Distributed Computing and Systems Research Group
Distributed Computing and Systems


Courses | Master projects (Examensarbete)

The Distributed Computing and Systems group usually offers a number of courses, and masters(examensarbete) and D3 projects.


We are responsible for courses in areas, such as, Computer Communication, Distributed Systems, Operating Systems, Machine Level programming and Computer Games. The aim is to provide the students with fundamental as well as advanced knowledge in these fields. (more)

We take part in the international graduate program of Networks and Distributed Systems (more)

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Bachelor's project courses - Kandidatarbeten

The undergraduate educations programme at Chalmers include a 10 credit Bachelor's project. We run our own Bachelor's projects (kandidatarbeten) on topics related to our research as well as supervise Bachelor's projects done in cooperation with industry. (more)

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Master's projects - Examensarbeten

The undergraduate educations and the international master's programme at Chalmers include a 20 credit Master's project. We run our own Master's projects(examensarbete) on topics related to our research as well as supervise Master's projects done in cooperation with industry. Students can also propose their own projects. (more)

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Home © Distributed Computing and Systems Research Group
Chalmers university of technology, Computing Science Department
Rännvägen 6B, S-412 96, Gothenburg, Sweden (map)
Phone: +46 (0)31-772 1000 (central), +46 (0)31-16 56 55