-- Internal lookup

module Internal-lookup where

open import Equality.Propositional
open import Prelude hiding (const)
open import Tactic.By.Propositional

open import Equality.Decision-procedures equality-with-J
open import Function-universe equality-with-J using ($⟨_⟩_)
open import Nat equality-with-J as Nat

-- To simplify the development, let's work with actual natural numbers
-- as variables and constants (see
-- Atom.one-can-restrict-attention-to-χ-ℕ-atoms).

open import Atom

open import Cancellation   χ-ℕ-atoms
open import Chi            χ-ℕ-atoms
open import Coding         χ-ℕ-atoms
open import Compatibility  χ-ℕ-atoms
open import Constants      χ-ℕ-atoms
open import Free-variables χ-ℕ-atoms
open import Reasoning      χ-ℕ-atoms

open import Coding.Instances.Nat
open import Combinators hiding (id)
open import Free-variables.Remove-substs


  -- Auxiliary definitions used in the implementation of
  -- internal-lookup.

  branches : List Br
  branches =
    branch c-cons (v-b  v-bs  []) (case (var v-b) (
      branch c-branch (v-c′  v-underscore  v-underscore  []) (
        case (equal-ℕ (var v-c) (var v-c′)) (
          branch c-false [] (apply (var v-lookup) (var v-bs)) 
          branch c-true [] (var v-b)  []))  []))  []

  body : Exp
  body = rec v-lookup (lambda v-bs (case (var v-bs) branches))

-- Internal lookup. Searches for a branch matching a given natural
-- number.

internal-lookup : Exp
internal-lookup = lambda v-c body

-- Internal lookup is correct (part one).

internal-lookup-correct₁ :
   {c bs xs e} 
  Lookup c bs xs e 
  apply (apply internal-lookup  c )  bs    branch c xs e 
internal-lookup-correct₁ {c = c} {bs = bs} {xs = xs} {e = e} p =
  apply (apply internal-lookup  c )  bs           ⟶⟨ apply (apply lambda (rep⇓rep c) (rec lambda)) (rep⇓rep bs) 

  case  bs  (
    branches [ v-c   c  ]B⋆ [ v-lookup  lkup ]B⋆
      [ v-bs   bs  ]B⋆)                            ⇓⟨ lemma bs p ⟩■

   branch c xs e 
  lkup : Exp
  lkup = body [ v-c   c  ]

  lkup-closed : Closed lkup
  lkup-closed = Closed′-closed-under-subst
    (from-⊎ (closed′? body (v-c  [])))
    (rep-closed c)

  lemma :
    Lookup c bs xs e 
    case  bs  (
      branches [ v-c   c  ]B⋆ [ v-lookup  lkup ]B⋆
        [ v-bs   bs  ]B⋆)
     branch c xs e 
  lemma (branch c′ xs′ e′  bs) p =
    case  branch c′ xs′ e′  bs  (
      branches [ v-c   c  ]B⋆ [ v-lookup  lkup ]B⋆
        [ v-bs   branch c′ xs′ e′  bs  ]B⋆)                     ⟶⟨ case (rep⇓rep (branch c′ xs′ e′  bs)) here (  []) 

    case  branch c′ xs′ e′  (
      branch c-branch (v-c′  v-underscore  v-underscore  []) (
        case (equal-ℕ ( c  [ v-lookup  lkup ] [ v-bs   bs  ]
                         [ v-b   branch c′ xs′ e′  ])
               (var v-c′)) (
          branch c-false []
            (apply (lkup [ v-bs   bs  ]
                      [ v-b   branch c′ xs′ e′  ])
               ( bs  [ v-b   branch c′ xs′ e′  ])) 
          branch c-true []  branch c′ xs′ e′  
      [])                                                           ≡⟨ remove-substs ((lkup , lkup-closed)  []) ⟩⟶

    case  branch c′ xs′ e′  (
      branch c-branch (v-c′  v-underscore  v-underscore  []) (
        case (equal-ℕ  c  (var v-c′)) (
          branch c-false [] (apply lkup  bs ) 
          branch c-true []  branch c′ xs′ e′  
      [])                                                           ⟶⟨ case (rep⇓rep (branch c′ xs′ e′)) here (   []) 

    case (equal-ℕ ( c  [ v-underscore   e′  ]
                     [ v-underscore   xs′  ] [ v-c′   c′  ])
             c′ ) (
      branch c-false [] (
        apply (lkup [ v-underscore   e′  ]
                 [ v-underscore   xs′  ] [ v-c′   c′  ])
          ( bs  [ v-underscore   e′  ]
             [ v-underscore   xs′  ] [ v-c′   c′  ])) 
      branch c-true [] (
         branch c′ xs′ e′  [ v-underscore   e′  ]
          [ v-underscore   xs′  ] [ v-c′   c′  ]) 
      [])                                                            ≡⟨ remove-substs ((lkup , lkup-closed)  []) ⟩⟶

    case (equal-ℕ  c   c′ ) (
      branch c-false [] (apply lkup  bs ) 
      branch c-true []  branch c′ xs′ e′  
      [])                                                            ⟶⟨ []⇓ (case ) (equal-ℕ-correct c c′) 

    case  Prelude.if c Nat.≟ c′ then true else false  (
      branch c-false [] (apply lkup  bs ) 
      branch c-true []  branch c′ xs′ e′  
      [])                                                            ⇓⟨ if-lemma _ _ _ _ (c Nat.≟ c′) p ⟩■

     branch c xs e 
    if-lemma :
       c′ xs′ e′ bs (b : Dec (c  c′)) 
      Lookup c (branch c′ xs′ e′  bs) xs e 
      case  Prelude.if b then true else false  (
        branch c-false [] (apply lkup  bs ) 
        branch c-true []  branch c′ xs′ e′  
       branch c xs e 
    if-lemma _ _ _ _ (no c≢c)   here           = ⊥-elim $ c≢c refl
    if-lemma _ _ _ _ (yes c≡c′) (there c≢c′ _) = ⊥-elim $ c≢c′ c≡c′

    if-lemma c xs e bs (yes _) here =
      case  true  (
        branch c-false [] (apply lkup  bs ) 
        branch c-true []  branch c xs e  
        [])                                      ⇓⟨ case (rep⇓rep true) (there  ()) here) [] (rep⇓rep (branch c xs e)) ⟩■

       branch c xs e 

    if-lemma c′ xs′ e′ bs (no _) (there c≢c′ p) =
      case  false  (
        branch c-false [] (apply lkup  bs ) 
        branch c-true []  branch c′ xs′ e′  
        [])                                               ⟶⟨ case (rep⇓rep false) here [] 

      apply lkup  bs                                    ⟶⟨ apply (rec lambda) (rep⇓rep bs) 

      case  bs  (
        branches [ v-c   c  ]B⋆ [ v-lookup  lkup ]B⋆
          [ v-bs   bs  ]B⋆)                            ⇓⟨ lemma bs p ⟩■

       branch c xs e 

-- Internal lookup is correct (part two).

internal-lookup-correct₂ :
   {c bs v} 
  apply (apply internal-lookup  c )  bs   v 
   λ xs   λ e  Lookup c bs xs e × v   branch c xs e 
internal-lookup-correct₂ {c = c} {bs = bs} {v = v}
  (apply {v₂ = v₂} (apply {v₂ = v₁} lambda ⌜c⌝⇓v₁ (rec lambda))
     ⌜bs⌝⇓v₂ p) =
  lemma bs (
    case   bs   (
      branches [ v-c   c  ]B⋆
        [ v-lookup  lkup ]B⋆ [ v-bs    bs   ]B⋆)              ≡⟨ ⟨by⟩ (rep⇓≡rep bs ⌜bs⌝⇓v₂) ⟩⟶

    case v₂ (
      branches [ v-c    c   ]B⋆
        [ v-lookup  body [ v-c    c   ] ]B⋆ [ v-bs  v₂ ]B⋆)  ≡⟨ ⟨by⟩ (rep⇓≡rep c ⌜c⌝⇓v₁) ⟩⟶

    case v₂ (
      branches [ v-c  v₁ ]B⋆ [ v-lookup  body [ v-c  v₁ ] ]B⋆
        [ v-bs  v₂ ]B⋆)                                            ⇓⟨ p ⟩■

  lkup : Exp
  lkup = body [ v-c   c  ]

  lkup-closed : Closed lkup
  lkup-closed = Closed′-closed-under-subst
    (from-⊎ (closed′? body (v-c  [])))
    (rep-closed c)

  lemma :
    case  bs  (
      branches [ v-c   c  ]B⋆
        [ v-lookup  lkup ]B⋆ [ v-bs   bs  ]B⋆) 
     λ xs   λ e  Lookup c bs xs e × v   branch c xs e 
  lemma [] (case (const _) (there _ ()) _ _)

  lemma (branch c′ xs′ e′  bs)
    (case (const {vs = _  v₁  []}
             (⌜branch-c′-xs′-e′⌝⇓const-c-branch-es  ⌜bs⌝⇓v₁  []))
       here (  [])
       (case c-es⇓@(const {es = es} {vs = v₂  v₃  v₄  []} _) here
          (   []) p)) =
    lemma′ (c Nat.≟ c′) (
      case  Prelude.if c Nat.≟ c′ then true else false  (
        branch c-false [] (apply lkup  bs ) 
        branch c-true [] (
          const c-branch ( c′    xs′    e′   [])) 
        [])                                                              ⟶⟨ []⇓⁻¹ (case ) (equal-ℕ-correct c c′) 

      case (equal-ℕ  c   c′ ) (
        branch c-false [] (apply lkup  bs ) 
        branch c-true [] (
          const c-branch ( c′    xs′    e′   [])) 
        [])                                                              ≡⟨ sym $ remove-substs ((lkup , lkup-closed)  []) ⟩⟶

           ( c  [ v-lookup  lkup ] [ v-bs   bs  ]
              [ v-b  const c-branch ( c′    xs′    e′   []) ]
              [ v-underscore  v₄ ] [ v-underscore  v₃ ]
              [ v-c′   c′  ])
            c′ ) (
        branch c-false [] (
          apply (lkup [ v-bs   bs  ]
                   [ v-b  const c-branch
                             ( c′    xs′    e′   []) ]
                   [ v-underscore  v₄ ] [ v-underscore  v₃ ]
                   [ v-c′   c′  ])
            ( bs  [ v-b  const c-branch
                              ( c′    xs′    e′   []) ]
               [ v-underscore  v₄ ] [ v-underscore  v₃ ]
               [ v-c′   c′  ])) 
        branch c-true [] (
          const c-branch (
             c′  [ v-underscore  v₄ ] [ v-underscore  v₃ ]
              [ v-c′   c′  ] 
             xs′  [ v-underscore  v₄ ] [ v-underscore  v₃ ]
              [ v-c′   c′  ] 
             e′  [ v-underscore  v₄ ] [ v-underscore  v₃ ]
              [ v-c′   c′  ] 
        [])                                                              ≡⟨ trans
                                                                              (cong  es  case (equal-ℕ (var v-c) (var v-c′)) (
                                                                                       branch c-false [] (apply (var v-lookup) (var v-bs)) 
                                                                                       branch c-true [] (var v-b) 
                                                                                       [ v-c   c  ] [ v-lookup  lkup ] [ v-bs   bs  ]
                                                                                       [ v-b  const c-branch es ]
                                                                                       [ v-underscore  v₄ ] [ v-underscore  v₃ ]
                                                                                       [ v-c′   c′  ]) $
                                                                               ≡es) $
                                                                            cong₂  v₁ v₂  case (equal-ℕ (var v-c) (var v-c′)) (
                                                                                     branch c-false [] (apply (var v-lookup) (var v-bs)) 
                                                                                     branch c-true [] (var v-b) 
                                                                                     [ v-c   c  ] [ v-lookup  lkup ] [ v-bs  v₁ ]
                                                                                     [ v-b  const c-branch es ]
                                                                                     [ v-underscore  v₄ ] [ v-underscore  v₃ ] [ v-c′  v₂ ])
                                                                              ≡v₂ ⟩⟶
      case (equal-ℕ (var v-c) (var v-c′)) (
        branch c-false [] (apply (var v-lookup) (var v-bs)) 
        branch c-true [] (var v-b) 
        [ v-c   c  ] [ v-lookup  lkup ] [ v-bs  v₁ ]
        [ v-b  const c-branch es ] [ v-underscore  v₄ ]
        [ v-underscore  v₃ ] [ v-c′  v₂ ]                              ⇓⟨ p ⟩■

    ≡v₁ :  bs   v₁
    ≡v₁ = rep⇓≡rep bs ⌜bs⌝⇓v₁

    ≡es′ :
       branch c′ xs′ e′   const c-branch es 
       c′    xs′    e′   []  es
    ≡es′ (const (⌜c′⌝⇓  ⌜xs′⌝⇓  ⌜e′⌝⇓  [])) =
      cong₂ _∷_ (rep⇓≡rep c′ ⌜c′⌝⇓) $
      cong₂ _∷_ (rep⇓≡rep xs′ ⌜xs′⌝⇓) $
      cong (_∷ []) (rep⇓≡rep e′ ⌜e′⌝⇓)

    ≡es :  c′    xs′    e′   []  es
    ≡es = ≡es′ ⌜branch-c′-xs′-e′⌝⇓const-c-branch-es

    ≡v₂ :  c′   v₂
    ≡v₂ =
      List.cancel-∷-head $
      proj₂ $
      cancel-const $
      rep⇓≡rep (branch c′ xs′ e′) (
        const c-branch ( c′    xs′    e′   [])  ⇓⟨ ⌜branch-c′-xs′-e′⌝⇓const-c-branch-es 
        const c-branch es                                ⇓⟨ c-es⇓ ⟩■
        const c-branch (v₂  v₃  v₄  []))

    lemma′ :
      (b : Dec (c  c′)) 
      case  Prelude.if b then true else false  (
        branch c-false [] (apply lkup  bs ) 
        branch c-true [] (const c-branch ( c′    xs′    e′   [])) 
       λ xs   λ e 
        Lookup c (branch c′ xs′ e′  bs) xs e × v   branch c xs e 
    lemma′ (yes refl)
      (case (const []) (there _ here) [] ⌜branch-c-xs′-e′⌝⇓v) =
        xs′ , e′ , here
      , sym (rep⇓≡rep (branch c xs′ e′) ⌜branch-c-xs′-e′⌝⇓v)
    lemma′ (no c≢c′)
      (case (const []) here []
         (apply {v₂ = v′} (rec lambda) ⌜bs⌝⇓v′ p)) =                     $⟨ lem 

      ( λ xs   λ e  Lookup c bs xs e × v   branch c xs e )        →⟨ Σ-map id (Σ-map id (Σ-map (there c≢c′) id)) ⟩□

      ( λ xs   λ e 
         Lookup c (branch c′ xs′ e′  bs) xs e × v   branch c xs e )  
      lem = lemma bs (
        case   bs   (
          branches [ v-c   c  ]B⋆ [ v-lookup  lkup ]B⋆
            [ v-bs    bs   ]B⋆)                        ≡⟨ ⟨by⟩ (rep⇓≡rep bs ⌜bs⌝⇓v′) ⟩⟶

        case v′ (
          branches [ v-c   c  ]B⋆ [ v-lookup  lkup ]B⋆
            [ v-bs  v′ ]B⋆)                                ⇓⟨ p ⟩■

    lemma′ (no _) (case (const []) (there c-false≢c-false _) [] _) =
      ⊥-elim $ c-false≢c-false refl