Distributed Computing and Systems Research Group
Distributed Computing and Systems


Communication, Peer-to-Peer and Collaborative Environments |
Interprocess Coordination & Synchronization |
Information Visualization of Complex Systems

In distributed systems sharing is the key word: distributed systems share from information to cables, frequencies, printers, expensive equipment and more. Our research group studies efficient ways that can used for different concurrent computer processes to share information and get coordinated (Interprocess Synchronization) but also on efficient and fault-tolerant methods for sharing general resources in networks and peer-to-peer systems (Communication, Resource Allocation and Sharing).

Instead of sharing physical resources many users would like to share views of small "worlds" that they can create together with colleagues or friends. Our group tries to see how to realize this in a way that is efficient and guarantees that people see a good approximation of what is happening in their worlds (Collaborative Distributed Environments and Visualization).

Now, if you try to imagine how much digital information is generated in such complex systems, it is probably easy to get convinced that information visualization is the way to go to illuminate the information that the user is interested in (Information Visualization of Complex Systems).

Communication, Peer-to-Peer and Collaborative Environments

Research perspectives:

- Exploit locality in sharing and decision-making, aiming at improving performance, fault-tolerance
- Cross-fertilization with our research results and activities in process synchronization, to address consistency issues.
- Address trade-off issues and decisions in parameterized quality-of-service, in particular in network and peer-to-peer communication, synchronization and consistency.
- New methods for (virtual) object realization and multi-peer sharing, using distributed algorithms and data structures.

Example applications:

- Communication systems: router packet scheduling, channel allocation in cellular networks, information sharing, further resource sharing in mobile communication: data, computational units/capacity
- Information dissemination, synchronization and buffer management in peer-to-peer systems
- Computer-Supported Cooperative Work
- Simulation and Entertainment

Links to our projects/results

  • Overlays with preferences Overlay network formation when nodes have preferences: A key property of overlay networks, that is going to play an important part in future networking solutions, is the peers' ability to establish connections with other peers based on some suitability metric related to e.g. the node's distance, interests, recommendations, transaction history or available resources. In this project we employ the use of node satisfaction to move beyond the classic notion of stable matchings and towards the overlay network context.
  • RePO framework Reasoning about unstructured overlay networks: an electrical circuit-inspired framework: Unstructured overlay networks coupled with stochastic algorithms are attractive due to low-maintenance requirements and inherent fault-tolerance and self-organizing properties. However, currently there is a limited selection of appropriate tools to use in their systematical performance evaluation. This project ties-in a set of diverse techniques and metrics in a unifying framework, by building on a well-known association between probabilistic tools such as random walks and simple electrical circuits.
  • resource allocation in networking Resource allocation and sharing in network communication: The project is on how to dynamically allocate resources (codes, channels, time, computing servers, etc) in a way that accounts for quality-of-service (QoS) parameters (deadlines, jitter, error probability, bandwidth availability, etc). The distributed approach has been shown that it is of benefit, especially when considering fault-tolerance and adaptability.
  • multipeer dissyn+con Multipeer information dissemination and consistency support: This project's focus is to study multi-peer info-dissemination and consistency support for collaborative environments and distributed objects suitable for such environments, together with efficient data structures and algorithms for their realization. Application domains which are of interest are telecommunication systems and distributed infrastructures for collaborative activities.
  • virtual collaborative environmnets Modeling and design of virtual objects for distributed collaborative environments Building a collaborative environment implies the challenge of providing consistency between the view of the users on the one hand and allowing the system to perform well and scale on the other. A central aim in our research in this project is a general model for such environments. The model should describe objects and users, interests and possibilities for interest management. Results include a first such integrated model based on an information-theoretic approach.
  • Logical clocks and event ordering in distributed systems: For many distributed systems it is important to be able to determine the order or relationship between events occurring in the system. A logical clock algorithm can be used to get this information. Our research focuses on logical clock algorithms that approximately tracks the causal order and that use small timestamps and scale to large systems.

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Interprocess Coordination and Synchronization

As the size of either the distributed system or the amount of data the applications have to process increases the need for large-scale parallelism in all components of a distributed/parallel software becomes more and more important. The current synchronization methods used in distributed/parallel software are based on blocking and are inherently sequential resulting in significantly reducing the performance and the overall parallelism of the distributed/parallel software or the scalability of distributed systems.

Our Research perspectives:

- Non-blocking/fine-grain synchronization, aiming at increased parallelism, fault-tolerance, avoiding convoy effects and priority inversion
- Enhancing performance by cooperative scheduling-and-synchronization

Example applications:

- Real-time (operating) systems.
- Operating systems, programming languages.
- Embedded-systems synchronization
- Parallel applications from areas, such as biology, chemistry, geosciences, physics, product design and industrial engineering.

Some words on this part of research from Chalmers Nyheter (In Swedish)

Links to our projects/results

  • Understanding the Performance of Concurrent Data Structures on Graphics Processors: We revisit the design of concurrent data structures - specifically queues - and examine their performance portability with regard to the move from conventional CPUs to graphics processors. We have looked at both lock-based and lock-free algorithms and have, for comparison, implemented and optimized the same algorithms on both graphics processors and multi-core CPUs. Particular interest has been paid to study the difference between the old Tesla and the new Fermi and Kepler architectures in this context. We provide a comprehensive evaluation and analysis of our implementations on all examined platforms. Our results indicate that the queues are in general performance portable, but that platform specific optimizations are possible to increase performance. The Fermi and Kepler GPUs, with optimized atomic operations, are observed to provide excellent scalability for both lock-based and lock-free queues.

  • GPU Software Transactional Memory: The introduction of general purpose computing on many-core graphics processor systems, and the general shift in the industry towards parallelism, has created a demand for ease of parallelization. Software transactional memory (STM) simplifies development of concurrent code by allowing the programmer to mark sections of code to be executed concurrently and atomically in an optimistic manner. In contrast to locks, STMs are easy to compose and do not suffer from deadlocks.

  • Dynamic Load Balancing on Graphics Processors: We have compared four different dynamic load balancing methods to see which one is most suited to the highly parallel world of graphics processors. Three of these methods were lock-free and one was lock-based. We evaluated them on the task of creating an octree partitioning of a set of particles and playing a game of four-in-a-row. The experiments showed that synchronization can be very expensive and that new methods that take more advantage of the graphics processors features and capabilities might be required. They also showed that lock-free methods achieves better performance than blocking and that they can be made to scale with increased numbers of processing units.

  • GPU Quicksort Logo (GPU Quicksort): The GPU Quicksort Library gives programmers an easy way to increase sorting performance by harnessing the highly parallel computational power available in todays graphics cards. Tests shows that it can outperform highly optimized CPU-based Quicksort with a factor of 8 on cards commonly available in 2007. Sorting 16 million floating point numbers or integers take less than half a second!

  • NOBLE-logo (NOBLE): A software library of shared data objects. NOBLE contains efficient non-blocking implementations of several fundamental shared data structures that are used in practice, such as stacks, queues, linked lists, priority queues etc. The library is easy to use and existing programs can easily adapted to use NOBLE.

    NOBLE was designed in an effort to help bridging the gap between research on interprocess synchronization and use in application and systems software.

  • WARPing-logo (WARPing) The aim in this project is to study and apply lock/wait-free methods in real-time systems protocols and study the impact compared with lock-based methods. One special applications domain is shared data structure in real-time operating system kernels. Our expectations and the results achieved so far include: elimination of priority inversion and of deadlock; improved fault-tolerance; scalability and uniformity between uni-processor and multi-processor systems; improved task execution times and schedulability conditions; no change of the structure of the existing operating system kernel.

  • LocklessSpark98 Lockless-Spark98: Lockless-Spark98 is a version of the shared memory Spark98 sparse matrix kernels where the locks used by the original Spark98 Kernels were replaced by non-blocking synchronization constructs.

  • Lockless-MiniSPLASH2: Lockless-MiniSPLASH2 is a lock-free version of part of the Stanford Parallel Applications for Shared Memory. In this version most lock-based data structures used by the original SPLASH-2 were replaced by non blocking synchronisation constructs.

  • NBmalloc: NBmalloc is a lock-free memory allocator aiming to be an efficient high performance replacement for the standard "libc" memory allocator in concurrent applications.

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InfoVis @ DCS

Research perspectives:

Exploit visual ways to enhance capabilities in
- distributed algorithms understanding and analysis
- human-computer-interaction by means of special environments for information visualization
- perception of abstract concepts such as causal relations and tree hierarchies.

Example applications:

- Visualization and debugging environments for parallel and distributed software
- Computer supported cooperative work
- Simulation and Game applications
- Workspace management
- Educational environments
- Steering and monitoring of distributed systems

Links to our projects/results

  • TrustNeighborhoods: TrustNeighborhoods is a security trust visualization aimed at novice and intermediate users of a distributed file sharing system. Building on the idea of ``circles of relationships'' as a model for computer usage proposed by Shneiderman, the technique uses the metaphor of a city to intuitively represent trust as a simple geographic relation.

  • PMorph: An interaction technique for projection matrix manipulation that reduces inter-object occlusion in 3D environments without modifying the geometrical state of the objects themselves. Provides smooth on-demand morphing between parallel and perspective projection modes, allowing the user to quickly and easily adapt the view to avoid inter-object occlusion.

  • BalloonProbe: A space distortion interaction technique which, on the user's command, inflates a spherical force field that repels objects around the 3D cursor, separating occluding objects. Inflation and deflation is performed through smooth animation, ghosted traces showing the displacement of each repelled object.

  • LYDIAN Lydian: Lydian is an extensible simulation and visualization environment for distributed algorithms. By creating own experiments, users can perceive a whole execution by choosing from several 2D and 3D animations illuminating various aspects of each protocol. Lydian is already being used in several courses internationally.

  • CausalViz CausalViz: This project deals with the development of novel visualization techniques for causal relations based on animation, colors and patterns to provide an alternate graphical representation of causality in a system that facilitates quick overview.

  • CiteWiz: CiteWiz is an open platform for the visualization of citation networks. The tool has a central citation database that is accessible to a number of different visualizations that present the data in different ways. Current visualizations include an adaptation of the Growing Polygons technique, as well as a novel static timeline visualization that highlights the influence and chronology of authors and papers in the database.

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Home © Distributed Computing and Systems Research Group
Chalmers university of technology, Computing Science Department
Rännvägen 6B, S-412 96, Gothenburg, Sweden (map)
Phone: +46 (0)31-772 1000 (central), +46 (0)31-16 56 55