-- Lemmas related to bisimilarity and CCS, implemented using the
-- coinductive definition of bisimilarity

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Bisimilarity.CCS {} {Name : Set } where

open import Equality.Propositional
open import Prelude

import Bisimilarity.Equational-reasoning-instances
import Bisimilarity.CCS.General
open import Equational-reasoning
open import Labelled-transition-system.CCS Name

open import Bisimilarity CCS
import Labelled-transition-system.Equational-reasoning-instances CCS

-- Congruence lemmas

-- Some lemmas used to prove the congruence results below as well as
-- similar results in Similarity.CCS.

module Cong-lemmas
  ({R} R′ : Proc   Proc   Set )
   _ : Convertible R R′ 
   _ : Convertible R′ R′ 
   _ : Convertible _∼_ R′ 
   _ : Transitive R′ R′ 
  (left-to-right :
    {P Q}  R P Q 
    {P′ μ}  P [ μ ]⟶ P′   λ Q′  Q [ μ ]⟶ Q′ × R′ P′ Q′)


    infix -2 R′:_

    R′:_ :  {P Q}  R′ P Q  R′ P Q
    R′:_ = id

    infix -3 lr-result

    lr-result :
       {P′ Q Q′} μ  R′ P′ Q′  Q [ μ ]⟶ Q′ 
       λ Q′  Q [ μ ]⟶ Q′ × R′ P′ Q′
    lr-result _ P′∼′Q′ Q⟶Q′ = _ , Q⟶Q′ , P′∼′Q′

    syntax lr-result μ P′∼′Q′ Q⟶Q′ = P′∼′Q′ [ μ ]⟵ Q⟶Q′

  ∣-cong :
    (∀ {P P′ Q Q′}  R′ P P′  R′ Q Q′  R′ (P  Q) (P′  Q′)) 
     {P₁ P₂ Q₁ Q₂ S₁ μ} 
    R P₁ P₂  R Q₁ Q₂  P₁  Q₁ [ μ ]⟶ S₁ 
     λ S₂  P₂  Q₂ [ μ ]⟶ S₂ × R′ S₁ S₂
  ∣-cong _∣-cong′_ P₁∼P₂ Q₁∼Q₂ = λ where
    (par-left  tr)   Σ-map (_∣ _)
                        (Σ-map par-left
                               (_∣-cong′ convert Q₁∼Q₂))
                        (left-to-right P₁∼P₂ tr)
    (par-right tr)   Σ-map (_ ∣_)
                        (Σ-map par-right
                               (convert P₁∼P₂ ∣-cong′_))
                        (left-to-right Q₁∼Q₂ tr)
    (par-τ tr₁ tr₂)  Σ-zip _∣_ (Σ-zip par-τ _∣-cong′_)
                        (left-to-right P₁∼P₂ tr₁)
                        (left-to-right Q₁∼Q₂ tr₂)

  ⊕-cong :
     {P₁ P₁′ P₂ P₂′ S μ} 
    R P₁ P₁′  R P₂ P₂′  P₁  P₂ [ μ ]⟶ S 
     λ S′  P₁′  P₂′ [ μ ]⟶ S′ × R′ S S′
  ⊕-cong {P₁} {P₁′} {P₂} {P₂′} {S} {μ} P₁∼P₁′ P₂∼P₂′ = λ where
    (sum-left P₁⟶S)  case left-to-right P₁∼P₁′ P₁⟶S of λ where
      (S′ , P₁′⟶S′ , S∼′S′) 
        S          ∼⟨ S∼′S′ ⟩■
          [ μ ]⟵   ←⟨ ⟶: sum-left P₁′⟶S′ ⟩■
        P₁′  P₂′

    (sum-right P₂⟶S)  case left-to-right P₂∼P₂′ P₂⟶S of λ where
      (S′ , P₂′⟶S′ , S∼′S′) 
        S          ∼⟨ S∼′S′ ⟩■
          [ μ ]⟵   ←⟨ ⟶: sum-right P₂′⟶S′ ⟩■
        P₁′  P₂′

  ·-cong :
     {P₁ P₂ Q₁ μ μ′} 
    R′ (force P₁) (force P₂)  μ · P₁ [ μ′ ]⟶ Q₁ 
     λ Q₂  μ · P₂ [ μ′ ]⟶ Q₂ × R′ Q₁ Q₂
  ·-cong {P₁} {P₂} {μ = μ} P₁∼P₂ action =
    force P₁  ∼⟨ P₁∼P₂ ⟩■
    force P₂
      [ μ ]⟵  ←⟨ ⟶: action ⟩■
    μ · P₂

  ⟨ν⟩-cong :
    (∀ {a P P′}  R′ P P′  R′ (⟨ν a  P) (⟨ν a  P′)) 
     {a μ P P′ Q} 
    R P P′  ⟨ν a  P [ μ ]⟶ Q 
     λ Q′  ⟨ν a  P′ [ μ ]⟶ Q′ × R′ Q Q′
  ⟨ν⟩-cong ⟨ν⟩-cong′ {a} {μ} {P′ = P′} P∼P′
           (restriction {P′ = Q} a∉μ P⟶Q) =
    case left-to-right P∼P′ P⟶Q of λ where
      (Q′ , P′⟶Q′ , Q∼′Q′) 
        ⟨ν a  Q   ∼⟨ ⟨ν⟩-cong′ Q∼′Q′ ⟩■
        ⟨ν a  Q′
          [ μ ]⟵   ←⟨ ⟶: restriction a∉μ P′⟶Q′ ⟩■
        ⟨ν a  P′

  !-cong :
    (∀ {μ P P₀} 
     ! P [ μ ]⟶ P₀ 
     ( λ P′  P [ μ ]⟶ P′ × P₀  ! P  P′)
     (μ  τ ×  λ P′   λ P″   λ a 
      P [ name a ]⟶ P′ × P [ name (co a) ]⟶ P″ ×
      P₀  (! P  P′)  P″)) 
    (∀ {P P′ Q Q′}  R′ P P′  R′ Q Q′  R′ (P  Q) (P′  Q′)) 
    (∀ {P P′}  R′ P P′  R′ (! P) (! P′)) 
     {P P′ Q μ} 
    R P P′  ! P [ μ ]⟶ Q 
     λ Q′  ! P′ [ μ ]⟶ Q′ × R′ Q Q′
  !-cong 6-1-3-2 _∣-cong′_ !-cong′_ {P} {P′} {Q} {μ} P∼P′ !P⟶Q =
    case 6-1-3-2 !P⟶Q of λ where

      (inj₁ (P″ , P⟶P″ , Q∼!P∣P″)) 
        let Q′ , P′⟶Q′ , P″∼′Q′ = left-to-right P∼P′ P⟶P″
        Q          ∼⟨ R′: convert Q∼!P∣P″ 
        ! P   P″  ∼⟨ (!-cong′ convert P∼P′) ∣-cong′ P″∼′Q′ ⟩■
        ! P′  Q′
          [ μ ]⟵   ←⟨ ⟶: replication (par-right P′⟶Q′) ⟩■
        ! P′

      (inj₂ (refl , P″ , P‴ , a , P⟶P″ , P⟶P‴ , Q∼!P∣P″∣P‴)) 
        let Q′ , P′⟶Q′ , P″∼′Q′ = left-to-right P∼P′ P⟶P″
            Q″ , P′⟶Q″ , P‴∼′Q″ = left-to-right P∼P′ P⟶P‴
        Q                 ∼⟨ R′: convert Q∼!P∣P″∣P‴ 
        (! P  P″)  P‴   ∼⟨ ((!-cong′ convert P∼P′) ∣-cong′ P″∼′Q′) ∣-cong′ P‴∼′Q″ ⟩■
        (! P′  Q′)  Q″
          [ τ ]⟵          ←⟨ ⟶: replication (par-τ (replication (par-right P′⟶Q′)) P′⟶Q″) ⟩■
        ! P′

  module CL {i} = Cong-lemmas [ i ]_∼′_ left-to-right

-- Various lemmas related to _∣_


  -- _∣_ is commutative.

  ∣-comm :  {P Q i}  [ i ] P  Q  Q  P
  ∣-comm {i = i} =  lr , Σ-map id (Σ-map id symmetric)  lr 
    lr :  {P P′ Q μ} 
         P  Q [ μ ]⟶ P′ 
          λ Q′  Q  P [ μ ]⟶ Q′ × [ i ] P′ ∼′ Q′
    lr (par-left tr)   = _ , par-right tr , ∣-comm′
    lr (par-right tr)  = _ , par-left tr , ∣-comm′
    lr (par-τ tr₁ tr₂) =
      , par-τ tr₂ (subst  a  _ [ name a ]⟶ _)
                         (sym $ co-involutive _)
      , ∣-comm′

  ∣-comm′ :  {P Q i}  [ i ] P  Q ∼′ Q  P
  force ∣-comm′ = ∣-comm


  -- _∣_ is associative.

  ∣-assoc :  {P Q R i}  [ i ] P  (Q  R)  (P  Q)  R
  ∣-assoc {i = i} =  lr , rl 
    lr :  {P Q R P′ μ} 
         P  (Q  R) [ μ ]⟶ P′ 
          λ Q′  (P  Q)  R [ μ ]⟶ Q′ × [ i ] P′ ∼′ Q′
    lr (par-left tr)               = _ , par-left (par-left tr)    , ∣-assoc′
    lr (par-right (par-left tr))   = _ , par-left (par-right tr)   , ∣-assoc′
    lr (par-right (par-right tr))  = _ , par-right tr              , ∣-assoc′
    lr (par-right (par-τ tr₁ tr₂)) = _ , par-τ (par-right tr₁) tr₂ , ∣-assoc′
    lr (par-τ tr₁ (par-left tr₂))  = _ , par-left (par-τ tr₁ tr₂)  , ∣-assoc′
    lr (par-τ tr₁ (par-right tr₂)) = _ , par-τ (par-left tr₁) tr₂  , ∣-assoc′

    rl :  {P Q R Q′ μ} 
         (P  Q)  R [ μ ]⟶ Q′ 
          λ P′  P  (Q  R) [ μ ]⟶ P′ × [ i ] P′ ∼′ Q′
    rl (par-left (par-left tr))    = _ , par-left tr               , ∣-assoc′
    rl (par-left (par-right tr))   = _ , par-right (par-left tr)   , ∣-assoc′
    rl (par-left (par-τ tr₁ tr₂))  = _ , par-τ tr₁ (par-left tr₂)  , ∣-assoc′
    rl (par-right tr)              = _ , par-right (par-right tr)  , ∣-assoc′
    rl (par-τ (par-left tr₁) tr₂)  = _ , par-τ tr₁ (par-right tr₂) , ∣-assoc′
    rl (par-τ (par-right tr₁) tr₂) = _ , par-right (par-τ tr₁ tr₂) , ∣-assoc′

  ∣-assoc′ :  {P Q R i}  [ i ] P  (Q  R) ∼′ (P  Q)  R
  force ∣-assoc′ = ∣-assoc

-- ∅ is a left identity of _∣_.

∣-left-identity :  {i P}  [ i ]   P  P
∣-left-identity =
    { (par-right tr)  (_ , tr , λ { .force  ∣-left-identity })
       ; (par-left ())
       ; (par-τ () _)
  ,  tr  (_ , par-right tr , λ { .force  ∣-left-identity }))

∣-left-identity′ :  {P i}  [ i ]   P ∼′ P
force ∣-left-identity′ = ∣-left-identity

-- ∅ is a right identity of _∣_.

∣-right-identity :  {P}  P    P
∣-right-identity {P} =
  P    ∼⟨ ∣-comm  ∼:
    P  ∼⟨ ∣-left-identity ⟩■


  -- _∣_ preserves bisimilarity.

  infix 6 _∣-cong_ _∣-cong′_

  _∣-cong_ :  {i P P′ Q Q′} 
             [ i ] P  Q  [ i ] P′  Q′  [ i ] P  P′  Q  Q′
  P∼Q ∣-cong P′∼Q′ =
     lr P∼Q P′∼Q′
    , Σ-map id (Σ-map id symmetric) 
      lr (symmetric P∼Q) (symmetric P′∼Q′)
    lr = CL.∣-cong _∣-cong′_

  _∣-cong′_ :  {i P P′ Q Q′} 
              [ i ] P ∼′ Q  [ i ] P′ ∼′ Q′  [ i ] P  P′ ∼′ Q  Q′
  force (P∼P′ ∣-cong′ Q∼Q′) = force P∼P′ ∣-cong force Q∼Q′

-- An alternative proof that is closer to the one in the paper.

infix 6 _∣-congP_

_∣-congP_ :  {i P P′ Q Q′} 
            [ i ] P  Q  [ i ] P′  Q′  [ i ] P  P′  Q  Q′
_∣-congP_ = λ p q 
   lr p q
  , Σ-map id (Σ-map id symmetric)  lr (symmetric p) (symmetric q)
  lr :  {i P P′ P″ Q Q′ μ} 
       [ i ] P  Q  [ i ] P′  Q′  P  P′ [ μ ]⟶ P″ 
        λ Q″  Q  Q′ [ μ ]⟶ Q″ × [ i ] P″ ∼′ Q″
  lr p q (par-left tr) =
    let (_ , tr′          , p′) = left-to-right p tr
    in  (_ , par-left tr′ , λ { .force  force p′ ∣-congP q })

  lr p q (par-right tr) =
    let (_ , tr′           , q′) = left-to-right q tr
    in  (_ , par-right tr′ , λ { .force  p ∣-congP force q′ })

  lr p q (par-τ tr₁ tr₂) =
    let (_ , tr₁′            , p′) = left-to-right p tr₁
        (_ , tr₂′            , q′) = left-to-right q tr₂
    in  (_ , par-τ tr₁′ tr₂′ , λ { .force  force p′ ∣-congP force q′ })

-- Exercise 6.1.2 from "Enhancements of the bisimulation proof method"
-- by Pous and Sangiorgi


  -- A compact proof.

  6-1-2-compact :  {P i}  [ i ] ! P  P  ! P
  6-1-2-compact =
      tr  _ , replication tr , reflexive)
    ,  { (replication tr)  _ , tr , reflexive })

-- A less compact proof.

6-1-2 :  {P i}  [ i ] ! P  P  ! P
6-1-2 {P} =
    {P′} {μ} tr 
       P′   ∼⟨ ∼′: reflexive ⟩■
       P′   [ μ ]⟵⟨ replication tr 
       ! P)
  ,  { {q′ = P′} {μ = μ} (replication tr) 
         ! P  P  [ μ ]⟶⟨ tr ⟩ʳˡ
         P′       ∼⟨ ∼′: reflexive ⟩■
         P′ })

-- Exercise 6.1.3 (2) from "Enhancements of the bisimulation proof
-- method" by Pous and Sangiorgi, plus some rearrangement lemmas

  module 6-1-3-2 = Bisimilarity.CCS.General.6-1-3-2 (record
    { _∼_       = _∼_
    ; step-∼    = step-∼
    ; finally-∼ = Equational-reasoning.finally₂
    ; reflexive = reflexive
    ; symmetric = symmetric
    ; ∣-comm    = ∣-comm
    ; ∣-assoc   = ∣-assoc
    ; _∣-cong_  = _∣-cong_
    ; 6-1-2     = 6-1-2

6-1-3-2 :
   {P μ R} 
  ! P [ μ ]⟶ R 
  ( λ P′  P [ μ ]⟶ P′ × R  ! P  P′)
  (μ  τ ×  λ P′   λ P″   λ a 
   P [ name a ]⟶ P′ × P [ name (co a) ]⟶ P″ × R  (! P  P′)  P″)
6-1-3-2 = 6-1-3-2.6-1-3-2

swap-rightmost :  {P Q R}  (P  Q)  R  (P  R)  Q
swap-rightmost = 6-1-3-2.swap-rightmost

swap-in-the-middle :  {P Q R S} 
                     (P  Q)  (R  S)  (P  R)  (Q  S)
swap-in-the-middle {P} {Q} {R} {S} =
  (P  Q)  (R  S)  ∼⟨ swap-rightmost 
  (P  (R  S))  Q  ∼⟨ ∣-assoc ∣-cong reflexive 
  ((P  R)  S)  Q  ∼⟨ symmetric ∣-assoc  ∼:
  (P  R)  (S  Q)  ∼⟨ reflexive ∣-cong ∣-comm ⟩■
  (P  R)  (Q  S)

-- More preservation lemmas

-- _⊕_ preserves bisimilarity.

infix 8 _⊕-cong_ _⊕-cong′_

_⊕-cong_ :  {i P P′ Q Q′} 
           [ i ] P  P′  [ i ] Q  Q′  [ i ] P  Q  P′  Q′
P∼P′ ⊕-cong Q∼Q′ =
   CL.⊕-cong P∼P′ Q∼Q′
  , Σ-map id (Σ-map id symmetric) 
    CL.⊕-cong (symmetric P∼P′) (symmetric Q∼Q′)

_⊕-cong′_ :  {i P P′ Q Q′} 
            [ i ] P ∼′ P′  [ i ] Q ∼′ Q′  [ i ] P  Q ∼′ P′  Q′
force (P∼P′ ⊕-cong′ Q∼Q′) = force P∼P′ ⊕-cong force Q∼Q′

-- _·_ preserves bisimilarity.

infix 12 _·-cong_ _·-cong′_

_·-cong_ :
   {i μ μ′ P P′} 
  μ  μ′  [ i ] force P ∼′ force P′  [ i ] μ · P  μ′ · P′
refl ·-cong P∼P′ =
   CL.·-cong P∼P′
  , Σ-map id (Σ-map id symmetric)  CL.·-cong (symmetric P∼P′)

_·-cong′_ :
   {i μ μ′ P P′} 
  μ  μ′  [ i ] force P ∼′ force P′  [ i ] μ · P ∼′ μ′ · P′
force (μ≡μ′ ·-cong′ P∼P′) = μ≡μ′ ·-cong P∼P′

-- An alternative proof that is closer to the one in the paper.

·-congP :  {i μ P Q}  [ i ] force P ∼′ force Q  [ i ] μ · P  μ · Q
·-congP p =
    { action  _ , action , p })
  ,  { action  _ , action , p })

-- _∙_ preserves bisimilarity.

infix 12 _∙-cong_ _∙-cong′_

_∙-cong_ :
   {i μ μ′ P P′} 
  μ  μ′  [ i ] P  P′  [ i ] μ  P  μ′  P′
refl ∙-cong P∼P′ = refl ·-cong convert {a = } P∼P′

_∙-cong′_ :
   {i μ μ′ P P′} 
  μ  μ′  [ i ] P ∼′ P′  [ i ] μ  P ∼′ μ′  P′
force (μ≡μ′ ∙-cong′ P∼P′) = μ≡μ′ ∙-cong force P∼P′

-- _∙ turns equality into bisimilarity.

infix 12 _∙-cong _∙-cong′

_∙-cong :  {μ μ′}  μ  μ′  μ   μ′ 
refl ∙-cong = reflexive

_∙-cong′ :  {μ μ′}  μ  μ′  μ  ∼′ μ′ 
refl ∙-cong′ = reflexive


  -- !_ preserves bisimilarity.

  infix 10 !-cong_ !-cong′_

  !-cong_ :  {i P P′} 
            [ i ] P  P′  [ i ] ! P  ! P′
  !-cong P∼P′ =
     lr P∼P′
    , Σ-map id (Σ-map id symmetric)  lr (symmetric P∼P′)
    lr = CL.!-cong 6-1-3-2 _∣-cong′_ !-cong′_

  !-cong′_ :  {i P P′}  [ i ] P ∼′ P′  [ i ] ! P ∼′ ! P′
  force (!-cong′ P∼P′) = !-cong force P∼P′

-- An alternative proof that is closer to the one in the paper.

!-congP :  {i P Q}  [ i ] P  Q  [ i ] ! P  ! Q
!-congP = λ p 
   lr p
  , Σ-map id (Σ-map id symmetric)  lr (symmetric p)
  lr :  {P Q R μ i} 
       [ i ] P  Q  ! P [ μ ]⟶ R 
        λ S  ! Q [ μ ]⟶ S × [ i ] R ∼′ S
  lr {P} {Q} {R} P∼Q !P⟶R with 6-1-3-2 !P⟶R
  ... | inj₁ (P′ , P⟶P′ , R∼!P∣P′) =
    let (Q′ , Q⟶Q′ , P′∼′Q′) = left-to-right P∼Q P⟶P′
    ( ! Q  Q′
    , replication (par-right Q⟶Q′)
    , (R         ∼⟨ R∼!P∣P′ 
       ! P  P′  ∼⟨  { .force  !-congP P∼Q }) ∣-cong′ P′∼′Q′  ∼′:
       ! Q  Q′  
  ... | inj₂ (refl , P′ , P″ , a , P⟶P′ , P⟶P″ , R∼!P∣P′∣P″) =
    let (Q′ , Q⟶Q′ , P′∼′Q′) = left-to-right P∼Q P⟶P′
        (Q″ , Q⟶Q″ , P″∼′Q″) = left-to-right P∼Q P⟶P″
    ( (! Q  Q′)  Q″
    , replication (par-τ (replication (par-right Q⟶Q′)) Q⟶Q″)
    , (R                ∼⟨ R∼!P∣P′∣P″ 
       (! P  P′)  P″  ∼⟨ ((λ { .force  !-congP P∼Q }) ∣-cong′ P′∼′Q′)
                             ∣-cong′ P″∼′Q″  ∼′:
       (! Q  Q′)  Q″  


  -- ⟨ν_⟩ preserves bisimilarity.

  ⟨ν_⟩-cong :  {i a a′ P P′} 
              a  a′  [ i ] P  P′  [ i ] ⟨ν a  P  ⟨ν a′  P′
  ⟨ν refl ⟩-cong = λ P∼P′ 
     lr P∼P′
    , Σ-map id (Σ-map id symmetric)  lr (symmetric P∼P′)
    lr = CL.⟨ν⟩-cong ⟨ν refl ⟩-cong′

  ⟨ν_⟩-cong′ :  {i a a′ P P′} 
               a  a′  [ i ] P ∼′ P′  [ i ] ⟨ν a  P ∼′ ⟨ν a′  P′
  force (⟨ν a≡a′ ⟩-cong′ P∼P′) = ⟨ν a≡a′ ⟩-cong (force P∼P′)

-- _[_] preserves bisimilarity. (This result is related to Exercise
-- 6.2.10 in "Enhancements of the bisimulation proof method"
-- by Pous and Sangiorgi.)

infix 5 _[_]-cong _[_]-cong′

_[_]-cong :
   {i n Ps Qs}
  (C : Context  n)  (∀ x  [ i ] Ps x  Qs x) 
  [ i ] C [ Ps ]  C [ Qs ]
hole x   [ Ps∼Qs ]-cong = Ps∼Qs x
        [ Ps∼Qs ]-cong = reflexive
C₁  C₂  [ Ps∼Qs ]-cong = (C₁ [ Ps∼Qs ]-cong) ∣-cong (C₂ [ Ps∼Qs ]-cong)
C₁  C₂  [ Ps∼Qs ]-cong = (C₁ [ Ps∼Qs ]-cong) ⊕-cong (C₂ [ Ps∼Qs ]-cong)
μ · C    [ Ps∼Qs ]-cong = refl ·-cong λ { .force  force C [ Ps∼Qs ]-cong }
⟨ν a  C [ Ps∼Qs ]-cong = ⟨ν refl ⟩-cong (C [ Ps∼Qs ]-cong)
! C      [ Ps∼Qs ]-cong = !-cong (C [ Ps∼Qs ]-cong)

_[_]-cong′ :
   {i n Ps Qs}
  (C : Context  n)  (∀ x  [ i ] Ps x ∼′ Qs x) 
  [ i ] C [ Ps ] ∼′ C [ Qs ]
force (C [ Ps∼Qs ]-cong′) = C [  x  force (Ps∼Qs x)) ]-cong

-- The proof of _[_]-cong uses 6-1-3-2 (in !-cong_). The following
-- direct proof does not use 6-1-3-2 (but it does use
-- extensionality).

module _ (ext : Proc-extensionality) where


  infix 5 _[_]-cong₂ _[_]-cong₂′

  _[_]-cong₂ :
     {i n Ps Qs}
    (C : Context  n)  (∀ x  [ i ] Ps x  Qs x) 
    [ i ] C [ Ps ]  C [ Qs ]
  _[_]-cong₂ {i} C Ps∼Qs =
     lr C Ps∼Qs
    , Σ-map id (Σ-map id symmetric)  lr C (symmetric  Ps∼Qs)

    infix 5 _[_][_]-cong₁ _[_][_]-cong₂

    _[_][_]-cong₁ :
       {n P Q Ps Qs} 
      (C : Context  (suc n)) 
      [ i ] P ∼′ Q 
      (∀ x  [ i ] Ps x  Qs x) 
      [ i ] C [ [ const P , Ps ] ] ∼′ C [ [ const Q , Qs ] ]
    force (C [ P∼′Q ][ Ps∼Qs ]-cong₁) =
      C [ [ const (force P∼′Q) , Ps∼Qs ] ]-cong₂

    _[_][_]-cong₂ :
       {P Q R S} 
      (C : Context  2) 
      [ i ] P ∼′ Q 
      [ i ] R ∼′ S 
      [ i ] C [ [ const P , [ const R ,  ()) ] ] ] ∼′
            C [ [ const Q , [ const S ,  ()) ] ] ]
    force (C [ P∼′Q ][ R∼′S ]-cong₂) =
      C [ [ const (force P∼′Q)
          , [ const (force R∼′S) ,  ()) ]
          ] ]-cong₂

    lr :  {n Ps Qs P′ μ} (C : Context  n) 
         (∀ x  [ i ] Ps x  Qs x) 
         C [ Ps ] [ μ ]⟶ P′ 
          λ Q′  C [ Qs ] [ μ ]⟶ Q′ × [ i ] P′ ∼′ Q′
    lr (hole x)   Ps∼Qs tr                  = left-to-right (Ps∼Qs x) tr
    lr           Ps∼Qs ()
    lr (C₁  C₂)  Ps∼Qs (par-left tr)       = Σ-map (_∣ _) (Σ-map par-left  b  subst  P  [ i ] _ ∼′ _  P) (ext $ weaken-[] C₂) $
                                                                                  subst  P  [ i ] _  P ∼′ _) (ext $ weaken-[] C₂) $
                                                                                  hole fzero  weaken C₂ [ b ][ Ps∼Qs ]-cong₁)) (lr C₁ Ps∼Qs tr)
    lr (C₁  C₂)  Ps∼Qs (par-right tr)      = Σ-map (_ ∣_) (Σ-map par-right  b  subst  P  [ i ] _ ∼′ P  _) (ext $ weaken-[] C₁) $
                                                                                   subst  P  [ i ] P  _ ∼′ _) (ext $ weaken-[] C₁) $
                                                                                   weaken C₁  hole fzero [ b ][ Ps∼Qs ]-cong₁)) (lr C₂ Ps∼Qs tr)
    lr (C₁  C₂)  Ps∼Qs (par-τ tr₁ tr₂)     = Σ-zip _∣_ (Σ-zip par-τ  b₁ b₂  hole fzero  hole (fsuc fzero) [ b₁ ][ b₂ ]-cong₂))
                                                (lr C₁ Ps∼Qs tr₁) (lr C₂ Ps∼Qs tr₂)
    lr (C₁  C₂)  Ps∼Qs (sum-left tr)       = Σ-map id (Σ-map sum-left id) (lr C₁ Ps∼Qs tr)
    lr (C₁  C₂)  Ps∼Qs (sum-right tr)      = Σ-map id (Σ-map sum-right id) (lr C₂ Ps∼Qs tr)
    lr (μ · C)    Ps∼Qs action              = _ , action , λ { .force  force C [ Ps∼Qs ]-cong₂ }
    lr (⟨ν a  C) Ps∼Qs (restriction a∉ tr) = Σ-map ⟨ν a  (Σ-map (restriction a∉)  b  ⟨ν a  (hole fzero) [ b ][ Ps∼Qs ]-cong₁))
                                                (lr C Ps∼Qs tr)
    lr (! C)      Ps∼Qs (replication tr)    = Σ-map id (Σ-map replication id) (lr (! C  C) Ps∼Qs tr)

  _[_]-cong₂′ :
     {i n Ps Qs}
    (C : Context  n)  (∀ x  [ i ] Ps x ∼′ Qs x) 
    [ i ] C [ Ps ] ∼′ C [ Qs ]
  force (C [ Ps∼′Qs ]-cong₂′) = C [  x  force (Ps∼′Qs x)) ]-cong₂

-- A variant of _[_]-cong for weakly guarded contexts.
-- Note that the input uses the primed variant of bisimilarity.
-- I got the idea for this lemma from Lemma 23 in Schäfer and Smolka's
-- "Tower Induction and Up-to Techniques for CCS with Fixed Points".

infix 5 _[_]-cong-w

_[_]-cong-w :
   {i n Ps Qs} {C : Context  n} 
  Weakly-guarded C  (∀ x  [ i ] Ps x ∼′ Qs x) 
  [ i ] C [ Ps ]  C [ Qs ]
              [ Ps∼Qs ]-cong-w = reflexive
W₁  W₂        [ Ps∼Qs ]-cong-w = (W₁ [ Ps∼Qs ]-cong-w) ∣-cong
                                  (W₂ [ Ps∼Qs ]-cong-w)
action {C = C} [ Ps∼Qs ]-cong-w = refl ·-cong (force C [ Ps∼Qs ]-cong′)
⟨ν⟩ W          [ Ps∼Qs ]-cong-w = ⟨ν refl ⟩-cong (W [ Ps∼Qs ]-cong-w)
! W            [ Ps∼Qs ]-cong-w = !-cong (W [ Ps∼Qs ]-cong-w)
W₁  W₂        [ Ps∼Qs ]-cong-w = (W₁ [ Ps∼Qs ]-cong-w) ⊕-cong
                                  (W₂ [ Ps∼Qs ]-cong-w)

-- Very strong bisimilarity is contained in bisimilarity.


  ≡→∼ :  {i P Q}  Equal i P Q  [ i ] P  Q
  ≡→∼               = reflexive
  ≡→∼ (eq₁  eq₂)    = ≡→∼ eq₁ ∣-cong ≡→∼ eq₂
  ≡→∼ (eq₁  eq₂)    = ≡→∼ eq₁ ⊕-cong ≡→∼ eq₂
  ≡→∼ (refl · eq)    = refl ·-cong ≡→∼′ eq
  ≡→∼ (⟨ν refl  eq) = ⟨ν refl ⟩-cong (≡→∼ eq)
  ≡→∼ (! eq)         = !-cong ≡→∼ eq

  ≡→∼′ :  {i P Q}  Equal′ i P Q  [ i ] P ∼′ Q
  force (≡→∼′ eq) = ≡→∼ (force eq)

-- Unique solutions

-- If the set of equations corresponding (in a certain sense) to a
-- family of weakly guarded contexts has two families of solutions,
-- then those solutions are pairwise bisimilar.
-- This result is very similar to a proposition in Milner's
-- "Communication and Concurrency".


  unique-solutions :
     {i n} {Ps Qs : Fin n  Proc } {C : Fin n  Context  n} 
    (∀ x  Weakly-guarded (C x)) 
    (∀ x  [ i ] Ps x  C x [ Ps ]) 
    (∀ x  [ i ] Qs x  C x [ Qs ]) 
     x  [ i ] Ps x  Qs x
  unique-solutions {i} {Ps = Ps} {Qs} {C} w ∼C[Ps] ∼C[Qs] x =
    Ps x        ∼⟨ ∼C[Ps] x 
    C x [ Ps ]  ∼⟨ ∼:  lr ∼C[Ps] ∼C[Qs] , Σ-map id (Σ-map id symmetric)  lr ∼C[Qs] ∼C[Ps]  
    C x [ Qs ]  ∼⟨ symmetric (∼C[Qs] x) ⟩■
    Qs x
    lr :
       {Ps Qs μ P} 
      (∀ x  [ i ] Ps x  C x [ Ps ]) 
      (∀ x  [ i ] Qs x  C x [ Qs ]) 
      C x [ Ps ] [ μ ]⟶ P 
       λ Q  C x [ Qs ] [ μ ]⟶ Q × [ i ] P ∼′ Q
    lr {Ps} {Qs} {μ} ∼C[Ps] ∼C[Qs] ⟶P =
      case 6-2-15 (C x) (w x) ⟶P of λ where
        (C′ , refl , trs) 
          C′ [ Ps ]   ∼⟨ C′ [ unique-solutions′ w ∼C[Ps] ∼C[Qs] ]-cong′ ⟩■
          C′ [ Qs ]   [ μ ]⟵⟨ trs Qs 
          C x [ Qs ]

  unique-solutions′ :
     {i n} {Ps Qs : Fin n  Proc } {C : Fin n  Context  n} 
    (∀ x  Weakly-guarded (C x)) 
    (∀ x  [ i ] Ps x  C x [ Ps ]) 
    (∀ x  [ i ] Qs x  C x [ Qs ]) 
     x  [ i ] Ps x ∼′ Qs x
  force (unique-solutions′ w ∼C[Ps] ∼C[Qs] x) = unique-solutions w ∼C[Ps] ∼C[Qs] x

-- For every family of weakly guarded contexts there is a family of
-- processes that satisfies the corresponding equations.

solutions-exist :
   {n} {C : Fin n  Context  n} 
  (∀ x  Weakly-guarded (C x)) 
   λ Ps   x  Ps x  C x [ Ps ]
solutions-exist {n} {C} w = Ps , Ps∼


    Ps :  {i}  Fin n  Proc i
    Ps x = P₁ (w x)

    P₁ :  {i} {C : Context  n}  Weakly-guarded C  Proc i
    P₁                         = 
    P₁ (w₁  w₂)                = P₁ w₁  P₁ w₂
    P₁ (w₁  w₂)                = P₁ w₁  P₁ w₂
    P₁ (action {μ = μ} {C = C}) = μ · λ { .force  P₂ (force C) }
    P₁ (⟨ν⟩ {a = a} w)          = ⟨ν a  (P₁ w)
    P₁ (! w)                    = ! P₁ w

    P₂ :  {i}  Context  n  Proc i
    P₂ (hole x)   = Ps x
    P₂           = 
    P₂ (C₁  C₂)  = P₂ C₁  P₂ C₂
    P₂ (C₁  C₂)  = P₂ C₁  P₂ C₂
    P₂ (μ · C)    = μ · λ { .force  P₂ (force C) }
    P₂ (⟨ν a  C) = ⟨ν a  (P₂ C)
    P₂ (! C)      = ! P₂ C

  P₂∼ :  {i} (C : Context  n)  [ i ] P₂ C  C [ Ps ]
  P₂∼ (hole x)   = reflexive
  P₂∼           = reflexive
  P₂∼ (C₁  C₂)  = P₂∼ C₁ ∣-cong P₂∼ C₂
  P₂∼ (C₁  C₂)  = P₂∼ C₁ ⊕-cong P₂∼ C₂
  P₂∼ (μ · C)    = refl ·-cong λ { .force  P₂∼ (force C) }
  P₂∼ (⟨ν a  C) = ⟨ν refl ⟩-cong (P₂∼ C)
  P₂∼ (! C)      = !-cong P₂∼ C

  P₁∼ : {C : Context  n} (w : Weakly-guarded C)  P₁ w  C [ Ps ]
  P₁∼                 = reflexive
  P₁∼ (w₁  w₂)        = P₁∼ w₁ ∣-cong P₁∼ w₂
  P₁∼ (w₁  w₂)        = P₁∼ w₁ ⊕-cong P₁∼ w₂
  P₁∼ (action {C = C}) = refl ·-cong λ { .force  P₂∼ (force C) }
  P₁∼ (⟨ν⟩ {a = a} w)  = ⟨ν refl ⟩-cong (P₁∼ w)
  P₁∼ (! w)            = !-cong P₁∼ w

  Ps∼ :  x  Ps x  C x [ Ps ]
  Ps∼ x = P₁∼ (w x)

-- Some lemmas related to _⊕_

-- _⊕_ is idempotent.

⊕-idempotent :  {P}  P  P  P
⊕-idempotent {P} =
  ,  {R} P⟶R 
       P  P  ⟶⟨ sum-left P⟶R ⟩ʳˡ
       R      ∼⟨ ∼′: reflexive ⟩■
  lr :  {Q μ}  P  P [ μ ]⟶ Q   λ R  P [ μ ]⟶ R × Q ∼′ R
  lr {Q} (sum-left P⟶Q) =
    Q  ∼⟨ ∼′: reflexive ⟩■
    Q  ⟵⟨ P⟶Q 

  lr {Q} (sum-right P⟶Q) =
    Q  ∼⟨ ∼′: reflexive ⟩■
    Q  ⟵⟨ P⟶Q 

⊕-idempotent′ :  {P}  P  P ∼′ P
force ⊕-idempotent′ = ⊕-idempotent

-- _⊕_ is commutative.

⊕-comm :  {P Q}  P  Q  Q  P
⊕-comm =  lr , Σ-map id (Σ-map id symmetric)  lr 
  lr :  {P Q R μ} 
       P  Q [ μ ]⟶ R   λ R′  Q  P [ μ ]⟶ R′ × R ∼′ R′
  lr {P} {Q} {R} = λ where
    (sum-left  P⟶R) 
      R       ⟵⟨ sum-right P⟶R 
      Q  P

    (sum-right Q⟶R) 
      R       ⟵⟨ sum-left Q⟶R 
      Q  P