-- Stability for Erased

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import Equality

module Erased.Stability
  {c⁺} (eq :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p c⁺) where

open Derived-definitions-and-properties eq

open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude

open import Bijection eq as Bijection using (_↔_)
open import Double-negation eq as DN
open import Embedding eq using (Embedding; Is-embedding)
open import Equality.Decidable-UIP eq
open import Equality.Decision-procedures eq
open import Equivalence eq as Eq using (_≃_; Is-equivalence)
open import Erased eq
open import For-iterated-equality eq
open import Function-universe eq as F hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level eq
open import H-level.Closure eq
open import Injection eq using (_↣_; Injective)
import List eq as L
import Nat eq as Nat
open import Surjection eq using (_↠_; Split-surjective)
open import Univalence-axiom eq

    a b c  p : Level
    A B       : Set a
    P         : A  Set p
    k k′ x y  : A
    n         : 

-- Stability


  -- A type A is stable if Erased A implies A.

  Stable : Set a  Set a
  Stable = Stable-[ implication ]

  -- A generalisation of Stable.

  Stable-[_] : Kind  Set a  Set a
  Stable-[ k ] A = Erased A ↝[ k ] A

-- A special case of Stable-[ equivalence ].

Very-stable : Set a  Set a
Very-stable A = Is-equivalence ([_] {A = A})

-- Variants of the definitions above for equality.

Stable-≡ : Set a  Set a
Stable-≡ = For-iterated-equality 1 Stable

Stable-≡-[_] : Kind  Set a  Set a
Stable-≡-[ k ] = For-iterated-equality 1 Stable-[ k ]

Very-stable-≡ : Set a  Set a
Very-stable-≡ = For-iterated-equality 1 Very-stable

-- Some lemmas related to stability

-- If A is very stable, then [_] {A = A} is an embedding.

Very-stable→Is-embedding-[] :
  Very-stable A  Is-embedding ([_] {A = A})
Very-stable→Is-embedding-[] {A = A} s x y =
  _≃_.is-equivalence ≡≃[]≡[]
  A≃Erased-A : A  Erased A
  A≃Erased-A = Eq.⟨ _ , s 

  ≡≃[]≡[] : (x  y)  ([ x ]  [ y ])
  ≡≃[]≡[] = inverse $ Eq.≃-≡ A≃Erased-A

-- If A is very stable, then [_] {A = A} is split surjective.

Very-stable→Split-surjective-[] :
  Very-stable A  Split-surjective ([_] {A = A})
Very-stable→Split-surjective-[] {A = A} =
  Very-stable A         ↔⟨⟩
  Is-equivalence [_]    ↝⟨  hyp  _↠_.split-surjective $ _≃_.surjection $ Eq.⟨ _ , hyp ) 
  Split-surjective [_]  

-- Very-stable is propositional (assuming extensionality).

Very-stable-propositional :
  {A : Set a} 
  Extensionality a a 
  Is-proposition (Very-stable A)
Very-stable-propositional ext = Eq.propositional ext _


  -- The previous result can be generalised.

  For-iterated-equality-Very-stable-propositional :
    {A : Set a} 
    Extensionality a a 
     n  Is-proposition (For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A)
  For-iterated-equality-Very-stable-propositional ext n =
    H-level-For-iterated-equality ext 1 n
      (Very-stable-propositional ext)

-- Very stable types are stable.

Very-stable→Stable :
  For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A 
  For-iterated-equality n Stable-[ k ] A
Very-stable→Stable {k = k} n =
  For-iterated-equality-cong₁ _ n λ {A} 
    Very-stable A             ↝⟨ Eq.⟨ _ ,_⟩ 
    A  Erased A              ↝⟨ inverse 
    Erased A  A              ↔⟨⟩
    Stable-[ equivalence ] A  ↝⟨ from-equivalence ⟩□
    Stable-[ k ] A            

-- The function obtained from Very-stable→Stable {k = implication} 0
-- maps [ x ] to x.
-- This seems to imply that (say) the booleans can not be proved to be
-- very stable (assuming that Agda is consistent), because
-- implementing a function that resurrects a boolean, given no
-- information about what the boolean was, is impossible. However, the
-- booleans are stable: this follows from Dec→Stable below. Thus it
-- seems as if one can not prove that all stable types are very
-- stable.

Very-stable→Stable-[]≡id :
  (s : Very-stable A) 
  Very-stable→Stable 0 s [ x ]  x
Very-stable→Stable-[]≡id {x = x} s =
  Very-stable→Stable 0 s [ x ]  ≡⟨⟩
  _≃_.from Eq.⟨ _ , s  [ x ]   ≡⟨ _≃_.left-inverse-of Eq.⟨ _ , s  x ⟩∎

-- If one can prove that A is very stable given that Erased A is
-- inhabited, then A is very stable.

[Erased→Very-stable]→Very-stable :
  (Erased A  Very-stable A)  Very-stable A
[Erased→Very-stable]→Very-stable hyp x = hyp x x

-- Erased A is very stable.

Very-stable-Erased :
  {@0 A : Set a}  Very-stable (Erased A)
Very-stable-Erased =
  _≃_.is-equivalence (Eq.↔⇒≃ (record
    { surjection = record
      { logical-equivalence = record
        { from = λ ([ x ])  [ erased x ]
      ; right-inverse-of = refl
    ; left-inverse-of = refl

-- In an erased context every type is very stable.
-- Presumably "not in an erased context" is not expressible
-- internally, so it seems as if it should not be possible to prove
-- that any type is /not/ very stable (in an empty, non-erased
-- context, assuming that Agda is consistent).

Erased-Very-stable :
  {@0 A : Set a}  Erased (Very-stable A)
Erased-Very-stable {A = A} =
  [ _≃_.is-equivalence (    $⟨ Erased↔ 
      Erased (Erased A  A) ↝⟨ erased 
      Erased A  A          ↝⟨ Eq.↔⇒≃  inverse ⟩□
      A  Erased A          )

-- If Very-stable A is very stable, then A is very stable.
-- See also Very-stable-Very-stable≃Very-stable below.

Very-stable-Very-stable→Very-stable :
  Very-stable (Very-stable A) 
  Very-stable A
Very-stable-Very-stable→Very-stable s =
  Very-stable→Stable 0 s Erased-Very-stable

-- It is not the case that every very stable type is a proposition.

¬-Very-stable→Is-proposition :
  ¬ ({A : Set a}  Very-stable A  Is-proposition A)
¬-Very-stable→Is-proposition {a = a} hyp =
  not-proposition (hyp very-stable)
  very-stable : Very-stable (Erased ( a Bool))
  very-stable = Very-stable-Erased

  not-proposition : ¬ Is-proposition (Erased ( a Bool))
  not-proposition =
    Is-proposition (Erased ( a Bool))  ↝⟨  prop  prop _ _) 
    [ lift true ]  [ lift false ]      ↝⟨  hyp  [ cong (lower  erased) hyp ]) 
    Erased (true  false)               ↝⟨ map Bool.true≢false 
    Erased                             ↔⟨ Erased-⊥↔⊥ ⟩□

-- Erased A implies ¬ ¬ A.

Erased→¬¬ : {@0 A : Set a}  Erased A  ¬ ¬ A
Erased→¬¬ [ x ] f = _↔_.to Erased-⊥↔⊥ [ f x ]

-- Types that are stable for double negation are stable for Erased.

¬¬-Stable→Stable : {@0 A : Set a}  (¬ ¬ A  A)  Stable A
¬¬-Stable→Stable ¬¬-Stable x = ¬¬-Stable (Erased→¬¬ x)

-- Types for which it is known whether or not they are inhabited are
-- stable.

Dec→Stable : {@0 A : Set a}  Dec A  Stable A
Dec→Stable (yes x) _ = x
Dec→Stable (no ¬x) x with ()Erased→¬¬ x ¬x

-- Every type is stable in the double negation monad.

¬¬-Stable : {@0 A : Set a}  ¬¬ Stable A
¬¬-Stable = DN.map′ Dec→Stable excluded-middle

-- A kind of map function for Stable.

Stable-map :
  {@0 A : Set a} {@0 B : Set b} 
  (A  B)  @0 (B  A)  Stable A  Stable B
Stable-map A→B B→A s x = A→B (s (map B→A x))

-- A variant of Stable-map.

Stable-map- : A  B Stable A  Stable B
Stable-map-⇔ A⇔B =
  Stable-map (_⇔_.to A⇔B) (_⇔_.from A⇔B)

-- If A is stable, with [_] as a right inverse of the proof of
-- stability, then A is very stable (assuming extensionality).
-- Note that one can prove this result without using extensionality if
-- []-cong is available (see Stable→Left-inverse→Very-stable below).
-- This result is based on Lemma 1.20 in "Modalities in Homotopy Type
-- Theory" by Rijke, Shulman and Spitters.

Extensionality→Stable→Left-inverse→Very-stable :
  {A : Set a} 
  Extensionality a a 
  (s : Stable A)  (∀ x  s [ x ]  x)  Very-stable A
Extensionality→Stable→Left-inverse→Very-stable {A = A} ext s inv =
  _≃_.is-equivalence $ Eq.↔⇒≃ (record
    { surjection = record
      { logical-equivalence = record
        { from = s
      ; right-inverse-of =             $⟨ inv 
          (∀ x  s [ x ]  x)          ↝⟨  hyp x  cong [_] (hyp x)) 
          (∀ x  [ s [ x ] ]  [ x ])  ↔⟨ Eq.extensionality-isomorphism ext 
          [_]  s  [_]  [_]          ↔⟨ Eq.≃-≡ Eq.⟨ _ , uniquely-eliminating-modality  
          [_]  s  id                 ↔⟨ inverse $ Eq.extensionality-isomorphism ext ⟩□
          (∀ x  [ s x ]  x)          
    ; left-inverse-of = inv


  -- Some lemmas used in the proof of
  -- Extensionality→Very-stable→Very-stable-≡ below.

  module Extensionality→Very-stable→Very-stable-≡
    {A : Set a}
    (ext′ : Extensionality a a)
    (s : Very-stable A)

    ext = Eq.good-ext ext′

    s′ : Stable-[ equivalence ] A
    s′ = Very-stable→Stable 0 s

    s″ : Stable-≡ A
    s″ x y eq =
      x                ≡⟨ sym $ _≃_.right-inverse-of s′ _ 
      _≃_.to s′ [ x ]  ≡⟨ cong  (f : Erased (x  y)  Erased A)  _≃_.to s′ (f eq)) $
                          ∘-[]-injective {x = λ (_ : Erased (x  y))  [ x ]} {y = λ (_ : Erased (x  y))  [ y ]} $ apply-ext ext $ cong [_] 
      _≃_.to s′ [ y ]  ≡⟨ _≃_.right-inverse-of s′ _ ⟩∎

    s″-[refl] : s″ x x [ refl x ]  refl x
    s″-[refl] {x = x} =
      trans (sym $ _≃_.right-inverse-of s′ x)
        (trans (cong {x = const [ x ]}
                      f  _≃_.to s′ (f [ refl x ]))
                     (∘-[]-injective (apply-ext ext $ cong [_])))
               (_≃_.right-inverse-of s′ x))                        ≡⟨ cong  p  trans (sym $ _≃_.right-inverse-of s′ x)
                                                                                    (trans p (_≃_.right-inverse-of s′ x)))
      trans (sym $ _≃_.right-inverse-of s′ x)
        (trans (refl _) (_≃_.right-inverse-of s′ x))               ≡⟨ cong (trans (sym $ _≃_.right-inverse-of s′ x)) $
                                                                      trans-reflˡ _ 
      trans (sym $ _≃_.right-inverse-of s′ x)
        (_≃_.right-inverse-of s′ x)                                ≡⟨ trans-symˡ _ ⟩∎

      refl _                                                       
      lemma =
        cong {x = const [ x ]} {y = const [ x ]}
           f  _≃_.to s′ (f [ refl x ]))
          (∘-[]-injective (apply-ext ext $ cong [_]))                         ≡⟨ sym $ cong-∘ _ _ _ 

        cong (_≃_.to s′)
          (cong (_$ [ refl x ]) (∘-[]-injective (apply-ext ext $ cong [_])))  ≡⟨⟩

        cong (_≃_.to s′)
          (ext⁻¹ (∘-[]-injective (apply-ext ext $ cong [_])) [ refl x ])      ≡⟨ cong (cong (_≃_.to s′)) ext⁻¹-∘-[]-injective 

        cong (_≃_.to s′) (ext⁻¹ (apply-ext ext $ cong [_]) (refl x))          ≡⟨ cong  f  cong (_≃_.to s′) (f (refl x))) $
                                                                                 _≃_.left-inverse-of (Eq.extensionality-isomorphism ext′) (cong [_]) 

        cong (_≃_.to s′) (cong [_] (refl x))                                  ≡⟨ cong-∘ _ _ _ 

        cong (_≃_.to s′  [_]) (refl x)                                       ≡⟨ cong-refl _ ⟩∎

        refl (_≃_.to s′ [ x ])                                                

-- If A is very stable, then equality is very stable for A (assuming
-- extensionality).
-- Note that one can prove this result without using extensionality if
-- []-cong is available (see Very-stable→Very-stable-≡ below).
-- This result is based on Lemma 1.25 in "Modalities in Homotopy Type
-- Theory" by Rijke, Shulman and Spitters, and the corresponding Coq
-- source code.

Extensionality→Very-stable→Very-stable-≡ :
  {A : Set a} 
  Extensionality a a 
  Very-stable A  Very-stable-≡ A
Extensionality→Very-stable→Very-stable-≡ {a = a} {A = A} ext′ s x y =
  Extensionality→Stable→Left-inverse→Very-stable ext (s″ _ _)
    (elim¹  eq  s″ _ _ [ eq ]  eq) s″-[refl])
  open Extensionality→Very-stable→Very-stable-≡ ext′ s

-- If we have extensionality, then []-cong can be implemented.
-- The idea for this result (but not the proof) comes from "Modalities
-- in Homotopy Type Theory" in which Rijke, Shulman and Spitters state
-- that []-cong can be implemented for every modality, and that it is
-- an equivalence for lex modalities (Theorem 3.1 (ix)).

Extensionality→[]-cong :
  Extensionality a a 
  []-cong-axiomatisation a
Extensionality→[]-cong {a = a} ext = record
  { []-cong-equivalence = _≃_.is-equivalence []-cong-≃
  ; []-cong-[refl]      = []-cong-[refl]
  []-cong :
    {@0 A : Set a} {@0 x y : A} 
    Erased (x  y)  [ x ]  [ y ]
  []-cong {x = x} {y = y} =
    Erased (x  y)          ↝⟨ map (cong [_]) 
    Erased ([ x ]  [ y ])  ↝⟨ Very-stable→Stable 0 $ Extensionality→Very-stable→Very-stable-≡ ext Very-stable-Erased _ _ ⟩□
    [ x ]  [ y ]           

  -- The following reimplementations of functions from Erased.[]-cong₁
  -- are restricted to types in Set a.

  module _ {@0 A B : Set a} where

    Erased-cong-↠ : @0 A  B  Erased A  Erased B
    Erased-cong-↠ A↠B = record
      { logical-equivalence = Erased-cong-⇔
                                (_↠_.logical-equivalence A↠B)
      ; right-inverse-of    = λ { [ x ] 
          []-cong [ _↠_.right-inverse-of A↠B x ] }

    Erased-cong-↔ : @0 A  B  Erased A  Erased B
    Erased-cong-↔ A↔B = record
      { surjection      = Erased-cong-↠ (_↔_.surjection A↔B)
      ; left-inverse-of = λ { [ x ] 
          []-cong [ _↔_.left-inverse-of A↔B x ] }

    Erased-cong-≃ : @0 A  B  Erased A  Erased B
    Erased-cong-≃ A≃B =
      from-isomorphism (Erased-cong-↔ (from-isomorphism A≃B))

  []-cong-≃ :
    {@0 A : Set a} {@0 x y : A} 
    Erased (x  y)  ([ x ]  [ y ])
  []-cong-≃ {x = x} {y = y} =
    Erased (x  y)          ↝⟨ Erased-cong-≃ (Eq.≃-≡ (Very-stable→Stable 0 (erased Erased-Very-stable))) 
    Erased ([ x ]  [ y ])  ↝⟨ Very-stable→Stable 0 $ Extensionality→Very-stable→Very-stable-≡ ext Very-stable-Erased _ _ ⟩□
    [ x ]  [ y ]           

  []-cong-[refl] :
    {@0 A : Set a} {@0 x : A} 
    _≃_.to []-cong-≃ [ refl x ]  refl [ x ]
  []-cong-[refl] {A = A} {x = x} =
    _≃_.to []-cong-≃ [ refl x ]                                         ≡⟨⟩

    s″ _ _
       [ _≃_.to
           (Eq.≃-≡ (Very-stable→Stable 0 (erased Erased-Very-stable)))
           (refl x) ]                                                   ≡⟨ cong (s″ _ _) $ []-cong [ Eq.to-≃-≡-refl _ ] 

    s″ _ _ [ refl [ x ] ]                                               ≡⟨ s″-[refl] ⟩∎

    refl [ x ]                                                          
    open Extensionality→Very-stable→Very-stable-≡ ext Very-stable-Erased

-- Closure properties

-- ⊤ is very stable.

Very-stable-⊤ : Very-stable 
Very-stable-⊤ = _≃_.is-equivalence $ Eq.↔⇒≃ $ inverse Erased-⊤↔⊤

-- ⊥ is very stable.

Very-stable-⊥ : Very-stable ( { = })
Very-stable-⊥ = _≃_.is-equivalence $ Eq.↔⇒≃ $ inverse Erased-⊥↔⊥

-- Stable-[ k ] is closed under Π A (possibly assuming
-- extensionality).

Stable-Π :
  {A : Set a} {P : A  Set p} 
  Extensionality? k a p 
  (∀ x  Stable-[ k ] (P x))  Stable-[ k ] ((x : A)  P x)
Stable-Π {P = P} ext s =
  Erased (∀ x  P x)    ↔⟨ Erased-Π↔Π 
  (∀ x  Erased (P x))  ↝⟨ ∀-cong ext s ⟩□
  (∀ x  P x)           

-- Very-stable is closed under Π A (assuming extensionality).

Very-stable-Π :
  {A : Set a} {P : A  Set p} 
  Extensionality a p 
  (∀ x  Very-stable (P x)) 
  Very-stable ((x : A)  P x)
Very-stable-Π ext s = _≃_.is-equivalence $
  inverse $ Stable-Π ext $ λ x  inverse Eq.⟨ _ , s x 

-- Stable is closed under Σ A if A is very stable.

Very-stable-Stable-Σ :
  Very-stable A 
  (∀ x  Stable-[ k ] (P x)) 
  Stable-[ k ] (Σ A P)
Very-stable-Stable-Σ {A = A} {P = P} s s′ =
  Erased (Σ A P)                              ↔⟨ Erased-Σ↔Σ 
  Σ (Erased A)  x  Erased (P (erased x)))  ↝⟨ Σ-cong-contra Eq.⟨ _ , s  s′ ⟩□
  Σ A P                                       

-- If A is stable with a stability proof that is a right inverse of
-- [_], and P is pointwise stable, then Σ A P is stable.

Stable-Σ :
  (s : Stable A) 
  (∀ x  [ s x ]  x) 
  (∀ x  Stable (P x)) 
  Stable (Σ A P)
Stable-Σ {A = A} {P = P} s₁ hyp s₂ =
  Erased (Σ A P)                              ↔⟨ Erased-Σ↔Σ 
  Σ (Erased A)  x  Erased (P (erased x)))  ↝⟨ Σ-cong-contra-→ surj s₂ ⟩□
  Σ A P                                       
  surj : A  Erased A
  surj = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { to   = [_]
      ; from = s₁
    ; right-inverse-of = hyp

-- Very-stable is closed under Σ.

Very-stable-Σ :
  Very-stable A 
  (∀ x  Very-stable (P x)) 
  Very-stable (Σ A P)
Very-stable-Σ {A = A} {P = P} s s′ = _≃_.is-equivalence (
  Σ A P                                       ↝⟨ Σ-cong Eq.⟨ _ , s   x  Eq.⟨ _ , s′ x ) 
  Σ (Erased A)  x  Erased (P (erased x)))  ↔⟨ inverse Erased-Σ↔Σ ⟩□
  Erased (Σ A P)                              )

-- Stable-[ k ] is closed under _×_.

Stable-× : Stable-[ k ] A  Stable-[ k ] B  Stable-[ k ] (A × B)
Stable-× {A = A} {B = B} s s′ =
  Erased (A × B)       ↔⟨ Erased-Σ↔Σ 
  Erased A × Erased B  ↝⟨ s ×-cong s′ ⟩□
  A × B                

-- Very-stable is closed under _×_.

Very-stable-× : Very-stable A  Very-stable B  Very-stable (A × B)
Very-stable-× s s′ = _≃_.is-equivalence $
  inverse $ Stable-× (inverse Eq.⟨ _ , s ) (inverse Eq.⟨ _ , s′ )

-- Stable-[ k ] is closed under ↑ ℓ.

Stable-↑ : Stable-[ k ] A  Stable-[ k ] (  A)
Stable-↑ {A = A} s =
  Erased ( _ A)  ↔⟨ Erased-↑↔↑ 
   _ (Erased A)  ↝⟨ ↑-cong s ⟩□
   _ A           

-- Very-stable is closed under ↑ ℓ.

Very-stable-↑ : Very-stable A  Very-stable (  A)
Very-stable-↑ s = _≃_.is-equivalence $
  inverse $ Stable-↑ $ inverse Eq.⟨ _ , s 

-- ¬ A is stable (possibly assuming extensionality).

Stable-¬ :
  {A : Set a} 
  Extensionality? k a lzero 
  Stable-[ k ] (¬ A)
Stable-¬ ext =
  Stable-Π ext λ _ 
  Very-stable→Stable 0 Very-stable-⊥

-- ¬ A is very stable (assuming extensionality).

Very-stable-¬ :
  {A : Set a} 
  Extensionality a lzero 
  Very-stable (¬ A)
Very-stable-¬ {A = A} ext =
  Very-stable-Π ext λ _ 

-- ∃ λ (A : Set a) → Very-stable A is stable.
-- This result is based on Theorem 3.11 in "Modalities in Homotopy
-- Type Theory" by Rijke, Shulman and Spitters.

Stable-∃-Very-stable : Stable ( λ (A : Set a)  Very-stable A)
Stable-∃-Very-stable [ A ] = Erased (proj₁ A) , Very-stable-Erased

-- If A is "stable 1 + n levels up", then H-level′ (1 + n) A is
-- stable.

Stable-H-level′ :
  For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Stable A 
  Stable (H-level′ (1 + n) A)
Stable-H-level′ {A = A} n =
  For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Stable A           ↝⟨ inverse-ext?  ext  For-iterated-equality-For-iterated-equality ext n 1) _ 
  For-iterated-equality n Stable-≡ A               ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-cong₁ _ n lemma 
  For-iterated-equality n (Stable  H-level′ 1) A  ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-commutes-← _ Stable n (Stable-Π _) 
  Stable (For-iterated-equality n (H-level′ 1) A)  ↝⟨ Stable-map-⇔ (For-iterated-equality-For-iterated-equality _ n 1) ⟩□
  Stable (H-level′ (1 + n) A)                      
  lemma :  {A}  Stable-≡ A  Stable (H-level′ 1 A)
  lemma s =
      (H-level↔H-level′ {n = 1} _)
      (Stable-Π _ λ _ 
       Stable-Π _ λ _ 
       s _ _)

-- If A is "stable 1 + n levels up", then H-level (1 + n) A is
-- stable.

Stable-H-level :
  For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Stable A 
  Stable (H-level (1 + n) A)
Stable-H-level {A = A} n =
  For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Stable A  ↝⟨ Stable-H-level′ n 
  Stable (H-level′ (1 + n) A)             ↝⟨ Stable-map-⇔ (inverse-ext? H-level↔H-level′ _) ⟩□
  Stable (H-level (1 + n) A)              

-- If equality is stable for A and B, then it is stable for A ⊎ B.

Stable-≡-⊎ :
  For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Stable A 
  For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Stable B 
  For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Stable (A  B)
Stable-≡-⊎ n sA sB =
    (Very-stable→Stable 0 Very-stable-⊥)
    (For-iterated-equality-↑ _ (1 + n) lemma sA)
    (For-iterated-equality-↑ _ (1 + n) lemma sB)
  lemma : A  B  Stable A  Stable B
  lemma = Stable-map-⇔  from-isomorphism


  -- An alternative, more direct proof, of the "base case" of the
  -- previous result.

  Stable-≡-⊎₀ : Stable-≡ A  Stable-≡ B  Stable-≡ (A  B)
  Stable-≡-⊎₀ sA sB = λ where
    (inj₁ x) (inj₁ y) 
      Erased (inj₁ x  inj₁ y)  ↝⟨ map $ _↔_.from Bijection.≡↔inj₁≡inj₁ 
      Erased (x  y)            ↝⟨ sA _ _ 
      x  y                     ↔⟨ Bijection.≡↔inj₁≡inj₁ ⟩□
      inj₁ x  inj₁ y           

    (inj₁ x) (inj₂ y) 
      Erased (inj₁ x  inj₂ y)  ↝⟨ map $ _↔_.to Bijection.≡↔⊎ 
      Erased                   ↝⟨ Very-stable→Stable 0 Very-stable-⊥ 
                               ↔⟨ inverse Bijection.≡↔⊎ ⟩□
      inj₁ x  inj₂ y           

    (inj₂ x) (inj₁ y) 
      Erased (inj₂ x  inj₁ y)  ↝⟨ map $ _↔_.to Bijection.≡↔⊎ 
      Erased                   ↝⟨ Very-stable→Stable 0 Very-stable-⊥ 
                               ↔⟨ inverse Bijection.≡↔⊎ ⟩□
      inj₂ x  inj₁ y           

    (inj₂ x) (inj₂ y) 
      Erased (inj₂ x  inj₂ y)  ↝⟨ map $ _↔_.from Bijection.≡↔inj₂≡inj₂ 
      Erased (x  y)            ↝⟨ sB _ _ 
      x  y                     ↔⟨ Bijection.≡↔inj₂≡inj₂ ⟩□
      inj₂ x  inj₂ y           

-- If equality is stable for A, then it is stable for List A.

Stable-≡-List :
  For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Stable A 
  For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Stable (List A)
Stable-≡-List n =
    (Stable-map-⇔  from-isomorphism)
    (Very-stable→Stable 0 $ Very-stable-↑ Very-stable-⊤)
    (Very-stable→Stable 0 Very-stable-⊥)

-- Some properties related to "Modalities in Homotopy Type Theory"
-- by Rijke, Shulman and Spitters

-- The following two definitions are taken from Shulman's blog post
-- "Universal properties without function extensionality"
-- (https://homotopytypetheory.org/2014/11/02/universal-properties-without-function-extensionality/).

-- Is-[ n ]-extendable-along-[ f ] P means that P is n-extendable
-- along f.

Is-[_]-extendable-along-[_] :
  {A : Set a} {B : Set b} 
    (A  B)  (B  Set c)  Set (a  b  c)
Is-[ zero  ]-extendable-along-[ f ] P =  _ 
Is-[ suc n ]-extendable-along-[ f ] P =
  ((g :  x  P (f x)) 
      λ (h :  x  P x)   x  h (f x)  g x) ×
  ((g h :  x  P x) 
     Is-[ n ]-extendable-along-[ f ]  x  g x  h x))

-- Is-∞-extendable-along-[ f ] P means that P is ∞-extendable along f.

Is-∞-extendable-along-[_] :
  {A : Set a} {B : Set b} 
  (A  B)  (B  Set c)  Set (a  b  c)
Is-∞-extendable-along-[ f ] P =
   n  Is-[ n ]-extendable-along-[ f ] P

-- If f is an equivalence, then n-extendability along f is
-- contractible (assuming extensionality).

Is-extendable-along-contractible-for-equivalences :
  {A : Set a} {B : Set b} {f : A  B} {P : B  Set p} 
  Extensionality (a  b  p) (a  b  p) 
  Is-equivalence f 
   n  Contractible (Is-[ n ]-extendable-along-[ f ] P)
Is-extendable-along-contractible-for-equivalences _ _ zero =
  ↑-closure 0 ⊤-contractible

  {a = a} {b = b} {p = p} {f = f} {P = P} ext eq (suc n) =

  ×-closure 0
    (Π-closure (lower-extensionality b lzero ext) 0 λ g 
                                                             $⟨ singleton-contractible _ 
       Contractible ( λ h  h  subst P (inv _)  g  f⁻¹)  ↝⟨ H-level-cong _ 0 (lemma g)  (_  _) ⟩□
       Contractible ( λ h   x  h (f x)  g x)            )
    (Π-closure (lower-extensionality a lzero ext) 0 λ _ 
     Π-closure (lower-extensionality a lzero ext) 0 λ _ 
     Is-extendable-along-contractible-for-equivalences ext eq n)
  f⁻¹ = _≃_.from Eq.⟨ _ , eq 
  inv = _≃_.left-inverse-of (inverse Eq.⟨ _ , eq )

  lemma :  _  _  _
  lemma g =
    ( λ h  h  subst P (inv _)  g  f⁻¹)  ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ h  inverse $
                                                 ∘from≡↔≡∘to′ (lower-extensionality p (a  b) ext) (inverse Eq.⟨ _ , eq )) 
    ( λ h  h  f  g)                      ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  inverse $
                                                 Eq.extensionality-isomorphism (lower-extensionality (b  p) (a  b) ext)) ⟩□
    ( λ h   x  h (f x)  g x)            

-- If f is an equivalence, then ∞-extendability along f is
-- contractible (assuming extensionality).

Is-∞-extendable-along-contractible-for-equivalences :
  {A : Set a} {B : Set b} {f : A  B} {P : B  Set p} 
  Extensionality (a  b  p) (a  b  p) 
  Is-equivalence f 
  Contractible (Is-∞-extendable-along-[ f ] P)
Is-∞-extendable-along-contractible-for-equivalences ext eq =
  Π-closure (lower-extensionality _ lzero ext) 0 λ n 
  Is-extendable-along-contractible-for-equivalences ext eq n

-- If we assume that equality is extensional for functions, then
-- Erased is the modal operator of a Σ-closed reflective subuniverse
-- with [_] as the modal unit and Very-stable as the modality
-- predicate:
-- * Very-stable is propositional (assuming extensionality), see
--   Very-stable-propositional.
-- * Erased A is very stable, see Very-stable-Erased.
-- * Very-stable is Σ-closed, see Very-stable-Σ.
-- * Finally precomposition with [_] is an equivalence for functions
--   with very stable codomains (assuming extensionality):

∘[]-equivalence :
  {A : Set a} {B : Set b} 
  Extensionality a b 
  Very-stable B 
  Is-equivalence  (f : Erased A  B)  f  [_])
∘[]-equivalence ext s =
  _≃_.is-equivalence (Eq.↔⇒≃ (record
    { surjection = record
      { logical-equivalence = record
        { from = λ f x  _≃_.from Eq.⟨ _ , s  (map f x)
      ; right-inverse-of = λ f  apply-ext ext λ x 
          _≃_.left-inverse-of Eq.⟨ _ , s  (f x)
    ; left-inverse-of = λ f  apply-ext ext λ x 
        _≃_.left-inverse-of Eq.⟨ _ , s  (f x)

-- The Coq code accompanying "Modalities in Homotopy Type Theory" uses
-- a somewhat different definition of reflective subuniverses than the
-- paper:
-- * Instead of defining what a reflective subuniverse is it defines
--   what a family of reflective subuniverses is.
-- * The definition has been adapted to Coq's notion of universe
--   polymorphism. (I'm not sure exactly how universe polymorphism
--   works in Coq, so I'm not sure if or how the code differs from the
--   paper in this respect.)
-- * The proof showing that the modality predicate is propositional is
--   allowed to make use of extensionality for functions.
-- * One extra property is assumed: if A and B are equivalent and A is
--   modal, then B is modal. Such a property is proved below, assuming
--   that the []-cong axioms can be instantiated (Very-stable-cong).
-- * The property corresponding to ∘[]-equivalence is replaced by a
--   property that is intended to avoid uses of extensionality. This
--   property is stated using Is-∞-extendable-along-[_]. Such a
--   property is proved below, assuming that the []-cong axioms can be
--   instantiated (const-extendable).
-- Here is a definition of Σ-closed reflective subuniverses that is
-- based on, but not identical to, the definition of reflective
-- subuniverses in the Coq code of Rijke et al. The main changes are
-- perhaps that this definition defines what a single reflective
-- subuniverse is, not a family of them, and that the code uses a
-- single universe level. Below it is proved that Erased, [_] and
-- Very-stable form a Σ-closed reflective subuniverse of this kind
-- (Erased-Σ-closed-reflective-subuniverse).

record Σ-closed-reflective-subuniverse a : Set (lsuc a) where
            : Set a  Set a
    η        : A   A
    Is-modal : Set a  Set a

    Is-modal-propositional :
      Extensionality a a 
      Is-proposition (Is-modal A)

    Is-modal-◯ : Is-modal ( A)

    Is-modal-respects-≃ : A  B  Is-modal A  Is-modal B

    extendable-along-η :
      Is-modal B  Is-∞-extendable-along-[ η ]  (_ :  A)  B)

    Σ-closed : Is-modal A  (∀ x  Is-modal (P x))  Is-modal (Σ A P)

-- Some results that follow if "[]-cong" is an equivalence that maps
-- [ refl x ] to refl [ x ]

module []-cong (ax :  {a}  []-cong-axiomatisation a) where

  open []-cong₃ ax

  -- Some lemmas related to stability

  -- If A is stable, with [_] as a right inverse of the proof of
  -- stability, then A is very stable.

  Stable→Left-inverse→Very-stable :
    (s : Stable A)  (∀ x  s [ x ]  x)  Very-stable A
  Stable→Left-inverse→Very-stable s inv =
    _≃_.is-equivalence (Eq.↔⇒≃ (record
      { surjection = record
        { logical-equivalence = record
          { from = s
        ; right-inverse-of = λ ([ x ])  []-cong [ inv x ]
      ; left-inverse-of = inv

  -- If A is a stable proposition, then A is very stable.
  -- Note that it is not the case that every very stable type is a
  -- proposition, see ¬-Very-stable→Is-proposition.

  Stable-proposition→Very-stable :
    Stable A  Is-proposition A  Very-stable A
  Stable-proposition→Very-stable s prop =
    _≃_.is-equivalence $
    _↠_.from (Eq.≃↠⇔ prop (H-level-Erased 1 prop))
      (record { to = [_]; from = s })

  -- The previous result can be generalised.

  Stable→H-level-suc→Very-stable :
    For-iterated-equality n Stable A  H-level (1 + n) A 
    For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A
  Stable→H-level-suc→Very-stable {A = A} n = curry (
    For-iterated-equality n Stable A × H-level (1 + n) A            ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  lemma) 

    For-iterated-equality n Stable A ×
    For-iterated-equality n Is-proposition A                        ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-commutes-× _ n 

    For-iterated-equality n  A  Stable A × Is-proposition A) A   ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-cong₁ _ n $
                                                                       uncurry Stable-proposition→Very-stable 
    For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A                           )
    lemma =
      H-level (1 + n) A                         ↝⟨ _⇔_.to H-level⇔H-level′ 
      H-level′ (1 + n) A                        ↝⟨ (flip inverse-ext? _ λ ext 
                                                    For-iterated-equality-For-iterated-equality ext n 1) 
      For-iterated-equality n (H-level′ 1) A    ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-cong₁ _ n $
                                                   _⇔_.from (H-level⇔H-level′ {n = 1}) ⟩□
      For-iterated-equality n Is-proposition A  

  -- If equality is decidable for A, then equality is very stable for A.

  Decidable-equality→Very-stable-≡ :
    Decidable-equality A  Very-stable-≡ A
  Decidable-equality→Very-stable-≡ dec =
       x y  Dec→Stable (dec x y))
      (decidable⇒set dec)

  -- Types with h-level n are very stable "n levels up".

  H-level→Very-stable :
     n  H-level n A  For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A
  H-level→Very-stable {A = A} n =
    H-level n A                            ↝⟨ _⇔_.to H-level⇔H-level′ 
    H-level′ n A                           ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-cong₁ _ n Contractible→Very-stable ⟩□
    For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A  
    Contractible→Very-stable :
       {A}  Contractible A  Very-stable A
    Contractible→Very-stable c =
         _  proj₁ c)
        (mono₁ 0 c)

  -- Equality is stable for A if and only if [_] is injective for A.

  Stable-≡↔Injective-[] :
    {A : Set a} 
    Extensionality? k a a 
    Stable-≡ A ↝[ k ] Injective ([_] {A = A})
  Stable-≡↔Injective-[] ext =
    (∀ x y  Erased (x  y)  x  y)    ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  from-isomorphism $ inverse Bijection.implicit-Π↔Π) 
    (∀ x {y}  Erased (x  y)  x  y)  ↔⟨ inverse Bijection.implicit-Π↔Π 
    (∀ {x y}  Erased (x  y)  x  y)  ↝⟨ (implicit-∀-cong ext $ implicit-∀-cong ext $
                                            Π-cong ext Erased-≡↔[]≡[] λ _  F.id) ⟩□
    (∀ {x y}  [ x ]  [ y ]  x  y)   

  -- Equality is very stable for A if and only if [_] is an embedding
  -- for A.

  Very-stable-≡↔Is-embedding-[] :
    {A : Set a} 
    Extensionality? k a a 
    Very-stable-≡ A ↝[ k ] Is-embedding ([_] {A = A})
  Very-stable-≡↔Is-embedding-[] ext =
    (∀ x y  Is-equivalence ([_] {A = x  y}))            ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                                (record { to = to; from = from })
                                                                 ext  Eq.propositional ext _)
                                                                 ext  Eq.propositional ext _)
    (∀ x y  Is-equivalence ([]-cong  [_] {A = x  y}))  ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  Is-equivalence-cong ext λ _  []-cong-[]≡cong-[]) ⟩□
    (∀ x y  Is-equivalence (cong {x = x} {y = y} [_]))   
    to :
      Is-equivalence ([_] {A = x  y}) 
      Is-equivalence ([]-cong  [_] {A = x  y})
    to hyp = Eq.Two-out-of-three.f-g
      (Eq.two-out-of-three _ _)

    from :
      Is-equivalence ([]-cong  [_] {A = x  y}) 
      Is-equivalence ([_] {A = x  y})
    from = Eq.Two-out-of-three.g-g∘f
      (Eq.two-out-of-three _ _)


    -- The previous result can be generalised.

    Very-stable-≡↔Is-embedding-[]′ :
      {A : Set a} 
      Extensionality? k a a 
      For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Very-stable A ↝[ k ]
      For-iterated-equality n  A  Is-embedding ([_] {A = A})) A
    Very-stable-≡↔Is-embedding-[]′ {A = A} ext n =
      For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Very-stable A                   ↝⟨ (flip inverse-ext? ext λ ext 
                                                                        For-iterated-equality-For-iterated-equality ext n 1) 
      For-iterated-equality n Very-stable-≡ A                       ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-cong₁ ext n (Very-stable-≡↔Is-embedding-[] ext) ⟩□
      For-iterated-equality n  A  Is-embedding ([_] {A = A})) A  

  -- Preservation lemmas

  -- A kind of map function for Stable-[_].

  Stable-[]-map :
    A ↝[ k ] B  @0 B ↝[ k ] A  Stable-[ k ] A  Stable-[ k ] B
  Stable-[]-map {A = A} {B = B} A↝B B↝A s =
    Erased B  ↝⟨ Erased-cong B↝A 
    Erased A  ↝⟨ s 
    A         ↝⟨ A↝B ⟩□

  -- Variants of Stable-[]-map.

  Stable-[]-map-⇔ : A  B  Stable A  Stable B
  Stable-[]-map-⇔ A⇔B = Stable-[]-map (_⇔_.to A⇔B) (_⇔_.from A⇔B)

  Stable-[]-map-↔ : A  B  Stable-[ k ] A  Stable-[ k ] B
  Stable-[]-map-↔ A↔B =
      (from-isomorphism A↔B)
      (from-isomorphism $ inverse A↔B)

  Stable-[]-map-↝ :
    {A : Set a} {B : Set b} 
    (∀ {k}  Extensionality? k a b  A ↝[ k ] B) 
    Extensionality? k a b  Stable-[ k ] A  Stable-[ k ] B
  Stable-[]-map-↝ A↝B ext =
    Stable-[]-map (A↝B ext) (inverse-ext? A↝B ext)

  -- Stable preserves some kinds of functions (those that are
  -- "symmetric"), possibly assuming extensionality.

  Stable-cong :
    {A : Set a} {B : Set b} 
    Extensionality?  k ⌋-sym (a  b) (a  b) 
    A ↝[  k ⌋-sym ] B  Stable A ↝[  k ⌋-sym ] Stable B
  Stable-cong {k = k} {A = A} {B = B} ext A↝B =
    Stable A        ↔⟨⟩
    (Erased A  A)  ↝⟨ →-cong ext (Erased-cong A↝B) A↝B 
    (Erased B  B)  ↔⟨⟩
    Stable B        

  -- Stable-[ equivalence ] preserves equivalences (assuming
  -- extensionality).

  Stable-≃-cong :
    {A : Set a} {B : Set b} 
    Extensionality? k (a  b) (a  b) 
    A  B  Stable-[ equivalence ] A ↝[ k ] Stable-[ equivalence ] B
  Stable-≃-cong {A = A} {B = B} ext A≃B =
    Stable-[ equivalence ] A  ↔⟨⟩
    Erased A  A              ↝⟨ generalise-ext?
                                   (Eq.≃-preserves-⇔ (Erased-cong A≃B) A≃B)
                                    ext  from-isomorphism $ Eq.≃-preserves ext (Erased-cong A≃B) A≃B)
    Erased B  B              ↔⟨⟩
    Stable-[ equivalence ] B  

  -- Very-stable preserves equivalences (assuming extensionality).

  Very-stable-cong :
    {A : Set a} {B : Set b} 
    Extensionality? k (a  b) (a  b) 
    A  B  Very-stable A ↝[ k ] Very-stable B
  Very-stable-cong {a = a} {b = b} ext A≃B =
         { to   = lemma A≃B
         ; from = lemma (inverse A≃B)
      (Very-stable-propositional  lower-extensionality b b)
      (Very-stable-propositional  lower-extensionality a a)
    lemma : A  B  Very-stable A  Very-stable B
    lemma {A = A} {B = B} A≃B s = _≃_.is-equivalence $
        (B         ↝⟨ inverse A≃B 
         A         ↝⟨ Eq.⟨ [_] , s  
         Erased A  ↝⟨ Erased-cong A≃B ⟩□
         Erased B  )
           [ _≃_.to A≃B (_≃_.from A≃B x) ]  ≡⟨ cong [_] (_≃_.right-inverse-of A≃B x) ⟩∎
           [ x ]                            )

  -- Some lemmas related to Stable or Very-stable

  -- All kinds of functions between erased types are stable.

  Stable-Erased↝Erased :
    {@0 A : Set a} {@0 B : Set b} 
    Stable (Erased A ↝[ k ] Erased B)
  Stable-Erased↝Erased {k = k} {A = A} {B = B} =
                                       $⟨ Very-stable-Erased 
    Very-stable (Erased (A ↝[ k ] B))  ↝⟨ Very-stable→Stable 0 
    Stable (Erased (A ↝[ k ] B))       ↝⟨ Stable-[]-map-⇔ (Erased-↝↝↝ _) ⟩□
    Stable (Erased A ↝[ k ] Erased B)  

  -- All kinds of functions between erased types are very stable (in
  -- some cases assuming extensionality).

  Very-stable-Erased↝Erased :
    {@0 A : Set a} {@0 B : Set b} 
    Extensionality? k (a  b) (a  b) 
    Very-stable (Erased A ↝[ k ] Erased B)
  Very-stable-Erased↝Erased {k = k} {A = A} {B = B} ext =
                                            $⟨ Very-stable-Erased 
    Very-stable (Erased (A ↝[ k ] B))       ↝⟨ Very-stable-cong _ (from-isomorphism $ Erased-↝↔↝ ext)  (_  _) ⟩□
    Very-stable (Erased A ↝[ k ] Erased B)  

  -- If A is very stable, then W A P is very stable (assuming
  -- extensionality).

  Very-stable-W :
    {A : Set a} {P : A  Set p} 
    Extensionality p (a  p) 
    For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A 
    For-iterated-equality n Very-stable (W A P)
  Very-stable-W {A = A} {P = P} ext n =
      (Very-stable-cong _  from-isomorphism)
      (Very-stable-Π ext)
    lemma : Very-stable A  Very-stable (W A P)
    lemma s =
      _≃_.is-equivalence $
      Eq.↔⇒≃ (record
        { surjection = record
          { logical-equivalence = record
            { to   = [_]
            ; from = from
          ; right-inverse-of = []∘from
        ; left-inverse-of = from∘[]
      module E = _≃_ Eq.⟨ _ , s 

      from : Erased (W A P)  W A P
      from [ sup x f ] = sup
        (E.from [ x ])
         y  from [ f (subst P (E.left-inverse-of x) y) ])

      from∘[] :  x  from [ x ]  x
      from∘[] (sup x f) = curry (_↠_.to (W-≡,≡↠≡ ext))
        (E.left-inverse-of x)
         y  from∘[] (f (subst P (E.left-inverse-of x) y)))

      []∘from :  x  [ from x ]  x
      []∘from [ x ] = []-cong [ from∘[] x ]

  -- ∃ λ (A : Set a) → Very-stable A is very stable, assuming
  -- extensionality and univalence.
  -- This result is based on Theorem 3.11 in "Modalities in Homotopy
  -- Type Theory" by Rijke, Shulman and Spitters.

  Very-stable-∃-Very-stable :
    Extensionality a a 
    Univalence a 
    Very-stable ( λ (A : Set a)  Very-stable A)
  Very-stable-∃-Very-stable ext univ =
    Stable→Left-inverse→Very-stable Stable-∃-Very-stable inv
    inv :  p  Stable-∃-Very-stable [ p ]  p
    inv (A , s) = Σ-≡,≡→≡
      (Erased A  ≡⟨ ≃⇒≡ univ (Very-stable→Stable 0 s) ⟩∎
       A         )
      (Very-stable-propositional ext _ _)

  -- Closure properties related to equality

  -- If A is very stable, then equality is very stable for A.

  Very-stable→Very-stable-≡ :
    For-iterated-equality n       Very-stable A 
    For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Very-stable A
  Very-stable→Very-stable-≡ {A = A} n =
    For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A        ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-cong₁ _ n lemma 
    For-iterated-equality n Very-stable-≡ A      ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-For-iterated-equality _ n 1 ⟩□
    For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Very-stable A  
    lemma :  {A}  Very-stable A  Very-stable-≡ A
    lemma {A = A} =
      Very-stable A               ↝⟨ Very-stable→Is-embedding-[] 
      Is-embedding ([_] {A = A})  ↝⟨ inverse-ext? Very-stable-≡↔Is-embedding-[] _ ⟩□
      Very-stable-≡ A             


    -- Some examples showing how Very-stable→Very-stable-≡ can be
    -- used.

    -- Equalities between erased values are very stable.

    Very-stable-≡₀ :
      {@0 A : Set a} 
      Very-stable-≡ (Erased A)
    Very-stable-≡₀ = Very-stable→Very-stable-≡ 0 Very-stable-Erased

    -- Equalities between equalities between erased values are very
    -- stable.

    Very-stable-≡₁ :
      {@0 A : Set a} 
      For-iterated-equality 2 Very-stable (Erased A)
    Very-stable-≡₁ = Very-stable→Very-stable-≡ 1 Very-stable-≡₀

    -- And so on…

  -- A generalisation of Stable-H-level′.

  Stable-[]-H-level′ :
    {A : Set a} 
    Extensionality? k a a 
    For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Stable-[ k ] A 
    Stable-[ k ] (H-level′ (1 + n) A)
  Stable-[]-H-level′ {a = a} {k = k} {A = A} ext n =
    For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Stable-[ k ] A           ↝⟨ inverse-ext?  ext  For-iterated-equality-For-iterated-equality ext n 1) _ 
    For-iterated-equality n Stable-≡-[ k ] A               ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-cong₁ _ n lemma 
    For-iterated-equality n (Stable-[ k ]  H-level′ 1) A  ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-commutes-← _ Stable-[ k ] n (Stable-Π ext) 
    Stable-[ k ] (For-iterated-equality n (H-level′ 1) A)  ↝⟨ Stable-[]-map-↝  ext  For-iterated-equality-For-iterated-equality ext n 1) ext ⟩□
    Stable-[ k ] (H-level′ (1 + n) A)                      
    lemma :  {A}  Stable-≡-[ k ] A  Stable-[ k ] (H-level′ 1 A)
    lemma s =
        (H-level↔H-level′ {n = 1})
        (Stable-Π ext λ _ 
         Stable-Π ext λ _ 
         s _ _)

  -- A generalisation of Stable-H-level.

  Stable-[]-H-level :
    {A : Set a} 
    Extensionality? k a a 
    For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Stable-[ k ] A 
    Stable-[ k ] (H-level (1 + n) A)
  Stable-[]-H-level {k = k} {A = A} ext n =
    For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Stable-[ k ] A  ↝⟨ Stable-[]-H-level′ ext n 
    Stable-[ k ] (H-level′ (1 + n) A)             ↝⟨ Stable-[]-map-↝ (inverse-ext? H-level↔H-level′) ext ⟩□
    Stable-[ k ] (H-level (1 + n) A)              

  -- If A is "very stable n levels up", then H-level′ n A is very
  -- stable (assuming extensionality).

  Very-stable-H-level′ :
    {A : Set a} 
    Extensionality a a 
    For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A 
    Very-stable (H-level′ n A)
  Very-stable-H-level′ {A = A} ext n =
    For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A                   ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-cong₁ _ n lemma 
    For-iterated-equality n (Very-stable  Contractible) A  ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-commutes-← _ Very-stable n (Very-stable-Π ext) ⟩□
    Very-stable (H-level′ n A)                              
    lemma :  {A}  Very-stable A  Very-stable (Contractible A)
    lemma s =
      Very-stable-Σ s λ _ 
      Very-stable-Π ext λ _ 
      Very-stable→Very-stable-≡ 0 s _ _

  -- If A is "very stable n levels up", then H-level n A is very
  -- stable (assuming extensionality).

  Very-stable-H-level :
    {A : Set a} 
    Extensionality a a 
    For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A 
    Very-stable (H-level n A)
  Very-stable-H-level {A = A} ext n =
    For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A  ↝⟨ Very-stable-H-level′ ext n 
    Very-stable (H-level′ n A)             ↝⟨ Very-stable-cong _ (inverse $ H-level↔H-level′ ext) ⟩□
    Very-stable (H-level n A)              

  -- There is an equivalence between Very-stable (Very-stable A) and
  -- Very-stable A (assuming extensionality).

  Very-stable-Very-stable≃Very-stable :
    {A : Set a} 
    Extensionality a a 
    Very-stable (Very-stable A)  Very-stable A
  Very-stable-Very-stable≃Very-stable ext =
    _↠_.from (Eq.≃↠⇔ (Very-stable-propositional ext)
                     (Very-stable-propositional ext))
         { to   = Very-stable-Very-stable→Very-stable
         ; from = λ s 
             Very-stable-Π ext λ _ 
             Very-stable-H-level ext 0 $
             Very-stable-Σ s  _  Very-stable-≡₀ _ _)

  -- A generalisation of Stable-≡-⊎.

  Stable-[]-≡-⊎ :
    For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Stable-[ k ] A 
    For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Stable-[ k ] B 
    For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Stable-[ k ] (A  B)
  Stable-[]-≡-⊎ n sA sB =
      (Very-stable→Stable 0 Very-stable-⊥)
      (For-iterated-equality-↑ _ (1 + n) Stable-[]-map-↔ sA)
      (For-iterated-equality-↑ _ (1 + n) Stable-[]-map-↔ sB)

  -- If equality is very stable for A and B, then it is very stable
  -- for A ⊎ B.

  Very-stable-≡-⊎ :
    For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Very-stable A 
    For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Very-stable B 
    For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Very-stable (A  B)
  Very-stable-≡-⊎ n sA sB =
      (For-iterated-equality-↑ _ (1 + n) lemma sA)
      (For-iterated-equality-↑ _ (1 + n) lemma sB)
    lemma : A  B  Very-stable A  Very-stable B
    lemma = Very-stable-cong _  from-isomorphism

  -- A generalisation of Stable-≡-List.

  Stable-[]-≡-List :
    For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Stable-[ k ] A 
    For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Stable-[ k ] (List A)
  Stable-[]-≡-List n =
      (Very-stable→Stable 0 $ Very-stable-↑ Very-stable-⊤)
      (Very-stable→Stable 0 Very-stable-⊥)

  -- If equality is very stable for A, then it is very stable for
  -- List A.

  Very-stable-≡-List :
    For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Very-stable A 
    For-iterated-equality (1 + n) Very-stable (List A)
  Very-stable-≡-List n =
      (Very-stable-cong _  from-isomorphism)
      (Very-stable-↑ Very-stable-⊤)

  -- A generalisation of Very-stable-Σ.
  -- Based on a lemma called inO_unsigma, implemented by Mike Shulman
  -- in the file ReflectiveSubuniverse.v in the Coq HoTT library.

  Very-stable-Σ↔Π :
    {A : Set a} {P : A  Set p} 
    Extensionality? k (a  p) (a  p) 
    Very-stable A 
    Very-stable (Σ A P) ↝[ k ]
    (∀ x  Very-stable (P x))
  Very-stable-Σ↔Π {a = a} {p = p} {k = k} {A = A} {P = P} ext s =
         { from = Very-stable-Σ s
         ; to   = flip λ x 
             Very-stable (Σ A P)                          ↝⟨ flip Very-stable-Σ  _  Very-stable→Very-stable-≡ 0 s _ _) 
             Very-stable ( λ ((y , _) : Σ A P)  y  x)  ↝⟨ Very-stable-cong _ $ from-bijection $ inverse Σ-assoc 
             Very-stable ( λ (y : A)  P y × y  x)      ↝⟨ Very-stable-cong _ $ from-bijection $ inverse $ ∃-intro _ _ ⟩□
             Very-stable (P x)                            
         Π-closure (lower-extensionality p a ext) 1 λ _ 
         Very-stable-propositional (lower-extensionality a a ext))

  -- Simple corollaries or variants of results above

  -- A generalisation of Very-stable-cong.

  Very-stable-congⁿ :
    {A : Set a} {B : Set b} 
    Extensionality? k′ (a  b) (a  b) 
    A ↔[ k ] B 
    For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A ↝[ k′ ]
    For-iterated-equality n Very-stable B
  Very-stable-congⁿ ext n A↔B =
      (Very-stable-cong ext  from-isomorphism)
      (from-isomorphism A↔B)

  -- A generalisation of Stable-Π.

  Stable-Πⁿ :
    {A : Set a} {P : A  Set p} 
    Extensionality a p 
    (∀ x  For-iterated-equality n Stable-[ k ] (P x)) 
    For-iterated-equality n Stable-[ k ] ((x : A)  P x)
  Stable-Πⁿ {k = k} ext n =
      (Stable-Π (forget-ext? k ext))

  -- A generalisation of Very-stable-Π.

  Very-stable-Πⁿ :
    {A : Set a} {P : A  Set p} 
    Extensionality a p 
    (∀ x  For-iterated-equality n Very-stable (P x)) 
    For-iterated-equality n Very-stable ((x : A)  P x)
  Very-stable-Πⁿ ext n =
      (Very-stable-cong _  from-isomorphism)
      (Very-stable-Π ext)

  -- A generalisation of Very-stable-Stable-Σ.

  Very-stable-Stable-Σⁿ :
    For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A 
    (∀ x  For-iterated-equality n Stable-[ k ] (P x)) 
    For-iterated-equality n Stable-[ k ] (Σ A P)
  Very-stable-Stable-Σⁿ {k = k} n =

  -- A variant of Stable-Σ for equality.

  Stable-≡-Σ :
    {p q : Σ A P} 
    (s : Stable (proj₁ p  proj₁ q)) 
    (∀ eq  [ s eq ]  eq) 
    (∀ eq  Stable (subst P eq (proj₂ p)  proj₂ q)) 
    Stable (p  q)
  Stable-≡-Σ {P = P} {p = p} {q = q} s₁ hyp s₂ =  $⟨ Stable-Σ s₁ hyp s₂ 

    Stable ( λ (eq : proj₁ p  proj₁ q) 
                subst P eq (proj₂ p)  proj₂ q)   ↝⟨ Stable-[]-map-↔ Bijection.Σ-≡,≡↔≡ ⟩□

    Stable (p  q)                                

  -- A generalisation of Very-stable-Σ.

  Very-stable-Σⁿ :
    For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A 
    (∀ x  For-iterated-equality n Very-stable (P x)) 
    For-iterated-equality n Very-stable (Σ A P)
  Very-stable-Σⁿ n =
      (Very-stable-cong _  from-isomorphism)

  -- A generalisation of Stable-×.

  Stable-×ⁿ :
    For-iterated-equality n Stable-[ k ] A 
    For-iterated-equality n Stable-[ k ] B 
    For-iterated-equality n Stable-[ k ] (A × B)
  Stable-×ⁿ n =

  -- A generalisation of Very-stable-×.

  Very-stable-×ⁿ :
    For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A 
    For-iterated-equality n Very-stable B 
    For-iterated-equality n Very-stable (A × B)
  Very-stable-×ⁿ n =
      (Very-stable-cong _  from-isomorphism)

  -- A generalisation of Stable-↑.

  Stable-↑ⁿ :
    For-iterated-equality n Stable-[ k ] A 
    For-iterated-equality n Stable-[ k ] (  A)
  Stable-↑ⁿ n =
    For-iterated-equality-↑ _ n Stable-[]-map-↔

  -- A generalisation of Very-stable-↑.

  Very-stable-↑ⁿ :
    For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A 
    For-iterated-equality n Very-stable (  A)
  Very-stable-↑ⁿ n =
      (Very-stable-cong _  from-isomorphism)

  -- Erased, [_] and Very-stable form a Σ-closed reflective
  -- subuniverse

  -- As a consequence of Very-stable→Very-stable-≡ we get that every
  -- family of very stable types, indexed by Erased A, is ∞-extendable
  -- along [_].

  extendable :
    {@0 A : Set a} {P : Erased A  Set b} 
    (∀ x  Very-stable (P x)) 
    Is-∞-extendable-along-[ [_] ] P
  extendable s zero    = _
  extendable s (suc n) =
            x  _≃_.from Eq.⟨ _ , s x  (map f x))
         , λ x 
             _≃_.from Eq.⟨ _ , s [ x ]  (map f [ x ])  ≡⟨⟩
             _≃_.from Eq.⟨ _ , s [ x ]  [ f x ]        ≡⟨ _≃_.left-inverse-of Eq.⟨ _ , s [ x ]  _ ⟩∎
             f x                                        )
    , λ g h 
        extendable  x  Very-stable→Very-stable-≡ 0 (s x) _ _) n

  -- As a special case we get the following property, which is based
  -- on one part of the definition of a reflective subuniverse used in
  -- the Coq code accompanying "Modalities in Homotopy Type Theory" by
  -- Rijke, Shulman and Spitters.

  const-extendable :
    {@0 A : Set a} {B : Set b} 
    Very-stable B 
    Is-∞-extendable-along-[ [_] ]  (_ : Erased A)  B)
  const-extendable s = extendable  _  s)

  -- Erased, [_] and Very-stable form a Σ-closed reflective
  -- subuniverse.

  Erased-Σ-closed-reflective-subuniverse :
    Σ-closed-reflective-subuniverse a
  Erased-Σ-closed-reflective-subuniverse = λ where
      .                       Erased
      .η                       [_]
      .Is-modal                Very-stable
      .Is-modal-propositional  Very-stable-propositional
      .Is-modal-◯              Very-stable-Erased
      .Is-modal-respects-≃     Very-stable-cong _
      .extendable-along-η      const-extendable
      .Σ-closed                Very-stable-Σ
    open Σ-closed-reflective-subuniverse

  -- Rearrangement lemmas for []-cong, proved using stability

  -- []-cong kind of commutes with trans.

  []-cong-trans :
    {@0 A : Set a} {@0 x y z : A} {@0 p : x  y} {@0 q : y  z} 
    []-cong [ trans p q ]  trans ([]-cong [ p ]) ([]-cong [ q ])
  []-cong-trans =
    Very-stable→Stable 0 (Very-stable-≡₁ _ _ _ _)
      [ elim¹
           p   (@0 q)  []-cong [ trans p q ] 
                            trans ([]-cong [ p ]) ([]-cong [ q ]))
             []-cong [ trans (refl _) q ]                ≡⟨ cong []-cong ([]-cong [ trans-reflˡ _ ]) 
             []-cong [ q ]                               ≡⟨ sym $ trans-reflˡ _ 
             trans (refl _) ([]-cong [ q ])              ≡⟨ sym $ cong (flip trans _) []-cong-[refl] ⟩∎
             trans ([]-cong [ refl _ ]) ([]-cong [ q ])  )

  -- []-cong kind of commutes with cong.

  []-cong-cong :
    {@0 A : Set a} {@0 B : Set b}
    {@0 f : A  B} {@0 x y : A} {@0 p : x  y} 
    []-cong [ cong f p ]  cong (map f) ([]-cong [ p ])
  []-cong-cong {f = f} =
    Very-stable→Stable 0 (Very-stable-≡₁ _ _ _ _)
      [ elim¹
           p  []-cong [ cong f p ]  cong (map f) ([]-cong [ p ]))
          ([]-cong [ cong f (refl _) ]        ≡⟨ cong []-cong ([]-cong [ cong-refl _ ]) 
           []-cong [ refl _ ]                 ≡⟨ []-cong-[refl] 
           refl _                             ≡⟨ sym $ cong-refl _ 
           cong (map f) (refl _)              ≡⟨ sym $ cong (cong (map f)) []-cong-[refl] ⟩∎
           cong (map f) ([]-cong [ refl _ ])  )

  -- Erased is functorial for all kinds of functions (in some cases
  -- assuming extensionality)


    -- Erased is functorial for equivalences (assuming
    -- extensionality).

    Erased-cong-≃-id :
      {@0 A : Set a} 
      Extensionality a a 
      Erased-cong {k = equivalence} F.id  F.id {A = Erased A}
    Erased-cong-≃-id ext = Eq.lift-equality ext (refl _)

    Erased-cong-≃-∘ :
      {@0 A : Set a} {@0 B : Set b} {@0 C : Set c} 
      Extensionality (a  c) (a  c) 
      (@0 f : B  C) (@0 g : A  B) 
      Erased-cong {k = equivalence} (f F.∘ g) 
      Erased-cong f F.∘ Erased-cong g
    Erased-cong-≃-∘ ext _ _ = Eq.lift-equality ext (refl _)

    -- Erased is functorial for embeddings (assuming extensionality).

    Erased-cong-Embedding-id :
      {@0 A : Set a} 
      Extensionality a a 
      Erased-cong {k = embedding} F.id  F.id {A = Erased A}
    Erased-cong-Embedding-id ext =
      _↔_.to (Embedding-to-≡↔≡ ext) λ _  refl _

    Erased-cong-Embedding-∘ :
      {@0 A : Set a} {@0 B : Set b} {@0 C : Set c} 
      Extensionality (a  c) (a  c) 
      (@0 f : Embedding B C) (@0 g : Embedding A B) 
      Erased-cong {k = embedding} (f F.∘ g) 
      Erased-cong f F.∘ Erased-cong g
    Erased-cong-Embedding-∘ ext _ _ =
      _↔_.to (Embedding-to-≡↔≡ ext) λ _  refl _

    -- A lemma.

    right-inverse-of-cong-∘ :
       {@0 A : Set a} {@0 B : Set b} {@0 C : Set c} {x} 
      (@0 f : B  C) (@0 g : A  B) 
      _↠_.right-inverse-of (Erased-cong (f F.∘ g)) x 
      _↠_.right-inverse-of (Erased-cong f F.∘ Erased-cong g) x
    right-inverse-of-cong-∘ {x = [ x ]} f g =
      []-cong [ trans (cong (_↠_.to f)
                              (_↠_.right-inverse-of g
                                 (_↠_.from f x)))
                           (_↠_.right-inverse-of f x)
              ]                                          ≡⟨ []-cong-trans 

      trans ([]-cong [ cong (_↠_.to f)
                         (_↠_.right-inverse-of g
                            (_↠_.from f x)) ])
        ([]-cong [ _↠_.right-inverse-of f x ])           ≡⟨ cong  p  trans p _) []-cong-cong ⟩∎

      trans (cong (map (_↠_.to f))
                    ([]-cong [ _↠_.right-inverse-of g
                                 (_↠_.from f x) ]))
                 ([]-cong [ _↠_.right-inverse-of f x ])  

    -- Erased is functorial for split surjections (assuming
    -- extensionality).

    Erased-cong-↠-id :
      {@0 A : Set a} 
      Extensionality a a 
      Erased-cong {k = surjection} F.id  F.id {A = Erased A}
    Erased-cong-↠-id ext =                              $⟨ lemma 
      _↔_.to ↠↔∃-Split-surjective (Erased-cong F.id) 
      _↔_.to ↠↔∃-Split-surjective F.id                  ↝⟨ Eq.≃-≡ (from-isomorphism ↠↔∃-Split-surjective) ⟩□

      Erased-cong F.id  F.id                           
      lemma :
        (map id , λ x  [ erased x ] , []-cong [ refl _ ]) 
        (id , λ x  x , refl _)
      lemma =
        cong (_ ,_) $ apply-ext ext λ _  cong (_ ,_) []-cong-[refl]

    Erased-cong-↠-∘ :
      {@0 A : Set a} {@0 B : Set b} {@0 C : Set c} 
      Extensionality c (a  c) 
      (@0 f : B  C) (@0 g : A  B) 
      Erased-cong {k = surjection} (f F.∘ g) 
      Erased-cong f F.∘ Erased-cong g
    Erased-cong-↠-∘ ext f g =                                        $⟨ lemma 
      _↔_.to ↠↔∃-Split-surjective (Erased-cong (f F.∘ g)) 
      _↔_.to ↠↔∃-Split-surjective (Erased-cong f F.∘ Erased-cong g)  ↝⟨ Eq.≃-≡ (from-isomorphism ↠↔∃-Split-surjective) ⟩□

      Erased-cong (f F.∘ g)  Erased-cong f F.∘ Erased-cong g        
      lemma :
        ( map (_↠_.to f  _↠_.to g)
        ,  x 
               [ _↠_.from g (_↠_.from f (erased x)) ]
             , _↠_.right-inverse-of (Erased-cong (f F.∘ g)) x)
        (  x  [ _↠_.to f (_↠_.to g (erased x)) ])
        ,  x 
               [ _↠_.from g (_↠_.from f (erased x)) ]
             , _↠_.right-inverse-of (Erased-cong f F.∘ Erased-cong g) x)
      lemma =
        cong (_ ,_) $ apply-ext ext λ ([ x ]) 
          cong ([ _↠_.from g (_↠_.from f x) ] ,_)
            (right-inverse-of-cong-∘ f g)

    -- Erased is functorial for bijections (assuming extensionality).

    Erased-cong-↔-id :
      {@0 A : Set a} 
      Extensionality a a 
      Erased-cong {k = bijection} F.id  F.id {A = Erased A}
    Erased-cong-↔-id ext =                          $⟨ lemma 
      _↔_.to Bijection.↔-as-Σ (Erased-cong F.id) 
      _↔_.to Bijection.↔-as-Σ F.id                  ↝⟨ Eq.≃-≡ (from-isomorphism Bijection.↔-as-Σ) ⟩□

      Erased-cong F.id  F.id                       
      lemma :
        ( map id
        , map id
        ,  { [ x ]  []-cong [ refl x ] })
        ,  { [ x ]  []-cong [ refl x ] })
        (id , id , refl , refl)
      lemma = cong  p  id , id , p) $ cong₂ _,_
        (apply-ext ext λ _  []-cong-[refl])
        (apply-ext ext λ _  []-cong-[refl])

    Erased-cong-↔-∘ :
      {@0 A : Set a} {@0 B : Set b} {@0 C : Set c} 
      Extensionality (a  c) (a  c) 
      (@0 f : B  C) (@0 g : A  B) 
      Erased-cong {k = bijection} (f F.∘ g) 
      Erased-cong f F.∘ Erased-cong g
    Erased-cong-↔-∘ {a = a} {c = c} ext f g =                    $⟨ lemma 
      _↔_.to Bijection.↔-as-Σ (Erased-cong (f F.∘ g)) 
      _↔_.to Bijection.↔-as-Σ (Erased-cong f F.∘ Erased-cong g)  ↝⟨ Eq.≃-≡ (from-isomorphism Bijection.↔-as-Σ) ⟩□

      Erased-cong (f F.∘ g)  Erased-cong f F.∘ Erased-cong g    
      lemma :
        ( map (_↔_.to f  _↔_.to g)
        , map (_↔_.from g  _↔_.from f)
        , _↔_.right-inverse-of (Erased-cong (f F.∘ g))
        , _↔_.left-inverse-of (Erased-cong (f F.∘ g))
        (  x  [ _↔_.to f (_↔_.to g (erased x)) ])
        ,  x  [ _↔_.from g (_↔_.from f (erased x)) ])
        , _↔_.right-inverse-of (Erased-cong f F.∘ Erased-cong g)
        , _↔_.left-inverse-of (Erased-cong f F.∘ Erased-cong g)
      lemma =
        cong  p  map (_↔_.to f  _↔_.to g)
                  , map (_↔_.from g  _↔_.from f) , p) $
        cong₂ _,_
          (apply-ext (lower-extensionality a a ext) λ _ 
               (_↔_.surjection f) (_↔_.surjection g))
          (apply-ext (lower-extensionality c c ext) λ _ 
              (_↔_.surjection $ inverse g) (_↔_.surjection $ inverse f))

    -- Erased is functorial for injections (assuming extensionality).

    Erased-cong-↣-id :
      {@0 A : Set a} 
      Extensionality a a 
      Erased-cong {k = injection} F.id  F.id {A = Erased A}
    Erased-cong-↣-id ext =                       $⟨ lemma 
      _↔_.to ↣↔∃-Injective (Erased-cong F.id) 
      _↔_.to ↣↔∃-Injective F.id                  ↝⟨ Eq.≃-≡ (from-isomorphism ↣↔∃-Injective) ⟩□

      Erased-cong F.id  F.id                    
      lemma :
        ( map id
        , λ {_ _}  _↣_.injective (Erased-cong F.id)
        (id , λ {_ _}  _↣_.injective F.id)
      lemma =
        cong (_ ,_) $
        implicit-extensionality ext λ _ 
        implicit-extensionality ext λ _ 
        apply-ext ext λ eq 
          []-cong ([]-cong⁻¹ eq)  ≡⟨ _↔_.right-inverse-of Erased-≡↔[]≡[] _ ⟩∎

    Erased-cong-↣-∘ :
      {@0 A : Set a} {@0 B : Set b} {@0 C : Set c} 
      Extensionality (a  c) (a  c) 
      (@0 f : B  C) (@0 g : A  B) 
      Erased-cong {k = injection} (f F.∘ g) 
      Erased-cong f F.∘ Erased-cong g
    Erased-cong-↣-∘ {a = a} {c = c} ext f g =                  $⟨ lemma 
      _↔_.to ↣↔∃-Injective (Erased-cong (f F.∘ g)) 
      _↔_.to ↣↔∃-Injective (Erased-cong f F.∘ Erased-cong g)   ↝⟨ Eq.≃-≡ (from-isomorphism ↣↔∃-Injective) ⟩□

      Erased-cong (f F.∘ g)  Erased-cong f F.∘ Erased-cong g  
      lemma :
        ( map (_↣_.to f  _↣_.to g)
        , λ {_ _}  _↣_.injective (Erased-cong (f F.∘ g))
        (  x  [ _↣_.to f (_↣_.to g (erased x)) ])
        , λ {_ _}  _↣_.injective (Erased-cong f F.∘ Erased-cong g)
      lemma =
        cong (_ ,_) $
        implicit-extensionality (lower-extensionality c lzero ext) λ _ 
        implicit-extensionality (lower-extensionality c lzero ext) λ _ 
        apply-ext (lower-extensionality a c ext) λ eq 
          let eq′ = [ _↣_.injective f (erased ([]-cong⁻¹ eq)) ]
          []-cong [ _↣_.injective g (erased eq′) ]                        ≡⟨ cong []-cong $ []-cong [ cong (_↣_.injective g  erased) $ sym $
                                                                             _↔_.left-inverse-of Erased-≡↔[]≡[] _ ] ⟩∎
          []-cong [ _↣_.injective g (erased ([]-cong⁻¹ ([]-cong eq′))) ]  

  -- Erased is functorial for all kinds of functions (in some cases
  -- assuming extensionality).

  Erased-cong-id :
    {@0 A : Set a} 
    Extensionality? k a a 
    Erased-cong F.id  F.id {k = k} {A = Erased A}
  Erased-cong-id {k = implication}         = λ _  map-id
  Erased-cong-id {k = logical-equivalence} = λ _  Erased-cong-⇔-id
  Erased-cong-id {k = injection}           = Erased-cong-↣-id
  Erased-cong-id {k = embedding}           = Erased-cong-Embedding-id
  Erased-cong-id {k = surjection}          = Erased-cong-↠-id
  Erased-cong-id {k = bijection}           = Erased-cong-↔-id
  Erased-cong-id {k = equivalence}         = Erased-cong-≃-id

  Erased-cong-∘ :
    {@0 A : Set a} {@0 B : Set b} {@0 C : Set c} 
    Extensionality? k (a  c) (a  c) 
    (@0 f : B ↝[ k ] C) (@0 g : A  ↝[ k ] B) 
    Erased-cong (f F.∘ g)  Erased-cong f F.∘ Erased-cong g
  Erased-cong-∘         {k = implication}         = λ _ f  map-∘ f
  Erased-cong-∘         {k = logical-equivalence} = λ _  Erased-cong-⇔-∘
  Erased-cong-∘         {k = injection}           = Erased-cong-↣-∘
  Erased-cong-∘         {k = embedding}           = Erased-cong-Embedding-∘
  Erased-cong-∘ {a = a} {k = surjection}          = λ ext 
                                                        (lower-extensionality a lzero ext)
  Erased-cong-∘         {k = bijection}           = Erased-cong-↔-∘
  Erased-cong-∘         {k = equivalence}         = Erased-cong-≃-∘

  -- Erased singletons

  -- A variant of the Singleton type family with erased equality proofs.

  Erased-singleton : {A : Set a}  @0 A  Set a
  Erased-singleton x =  λ y  Erased (y  x)

  -- The type of triples consisting of two values of type A, one erased,
  -- and an erased proof of equality of the two values is isomorphic to
  -- A.

  Σ-Erased-Erased-singleton↔ :
    ( λ (x : Erased A)  Erased-singleton (erased x))  A
  Σ-Erased-Erased-singleton↔ {A = A} =
    ( λ (x : Erased A)   λ y  Erased (y  erased x))  ↝⟨ ∃-comm 
    ( λ y   λ (x : Erased A)  Erased (y  erased x))  ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  inverse Erased-Σ↔Σ) 
    ( λ y  Erased ( λ (x : A)  y  x))                ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  Erased-cong (_⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ (other-singleton-contractible _))) 
    A × Erased                                           ↝⟨ drop-⊤-right  _  Erased-⊤↔⊤) ⟩□

  -- If equality is very stable for A, then Erased-singleton x is
  -- contractible for x : A.

  erased-singleton-contractible :
    {x : A} 
    Very-stable-≡ A 
    Contractible (Erased-singleton x)
  erased-singleton-contractible {x = x} s =
                                       $⟨ singleton-contractible x 
    Contractible (Singleton x)         ↝⟨ H-level-cong _ 0 (∃-cong λ _  Eq.⟨ _ , s _ _ )  (_  _) ⟩□
    Contractible (Erased-singleton x)  

  -- If equality is very stable for A, and x : A is erased, then
  -- Erased-singleton x is a proposition.

  erased-singleton-with-erased-center-propositional :
    {@0 x : A} 
    Very-stable-≡ A 
    Is-proposition (Erased-singleton x)
  erased-singleton-with-erased-center-propositional {x = x} s =
                                                   $⟨ [ erased-singleton-contractible  _ _  erased Erased-Very-stable) ] 
    Erased (Contractible (Erased-singleton x))     ↝⟨ Erased-cong (mono₁ 0) 
    Erased (Is-proposition (Erased-singleton x))   ↝⟨ (Stable-H-level 0 $ Very-stable→Stable 1 $
                                                       Very-stable-Σⁿ 1 s λ _  Very-stable→Very-stable-≡ 0 Very-stable-Erased) ⟩□
    Is-proposition (Erased-singleton x)            

  -- If A is very stable, and x : A is erased, then Erased-singleton x
  -- is contractible.

  erased-singleton-with-erased-center-contractible :
    {@0 x : A} 
    Very-stable A 
    Contractible (Erased-singleton x)
  erased-singleton-with-erased-center-contractible {x = x} s =
                                       $⟨ [ (x , [ refl _ ]) ] 
    Erased (Erased-singleton x)        ↝⟨ Very-stable→Stable 0 (Very-stable-Σ s λ _  Very-stable-Erased) 
    Erased-singleton x                 ↝⟨ propositional⇒inhabited⇒contractible $
                                          erased-singleton-with-erased-center-propositional $
                                          Very-stable→Very-stable-≡ 0 s ⟩□
    Contractible (Erased-singleton x)