Course Evaluation

The course should have at least 3-4 student representatives from each university.
The students representatives will meet the responsible of the course a couple of times during the study period of the course.
Before these meetings it is important students representatives talk with their fellow students to found out how students taking the course are experiencing it: what is working well, what could improve, what should be change.
During these meetings the student representatives should write the minutes, which will then be made available to the whole group via the web page of the course.
The final meeting takes place after the exam, sometime during the next study period. Representatives from both the IT and GU programmes are usually present in this last meeting and take notes.

Link to the protocol of 2016/2017 evaluation.

Student Representatives at Chalmers

Abdullatif Alshriaf, mail: shriaf(at)student(dot)chalmers(dot)se
Omar Oueidat, mail: oueidat(at)student(dot)chalmers(dot)se
Oskar Vigren, mail: vioskar(at)student(dot)chalmers(dot)se
Ari von Nordenskjöld, mail: ariv(at)student(dot)chalmers(dot)se

Student Representatives at GU

Johan Almroth, mail: gusalmjok(at)student(dot)gu(dot)se
Eira Höglund, mail: gushoglei(at)student(dot)gu(dot)se
Andreas Nilsson Robert, mail: gusroband(at)student(dot)gu(dot)se
Lina Terner, mail: guslinate(at)student(dot)gu(dot)se
Simsek Ömer Faruk, mail: gussimsme(at)student(dot)gu(dot)se

First meeting: Friday 13th of April, 15.15. Protocol can be found here.
Second meeting: Friday 18th of May, 15.15. Protocol can be found here.