-- Paths, extensionality and univalence

{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe #-}

module Equality.Path where

open import Agda.Builtin.Cubical.Glue as Glue hiding (_≃_)

import Bijection
open import Equality
import Equivalence
import Function-universe
import H-level
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
import Preimage
open import Prelude
import Univalence-axiom

-- The interval

open import Agda.Primitive.Cubical public
  using (I; Partial; PartialP)
  renaming (i0 to ; i1 to ;
            IsOne to Is-one; itIsOne to is-one;
            primINeg to -_; primIMin to min; primIMax to max;
            primComp to comp; primHComp to hcomp;
            primTransp to transport)

open import Agda.Builtin.Cubical.Sub public
  renaming (Sub to _[_↦_]; inc to inˢ; primSubOut to outˢ)

-- Some local generalisable variables

    a b c p q  : Level
    A           : Set a
    B           : A  Set b
    P           : I  Set p
    x y z       : A
    f g h       : (x : A)  B x
    i j         : I
    n           : 

-- Equality

-- Homogeneous equality.

open import Agda.Builtin.Cubical.Path public using (_≡_)

-- Heterogeneous equality.

infix 4 [_]_≡_

[_]_≡_ : (P : I  Set p)  P   P   Set p
[_]_≡_ = Agda.Builtin.Cubical.Path.PathP

-- Filling

-- The code in this section is based on code in the cubical library
-- written by Anders Mörtberg.

-- Filling for homogenous composition.

hfill :
  {φ : I} (u : I  Partial φ A) (u₀ : A [ φ  u  ]) 
  outˢ u₀  hcomp u (outˢ u₀)
hfill {φ = φ} u u₀ = λ i 
  hcomp  j  λ { (φ = )  u (min i j) is-one
                 ; (i = )  outˢ u₀
        (outˢ u₀)

-- Filling for heterogeneous composition.
-- Note that if p had been a constant level, then the final line of
-- the type signature could have been replaced by
-- [ P ] outˢ u₀ ≡ comp P u u₀.

fill :
  {p : I  Level}
  (P :  i  Set (p i)) {φ : I}
  (u :  i  Partial φ (P i))
  (u₀ : P  [ φ  u  ]) 
   i  P i
fill P {φ} u u₀ i =
  comp  j  P (min i j))
        j  λ { (φ = )  u (min i j) is-one
                ; (i = )  outˢ u₀
       (outˢ u₀)

-- Filling for transport.

transport-fill :
  (A : Set )
  (φ : I)
  (P : (i : I)  Set  [ φ   _  A) ])
  (u₀ : outˢ (P )) 
  [  i  outˢ (P i)) ]
    u₀  transport  i  outˢ (P i)) φ u₀
transport-fill _ φ P u₀ i =
  transport  j  outˢ (P (min i j))) (max (- i) φ) u₀

-- Path equality satisfies the axioms of Equality-with-J

-- Reflexivity.

refl : x  x
refl {x = x} = λ _  x

-- A family of instantiations of Reflexive-relation.

reflexive-relation :    Reflexive-relation 
Reflexive-relation._≡_  (reflexive-relation _) = _≡_
Reflexive-relation.refl (reflexive-relation _) = λ _  refl

-- Symmetry.

hsym : [ P ] x  y  [  i  P (- i)) ] y  x
hsym x≡y = λ i  x≡y (- i)

-- Transitivity.
-- The proof htransʳ-reflʳ is based on code in Agda's reference manual
-- written by Anders Mörtberg.
-- The proof htrans is suggested in the HoTT book (first version,
-- Exercise 6.1).

htransʳ : [ P ] x  y  y  z  [ P ] x  z
htransʳ {x = x} x≡y y≡z = λ i 
  hcomp  { _ (i = )  x
           ; j (i = )  y≡z j
        (x≡y i)

htransˡ : x  y  [ P ] y  z  [ P ] x  z
htransˡ x≡y y≡z = hsym (htransʳ (hsym y≡z) (hsym x≡y))

htransʳ-reflʳ : (x≡y : [ P ] x  y)  htransʳ x≡y refl  x≡y
htransʳ-reflʳ {x = x} {y = y} x≡y = λ i j 
  hfill  { _ (j = )  x
           ; _ (j = )  y
        (inˢ (x≡y j))
        (- i)

htransˡ-reflˡ : (x≡y : [ P ] x  y)  htransˡ refl x≡y  x≡y
htransˡ-reflˡ = htransʳ-reflʳ

htrans :
  {x≡y : x  y} {y≡z : y  z}
  (P : A  Set p) {p : P x} {q : P y} {r : P z} 
  [  i  P (x≡y i)) ] p  q 
  [  i  P (y≡z i)) ] q  r 
  [  i  P (htransˡ x≡y y≡z i)) ] p  r
htrans {z = z} {x≡y = x≡y} {y≡z = y≡z} P {r = r} p≡q q≡r = λ i 
  comp  j  P (eq j i))
        { j (i = )  p≡q (- j)
          ; j (i = )  r
       (q≡r i)
  eq : [  i  x≡y (- i)  z) ] y≡z  htransˡ x≡y y≡z
  eq = λ i j 
    hfill  { i (j = )  x≡y (- i)
             ; _ (j = )  z
          (inˢ (y≡z j))

-- Some equational reasoning combinators.

infix  -1 finally finally-h
infixr -2 step-≡ step-≡h step-≡hh _≡⟨⟩_

step-≡ :  x  [ P ] y  z  x  y  [ P ] x  z
step-≡ _ = flip htransˡ

syntax step-≡ x y≡z x≡y = x ≡⟨ x≡y  y≡z

step-≡h :  x  y  z  [ P ] x  y  [ P ] x  z
step-≡h _ = flip htransʳ

syntax step-≡h x y≡z x≡y = x ≡⟨ x≡y ⟩h y≡z

step-≡hh :
  {x≡y : x  y} {y≡z : y  z}
  (P : A  Set p) (p : P x) {q : P y} {r : P z} 
  [  i  P (y≡z i)) ] q  r 
  [  i  P (x≡y i)) ] p  q 
  [  i  P (htransˡ x≡y y≡z i)) ] p  r
step-≡hh P _ = flip (htrans P)

syntax step-≡hh P p q≡r p≡q = p ≡⟨ p≡q ⟩[ P ] q≡r

_≡⟨⟩_ :  x  [ P ] x  y  [ P ] x  y
_ ≡⟨⟩ x≡y = x≡y

finally : (x y : A)  x  y  x  y
finally _ _ x≡y = x≡y

syntax finally x y x≡y = x ≡⟨ x≡y ⟩∎ y 

finally-h :  x y  [ P ] x  y  [ P ] x  y
finally-h _ _ x≡y = x≡y

syntax finally-h x y x≡y = x ≡⟨ x≡y ⟩∎h y 

-- The J rule.

elim :
  (P : {x y : A}  x  y  Set p) 
  (∀ x  P (refl {x = x})) 
  (x≡y : x  y)  P x≡y
elim {x = x} P p x≡y =
  transport  i  P  j  x≡y (min i j)))  (p x)

-- Substitutivity.

hsubst :
   (Q :  {i}  P i  Set q) 
  [ P ] x  y  Q x  Q y
hsubst Q x≡y p = transport  i  Q (x≡y i))  p

subst : (P : A  Set p)  x  y  P x  P y
subst P = hsubst P

-- Congruence.
-- The heterogeneous variant is based on code in the cubical library
-- written by Anders Mörtberg.

hcong :
  (f : (x : A)  B x) (x≡y : x  y) 
  [  i  B (x≡y i)) ] f x  f y
hcong f x≡y = λ i  f (x≡y i)

cong : {B : Set b} (f : A  B)  x  y  f x  f y
cong f = hcong f

dcong :
  (f : (x : A)  B x) (x≡y : x  y) 
  subst B x≡y (f x)  f y
dcong {B = B} f x≡y = λ i 
  transport  j  B (x≡y (max i j))) i (f (x≡y i))

-- Transporting along reflexivity amounts to doing nothing.
-- This definition is based on code in Agda's reference manual written
-- by Anders Mörtberg.

transport-refl :  i  transport  i  refl {x = A} i) i  id
transport-refl {A = A} i = λ j  transport  _  A) (max i j)

-- A family of instantiations of Equivalence-relation⁺.
-- Note that htransˡ is used to implement trans. The reason htransˡ is
-- used, rather than htransʳ, is that htransˡ is also used to
-- implement the commonly used equational reasoning combinator step-≡,
-- and I'd like this combinator to match trans.

equivalence-relation⁺ :    Equivalence-relation⁺ 
equivalence-relation⁺ _ = λ where
  .Equivalence-relation⁺.reflexive-relation  reflexive-relation _
  .Equivalence-relation.sym                 hsym
  .Equivalence-relation⁺.sym-refl            refl
  .Equivalence-relation⁺.trans               htransˡ
  .Equivalence-relation⁺.trans-refl-refl     htransˡ-reflˡ _

-- A family of instantiations of Equality-with-J₀.

equality-with-J₀ : Equality-with-J₀ a p reflexive-relation
Equality-with-J₀.elim      equality-with-J₀ = elim
Equality-with-J₀.elim-refl equality-with-J₀ = λ _ r 
  cong (_$ r _) $ transport-refl 

-- A family of instantiations of Equality-with-J.

equality-with-J : Equality-with-J a p equivalence-relation⁺
equality-with-J = λ where
  .Equality-with-J.equality-with-J₀  equality-with-J₀
  .Equality-with-J.cong              cong
  .Equality-with-J.cong-refl         λ _  refl
  .Equality-with-J.subst             subst
  .Equality-with-J.subst-refl        λ _ p 
                                        cong (_$ p) $ transport-refl 
  .Equality-with-J.dcong             dcong
  .Equality-with-J.dcong-refl        λ _  refl

-- Various derived definitions and properties.

open Derived-definitions-and-properties equality-with-J public
  hiding (_≡_; refl; elim; subst; cong; dcong;
          step-≡; _≡⟨⟩_; finally;
          reflexive-relation; equality-with-J₀)

-- Extensionality

open Equivalence equality-with-J using (Is-equivalence)

-- Extensionality.

ext : Extensionality a b
apply-ext ext f≡g = λ i x  f≡g x i

⟨ext⟩ : Extensionality′ A B
⟨ext⟩ = apply-ext ext

-- The function ⟨ext⟩ is an equivalence.

ext-is-equivalence : Is-equivalence {A =  x  f x  g x} ⟨ext⟩
ext-is-equivalence f≡g =
    (  x  cong (_$ x) f≡g)
    , refl
  , λ { (f≡g′ , ⟨ext⟩f≡g′≡f≡g) i 
           x  cong (_$ x) (sym ⟨ext⟩f≡g′≡f≡g i))
        ,  j  ⟨ext⟩f≡g′≡f≡g (max (- i) j))


  -- Equality rearrangement lemmas for ⟨ext⟩. All of these lemmas hold
  -- definitionally.

  ext-refl : ⟨ext⟩  x  refl {x = f x})  refl
  ext-refl = refl

  cong-ext :
    (f≡g :  x  f x  g x) 
    cong (_$ x) (⟨ext⟩ f≡g)  f≡g x
  cong-ext _ = refl

  subst-ext :
     {p} (f≡g :  x  f x  g x) 
    subst  f  B (f x)) (⟨ext⟩ f≡g) p  subst B (f≡g x) p
  subst-ext _ = refl

  elim-ext :
    {f g : (x : A)  B x}
    (P : B x  B x  Set p)
    (p : (y : B x)  P y y)
    (f≡g :  x  f x  g x) 
    elim  {f g} _  P (f x) (g x)) (p  (_$ x)) (⟨ext⟩ f≡g) 
    elim  {x y} _  P x y) p (f≡g x)
  elim-ext _ _ _ = refl

  -- I based the statements of the following three lemmas on code in
  -- the Lean Homotopy Type Theory Library with Jakob von Raumer and
  -- Floris van Doorn listed as authors. The file was claimed to have
  -- been ported from the Coq HoTT library. (The third lemma has later
  -- been generalised.)

  ext-sym :
    (f≡g :  x  f x  g x) 
    ⟨ext⟩ (sym  f≡g)  sym (⟨ext⟩ f≡g)
  ext-sym _ = refl

  ext-trans :
    (f≡g :  x  f x  g x) (g≡h :  x  g x  h x) 
    ⟨ext⟩  x  trans (f≡g x) (g≡h x)) 
    trans (⟨ext⟩ f≡g) (⟨ext⟩ g≡h)
  ext-trans _ _ = refl

  cong-post-∘-ext :
    {B : A  Set b} {C : A  Set c} {f g : (x : A)  B x}
    {h :  {x}  B x  C x}
    (f≡g :  x  f x  g x) 
    cong (h ∘_) (⟨ext⟩ f≡g)  ⟨ext⟩ (cong h  f≡g)
  cong-post-∘-ext _ = refl

  cong-pre-∘-ext :
    {B : Set b} {C : B  Set c} {f g : (x : B)  C x} {h : A  B}
    (f≡g :  x  f x  g x) 
    cong (_∘ h) (⟨ext⟩ f≡g)  ⟨ext⟩ (f≡g  h)
  cong-pre-∘-ext _ = refl

-- The univalence axiom

-- The code in this section is based on code by Anders Mörtberg from
-- Agda's reference manual or the cubical library.

open Preimage equality-with-J using (_⁻¹_)
open Univalence-axiom equality-with-J hiding (≃⇒≡; ≃⇒≡-id)

  open module Eq = Equivalence equality-with-J using (_≃_)


  -- Simple conversion functions.

  ≃⇒≃ : {B : Set b}  A  B  A Glue.≃ B
  ≃⇒≃ A≃B = _≃_.to A≃B
          , record { equiv-proof = _≃_.is-equivalence A≃B }

  ≃⇒≃⁻¹ : {B : Set b}  A Glue.≃ B  A  B
  ≃⇒≃⁻¹ (f , f-equiv) = record
    { to             = f
    ; is-equivalence = equiv-proof f-equiv

-- Equivalences can be converted to equalities (if the two types live
-- in the same universe).

≃⇒≡ : {A B : Set }  A  B  A  B
≃⇒≡ {A = A} {B} A≃B = λ i  primGlue B
   { (i = )  A
     ; (i = )  B
   { (i = )  ≃⇒≃ A≃B
     ; (i = )  ≃⇒≃ Eq.id

-- If ≃⇒≡ is applied to the identity equivalence, then the result is
-- equal to reflexivity.

≃⇒≡-id : ≃⇒≡ Eq.id  refl {x = A}
≃⇒≡-id {A = A} = λ i j  primGlue A
  {φ = max i (max j (- j))}
   _  A)
   _  ≃⇒≃ Eq.id)

-- ≃⇒≡ is a left inverse of ≡⇒≃.

≃⇒≡∘≡⇒≃ : {A B : Set } (A≡B : A  B) 
          ≃⇒≡ (≡⇒≃ A≡B)  A≡B
≃⇒≡∘≡⇒≃ = elim
   A≡B  ≃⇒≡ (≡⇒≃ A≡B)  A≡B)
     ≃⇒≡ (≡⇒≃ refl)  ≡⟨ cong ≃⇒≡ ≡⇒≃-refl 
     ≃⇒≡ Eq.id       ≡⟨ ≃⇒≡-id ⟩∎
     refl            )

-- ≃⇒≡ is a right inverse of ≡⇒≃.

≡⇒≃∘≃⇒≡ : {A B : Set } (A≃B : A  B) 
          ≡⇒≃ (≃⇒≡ A≃B)  A≃B
≡⇒≃∘≃⇒≡ {A = A} {B} A≃B = Eq.lift-equality ext (
  ≡⇒→ (≃⇒≡ A≃B)                                     ≡⟨⟩
  _≃_.to (transport  i  A  ≃⇒≡ A≃B i)  Eq.id)  ≡⟨⟩
  transport  i  A  ≃⇒≡ A≃B i)  id              ≡⟨⟩
  transport  _  A  B)  (_≃_.to A≃B)            ≡⟨ cong (_$ _≃_.to A≃B) $ transport-refl  ⟩∎
  _≃_.to A≃B                                        )

-- Univalence.

univ :  {}  Univalence 
univ = _≃_.is-equivalence $ Eq.↔⇒≃ (record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { from = ≃⇒≡
    ; right-inverse-of = ≡⇒≃∘≃⇒≡
  ; left-inverse-of = ≃⇒≡∘≡⇒≃


  -- The type primGlue A B f is equivalent to A.

  primGlue≃ :
    (φ : I)
    (B : Partial φ (Set ))
    (f : PartialP φ  x  B x Glue.≃ A)) 
    primGlue A B f  A
  primGlue≃ {A = A} φ B f = record
    { to             = prim^unglue {φ = φ}
    ; is-equivalence = λ x 
          ( prim^glue  p  _≃_.from (f′ p) x) (hcomp (lemma₁ x) x)
          , (hcomp (lemma₁ x) x  ≡⟨ sym $ hfill (lemma₁ x) (inˢ x) ⟩∎
             x                   )
        , λ y i 
              prim^glue  { (φ = )  proj₁ (lemma₂ is-one y i) })
                        (hcomp (lemma₃ y i) x)
            , (hcomp (lemma₃ y i) x  ≡⟨ sym $ hfill (lemma₃ y i) (inˢ x) ⟩∎
               x                     )
    f′ : PartialP φ  x  B x  A)
    f′ p = ≃⇒≃⁻¹ (f p)

    lemma₁ : A   i  Partial φ A
    lemma₁ x i (φ = ) = (
      x                                  ≡⟨ sym (_≃_.right-inverse-of (f′ is-one) x) ⟩∎
      _≃_.to (f′ _) (_≃_.from (f′ _) x)  ) i

    lemma₂ :  {x} p (y : _≃_.to (f′ p) ⁻¹ x) 
             (_≃_.from (f′ p) x , _≃_.right-inverse-of (f′ p) x)  y
    lemma₂ {x} p = _≃_.irrelevance (f′ p) x

    lemma₃ :  {x}  prim^unglue {e = f} ⁻¹ x 
              i  I  Partial (max φ (max i (- i))) A
    lemma₃     y i j (φ = ) = sym (proj₂ (lemma₂ is-one y i)) j
    lemma₃ {x} _ i j (i = ) = hfill (lemma₁ x) (inˢ x) j
    lemma₃     y i j (i = ) = sym (proj₂ y) j

-- An alternative formulation of univalence.

other-univ : Other-univalence 
other-univ { = } {B = B} =
    (B , Eq.id)
  , λ { (A , A≃B) i 
          let C :  i  Partial (max i (- i)) (Set )
              C = λ { i (i = )  B
                    ; i (i = )  A

              f :  i  PartialP (max i (- i))  j  C i j Glue.≃ B)
              f = λ { i (i = )  ≃⇒≃ Eq.id
                    ; i (i = )  ≃⇒≃ A≃B
            primGlue  _ _ (f i)
          , primGlue≃ _ _ (f i)

-- Some properties

open Bijection equality-with-J using (_↔_)
open Function-universe equality-with-J hiding (id; _∘_)
open H-level equality-with-J

-- There is a dependent path from reflexivity for x to any dependent
-- path starting in x.

refl≡ :
  (x≡y : [ P ] x  y) 
  [  i  [  j  P (min i j)) ] x  x≡y i) ] refl {x = x}  x≡y
refl≡ x≡y = λ i j  x≡y (min i j)

-- Transporting in one direction and then back amounts to doing
-- nothing.

transport∘transport :
   {p : I  Level} (P :  i  Set (p i)) {p} 
  transport  i  P (- i))  (transport P  p)  p
transport∘transport P {p} = hsym λ i 
  comp  j  P (min i (- j)))
        j  λ { (i = )  p
                ; (i = )  transport  k  P (- min j k)) (- j)
                              (transport P  p)
       (transport  j  P (min i j)) (- i) p)

-- The following two lemmas are due to Anders Mörtberg.
-- Previously Andrea Vezzosi and I had each proved the second lemma in
-- much more convoluted ways (starting from a logical equivalence
-- proved by Anders; I had also gotten some useful hints from Andrea
-- for my proof).

-- Heterogeneous equality can be expressed in terms of homogeneous
-- equality.

heterogeneous≡homogeneous :
  {P : I  Set p} {p : P } {q : P } 
  ([ P ] p  q)  (transport P  p  q)
heterogeneous≡homogeneous {P = P} {p = p} {q = q} = λ i 
  [  j  P (max i j)) ] transport  j  P (min i j)) (- i) p  q

-- A variant of the previous lemma.

heterogeneous↔homogeneous :
  (P : I  Set p) {p : P } {q : P } 
  ([ P ] p  q)  transport P  p  q
heterogeneous↔homogeneous P =
    ([ P ] _  _ ↔_)
    (Bijection.id equality-with-J)

-- The function dcong is pointwise definitionally equal to an
-- expression involving hcong.

dcong≡hcong :
  {x≡y : x  y} (f : (x : A)  B x) 
  dcong f x≡y 
  _↔_.to (heterogeneous↔homogeneous  i  B (x≡y i))) (hcong f x≡y)
dcong≡hcong {x = x} {y = y} {B = B} {x≡y = x≡y} f = elim¹
     dcong f x≡y 
     _↔_.to (heterogeneous↔homogeneous  i  B (x≡y i))) (hcong f x≡y))

  ((λ i  transport  _  B x) i (f x))                             ≡⟨  i  comp
                                                                            j  transport  _  B x) (- j) (f x)  f x)
                                                                            { j (i = )   i  transport  _  B x) (max i (- j)) (f x))
                                                                              ; j (i = )  transport
                                                                                               i  transport  _  B x) (- min i j) (f x)  f x)
                                                                           (transport  _  f x  f x) (- i) refl)) 

   transport  i  transport  _  B x) (- i) (f x)  f x)  refl  ≡⟨ cong (transport  i  transport  _  B x) (- i) (f x)  f x)  
                                                                              (_$ refl)) $ sym $
                                                                        transport-refl  ⟩∎
   transport  i  transport  _  B x) (- i) (f x)  f x) 
     (transport  _  f x  f x)  refl)                            )


-- All instances of an interval-indexed family are equal.

index-irrelevant : (P : I  Set p)  P i  P j
index-irrelevant {i = i} {j = j} P =
  λ k  P (max (min i (- k)) (min j k))

-- Positive h-levels of P i can be expressed in terms of the h-levels
-- of dependent paths over P.

H-level-suc↔H-level[]≡ :
  {P : I  Set p} 
  H-level (suc n) (P i)  (∀ x y  H-level n ([ P ] x  y))
H-level-suc↔H-level[]≡ {n = n} {i = i} {P = P} =
  H-level (suc n) (P i)                                            ↝⟨ H-level-cong ext _ (≡⇒≃ $ index-irrelevant P) 

  H-level (suc n) (P )                                            ↝⟨ inverse $ ≡↔+ _ ext 

  ((x y : P )  H-level n (x  y))                                ↝⟨ (Π-cong ext (≡⇒≃ $ index-irrelevant P) λ x  ∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                                       ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong  x  H-level _ (x  _)) (
      x                                                                  ≡⟨ sym $ transport∘transport  i  P (- i)) 

      transport P  (transport  i  P (- i))  x)                      ≡⟨ cong  f  transport P  (transport  i  P (- i))  (f x))) $ sym $
                                                                            transport-refl  ⟩∎
      transport P 
        (transport  i  P (- i))  (transport  _  P )  x))        )) 

  ((x : P ) (y : P )  H-level n (transport P  x  y))          ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ x  ∀-cong ext λ y  H-level-cong ext n $ inverse $
                                                                       heterogeneous↔homogeneous P) ⟩□
  ((x : P ) (y : P )  H-level n ([ P ] x  y))                  


  -- A simple lemma used below.

  H-level-suc→H-level[]≡ :
     n  H-level (1 + n) (P )  H-level n ([ P ] x  y)
  H-level-suc→H-level[]≡ {P = P} {x = x} {y = y} n =
    H-level (1 + n) (P )              ↔⟨ H-level-suc↔H-level[]≡ 
    (∀ x y  H-level n ([ P ] x  y))  ↝⟨  f  f _ _) ⟩□
    H-level n ([ P ] x  y)            

-- The following two lemmas can be used to implement the truncation
-- cases of (at least some) eliminators for (at least some) HITs. For
-- some examples, see H-level.Truncation.Propositional and
-- Quotient.HIT.

-- If P is pointwise propositional, then we get a form of proof
-- irrelevance.
-- Note that it would suffice for P x to be propositional. However,
-- the lemma is intended to be used in a setting in which one has
-- access to a proof of the more general statement.

heterogeneous-irrelevance :
  {P : A  Set p} 
  (∀ x  Is-proposition (P x)) 
  {x≡y : x  y} {p₁ : P x} {p₂ : P y} 
  [  i  P (x≡y i)) ] p₁  p₂
heterogeneous-irrelevance {x = x} {P = P} P-prop {x≡y} {p₁} {p₂} =
                                                $⟨ P-prop 
  (∀ x  Is-proposition (P x))                  ↝⟨ _$ _ 
  Is-proposition (P x)                          ↔⟨⟩
  Is-proposition (P (x≡y ))                    ↝⟨ H-level-suc→H-level[]≡ _ 
  Contractible ([  i  P (x≡y i)) ] p₁  p₂)  ↝⟨ proj₁ ⟩□
  [  i  P (x≡y i)) ] p₁  p₂                 

-- If P is a family of sets, then a variant of UIP holds.
-- Note that it would suffice for P x to be a set. However, the lemma
-- is intended to be used in settings in which one has access to a
-- proof of the more general statement.
-- The cubical library contains a lemma with basically the same type,
-- but with a seemingly rather different proof, implemented by Zesen
-- Qian.

heterogeneous-UIP :
  {P : A  Set p} 
  (∀ x  Is-set (P x)) 
  {eq₁ eq₂ : x  y} (eq₃ : eq₁  eq₂) {p₁ : P x} {p₂ : P y}
  (eq₄ : [  j  P (eq₁ j)) ] p₁  p₂)
  (eq₅ : [  j  P (eq₂ j)) ] p₁  p₂) 
  [  i  [  j  P (eq₃ i j)) ] p₁  p₂) ] eq₄  eq₅
heterogeneous-UIP {x = x} {P = P} P-set eq₃ {p₁} {p₂} eq₄ eq₅ =
                                                                        $⟨ P-set 
  (∀ x  Is-set (P x))                                                  ↝⟨ _$ _ 
  Is-set (P x)                                                          ↔⟨⟩
  Is-set (P (eq₃  ))                                                  ↝⟨ H-level-suc→H-level[]≡ 1 
  Is-proposition ([  j  P (eq₃  j)) ] p₁  p₂)                      ↝⟨ H-level-suc→H-level[]≡ _ 
  Contractible ([  i  [  j  P (eq₃ i j)) ] p₁  p₂) ] eq₄  eq₅)  ↝⟨ proj₁ ⟩□
  [  i  [  j  P (eq₃ i j)) ] p₁  p₂) ] eq₄  eq₅