Björn Bringert - Projects & Publications

Peer-reviewed Publications


Selected Talks


The projects below vary greatly in how long ago I touched them, how well they work and how well they are documented. I'm happy to answer questions about any of them, but I might not always remember all that much.

Unless noted otherwise in the source code, packages or repositories, this software is licensed under the GNU General Public License.

Many of the projects are kept in darcs repositories. They are browsable using an ordinary web browser. If you want to get your own copy of a project, you need to install darcs and run darcs get repo-url, where repo-url is the URL for the repository, e.g. For more information about darcs, see the darcs homepage.

Natural Language Technology

Haskell libraries

Haskell web applications

Language training

Speech recognition

Java libraries and utilities

Programming languages stuff

Multimedia software


IR remote control

Linux kernel and systems stuff

Contributions to other Open Source Software

Some other open source software projects that I have contributed to but don't maintain myself:

Copyright Björn Bringert 2003-2008.

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