-- Some theory of Erased, developed using Cubical Agda

-- This module instantiates and reexports code from Erased and
-- Erased.Stability.

{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe #-}

open import Equality

module Erased.Cubical
  {c⁺} (eq :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p c⁺) where

open Derived-definitions-and-properties eq

import Equality.Path as P
open import Prelude

open import Bijection eq using (_↔_)
import Bijection P.equality-with-J as PB
open import Equality.Path.Isomorphisms eq
open import Equivalence eq as Eq using (_≃_; Is-equivalence)
import Equivalence P.equality-with-J as PEq
open import Function-universe eq as F
open import H-level.Closure eq
open import H-level.Truncation.Propositional eq as Trunc using (∥_∥)
open import Quotient eq as Quotient hiding ([_])
open import Surjection eq as Surjection using (_↠_)

-- Some definitions from Erased are reexported.

open import Erased eq as Erased public
  hiding (module []-cong₁; module []-cong₂; module []-cong₃;

-- Some definitions from Erased.Stability are reexported.

open import Erased.Stability eq as Stability public
  hiding (module []-cong)

    a p r : Level
    A B   : Set a
    R     : A  A  Set r
    x y   : A
    A↠B   : A  B
    s     : Very-stable-≡ A

-- []-cong

-- Given an erased path from x to y there is a path from [ x ] to
-- [ y ].

[]-cong-Path :
  {@0 A : Set a} {@0 x y : A} 
  Erased (x P.≡ y)  [ x ] P.≡ [ y ]
[]-cong-Path [ eq ] = λ i  [ eq i ]

-- []-cong-Path is an equivalence.

[]-cong-Path-equivalence :
  {@0 A : Set a} {@0 x y : A} 
  Is-equivalence ([]-cong-Path {x = x} {y = y})
[]-cong-Path-equivalence =
  _≃_.is-equivalence $ Eq.↔⇒≃ (record
    { surjection = record
      { logical-equivalence = record
        { from = λ eq  [ P.cong erased eq ]
      ; right-inverse-of = λ _  refl _
    ; left-inverse-of = λ _  refl _

-- A rearrangement lemma for []-cong-Path (which holds by definition).

[]-cong-Path-[refl] :
  {@0 A : Set a} {@0 x : A} 
  []-cong-Path [ P.refl {x = x} ] P.≡ P.refl {x = [ x ]}
[]-cong-Path-[refl] = P.refl

-- Given an erased proof of equality of x and y one can show that
-- [ x ] is equal to [ y ].

[]-cong : {@0 A : Set a} {@0 x y : A} 
          Erased (x  y)  [ x ]  [ y ]
[]-cong {x = x} {y = y} =
  Erased (x  y)    ↝⟨ map (_↔_.to ≡↔≡) 
  Erased (x P.≡ y)  ↝⟨ []-cong-Path 
  [ x ] P.≡ [ y ]   ↔⟨ inverse ≡↔≡ ⟩□
  [ x ]  [ y ]     

-- []-cong is an equivalence.

[]-cong-equivalence :
  {@0 A : Set a} {@0 x y : A} 
  Is-equivalence ([]-cong {x = x} {y = y})
[]-cong-equivalence {x = x} {y = y} = _≃_.is-equivalence (
  Erased (x  y)    ↔⟨ Erased.[]-cong₁.Erased-cong-↔ []-cong ≡↔≡ 
  Erased (x P.≡ y)  ↔⟨ Eq.⟨ _ , []-cong-Path-equivalence  
  [ x ] P.≡ [ y ]   ↔⟨ inverse ≡↔≡ ⟩□
  [ x ]  [ y ]     )

-- A rearrangement lemma for []-cong.

[]-cong-[refl] :
  {@0 A : Set a} {@0 x : A} 
  []-cong [ refl x ]  refl [ x ]
[]-cong-[refl] {x = x} =
  sym $ _↔_.to (from≡↔≡to Eq.⟨ _ , []-cong-equivalence ) (
    [ _↔_.from ≡↔≡ (P.cong erased (_↔_.to ≡↔≡ (refl [ x ]))) ]  ≡⟨ []-cong [ sym cong≡cong ] 
    [ cong erased (_↔_.from ≡↔≡ (_↔_.to ≡↔≡ (refl [ x ]))) ]    ≡⟨ []-cong [ cong (cong erased) (_↔_.left-inverse-of ≡↔≡ _) ] 
    [ cong erased (refl [ x ]) ]                                ≡⟨ []-cong [ cong-refl _ ] ⟩∎
    [ refl x ]                                                  )

-- The []-cong axioms can be instantiated.

instance-of-[]-cong-axiomatisation : []-cong-axiomatisation a
instance-of-[]-cong-axiomatisation = λ where
  .Erased.[]-cong-axiomatisation.[]-cong              []-cong
  .Erased.[]-cong-axiomatisation.[]-cong-equivalence  []-cong-equivalence
  .Erased.[]-cong-axiomatisation.[]-cong-[refl]       []-cong-[refl]

-- Some reexported definitions.

open Erased.[]-cong₃ instance-of-[]-cong-axiomatisation public
  hiding ([]-cong; []-cong-equivalence; []-cong-[refl])

-- Variants of some of the reexported definitions


  -- The lemma push-subst-[], which is reexported above, can be proved
  -- very easily when path equality is used.

  push-subst-[]-Path :
    {@0 P : A  Set p} {@0 p : P x} {x≡y : x P.≡ y} 
    P.subst  x  Erased (P x)) x≡y [ p ]  [ P.subst P x≡y p ]
  push-subst-[]-Path = refl _

  -- Above a lemma H-level-Erased is reexported. That lemma is proved
  -- in a certain way. The following two lemmas are included to
  -- illustrate a somewhat different proof technique that works for
  -- individual h-levels (given by closed natural numbers).

  -- Is-proposition is closed under Erased.

  Is-proposition-Erased :
    {@0 A : Set a} 
    @0 Is-proposition A  Is-proposition (Erased A)
  Is-proposition-Erased {A = A} prop =
    _↔_.from (H-level↔H-level 1)
         (_↔_.to (H-level↔H-level 1) prop))
    Is-proposition-Erased′ :
      @0 P.Is-proposition A  P.Is-proposition (Erased A)
    Is-proposition-Erased′ prop x y = λ i 
      [ prop (erased x) (erased y) i ]

  -- Is-set is closed under Erased.

  Is-set-Erased :
    {@0 A : Set a} 
    @0 Is-set A  Is-set (Erased A)
  Is-set-Erased {A = A} set =
    _↔_.from (H-level↔H-level 2)
         (_↔_.to (H-level↔H-level 2) set))
    Is-set-Erased′ : @0 P.Is-set A  P.Is-set (Erased A)
    Is-set-Erased′ set p q = λ i j 
      [ set (P.cong erased p) (P.cong erased q) i j ]

-- Some isomorphisms/equivalences

-- The following four results are inspired by a result in
-- Mishra-Linger's PhD thesis (see Section 5.4.1).

-- There is a bijection (with paths for equality, not _≡_) between
-- (x : Erased A) → P x and (@0 x : A) → P [ x ].
-- This is a strengthening of the result of the same name from Erased.

Π-Erased↔Π0[] :
  {@0 A : Set a} {@0 P : Erased A  Set p} 
  ((x : Erased A)  P x) PB.↔ ((@0 x : A)  P [ x ])
Π-Erased↔Π0[] = record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = Π-Erased⇔Π0
    ; right-inverse-of = λ f _  f
  ; left-inverse-of = λ f _  f

-- There is an equivalence (with paths for equality, not _≡_) between
-- (x : Erased A) → P x and (@0 x : A) → P [ x ].
-- This is not proved by converting Π-Erased↔Π0[] to an equivalence,
-- because the type arguments of the conversion function in
-- Equivalence are not erased, and A and P can only be used in erased
-- contexts.

Π-Erased≃Π0[] :
  {@0 A : Set a} {@0 P : Erased A  Set p} 
  ((x : Erased A)  P x) PEq.≃ ((@0 x : A)  P [ x ])
Π-Erased≃Π0[] = record
  { to             = λ f x  f [ x ]
  ; is-equivalence = λ f 
      (  ([ x ])  f x)
      ,  _  f)
      , λ (g , eq) i 
             ([ x ])  eq (P.- i) x)
          ,  j  eq (P.max (P.- i) j))

-- There is a bijection (with paths for equality, not _≡_) between
-- (x : Erased A) → P (erased x) and (@0 x : A) → P x.

Π-ErasedΠ0 :
  {@0 A : Set a} {@0 P : A  Set p} 
  ((x : Erased A)  P (erased x)) PB.↔ ((@0 x : A)  P x)
Π-Erased↔Π0 = Π-Erased↔Π0[]

-- There is an equivalence (with paths for equality, not _≡_) between
-- (x : Erased A) → P (erased x) and (@0 x : A) → P x.

Π-Erased≃Π0 :
  {@0 A : Set a} {@0 P : A  Set p} 
  ((x : Erased A)  P (erased x)) PEq.≃ ((@0 x : A)  P x)
Π-Erased≃Π0 = Π-Erased≃Π0[]

-- Stability

-- Reexported definitions.

open Stability.[]-cong instance-of-[]-cong-axiomatisation public

-- A closure property

-- If R is a propositional equivalence relation that is pointwise
-- stable, then equality is very stable for A / R.

Very-stable-≡-/ :
  Is-equivalence-relation R 
  (∀ x y  Is-proposition (R x y)) 
  (∀ x y  Stable (R x y)) 
  Very-stable-≡ (A / R)
Very-stable-≡-/ {A = A} {R = R} equiv prop s =
     x  Quotient.elim-Prop
        y                                             $⟨ s _ _ 
          Stable (R x y)                                 ↝⟨ flip Stable-proposition→Very-stable (prop _ _) 
          Very-stable (R x y)                            ↝⟨ Very-stable-cong _ (related≃[equal] equiv (prop _ _)) ⟩□
          Very-stable (Quotient.[ x ]  Quotient.[ y ])  )
        _  Very-stable-propositional ext))
       Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
       Very-stable-propositional ext)

-- Code related to Erased-singleton

-- A corollary of erased-singleton-with-erased-center-propositional.

↠→↔Erased-singleton :
  {@0 y : B}
  (A↠B : A  B) 
  Very-stable-≡ B 
   ( λ (x : A)  Erased (_↠_.to A↠B x  y))   Erased-singleton y
↠→↔Erased-singleton {A = A} {y = y} A↠B s =
   ( λ (x : A)  Erased (_↠_.to A↠B x  y))   ↝⟨ Trunc.∥∥-cong-⇔ (Surjection.Σ-cong-⇔ A↠B λ _  F.id) 
   Erased-singleton y                          ↝⟨ Trunc.∥∥↔ (erased-singleton-with-erased-center-propositional s) ⟩□
  Erased-singleton y                             


  -- The right-to-left direction of the previous lemma does not depend
  -- on the assumption of stability.

  ↠→Erased-singleton→ :
    {@0 y : B}
    (A↠B : A  B) 
    Erased-singleton y 
     ( λ (x : A)  Erased (_↠_.to A↠B x  y)) 
  ↠→Erased-singleton→ = _  -- Agda can infer the definition.

  _ : _↔_.from (↠→↔Erased-singleton A↠B s) x 
      ↠→Erased-singleton→ A↠B x
  _ = refl _

-- A corollary of Σ-Erased-Erased-singleton↔ and ↠→↔Erased-singleton.

Σ-Erased-∥-Σ-Erased-≡-∥↔ :
  (A↠B : A  B) 
  Very-stable-≡ B 
  ( λ (x : Erased B) 
      ( λ (y : A)  Erased (_↠_.to A↠B y  erased x)) ) 
Σ-Erased-∥-Σ-Erased-≡-∥↔ {A = A} {B = B} A↠B s =
  ( λ (x : Erased B) 
      ( λ (y : A)  Erased (_↠_.to A↠B y  erased x)) )  ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ↠→↔Erased-singleton A↠B s) 

  ( λ (x : Erased B)  Erased-singleton (erased x))        ↝⟨ Σ-Erased-Erased-singleton↔ ⟩□



  -- Again the right-to-left direction of the previous lemma does not
  -- depend on the assumption of stability.

  →Σ-Erased-∥-Σ-Erased-≡-∥ :
    (A↠B : A  B) 
     λ (x : Erased B) 
       ( λ (y : A)  Erased (_↠_.to A↠B y  erased x)) 
  →Σ-Erased-∥-Σ-Erased-≡-∥ = _  -- Agda can infer the definition.

  _ : _↔_.from (Σ-Erased-∥-Σ-Erased-≡-∥↔ A↠B s) x 
      →Σ-Erased-∥-Σ-Erased-≡-∥ A↠B x
  _ = refl _

-- In an erased context the left-to-right direction of
-- Σ-Erased-∥-Σ-Erased-≡-∥↔ returns the erased first component.

@0 to-Σ-Erased-∥-Σ-Erased-≡-∥↔≡ :
   (A↠B : A  B) (s : Very-stable-≡ B) x 
  _↔_.to (Σ-Erased-∥-Σ-Erased-≡-∥↔ A↠B s) x  erased (proj₁ x)
to-Σ-Erased-∥-Σ-Erased-≡-∥↔≡ A↠B s ([ x ] , y) =
  _↔_.to (Σ-Erased-∥-Σ-Erased-≡-∥↔ A↠B s) ([ x ] , y)  ≡⟨⟩
  proj₁ (_↔_.to (↠→↔Erased-singleton A↠B s) y)         ≡⟨ erased (proj₂ (_↔_.to (↠→↔Erased-singleton A↠B s) y)) ⟩∎