-- The derivative operator does not remove any ambiguity

module TotalParserCombinators.Derivative.RightInverse where

open import Data.List
open import Data.Maybe
open import Relation.Binary.HeterogeneousEquality as H using (_≅_; refl)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

open import TotalParserCombinators.Derivative.SoundComplete
import TotalParserCombinators.InitialBag as I
open import TotalParserCombinators.Lib
open import TotalParserCombinators.Parser
open import TotalParserCombinators.Semantics hiding (_≅_)


  sound∘complete :  {Tok R xs x s t} {p : Parser Tok R xs} 
                   (x∈p : x  p · t  s) 
                   sound p (complete x∈p)  x∈p
  sound∘complete x∈p = H.≅-to-≡ (sound∘complete′ x∈p refl)

  sound∘complete′ :
     {Tok R xs x s′ s t} {p : Parser Tok R xs}
    (x∈p : x  p · s′) (eq : s′  t  s) 
    sound p (complete′ p x∈p eq)  x∈p
  sound∘complete′ token       refl = refl

  sound∘complete′ (∣-left    x∈p₁) refl rewrite sound∘complete x∈p₁ = refl
  sound∘complete′ (∣-right _ x∈p₂) refl rewrite sound∘complete x∈p₂ = refl

  sound∘complete′ (<$> x∈p)   refl rewrite sound∘complete x∈p  = refl

  sound∘complete′       (_⊛_ {s₁ = _  _} {fs = nothing} {xs = just _}  f∈p₁ x∈p₂) refl
    rewrite sound∘complete f∈p₁ = refl
  sound∘complete′       (_⊛_ {s₁ = _  _} {fs = just _}  {xs = just _}  f∈p₁ x∈p₂) refl
    rewrite sound∘complete f∈p₁ = refl
  sound∘complete′ {Tok} (_⊛_ {s₁ = []}    {fs = just _}  {xs = just _}  f∈p₁ x∈p₂) refl
    rewrite Return⋆.sound∘complete {Tok = Tok} (I.complete f∈p₁)
          | I.sound∘complete f∈p₁
          | sound∘complete x∈p₂ = refl

  sound∘complete′       {p = _⊛_ {xs = nothing} _ _}
                        (_⊛_ {s₁ = _  _} {fs = nothing} {xs = nothing} f∈p₁ x∈p₂) refl
    rewrite sound∘complete f∈p₁ = refl
  sound∘complete′       (_⊛_ {s₁ = _  _} {fs = just _}  {xs = nothing} f∈p₁ x∈p₂) refl
    rewrite sound∘complete f∈p₁ = refl
  sound∘complete′ {Tok} (_⊛_ {s₁ = []}    {fs = just _}  {xs = nothing} f∈p₁ x∈p₂) refl
    rewrite Return⋆.sound∘complete {Tok = Tok} (I.complete f∈p₁)
          | I.sound∘complete f∈p₁
          | sound∘complete x∈p₂ = refl

  sound∘complete′       (_>>=_ {s₁ = _  _} {xs = nothing} {f = just _}  x∈p₁ y∈p₂x) refl
    rewrite sound∘complete x∈p₁ = refl
  sound∘complete′       (_>>=_ {s₁ = _  _} {xs = just _}  {f = just _}  x∈p₁ y∈p₂x) refl
    rewrite sound∘complete x∈p₁ = refl
  sound∘complete′ {Tok} (_>>=_ {s₁ = []}    {xs = just _}  {f = just _}  x∈p₁ y∈p₂x) refl
    rewrite Return⋆.sound∘complete {Tok = Tok} (I.complete x∈p₁)
          | I.sound∘complete x∈p₁
          | sound∘complete y∈p₂x = refl

  sound∘complete′       {p = _>>=_ {xs = nothing} _ _}
                        (_>>=_ {s₁ = _  _} {xs = nothing} {f = nothing} x∈p₁ y∈p₂x) refl
    rewrite sound∘complete x∈p₁ = refl
  sound∘complete′       (_>>=_ {s₁ = _  _} {xs = just _}  {f = nothing} x∈p₁ y∈p₂x) refl
    rewrite sound∘complete x∈p₁ = refl
  sound∘complete′ {Tok} (_>>=_ {s₁ = []}    {xs = just _}  {f = nothing} x∈p₁ y∈p₂x) refl
    rewrite Return⋆.sound∘complete {Tok = Tok} (I.complete x∈p₁)
          | I.sound∘complete x∈p₁
          | sound∘complete y∈p₂x = refl

  sound∘complete′ (nonempty x∈p) refl rewrite sound∘complete x∈p = refl

  sound∘complete′ (cast x∈p)     refl rewrite sound∘complete x∈p = refl

  sound∘complete′ (_⊛_   {s₁ = []} {fs = nothing} f∈p₁ _) _ with I.complete f∈p₁
  ... | ()
  sound∘complete′ (_>>=_ {s₁ = []} {xs = nothing} x∈p₁ _) _ with I.complete x∈p₁
  ... | ()

  sound∘complete′ return ()