-- CCS

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Labelled-transition-system.CCS {} (Name : Set ) where

open import Equality.Propositional
open import Prelude

open import Bool equality-with-J
open import Function-universe equality-with-J hiding (id; _∘_)

open import Labelled-transition-system

-- Fixity declarations

infix  12 _∙
infixr 12 _·_ _∙_
infix  10 !_
infix   8 _⊕_
infix   6 _∣_
infix   5 _[_] _[_]′
infix   4 _[_]⟶_ _∉_

-- CCS, roughly as defined in "Enhancements of the bisimulation proof
-- method" by Pous and Sangiorgi, with support for corecursive
-- processes (instead of the named process constants presented in
-- "Coinduction All the Way Up" by Pous)

-- Names with kinds: (a , true) stands for "a", and (a , false) stands
-- for "a̅".

Name-with-kind : Set 
Name-with-kind = Name × Bool

-- Turns names of one kind into names of the other kind.

co : Name-with-kind  Name-with-kind
co (a , kind) = a , not kind

-- Actions.

data Action : Set  where
  name : Name-with-kind  Action
  τ    : Action

-- The only silent action is τ.

is-silent : Action  Bool
is-silent (name _) = false
is-silent τ        = true

-- Processes.


  data Proc (i : Size) : Set  where
           : Proc i
    _∣_ _⊕_ : Proc i  Proc i  Proc i
    _·_     : Action  Proc′ i  Proc i
    ⟨ν_⟩    : Name  Proc i  Proc i
    !_      : Proc i  Proc i

  record Proc′ (i : Size) : Set  where
      force : {j : Size< i}  Proc j

open Proc′ public

-- An inductive variant of _·_.

_∙_ :  {i}  Action  Proc i  Proc i
μ  P = μ · λ { .force  P }

-- An abbreviation.

_∙ : Name-with-kind  Proc 
a  = name a  

-- The predicate a ∉ μ holds if a is not the underlying name of μ (if
-- any).

_∉_ : Name  Action  Set 
a  name (b , _) = ¬ a  b
a  τ            =   

-- Transition relation.

data _[_]⟶_ : Proc   Action  Proc   Set  where
  par-left    :  {P Q P′ μ}  P [ μ ]⟶ P′  P  Q [ μ ]⟶ P′  Q
  par-right   :  {P Q Q′ μ}  Q [ μ ]⟶ Q′  P  Q [ μ ]⟶ P   Q′
  par-τ       :  {P P′ Q Q′ a} 
                P [ name a ]⟶ P′  Q [ name (co a) ]⟶ Q′ 
                P  Q [ τ ]⟶ P′  Q′
  sum-left    :  {P Q P′ μ}  P [ μ ]⟶ P′  P  Q [ μ ]⟶ P′
  sum-right   :  {P Q Q′ μ}  Q [ μ ]⟶ Q′  P  Q [ μ ]⟶ Q′
  action      :  {P μ}  μ · P [ μ ]⟶ force P
  restriction :  {P P′ a μ} 
                a  μ  P [ μ ]⟶ P′  ⟨ν a  P [ μ ]⟶ ⟨ν a  P′
  replication :  {P P′ μ}  ! P  P [ μ ]⟶ P′  ! P [ μ ]⟶ P′

-- The CCS LTS.

CCS = record
  { Proc      = Proc 
  ; Label     = Action
  ; _[_]⟶_    = _[_]⟶_
  ; is-silent = is-silent

open LTS CCS public hiding (Proc; _[_]⟶_; is-silent)

-- Contexts and some related definitions, roughly following
-- "Enhancements of the bisimulation proof method" by Pous and
-- Sangiorgi


  -- Polyadic contexts.

  data Context (i : Size) (n : ) : Set  where
    hole    : (x : Fin n)  Context i n
           : Context i n
    _∣_ _⊕_ : Context i n  Context i n  Context i n
    _·_     : (μ : Action)  Context′ i n  Context i n
    ⟨ν_⟩    : (a : Name)  Context i n  Context i n
    !_      : Context i n  Context i n

  record Context′ (i : Size) (n : ) : Set  where
      force : {j : Size< i}  Context j n

open Context′ public


  -- Hole filling.

  _[_] :  {i n}  Context i n  (Fin n  Proc )  Proc i
  hole x   [ Ps ] = Ps x
          [ Ps ] = 
  C₁  C₂  [ Ps ] = (C₁ [ Ps ])  (C₂ [ Ps ])
  C₁  C₂  [ Ps ] = (C₁ [ Ps ])  (C₂ [ Ps ])
  μ · C    [ Ps ] = μ · (C [ Ps ]′)
  ⟨ν a  C [ Ps ] = ⟨ν a  (C [ Ps ])
  ! C      [ Ps ] = ! (C [ Ps ])

  _[_]′ :  {i n}  Context′ i n  (Fin n  Proc )  Proc′ i
  force (C [ Ps ]′) = force C [ Ps ]

-- A context is weakly guarded if every hole is under a prefix (μ ·_).

data Weakly-guarded {n : } : Context  n  Set  where
        : Weakly-guarded 
  _∣_    :  {C₁ C₂} 
           Weakly-guarded C₁  Weakly-guarded C₂ 
           Weakly-guarded (C₁  C₂)
  _⊕_    :  {C₁ C₂} 
           Weakly-guarded C₁  Weakly-guarded C₂ 
           Weakly-guarded (C₁  C₂)
  action :  {μ C}  Weakly-guarded (μ · C)
  ⟨ν⟩    :  {a C}  Weakly-guarded C  Weakly-guarded (⟨ν a  C)
  !_     :  {C}  Weakly-guarded C  Weakly-guarded (! C)

-- Turns processes into contexts without holes.

context :  {i n}  Proc i  Context i n
context           = 
context (P₁  P₂)  = context P₁  context P₂
context (P₁  P₂)  = context P₁  context P₂
context (μ · P)    = μ · λ { .force  context (force P) }
context (⟨ν a  P) = ⟨ν a  (context P)
context (! P)      = ! context P

-- Non-degenerate contexts.


  data Non-degenerate (i : Size) {n : } : Context  n  Set  where
    hole   :  {x}  Non-degenerate i (hole x)
          : Non-degenerate i 
    _∣_    :  {C₁ C₂} 
             Non-degenerate i C₁  Non-degenerate i C₂ 
             Non-degenerate i (C₁  C₂)
    _⊕_    :  {C₁ C₂} 
             Non-degenerate-summand i C₁ 
             Non-degenerate-summand i C₂ 
             Non-degenerate i (C₁  C₂)
    action :  {μ C} 
             Non-degenerate′ i (force C)  Non-degenerate i (μ · C)
    ⟨ν⟩    :  {a C}  Non-degenerate i C  Non-degenerate i (⟨ν a  C)
    !_     :  {C}  Non-degenerate i C  Non-degenerate i (! C)

  data Non-degenerate-summand (i : Size) {n : } :
                              Context  n  Set  where
    process :  P  Non-degenerate-summand i (context P)
    action  :  {μ C} 
              Non-degenerate′ i (force C) 
              Non-degenerate-summand i (μ · C)

  record Non-degenerate′ (i : Size) {n} (C : Context  n) : Set  where
      force : {j : Size< i}  Non-degenerate j C

open Non-degenerate′ public

-- Very strong bisimilarity

-- "Very strong" bisimilarity for processes: Equal ∞ P Q means that P
-- and Q have the same structure.


  data Equal (i : Size) : Proc   Proc   Set  where
        : Equal i  
    _∣_  :  {P₁ P₂ Q₁ Q₂} 
           Equal i P₁ P₂  Equal i Q₁ Q₂  Equal i (P₁  Q₁) (P₂  Q₂)
    _⊕_  :  {P₁ P₂ Q₁ Q₂} 
           Equal i P₁ P₂  Equal i Q₁ Q₂  Equal i (P₁  Q₁) (P₂  Q₂)
    _·_  :  {μ₁ μ₂ P₁ P₂} 
           μ₁  μ₂  Equal′ i (force P₁) (force P₂) 
           Equal i (μ₁ · P₁) (μ₂ · P₂)
    ⟨ν_⟩ :  {a₁ a₂ P₁ P₂} 
           a₁  a₂  Equal i P₁ P₂  Equal i (⟨ν a₁  P₁) (⟨ν a₂  P₂)
    !_   :  {P₁ P₂}  Equal i P₁ P₂  Equal i (! P₁) (! P₂)

  record Equal′ (i : Size) (P₁ P₂ : Proc ) : Set  where
      force : {j : Size< i}  Equal j P₁ P₂

open Equal′ public

-- Extensionality for very strong bisimilarity.

Proc-extensionality : Set 
Proc-extensionality =  {P Q}  Equal  P Q  P  Q

-- Some lemmas

-- The co function is involutive.

co-involutive :  a  co (co a)  a
co-involutive (a , kind) =
  (a , not (not kind))  ≡⟨ cong (_ ,_) $ not-involutive kind ⟩∎
  (a , kind)            

-- A name is not equal to the corresponding coname.

id≢co :  {a}  a  co a
id≢co {a} =
  a  co a                 ↝⟨ cong proj₂ 
  proj₂ a  not (proj₂ a)  ↝⟨ not≡⇒≢ _ _  sym 
  proj₂ a  proj₂ a        ↝⟨ _$ refl ⟩□

-- A cancellation law.

cancel-name :  {a b}  name a  name b  a  b
cancel-name refl = refl

-- A disjointness law.

name≢τ :  {a}  name a  τ
name≢τ ()

-- The only silent label is τ.

silent≡τ :  {μ}  Silent μ  μ  τ
silent≡τ {τ}      _  = refl
silent≡τ {name _} ()

-- Names do not match (the only silent label) τ.

∉τ :  {μ a}  Silent μ  a  μ
∉τ s rewrite silent≡τ s = _

-- A variant of par-τ.

par-τ′ :  {P P′ Q Q′ a b} 
         b  co a  P [ name a ]⟶ P′  Q [ name b ]⟶ Q′ 
         P  Q [ τ ]⟶ P′  Q′
par-τ′ refl = par-τ

-- The process μ · P can only make μ-transitions.

·-only :  {μ₁ μ₂ P Q}  μ₁ · P [ μ₂ ]⟶ Q  μ₁  μ₂
·-only action = refl

-- The process μ · P can only transition to force P.

·-only⟶ :  {μ₁ μ₂ P Q}  μ₁ · P [ μ₂ ]⟶ Q  Q  force P
·-only⟶ action = refl

-- A simple corollary.

names-are-not-inverted :
   {a P Q}  ¬ (name a · P [ name (co a) ]⟶ Q)
names-are-not-inverted {a} {P} {Q} =
  name a · P [ name (co a) ]⟶ Q  ↝⟨ ·-only 
  name a  name (co a)           ↝⟨ id≢co  cancel-name ⟩□

-- If P₁ and P₂ can only make μ-transitions, then P₁ ∣ P₂ can only
-- make μ-transitions.

∣-only :  {μ₀ P₁ P₂} 
         (∀ {P′ μ}  P₁ [ μ ]⟶ P′  μ₀  μ) 
         (∀ {P′ μ}  P₂ [ μ ]⟶ P′  μ₀  μ) 
          {P′ μ}  P₁  P₂ [ μ ]⟶ P′  μ₀  μ
∣-only      only₁ only₂ (par-left tr)           = only₁ tr
∣-only      only₁ only₂ (par-right tr)          = only₂ tr
∣-only {μ₀} only₁ only₂ (par-τ {a = a} tr₁ tr₂) = ⊥-elim (
                                  $⟨ only₁ tr₁ , only₂ tr₂ 
  μ₀  name a × μ₀  name (co a)  ↝⟨ uncurry trans  Σ-map sym id 
  name a  name (co a)            ↝⟨ id≢co  cancel-name ⟩□

-- If P can only make μ-transitions, then ! P can only make
-- μ-transitions.

!-only :  {μ₀ P} 
         (∀ {P′ μ}  P [ μ ]⟶ P′  μ₀  μ) 
          {P′ μ}  ! P [ μ ]⟶ P′  μ₀  μ
!-only      only (replication (par-left  tr)) = !-only only tr
!-only      only (replication (par-right tr)) = only tr
!-only {μ₀} only (replication (par-τ {a = a} tr₁ tr₂)) = ⊥-elim (
                                  $⟨ !-only only tr₁ , only tr₂ 
  μ₀  name a × μ₀  name (co a)  ↝⟨ uncurry trans  Σ-map sym id 
  name a  name (co a)            ↝⟨ id≢co  cancel-name ⟩□

-- If P₁ and P₂ can only make μ-transitions, then P₁ ⊕ P₂ can only
-- make μ-transitions.

⊕-only :  {μ₀ P₁ P₂} 
         (∀ {P′ μ}  P₁ [ μ ]⟶ P′  μ₀  μ) 
         (∀ {P′ μ}  P₂ [ μ ]⟶ P′  μ₀  μ) 
          {P′ μ}  P₁  P₂ [ μ ]⟶ P′  μ₀  μ
⊕-only only₁ only₂ (sum-left tr)  = only₁ tr
⊕-only only₁ only₂ (sum-right tr) = only₂ tr

-- If P can only make μ-transitions, then ⟨ν a ⟩ P can only make
-- μ-transitions.

⟨ν⟩-only :  {μ₀ a P} 
           (∀ {P′ μ}  P [ μ ]⟶ P′  μ₀  μ) 
            {P′ μ}  ⟨ν a  P [ μ ]⟶ P′  μ₀  μ
⟨ν⟩-only only (restriction _ tr) = only tr

-- A simple lemma.

·⊕·-co :
   {a b c P Q R S} 
  name a · P  name b · Q [ name c ]⟶      R 
  name a · P  name b · Q [ name (co c) ]⟶ S 
  b  co a × (R  force P × S  force Q  R  force Q × S  force P)
·⊕·-co (sum-left  action)
       (sum-left  tr)     = ⊥-elim (names-are-not-inverted tr)
·⊕·-co (sum-left  action)
       (sum-right action) = refl , inj₁ (refl , refl)
·⊕·-co (sum-right action)
       (sum-left  action) =   sym (co-involutive _)
                            , inj₂ (refl , refl)
·⊕·-co (sum-right action)
       (sum-right tr)     = ⊥-elim (names-are-not-inverted tr)

-- Very strong bisimilarity is reflexive.

Proc-refl :  {i} P  Equal i P P
Proc-refl           = 
Proc-refl (P₁  P₂)  = Proc-refl P₁  Proc-refl P₂
Proc-refl (P₁  P₂)  = Proc-refl P₁  Proc-refl P₂
Proc-refl (μ · P)    = refl · λ { .force  Proc-refl (force P) }
Proc-refl (⟨ν a  P) = ⟨ν refl  (Proc-refl P)
Proc-refl (! P)      = ! Proc-refl P

-- Very strong bisimilarity is symmetric.

Proc-sym :  {i P Q}  Equal i P Q  Equal i Q P
Proc-sym           = 
Proc-sym (P₁  P₂)  = Proc-sym P₁  Proc-sym P₂
Proc-sym (P₁  P₂)  = Proc-sym P₁  Proc-sym P₂
Proc-sym (p · P)    = sym p · λ { .force  Proc-sym (force P) }
Proc-sym (⟨ν p  P) = ⟨ν sym p  (Proc-sym P)
Proc-sym (! P)      = ! Proc-sym P

-- Very strong bisimilarity is transitive.

Proc-trans :  {i P Q R}  Equal i P Q  Equal i Q R  Equal i P R
Proc-trans                     = 
Proc-trans (P₁  P₂)  (Q₁  Q₂)  = Proc-trans P₁ Q₁  Proc-trans P₂ Q₂
Proc-trans (P₁  P₂)  (Q₁  Q₂)  = Proc-trans P₁ Q₁  Proc-trans P₂ Q₂
Proc-trans (p · P)    (q · Q)    = trans p q · λ { .force 
                                     Proc-trans (force P) (force Q) }
Proc-trans (⟨ν p  P) (⟨ν q  Q) = ⟨ν trans p q  (Proc-trans P Q)
Proc-trans (! P)      (! Q)      = ! Proc-trans P Q

-- Weakening of contexts.

weaken :  {i n}  Context i n  Context i (suc n)
weaken (hole x)   = hole (fsuc x)
weaken           = 
weaken (C₁  C₂)  = weaken C₁  weaken C₂
weaken (C₁  C₂)  = weaken C₁  weaken C₂
weaken (μ · C)    = μ · λ { .force  weaken (force C) }
weaken (⟨ν a  C) = ⟨ν a  (weaken C)
weaken (! C)      = ! weaken C

-- A lemma relating weakening and hole filling.

weaken-[] :
   {i n ps} (C : Context  n) 
  Equal i (weaken C [ ps ]) (C [ ps  fsuc ])
weaken-[] (hole x)   = Proc-refl _
weaken-[]           = 
weaken-[] (C₁  C₂)  = weaken-[] C₁  weaken-[] C₂
weaken-[] (C₁  C₂)  = weaken-[] C₁  weaken-[] C₂
weaken-[] (μ · C)    = refl · λ { .force  weaken-[] (force C) }
weaken-[] (⟨ν a  C) = ⟨ν refl  (weaken-[] C)
weaken-[] (! C)      = ! weaken-[] C

-- The result of filling the holes in the context "context P" is P.

context-[] :  {i n} {Ps : Fin n  Proc } P 
             Equal i P (context P [ Ps ])
context-[]           = 
context-[] (P₁  P₂)  = context-[] P₁  context-[] P₂
context-[] (P₁  P₂)  = context-[] P₁  context-[] P₂
context-[] (μ · P)    = refl · λ { .force  context-[] (force P) }
context-[] (⟨ν a  P) = ⟨ν refl  (context-[] P)
context-[] (! P)      = ! (context-[] P)

-- The contexts constructed by the context function are always
-- non-degenerate.

context-non-degenerate :
   {i n} (P : Proc )  Non-degenerate i (context {n = n} P)
context-non-degenerate           = 
context-non-degenerate (P₁  P₂)  = context-non-degenerate P₁ 
                                    context-non-degenerate P₂
context-non-degenerate (P₁  P₂)  = process P₁  process P₂
context-non-degenerate (μ · P)    = action λ { .force 
                                      context-non-degenerate (force P) }
context-non-degenerate (⟨ν a  P) = ⟨ν⟩ (context-non-degenerate P)
context-non-degenerate (! P)      = ! context-non-degenerate P


  -- A relation expressing that a certain process matches a certain
  -- context.

  data Matches (i : Size) {n} : Proc   Context  n  Set  where
    hole   :  {P} (x : Fin n)  Matches i P (hole x)
          : Matches i  
    _∣_    :  {P₁ P₂ C₁ C₂} 
             Matches i P₁ C₁  Matches i P₂ C₂ 
             Matches i (P₁  P₂) (C₁  C₂)
    _⊕_    :  {P₁ P₂ C₁ C₂} 
             Matches i P₁ C₁  Matches i P₂ C₂ 
             Matches i (P₁  P₂) (C₁  C₂)
    action :  {μ P C} 
             Matches′ i (force P) (force C) 
             Matches i (μ · P) (μ · C)
    ⟨ν⟩    :  {a P C}  Matches i P C  Matches i (⟨ν a  P) (⟨ν a  C)
    !_     :  {P C}  Matches i P C  Matches i (! P) (! C)

  record Matches′
           (i : Size) {n} (P : Proc ) (C : Context  n) : Set  where
      force : {j : Size< i}  Matches j P C

open Matches′ public

-- The process obtained by filling a context's holes matches the
-- context.

Matches-[] :  {i n Ps} (C : Context  n)  Matches i (C [ Ps ]) C
Matches-[] (hole x)   = hole x
Matches-[]           = 
Matches-[] (C₁  C₂)  = Matches-[] C₁  Matches-[] C₂
Matches-[] (C₁  C₂)  = Matches-[] C₁  Matches-[] C₂
Matches-[] (μ · C)    = action λ { .force  Matches-[] (force C) }
Matches-[] (⟨ν a  C) = ⟨ν⟩ (Matches-[] C)
Matches-[] (! C)      = ! Matches-[] C

-- Matches respects very strong bisimilarity.

Matches-cong :  {i P Q n} {C : Context  n} 
               Equal i P Q  Matches i P C  Matches i Q C
Matches-cong _             (hole x)   = hole x
Matches-cong                        = 
Matches-cong (p₁  p₂)     (q₁  q₂)  = Matches-cong p₁ q₁ 
                                        Matches-cong p₂ q₂
Matches-cong (p₁  p₂)     (q₁  q₂)  = Matches-cong p₁ q₁ 
                                        Matches-cong p₂ q₂
Matches-cong (refl · p)    (action q) = action λ { .force 
                                          Matches-cong (force p)
                                                       (force q) }
Matches-cong (⟨ν refl  p) (⟨ν⟩ q)    = ⟨ν⟩ (Matches-cong p q)
Matches-cong (! p)         (! q)      = ! Matches-cong p q

-- A predicate that identifies a process as being finite. Note that
-- this is an inductive definition.

data Finite : Proc   Set  where
        : Finite 
  _∣_    :  {P Q}  Finite P  Finite Q  Finite (P  Q)
  _⊕_    :  {P Q}  Finite P  Finite Q  Finite (P  Q)
  action :  {μ P}  Finite (force P)  Finite (μ · P)
  ⟨ν_⟩   :  {a P}  Finite P  Finite (⟨ν a  P)
  !_     :  {P}  Finite P  Finite (! P)

-- The transition relation takes finite processes to finite processes.

finite→finite :  {P μ Q}  P [ μ ]⟶ Q  Finite P  Finite Q
finite→finite (par-left tr)       (f₁  f₂)  = finite→finite tr f₁  f₂
finite→finite (par-right tr)      (f₁  f₂)  = f₁  finite→finite tr f₂
finite→finite (par-τ tr₁ tr₂)     (f₁  f₂)  = finite→finite tr₁ f₁ 
                                               finite→finite tr₂ f₂
finite→finite (sum-left tr)       (f₁  f₂)  = finite→finite tr f₁
finite→finite (sum-right tr)      (f₁  f₂)  = finite→finite tr f₂
finite→finite action              (action f) = f
finite→finite (restriction a∉ tr) ⟨ν f      = ⟨ν finite→finite tr f 
finite→finite (replication tr)    (! f)      = finite→finite tr (! f  f)

-- Subprocess P Q means that P is a syntactic subprocess of Q.

data Subprocess (P : Proc ) : Proc   Set  where
  refl        :  {Q}  Equal  P Q  Subprocess P Q
  par-left    :  {Q₁ Q₂}  Subprocess P Q₁  Subprocess P (Q₁  Q₂)
  par-right   :  {Q₁ Q₂}  Subprocess P Q₂  Subprocess P (Q₁  Q₂)
  sum-left    :  {Q₁ Q₂}  Subprocess P Q₁  Subprocess P (Q₁  Q₂)
  sum-right   :  {Q₁ Q₂}  Subprocess P Q₂  Subprocess P (Q₁  Q₂)
  action      :  {μ Q}  Subprocess P (force Q)  Subprocess P (μ · Q)
  restriction :  {a Q}  Subprocess P Q  Subprocess P (⟨ν a  Q)
  replication :  {Q}  Subprocess P Q  Subprocess P (! Q)

-- A process is regular if it has a finite number of distinct
-- subprocesses.

Regular : Proc   Set 
Regular P =
   λ n   λ (Qs : Fin n  Proc ) 
     {Q}  Subprocess Q P 
       λ (i : Fin n)  Equal  Q (Qs i)

-- Lemma 6.2.15 from "Enhancements of the bisimulation proof method".
-- That text claims that the lemma is proved by induction on the
-- structure of the context. Perhaps that is possible, but the proof
-- below uses induction on the structure of the transition relation,
-- and in the replication case's recursive call the context is not
-- structurally smaller.

6-2-15 :
   {n Ps μ P}
  (C : Context  n)  Weakly-guarded C 
  C [ Ps ] [ μ ]⟶ P 
   λ (C′ : Context  n) 
    P  C′ [ Ps ] ×  Qs  C [ Qs ] [ μ ]⟶ C′ [ Qs ]
6-2-15                    ()
6-2-15 (C₁  C₂)  (w₁  w₂) (par-left  tr)       = Σ-map (_∣ C₂) (Σ-map (cong (_∣ _)) (par-left  ∘_)) (6-2-15 C₁ w₁ tr)
6-2-15 (C₁  C₂)  (w₁  w₂) (par-right tr)       = Σ-map (C₁ ∣_) (Σ-map (cong (_ ∣_)) (par-right ∘_)) (6-2-15 C₂ w₂ tr)
6-2-15 (C₁  C₂)  (w₁  w₂) (par-τ tr₁ tr₂)      = Σ-zip _∣_ (Σ-zip (cong₂ _)
                                                                     trs₁ trs₂ Qs  par-τ (trs₁ Qs) (trs₂ Qs)))
                                                     (6-2-15 C₁ w₁ tr₁) (6-2-15 C₂ w₂ tr₂)
6-2-15 (C₁  C₂)  (w₁  w₂) (sum-left  tr)       = Σ-map id (Σ-map id (sum-left  ∘_)) (6-2-15 C₁ w₁ tr)
6-2-15 (C₁  C₂)  (w₁  w₂) (sum-right tr)       = Σ-map id (Σ-map id (sum-right ∘_)) (6-2-15 C₂ w₂ tr)
6-2-15 (μ · C)    action    action               = force C , refl , λ _  action
6-2-15 (⟨ν a  C) (⟨ν⟩ w)   (restriction a∉μ tr) = Σ-map ⟨ν a  (Σ-map (cong _) (restriction a∉μ ∘_)) (6-2-15 C w tr)
6-2-15 (! C)      (! w)     (replication tr)     = Σ-map id (Σ-map id (replication ∘_)) (6-2-15 (! C  C) (! w  w) tr)

-- A variant of the previous lemma.

6-2-15-nd :
   {n Ps μ P}
  (C : Context  n)  Weakly-guarded C  Non-degenerate  C 
  C [ Ps ] [ μ ]⟶ P 
   λ (C′ : Context  n) 
    Non-degenerate  C′ ×
    P  C′ [ Ps ] ×  Qs  C [ Qs ] [ μ ]⟶ C′ [ Qs ]
6-2-15-nd ext                     ()
6-2-15-nd ext (C₁  C₂)  (w₁  w₂) (n₁  n₂)         (par-left  tr)       = Σ-map (_∣ C₂) (Σ-map (_∣ n₂) (Σ-map (cong (_∣ _)) (par-left  ∘_)))
                                                                              (6-2-15-nd ext C₁ w₁ n₁ tr)
6-2-15-nd ext (C₁  C₂)  (w₁  w₂) (n₁  n₂)         (par-right tr)       = Σ-map (C₁ ∣_) (Σ-map (n₁ ∣_) (Σ-map (cong (_ ∣_)) (par-right ∘_)))
                                                                              (6-2-15-nd ext C₂ w₂ n₂ tr)
6-2-15-nd ext (C₁  C₂)  (w₁  w₂) (n₁  n₂)         (par-τ tr₁ tr₂)      = Σ-zip _∣_ (Σ-zip _∣_ (Σ-zip (cong₂ _)  trs₁ trs₂ Qs 
                                                                                                                       par-τ (trs₁ Qs) (trs₂ Qs))))
                                                                              (6-2-15-nd ext C₁ w₁ n₁ tr₁) (6-2-15-nd ext C₂ w₂ n₂ tr₂)
6-2-15-nd ext (μ · C)    action    (action n)        action               = force C , force n , refl , λ _  action
6-2-15-nd ext (⟨ν a  C) (⟨ν⟩ w)   (⟨ν⟩ n)           (restriction a∉μ tr) = Σ-map ⟨ν a  (Σ-map ⟨ν⟩ (Σ-map (cong _) (restriction a∉μ ∘_)))
                                                                              (6-2-15-nd ext C w n tr)
6-2-15-nd ext (! C)      (! w)     (! n)             (replication tr)     = Σ-map id (Σ-map id (Σ-map id (replication ∘_)))
                                                                              (6-2-15-nd ext (! C  C) (! w  w) (! n  n) tr)
6-2-15-nd ext (C₁  C₂)  (w₁  w₂) (action n₁   n₂) (sum-left  tr)       = Σ-map id (Σ-map id (Σ-map id (sum-left ∘_)))
                                                                              (6-2-15-nd ext (_ · _) action (action n₁) tr)
6-2-15-nd ext {Ps = Ps} {P = P}
              (C₁  C₂)  (w₁  w₂) (process P₁  n₂) (sum-left  tr)       = context P , context-non-degenerate P , ext (context-[] P) , λ Qs 
                                                                              subst (_ [ _ ]⟶_) (ext $ context-[] P) $
                                                                              subst  P  P  _ [ _ ]⟶ _)
                                                                                    (context P₁ [ Ps ]  ≡⟨ sym $ ext $ context-[] P₁ 
                                                                                     P₁                 ≡⟨ ext $ context-[] P₁ ⟩∎
                                                                                     context P₁ [ Qs ]  ) $
                                                                              sum-left tr
6-2-15-nd ext (C₁  C₂)  (w₁  w₂) (n₁  action n₂)  (sum-right tr)       = Σ-map id (Σ-map id (Σ-map id (sum-right ∘_)))
                                                                              (6-2-15-nd ext (_ · _) action (action n₂) tr)
6-2-15-nd ext {Ps = Ps} {P = P}
              (C₁  C₂)  (w₁  w₂) (n₁  process P₂) (sum-right tr)       = context P , context-non-degenerate P , ext (context-[] P) , λ Qs 
                                                                              subst (_ [ _ ]⟶_) (ext $ context-[] P) $
                                                                              subst  P  _  P [ _ ]⟶ _)
                                                                                    (context P₂ [ Ps ]  ≡⟨ sym $ ext $ context-[] P₂ 
                                                                                     P₂                 ≡⟨ ext $ context-[] P₂ ⟩∎
                                                                                     context P₂ [ Qs ]  ) $
                                                                              sum-right tr