-- Truncated queues: any two queues representing the same sequence are
-- equal, and things are set up so that at compile-time (but not at
-- run-time) some queue operations compute in roughly the same way as
-- the corresponding list operations

{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe #-}

open import Equality

module Queue.Truncated
  {c⁺} (eq :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p c⁺) where

open Derived-definitions-and-properties eq

open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude

open import Bijection eq as Bijection using (_↔_)
open import Equality.Path.Isomorphisms eq
open import Erased.Cubical eq hiding (map)
open import Function-universe eq as F hiding (id; _∘_)
open import List eq as L hiding (map)
open import H-level eq
open import H-level.Closure eq
open import H-level.Truncation.Propositional eq as Trunc
import Queue eq as Q
open import Sum eq
open import Surjection eq using (_↠_)
open import Tactic.By.Parametrised eq

    a b     : Level
    A B     : Set a
    p q x   : A
    f       : A  B
    xs      : List A
    s s₁ s₂ : Very-stable-≡ A

-- Queues

-- The queue type family is parametrised.

module _
  -- The underlying queue type family.
  (Q :  {}  @0 Set   Set )

  -- Note that the predicate is required to be trivial. Perhaps the
  -- code could be made more general, but I have not found a use for
  -- such generality.
   is-queue :  {}  Q.Is-queue Q  _   _ )  


    -- Queues indexed by corresponding lists, and truncated so that
    -- any two queues that stand for the same list are seen as equal.
    -- The type is abstract to ensure that a change to a different
    -- underlying queue type family does not break code that uses this
    -- module.
    -- Ulf Norell suggested to me that I could use parametrisation
    -- instead of abstract. (Because if the underlying queue type
    -- family is a parameter, then the underlying queues do not
    -- compute.) I decided to use both. (Because I want to have the
    -- flexibility that comes with parametrisation, but I do not want
    -- to force users to work in a parametrised setting.)

    Queue_⟪_⟫ : {@0 A : Set a}  @0 List A  Set a
    Queue_⟪_⟫ {A = A} xs =
       ( λ (q : Q A)  Erased (Q.to-List _ q  xs)) 

  -- Queues.

  Queue : Set a  Set a
  Queue A =  λ (xs : Erased (List A))  Queue_⟪_⟫ (erased xs)

-- The remainder of the code uses an implicit underlying queue type
-- family parameter, and an extra instance argument.

module _
  {Q :  {}  @0 Set   Set }
   is-queue :  {}  Q.Is-queue Q  _   _ )  
   is-queue-with-map :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂}  Q.Is-queue-with-map Q ℓ₁ ℓ₂ 


    -- Queue Q ⟪ xs ⟫ is a proposition.

    Queue-⟪⟫-propositional :
      {@0 xs : List A} 
      Is-proposition (Queue Q  xs )
    Queue-⟪⟫-propositional = truncation-is-proposition

  -- Returns the (erased) index.

  @0 ⌊_⌋ : Queue Q A  List A
  ⌊_⌋ = erased  proj₁

  -- There is a bijection between equality of two values of type
  -- Queue Q A and erased equality of the corresponding list indices.

  ≡-for-indices↔≡ :
    {xs ys : Queue Q A} 
    Erased ( xs    ys )  xs  ys
  ≡-for-indices↔≡ {xs = xs} {ys = ys} =
    Erased ( xs    ys )  ↝⟨ Erased-≡↔[]≡[] 
    proj₁ xs  proj₁ ys       ↝⟨ ignore-propositional-component Queue-⟪⟫-propositional ⟩□
    xs  ys                   

  -- If a queue equality holds under the (non-dependent) assumption
  -- that equality is very stable for the carrier type, then it also
  -- holds without this assumption.
  -- For an example of a lemma which has this kind of assumption, see
  -- Queue.from-List≡foldl-enqueue-empty.

  strengthen-queue-equality :
    {q₁ q₂ : Queue Q A}  (Very-stable-≡ A  q₁  q₂)  q₁  q₂
  strengthen-queue-equality {q₁ = q₁} {q₂ = q₂} eq =
    _↔_.to ≡-for-indices↔≡
      [  q₁   ≡⟨ cong ⌊_⌋ (eq (Very-stable→Very-stable-≡ 0 (erased Erased-Very-stable))) ⟩∎

-- Conversion functions



      -- The right-to-left direction of Queue-⟪⟫↔Σ-List (defined
      -- below). Note that there is no assumption of stability.

      Σ-List→Queue-⟪⟫ :
        {@0 ys : List A} 
        ( λ xs  Erased (xs  ys))  Queue Q  ys 
      Σ-List→Queue-⟪⟫ = _  -- Agda can infer the definition.

    -- If ys : List A and equality is very stable for A, then
    -- Queue Q ⟪ ys ⟫ is isomorphic to the type of lists equal (with
    -- erased equality proofs) to ys.
    -- Note that equality is very stable for A if A has decidable
    -- equality.

    Queue-⟪⟫↔Σ-List :
      {@0 ys : List A} 
      Very-stable-≡ A 
      Queue Q  ys    λ xs  Erased (xs  ys)
    Queue-⟪⟫↔Σ-List {ys = ys} s = Bijection.with-other-inverse
       _  from-Queue-⟪⟫↔Σ-List′)

        Queue-⟪⟫↔Σ-List′ : Queue Q  ys    λ xs  Erased (xs  ys)
        Queue-⟪⟫↔Σ-List′ = ↠→↔Erased-singleton
          (Q.Queue↠List _)
          (Very-stable-≡-List 0 s)

        from-Queue-⟪⟫↔Σ-List′ :
          _≡_ {A = Queue Q  ys }
              (_↔_.from Queue-⟪⟫↔Σ-List′ p)
              (Σ-List→Queue-⟪⟫ p)
        from-Queue-⟪⟫↔Σ-List′ = refl _

  -- If equality is very stable for A, then Queue Q A is isomorphic to
  -- List A.

  Queue↔List : Very-stable-≡ A  Queue Q A  List A
  Queue↔List {A = A} s =
    Queue Q A                                                        ↔⟨⟩
    ( λ (xs : Erased (List A))  Queue Q  erased xs )             ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  Queue-⟪⟫↔Σ-List s) 
    ( λ (xs : Erased (List A))   λ ys  Erased (ys  erased xs))  ↝⟨ Σ-Erased-Erased-singleton↔ ⟩□
    List A                                                           


    -- The right-to-left direction of Queue↔List. (Note that equality
    -- is not required to be very stable for the carrier type.)

    from-List : List A  Queue Q A
    from-List = _  -- Agda can infer the definition.

    _ : _↔_.from (Queue↔List s)  from-List
    _ = refl _

  -- The forward direction of Queue↔List s.

  to-List : Very-stable-≡ A  Queue Q A  List A
  to-List s = _↔_.to (Queue↔List s)



      -- The function to-List converts the queue representation to a
      -- list.

      to-List-, :
         {A : Set a} {s : Very-stable-≡ A} {xs q p} 
        to-List s ([ xs ] ,  q , p )  Q.to-List _ q
      to-List-, = refl _

    -- The function to-List returns the index.

    @0 ≡⌊⌋ : to-List s q   q 
    ≡⌊⌋ {s = s} {q = q} =
        (Q.Queue↠List _) (Very-stable-≡-List 0 s) q

  -- Queue Q A is isomorphic to List A in an erased context. The
  -- forward direction of this isomorphism returns the index directly.

  @0 Queue↔Listⁱ : Queue Q A  List A
  Queue↔Listⁱ {A = A} =
    Queue Q A                                             ↔⟨⟩
    ( λ (xs : Erased (List A))Queue Q  erased xs )  ↝⟨ drop-⊤-right  _  _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                                             propositional⇒inhabited⇒contractible Queue-⟪⟫-propositional $
                                                             _↔_.from (Queue-⟪⟫↔Σ-List (Very-stable→Very-stable-≡ 0 $ erased Erased-Very-stable))
                                                                      (_ , [ refl _ ])) 
    Erased (List A)                                       ↝⟨ Very-stable→Stable 0 $ erased Erased-Very-stable ⟩□
    List A                                                


    @0 to-Queue↔Listⁱ-, : _↔_.to Queue↔Listⁱ q   q 
    to-Queue↔Listⁱ-, = refl _

  -- The forward directions of Queue↔List and Queue↔Listⁱ match.

  @0 to-Queue↔List : _↔_.to (Queue↔List s) q  _↔_.to Queue↔Listⁱ q
  to-Queue↔List = ≡⌊⌋

  -- Variants of Queue↔List and Queue↔Listⁱ.

  Maybe[×Queue]↔List :
    Very-stable-≡ A 
    Maybe (A × Queue Q A)  List A
  Maybe[×Queue]↔List {A = A} s =
    Maybe (A × Queue Q A)  ↝⟨ F.id ⊎-cong F.id ×-cong Queue↔List s 
    Maybe (A × List A)     ↝⟨ inverse List↔Maybe[×List] ⟩□
    List A                 

  @0 Maybe[×Queue]↔Listⁱ :
    Maybe (A × Queue Q A)  List A
  Maybe[×Queue]↔Listⁱ {A = A} =
    Maybe (A × Queue Q A)  ↝⟨ F.id ⊎-cong F.id ×-cong Queue↔Listⁱ 
    Maybe (A × List A)     ↝⟨ inverse List↔Maybe[×List] ⟩□
    List A                 

  @0 to-Maybe[×Queue]↔List :
    _↔_.to (Maybe[×Queue]↔List s) xs 
    _↔_.to Maybe[×Queue]↔Listⁱ xs
  to-Maybe[×Queue]↔List {s = s} xs =
    _↔_.from List↔Maybe[×List]
      (⊎-map id (Σ-map id (_↔_.to (Queue↔List s))) xs)  ≡⟨ cong  f  _↔_.from List↔Maybe[×List] (⊎-map id (Σ-map id f) xs)) (⟨ext⟩ λ _ 
                                                           to-Queue↔List) ⟩∎
    _↔_.from List↔Maybe[×List]
      (⊎-map id (Σ-map id (_↔_.to Queue↔Listⁱ)) xs)     

  -- A lemma that can be used to prove "to-List lemmas".

  ⌊⌋≡→to-List≡ :
    Erased ( q   xs) 
    to-List s q  xs
  ⌊⌋≡→to-List≡ {q = q} {xs = xs} {s = s} eq =
    to-List s q               ≡⟨ cong (to-List _) (_↔_.to ≡-for-indices↔≡ eq) 
    to-List s (from-List xs)  ≡⟨ _↔_.right-inverse-of (Queue↔List _) _ ⟩∎

-- Some queue operations, implemented for Queue ⟪_⟫

  module Indexed where



        -- A helper function that can be used to define unary
        -- functions on queues.

        unary :
          {@0 A : Set a} {@0 B : Set b}
          {@0 xs : List A} {@0 f : List A  List B}
          (g : Q A  Q B) 
          @0 (∀ {q}  Q.to-List _ (g q)  f (Q.to-List _ q)) 
          Queue Q  xs   Queue Q  f xs 
        unary {xs = xs} {f = f} g hyp = Trunc.rec
          (uncurry λ q p 
              g q
             , [ Q.to-List _ (g q)  ≡⟨ hyp 
                 f (Q.to-List _ q)  ≡⟨ cong f (erased p) ⟩∎
                 f xs               

      -- Enqueues an element.

      enqueue :
        {@0 xs : List A}
        (x : A)  Queue Q  xs   Queue Q  xs ++ x  [] 
      enqueue x = unary (Q.enqueue x) Q.to-List-enqueue

      -- A map function.

      map :
        {@0 xs : List A} 
        (f : A  B)  Queue Q  xs   Queue Q  L.map f xs 
      map f = unary (Q.map f) Q.to-List-map

    -- The result of trying to dequeue an element from an indexed
    -- queue.
    -- TODO: Perhaps it makes sense to make Q an explicit argument of
    -- this definition.

    Result-⟪_⟫ : {A : Set a}  @0 List A  Set a
    Result-⟪_⟫ {A = A} xs =
       λ (q : Maybe (A × Queue Q A)) 
        Erased (_↔_.to Maybe[×Queue]↔Listⁱ q  xs)

    -- If equality is very stable for A, then Result-⟪ xs ⟫ is a
    -- proposition for lists xs of type List A.

    Result-⟪⟫-propositional :
      {@0 xs : List A} 
      Very-stable-≡ A 
      Is-proposition Result-⟪ xs 
    Result-⟪⟫-propositional {A = A} {xs = xs} s =
                                            $⟨ erased-singleton-with-erased-center-propositional (Very-stable-≡-List 0 s) 
      Is-proposition (Erased-singleton xs)  ↝⟨ H-level-cong _ 1 (inverse lemma)  (_  _) ⟩□
      Is-proposition Result-⟪ xs           
      lemma : _  _
      lemma =
        Result-⟪ xs                                        ↔⟨⟩

        ( λ (ys : Maybe (A × Queue Q A)) 
           Erased (_↔_.to Maybe[×Queue]↔Listⁱ ys  xs))     ↝⟨ ∃-cong  ys  Erased-cong (≡⇒↝ _ $ cong (_≡ xs) $ sym $
                                                               to-Maybe[×Queue]↔List ys)) 
        ( λ (ys : Maybe (A × Queue Q A)) 
           Erased (_↔_.to (Maybe[×Queue]↔List s) ys  xs))  ↝⟨ Σ-cong (Maybe[×Queue]↔List s)  _  F.id) 

        ( λ (ys : List A)  Erased (ys  xs))              ↔⟨⟩

        Erased-singleton xs                                 


      -- Dequeuing.

      dequeue :
        {@0 xs : List A} 
        Very-stable-≡ A 
        Queue Q  xs  
        Result-⟪ xs 
      dequeue {xs = xs} s = Trunc.rec
        (Result-⟪⟫-propositional s)
         (q , [ eq ]) 

             ⊎-map id (Σ-map id λ q  _ ,  q , [ refl _ ] )
               (Q.dequeue _ q)

           , [ _↔_.to Maybe[×Queue]↔Listⁱ
                 (⊎-map id (Σ-map id  q  _ ,  q , [ refl _ ] ))
                    (Q.dequeue _ q))                                      ≡⟨⟩

               _↔_.from List↔Maybe[×List]
                  ⊎-map id (Σ-map id (_↔_.to Queue↔Listⁱ))
                     (⊎-map id (Σ-map id  q  _ ,  q , [ refl _ ] ))
                        (Q.dequeue _ q))                                 ≡⟨ ⟨by⟩ 8 (sym $ ⊎-map-∘ (Q.dequeue _ q)) 

               _↔_.from List↔Maybe[×List]
                  ⊎-map id (Σ-map id (Q.to-List _)) (Q.dequeue _ q)     ≡⟨ ⟨by⟩ 8 (Q.to-List-dequeue {q = q}) 

               _↔_.from List↔Maybe[×List]
                 (_↔_.to List↔Maybe[×List] (Q.to-List _ q))               ≡⟨ _↔_.left-inverse-of List↔Maybe[×List] _ 

               Q.to-List _ q                                              ≡⟨ eq ⟩∎


      -- The inverse of the dequeue operation. This operation does not
      -- depend on stability.

      dequeue⁻¹ :
        {@0 xs : List A} 
        Result-⟪ xs   Queue Q  xs 
      dequeue⁻¹ {xs = xs} (nothing , eq) =
        , [ Q.to-List _ (Q.empty  Q _)  ≡⟨ Q.to-List-empty 
            []                           ≡⟨ erased eq ⟩∎
      dequeue⁻¹ {xs = xs} (just (x , ys , q) , eq) =
        ∥∥-map (Σ-map (Q.cons x)
                       {q′}  Erased-cong λ eq′ 
                                  Q.to-List _ (Q.cons x q′)  ≡⟨ Q.to-List-cons 
                                  x  Q.to-List _ q′         ≡⟨ cong (x ∷_) eq′ 
                                  x  erased ys              ≡⟨ erased eq ⟩∎
                                  xs                         ))

    -- The dequeue and dequeue⁻¹ operations are inverses.

    Queue-⟪⟫↔Result-⟪⟫ :
      {@0 xs : List A} 
      Very-stable-≡ A 
      Queue Q  xs   Result-⟪ xs 
    Queue-⟪⟫↔Result-⟪⟫ s = record
      { surjection = record
        { logical-equivalence = record
          { to   = dequeue s
          ; from = dequeue⁻¹
        ; right-inverse-of = λ _  Result-⟪⟫-propositional s _ _
      ; left-inverse-of = λ _  Queue-⟪⟫-propositional _ _

-- Some queue operations, implemented for Queue

  -- Note that none of these operations are abstract.

  module Non-indexed where

    -- Enqueues an element.

    enqueue : A  Queue Q A  Queue Q A
    enqueue x = Σ-map _ (Indexed.enqueue x)

    to-List-enqueue : to-List s (enqueue x q)  to-List s q ++ x  []
    to-List-enqueue {s = s} {x = x} {q = q} = ⌊⌋≡→to-List≡
      [  q  ++ x  []        ≡⟨ cong (_++ _) $ sym ≡⌊⌋ ⟩∎
        to-List s q ++ x  []  

    -- A map function.

    map : (A  B)  Queue Q A  Queue Q B
    map f = Σ-map _ (Indexed.map f)

    to-List-map : to-List s₁ (map f q)  L.map f (to-List s₂ q)
    to-List-map {f = f} {q = q} {s₂ = s₂} = ⌊⌋≡→to-List≡
      [ L.map f  q            ≡⟨ cong (L.map f) $ sym ≡⌊⌋ ⟩∎
        L.map f (to-List s₂ q)  


      -- A variant of the result of the dequeue operation.

      Result : Set a  Set a
      Result A =
         λ (xs : Erased (List A))  Indexed.Result-⟪ erased xs 

      -- Conversion lemmas for Result.

      Result↠Maybe[×Queue] : Result A  Maybe (A × Queue Q A)
      Result↠Maybe[×Queue] = record
        { logical-equivalence = record
          { to   = proj₁  proj₂
          ; from = λ q  _ , q , [ refl _ ]
        ; right-inverse-of = refl

      Result↔Maybe[×Queue] :
        Very-stable-≡ A 
        Result A  Maybe (A × Queue Q A)
      Result↔Maybe[×Queue] s = record
        { surjection      = Result↠Maybe[×Queue]
        ; left-inverse-of = λ r                $⟨ from∘to r 
            Erased ( from (to r) ⌋ʳ   r ⌋ʳ)  ↝⟨ Erased-≡↔[]≡[] 
            proj₁ (from (to r))  proj₁ r       ↝⟨ ignore-propositional-component (Indexed.Result-⟪⟫-propositional s) ⟩□
            from (to r)  r                     
        open _↠_ Result↠Maybe[×Queue]

        @0 ⌊_⌋ʳ : Result A  List A
        ⌊_⌋ʳ = erased  proj₁

        from∘to :  r  Erased ( from (to r) ⌋ʳ   r ⌋ʳ)
        from∘to (_ , _ , eq) = eq

    -- Queue Q A is isomorphic to Maybe (A × Queue Q A), assuming
    -- that equality is very stable for A.

    Queue↔Maybe[×Queue] :
      Very-stable-≡ A 
      Queue Q A  Maybe (A × Queue Q A)
    Queue↔Maybe[×Queue] {A = A} s =
      Queue Q A              ↝⟨ ∃-cong  _  Indexed.Queue-⟪⟫↔Result-⟪⟫ s) 
      Result A               ↝⟨ Result↔Maybe[×Queue] s ⟩□
      Maybe (A × Queue Q A)  


      -- The inverse of the dequeue operation. This operation does not
      -- depend on stability.

      dequeue⁻¹ : Maybe (A × Queue Q A)  Queue Q A
      dequeue⁻¹ q = _  -- Agda can infer the definition.

      _ : _↔_.from (Queue↔Maybe[×Queue] s)  dequeue⁻¹
      _ = refl _

    to-List-dequeue⁻¹ :
      to-List s (dequeue⁻¹ x) 
      _↔_.from List↔Maybe[×List] (⊎-map id (Σ-map id (to-List s)) x)
    to-List-dequeue⁻¹ {x = nothing} = ⌊⌋≡→to-List≡ [ refl _ ]

    to-List-dequeue⁻¹ {s = s} {x = just (x , q)} = ⌊⌋≡→to-List≡
      [ x   q         ≡⟨ cong (_ ∷_) $ sym ≡⌊⌋ ⟩∎
        x  to-List s q  

    -- Dequeues an element, if possible.

    dequeue : Very-stable-≡ A  Queue Q A  Maybe (A × Queue Q A)
    dequeue s = _↔_.to (Queue↔Maybe[×Queue] s)

    to-List-dequeue :
      ⊎-map id (Σ-map id (to-List s)) (dequeue s q) 
      _↔_.to List↔Maybe[×List] (to-List s q)
    to-List-dequeue {s = s} {q = q} =
      ⊎-map id (Σ-map id (to-List s)) (dequeue s q)                   ≡⟨ _↔_.to (from≡↔≡to (from-isomorphism List↔Maybe[×List])) $
                                                                         sym to-List-dequeue⁻¹ 
      _↔_.to List↔Maybe[×List] (to-List s (dequeue⁻¹ (dequeue s q)))  ≡⟨ cong (_↔_.to List↔Maybe[×List]  to-List s) $
                                                                         _↔_.left-inverse-of (Queue↔Maybe[×Queue] _) _ ⟩∎
      _↔_.to List↔Maybe[×List] (to-List s q)