-- The parser type

module TotalParserCombinators.Parser where

open import Algebra
open import Codata.Musical.Notation
open import Data.List
open import Data.Maybe using (Maybe; nothing; just)
open import Data.List.Effectful as ListMonad
  using () renaming (module MonadProperties to ListMonadProp)
open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.BagAndSetEquality
open import Data.Product using (proj₂)
open import Effect.Monad
open import Function
open import Level
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

open RawMonadPlus {f = zero} ListMonad.monadPlus
  using ()
  renaming ( pure  to return′
           ;      to fail′
           ; _∣_   to _∣′_
           ; _⊛_   to _⊛′_
           ; _>>=_ to _>>=′_

-- Helper functions

-- Flattening for potential lists.

flatten : {A : Set}  Maybe (List A)  List A
flatten nothing   = []
flatten (just xs) = xs

-- fs ⊛flatten mxs is a variant of fs ⊛′ flatten mxs, with the
-- property that fs ⊛flatten nothing evaluates to [].

_⊛flatten_ : {A B : Set}  List (A  B)  Maybe (List A)  List B
fs ⊛flatten nothing = []
fs ⊛flatten just xs = fs ⊛′ xs

-- Applies the function to the value, returning the empty list if
-- there is no function.

apply : {A B : Set}  Maybe (A  List B)  A  List B
apply nothing  x = []
apply (just f) x = f x

-- bind mxs mf is a variant of flatten mxs >>=′ apply mf, with the
-- property that bind mxs nothing evaluates to [].

bind :  {A B : Set}  Maybe (List A)  Maybe (A  List B)  List B
bind mxs nothing  = []
bind mxs (just f) = flatten mxs >>=′ f

-- Verification of some claims made above.

module Claims where

  ⊛flatten-⊛-flatten :  {A B : Set} (fs : List (A  B)) mxs 
                       fs ⊛flatten mxs  (fs ⊛′ flatten mxs)
  ⊛flatten-⊛-flatten fs nothing   = sym $ ListMonadProp.right-zero fs
  ⊛flatten-⊛-flatten fs (just xs) = refl

  ⊛flatten-nothing : {A B : Set} (fs : List (A  B)) 
                     fs ⊛flatten nothing  []
  ⊛flatten-nothing fs = refl

  bind-flatten->>=-apply :  {A B : Set} mxs (mf : Maybe (A  List B)) 
                           bind mxs mf  (flatten mxs >>=′ apply mf)
  bind-flatten->>=-apply mxs (just f) = refl
  bind-flatten->>=-apply mxs nothing  =
    sym $ ListMonadProp.right-zero (flatten mxs)

  bind-nothing : {A B : Set} (mxs : Maybe (List A)) 
                 bind mxs nothing  [] {A = B}
  bind-nothing mxs = refl

-- Parsers

infixl 50 _⊛_ _<$>_ _⊛flatten_
infixl 10 _>>=_
infixl  5 _∣_

-- The list index is the "initial bag"; it contains the results which
-- can be emitted without consuming any input. For
--   p : Parser Tok R xs
-- we have
--   x ∈ xs  iff  x ∈ p · []
-- (see TotalParserCombinators.InitialBag).


  data Parser (Tok : Set) : (R : Set)  List R  Set₁ where
    return   :  {R} (x : R)  Parser Tok R (return′ x)
    fail     :  {R}  Parser Tok R fail′
    token    : Parser Tok Tok fail′
    _∣_      :  {R xs₁ xs₂}
               (p₁ : Parser Tok R  xs₁       )
               (p₂ : Parser Tok R         xs₂) 
                     Parser Tok R (xs₁ ∣′ xs₂)
    _<$>_    :  {R₁ R₂ xs}
               (f : R₁  R₂)
               (p : Parser Tok R₁        xs) 
                    Parser Tok R₂ (map f xs)
    _⊛_      :  {R₁ R₂ fs xs}
               (p₁ : ∞⟨ xs ⟩Parser Tok (R₁  R₂) (flatten fs)            )
               (p₂ : ∞⟨ fs ⟩Parser Tok  R₁                   (flatten xs)) 
                            Parser Tok       R₂  (flatten fs ⊛flatten xs)
    _>>=_    :  {R₁ R₂ xs} {f : Maybe (R₁  List R₂)}
               (p₁ :            ∞⟨ f  ⟩Parser Tok R₁ (flatten xs))
               (p₂ : (x : R₁)  ∞⟨ xs ⟩Parser Tok R₂ (apply f x)) 
                                       Parser Tok R₂ (bind xs f)
    nonempty :  {R xs} (p : Parser Tok R xs)  Parser Tok R []
    cast     :  {R xs₁ xs₂} (xs₁≈xs₂ : xs₁ ∼[ bag ] xs₂)
               (p : Parser Tok R xs₁)  Parser Tok R xs₂

  ∞⟨_⟩Parser : {A : Set}  Maybe A  Set  (R : Set)  List R  Set₁
  ∞⟨ nothing ⟩Parser Tok R₁ xs =  (Parser Tok R₁ xs)
  ∞⟨ just _  ⟩Parser Tok R₁ xs =    Parser Tok R₁ xs

-- Note that, with the definition above, a sequenced parser is
-- /allowed/ to be delayed if the "other" parser is not nullable, but
-- it does not have to be.

-- Note also that it would be safe to make the first argument of _>>=_
-- coinductive if apply f x ≡_[] for all x in xs. I suspect that this
-- criterion would be awkward to work with, though. Instead I only
-- allow the argument to be coinductive if f ≡ nothing.

-- Finally note that some of the combinators above are not included in
-- the paper "Total Parser Combinators".

-- Examples


  -- Note that these parsers can be both left and right recursive:

  leftRight :  {R Tok}  Parser Tok R _
  leftRight {R} =  (const <$> leftRight)   leftRight {R}

  leftRight′ :  {R Tok}  Parser Tok R _
  leftRight′ {R} =  leftRight′ {R} >>= λ _   leftRight′

  -- More examples, included to ensure that all implicit arguments are
  -- inferred automatically.

  p : {Tok R : Set}  Parser Tok R _
  p = token >>= λ _   p

  p′ : {Tok : Set}  Parser Tok Tok _
  p′ =  p′ >>= λ _  token

-- Helper functions

-- Returns the initial bag.

initial-bag :  {Tok R xs}  Parser Tok R xs  List R
initial-bag {xs = xs} _ = xs

-- Forces if necessary.

♭? :  {Tok R₁ R₂} {m : Maybe R₂} {xs} 
     ∞⟨ m ⟩Parser Tok R₁ xs  Parser Tok R₁ xs
♭? {m = nothing} = 
♭? {m = just _}  = id

-- Is the argument parser forced? If the result is just something,
-- then it is.

forced? :  {Tok A R xs} {m : Maybe A} 
          ∞⟨ m ⟩Parser Tok R xs  Maybe A
forced? {m = m} _ = m

forced?′ : {Tok R₁ R₂ A : Set} {m : Maybe A} {f : R₁  List R₂} 
           ((x : R₁)  ∞⟨ m ⟩Parser Tok R₂ (f x))  Maybe A
forced?′ {m = m} _ = m

-- Short synonyms for just and nothing. ◌ stands for "delayed" (think
-- "not here") and ○ for "not delayed".

 : {R : Set}  Maybe R
 = nothing

 : {R : Set} {x : R}  Maybe R
 {x = x} = just x