-- Embeddings

-- Partially following the HoTT book.

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import Equality

module Embedding
  {reflexive} (eq :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p reflexive) where

open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude as P hiding (id) renaming (_∘_ to _⊚_)

open import Bijection eq using (_↔_)
open Derived-definitions-and-properties eq
open import Equivalence eq as Eq hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level eq
open import H-level.Closure eq
open import Injection eq as Injection using (Injective; _↣_)
open import Preimage eq using (_⁻¹_)
open import Surjection eq using (_↠_)

    a b t : Level
    A B C : Set a
    f x y : A

-- Embeddings

-- The property of being an embedding.

Is-embedding : {A : Set a} {B : Set b}  (A  B)  Set (a  b)
Is-embedding f =  x y  Is-equivalence (cong {x = x} {y = y} f)

-- Is-embedding is propositional (assuming extensionality).

Is-embedding-propositional :
  {A : Set a} {B : Set b} {f : A  B} 
  Extensionality (a  b) (a  b) 
  Is-proposition (Is-embedding f)
Is-embedding-propositional {b = b} ext =
  Π-closure (lower-extensionality b lzero ext) 1 λ _ 
  Π-closure (lower-extensionality b lzero ext) 1 λ _ 
  Eq.propositional ext _

-- Embeddings.

record Embedding (From : Set f) (To : Set t) : Set (f  t) where
    to           : From  To
    is-embedding : Is-embedding to

  equivalence : (x  y)  (to x  to y)
  equivalence =  _ , is-embedding _ _ 

-- The type family above could have been defined using Σ.

Embedding-as-Σ : Embedding A B   λ (f : A  B)  Is-embedding f
Embedding-as-Σ = record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { to   = λ emb  Embedding.to emb , Embedding.is-embedding emb
      ; from = λ { (f , is)  record { to = f; is-embedding = is } }
    ; right-inverse-of = refl
  ; left-inverse-of = refl

-- Preorder

-- Embedding is a preorder.

id : Embedding A A
id {A = A} = record
  { to           = P.id
  ; is-embedding = λ x y 
        (singleton-contractible {A = x  y})

infixr 9 _∘_

_∘_ : Embedding B C  Embedding A B  Embedding A C
f  g = record
  { to           = to f  to g
  ; is-embedding = λ _ _ 
        (cong-∘ (to f) (to g))
           (two-out-of-three _ _)
           (is-embedding g _ _) (is-embedding f _ _))
  open Embedding

-- Preimages

-- If f is an embedding, then f ⁻¹ y is propositional.
-- This result is taken (perhaps with some changes) from the proof of
-- Theorem 4.6.3 in the HoTT book (first edition).

embedding→⁻¹-propositional :
  {f : A  B} 
  Is-embedding f 
   y  Is-proposition (f ⁻¹ y)
embedding→⁻¹-propositional {f = f} is-emb y (x₁ , eq₁) (x₂ , eq₂) =
    equiv : (x₁  x₂)  (f x₁  f x₂)
    equiv =  _ , is-emb _ _ 

    x₁≡x₂ : x₁  x₂
    x₁≡x₂ = _≃_.from equiv
      (f x₁  ≡⟨ eq₁ 
       y     ≡⟨ sym eq₂ ⟩∎
       f x₂  )
    (subst  z  f z  y) x₁≡x₂ eq₁              ≡⟨ subst-∘ (_≡ y) f x₁≡x₂ 
     subst (_≡ y) (cong f x₁≡x₂) eq₁              ≡⟨ cong  eq  subst (_≡ y) eq eq₁) $ sym $ sym-sym (cong f x₁≡x₂) 
     subst (_≡ y) (sym $ sym $ cong f x₁≡x₂) eq₁  ≡⟨ subst-trans (sym $ cong f x₁≡x₂) 
     trans (sym $ cong f x₁≡x₂) eq₁               ≡⟨ cong  eq  trans (sym eq) eq₁) $ _≃_.right-inverse-of equiv _ 
     trans (sym $ trans eq₁ (sym eq₂)) eq₁        ≡⟨ cong (flip trans eq₁) $ sym-trans eq₁ (sym eq₂) 
     trans (trans (sym (sym eq₂)) (sym eq₁)) eq₁  ≡⟨ trans-[trans-sym]- _ eq₁ 
     sym (sym eq₂)                                ≡⟨ sym-sym _ ⟩∎
     eq₂                                          )

-- Injections

-- Functions that are embeddings are injective.

injective : {f : A  B}  Is-embedding f  Injective f
injective is-emb = _≃_.from  _ , is-emb _ _ 

-- Embeddings are injections.

injection : Embedding A B  A  B
injection f = record
  { to        = Embedding.to f
  ; injective = injective (Embedding.is-embedding f)


  -- If the domain of f is a set, then Injective f is propositional
  -- (assuming extensionality).

  Injective-propositional :
    {A : Set a} {B : Set b} {f : A  B} 
    Extensionality (a  b) (a  b) 
    Is-set A  Is-proposition (Injective f)
  Injective-propositional {a = a} {b = b} ext A-set =
    implicit-Π-closure (lower-extensionality b lzero ext) 1 λ _ 
    implicit-Π-closure (lower-extensionality b lzero ext) 1 λ _ 
    Π-closure (lower-extensionality a b ext)              1 λ _ 

-- For functions between sets the property of being injective is
-- logically equivalent to the property of being an embedding.

Injective⇔Is-embedding :
  Is-set A  Is-set B 
  (f : A  B)  Injective f  Is-embedding f
Injective⇔Is-embedding A-set B-set f = record
  { to   = λ cong-f⁻¹ _ _ 
               _≃_.is-equivalence $
               _↠_.from (≃↠⇔ A-set B-set)
                        (record { from = cong-f⁻¹ })
  ; from = injective

-- For functions between sets the property of being injective is
-- equivalent to the property of being an embedding (assuming
-- extensionality).

Injective≃Is-embedding :
  {A : Set a} {B : Set b} 
  Extensionality (a  b) (a  b) 
  Is-set A  Is-set B 
  (f : A  B)  Injective f  Is-embedding f
Injective≃Is-embedding ext A-set B-set f =
    (⇔↔≃ ext
         (Injective-propositional ext A-set)
         (Is-embedding-propositional ext))
    (Injective⇔Is-embedding A-set B-set f)

-- If A and B are sets, then the type of injections from A to B is
-- isomorphic to the type of embeddings from A to B (assuming
-- extensionality).

↣↔Embedding :
  {A : Set a} {B : Set b} 
  Extensionality (a  b) (a  b) 
  Is-set A  Is-set B 
  (A  B)  Embedding A B
↣↔Embedding {A = A} {B = B} ext A-set B-set = record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { to   = λ f  record
                 { to           = _↣_.to f
                 ; is-embedding =
                     _≃_.to (Injective≃Is-embedding ext A-set B-set _)
                            (_↣_.injective f)
      ; from = injection
    ; right-inverse-of = λ f 
        cong (uncurry λ to (emb : Is-embedding to) 
                        record { to = to; is-embedding = emb })
             (Σ-≡,≡→≡ (refl _)
                      (Is-embedding-propositional ext _ _))
  ; left-inverse-of = λ f 
      cong (uncurry λ to (inj : Injective to) 
                      record { to = to; injective = inj })
           (Σ-≡,≡→≡ (refl _)
                    (Injective-propositional ext A-set _ _))