-- Raw monads

-- Note that this module is not parametrised by an axiomatisation of
-- equality. This module is reexported from Monad.

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Monad.Raw where

open import Prelude

-- Raw monads.

record Raw-monad {d c} (M : Type d  Type c) : Type (lsuc d  c) where
  constructor mk
  infixl 6 _⟨$⟩_ _⊛_
  infixl 5 _>>=_ _>>_
  infixr 5 _=<<_
    return :  {A}  A  M A
    _>>=_  :  {A B}  M A  (A  M B)  M B

  -- Variants of _>>=_.

  _>>_ :  {A B}  M A  M B  M B
  x >> y = x >>= const y

  _=<<_ :  {A B}  (A  M B)  M A  M B
  _=<<_ = flip _>>=_

  -- A map function.

  map :  {A B}  (A  B)  M A  M B
  map f x = x >>= return  f

  -- A synonym.

  _⟨$⟩_ :  {A B}  (A  B)  M A  M B
  _⟨$⟩_ = map

  -- Applicative functor application.

  _⊛_ :  {A B}  M (A  B)  M A  M B
  f  x = f >>= λ f  x >>= λ x  return (f x)

  -- The sequence function (for lists).

  sequence :  {A}  List (M A)  M (List A)
  sequence []       = return []
  sequence (x  xs) = _∷_ ⟨$⟩ x  sequence xs

open Raw-monad    public

-- Raw monad transformers.

record Raw-monad-transformer
         {d c₁ c₂} (F : (Type d  Type c₁)  (Type d  Type c₂)) :
         Type (lsuc (c₁  d)  c₂) where
  constructor mk
    transform :  {M}    is-raw-monad : Raw-monad M   Raw-monad (F M)
    liftʳ     :  {M A}  is-raw-monad : Raw-monad M   M A  F M A

open Raw-monad-transformer    public using (liftʳ)