-- Closure properties for Compatible and Size-preserving

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Up-to.Closure where

open import Equality.Propositional
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude as P

open import Bijection equality-with-J using (_↔_)
open import Function-universe equality-with-J hiding (id; _∘_)

import Bisimilarity
open import Indexed-container hiding (Bisimilarity)
open import Indexed-container.Combinators hiding (id; _∘_)
open import Labelled-transition-system
import Labelled-transition-system.CCS
open import Relation
import Similarity
import Similarity.CCS as SC
open import Up-to

  module CCS {} (Name : Set ) where
    open Labelled-transition-system.CCS Name public
    open module B = Bisimilarity CCS public
    open module S = Similarity CCS public using (Similarity)

-- Closure properties for Compatible

-- The results in this section are closely related to
-- Proposition 6.3.21 in Pous and Sangiorgi's "Enhancements of the
-- bisimulation proof method".

-- The function flip Compatible F is closed under _⊗_, assuming that F
-- is monotone.

Compatible-⊗ :
   {} {I : Set } {C₁ C₂ : Container I I} {F : Trans  I} 
  Monotone F 
  Compatible C₁ F  Compatible C₂ F  Compatible (C₁  C₂) F
Compatible-⊗ {C₁ = C₁} {C₂} {F} mono comp₁ comp₂ {R = R} =
  F ( C₁  C₂  R)            ⊆⟨ mono (⟦⊗⟧↔ _ C₁ C₂) 
  F ( C₁  R   C₂  R)      ⊆⟨  x  mono proj₁ x , mono proj₂ x) 
  F ( C₁  R)  F ( C₂  R)  ⊆⟨ Σ-map comp₁ comp₂ 
   C₁  (F R)   C₂  (F R)  ⊆⟨ _⇔_.from (⟦⊗⟧↔ _ C₁ C₂) ⟩∎
   C₁  C₂  (F R)            

-- The function flip Compatible F is closed under reindex₁ f, assuming
-- that F is monotone and f-symmetric.

Compatible-reindex₁ :
   {} {I : Set } {C : Container I I} {F : Trans  I} {f : I  I} 
  Monotone F  Symmetric f F 
  Compatible C F  Compatible (reindex₁ f C) F
Compatible-reindex₁ {C = C} {F} {f} mono hyp comp {R = R} =
  F ( reindex₁ f C  R)  ⊆⟨ mono (⟦reindex₁⟧↔ _ C) 
  F ( C  (R  f))       ⊆⟨ comp 
   C  (F (R  f))       ⊆⟨ map C (hyp _) 
   C  (F R  f)         ⊆⟨ _⇔_.from (⟦reindex₁⟧↔ _ C) ⟩∎
   reindex₁ f C  (F R)  

-- The function flip Compatible F is closed under reindex₂ f, assuming
-- that F is f-symmetric.

Compatible-reindex₂ :
   {} {I : Set } {C : Container I I} {F : Trans  I} {f : I  I} 
  Symmetric f F 
  Compatible C F  Compatible (reindex₂ f C) F
Compatible-reindex₂ {C = C} {F} {f} hyp comp {R = R} =
  F ( reindex₂ f C  R)  ⊆⟨⟩
  F ( C  R  f)         ⊆⟨ hyp _ 
  F ( C  R)  f         ⊆⟨ comp 
   C  (F R)  f         ⊆⟨ id ⟩∎
   reindex₂ f C  (F R)  

-- The function flip Compatible F is closed under reindex f, assuming
-- that F is monotone and f-symmetric.

Compatible-reindex :
   {} {I : Set } {C : Container I I} {F : Trans  I} {f : I  I} 
  Monotone F  Symmetric f F 
  Compatible C F  Compatible (reindex f C) F
Compatible-reindex {C = C} {F} {f} mono hyp =
  Compatible C F                            ↝⟨ Compatible-reindex₁ mono hyp 
  Compatible (reindex₁ f C) F               ↝⟨ Compatible-reindex₂ hyp 
  Compatible (reindex₂ f (reindex₁ f C)) F  ↔⟨⟩
  Compatible (reindex f C) F                

-- The function flip Compatible F is closed under _⟷_, assuming that F
-- is monotone and symmetric.

Compatible-⟷ :
   {} {I : Set }
    {C₁ C₂ : Container (I × I) (I × I)} {F : Trans₂  I} 
  Monotone F  Symmetric swap F 
  Compatible C₁ F  Compatible C₂ F  Compatible (C₁  C₂) F
Compatible-⟷ {C₁ = C₁} {C₂} {F} mono sym = curry (
  Compatible C₁ F × Compatible C₂ F                 ↝⟨ Σ-map id (Compatible-reindex mono sym) 
  Compatible C₁ F × Compatible (reindex swap C₂) F  ↝⟨ uncurry (Compatible-⊗ mono) 
  Compatible (C₁  reindex swap C₂) F               ↔⟨⟩
  Compatible (C₁  C₂) F                            )

-- An instance of the result above: If F is monotone and symmetric,
-- and compatible for strong similarity for some LTS, then F is
-- compatible for strong bisimilarity for this LTS.

compatible-for-similarity→compatible-for-bisimilarity :
   {} {lts : LTS } {F} 
  Monotone F  Symmetric swap F 
  Compatible (Similarity.StepC lts) F 
  Compatible (Bisimilarity.StepC lts) F
compatible-for-similarity→compatible-for-bisimilarity mono sym comp =
  Compatible-⟷ mono sym comp comp

-- Closure properties for Size-preserving

-- The function flip Size-preserving F is closed under reindex,
-- assuming that F is f-symmetric for an involutory function f.
-- Note that the assumptions are different from the ones asked for in
-- Compatible-reindex: monotonicity of F has been replaced by the
-- assumption that f is an involution.

Size-preserving-reindex :
   {} {I : Set } {C : Container I I} {F : Trans  I} {f : I  I} 
  f  f  id  Symmetric f F 
  Size-preserving C F  Size-preserving (reindex f C) F
Size-preserving-reindex {C = C} {F} {f}
                        inv hyp pres {R = R} {i = i} R⊆ =

  F R                        ⊆⟨  {x}  subst  g  F (R  g) x) (sym inv)) 
  F (R  f  f)              ⊆⟨ hyp _ 
  F (R  f)  f              ⊆⟨ pres (

      R  f                       ⊆⟨ R⊆ 
      ν (reindex f C) i  f       ⊆⟨ _⇔_.to (ν-reindex⇔ inv) 
      ν C i  f  f               ⊆⟨  {x}  subst  g  ν C i (g x)) inv) ⟩∎
      ν C i                       ) 

  ν C i  f                  ⊆⟨ _⇔_.from (ν-reindex⇔ inv) ⟩∎
  ν (reindex f C) i          

-- Some negative results:
-- * For inhabited name types it is not in general the case that a
--   monotone and symmetric function F that is size-preserving for
--   similarity for CCS is also size-preserving for bisimilarity for
--   CCS.
-- * It is not in general the case that if F is monotone and
--   symmetric, and size-preserving for strong similarity for some
--   LTS, then F is size-preserving for strong bisimilarity for this
--   LTS.
-- * The function flip Size-preserving F is not closed under _⟷_ for
--   all F, not even those that are monotone and symmetric.
-- * Furthermore flip Size-preserving F is not closed under _⊗_ for
--   all F, not even those that are monotone.

¬-Size-preserving-⟷/⊗ :
  ({Name : Set } 
   let open CCS Name in
   ¬ ({F : Trans₂  (Proc )} 
      Monotone F  Symmetric swap F 
      Size-preserving S.StepC F 
      Size-preserving B.StepC F))
  ¬ (∀ {lts : LTS } {F} 
     Monotone F  Symmetric swap F 
     Size-preserving (Similarity.StepC lts) F 
     Size-preserving (Bisimilarity.StepC lts) F)
  ¬ ({I : Set } {C₁ C₂ : Container (I × I) (I × I)}
     {F : Trans₂  I} 
     Monotone F  Symmetric swap F 
     Size-preserving C₁ F  Size-preserving C₂ F 
     Size-preserving (C₁  C₂) F)
  ¬ ({I : Set } {C₁ C₂ : Container I I} {F : Trans  I} 
     Monotone F 
     Size-preserving C₁ F  Size-preserving C₂ F 
     Size-preserving (C₁  C₂) F)
¬-Size-preserving-⟷/⊗ {} =
  , Lemmas.contradiction₃ (lift tt)
  , Lemmas.contradiction₄ (lift tt)
  , Lemmas.contradiction₅ (lift tt)
  module Lemmas {Name : Set } (a : Name) where
    open CCS Name public

    ≤≥≁ = SC.≤≥≁ a

    m₁ = proj₁ ≤≥≁
    m₂ = proj₁ (proj₂ ≤≥≁)

    F : Trans₂  (Proc )
    F R = R  (_≡ (m₁ , m₂))  (_≡ (m₂ , m₁))

    mono : Monotone F
    mono R⊆S = ⊎-map R⊆S id

    symm : Symmetric swap F
    symm R =
      F (R ⁻¹)                                      ⊆⟨⟩
      R ⁻¹  (_≡ (m₁ , m₂))     (_≡ (m₂ , m₁))     ⊆⟨ ⊎-map id P.[ inj₂  lemma , inj₁  lemma ] 
      R ⁻¹  (_≡ (m₁ , m₂)) ⁻¹  (_≡ (m₂ , m₁)) ⁻¹  ⊆⟨ id ⟩∎
      F R ⁻¹                                        
      lemma : {p₁ p₂ : Proc  × Proc }  p₁  swap p₂  swap p₁  p₂
      lemma refl = refl

    pres : Size-preserving S.StepC F
    pres {R = R} {i = i} R⊆ =
      F R                                  ⊆⟨⟩
      R  (_≡ (m₁ , m₂))  (_≡ (m₂ , m₁))  ⊆⟨ [ R⊆ , helper ] ⟩∎
      Similarity i                         
      helper :  {p}  p  (m₁ , m₂)  p  (m₂ , m₁)  Similarity i p
      helper (inj₁ refl) = proj₁ (proj₂ (proj₂ ≤≥≁))
      helper (inj₂ refl) = proj₁ (proj₂ (proj₂ (proj₂ ≤≥≁)))

    contradiction =
      Size-preserving B.StepC F            ↝⟨  hyp  _⇔_.to (monotone→⇔ _ mono) hyp) 
      F (Bisimilarity )  Bisimilarity   ↝⟨ _$ inj₂ (inj₁ refl) 
      m₁  m₂                              ↝⟨ proj₂ (proj₂ (proj₂ (proj₂ ≤≥≁))) ⟩□

    contradiction₂ =
      ({F : Trans₂  (Proc )} 
       Monotone F  Symmetric swap F 
       Size-preserving S.StepC F 
       Size-preserving B.StepC F)       ↝⟨  closed  closed mono symm pres) 

      Size-preserving B.StepC F         ↝⟨ contradiction ⟩□


    contradiction₃ =
      (∀ {lts : LTS } {F} 
       Monotone F  Symmetric swap F 
       Size-preserving (Similarity.StepC lts) F 
       Size-preserving (Bisimilarity.StepC lts) F)        ↝⟨  closed mono sym pres  closed mono sym pres) 

      ({F : Trans₂  (Proc )} 
       Monotone F  Symmetric swap F 
       Size-preserving S.StepC F 
       Size-preserving B.StepC F)                         ↝⟨ contradiction₂ ⟩□


    contradiction₄ =
      ({I : Set } {C₁ C₂ : Container (I × I) (I × I)}
       {F : Trans₂  I} 
       Monotone F  Symmetric swap F 
       Size-preserving C₁ F  Size-preserving C₂ F 
       Size-preserving (C₁  C₂) F)                       ↝⟨  closed mono symm pres  closed mono symm pres pres) 

      (∀ {lts : LTS } {F} 
       Monotone F  Symmetric swap F 
       Size-preserving (Similarity.StepC lts) F 
       Size-preserving (Bisimilarity.StepC lts) F)        ↝⟨ contradiction₃ ⟩□


    contradiction₅ =
      ({I : Set } {C₁ C₂ : Container I I}
       {F : Trans  I} 
       Monotone F 
       Size-preserving C₁ F  Size-preserving C₂ F 
       Size-preserving (C₁  C₂) F)                   ↝⟨  closed  closed mono pres) 

      (Size-preserving (reindex swap S.StepC) F 
       Size-preserving B.StepC F)                     ↝⟨ _$ Size-preserving-reindex refl symm pres 

      Size-preserving B.StepC F                       ↝⟨ contradiction ⟩□