext =
  [inhabited⇒contractible]⇒propositional λ ax 
  let ax′ = _⇔_.from []-cong-axiomatisation⇔Substᴱ-axiomatisation ax

      module EC = Erased-cong ax′ ax′
  _⇔_.from contractible⇔↔⊤
    (Substᴱ-axiomatisation                                             ↔⟨ Eq.↔→≃
                                                                              (substᴱ , substᴱ-refl) _ P 
                                                                                   ([ _ , _ , x≡y ])  substᴱ  A  P [ A ]) x≡y)
                                                                                ,  _ _  substᴱ-refl))
                                                                                   P x≡y p  hyp _  ([ A ])  P A) .proj₁ [ _ , _ , x≡y ] p)
                                                                                , hyp _ _ .proj₂ _ _)
     ((([ A ]) : Erased (Type )) (P : Erased A  Type ) 
       λ (s : ((([ x , y , _ ]) : Erased (A ²/≡)) 
                P [ x ]  P [ y ])) 
        ((([ x ]) : Erased A) (p : P [ x ]) 
         s [ x , x , refl x ] p  p))                                   ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext′ λ _ 
                                                                              (inverse $
                                                                               Π-cong ext″ (EC.Erased-cong-↔ (inverse U.-²/≡↔-)) λ _ 
                                                                               _  Bijection.id)) 
     ((([ A ]) : Erased (Type )) (P : Erased A  Type ) 
       λ (s : ((([ x ]) : Erased A)  P [ x ]  P [ x ])) 
        ((([ x ]) : Erased A) (p : P [ x ])  s [ x ] p  p))           ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext′ λ _  inverse $
                                                                            ΠΣ-comm F.∘
                                                                            (∀-cong ext″ λ _  ΠΣ-comm)) 
     ((([ A ]) : Erased (Type )) (P : Erased A  Type )
      (x : Erased A) (p : P x)   λ (p′ : P x)  p′  p)               ↔⟨⟩

     ((([ A ]) : Erased (Type )) (P : Erased A  Type )
      (x : Erased A) (p : P x)  Singleton p)                           ↝⟨ (_⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                                                            Π-closure ext  0 λ _ 
                                                                            Π-closure ext′ 0 λ _ 
                                                                            Π-closure ext″ 0 λ _ 
                                                                            Π-closure ext″ 0 λ _ 
                                                                            singleton-contractible _) ⟩□
  ext′ : Extensionality (lsuc ) 
  ext′ = lower-extensionality lzero _ ext

  ext″ : Extensionality  
  ext″ = lower-extensionality _ _ ext

-- The type []-cong-axiomatisation ℓ is equivalent to
-- Substᴱ-axiomatisation ℓ (assuming extensionality).

[]-cong-axiomatisation≃Substᴱ-axiomatisation :
  []-cong-axiomatisation  ↝[ lsuc   lsuc  ] Substᴱ-axiomatisation 
[]-cong-axiomatisation≃Substᴱ-axiomatisation {} =
     lower-extensionality lzero _)

-- Yet another alternative to []-cong-axiomatisation

-- An axiomatisation of elim¹ᴱ, restricted to a fixed universe, along
-- with its computation rule.

Elimᴱ-axiomatisation : ( : Level)  Type (lsuc )
Elimᴱ-axiomatisation  =
   λ (elimᴱ :
         {@0 A : Type } {@0 x y : A}
         (P : {@0 x y : A}  @0 x  y  Type ) 
         ((@0 x : A)  P (refl x)) 
         (@0 x≡y : x  y)  P x≡y) 
    {@0 A : Type } {@0 x : A} {P : {@0 x y : A}  @0 x  y  Type }
    (r : (@0 x : A)  P (refl x)) 
    elimᴱ P r (refl x)  r x


  -- The type Substᴱ-axiomatisation ℓ is logically equivalent to
  -- Elimᴱ-axiomatisation ℓ.

  Substᴱ-axiomatisation⇔Elimᴱ-axiomatisation :
    Substᴱ-axiomatisation   Elimᴱ-axiomatisation 
  Substᴱ-axiomatisation⇔Elimᴱ-axiomatisation {} =
    record { to = to; from = from }
    to : Substᴱ-axiomatisation   Elimᴱ-axiomatisation 
    to ax = elimᴱ , elimᴱ-refl
          (_⇔_.from []-cong-axiomatisation⇔Substᴱ-axiomatisation ax)

    from : Elimᴱ-axiomatisation   Substᴱ-axiomatisation 
    from (elimᴱ , elimᴱ-refl) =
         P x≡y p 
           elimᴱ  {x = x} {y = y} _  P x  P y)  _  id) x≡y p)
      ,  {_ _ _ p}  cong (_$ p) $ elimᴱ-refl _)

-- The type Elimᴱ-axiomatisation ℓ is propositional (assuming
-- extensionality).
-- The proof is based on a proof due to Nicolai Kraus that shows that
-- "J + its computation rule" is contractible, see
-- Equality.Instances-related.Equality-with-J-contractible.

Elimᴱ-axiomatisation-propositional :
  Extensionality (lsuc ) (lsuc ) 
  Is-proposition (Elimᴱ-axiomatisation )
Elimᴱ-axiomatisation-propositional {} ext =
  [inhabited⇒contractible]⇒propositional λ ax 
  let ax′ = _⇔_.from []-cong-axiomatisation⇔Substᴱ-axiomatisation $
            _⇔_.from Substᴱ-axiomatisation⇔Elimᴱ-axiomatisation ax

      module EC = Erased-cong ax′ ax′
  _⇔_.from contractible⇔↔⊤
    (Elimᴱ-axiomatisation                                        ↔⟨ Eq.↔→≃
                                                                        (elimᴱ , elimᴱ-refl) _ P r 
                                                                             ([ _ , _ , x≡y ]) 
                                                                               elimᴱ  x≡y  P [ _ , _ , x≡y ])  x  r [ x ]) x≡y)
                                                                          ,  _  elimᴱ-refl _))
                                                                             P r x≡y 
                                                                               hyp _  ([ _ , _ , x≡y ])  P x≡y)  ([ x ])  r x)
                                                                                 .proj₁ [ _ , _ , x≡y ])
                                                                          ,  _  hyp _ _ _ .proj₂ _))
     ((([ A ]) : Erased (Type ))
      (P : Erased (A ²/≡)  Type )
      (r : (([ x ]) : Erased A)  P [ x , x , refl x ]) 
       λ (e : (x : Erased (A ²/≡))  P x) 
        ((([ x ]) : Erased A)  e [ x , x , refl x ]  r [ x ]))  ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                                      Π-cong {k₁ = bijection} ext′
                                                                        (→-cong₁ ext″ (EC.Erased-cong-↔ U.-²/≡↔-)) λ _ 
                                                                        ∀-cong ext‴ λ _ 
                                                                          (inverse $
                                                                           Π-cong ext‴ (EC.Erased-cong-↔ (inverse U.-²/≡↔-)) λ _ 
                                                                           _  Bijection.id)) 
     ((([ A ]) : Erased (Type ))
      (P : Erased A  Type )
      (r : (x : Erased A)  P x) 
       λ (e : (x : Erased A)  P x) 
        (x : Erased A)  e x  r x)                               ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext′ λ _  ∀-cong ext‴ λ _  inverse
     ((([ A ]) : Erased (Type ))
      (P : Erased A  Type )
      (r : (x : Erased A)  P x)
      (x : Erased A) 
       λ (p : P x)  p  r x)                                    ↝⟨ (_⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                                                      Π-closure ext  0 λ _ 
                                                                      Π-closure ext′ 0 λ _ 
                                                                      Π-closure ext‴ 0 λ _ 
                                                                      Π-closure ext‴ 0 λ _ 
                                                                      singleton-contractible _) ⟩□
  ext′ : Extensionality (lsuc ) 
  ext′ = lower-extensionality lzero _ ext

  ext″ : Extensionality  (lsuc )
  ext″ = lower-extensionality _ lzero ext

  ext‴ : Extensionality  
  ext‴ = lower-extensionality _ _ ext

-- The type Substᴱ-axiomatisation ℓ is equivalent to
-- Elimᴱ-axiomatisation ℓ (assuming extensionality).

Substᴱ-axiomatisation≃Elimᴱ-axiomatisation :
  Substᴱ-axiomatisation  ↝[ lsuc   lsuc  ] Elimᴱ-axiomatisation 
Substᴱ-axiomatisation≃Elimᴱ-axiomatisation =

-- The type []-cong-axiomatisation ℓ is equivalent to
-- Elimᴱ-axiomatisation ℓ (assuming extensionality).

[]-cong-axiomatisation≃Elimᴱ-axiomatisation :
  []-cong-axiomatisation  ↝[ lsuc   lsuc  ] Elimᴱ-axiomatisation 
[]-cong-axiomatisation≃Elimᴱ-axiomatisation {} ext =
  []-cong-axiomatisation   ↝⟨ []-cong-axiomatisation≃Substᴱ-axiomatisation ext 
  Substᴱ-axiomatisation    ↝⟨ Substᴱ-axiomatisation≃Elimᴱ-axiomatisation ext ⟩□

-- A variant of Erased without η-equality

-- A definition of Erased without η-equality.

data Erased-no-η (@0 A : Type a) : Type a where
  [_]-no-η : @0 A  Erased-no-η A

-- A variant of the projection erased.

@0 erased-no-η : Erased-no-η A  A
erased-no-η [ x ]-no-η = x

-- Erased A is equivalent to Erased-no-η A.

Erased≃Erased-no-η :
  {@0 A : Type a} 
  Erased A  Erased-no-η A
Erased≃Erased-no-η = Eq.↔→≃
   x  [ x .erased ]-no-η)
   x  [ erased-no-η x ] )
   { [ x ]-no-η  refl [ x ]-no-η })

-- A variant of ≡→Erased[erased≡erased].

≡→Erased[erased≡erased]-no-η :
  {x y : Erased-no-η A} 
  x  y  Erased-no-η (erased-no-η x  erased-no-η y)
≡→Erased[erased≡erased]-no-η eq =
  [ cong erased-no-η eq ]-no-η

-- A variant of ≡→Erased[erased≡erased]-axiomatisation that uses
-- Erased-no-η instead of Erased.

≡→Erased[erased≡erased]-no-η-axiomatisation :
  ( : Level)  Type (lsuc )
≡→Erased[erased≡erased]-no-η-axiomatisation  =
  {A : Type } {x y : Erased-no-η A} 
  Is-equivalence (≡→Erased[erased≡erased]-no-η {x = x} {y = y})

-- The type ≡→Erased[erased≡erased]-no-η-axiomatisation ℓ is
-- propositional (assuming function extensionality).

≡→Erased[erased≡erased]-no-η-axiomatisation-propositional :
  Extensionality (lsuc )  
  Is-proposition (≡→Erased[erased≡erased]-no-η-axiomatisation )
≡→Erased[erased≡erased]-no-η-axiomatisation-propositional {} ext =
  implicit-Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
  implicit-Π-closure ext′ 1 λ _ 
  implicit-Π-closure ext′ 1 λ _ 
  Is-equivalence-propositional ext′
  ext′ : Extensionality  
  ext′ = lower-extensionality _ lzero ext

-- The type ≡→Erased[erased≡erased]-axiomatisation ℓ is equivalent to
-- ≡→Erased[erased≡erased]-no-η-axiomatisation ℓ (assuming function
-- extensionality).

≃≡→Erased[erased≡erased]-no-η-axiomatisation :
  ≡→Erased[erased≡erased]-axiomatisation  ↝[ lsuc    ]
≃≡→Erased[erased≡erased]-no-η-axiomatisation {} =
       { to   = to
       ; from = from
  to :
  to ax {x} {y} =
    _≃_.is-equivalence $
         [ cong erased (cong  eq  [ erased-no-η eq ]) x≡y) ]-no-η  ≡⟨ []-no-η-cong (cong-∘ _ _ _) ⟩∎
         [ cong erased-no-η x≡y ]-no-η                                )
    ≡≃Erased-no-η[erased-no-η≡erased-no-η] :
      {@0 A : Type } {x y : Erased-no-η A} 
      (x  y)  Erased-no-η (erased-no-η x  erased-no-η y)
    ≡≃Erased-no-η[erased-no-η≡erased-no-η] {x} {y} =
      x  y                                        ↝⟨ inverse $ Eq.≃-≡ (inverse Erased≃Erased-no-η) 
      [ erased-no-η x ]  [ erased-no-η y ]        ↝⟨ inverse $
                                                      []-cong₁.Erased-≡≃[]≡[] $
                                                      _⇔_.from ([]-cong-axiomatisation≃≡→Erased[erased≡erased]-axiomatisation _) ax 
      Erased (erased-no-η x  erased-no-η y)       ↝⟨ Erased≃Erased-no-η ⟩□
      Erased-no-η (erased-no-η x  erased-no-η y)  

    []-no-η-cong :
      {@0 A : Type } {@0 x y : A} 
      @0 x  y  [ x ]-no-η  [ y ]-no-η
    []-no-η-cong eq =
      _≃_.from ≡≃Erased-no-η[erased-no-η≡erased-no-η] [ eq ]-no-η

  from :
  from ax {x} {y} =
    _≃_.is-equivalence $
         [ cong erased-no-η (cong  eq  [ eq .erased ]-no-η) x≡y) ]  ≡⟨ []-cong₀ (cong-∘ _ _ _) ⟩∎
         [ cong erased x≡y ]                                           )
    ≡≃Erased[erased≡erased] :
      {A : Type } {x y : Erased A} 
      (x  y)  Erased (erased x  erased y)
    ≡≃Erased[erased≡erased] {x} {y} =
      x  y                                  ↝⟨ inverse $ Eq.≃-≡ Erased≃Erased-no-η 
      [ erased x ]-no-η  [ erased y ]-no-η  ↝⟨ Eq.⟨ _ , ax  
      Erased-no-η (erased x  erased y)      ↝⟨ inverse Erased≃Erased-no-η ⟩□
      Erased (erased x  erased y)           

    []-cong :
      {A : Type } {@0 x y : A} 
      @0 x  y  [ x ]  [ y ]
    []-cong eq = _≃_.from ≡≃Erased[erased≡erased] [ eq ]

    []-cong₀ :
      {@0 A : Type } {@0 x y : A} 
      @0 x  y  [ x ]  [ y ]
    []-cong₀ {x} {y} eq =     $⟨ [ eq ] 
      Erased (x  y)          →⟨ map (cong [_]→) 
      Erased ([ x ]  [ y ])  →⟨  hyp  []-cong (hyp .erased)) 
      [ [ x ] ]  [ [ y ] ]   →⟨ cong (map erased) ⟩□
      [ x ]  [ y ]           

-- The type []-cong-axiomatisation ℓ is equivalent to
-- ≡→Erased[erased≡erased]-no-η-axiomatisation ℓ (assuming function
-- extensionality).

[]-cong-axiomatisation≃≡→Erased[erased≡erased]-no-η-axiomatisation :
  []-cong-axiomatisation  ↝[ lsuc    ]
  {} ext =
  []-cong-axiomatisation                        ↝⟨ []-cong-axiomatisation≃≡→Erased[erased≡erased]-axiomatisation ext 
  ≡→Erased[erased≡erased]-axiomatisation        ↝⟨ ≃≡→Erased[erased≡erased]-no-η-axiomatisation ext ⟩□