-- Internal substitution

module Internal-substitution where

open import Equality.Propositional
open import Prelude hiding (const)

open import Bag-equivalence equality-with-J using (_∈_)

-- To simplify the development, let's work with actual natural numbers
-- as variables and constants (see
-- Atom.one-can-restrict-attention-to-χ-ℕ-atoms).

open import Atom

open import Chi            χ-ℕ-atoms
open import Coding         χ-ℕ-atoms
open import Compatibility  χ-ℕ-atoms
open import Constants      χ-ℕ-atoms
open import Deterministic  χ-ℕ-atoms
open import Free-variables χ-ℕ-atoms
open import Reasoning      χ-ℕ-atoms
open import Values         χ-ℕ-atoms

open import Coding.Instances.Nat
open import Combinators
open import Free-variables.Remove-substs

open χ-atoms χ-ℕ-atoms using (Var; module V)


  -- Auxiliary definitions used in the implementation of
  -- internal-subst.

  branches : List Br
  branches =
    branch c-apply (v-e₁  v-e₂  []) (
      const c-apply (apply (var v-subst) (var v-e₁) 
                     apply (var v-subst) (var v-e₂)  [])) 
    branch c-case (v-e  v-bs  []) (
      const c-case (
        apply (var v-subst) (var v-e) 
        apply (var v-subst) (var v-bs)  [])) 
    rec-or-lambda c-rec 
    rec-or-lambda c-lambda 
    branch c-const (v-c  v-es  []) (
      const c-const (var v-c  apply (var v-subst) (var v-es)  [])) 
    branch c-var (v-y  []) (
      case (equal-ℕ (var v-x) (var v-y)) (
        branch c-true [] (var v-new) 
        branch c-false [] (const c-var (var v-y  []))  [])) 
    branch c-branch (v-c  v-ys  v-e  []) (
      const c-branch (
        var v-c 
        var v-ys 
        case (member (var v-x) (var v-ys)) (
          branch c-true [] (var v-e) 
          branch c-false [] (apply (var v-subst) (var v-e)) 
          [])  [])) 
    branch c-nil [] (const c-nil []) 
    branch c-cons (v-e  v-es  []) (
      const c-cons (apply (var v-subst) (var v-e) 
                    apply (var v-subst) (var v-es)  [])) 
    rec-or-lambda :   Br
    rec-or-lambda c =
      branch c (v-y  v-e  []) (
        case (equal-ℕ (var v-x) (var v-y)) (
          branch c-true [] (const c (var v-y  var v-e  [])) 
          branch c-false [] (
            const c (var v-y  apply (var v-subst) (var v-e)  [])) 

  body : Exp
  body = rec v-subst (lambda v-e (case (var v-e) branches))

-- Internal substitution.

internal-subst : Exp
internal-subst = lambda v-x (lambda v-new body)

-- Internal substitution is correct (part one).

internal-subst-correct₁ :
   {e x e′} 
  apply (apply (apply internal-subst  x )  e′ )  e 
   e [ x  e′ ] 
internal-subst-correct₁ {e = e} {x = x} {e′ = e′} =
  apply (apply (apply internal-subst  x )  e′ )  e   ⟶⟨ apply (apply (apply lambda (rep⇓rep x) lambda)
                                                                       (rep⇓rep e′) (rec lambda))
                                                                (rep⇓rep e) 
  case  e 
    (branches [ v-x   x  ]B⋆ [ v-new   e′  ]B⋆
       [ v-subst  sub ]B⋆ [ v-e   e  ]B⋆)              ⇓⟨ case-Exp e ⟩■

   e [ x  e′ ] 
  sub : Exp
  sub = body [ v-x   x  ] [ v-new   e′  ]

  sub-closed : Closed sub
  sub-closed = Closed′-closed-under-subst
       (from-⊎ (closed′? body (v-x  v-new  [])) )
       (Closed→Closed′ $ rep-closed x))
    (rep-closed e′)


    sub-Exp :  e  apply sub  e    e [ x  e′ ] 
    sub-Exp e =
      apply sub  e                                      ⟶⟨ apply (rec lambda) (rep⇓rep e) 

      case  e 
        (branches [ v-x   x  ]B⋆ [ v-new   e′  ]B⋆
           [ v-subst  sub ]B⋆ [ v-e   e  ]B⋆)         ⇓⟨ case-Exp e ⟩■

       e [ x  e′ ] 

    sub-Exps :  es  apply sub  es    es [ x  e′ ]⋆ 
    sub-Exps es =
      apply sub  es                                      ⟶⟨ apply (rec lambda) (rep⇓rep es) 

      case  es 
        (branches [ v-x   x  ]B⋆ [ v-new   e′  ]B⋆
           [ v-subst  sub ]B⋆ [ v-e   es  ]B⋆)         ⇓⟨ case-Exps es ⟩■

       es [ x  e′ ]⋆ 

    sub-Br :  b  apply sub  b    b [ x  e′ ]B 
    sub-Br b =
      apply sub  b                                      ⟶⟨ apply (rec lambda) (rep⇓rep b) 

      case  b 
        (branches [ v-x   x  ]B⋆ [ v-new   e′  ]B⋆
           [ v-subst  sub ]B⋆ [ v-e   b  ]B⋆)         ⇓⟨ case-Br b ⟩■

       b [ x  e′ ]B 

    sub-Brs :  bs  apply sub  bs    bs [ x  e′ ]B⋆ 
    sub-Brs bs =
      apply sub  bs                                     ⟶⟨ apply (rec lambda) (rep⇓rep bs) 

      case  bs 
        (branches [ v-x   x  ]B⋆ [ v-new   e′  ]B⋆
           [ v-subst  sub ]B⋆ [ v-e   bs  ]B⋆)        ⇓⟨ case-Brs bs ⟩■

       bs [ x  e′ ]B⋆ 

    case-Exp :
      case  e 
        (branches [ v-x   x  ]B⋆ [ v-new   e′  ]B⋆
           [ v-subst  sub ]B⋆ [ v-e   e  ]B⋆)
       e [ x  e′ ] 
    case-Exp (apply e₁ e₂) =
      case  Exp.apply e₁ e₂ 
        (branches [ v-x   x  ]B⋆ [ v-new   e′  ]B⋆
           [ v-subst  sub ]B⋆ [ v-e   Exp.apply e₁ e₂  ]B⋆)   ⟶⟨ case (rep⇓rep (Exp.apply e₁ e₂)) here (  []) 

      const c-apply (
        apply (sub [ v-e₂   e₂  ] [ v-e₁   e₁  ])  e₁  
        apply (sub [ v-e₂   e₂  ] [ v-e₁   e₁  ])
              ( e₂  [ v-e₁   e₁  ]) 
        [])                                                       ≡⟨ remove-substs ((sub , sub-closed)  []) ⟩⟶

      const c-apply (apply sub  e₁   apply sub  e₂   [])    ⇓⟨ const (sub-Exp e₁  sub-Exp e₂  []) ⟩■

       Exp.apply (e₁ [ x  e′ ]) (e₂ [ x  e′ ]) 

    case-Exp (lambda y e) =
      case  Exp.lambda y e 
        (branches [ v-x   x  ]B⋆ [ v-new   e′  ]B⋆
           [ v-subst  sub ]B⋆ [ v-e   Exp.lambda y e  ]B⋆)    ⟶⟨ case (rep⇓rep (Exp.lambda y e))
                                                                       (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ()) here)))
                                                                       (  []) 
      case (equal-ℕ ( x  [ v-new   e′  ]
                           [ v-subst  sub ]
                           [ v-e   e  ]
                           [ v-y   y  ])
                     y ) (
        branch c-true [] (
          const c-lambda ( y    e  [ v-y   y  ]  [])) 
        branch c-false [] (
          const c-lambda (
            apply (sub [ v-e   e  ] [ v-y   y  ])
              ( e  [ v-y   y  ]) 
        [])                                                       ≡⟨ remove-substs ((sub , sub-closed)  []) ⟩⟶

      case (equal-ℕ  x   y ) (
        branch c-true [] (
          const c-lambda ( y    e   [])) 
        branch c-false [] (
          const c-lambda ( y   apply sub  e   [])) 
        [])                                                       ⇓⟨ lambda-lemma _ (x V.≟ y) (equal-ℕ-correct-ℕ-atoms x y) ⟩■

       Exp.lambda y e [ x  e′ ] 
      lambda-lemma :
        (e″ : Exp) (b : Dec (x  y)) 
        e″   Prelude.if b then true else false  
        case e″ (
          branch c-true [] (
            const c-lambda ( y    e   [])) 
          branch c-false [] (
            const c-lambda ( y   apply sub  e   [])) 
         Exp.lambda y (Prelude.if b then e else e [ x  e′ ]) 
      lambda-lemma e″ (yes _) e″⇓ =
        case e″ (
          branch c-true [] (
            const c-lambda ( y    e   [])) 
          branch c-false [] (
            const c-lambda ( y   apply sub  e   [])) 
          [])                                                 ⟶⟨ case e″⇓ here [] 

         Exp.lambda y e                                     ■⟨ rep-value (lambda y e) 

      lambda-lemma e″ (no _) e″⇓ =
        case e″ (
          branch c-true [] (
            const c-lambda ( y    e   [])) 
          branch c-false [] (
            const c-lambda ( y   apply sub  e   [])) 
          [])                                                 ⟶⟨ case e″⇓ (there  ()) here) [] 

        const c-lambda ( y   apply sub  e   [])         ⇓⟨ const (rep⇓rep y  sub-Exp e  []) ⟩■

         Exp.lambda y (e [ x  e′ ]) 

    case-Exp (case e bs) =
      case  Exp.case e bs 
        (branches [ v-x   x  ]B⋆ [ v-new   e′  ]B⋆
           [ v-subst  sub ]B⋆ [ v-e   Exp.case e bs  ]B⋆)  ⟶⟨ case (rep⇓rep (Exp.case e bs))
                                                                    (there  ()) here)
                                                                    (  []) 

      const c-case (
        apply (sub [ v-bs   bs  ] [ v-e   e  ])  e  
        apply (sub [ v-bs   bs  ] [ v-e   e  ])
          ( bs  [ v-e   e  ]) 
        [])                                                    ≡⟨ remove-substs ((sub , sub-closed)  []) ⟩⟶

      const c-case (apply sub  e   apply sub  bs   [])   ⇓⟨ const (sub-Exp e  sub-Brs bs  []) ⟩■

       Exp.case e bs [ x  e′ ] 

    case-Exp (rec y e) =
      case  Exp.rec y e 
        (branches [ v-x   x  ]B⋆ [ v-new   e′  ]B⋆
           [ v-subst  sub ]B⋆ [ v-e   Exp.rec y e  ]B⋆)     ⟶⟨ case (rep⇓rep (Exp.rec y e))
                                                                     (there  ()) (there  ()) here))
                                                                     (  []) 
      case (equal-ℕ ( x  [ v-new   e′  ]
                           [ v-subst  sub ]
                           [ v-e   e  ]
                           [ v-y   y  ])
                     y ) (
        branch c-true [] (
          const c-rec ( y    e  [ v-y   y  ]  [])) 
        branch c-false [] (
          const c-rec (
            apply (sub [ v-e   e  ] [ v-y   y  ])
              ( e  [ v-y   y  ]) 
        [])                                                     ≡⟨ remove-substs ((sub , sub-closed)  []) ⟩⟶

      case (equal-ℕ  x   y ) (
        branch c-true [] (
          const c-rec ( y    e   [])) 
        branch c-false [] (
          const c-rec ( y   apply sub  e   [])) 
        [])                                                     ⇓⟨ rec-lemma _ (x V.≟ y) (equal-ℕ-correct-ℕ-atoms x y) ⟩■

       Exp.rec y e [ x  e′ ] 
      rec-lemma :
        (e″ : Exp) (b : Dec (x  y)) 
        e″   Prelude.if b then true else false  
        case e″ (
          branch c-true [] (
            const c-rec ( y    e   [])) 
          branch c-false [] (
            const c-rec ( y   apply sub  e   [])) 
         Exp.rec y (Prelude.if b then e else e [ x  e′ ]) 
      rec-lemma e″ (yes _) e″⇓ =
        case e″ (
          branch c-true [] (
            const c-rec ( y    e   [])) 
          branch c-false [] (
            const c-rec ( y   apply sub  e   [])) 
          [])                                              ⟶⟨ case e″⇓ here [] 

         Exp.rec y e                                     ■⟨ rep-value (rec y e) 

      rec-lemma e″ (no _) e″⇓ =
        case e″ (
          branch c-true [] (
            const c-rec ( y    e   [])) 
          branch c-false [] (
            const c-rec ( y   apply sub  e   [])) 
          [])                                              ⟶⟨ case e″⇓ (there  ()) here) [] 

        const c-rec ( y   apply sub  e   [])         ⇓⟨ const (rep⇓rep y  sub-Exp e  []) ⟩■

         Exp.rec y (e [ x  e′ ]) 

    case-Exp (var y) =
      case  Exp.var y 
        (branches [ v-x   x  ]B⋆ [ v-new   e′  ]B⋆
           [ v-subst  sub ]B⋆ [ v-e   Exp.var y  ]B⋆)   ⟶⟨ case (rep⇓rep (Exp.var y))
                                                                 (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ())
                                                                    (there  ()) (there  ()) here)))))
                                                                 ( []) 
      case (equal-ℕ
              ( x  [ v-new   e′  ] [ v-subst  sub ]
                     [ v-e   Exp.var y  ]
                     [ v-y   y  ])
               y ) (
        branch c-true [] ( e′  [ v-subst  sub ]
                                 [ v-e   Exp.var y  ]
                                 [ v-y   y  ]) 
        branch c-false [] (const c-var ( y   []))  [])  ≡⟨ remove-substs [] ⟩⟶

      case (equal-ℕ  x   y ) (
        branch c-true []  e′  
        branch c-false [] (const c-var ( y   []))  [])  ⇓⟨ var-lemma _ (x V.≟ y) (equal-ℕ-correct-ℕ-atoms x y) ⟩■

       Exp.var y [ x  e′ ] 
      var-lemma :
        (e : Exp) (b : Dec (x  y)) 
        e   Prelude.if b then true else false  
        case e (
          branch c-true []  e′  
          branch c-false [] (const c-var ( y   []))  []) 
         Prelude.if b then e′ else var y 
      var-lemma e (yes _) e⇓ =
        case e (
          branch c-true []  e′  
          branch c-false [] (const c-var ( y   []))  [])  ⟶⟨ case e⇓ here [] 

         e′                                                 ■⟨ rep-value e′ 

      var-lemma e (no _) e⇓ =
        case e (
          branch c-true []  e′  
          branch c-false [] (const c-var ( y   []))  [])  ⟶⟨ case e⇓ (there  ()) here) [] 

         Exp.var y                                          ■⟨ rep-value (var y) 

    case-Exp (const c es) =
      case  Exp.const c es 
        (branches [ v-x   x  ]B⋆ [ v-new   e′  ]B⋆
           [ v-subst  sub ]B⋆ [ v-e   Exp.const c es  ]B⋆)  ⟶⟨ case (rep⇓rep (Exp.const c es))
                                                                     (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ()) here))))
                                                                     (  []) 
      const c-const (
        apply (sub [ v-e   Exp.const c es  ]
                   [ v-es   es  ]
                   [ v-c   c  ])
          ( es  [ v-c   c  ])  [])                        ≡⟨ remove-substs ((sub , sub-closed)  []) ⟩⟶

      const c-const ( c   apply sub  es   [])             ⇓⟨ const (rep⇓rep c  sub-Exps es  []) ⟩■

       Exp.const c es [ x  e′ ] 

    case-Exps :
      case  es 
        (branches [ v-x   x  ]B⋆ [ v-new   e′  ]B⋆
           [ v-subst  sub ]B⋆ [ v-e   es  ]B⋆)
       es [ x  e′ ]⋆ 
    case-Exps [] =
      case  []  List Exp 
        (branches [ v-x   x  ]B⋆ [ v-new   e′  ]B⋆
           [ v-subst  sub ]B⋆ [ v-e   []  List Exp  ]B⋆)  ⟶⟨ case (rep⇓rep ([]  List Exp))
                                                                    (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ()) (
                                                                     there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ()) here)))))))

       [] [ x  e′ ]⋆                                        ■⟨ rep-value ([]  List Exp) 

    case-Exps (e  es) =
      case  e  es 
        (branches [ v-x   x  ]B⋆ [ v-new   e′  ]B⋆
           [ v-subst  sub ]B⋆ [ v-e   e  es  ]B⋆)         ⟶⟨ case (rep⇓rep (e  es))
                                                                    (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ()) (
                                                                     there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ()) here))))))))
                                                                    (  []) 

      const c-cons (
        apply (sub [ v-es   es  ] [ v-e   e  ])  e  
        apply (sub [ v-es   es  ] [ v-e   e  ])
          ( es  [ v-e   e  ]) 
        [])                                                    ≡⟨ remove-substs ((sub , sub-closed)  []) ⟩⟶

      const c-cons (apply sub  e   apply sub  es   [])   ⇓⟨ const (sub-Exp e  sub-Exps es  []) ⟩■

       (e  es) [ x  e′ ]⋆ 

    case-Br :
      case  b 
        (branches [ v-x   x  ]B⋆ [ v-new   e′  ]B⋆
           [ v-subst  sub ]B⋆ [ v-e   b  ]B⋆)
       b [ x  e′ ]B 
    case-Br (branch c ys e) =
      case  Br.branch c ys e 
        (branches [ v-x   x  ]B⋆ [ v-new   e′  ]B⋆
           [ v-subst  sub ]B⋆ [ v-e   Br.branch c ys e  ]B⋆)        ⟶⟨ case (rep⇓rep (Br.branch c ys e))
                                                                             (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ()) (
                                                                              there  ()) (there  ()) here))))))
                                                                             (   []) 
      const c-branch (
         ys  [ v-c   c  ] 
        case (member
                ( x  [ v-new   e′  ] [ v-subst  sub ]
                   [ v-e   e  ] [ v-ys   ys  ] [ v-c   c  ])
                ( ys  [ v-c   c  ])) (
          branch c-true [] ( e  [ v-ys   ys  ] [ v-c   c  ]) 
          branch c-false [] (
            apply (sub [ v-e   e  ] [ v-ys   ys  ]
                     [ v-c   c  ])
              ( e  [ v-ys   ys  ] [ v-c   c  ])) 
        [])                                                             ≡⟨ remove-substs ((sub , sub-closed)  []) ⟩⟶

      const c-branch (
        case (member  x   ys ) (
          branch c-true []  e  
          branch c-false [] (apply sub  e ) 
        [])                                                             ⇓⟨ branch-lemma _ (V.member x ys) (member-correct x ys) ⟩■

       Br.branch c ys e [ x  e′ ]B 
      branch-lemma :
        (e″ : Exp) (b : Dec (x  ys)) 
        e″   Prelude.if b then true else false  
        const c-branch (
          case e″ (
            branch c-true []  e  
            branch c-false [] (apply sub  e ) 
         Prelude.if b
          then branch c ys e
          else branch c ys (e [ x  e′ ]) 
      branch-lemma e″ (yes _) e″⇓ =
        const c-branch (
          case e″ (
            branch c-true []  e  
            branch c-false [] (apply sub  e ) 
          [])                                      ⇓⟨ const (rep⇓rep c  rep⇓rep ys 
                                                             case e″⇓ here [] (rep⇓rep e)  []) ⟩■
         branch c ys e 

      branch-lemma e″ (no _) e″⇓ =
        const c-branch (
          case e″ (
            branch c-true []  e  
            branch c-false [] (apply sub  e ) 
          [])                                      ⇓⟨ const (rep⇓rep c  rep⇓rep ys 
                                                             case e″⇓ (there  ()) here) [] (sub-Exp e)  []) ⟩■
         branch c ys (e [ x  e′ ]) 

    case-Brs :
      case  bs 
        (branches [ v-x   x  ]B⋆ [ v-new   e′  ]B⋆
           [ v-subst  sub ]B⋆ [ v-e   bs  ]B⋆)
       bs [ x  e′ ]B⋆ 
    case-Brs [] =
      case  []  List Br 
        (branches [ v-x   x  ]B⋆ [ v-new   e′  ]B⋆
           [ v-subst  sub ]B⋆ [ v-e   []  List Br  ]B⋆)  ⟶⟨ case (rep⇓rep ([]  List Br))
                                                                   (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ()) (
                                                                    there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ()) here)))))))

       [] [ x  e′ ]B⋆                                      ■⟨ rep-value ([]  List Br) 

    case-Brs (b  bs) =
      case  b  bs 
        (branches [ v-x   x  ]B⋆ [ v-new   e′  ]B⋆
           [ v-subst  sub ]B⋆ [ v-e   b  bs  ]B⋆)         ⟶⟨ case (rep⇓rep (b  bs))
                                                                    (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ()) (
                                                                     there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ()) (there  ()) here))))))))
                                                                    (  []) 

      const c-cons (
        apply (sub [ v-es   bs  ] [ v-e   b  ])  b  
        apply (sub [ v-es   bs  ] [ v-e   b  ])
          ( bs  [ v-e   b  ]) 
        [])                                                    ≡⟨ remove-substs ((sub , sub-closed)  []) ⟩⟶

      const c-cons (apply sub  b   apply sub  bs   [])   ⇓⟨ const (sub-Br b  sub-Brs bs  []) ⟩■

       (b  bs) [ x  e′ ]B⋆ 

-- Internal substitution is correct (part two).

internal-subst-correct₂ :
   {e x e′ v} 
  apply (apply (apply internal-subst  x )  e′ )  e   v 
  v   e [ x  e′ ] 
internal-subst-correct₂ p =
  ⇓-deterministic p internal-subst-correct₁


  -- An auxiliary definition used in the implementation of
  -- internal-substs.

  body′ : Exp
  body′ =
    case (var v-xs) (
      branch c-nil [] (case (var v-es) (
        branch c-nil [] (var v-e′)  [])) 
      branch c-cons (v-x  v-xs  []) (case (var v-es) (
        branch c-cons (v-e  v-es  []) (
          apply (apply (apply internal-subst (var v-x)) (var v-e))
            (apply (apply (apply (var v-substs) (var v-xs))
                      (var v-es))
               (var v-e′))) 

-- A program that tries to apply multiple substitutions.

internal-substs : Exp
internal-substs =
  rec v-substs (lambda v-xs (lambda v-es (lambda v-e′ body′)))

-- The program internal-substs is correctly implemented (part one).

internal-substs-correct₁ :
   {e xs es e′} 
  e [ xs  es ]↦ e′ 
  apply (apply (apply internal-substs  xs )  es )  e    e′ 
internal-substs-correct₁ {e = e} {xs = xs} {es = es} {e′ = e′} p =
  apply (apply (apply internal-substs  xs )  es )  e              ⟶⟨ apply (apply (apply (rec lambda) (rep⇓rep xs) lambda)
                                                                             (rep⇓rep es) lambda) (rep⇓rep e) 
  case ( xs  [ v-es   es  ] [ v-e′   e  ]) (
    branch c-nil [] (case ( es  [ v-e′   e  ]) (
      branch c-nil []  e   [])) 
    branch c-cons (v-x  v-xs  []) (case ( es  [ v-e′   e  ]) (
      branch c-cons (v-e  v-es  []) (
        apply (apply (apply internal-subst (var v-x)) (var v-e))
          (apply (apply (apply internal-substs (var v-xs)) (var v-es))
              e )) 
    [])                                                                 ≡⟨ remove-substs [] ⟩⟶

  case  xs  (
    branch c-nil [] (case  es  (
      branch c-nil []  e   [])) 
    branch c-cons (v-x  v-xs  []) (case  es  (
      branch c-cons (v-e  v-es  []) (
        apply (apply (apply internal-subst (var v-x)) (var v-e))
          (apply (apply (apply internal-substs (var v-xs)) (var v-es))
              e )) 
    [])                                                                 ⇓⟨ lemma e xs es e′ p ⟩■

  lemma :
     e xs es e′ 
    e [ xs  es ]↦ e′ 
    case  xs  (
      branch c-nil [] (case  es  (
        branch c-nil []  e   [])) 
      branch c-cons (v-x  v-xs  []) (case  es  (
        branch c-cons (v-e  v-es  []) (
          apply (apply (apply internal-subst (var v-x)) (var v-e))
            (apply (apply (apply internal-substs (var v-xs)) (var v-es))
                e )) 
  lemma e [] [] .e [] =
    case  []  List Var  (
      branch c-nil [] (case  []  List Exp  (
        branch c-nil []  e   [])) 
      branch c-cons (v-x  v-xs  []) (case  []  List Exp  (
        branch c-cons (v-e  v-es  []) (
          apply (apply (apply internal-subst (var v-x)) (var v-e))
            (apply (apply (apply internal-substs (var v-xs)) (var v-es))
                e )) 
      [])                                                                 ⟶⟨ case (rep⇓rep ([]  List Var)) here [] 

    case  []  List Exp  (
      branch c-nil []  e   [])                                         ⇓⟨ case (rep⇓rep ([]  List Exp)) here [] (rep⇓rep e) ⟩■


  lemma e (x  xs) (e′  es′) .(e″ [ x  e′ ]) (∷_ {e″ = e″} p) =
    case  x  xs  (
      branch c-nil [] (case  e′  es′  (
        branch c-nil []  e   [])) 
      branch c-cons (v-x  v-xs  []) (case  e′  es′  (
        branch c-cons (v-e  v-es  []) (
          apply (apply (apply internal-subst (var v-x)) (var v-e))
            (apply (apply (apply internal-substs (var v-xs)) (var v-es))
                e )) 
      [])                                                                 ⟶⟨ case (rep⇓rep (x  xs)) (there  ()) here) (  []) 

    case ( e′  es′  [ v-xs   xs  ] [ v-x   x  ]) (
      branch c-cons (v-e  v-es  []) (
        apply (apply (apply internal-subst  x ) (var v-e))
          (apply (apply (apply internal-substs ( xs  [ v-x   x  ]))
                    (var v-es))
             ( e  [ v-xs   xs  ] [ v-x   x  ]))) 
      [])                                                                 ≡⟨ remove-substs [] ⟩⟶

    case  e′  es′  (
      branch c-cons (v-e  v-es  []) (
        apply (apply (apply internal-subst  x ) (var v-e))
          (apply (apply (apply internal-substs  xs ) (var v-es))
              e )) 
      [])                                                                 ⟶⟨ case (rep⇓rep (e′  es′)) here (  []) 

    apply (apply (apply internal-subst
                    ( x  [ v-es   es′  ] [ v-e   e′  ]))
              e′ )
      (apply (apply (apply internal-substs
                       ( xs  [ v-es   es′  ] [ v-e   e′  ]))
                ( es′  [ v-e   e′  ]))
         ( e  [ v-es   es′  ] [ v-e   e′  ]))                     ≡⟨ remove-substs [] ⟩⟶

    apply (apply (apply internal-subst  x )  e′ )
      (apply (apply (apply internal-substs  xs )  es′ )  e )        ⟶⟨ []⇓ (apply→ ) (internal-substs-correct₁ p) 

    apply (apply (apply internal-subst  x )  e′ )  e″               ⇓⟨ internal-subst-correct₁ ⟩■

     e″ [ x  e′ ] 

-- The program internal-substs is correctly implemented (part two).

internal-substs-correct₂ :
   {e xs es v} 
  apply (apply (apply internal-substs  xs )  es )  e   v 
   λ e′  e [ xs  es ]↦ e′ × v   e′ 
internal-substs-correct₂ {e = e} {xs = xs} {es = es} {v = v}
  (apply {v₂ = v₃}
     (apply {v₂ = v₂}
        (apply {v₂ = v₁} (rec lambda) ⌜xs⌝⇓v₁ lambda)
     ⌜e⌝⇓v₃ p) =
  lemma e xs es v (
    case  xs  (
      branch c-nil [] (case  es  (
        branch c-nil []  e   [])) 
      branch c-cons (v-x  v-xs  []) (case  es  (
        branch c-cons (v-e  v-es  []) (
          apply (apply (apply internal-subst (var v-x)) (var v-e))
            (apply (apply (apply internal-substs (var v-xs)) (var v-es))
                e )) 
      [])                                                                 ≡⟨ sym $ remove-substs [] ⟩⟶

    case ( xs  [ v-es   es  ] [ v-e′   e  ]) (
      branch c-nil [] (case ( es  [ v-e′   e  ]) (
        branch c-nil []  e   [])) 
      branch c-cons (v-x  v-xs  []) (case ( es  [ v-e′   e  ]) (
        branch c-cons (v-e  v-es  []) (
          apply (apply (apply internal-subst (var v-x)) (var v-e))
            (apply (apply (apply internal-substs (var v-xs)) (var v-es))
                e )) 
      [])                                                                 ≡⟨⟩⟶

    body′ [ v-substs  internal-substs ] [ v-xs   xs  ]
      [ v-es   es  ] [ v-e′   e  ]                                  ≡⟨ trans
                                                                               (cong  xs  body′ [ v-substs  internal-substs ]
                                                                                        [ v-xs  xs ] [ v-es   es  ] [ v-e′   e  ]) $
                                                                                rep⇓≡rep xs ⌜xs⌝⇓v₁)
                                                                               (cong₂  es e  body′ [ v-substs  internal-substs ]
                                                                                         [ v-xs  v₁ ] [ v-es  es ] [ v-e′  e ])
                                                                                  (rep⇓≡rep es ⌜es⌝⇓v₂)
                                                                                  (rep⇓≡rep e ⌜e⌝⇓v₃))  ⟩⟶
    body′ [ v-substs  internal-substs ] [ v-xs  v₁ ] [ v-es  v₂ ]
      [ v-e′  v₃ ]                                                       ⇓⟨ p ⟩■

  lemma :
     e xs es v 
    case  xs  (
      branch c-nil [] (case  es  (
        branch c-nil []  e   [])) 
      branch c-cons (v-x  v-xs  []) (case  es  (
        branch c-cons (v-e  v-es  []) (
          apply (apply (apply internal-subst (var v-x)) (var v-e))
            (apply (apply (apply internal-substs (var v-xs)) (var v-es))
                e )) 
     λ e′  e [ xs  es ]↦ e′ × v   e′ 
  lemma _ [] (_  _) _ (case _ here [] (case _ (there _ ()) _ _))
  lemma _ [] _ _ (case (const []) (there _ (there _ ())) _ _)
  lemma _ _ [] _
    (case _ (there _ here) (  []) (case _ (there _ ()) _ _))

  lemma e [] [] v
    (case (const []) here [] (case (const []) here [] ⌜e⌝⇓v)) =
    e , [] , sym (rep⇓≡rep e ⌜e⌝⇓v)

  lemma e (x  xs) (e′  es′) v
    (case (const (_∷_ {v = x′} ⌜x⌝⇓x′ (_∷_ {v = xs′} ⌜xs⌝⇓xs′ [])))
       (there _ here) (  [])
       (case (const (_∷_ {v = e″} ⌜e′⌝[xs←xs′][x←x′]⇓e″
                       (_∷_ {v = es″} ⌜es′⌝[xs←xs′][x←x′]⇓es″ [])))
          here (  []) p)) =
    lemma′ (
      apply (apply (apply internal-subst  x )  e′ )
        (apply (apply (apply internal-substs  xs )  es′ )  e )      ≡⟨ sym $ remove-substs [] ⟩⟶

      apply (apply (apply internal-subst
                      ( x  [ v-es  es″ ] [ v-e  e″ ]))
                e′ )
        (apply (apply (apply internal-substs
                         ( xs  [ v-x  x′ ] [ v-es  es″ ]
                            [ v-e  e″ ]))
                  ( es′  [ v-e  e″ ]))
           ( e  [ v-xs  xs′ ] [ v-x  x′ ]
              [ v-es  es″ ] [ v-e  e″ ]))                               ≡⟨ cong₂ apply
                                                                               (cong₂  x e′  apply
                                                                                         (apply internal-subst (x [ v-es  es″ ] [ v-e  e″ ])) e′)
                                                                                  (rep⇓≡rep x ⌜x⌝⇓x′)
                                                                                  (rep⇓≡rep e′ ⌜e′⌝⇓e″))
                                                                               (cong (flip Exp.apply _) $
                                                                                cong₂  xs es′  apply
                                                                                         (apply internal-substs
                                                                                            (xs [ v-x  x′ ] [ v-es  es″ ] [ v-e  e″ ]))
                                                                                         (es′ [ v-e  e″ ]))
                                                                                  (rep⇓≡rep xs ⌜xs⌝⇓xs′)
                                                                                  (rep⇓≡rep es′ ⌜es′⌝⇓es″)) ⟩⟶
      apply (apply (apply internal-subst
                      (x′ [ v-es  es″ ] [ v-e  e″ ]))
        (apply (apply (apply internal-substs
                         (xs′ [ v-x  x′ ] [ v-es  es″ ] [ v-e  e″ ]))
                  (es″ [ v-e  e″ ]))
           ( e  [ v-xs  xs′ ] [ v-x  x′ ]
              [ v-es  es″ ] [ v-e  e″ ]))                               ⇓⟨ p ⟩■

    ⌜e′⌝⇓e″ :  e′   e″
    ⌜e′⌝⇓e″ =
       e′                               ≡⟨ sym $ remove-substs [] ⟩⟶
       e′  [ v-xs  xs′ ] [ v-x  x′ ]  ⇓⟨ ⌜e′⌝[xs←xs′][x←x′]⇓e″ ⟩■

    ⌜es′⌝⇓es″ :  es′   es″
    ⌜es′⌝⇓es″ =
       es′                               ≡⟨ sym $ remove-substs [] ⟩⟶
       es′  [ v-xs  xs′ ] [ v-x  x′ ]  ⇓⟨ ⌜es′⌝[xs←xs′][x←x′]⇓es″ ⟩■

    lemma′ :
      apply (apply (apply internal-subst  x )  e′ )
        (apply (apply (apply internal-substs  xs )  es′ )  e ) 
       λ e″  e [ x  xs  e′  es′ ]↦ e″ × v   e″ 
    lemma′ (apply {v₂ = v″} p₁ p₂ p₃) =
      case internal-substs-correct₂ p₂ of λ where
        (e″ , e[xs←es′]↦e″ , v″≡⌜e″⌝) 
          let p = apply (apply (apply internal-subst  x )  e′ )
                     e″                                               ≡⟨ cong (apply _) $ sym v″≡⌜e″⌝ ⟩⟶

                  apply (apply (apply internal-subst  x )  e′ ) v″  ⇓⟨ apply p₁ (values-compute-to-themselves $ ⇓-Value p₂) p₃ ⟩■

            e″ [ x  e′ ]
          ,  e[xs←es′]↦e″
          , (v                  ≡⟨ internal-subst-correct₂ p ⟩∎
              e″ [ x  e′ ]   )