module TotalParserCombinators.InitialBag where
open import Data.List
import Data.List.Effectful
open import Data.List.Membership.Propositional using (_∈_)
open import Data.List.Membership.Propositional.Properties as M
hiding (⊛-∈↔)
open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.BagAndSetEquality
using () renaming (_∼[_]_ to _List-∼[_]_)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any.Properties
open import Data.Maybe hiding (_>>=_)
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Sum
open import Effect.Monad
open import Function
import Function.Related.Propositional as Related
open import Level
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P
using (_≡_; refl)
open import Relation.Binary.HeterogeneousEquality as H
using (refl) renaming (_≅_ to _≅′_)
open Inverse
open RawMonadPlus {f = zero} Data.List.Effectful.monadPlus
using () renaming (_⊛_ to _⊛′_)
open Related using (SK-sym)
open import TotalParserCombinators.Parser
open import TotalParserCombinators.Semantics
⊛-∈↔ : ∀ {A B : Set} (fs : List (A → B)) {xs y} →
(∃₂ λ f x → f ∈ fs × x ∈ xs × y ≡ f x) ↔ y ∈ (fs ⊛′ xs)
⊛-∈↔ = M.⊛-∈↔
complete : ∀ {Tok R xs x} {p : Parser Tok R xs} →
x ∈ p · [] → x ∈ xs
complete x∈p = complete′ x∈p refl
complete′ : ∀ {Tok R xs x s} {p : Parser Tok R xs} →
x ∈ p · s → s ≡ [] → x ∈ xs
complete′ return refl = to pure↔ $ refl
complete′ (∣-left x∈p₁) refl = to ++↔ $ inj₁ (complete x∈p₁)
complete′ (∣-right xs₁ x∈p₂) refl = to (++↔ {P = _≡_ _}
{xs = xs₁}) $ inj₂ (complete x∈p₂)
complete′ (<$> x∈p) refl = to (map-∈↔ _) $ (_ , complete x∈p , refl)
complete′ (_⊛_ {s₁ = []} {xs = just _} f∈p₁ x∈p₂) refl = to (⊛-∈↔ _) $ (_ , _ , complete f∈p₁
, complete x∈p₂ , refl)
complete′ (_>>=_ {s₁ = []} {xs = just xs} {f = just _} x∈p₁ y∈p₂x) refl = to (>>=-∈↔ {xs = xs}) $ (_ , complete x∈p₁
, complete y∈p₂x)
complete′ (cast {xs₁≈xs₂ = xs₁≈xs₂} x∈p) refl = to xs₁≈xs₂ $ complete x∈p
complete′ (_⊛_ {s₁ = []} {xs = nothing} f∈p₁ x∈p₂) refl with complete x∈p₂
... | ()
complete′ (_>>=_ {s₁ = []} {xs = nothing} x∈p₁ y∈p₂x) refl with complete x∈p₁
... | ()
complete′ (_>>=_ {s₁ = []} {xs = just _} {f = nothing} x∈p₁ y∈p₂x) refl with complete y∈p₂x
... | ()
complete′ token ()
complete′ (_⊛_ {s₁ = _ ∷ _} _ _) ()
complete′ (_>>=_ {s₁ = _ ∷ _} _ _) ()
complete′ (nonempty _) ()
sound : ∀ {Tok R xs x} (p : Parser Tok R xs) →
x ∈ xs → x ∈ p · []
sound (return x) (here refl) = return
sound (_∣_ {xs₁ = xs₁} p₁ p₂) x∈xs with from (++↔ {P = _≡_ _} {xs = xs₁}) x∈xs
... | inj₁ x∈xs₁ = ∣-left (sound p₁ x∈xs₁)
... | inj₂ x∈xs₂ = ∣-right xs₁ (sound p₂ x∈xs₂)
sound (f <$> p) x∈xs with from (map-∈↔ f) x∈xs
... | (y , y∈xs , refl) = <$> sound p y∈xs
sound (_⊛_ {fs = fs} {just xs} p₁ p₂) y∈ys
with from (⊛-∈↔ (flatten fs) {xs = xs}) y∈ys
sound (_⊛_ {fs = nothing} {just xs} p₁ p₂) y∈ys | (f′ , x′ , () , x′∈xs , refl)
sound (_⊛_ {fs = just fs} {just xs} p₁ p₂) y∈ys | (f′ , x′ , f′∈fs , x′∈xs , refl) =
_⊛_ {fs = ○} {xs = ○} (sound p₁ f′∈fs) (sound p₂ x′∈xs)
sound (_>>=_ {xs = zs} {f = just f} p₁ p₂) y∈ys
with from (>>=-∈↔ {xs = flatten zs} {f = f}) y∈ys
... | (x , x∈zs , y∈fx) =
_>>=_ {xs = zs} {f = just f} (sound p₁ x∈zs) (sound′ (p₂ x) x∈zs y∈fx)
sound (cast xs₁≈xs₂ p) x∈xs = cast (sound p (from xs₁≈xs₂ x∈xs))
sound (return _) (there ())
sound fail ()
sound token ()
sound (_⊛_ {xs = nothing} _ _) ()
sound (_>>=_ {f = nothing} _ _) ()
sound (nonempty _) ()
sound′ : ∀ {Tok R₁ R₂ x y xs} {zs : Maybe (List R₁)}
(p : ∞⟨ zs ⟩Parser Tok R₂ xs) →
x ∈ flatten zs → y ∈ xs → y ∈ ♭? p · []
sound′ {zs = just _} p _ = sound p
sound′ {zs = nothing} p ()
sound∘complete : ∀ {Tok R xs x} {p : Parser Tok R xs}
(x∈p : x ∈ p · []) →
sound p (complete x∈p) ≡ x∈p
sound∘complete x∈p = H.≅-to-≡ (sound∘complete′ x∈p refl)
sound∘complete′ : ∀ {Tok R xs x s} {p : Parser Tok R xs}
(x∈p : x ∈ p · s) (s≡[] : s ≡ []) →
sound p (complete′ x∈p s≡[]) ≅′ x∈p
sound∘complete′ return refl = refl
sound∘complete′ (∣-left {xs₁ = xs₁} {xs₂ = xs₂} x∈p₁) refl
rewrite inverseʳ (++↔ {P = _≡_ _} {xs = xs₁} {ys = xs₂})
{x = inj₁ (complete x∈p₁)} refl =
H.cong _∈_·_.∣-left (sound∘complete′ x∈p₁ refl)
sound∘complete′ (∣-right xs₁ x∈p₂) refl
rewrite inverseʳ (++↔ {P = _≡_ _} {xs = xs₁})
{x = inj₂ (complete x∈p₂)} refl =
H.cong (_∈_·_.∣-right xs₁) (sound∘complete′ x∈p₂ refl)
sound∘complete′ (<$>_ {f = f} x∈p) refl
rewrite inverseʳ (map-∈↔ f) {x = _ , complete x∈p , refl} refl =
H.cong _∈_·_.<$>_ (sound∘complete′ x∈p refl)
sound∘complete′ (_⊛_ {s₁ = []} {fs = fs} {xs = just xs} f∈p₁ x∈p₂) refl
with complete f∈p₁ | complete x∈p₂
| from inv (to inv (_ , _ , complete f∈p₁ , complete x∈p₂ , refl))
| inverseʳ inv {x = _ , _ , complete f∈p₁ , complete x∈p₂ , refl}
| sound∘complete f∈p₁ | sound∘complete x∈p₂
where inv = ⊛-∈↔ (flatten fs) {xs = xs}
sound∘complete′ (_⊛_ {s₁ = []} {fs = nothing} {xs = just xs} _ _) refl | () | _ | _ | _ | _ | _
sound∘complete′ (_⊛_ {s₁ = []} {fs = just fs} {xs = just xs} {p₁ = p₁} {p₂ = p₂}
.(sound p₁ ∈fs) .(sound p₂ ∈xs)) refl
| ∈fs | ∈xs | ._ | refl | refl | refl = refl
sound∘complete′ (_>>=_ {x = x} {y = y} {s₁ = []} {xs = just _} {f = just f} {p₁ = p₁} {p₂ = p₂} x∈p₁ y∈p₂x) refl
rewrite inverseʳ (>>=-∈↔ {f = f})
{x = _ , complete x∈p₁ , complete y∈p₂x} refl
with sound p₁ (complete x∈p₁)
| sound∘complete x∈p₁
| sound′ (p₂ x) (complete x∈p₁) (complete y∈p₂x)
| helper (p₂ x) (complete x∈p₁) y∈p₂x
helper : ∀ {Tok R₁ R₂ x y ys} {xs : Maybe (List R₁)}
(p : ∞⟨ xs ⟩Parser Tok R₂ ys) →
(x∈xs : x ∈ flatten xs) (y∈p : y ∈ ♭? p · []) →
sound′ p x∈xs (complete y∈p) ≡ y∈p
helper {xs = nothing} p () _
helper {xs = just _} p _ y∈p = sound∘complete y∈p
... | ._ | refl | ._ | refl = refl
sound∘complete′ (cast {xs₁≈xs₂ = xs₁≈xs₂} x∈p) refl with complete x∈p | sound∘complete x∈p
sound∘complete′ (cast {xs₁≈xs₂ = xs₁≈xs₂} .(sound _ x∈xs)) refl | x∈xs | refl
rewrite inverseʳ xs₁≈xs₂ {x = x∈xs} refl = refl
sound∘complete′ (_⊛_ {s₁ = []} {xs = nothing} _ x∈p₂) refl with complete x∈p₂
... | ()
sound∘complete′ (_>>=_ {s₁ = []} {xs = nothing} x∈p₁ y∈p₂x) refl with complete x∈p₁
... | ()
sound∘complete′ (_>>=_ {s₁ = []} {xs = just _} {f = nothing} x∈p₁ y∈p₂x) refl with complete y∈p₂x
... | ()
sound∘complete′ token ()
sound∘complete′ (_⊛_ {s₁ = _ ∷ _} _ _) ()
sound∘complete′ (_>>=_ {s₁ = _ ∷ _} _ _) ()
sound∘complete′ (nonempty _) ()
complete∘sound : ∀ {Tok R xs x}
(p : Parser Tok R xs) (x∈p : x ∈ xs) →
complete (sound p x∈p) ≡ x∈p
complete∘sound (return x) (here refl) = refl
complete∘sound (_∣_ {xs₁ = xs₁} p₁ p₂) x∈xs
with from (++↔ {P = _≡_ _} {xs = xs₁}) x∈xs
| inverseˡ (++↔ {P = _≡_ _} {xs = xs₁}) {x = x∈xs} refl
complete∘sound (_∣_ {xs₁ = xs₁} p₁ p₂) .(to ++↔ $ inj₁ x∈xs₁) | inj₁ x∈xs₁ | refl =
P.cong (to ++↔ ∘ inj₁) $ complete∘sound p₁ x∈xs₁
complete∘sound (_∣_ {xs₁ = xs₁} p₁ p₂) .(to (++↔ {P = _≡_ _} {xs = xs₁}) $ inj₂ x∈xs₂) | inj₂ x∈xs₂ | refl =
P.cong (to (++↔ {P = _≡_ _} {xs = xs₁}) ∘ inj₂) $ complete∘sound p₂ x∈xs₂
complete∘sound (f <$> p) x∈xs
with from (map-∈↔ f) x∈xs
| inverseˡ (map-∈↔ f) {x = x∈xs} refl
complete∘sound (f <$> p) .(to (map-∈↔ f) (y , y∈xs , refl)) | (y , y∈xs , refl) | refl =
P.cong (λ y∈ → to (map-∈↔ _) (y , y∈ , refl))
(complete∘sound p y∈xs)
complete∘sound (_⊛_ {fs = fs} {just xs} p₁ p₂) y∈ys
with from (⊛-∈↔ (flatten fs) {xs = xs}) y∈ys
| inverseˡ (⊛-∈↔ (flatten fs) {xs = xs}) {x = y∈ys} refl
complete∘sound (_⊛_ {fs = nothing} {xs = just xs} p₁ p₂)
y∈ys | (f′ , x′ , () , x′∈xs , refl) | _
complete∘sound (_⊛_ {fs = just fs} {xs = just xs} p₁ p₂)
.(to (⊛-∈↔ _) (f′ , x′ , f′∈fs , x′∈xs , refl)) | (f′ , x′ , f′∈fs , x′∈xs , refl) | refl =
P.cong₂ (λ f′∈ x′∈ → to (⊛-∈↔ _) (f′ , x′ , f′∈ , x′∈ , refl))
(complete∘sound p₁ f′∈fs)
(complete∘sound p₂ x′∈xs)
complete∘sound (_>>=_ {xs = zs} {just f} p₁ p₂) y∈ys
with from (>>=-∈↔ {xs = flatten zs} {f = f}) y∈ys
| inverseˡ (>>=-∈↔ {xs = flatten zs} {f = f}) {x = y∈ys} refl
complete∘sound (_>>=_ {xs = nothing} {just f} p₁ p₂) ._ | (x , () , y∈fx) | refl
complete∘sound (_>>=_ {xs = just zs} {just f} p₁ p₂) .(to (>>=-∈↔ {f = f}) (x , x∈zs , y∈fx)) | (x , x∈zs , y∈fx) | refl =
P.cong₂ (λ x∈ y∈ → to (>>=-∈↔ {f = f}) (x , x∈ , y∈))
(complete∘sound p₁ x∈zs)
(complete∘sound (p₂ x) y∈fx)
complete∘sound (cast xs₁≈xs₂ p) x∈xs
rewrite complete∘sound p (from xs₁≈xs₂ x∈xs) =
inverseˡ xs₁≈xs₂ {x = x∈xs} refl
complete∘sound (return _) (there ())
complete∘sound fail ()
complete∘sound token ()
complete∘sound (_⊛_ {xs = nothing} _ _) ()
complete∘sound (_>>=_ {f = nothing} _ _) ()
complete∘sound (nonempty _) ()
correct : ∀ {Tok R xs x} {p : Parser Tok R xs} → x ∈ p · [] ↔ x ∈ xs
correct {p = p} =
mk↔ {from = sound p}
( (λ { refl → complete∘sound p _ })
, (λ { refl → sound∘complete _ })
cong : ∀ {k Tok R xs₁ xs₂}
{p₁ : Parser Tok R xs₁} {p₂ : Parser Tok R xs₂} →
p₁ ∼[ k ] p₂ → initial-bag p₁ List-∼[ k ] initial-bag p₂
cong {xs₁ = xs₁} {xs₂} {p₁} {p₂} p₁≈p₂ {x} =
(x ∈ xs₁) ↔⟨ SK-sym correct ⟩
x ∈ p₁ · [] ∼⟨ p₁≈p₂ ⟩
x ∈ p₂ · [] ↔⟨ correct ⟩
(x ∈ xs₂) ∎
where open Related.EquationalReasoning