Types for Programs and Proofs DAT350/DIT232, LP1, HT2020


Teachers: TC = Thierry Coquand, PD = Peter Dybjer, UN = Ulf Norell.


Monday 13:15-15:00
Monday 15:15-17:00
Exercise session
Thursday 10:00-11:45
1. W 36
31/8 - 4/9
no lecture no exercise session Introduction. Simply typed programming in Agda. (PD)
Code: Booleans, Natural numbers.
Reading: LN 1 - 3, VFP 1, 3. DTW 1, 2.1 - 2.5.
2. W 37
7 - 11/9
Termination checking. Dependent types. Polymorphism. Propositions as sets. (PD)
Code: Division, Logical Framework, Lists, Pairs, Vectors, Identity set, Proofs about booleans.
LN 4 - 5, VFP 2, DTW 2.6 - 2.7, 3, 5.1, 5.2.
Getting started with Agda. This is not a lecture but a help-session where Ulf will help you get started with Agda programming. Before this session you need to install Agda and try to write your first Agda programs. (UN)
Proving in Agda. Inductive predicates. Propositional and predicate logic (PD)
Code: Propositional logic. Predicate logic, Proofs about natural numbers. Even numbers,
LN 6 - 9, DTW 4.
3. W 38
14 - 18/9
Introduction to operational semantics and type systems. Summary (TC)
TPL 1-3.
More on Agda. (UN)
Homework 1 due.
Introduction to operational semantics and type systems. Summary (TC)
TPL 3-4.
4. W 39
21 - 25/9
Introduction to operational semantics and type systems. Summary (TC)
TPL 5-10.
More on Agda (UN).
Homework 2 due.
Introduction to operational semantics and type systems. Summary (TC)
5. W 40
28/9 - 2/10
Records. Abstract data types. (PD)
Code: A record for dates, Products as records, The Sigma-type as a dependent record, A parametrised module, Counters as records.
More on Agda (UN).
Homework 3 due.
Boolean expressions and arithmetic expressions in Agda. (PD)
Code: Reflexive, transitive closure of a relation, Boolean expressions and their denotational semantics, operational semantics of Boolean expressions, Arithmetic expressions and their types, operational semantics of artihmetic expressions and the proof of the type preservation theorem. The Maybe-type, Additive expressions, Proof of the correctness of a small compiler a la McCarthy and Painter.
6. W 41
5 - 9/10
Introduction to operational semantics and type systems. Summary (TC) Exercises on operational semantics and type systems. (TC)
Homework 4 due.
Typed lambda calculus in Agda.
Code: Typed lambda calculus (PD)
7. W 42
12 - 16/10
Student presentations. no exercise session
Student presentations
8. W 43
19 - 23/10
Student presentations no exercise session Take home exam:
Tuesday 20/10 8:00
- Friday 23/10 12:00