-- A wrapper that turns a representation of natural numbe (th a
-- unique representative for every number) into a representation that
-- computes roughly like the unary natural numbers (at least for some
-- operations)

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

import Bijection
open import Equality
import Erased
open import Prelude hiding (zero; suc; _+_; _*_; _^_)

module Nat.Wrapper
  (eq :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p c⁺)

  -- An instantiation of the []-cong axioms.
  (open Erased eq)
  (ax :  {a}  []-cong-axiomatisation a)

  -- The underlying representation of natural numbers.
  (Nat′ : Set)
  -- A bijection between this representation and the unary natural
  -- numbers.
  (open Bijection eq using (_↔_))
  (Nat′↔ℕ : Nat′  )

open Derived-definitions-and-properties eq
open []-cong₃ ax

open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_; Dec-map)

open import Erased.Stability eq
open import Function-universe eq as F hiding (_∘_)
open import H-level eq
open import H-level.Closure eq
open import List eq
open import List.All.Recursive eq
open import Vec eq as Vec

open []-cong ax


  module N where
    open import Nat eq public
    open Prelude public using (zero; suc; _+_; _*_; _^_)

    A               : Set
    f f′ m n n′ hyp : A

-- The wrapper


  -- Converts from the underlying representation to unary natural
  -- numbers.

  to-ℕ : Nat′  
  to-ℕ = _↔_.to Nat′↔ℕ

  -- Equality is very stable for the natural numbers.

  Very-stable-≡-ℕ : Very-stable-≡ 
  Very-stable-≡-ℕ = Decidable-equality→Very-stable-≡ N._≟_

-- Natural numbers built on top of Nat′, indexed by corresponding
-- unary natural numbers.

Nat-[_] : @0   Set
Nat-[ m ] =  λ (n : Nat′)  Erased (to-ℕ n  m)

-- Nat-[ n ] is a proposition.

Nat-[]-propositional : {@0 n : }  Is-proposition Nat-[ n ]
Nat-[]-propositional {n = n} =                                      $⟨ Very-stable-≡-ℕ 
  Very-stable-≡                                                    ↝⟨ Very-stable-congⁿ _ 1 (inverse Nat′↔ℕ) 
  Very-stable-≡ Nat′                                                ↝⟨ erased-singleton-with-erased-center-propositional 
  Is-proposition ( λ (m : Nat′)  Erased (m  _↔_.from Nat′↔ℕ n))  ↝⟨ (H-level-cong _ 1 $ ∃-cong λ _  Erased-cong (inverse $
                                                                        from≡↔≡to (from-isomorphism $ inverse Nat′↔ℕ))) ⟩□
  Is-proposition ( λ (m : Nat′)  Erased (to-ℕ m  n))             

-- A non-indexed variant of Nat-[_].

Nat : Set
Nat =  λ (n : Erased )  Nat-[ erased n ]

-- Returns the (erased) index.

@0 ⌊_⌋ : Nat  
 [ n ] , _  = n

-- There is a bijection between equality of two values of type Nat and
-- erased equality of the corresponding unary natural number indices.

≡-for-indices↔≡ :
  {m n : Nat} 
  Erased ( m    n )  m  n
≡-for-indices↔≡ {m = m} {n = n} =
  Erased ( m    n )  ↝⟨ Erased-≡↔[]≡[] 
  proj₁ m  proj₁ n       ↝⟨ ignore-propositional-component Nat-[]-propositional ⟩□
  m  n                   

-- Conversion functions

-- Nat-[ n ] is isomorphic to the type of natural numbers equal
-- (with erased equality proofs) to n.

Nat-[]↔Σℕ : {@0 n : }  Nat-[ n ]   λ m  Erased (m  n)
Nat-[]↔Σℕ {n = n} =
  ( λ (m : Nat′)  Erased (to-ℕ m  n))  ↝⟨ (Σ-cong Nat′↔ℕ λ _  F.id) ⟩□
  ( λ m  Erased (m  n))                

-- Nat is isomorphic to the type of unary natural numbers.

Nat↔ℕ : Nat  
Nat↔ℕ =
  Nat                                                   ↔⟨⟩
  ( λ (n : Erased )  Nat-[ erased n ])               ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  Nat-[]↔Σℕ) 
  ( λ (n : Erased )   λ m  Erased (m  erased n))  ↝⟨ Σ-Erased-Erased-singleton↔ ⟩□

-- Converts from ℕ to Nat.

⌈_⌉ :   Nat
⌈_⌉ = _↔_.from Nat↔ℕ

-- The index matches the result of _↔_.to Nat↔ℕ.

@0 ≡⌊⌋ :  n  _↔_.to Nat↔ℕ n   n 
≡⌊⌋ ([ m ] , n , eq) =
  _↔_.to Nat↔ℕ ([ m ] , n , eq)  ≡⟨⟩
  _↔_.to Nat′↔ℕ n                ≡⟨ erased eq ⟩∎

-- Some operations for Nat-[_]

-- A helper function that can be used to define constants.

nullary-[] :
  {@0 n : }
  (n′ : Nat′) 
  @0 to-ℕ n′  n 
  Nat-[ n ]
nullary-[] n′ hyp = n′ , [ hyp ]

-- A helper function that can be used to define unary operators.

unary-[] :
  {@0 n : } {@0 f :   }
  (f′ : Nat′  Nat′) 
  @0 (∀ n  to-ℕ (f′ n)  f (to-ℕ n)) 
  Nat-[ n ]  Nat-[ f n ]
unary-[] {n = n} {f = f} f′ hyp (n′ , p) =
    f′ n′
  , [ to-ℕ (f′ n′)  ≡⟨ hyp _ 
      f (to-ℕ n′)   ≡⟨ cong f (erased p) ⟩∎
      f n           

-- A helper function that can be used to define n-ary operators.

n-ary-[] :
  (n : )
  {@0 ms : Vec (Erased ) n}
  (@0 f : Vec  n  )
  (f′ : Vec Nat′ n  Nat′) 
  @0 (∀ ms  to-ℕ (f′ ms)  f (Vec.map to-ℕ ms)) 
  All (Nat-[_]  erased) (Vec.to-list ms) 
  Nat-[ f (Vec.map erased ms) ]
n-ary-[] N.zero _ f′ hyp _ =
  nullary-[] (f′ _) (hyp _)
n-ary-[] (N.suc n) {ms = ms} f f′ hyp ((m′ , p) , ms′) =
    (f  (erased (Vec.head ms) ,_))
     ms′  f′ (m′ , ms′))
       to-ℕ (f′ (m′ , ms′))                         ≡⟨ hyp (m′ , ms′) 
       f (to-ℕ m′              , Vec.map to-ℕ ms′)  ≡⟨ cong  x  f (x , _)) (erased p) ⟩∎
       f (erased (Vec.head ms) , Vec.map to-ℕ ms′)  )

-- The function n-ary-[] should be normalised by the compiler.

{-# STATIC n-ary-[] #-}

-- A helper function that can be used to define binary
-- operators.

binary-[] :
  {@0 m n : } {@0 f :     }
  (f′ : Nat′  Nat′  Nat′) 
  @0 (∀ m n  to-ℕ (f′ m n)  f (to-ℕ m) (to-ℕ n)) 
  Nat-[ m ]  Nat-[ n ]  Nat-[ f m n ]
binary-[] f′ hyp m n =
     (m , n , _)  f′ m n)
     (m , n , _)  hyp m n)
    (m , n , _)

-- The code below is parametrised by implementations of (and
-- correctness properties for) certain operations for Nat′.

record Operations : Set where
  infixl 8 _*2^_
  infixr 8 _^_
  infixl 7 _*_
  infixl 6 _+_
  infix  4 _≟_

    zero      : Nat′
    to-ℕ-zero : to-ℕ zero  N.zero

    suc       : Nat′  Nat′
    to-ℕ-suc  :  n  to-ℕ (suc n)  N.suc (to-ℕ n)

    _+_       : Nat′  Nat′  Nat′
    to-ℕ-+    :  m n  to-ℕ (m + n)  to-ℕ m N.+ to-ℕ n

    _*_       : Nat′  Nat′  Nat′
    to-ℕ-*    :  m n  to-ℕ (m * n)  to-ℕ m N.* to-ℕ n

    _^_       : Nat′  Nat′  Nat′
    to-ℕ-^    :  m n  to-ℕ (m ^ n)  to-ℕ m N.^ to-ℕ n

    ⌊_/2⌋     : Nat′  Nat′
    to-ℕ-⌊/2⌋ :  n  to-ℕ  n /2⌋  N.⌊ to-ℕ n /2⌋

    ⌈_/2⌉     : Nat′  Nat′
    to-ℕ-⌈/2⌉ :  n  to-ℕ  n /2⌉  N.⌈ to-ℕ n /2⌉

    _*2^_     : Nat′    Nat′
    to-ℕ-*2^  :  m n  to-ℕ (m *2^ n)  to-ℕ m N.* 2 N.^ n

    _≟_       :  m n  Dec (Erased (to-ℕ m  to-ℕ n))

    from-bits      : List Bool  Nat′
    to-ℕ-from-bits :
      to-ℕ (from-bits bs) 
      foldl  n b  (if b then 1 else 0) N.+ 2 N.* n) 0 bs

    to-bits                : Nat′  List Bool
    to-ℕ-from-bits-to-bits :
       n  to-ℕ (from-bits (to-bits n))  to-ℕ n

-- If certain operations are defined for Nat′, then they can be
-- defined for Nat-[_] as well.

module Operations-for-Nat-[] (o : Operations) where


    module O = Operations o

  -- Zero.

  zero : Nat-[ N.zero ]
  zero = nullary-[] O.zero O.to-ℕ-zero

  -- The number's successor.

  suc : {@0 n : }  Nat-[ n ]  Nat-[ N.suc n ]
  suc = unary-[] O.suc O.to-ℕ-suc

  -- Addition.

  infixl 6 _+_

  _+_ : {@0 m n : }  Nat-[ m ]  Nat-[ n ]  Nat-[ m N.+ n ]
  _+_ = binary-[] O._+_ O.to-ℕ-+

  -- Multiplication.

  infixl 7 _*_

  _*_ : {@0 m n : }  Nat-[ m ]  Nat-[ n ]  Nat-[ m N.* n ]
  _*_ = binary-[] O._*_ O.to-ℕ-*

  -- Exponentiation.

  infixr 8 _^_

  _^_ : {@0 m n : }  Nat-[ m ]  Nat-[ n ]  Nat-[ m N.^ n ]
  _^_ = binary-[] O._^_ O.to-ℕ-^

  -- Division by two, rounded downwards.

  ⌊_/2⌋ : {@0 n : }  Nat-[ n ]  Nat-[ N.⌊ n /2⌋ ]
  ⌊_/2⌋ = unary-[] O.⌊_/2⌋ O.to-ℕ-⌊/2⌋

  -- Division by two, rounded upwards.

  ⌈_/2⌉ : {@0 n : }  Nat-[ n ]  Nat-[ N.⌈ n /2⌉ ]
  ⌈_/2⌉ = unary-[] O.⌈_/2⌉ O.to-ℕ-⌈/2⌉

  -- Left shift.

  infixl 8 _*2^_

  _*2^_ : {@0 m : }  Nat-[ m ]   n  Nat-[ m N.* 2 N.^ n ]
  m *2^ n = unary-[] (O._*2^ n) (flip O.to-ℕ-*2^ n) m

  -- Equality is decidable (in a certain sense).

  infix 4 _≟_

  _≟_ :
    {@0 m n : } 
    Nat-[ m ]  Nat-[ n ] 
    Dec (Erased (m  n))
  _≟_ {m = m} {n = n} (m′ , [ m≡m′ ]) (n′ , [ n≡n′ ]) =
      (Erased-cong (
         to-ℕ m′  to-ℕ n′  ↝⟨ ≡⇒↝ _ (cong₂ _≡_ m≡m′ n≡n′) ⟩□
         m  n              ))
      (m′ O.≟ n′)

  -- Conversion from bits. (The most significant bit comes first.)

  from-bits :
    (bs : List Bool) 
    Nat-[ foldl  n b  (if b then 1 else 0) N.+ 2 N.* n) 0 bs ]
  from-bits bs = nullary-[] (O.from-bits bs) (O.to-ℕ-from-bits bs)

  -- Conversion to bits. (The most significant bit comes first.)

  to-bits :
    {@0 n : } 
    Nat-[ n ] 
     λ (bs : List Bool) 
      Erased (foldl  n b  (if b then 1 else 0) N.+ 2 N.* n) 0 bs  n)
  to-bits {n = n} (n′ , [ n′≡n ]) =
      O.to-bits n′
    , [ foldl  n b  (if b then 1 else 0) N.+ 2 N.* n) 0
          (O.to-bits n′)                                    ≡⟨ sym $ O.to-ℕ-from-bits _ 

        to-ℕ (O.from-bits (O.to-bits n′))                   ≡⟨ O.to-ℕ-from-bits-to-bits _ 

        to-ℕ n′                                             ≡⟨ n′≡n ⟩∎


-- Operations for Nat

-- A helper function that can be used to define constants.

nullary :
  (@0 n : ) (n′ : Nat′) 
  @0 to-ℕ n′  n 
nullary n n′ hyp = [ n ] , nullary-[] n′ hyp

-- The function nullary is correct.
-- Note that the first of the correctness results holds by definition.


  @0 nullary-correct′ :  nullary n n′ hyp   n
  nullary-correct′ = refl _

nullary-correct :
  (@0 hyp : to-ℕ n′  n) 
  _↔_.to Nat↔ℕ (nullary n n′ hyp)  n
nullary-correct {n′ = n′} {n = n} hyp =
  Very-stable→Stable 1 Very-stable-≡-ℕ _ _
     [ _↔_.to Nat↔ℕ (nullary n n′ hyp)  ≡⟨ ≡⌊⌋ (nullary n n′ hyp) 
        nullary n n′ hyp              ≡⟨⟩

-- A helper function that can be used to define unary operators.

unary :
  (@0 f :   ) (f′ : Nat′  Nat′) 
  @0 (∀ n  to-ℕ (f′ n)  f (to-ℕ n)) 
  Nat  Nat
unary f f′ hyp ([ n ] , n′) = ([ f n ] , unary-[] f′ hyp n′)

-- The function unary is correct.
-- Note that the first of the correctness results holds by definition.


  @0 unary-correct′ :  unary f f′ hyp n   f  n 
  unary-correct′ = refl _

unary-correct :
  (f :   ) (@0 hyp :  n  to-ℕ (f′ n)  f (to-ℕ n)) 
   n  _↔_.to Nat↔ℕ (unary f f′ hyp n)  f (_↔_.to Nat↔ℕ n)
unary-correct {f′ = f′} f hyp n =
  Very-stable→Stable 1 Very-stable-≡-ℕ _ _
    [ _↔_.to Nat↔ℕ (unary f f′ hyp n)  ≡⟨ ≡⌊⌋ (unary f f′ hyp n) 
       unary f f′ hyp n              ≡⟨⟩
      f  n                           ≡⟨ sym $ cong f $ ≡⌊⌋ n ⟩∎
      f (_↔_.to Nat↔ℕ n)               

-- A helper function that can be used to define n-ary operators.

n-ary :
  (n : )
  (@0 f : Vec  n  )
  (f′ : Vec Nat′ n  Nat′) 
  @0 (∀ ms  to-ℕ (f′ ms)  f (Vec.map to-ℕ ms)) 
  Vec Nat n  Nat
n-ary n f f′ hyp ms =
    [ f (Vec.map erased (proj₁ (_↔_.to Vec-Σ ms))) ]
  , n-ary-[] n f f′ hyp (proj₂ (_↔_.to Vec-Σ ms))

-- The function n-ary should be normalised by the compiler.

{-# STATIC n-ary #-}

-- The function n-ary is correct.

n-ary-correct :
   (n : ) f {f′}
  (@0 hyp :  ms  to-ℕ (f′ ms)  f (Vec.map to-ℕ ms)) 
  _↔_.to Nat↔ℕ (n-ary n f f′ hyp ms)  f (Vec.map (_↔_.to Nat↔ℕ) ms)
n-ary-correct n f {f′ = f′} hyp ms =
  Very-stable→Stable 1 Very-stable-≡-ℕ _ _
    [ _↔_.to Nat↔ℕ (n-ary n f f′ hyp ms)            ≡⟨ ≡⌊⌋ (n-ary n f f′ hyp ms) 
       n-ary n f f′ hyp ms                        ≡⟨⟩
      f (Vec.map erased (proj₁ (_↔_.to Vec-Σ ms)))  ≡⟨ cong (f  Vec.map _) proj₁-Vec-Σ 
      f (Vec.map erased (Vec.map proj₁ ms))         ≡⟨ cong f $ sym Vec.map-∘ 
      f (Vec.map ⌊_⌋ ms)                            ≡⟨ cong f $ sym $ Vec.map-cong ≡⌊⌋ ⟩∎
      f (Vec.map (_↔_.to Nat↔ℕ) ms)                 

-- A helper function that can be used to define binary operators

binary :
  (@0 f :     ) (f′ : Nat′  Nat′  Nat′) 
  @0 (∀ m n  to-ℕ (f′ m n)  f (to-ℕ m) (to-ℕ n)) 
  Nat  Nat  Nat
binary f g hyp m n =
     (m , n , _)  f m n)
     (m , n , _)  g m n)
     (m , n , _)  hyp m n)
    (m , n , _)

-- The function binary is correct.
-- Note that the first of the correctness results holds by definition.


  @0 binary-correct′ :  binary f f′ hyp m n   f  m   n 
  binary-correct′ = refl _

binary-correct :
  (f :     )
  (@0 hyp :  m n  to-ℕ (f′ m n)  f (to-ℕ m) (to-ℕ n)) 
   m n 
  _↔_.to Nat↔ℕ (binary f f′ hyp m n) 
  f (_↔_.to Nat↔ℕ m) (_↔_.to Nat↔ℕ n)
binary-correct f hyp m n =
     (m , n , _)  f m n)
     (m , n , _)  hyp m n)
    (m , n , _)

-- If certain operations are defined for Nat′, then they can be
-- defined for Nat-[_] as well.

module Operations-for-Nat (o : Operations) where


    module O    = Operations o
    module O-[] = Operations-for-Nat-[] o

  -- Zero.

  zero : Nat
  zero = nullary N.zero O.zero O.to-ℕ-zero

  to-ℕ-zero : _↔_.to Nat↔ℕ zero  N.zero
  to-ℕ-zero = nullary-correct O.to-ℕ-zero

  -- The number's successor.

  suc : Nat  Nat
  suc = unary N.suc O.suc O.to-ℕ-suc

  to-ℕ-suc :  n  _↔_.to Nat↔ℕ (suc n)  N.suc (_↔_.to Nat↔ℕ n)
  to-ℕ-suc = unary-correct N.suc O.to-ℕ-suc

  -- Addition.

  infixl 6 _+_

  _+_ : Nat  Nat  Nat
  _+_ = binary N._+_ O._+_ O.to-ℕ-+

  to-ℕ-+ :
     m n  _↔_.to Nat↔ℕ (m + n)  _↔_.to Nat↔ℕ m N.+ _↔_.to Nat↔ℕ n
  to-ℕ-+ = binary-correct N._+_ O.to-ℕ-+

  -- Multiplication.

  infixl 7 _*_

  _*_ : Nat  Nat  Nat
  _*_ = binary N._*_ O._*_ O.to-ℕ-*

  to-ℕ-* :
     m n  _↔_.to Nat↔ℕ (m * n)  _↔_.to Nat↔ℕ m N.* _↔_.to Nat↔ℕ n
  to-ℕ-* = binary-correct N._*_ O.to-ℕ-*

  -- Multiplication.

  infixr 8 _^_

  _^_ : Nat  Nat  Nat
  _^_ = binary N._^_ O._^_ O.to-ℕ-^

  to-ℕ-^ :
     m n  _↔_.to Nat↔ℕ (m ^ n)  _↔_.to Nat↔ℕ m N.^ _↔_.to Nat↔ℕ n
  to-ℕ-^ = binary-correct N._^_ O.to-ℕ-^

  -- Division by two, rounded downwards.

  ⌊_/2⌋ : Nat  Nat
  ⌊_/2⌋ = unary N.⌊_/2⌋ O.⌊_/2⌋ O.to-ℕ-⌊/2⌋

  to-ℕ-⌊/2⌋ :  n  _↔_.to Nat↔ℕ  n /2⌋  N.⌊ _↔_.to Nat↔ℕ n /2⌋
  to-ℕ-⌊/2⌋ = unary-correct N.⌊_/2⌋ O.to-ℕ-⌊/2⌋

  -- Division by two, rounded upwards.

  _/2⌉ : Nat  Nat
  ⌈_/2⌉ = unary N.⌈_/2⌉ O.⌈_/2⌉ O.to-ℕ-⌈/2⌉

  to-ℕ-⌈/2⌉ :  n  _↔_.to Nat↔ℕ  n /2⌉  N.⌈ _↔_.to Nat↔ℕ n /2⌉
  to-ℕ-⌈/2⌉ = unary-correct N.⌈_/2⌉ O.to-ℕ-⌈/2⌉

  -- Left shift.

  infixl 8 _*2^_

  _*2^_ : Nat    Nat
  m *2^ n =
    unary  m  m N.* 2 N.^ n) (O._*2^ n) (flip O.to-ℕ-*2^ n) m

  to-ℕ-*2^ :
     m n  _↔_.to Nat↔ℕ (m *2^ n)  _↔_.to Nat↔ℕ m N.* 2 N.^ n
  to-ℕ-*2^ m n =
    unary-correct  m  m N.* 2 N.^ n) (flip O.to-ℕ-*2^ n) m

  -- Equality is decidable (in a certain sense).

  infix 4 _≟_

  _≟_ : (m n : Nat)  Dec (Erased ( m    n ))
  (_ , m′)  (_ , n′) = m′ O-[].≟ n′

  -- Conversion from bits. (The most significant bit comes first.)

  from-bits : List Bool  Nat
  from-bits bs =
      (foldl  n b  (if b then 1 else 0) N.+ 2 N.* n) 0 bs)
      (O.from-bits bs)
      (O.to-ℕ-from-bits bs)

  to-ℕ-from-bits :
    _↔_.to Nat↔ℕ (from-bits bs) 
    foldl  n b  (if b then 1 else 0) N.+ 2 N.* n) 0 bs
  to-ℕ-from-bits bs = nullary-correct (O.to-ℕ-from-bits bs)

  -- Conversion to bits. (The most significant bit comes first.)

  to-bits : Nat  List Bool
  to-bits (_ , n′) = proj₁ (O-[].to-bits n′)

  to-ℕ-from-bits-to-bits :
     n  _↔_.to Nat↔ℕ (from-bits (to-bits n))  _↔_.to Nat↔ℕ n
  to-ℕ-from-bits-to-bits n@(_ , n′) =
    cong (_↔_.to Nat↔ℕ) $
      _↔_.to (≡-for-indices↔≡ {m = from-bits (to-bits n)} {n = n})
        [  from-bits (to-bits n)   ≡⟨ erased (proj₂ (O-[].to-bits n′)) ⟩∎

-- Some examples


  module Nat-[]-examples (o : Operations) where

    open Operations-for-Nat-[] o

    -- Converts unary natural numbers to binary natural numbers.

    from-ℕ :  n  Nat-[ n ]
    from-ℕ = proj₂  _↔_.from Nat↔ℕ

    -- Nat n is a proposition, so it is easy to prove that two values
    -- of this type are equal.

    example₁ : from-ℕ 4 +  from-ℕ 12 /2⌋  from-ℕ 10
    example₁ = Nat-[]-propositional _ _

    -- However, stating that two values of type Nat m and Nat n are
    -- equal, for equal natural numbers m and n, can be awkward.

    @0 example₂ :
      {@0 m n : } 
      (b : Nat-[ m ]) (c : Nat-[ n ]) 
      subst Nat-[_] (N.+-comm m) (b + c)  c + b
    example₂ _ _ = Nat-[]-propositional _ _

  module Nat-examples (o : Operations) where

    open Operations-for-Nat o

    -- If Nat is used instead of Nat-[_], then it can be easier to
    -- state that two values are equal.

    example₁ :  4  +   12  /2⌋   10 
    example₁ = _↔_.to ≡-for-indices↔≡ [ refl _ ]

    example₂ :  m n  m + n  n + m
    example₂ m n = _↔_.to ≡-for-indices↔≡
      [  m  N.+  n   ≡⟨ N.+-comm  m  ⟩∎
         n  N.+  m   

    -- One can construct a proof showing that ⌈ 5 ⌉ is either equal or
    -- not equal to ⌈ 2 ⌉ + ⌈ 3 ⌉, but the proof does not compute to
    -- "inj₁ something" at compile-time.

    example₃ : Dec ( 5    2  +  3 )
    example₃ =
      Dec-map (_↔_.logical-equivalence ≡-for-indices↔≡)
        ( 5    2  +  3 )