-- Some results/examples related to CCS, implemented using the
-- coinductive definition of bisimilarity

-- Unless anything else is stated the results (or statements, in the
-- case of exercises) below are taken from "Enhancements of the
-- bisimulation proof method" by Pous and Sangiorgi.

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Bisimilarity.CCS.Examples {} {Name : Set } where

open import Equality.Propositional
open import Prelude

open import Bisimilarity.CCS
import Bisimilarity.Equational-reasoning-instances
open import Equational-reasoning
open import Labelled-transition-system.CCS Name

open import Bisimilarity CCS

-- A result mentioned in "Enhancements of the bisimulation proof
-- method"


  -- For a more general result, see 6-2-14 below.

  !∙⊕∙∼!∙∣!∙ :  {i a b}  [ i ] ! (a   b )  ! a   ! b 
  !∙⊕∙∼!∙∣!∙ {i} =  lr , rl 
    lemma = λ {a b}  ∼′:
      ! (a   b )    ∼⟨ ∣-right-identity  ∼′:
      ! (a   b )      ∼⟨ !∙⊕∙∼′!∙∣!∙ {i = i} ⟩■
      ! a   ! b 

    left-lemma = λ {a b}  ∼′:
      ! (a   b )      ∼⟨ lemma  ∼′:
      ! a   ! b         ∼⟨ symmetric ∣-right-identity ∣-cong reflexive ⟩■
      (! a   )  ! b 

    right-lemma = λ {a b}  ∼′:
      ! (a   b )      ∼⟨ lemma  ∼′:
      ! a    ! b        ∼⟨ reflexive ∣-cong symmetric ∣-right-identity ⟩■
      ! a   (! b   )

    τ-lemma = λ {a b}  ∼′:
      (! (a   b )  )      ∼⟨ ∣-right-identity 
      ! (a   b )            ∼⟨ lemma  ∼′:
      ! a   ! b               ∼⟨ symmetric (∣-right-identity ∣-cong ∣-right-identity) ⟩■
      (! a   )  (! b   )

    lr :  {a b P μ} 
         ! (a   b ) [ μ ]⟶ P 
          λ Q  ! a   ! b  [ μ ]⟶ Q × [ i ] P ∼′ Q
    lr {a} {b} {P} tr = case 6-1-3-2 tr of λ where

      (inj₁ (. , sum-left action , P∼![a⊕b]∣∅)) 
        P                    ∼⟨ P∼![a⊕b]∣∅  ∼′:
        ! (a   b )      ∼⟨ left-lemma ⟩■
        (! a   )  ! b   [ name a ]⟵⟨ par-left (replication (par-right action)) 
        ! a         ! b 

      (inj₁ (. , sum-right action , P∼![a⊕b]∣∅)) 
        P                    ∼⟨ P∼![a⊕b]∣∅  ∼′:
        ! (a   b )      ∼⟨ right-lemma ⟩■
        ! a   (! b   )  [ name b ]⟵⟨ par-right (replication (par-right action)) 
        ! a   ! b 

      (inj₂ (refl , P′ , P″ , c , a⊕b⟶P′ , a⊕b⟶P″ , P∼![a⊕b]∣P′∣P″)) 
        let b≡co-a , P′≡∅ , P″≡∅ = Σ-map id [ id , id ]
                                     (·⊕·-co a⊕b⟶P′ a⊕b⟶P″) in

        P                          ∼⟨ P∼![a⊕b]∣P′∣P″ 
        (! (a   b )  P′)  P″  ∼⟨ (reflexive ∣-cong ≡⇒∼ P′≡∅) ∣-cong ≡⇒∼ P″≡∅  ∼′:
        (! (a   b )  )      ∼⟨ τ-lemma ⟩■
        (! a   )  (! b   )  [ τ ]⟵⟨ par-τ′ b≡co-a (replication (par-right action))
                                                         (replication (par-right action)) 
        ! a   ! b 

    rl :  {a b Q μ} 
         ! a   ! b  [ μ ]⟶ Q 
          λ P  ! (a   b ) [ μ ]⟶ P × [ i ] P ∼′ Q
    rl {a} {b} (par-left {P′ = P′} tr) =
      case 6-1-3-2 tr of λ where

        (inj₁ (. , action , P′∼!a∣∅)) 
          ! (a   b )        [ name a ]⟶⟨ replication (par-right (sum-left action)) ⟩ʳˡ
          ! (a   b )      ∼⟨ left-lemma  ∼′:
          (! a   )  ! b   ∼⟨ symmetric P′∼!a∣∅ ∣-cong reflexive ⟩■
          P′  ! b 

        (inj₂ (refl , . , P″ , .a , action , a⟶P″ , P′∼!a∣∅∣P″)) 
          ⊥-elim (names-are-not-inverted a⟶P″)

    rl {a} {b} (par-right {Q′ = Q′} tr) =
      case 6-1-3-2 tr of λ where

        (inj₁ (. , action , Q′∼!b∣∅)) 
          ! (a   b )        [ name b ]⟶⟨ replication (par-right (sum-right action)) ⟩ʳˡ
          ! (a   b )      ∼⟨ right-lemma  ∼′:
          ! a   (! b   )  ∼⟨ reflexive ∣-cong symmetric Q′∼!b∣∅ ⟩■
          ! a   Q′

        (inj₂ (refl , . , Q″ , .b , action , b⟶Q″ , Q′∼!b∣∅∣Q″)) 
          ⊥-elim (names-are-not-inverted b⟶Q″)

    rl {a} (par-τ {P′ = P′} {Q′ = Q′} tr₁ tr₂) =
      case 6-1-3-2 tr₁ ,′ 6-1-3-2 tr₂ of λ where

        (inj₁ (. , action , P′∼!a∣∅) ,
         inj₁ (. , action , Q′∼!co-a∣∅)) 
          ! (a   co a )              [ τ ]⟶⟨ replication (par-τ (replication (par-right (sum-left action)))
                                                                   (sum-right action)) ⟩ʳˡ
          (! (a   co a )  )      ∼⟨ τ-lemma  ∼′:
          (! a   )  (! co a   )  ∼⟨ symmetric (P′∼!a∣∅ ∣-cong Q′∼!co-a∣∅) ⟩■
          P′  Q′

        (inj₁ _ , inj₂ (() , _))
        (inj₂ (() , _) , _)

  !∙⊕∙∼′!∙∣!∙ :  {a b i}  [ i ] ! (a   b ) ∼′ ! a   ! b 
  force !∙⊕∙∼′!∙∣!∙ = !∙⊕∙∼!∙∣!∙

-- Exercise 6.2.4


  -- For a more general result, see 6-2-17-4 below.

  6-2-4 :  {a i}  [ i ] ! ! a   ! a 
  6-2-4 {a} {i} =  lr , rl 
    impossible :  {μ P q} {Q : Set q} 
                 ! ! a  [ μ ]⟶ P  μ  τ  Q
    impossible {μ} !!a⟶P μ≡τ = ⊥-elim $ name≢τ
      (name a  ≡⟨ !-only (!-only ·-only) !!a⟶P 
       μ       ≡⟨ μ≡τ ⟩∎
       τ       )

    lemma = λ {P} P∼!a∣∅  ∼′:
      ! ! a   P            ∼⟨ reflexive ∣-cong P∼!a∣∅ 
      ! ! a   (! a   )  ∼⟨ reflexive ∣-cong ∣-right-identity 
      ! ! a   ! a         ∼⟨ 6-1-2 
      ! ! a                 ∼⟨ 6-2-4′ {i = i}  ∼′:
      ! a                   ∼⟨ symmetric ∣-right-identity ⟩■
      ! a   

    lr :  {P μ} 
         ! ! a  [ μ ]⟶ P 
          λ P′  ! a  [ μ ]⟶ P′ × [ i ] P ∼′ P′
    lr {P = P} !!a⟶P = case 6-1-3-2 !!a⟶P of λ where
      (inj₂ (μ≡τ , _))                impossible !!a⟶P μ≡τ
      (inj₁ (P′ , !a⟶P′ , P∼!!a∣P′))  case 6-1-3-2 !a⟶P′ of λ where
        (inj₂ (μ≡τ , _))                impossible !!a⟶P μ≡τ
        (inj₁ (. , action , P′∼!a∣∅)) 
          P             ∼⟨ P∼!!a∣P′  ∼′:
          ! ! a   P′  ∼⟨ lemma P′∼!a∣∅ ⟩■
          ! a        [ name a ]⟵⟨ replication (par-right action) 
          ! a 

    rl :  {P μ} 
         ! a  [ μ ]⟶ P 
          λ P′  ! ! a  [ μ ]⟶ P′ × [ i ] P′ ∼′ P
    rl {P = P} !a⟶P = case 6-1-3-2 !a⟶P of λ where
      (inj₂ (refl , . , Q″ , .a , action , a⟶Q″ , _)) 
        ⊥-elim (names-are-not-inverted a⟶Q″)
      (inj₁ (. , action , P∼!a∣∅)) 
        ! ! a       [ name a ]⟶⟨ replication (par-right !a⟶P) ⟩ʳˡ
        ! ! a   P  ∼⟨ lemma P∼!a∣∅  ∼′:
        ! a       ∼⟨ symmetric P∼!a∣∅ ⟩■

  6-2-4′ :  {a i}  [ i ] ! ! a  ∼′ ! a 
  force 6-2-4′ = 6-2-4

-- A result mentioned in "Enhancements of the bisimulation proof
-- method"

∙∣∙∼∙∙ :  {a}  a   a   name a  (a )
∙∣∙∼∙∙ {a} =  lr , rl 
  lr :  {P μ}  a   a  [ μ ]⟶ P 
        λ P′  name a  (a ) [ μ ]⟶ P′ × P ∼′ P′
  lr (par-left action) =
      a          ∼⟨ ∣-left-identity ⟩■
    a              [ name a ]⟵⟨ action 
    name a  (a )

  lr (par-right action) =
    a            ∼⟨ ∣-right-identity ⟩■
    a              [ name a ]⟵⟨ action 
    name a  (a )

  lr (par-τ action tr) = ⊥-elim (names-are-not-inverted tr)

  rl :  {P μ}  name a  (a ) [ μ ]⟶ P 
        λ P′  a   a  [ μ ]⟶ P′ × P′ ∼′ P
  rl action =
    a   a   [ name a ]⟶⟨ par-right action ⟩ʳˡ
    a       ∼⟨ ∣-right-identity ⟩■

-- Lemma 6.2.14


  -- A more general variant of !∙⊕∙∼!∙∣!∙. For an even more general
  -- variant, see 6-2-17-2 below.

  6-2-14 :
     {i a b P Q} 
    [ i ] ! (name a  P  name b  Q)  ! name a  P  ! name b  Q
  6-2-14 {i} =  lr , rl 
    left-lemma = λ {a b P Q}  ∼′:
      ! (name a  P  name b  Q)  P    ∼⟨ 6-2-14′ {i = i} ∣-cong′ reflexive  ∼′:
      (! name a  P  ! name b  Q)  P  ∼⟨ swap-rightmost ⟩■
      (! name a  P  P)  ! name b  Q

    right-lemma = λ {a b P Q}  ∼′:
      ! (name a  P  name b  Q)  Q    ∼⟨ 6-2-14′ {i = i} ∣-cong′ reflexive  ∼′:
      (! name a  P  ! name b  Q)  Q  ∼⟨ symmetric ∣-assoc ⟩■
      ! name a  P  (! name b  Q  Q)

    τ-lemma = λ {a b P Q}  ∼′:
      (! (name a  P  name b  Q)  P)  Q    ∼⟨ left-lemma ∣-cong′ reflexive  ∼′:
      ((! name a  P  P)  ! name b  Q)  Q  ∼⟨ symmetric ∣-assoc ⟩■
      (! name a  P  P)  (! name b  Q  Q)

    lr :  {a b P Q R μ} 
         ! (name a  P  name b  Q) [ μ ]⟶ R 
          λ S  ! name a  P  ! name b  Q [ μ ]⟶ S × [ i ] R ∼′ S
    lr {a} {b} {P} {Q} {R} tr = case 6-1-3-2 tr of λ where

      (inj₁ (.P , sum-left action , R∼![aP⊕bQ]∣P)) 
        R                                  ∼⟨ R∼![aP⊕bQ]∣P  ∼′:
        ! (name a  P  name b  Q)  P    ∼⟨ left-lemma ⟩■
        (! name a  P  P)  ! name b  Q  [ name a ]⟵⟨ par-left (replication (par-right action)) 
        ! name a  P        ! name b  Q

      (inj₁ (.Q , sum-right action , R∼![aP⊕bQ]∣Q)) 
        R                                  ∼⟨ R∼![aP⊕bQ]∣Q  ∼′:
        ! (name a  P  name b  Q)  Q    ∼⟨ right-lemma ⟩■
        ! name a  P  (! name b  Q  Q)  [ name b ]⟵⟨ par-right (replication (par-right action)) 
        ! name a  P  ! name b  Q

      (inj₂ ( refl , R′ , R″ , c , aP⊕bQ⟶R′ , aP⊕bQ⟶R″
            , R∼![aP⊕bQ]∣R′∣R″
        let b≡co-a , R′≡,R″≡ = ·⊕·-co aP⊕bQ⟶R′ aP⊕bQ⟶R″

            lemma : _  [ _ ] _  _
            lemma = λ where
              (inj₁ (R′≡P , R″≡Q)) 
                (! (name a  P  name b  Q)  R′)  R″  ∼⟨ (reflexive ∣-cong ≡⇒∼ R′≡P) ∣-cong ≡⇒∼ R″≡Q ⟩■
                (! (name a  P  name b  Q)  P)  Q
              (inj₂ (R′≡Q , R″≡P)) 
                (! (name a  P  name b  Q)  R′)  R″  ∼⟨ (reflexive ∣-cong ≡⇒∼ R′≡Q) ∣-cong ≡⇒∼ R″≡P  ∼:
                (! (name a  P  name b  Q)  Q)  P    ∼⟨ swap-rightmost ⟩■
                (! (name a  P  name b  Q)  P)  Q
        R                                        ∼⟨ R∼![aP⊕bQ]∣R′∣R″ 
        (! (name a  P  name b  Q)  R′)  R″  ∼⟨ lemma R′≡,R″≡  ∼′:
        (! (name a  P  name b  Q)  P)  Q    ∼⟨ τ-lemma ⟩■
        (! name a  P  P)  (! name b  Q  Q)  [ τ ]⟵⟨ par-τ′ b≡co-a (replication (par-right action))
                                                                       (replication (par-right action)) 
        ! name a  P  ! name b  Q

    rl :  {a b P Q S μ} 
         ! name a  P  ! name b  Q [ μ ]⟶ S 
          λ R  ! (name a  P  name b  Q) [ μ ]⟶ R × [ i ] R ∼′ S
    rl {a} {b} {P} {Q} (par-left {P′ = S} tr) =
      case 6-1-3-2 tr of λ where
        (inj₁ (.P , action , S∼!aP∣P)) 
          ! (name a  P  name b  Q)        [ name a ]⟶⟨ replication (par-right (sum-left action)) ⟩ʳˡ
          ! (name a  P  name b  Q)  P    ∼⟨ left-lemma  ∼′:
          (! name a  P  P)  ! name b  Q  ∼⟨ symmetric S∼!aP∣P ∣-cong reflexive ⟩■
          S  ! name b  Q

        (inj₂ (refl , .P , S′ , .a , action , aP⟶S′ , S∼!aP∣P∣S′)) 
          ⊥-elim (names-are-not-inverted aP⟶S′)

    rl {a} {b} {P} {Q} (par-right {Q′ = S} tr) =
      case 6-1-3-2 tr of λ where
        (inj₁ (.Q , action , S∼!bQ∣Q)) 
          ! (name a  P  name b  Q)        [ name b ]⟶⟨ replication (par-right (sum-right action)) ⟩ʳˡ
          ! (name a  P  name b  Q)  Q    ∼⟨ right-lemma  ∼′:
          ! name a  P  (! name b  Q  Q)  ∼⟨ reflexive ∣-cong symmetric S∼!bQ∣Q ⟩■
          ! name a  P  S

        (inj₂ (refl , .Q , S′ , .b , action , bQ⟶S′ , S∼!bQ∣Q∣S′)) 
          ⊥-elim (names-are-not-inverted bQ⟶S′)

    rl {a} {P = P} {Q} (par-τ {P′ = S} {Q′ = S′} tr₁ tr₂) =
      case 6-1-3-2 tr₁ ,′ 6-1-3-2 tr₂ of λ where
        (inj₁ (.P , action , S∼!aP∣P) ,
         inj₁ (.Q , action , S′∼!co-aQ∣Q)) 
          ! (name a  P  name (co a)  Q)              [ τ ]⟶⟨ replication (par-τ (replication (par-right (sum-left action)))
                                                                                   (sum-right action)) ⟩ʳˡ
          (! (name a  P  name (co a)  Q)  P)  Q    ∼⟨ τ-lemma  ∼′:
          (! name a  P  P)  (! name (co a)  Q  Q)  ∼⟨ symmetric (S∼!aP∣P ∣-cong S′∼!co-aQ∣Q) ⟩■
          S  S′

        (inj₁ _ , inj₂ (() , _))
        (inj₂ (() , _) , _)

  6-2-14′ :
     {i a b P Q} 
    [ i ] ! (name a  P  name b  Q) ∼′ ! name a  P  ! name b  Q
  force 6-2-14′ = 6-2-14

-- Lemma 6.2.17

-- Some results mentioned in the proof of 6.2.17 (1) in
-- "Enhancements of the bisimulation proof method".

6-2-17-1-lemma₁ :  {P Q}  (! P  ! Q)  (P  Q)  ! P  ! Q
6-2-17-1-lemma₁ {P} {Q} =
  (! P  ! Q)  (P  Q)  ∼⟨ swap-in-the-middle  ∼:
  (! P  P)  (! Q  Q)  ∼⟨ 6-1-2 ∣-cong 6-1-2 ⟩■
  ! P  ! Q


  6-2-17-1-lemma₂ :
     {P Q R μ} 
    ! (P  Q) [ μ ]⟶ R 
     λ S 
      R  ! (P  Q)  S ×
       λ T 
        ! P  ! Q [ μ ]⟶ T ×
        (! P  ! Q)  S ∼′ T
  6-2-17-1-lemma₂ {P} {Q} {R} tr = case 6-1-3-2 tr of λ where
    (inj₁ (R′ , P∣Q⟶R′ , R∼![P∣Q]∣R′)) 
      let R″ , !P∣!Q⟶R″ , !P∣!Q∣R′∼R″ =
              ((! P  ! Q)  (P  Q)  ∼⟨ 6-2-17-1-lemma₁ ⟩■
               ! P  ! Q)
              ((! P  ! Q)  (P  Q)  ⟶⟨ par-right P∣Q⟶R′ 
               (! P  ! Q)  R′)
      in _ , R∼![P∣Q]∣R′ , _ , !P∣!Q⟶R″ , !P∣!Q∣R′∼R″

    (inj₂ (refl , R′ , R″ , a , P∣Q⟶R′ , P∣Q⟶R″ , R∼![P∣Q]∣R′∣R″)) 
      let T , !P∣!Q⟶T , !P∣!Q∣[R′∣R″]∼T =
              ((! P  ! Q)  ((P  Q)  (P  Q))  ∼⟨ ∣-assoc 
               ((! P  ! Q)  (P  Q))  (P  Q)  ∼⟨ 6-2-17-1-lemma₁ ∣-cong reflexive  ∼:
               (! P  ! Q)  (P  Q)              ∼⟨ 6-2-17-1-lemma₁ ⟩■
               ! P  ! Q)
              ((! P  ! Q)  ((P  Q)  (P  Q))  ⟶⟨ par-right (par-τ P∣Q⟶R′ P∣Q⟶R″) 
               (! P  ! Q)  (R′  R″))
      , (R                      ∼⟨ R∼![P∣Q]∣R′∣R″  ∼:
         (! (P  Q)  R′)  R″  ∼⟨ symmetric ∣-assoc ⟩■
         ! (P  Q)  (R′  R″))
      , _
      , !P∣!Q⟶T
      , !P∣!Q∣[R′∣R″]∼T


  6-2-17-1 :  {i P Q}  [ i ] ! (P  Q)  ! P  ! Q
  6-2-17-1 {i} =  lr , rl 
    lr :  {P Q R μ} 
         ! (P  Q) [ μ ]⟶ R 
          λ S  ! P  ! Q [ μ ]⟶ S × [ i ] R ∼′ S
    lr {P} {Q} {R} tr =
      let S , R∼![P∣Q]∣S , T , !P∣!Q⟶T , !P∣!Q∣S∼T =
            6-2-17-1-lemma₂ tr in

      R                ∼⟨ R∼![P∣Q]∣S 
      ! (P  Q)  S    ∼⟨ 6-2-17-1′ ∣-cong′ reflexive  ∼′:
      (! P  ! Q)  S  ∼⟨ !P∣!Q∣S∼T ⟩■
      T                ⟵⟨ !P∣!Q⟶T 
      ! P  ! Q

    lemma = λ {P Q R S}  ∼′:
      ! (P  Q)  (R  S)    ∼⟨ 6-2-17-1′ {i = i} ∣-cong′ reflexive  ∼′:
      (! P  ! Q)  (R  S)  ∼⟨ swap-in-the-middle ⟩■
      (! P  R)  (! Q  S)

    left-lemma = λ {P Q R}  ∼′:
      ! (P  Q)  (R  Q)    ∼⟨ lemma  ∼′:
      (! P  R)  (! Q  Q)  ∼⟨ reflexive ∣-cong 6-1-2 ⟩■
      (! P  R)  ! Q

    right-lemma = λ {P Q R}  ∼′:
      ! (P  Q)  (P  R)    ∼⟨ lemma  ∼′:
      (! P  P)  (! Q  R)  ∼⟨ 6-1-2 ∣-cong reflexive ⟩■
      ! P  (! Q  R)

    rl :  {P Q S μ} 
         ! P  ! Q [ μ ]⟶ S 
          λ R  ! (P  Q) [ μ ]⟶ R × [ i ] R ∼′ S
    rl {P} {Q} (par-left {P′ = S} !P⟶S) =
      case 6-1-3-2 !P⟶S
        return (const $  λ _  _ × [ i ] _ ∼′ _)
        of λ where
        (inj₁ (P′ , P⟶P′ , S∼!P∣P′)) 
          ! (P  Q)             ⟶⟨ replication (par-right (par-left P⟶P′)) ⟩ʳˡ
          ! (P  Q)  (P′  Q)  ∼⟨ left-lemma  ∼′:
          (! P  P′)  ! Q      ∼⟨ symmetric S∼!P∣P′ ∣-cong reflexive ⟩■
          S  ! Q

        (inj₂ (refl , P′ , P″ , a , P⟶P′ , P⟶P″ , S∼!P∣P′∣P″)) 
          ! (P  Q)                          [ τ ]⟶⟨ replication (par-τ (replication (par-right (par-left P⟶P′)))
                                                                        (par-left P⟶P″)) ⟩ʳˡ
          (! (P  Q)  (P′  Q))  (P″  Q)  ∼⟨ left-lemma ∣-cong′ reflexive 
          ((! P  P′)  ! Q)  (P″  Q)      ∼⟨ swap-in-the-middle 
          ((! P  P′)  P″)  (! Q  Q)      ∼⟨ reflexive ∣-cong 6-1-2  ∼′:
          ((! P  P′)  P″)  ! Q            ∼⟨ symmetric S∼!P∣P′∣P″ ∣-cong reflexive ⟩■
          S  ! Q

    rl {P} {Q} (par-right {Q′ = S} !Q⟶S) =
      case 6-1-3-2 !Q⟶S
        return (const $  λ _  _ × [ i ] _ ∼′ _)
        of λ where
        (inj₁ (Q′ , Q⟶Q′ , S∼!Q∣Q′)) 
          ! (P  Q)             ⟶⟨ replication (par-right (par-right Q⟶Q′)) ⟩ʳˡ
          ! (P  Q)  (P  Q′)  ∼⟨ right-lemma  ∼′:
          ! P  (! Q  Q′)      ∼⟨ reflexive ∣-cong symmetric S∼!Q∣Q′ ⟩■
          ! P  S

        (inj₂ (refl , Q′ , Q″ , a , Q⟶Q′ , Q⟶Q″ , S∼!Q∣Q′∣Q″)) 
          ! (P  Q)                          [ τ ]⟶⟨ replication (par-τ (replication (par-right (par-right Q⟶Q′)))
                                                                        (par-right Q⟶Q″)) ⟩ʳˡ
          (! (P  Q)  (P  Q′))  (P  Q″)  ∼⟨ right-lemma ∣-cong′ reflexive 
          (! P  (! Q  Q′))  (P  Q″)      ∼⟨ swap-in-the-middle 
          (! P  P)  ((! Q  Q′)  Q″)      ∼⟨ 6-1-2 ∣-cong reflexive  ∼′:
          ! P  ((! Q  Q′)  Q″)            ∼⟨ reflexive ∣-cong symmetric S∼!Q∣Q′∣Q″ ⟩■
          ! P  S

    rl {P} {Q} (par-τ {P′ = S} {Q′ = S′} !P⟶S !Q⟶S′) =
      case 6-1-3-2 !P⟶S ,′ 6-1-3-2 !Q⟶S′ of λ where
        (inj₁ (P′ , P⟶P′ , S∼!P∣P′) ,
         inj₁ (Q′ , Q⟶Q′ , S′∼!Q∣Q′)) 
          ! (P  Q)                          [ τ ]⟶⟨ replication (par-τ (replication (par-right (par-left P⟶P′)))
                                                                                     (par-right Q⟶Q′)) ⟩ʳˡ
          (! (P  Q)  (P′  Q))  (P  Q′)  ∼⟨ left-lemma ∣-cong′ reflexive 
          ((! P  P′)  ! Q)  (P  Q′)      ∼⟨ swap-in-the-middle 
          ((! P  P′)  P)  (! Q  Q′)      ∼⟨ swap-rightmost ∣-cong reflexive 
          ((! P  P)  P′)  (! Q  Q′)      ∼⟨ (6-1-2 ∣-cong reflexive) ∣-cong reflexive  ∼′:
          (! P  P′)  (! Q  Q′)            ∼⟨ symmetric (S∼!P∣P′ ∣-cong S′∼!Q∣Q′) ⟩■
          S  S′

        (inj₁ _ , inj₂ (() , _))
        (inj₂ (() , _) , _)

  6-2-17-1′ :  {i P Q}  [ i ] ! (P  Q) ∼′ ! P  ! Q
  force 6-2-17-1′ = 6-2-17-1


  6-2-17-2 :  {i P Q}  [ i ] ! (P  Q)  ! P  ! Q
  6-2-17-2 {i} =  lr , rl 
    left-lemma = λ {P Q R}  ∼′:
      ! (P  Q)  R    ∼⟨ 6-2-17-2′ {i = i} ∣-cong′ reflexive  ∼′:
      (! P  ! Q)  R  ∼⟨ swap-rightmost ⟩■
      (! P  R)  ! Q

    right-lemma = λ {P Q R}  ∼′:
      ! (P  Q)  R    ∼⟨ 6-2-17-2′ {i = i} ∣-cong′ reflexive  ∼′:
      (! P  ! Q)  R  ∼⟨ symmetric ∣-assoc ⟩■
      ! P  (! Q  R)

    τ-lemma₁ = λ {P P′ P″ Q}  ∼′:
      (! (P  Q)  P′)  P″    ∼⟨ left-lemma ∣-cong′ reflexive  ∼′:
      ((! P  P′)  ! Q)  P″  ∼⟨ swap-rightmost ⟩■
      ((! P  P′)  P″)  ! Q

    τ-lemma₂ = λ {P P′ Q Q′}  ∼′:
      (! (P  Q)  P′)  Q′    ∼⟨ left-lemma ∣-cong′ reflexive  ∼′:
      ((! P  P′)  ! Q)  Q′  ∼⟨ symmetric ∣-assoc ⟩■
      (! P  P′)  (! Q  Q′)

    τ-lemma₃ = λ {P Q Q′ Q″}  ∼′:
      (! (P  Q)  Q′)  Q″    ∼⟨ right-lemma ∣-cong′ reflexive  ∼′:
      (! P  (! Q  Q′))  Q″  ∼⟨ symmetric ∣-assoc ⟩■
      ! P  ((! Q  Q′)  Q″)

    lr :  {P Q R μ} 
         ! (P  Q) [ μ ]⟶ R 
          λ S  ! P  ! Q [ μ ]⟶ S × [ i ] R ∼′ S
    lr {P} {Q} {R} tr =
      case 6-1-3-2 tr
        return (const $  λ _  _ × [ i ] _ ∼′ _)
        of λ where

        (inj₁ (P′ , sum-left P⟶P′ , R∼![P⊕Q]∣P′)) 
          R                 ∼⟨ R∼![P⊕Q]∣P′  ∼′:
          ! (P  Q)  P′    ∼⟨ left-lemma ⟩■
          (! P  P′)  ! Q  ⟵⟨ par-left (replication (par-right P⟶P′)) 
          ! P         ! Q

        (inj₁ (Q′ , sum-right Q⟶Q′ , R∼![P⊕Q]∣Q′)) 
          R                 ∼⟨ R∼![P⊕Q]∣Q′  ∼′:
          ! (P  Q)  Q′    ∼⟨ right-lemma ⟩■
          ! P  (! Q  Q′)  ⟵⟨ par-right (replication (par-right Q⟶Q′)) 
          ! P   ! Q

        (inj₂ ( refl , P′ , P″ , c
              , sum-left P⟶P′ , sum-left P⟶P″
              , R∼![P⊕Q]∣P′∣P″
          R                        ∼⟨ R∼![P⊕Q]∣P′∣P″  ∼′:
          (! (P  Q)  P′)  P″    ∼⟨ τ-lemma₁ ⟩■
          ((! P  P′)  P″)  ! Q  [ τ ]⟵⟨ par-left (replication (par-τ (replication (par-right P⟶P′)) P⟶P″)) 
          ! P  ! Q

        (inj₂ ( refl , P′ , Q′ , c
              , sum-left P⟶P′ , sum-right Q⟶Q′
              , R∼![P⊕Q]∣P′∣Q′
          R                        ∼⟨ R∼![P⊕Q]∣P′∣Q′  ∼′:
          (! (P  Q)  P′)  Q′    ∼⟨ τ-lemma₂ ⟩■
          (! P  P′)  (! Q  Q′)  [ τ ]⟵⟨ par-τ (replication (par-right P⟶P′))
                                                 (replication (par-right Q⟶Q′)) 
          ! P  ! Q

        (inj₂ ( refl , Q′ , P′ , c
              , sum-right Q⟶Q′ , sum-left P⟶P′
              , R∼![P⊕Q]∣Q′∣P′
          R                        ∼⟨ R∼![P⊕Q]∣Q′∣P′ 
          (! (P  Q)  Q′)  P′    ∼⟨ right-lemma ∣-cong′ reflexive  ∼′:
          (! P  (! Q  Q′))  P′  ∼⟨ swap-rightmost ⟩■
          (! P  P′)  (! Q  Q′)  [ τ ]⟵⟨ par-τ′ (sym $ co-involutive c)
                                                  (replication (par-right P⟶P′))
                                                  (replication (par-right Q⟶Q′)) 
          ! P  ! Q

        (inj₂ ( refl , Q′ , Q″ , c
              , sum-right Q⟶Q′ , sum-right Q⟶Q″
              , R∼![P⊕Q]∣Q′∣Q″
          R                        ∼⟨ R∼![P⊕Q]∣Q′∣Q″  ∼′:
          (! (P  Q)  Q′)  Q″    ∼⟨ τ-lemma₃ ⟩■
          ! P  ((! Q  Q′)  Q″)  [ τ ]⟵⟨ par-right (replication (par-τ (replication (par-right Q⟶Q′)) Q⟶Q″)) 
          ! P  ! Q

    rl :  {P Q S μ} 
         ! P  ! Q [ μ ]⟶ S 
          λ R  ! (P  Q) [ μ ]⟶ R × [ i ] R ∼′ S
    rl {P} {Q} (par-left {P′ = S} !P⟶S) =
      case 6-1-3-2 !P⟶S
        return (const $  λ _  _ × [ i ] _ ∼′ _)
        of λ where
        (inj₁ (P′ , P⟶P′ , S∼!P∣P′)) 
          ! (P  Q)         ⟶⟨ replication (par-right (sum-left P⟶P′)) ⟩ʳˡ
          ! (P  Q)  P′    ∼⟨ left-lemma  ∼′:
          (! P  P′)  ! Q  ∼⟨ symmetric S∼!P∣P′ ∣-cong reflexive ⟩■
          S  ! Q

        (inj₂ (refl , P′ , P″ , a , P⟶P′ , P⟶P″ , S∼!P∣P′∣P″)) 
          ! (P  Q)                [ τ ]⟶⟨ replication (par-τ (replication (par-right (sum-left P⟶P′)))
                                                              (sum-left P⟶P″)) ⟩ʳˡ
          (! (P  Q)  P′)  P″    ∼⟨ τ-lemma₁  ∼′:
          ((! P  P′)  P″)  ! Q  ∼⟨ symmetric S∼!P∣P′∣P″ ∣-cong reflexive ⟩■
          S  ! Q

    rl {P} {Q} (par-right {Q′ = S} !Q⟶S) =
      case 6-1-3-2 !Q⟶S
        return (const $  λ _  _ × [ i ] _ ∼′ _)
        of λ where
        (inj₁ (Q′ , Q⟶Q′ , S∼!Q∣Q′)) 
          ! (P  Q)         ⟶⟨ replication (par-right (sum-right Q⟶Q′)) ⟩ʳˡ
          ! (P  Q)  Q′    ∼⟨ right-lemma  ∼′:
          ! P  (! Q  Q′)  ∼⟨ reflexive ∣-cong symmetric S∼!Q∣Q′ ⟩■
          ! P  S

        (inj₂ (refl , Q′ , Q″ , a , Q⟶Q′ , Q⟶Q″ , S∼!Q∣Q′∣Q″)) 
          ! (P  Q)                [ τ ]⟶⟨ replication (par-τ (replication (par-right (sum-right Q⟶Q′)))
                                                              (sum-right Q⟶Q″)) ⟩ʳˡ
          (! (P  Q)  Q′)  Q″    ∼⟨ τ-lemma₃  ∼′:
          ! P  ((! Q  Q′)  Q″)  ∼⟨ reflexive ∣-cong symmetric S∼!Q∣Q′∣Q″ ⟩■
          ! P  S

    rl {P} {Q} (par-τ {P′ = S} {Q′ = S′} !P⟶S !Q⟶S′) =
      case 6-1-3-2 !P⟶S ,′ 6-1-3-2 !Q⟶S′ of λ where
        (inj₁ (P′ , P⟶P′ , S∼!P∣P′) ,
         inj₁ (Q′ , Q⟶Q′ , S′∼!Q∣Q′)) 
          ! (P  Q)                [ τ ]⟶⟨ replication (par-τ (replication (par-right (sum-left P⟶P′)))
                                                                                      (sum-right Q⟶Q′)) ⟩ʳˡ
          (! (P  Q)  P′)  Q′    ∼⟨ τ-lemma₂  ∼′:
          (! P  P′)  (! Q  Q′)  ∼⟨ symmetric (S∼!P∣P′ ∣-cong S′∼!Q∣Q′) ⟩■
          S  S′

        (inj₁ _ , inj₂ (() , _))
        (inj₂ (() , _) , _)

  6-2-17-2′ :  {i P Q}  [ i ] ! (P  Q) ∼′ ! P  ! Q
  force 6-2-17-2′ = 6-2-17-2

6-2-17-3 :  {P}  ! P  ! P  ! P
6-2-17-3 {P} =
  ! P  ! P  ∼⟨ symmetric 6-2-17-2  ∼:
  ! (P  P)  ∼⟨ !-cong ⊕-idempotent ⟩■
  ! P

-- A result mentioned in the proof of 6.2.17 (4) in "Enhancements of
-- the bisimulation proof method".

6-2-17-4-lemma :  {P Q μ}  ! P [ μ ]⟶ Q  Q  ! P  Q
6-2-17-4-lemma {P} {Q} !P⟶Q = case 6-1-3-2 !P⟶Q of λ where
  (inj₁ (P′ , P⟶P′ , Q∼!P∣P′)) 
    Q                 ∼⟨ Q∼!P∣P′ 
    ! P  P′          ∼⟨ symmetric 6-2-17-3 ∣-cong reflexive 
    (! P  ! P)  P′  ∼⟨ symmetric ∣-assoc  ∼:
    ! P  (! P  P′)  ∼⟨ reflexive ∣-cong symmetric Q∼!P∣P′ ⟩■
    ! P  Q

  (inj₂ (_ , P′ , P″ , _ , P⟶P′ , P⟶P″ , Q∼!P∣P′∣P″)) 
    Q                        ∼⟨ Q∼!P∣P′∣P″ 
    (! P  P′)  P″          ∼⟨ symmetric ∣-assoc 
    ! P  (P′  P″)          ∼⟨ symmetric 6-2-17-3 ∣-cong reflexive 
    (! P  ! P)  (P′  P″)  ∼⟨ symmetric ∣-assoc 
    ! P  (! P  (P′  P″))  ∼⟨ reflexive ∣-cong ∣-assoc  ∼:
    ! P  ((! P  P′)  P″)  ∼⟨ reflexive ∣-cong symmetric Q∼!P∣P′∣P″ ⟩■
    ! P  Q


  6-2-17-4 :  {P i}  [ i ] ! ! P  ! P
  6-2-17-4 {P} {i} =  lr , rl 
    lemma = λ {Q μ} (!P⟶Q : ! P [ μ ]⟶ Q)  ∼′:
      ! ! P  Q  ∼⟨ 6-2-17-4′ {i = i} ∣-cong′ reflexive  ∼′:
      ! P  Q    ∼⟨ symmetric (6-2-17-4-lemma !P⟶Q) ⟩■

    lr :  {Q μ} 
         ! ! P [ μ ]⟶ Q 
          λ Q′  ! P [ μ ]⟶ Q′ × [ i ] Q ∼′ Q′
    lr {Q} !!P⟶Q = case 6-1-3-2 !!P⟶Q of λ where
      (inj₁ (Q′ , !P⟶Q′ , Q∼!!P∣Q′)) 
        Q           ∼⟨ Q∼!!P∣Q′  ∼′:
        ! ! P  Q′  ∼⟨ lemma !P⟶Q′ ⟩■
        Q′          ⟵⟨ !P⟶Q′ 
        ! P

      (inj₂ (refl , Q′ , Q″ , a , !P⟶Q′ , !P⟶Q″ , Q∼!!P∣Q′∣Q″)) 
        case 6-1-3-2 !P⟶Q″ of λ where
          (inj₂ (() , _))
          (inj₁ (Q‴ , P⟶Q‴ , Q″∼!P∣Q‴)) 
            let !P⟶Q′∣Q″ =
                  ! P      [ τ ]⟶⟨ replication (par-τ !P⟶Q′ P⟶Q‴) 
                  Q′  Q‴
            Q                          ∼⟨ Q∼!!P∣Q′∣Q″ 
            (! ! P  Q′)  Q″          ∼⟨ reflexive ∣-cong Q″∼!P∣Q‴ 
            (! ! P  Q′)  (! P  Q‴)  ∼⟨ swap-in-the-middle 
            (! ! P  ! P)  (Q′  Q‴)  ∼⟨ 6-1-2 ∣-cong reflexive  ∼′:
            ! ! P  (Q′  Q‴)          ∼⟨ lemma !P⟶Q′∣Q″ ⟩■
            Q′  Q‴                    [ τ ]⟵⟨ !P⟶Q′∣Q″ 
            ! P

    rl :  {Q μ} 
         ! P [ μ ]⟶ Q 
          λ Q′  ! ! P [ μ ]⟶ Q′ × [ i ] Q′ ∼′ Q
    rl {Q} !P⟶Q =
      ! ! P      ⟶⟨ replication (par-right !P⟶Q) ⟩ʳˡ
      ! ! P  Q  ∼⟨ lemma !P⟶Q ⟩■

  6-2-17-4′ :  {P i}  [ i ] ! ! P ∼′ ! P
  force 6-2-17-4′ = 6-2-17-4

-- An example from "Coinduction All the Way Up" by Pous

module _ (a b : Name-with-kind) where

  A B C D :  {i}  Proc i

  A = name a  name b  D
  B = name a  name b  C

  C = name (co a) · λ { .force  A  C }
  D = name (co a) · λ { .force  B  D }


    A∼B :  {i}  [ i ] A  B
    A∼B = refl ∙-cong (refl ∙-cong symmetric C∼D)

    C∼D :  {i}  [ i ] C  D
    C∼D = refl ·-cong λ { .force  A∼B ∣-cong C∼D }

-- Another example (not taken from Pous and Sangiorgi)

Restricted : Name  Proc 
Restricted a = ⟨ν a  (name (a , true) · λ { .force   })

Restricted∼∅ :  {a}  Restricted a  
Restricted∼∅ =
    { (restriction x≢x action)  ⊥-elim (x≢x refl) })
  ,  ())