-- The All predicate, defined recursively

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import Equality

module List.All.Recursive
  {c⁺} (eq :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p c⁺) where

open Derived-definitions-and-properties eq

open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude

open import Bag-equivalence eq hiding (module Dec)
open import Bijection eq as Bijection using (_↔_)
open import Equality.Decision-procedures eq
open import Function-universe eq as F hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level eq
open import H-level.Closure eq
open import List eq as L using (_++_)
import List.All eq as A
open import Monad eq hiding (map)
import Nat eq as Nat
open import Surjection eq using (_↠_)
open import Tactic.By.Parametrised eq
open import Vec eq as Vec using (Vec)

    a  p q : Level
    A B     : Set a
    f       : A  B
    P       : A  Set p
    Q       : A  Set q
    x y     : A
    xs ys   : List A
    n       : 

-- All P xs means that P holds for every element of xs.

All : (A  Set p)  List A  Set p
All P []       =  _ 
All P (x  xs) = P x × All P xs

-- The type xs ⊆ ys means that every element of xs is also an element
-- of ys.

infix 4 _⊆_

_⊆_ : {A : Set a}  List A  List A  Set a
xs  ys = All (_∈ ys) xs

-- If All P xs holds and x is an element of xs, then P x holds.

index : All P xs  x  xs  P x
index {P = P} {xs = _  _} (p , _)  (inj₁ eq) = subst P (sym eq) p
index         {xs = _  _} (_ , ps) (inj₂ q)  = index ps q

-- If P holds for every element of xs, then All P xs holds.

tabulate : (∀ {x}  x  xs  P x)  All P xs
tabulate {xs = []}    _ = _
tabulate {xs = _  _} f = f (inj₁ (refl _)) , tabulate (f  inj₂)

-- Some synonyms.

cons : P x  All P xs  All P (x  xs)
cons = _,_

head : All P (x  xs)  P x
head = proj₁

tail : All P (x  xs)  All P xs
tail = proj₂

-- All can be expressed using List and ∃.

∃-All↔List-∃ : ( λ xs  All P xs)  List ( P)
∃-All↔List-∃ = record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { to   = to
      ; from = from
    ; right-inverse-of = to∘from
  ; left-inverse-of = from∘to
  to : ( λ xs  All P xs)  List ( P)
  to ([]     , _)      = []
  to (x  xs , p , ps) = (x , p)  to (xs , ps)

  from : List ( P)  ( λ xs  All P xs)
  from []              = [] , _
  from ((x , p)  xps) = Σ-map (x ∷_) (p ,_) (from xps)

  to∘from :  xps  to (from xps)  xps
  to∘from []         = refl _
  to∘from (xp  xps) = cong (xp ∷_) (to∘from xps)

  from∘to :  xsps  from (to xsps)  xsps
  from∘to ([]     , _)      = refl _
  from∘to (x  xs , p , ps) =
    cong (Σ-map (x ∷_) (p ,_)) (from∘to (xs , ps))

-- Some rearrangement lemmas.

All-[] : (P : A  Set p)  All P []  
All-[] P =
  All P []  ↔⟨⟩
   _      ↝⟨ Bijection.↑↔ ⟩□

All-∷ : All P (x  xs)  P x × All P xs
All-∷ = F.id

All-++ : All P (xs ++ ys)  All P xs × All P ys
All-++ {P = P} {xs = []} {ys = ys} =
  All P ys             ↝⟨ inverse $ drop-⊤-left-×  _  All-[] P) ⟩□
  All P [] × All P ys  
All-++ {P = P} {xs = x  xs} {ys = ys} =
  P x × All P (xs ++ ys)       ↝⟨ F.id ×-cong All-++ 
  P x × All P xs × All P ys    ↝⟨ ×-assoc ⟩□
  (P x × All P xs) × All P ys  

All-map : All P (L.map f xs)  All (P  f) xs
All-map                 {xs = []}     = F.id
All-map {P = P} {f = f} {xs = x  xs} =
  P (f x) × All P (L.map f xs)  ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  All-map) ⟩□
  P (f x) × All (P  f) xs      

All-concat : All P (L.concat xs)  All (All P) xs
All-concat         {xs = []}       = F.id
All-concat {P = P} {xs = xs  xss} =
  All P (xs ++ L.concat xss)       ↝⟨ All-++ 
  All P xs × All P (L.concat xss)  ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  All-concat) ⟩□
  All P xs × All (All P) xss       

All->>= :
  {A : Set } {f : A  List B} {xs : List A} 
  All P (xs >>= f)  All (All P  f) xs
All->>= {P = P} {f = f} {xs = xs} =
  All P (L.concat (L.map f xs))  ↝⟨ All-concat 
  All (All P) (L.map f xs)       ↝⟨ All-map ⟩□
  All (All P  f) xs             

All-const : All (const A) xs  Vec A (L.length xs)
All-const         {xs = []}     = F.id
All-const {A = A} {xs = x  xs} =
  A × All (const A) xs     ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  All-const) ⟩□
  A × Vec A (L.length xs)  

All-const-replicate : All (const A) (L.replicate n tt)  Vec A n
All-const-replicate         {n = zero}  = F.id
All-const-replicate {A = A} {n = suc n} =
  A × All (const A) (L.replicate n tt)  ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  All-const-replicate) ⟩□
  A × Vec A n                           

All-Σ :
  {A : Set a} {P : A  Set p} {Q :  P  Set q} {xs : List A} 
  All  x  Σ (P x) (curry Q x)) xs 
   λ (ps : All P xs)  All Q (_↔_.to ∃-All↔List-∃ (xs , ps))
All-Σ {P = P} {Q = Q} {xs = []} =
  All  x  Σ (P x) (curry Q x)) []                             ↔⟨⟩
   _                                                           ↝⟨ Bijection.↑↔ 
                                                                ↝⟨ inverse Bijection.↑↔ 
   _                                                           ↝⟨ inverse (drop-⊤-right λ _  Bijection.↑↔) 
   _  ×  _                                                   ↔⟨⟩
  ( λ (ps : All P [])  All Q (_↔_.to ∃-All↔List-∃ ([] , ps)))  
All-Σ {P = P} {Q = Q} {xs = x  xs} =
  All  x  Σ (P x) (curry Q x)) (x  xs)                            ↔⟨⟩

  Σ (P x) (curry Q x) × All  x  Σ (P x) (curry Q x)) xs            ↝⟨ ∃-cong  _  All-Σ) 

  Σ (P x) (curry Q x) ×
  ( λ (ps : All P xs)  All Q (_↔_.to ∃-All↔List-∃ (_ , ps)))        ↝⟨ inverse Σ-assoc 

  ( λ p  Q (x , p) ×
    λ (ps : All P xs)  All Q (_↔_.to ∃-All↔List-∃ (_ , ps)))        ↝⟨ ∃-cong  _  ∃-comm) 

  ( λ p   λ (ps : All P xs) 
   Q (x , p) × All Q (_↔_.to ∃-All↔List-∃ (_ , ps)))                  ↝⟨ Σ-assoc 

  ( λ (p , ps)  Q (x , p) × All Q (_↔_.to ∃-All↔List-∃ (xs , ps)))  ↔⟨⟩

  ( λ (ps : All P (x  xs)) 
     All Q (_↔_.to ∃-All↔List-∃ (x  xs , ps)))                       

Vec-Σ :
  {A : Set a} {P : A  Set p} 
  Vec (Σ A P) n 
   λ (xs : Vec A n)  All P (Vec.to-list xs)
Vec-Σ {n = zero} {A = A} {P = P} =
  Vec (Σ A P) zero                                  ↔⟨⟩
   _                                              ↝⟨ Bijection.↑↔ 
                                                   ↝⟨ inverse Bijection.↑↔ 
   _                                              ↝⟨ inverse (drop-⊤-right λ _  Bijection.↑↔) 
   _  ×  _                                      ↔⟨⟩
  ( λ (xs : Vec A zero)  All P (Vec.to-list xs))  
Vec-Σ {n = suc n} {A = A} {P = P} =
  Vec (Σ A P) (suc n)                                                ↔⟨⟩

  Σ A P × Vec (Σ A P) n                                              ↝⟨ ∃-cong  _  Vec-Σ) 

  (Σ A P ×  λ (xs : Vec A n)  All P (Vec.to-list xs))              ↝⟨ inverse Σ-assoc 

  ( λ (x : A)  P x ×  λ (xs : Vec A n)  All P (Vec.to-list xs))  ↝⟨ ∃-cong  _  ∃-comm) 

  ( λ (x : A)   λ (xs : Vec A n)  P x × All P (Vec.to-list xs))  ↝⟨ Σ-assoc 

  ( λ ((x , xs) : A × Vec A n)  P x × All P (Vec.to-list xs))      ↔⟨⟩

  ( λ ((x , xs) : Vec A (suc n))  P x × All P (Vec.to-list xs))    


  -- The following alternative proof, which makes use of All-Σ, might
  -- compute less well if the J rule does not compute.

  Vec-Σ′ :
    {A : Set a} {P : A  Set p} 
    Vec (Σ A P) n 
     λ (xs : Vec A n)  All P (Vec.to-list xs)
  Vec-Σ′ {n = n} {A = A} {P = P} =
    Vec (Σ A P) n                                           ↝⟨ inverse All-const-replicate 

    All (const (Σ A P)) (L.replicate n tt)                  ↝⟨ All-Σ 

    ( λ (xs : All (const A) (L.replicate n tt)) 
       All (P  proj₂) (_↔_.to ∃-All↔List-∃ (_ , xs)))      ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  inverse All-map) 

    ( λ (xs : All (const A) (L.replicate n tt)) 
       All P (L.map proj (_↔_.to -All↔List-∃ (_ , xs))))  ↝⟨ inverse (Σ-cong (inverse All-const-replicate) λ _ 
                                                               ≡⇒↝ _ (cong (All P) lemma)) ⟩□
    ( λ (xs : Vec A n)  All P (Vec.to-list xs))           
    lemma :
       {n} {xs : Vec A n} 
      Vec.to-list xs 
      L.map proj₂
        (_↔_.to ∃-All↔List-∃ (_ , _↔_.from All-const-replicate xs))
    lemma {n = zero}  = refl _
    lemma {n = suc n} = cong (_ ∷_) lemma

-- Concatenation.

append : All P xs  All P ys  All P (xs ++ ys)
append = curry (_↔_.from All-++)


  -- A lemma used below.

  subst-sym-refl : {p : P x}  subst P (sym (refl x)) p  p
  subst-sym-refl {P = P} {x = x} {p = p} =
    subst P  sym (refl x)  p  ≡⟨ ⟨by⟩ 6 sym-refl 
     subst P (refl x) p       ≡⟨ ⟨by⟩ 6 subst-refl ⟩∎

-- The functions index and tabulate are inverses (roughly).

tabulate∘index :
   {xs} (ps : All P xs) 
  tabulate (index ps)  ps
tabulate∘index         {xs = []}    _        = refl _
tabulate∘index {P = P} {xs = _  _} (p , ps) = cong₂ _,_
  (subst P (sym (refl _)) p  ≡⟨ subst-sym-refl ⟩∎
   p                         )
  (tabulate (index ps)  ≡⟨ tabulate∘index ps ⟩∎
   ps                   )

index∘tabulate :
   {xs} (f :  {x}  x  xs  P x) (×∈xs : x  xs) 
  index (tabulate f) ×∈xs  f ×∈xs
index∘tabulate         {xs = _  _} f (inj₂ p)  = index∘tabulate _ p
index∘tabulate {P = P} {xs = _  _} f (inj₁ eq) = elim₁
   eq  subst P (sym eq) (f (inj₁ (refl _)))  f (inj₁ eq))

-- The tabulate function preserves pointwise equality.

tabulate-cong :
   {xs} {f g :  {x}  x  xs  P x} 
  (∀ {x} (x∈xs : x  xs)  f x∈xs  g x∈xs) 
  tabulate f  tabulate g
tabulate-cong {xs = []}    _   = refl _
tabulate-cong {xs = _  _} f≡g =
  cong₂ _,_ (f≡g _) (tabulate-cong (f≡g  inj₂))

-- An extensionality principle for All.

extensionality :
   {xs} {ps qs : All P xs} 
  (∀ {x} (x∈xs : x  xs)  index ps x∈xs  index qs x∈xs) 
  ps  qs
extensionality {ps = ps} {qs} ps≡qs =
  ps                   ≡⟨ sym $ tabulate∘index _ 
  tabulate (index ps)  ≡⟨ tabulate-cong ps≡qs 
  tabulate (index qs)  ≡⟨ tabulate∘index _ ⟩∎

-- All and A.All are pointwise logically equivalent.

All⇔All : All P xs  A.All P xs
All⇔All = record { to = λ p _  index p; from = λ f  tabulate (f _) }

-- There is a split surjection from A.All P xs to All P xs.

All↠All : A.All P xs  All P xs
All↠All = record
  { logical-equivalence = inverse All⇔All
  ; right-inverse-of    = tabulate∘index

-- All and A.All are pointwise equivalent (assuming extensionality).

All↔All :
   {k} {A : Set a} {P : A  Set p} {xs : List A} 
  Extensionality? k a (a  p) 
  All P xs ↝[ k ] A.All P xs
All↔All {a = a} = generalise-ext? All⇔All λ ext  record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = All⇔All
    ; right-inverse-of    = λ _ 
        apply-ext ext λ _ 
        apply-ext (lower-extensionality a a ext) $
        index∘tabulate _
  ; left-inverse-of = tabulate∘index

-- All preserves decidability of equality.

module Dec (dec :  {x}  Decidable-equality (P x)) where

  infix 4 _≟_

  _≟_ : Decidable-equality (All P xs)
  _≟_ {xs = []}    = ↑.Dec._≟_ ⊤._≟_
  _≟_ {xs = _  _} = ×.Dec._≟_ dec _≟_

-- If xs and ys have type List A, where A is a set, then equality is
-- decidable for xs ⊆ ys.

module Dec-⊆ (A-set : Is-set A) where

  infix 4 _≟_

  _≟_ : {xs ys : List A}  Decidable-equality (xs  ys)
  _≟_ = Dec._≟_ (Dec-∈._≟_ A-set)

-- All preserves h-levels.

H-level-All :
  (∀ x  H-level n (P x)) 
  (∀ xs  H-level n (All P xs))
H-level-All n h []       = mono (Nat.zero≤ n) $
                           ↑-closure 0 ⊤-contractible
H-level-All n h (x  xs) =
  ×-closure n (h _) (H-level-All n h xs)

-- The _⊆_ relation matches _∼[ implication ]_.

⊆↔∼[implication] :
   {k} {A : Set a} {xs ys : List A} 
  Extensionality? k a a 
  xs  ys ↝[ k ] xs ∼[ implication ] ys
⊆↔∼[implication] {xs = xs} {ys} ext =
  xs  ys                 ↝⟨ All↔All ext 
  xs A.⊆ ys               ↔⟨ A.⊆↔∼[implication] 
  xs ∼[ implication ] ys  

-- A variant of _⊆_, based on A._⊆_.

infix 4 _⊆′_

_⊆′_ : {A : Set a}  List A  List A  Set a
xs ⊆′ ys =  {z}  z  xs  z  ys

-- Some congruence lemmas.

All-cong₁ :
  (∀ x  P x ↝[ k ] Q x) 
  All P xs ↝[ k ] All Q xs
All-cong₁ {xs = []} P↝Q =
   _   ↔⟨ Bijection.↑↔ 
        ↔⟨ inverse Bijection.↑↔ ⟩□
All-cong₁ {P = P} {Q = Q} {xs = x  xs} P↝Q =
  P x × All P xs  ↝⟨ P↝Q _ ×-cong All-cong₁ P↝Q ⟩□
  Q x × All Q xs  

map₁ : (∀ {x}  P x  Q x)  All P xs  All Q xs
map₁ f = All-cong₁  _  f)

map₂ : ys  xs  All P xs  All P ys
map₂ {ys = []}    _           ps = _
map₂ {ys = _  _} (y∈xs , qs) ps = index ps y∈xs , map₂ qs ps

map₂′ : ys ⊆′ xs  All P xs  All P ys
map₂′ = map₂  tabulate

map : (∀ {x}  P x  Q x)  ys  xs  All P xs  All Q ys
map P→Q ys∼xs = map₁ P→Q  map₂ ys∼xs

All-cong-→ :
  (∀ x  P x  Q x) 
  ys ∼[ implication ] xs 
  All P xs  All Q ys
All-cong-→ {P = P} {Q = Q} {ys = ys} {xs = xs} P→Q ys∼xs =
  All P xs    ↝⟨ _↠_.from All↠All 
  A.All P xs  ↝⟨ A.All-cong-→ P→Q ys∼xs 
  A.All Q ys  ↝⟨ _↠_.to All↠All ⟩□
  All Q ys    

All-cong :
   {k} {A : Set a} {P : A  Set p} {Q : A  Set q} {xs ys} 
  Extensionality?  k ⌋-sym a (a  p  q) 
  (∀ x  P x ↝[  k ⌋-sym ] Q x) 
  xs ∼[  k ⌋-sym ] ys 
  All P xs ↝[  k ⌋-sym ] All Q ys
All-cong {a = a} {p = p} {q = q} {k} {P = P} {Q} {xs} {ys}
         ext P↝Q xs∼ys =
  All P xs    ↝⟨ All↔All (lower-extensionality?  k ⌋-sym a q ext) 
  A.All P xs  ↝⟨ A.All-cong ext P↝Q xs∼ys 
  A.All Q ys  ↝⟨ inverse-ext? All↔All (lower-extensionality?  k ⌋-sym a p ext) ⟩□
  All Q ys    

-- A fusion lemma for index.

index∘index :
   {xs ys} {ps : All P ys} {x∈xs : x  xs} (xs⊆ys : xs  ys) 
  index ps (index xs⊆ys x∈xs)  index (map₂ xs⊆ys ps) x∈xs
index∘index {xs = _  _} {x∈xs = inj₂ _}  (_ , ⊆ys) =
  index∘index ⊆ys

index∘index {P = P} {xs = _  _} {ys} {ps} {inj₁ eq} (∈ys , _) = elim₁
   eq  index ps (subst (_∈ ys) (sym eq) ∈ys) 
          subst P (sym eq) (index ps ∈ys))
  (index ps  subst (_∈ ys) (sym (refl _)) ∈ys   ≡⟨ ⟨by⟩ 12 subst-sym-refl 
   index ps ∈ys                                   ≡⟨ sym subst-sym-refl ⟩∎
   subst P (sym (refl _)) (index ps ∈ys)          )

-- Some rearrangement lemmas for index.

index-map₁ :
   xs {f :  {x}  P x  Q x} {ps : All P xs} {q : x  xs} 
  index (map₁ f ps) q  f (index ps q)
index-map₁ (_  xs) {q = inj₂ q}  = index-map₁ xs

index-map₁ {P = P} {Q = Q} (_  _) {f} {p , _} {q = inj₁ eq} = elim₁
   eq  subst Q (sym eq) (f p) 
          f (subst P (sym eq) p))
  (subst Q (sym (refl _)) (f p)  ≡⟨ subst-sym-refl 
   f  p                        ≡⟨ ⟨by⟩ 13 subst-sym-refl ⟩∎
   f (subst P (sym (refl _)) p)  )

index-append-Any-++-inj₁ :
   {xs ys} {ps : All P xs} {qs : All P ys} (x∈xs : x  xs) 
  index (append ps qs) (_↔_.from (Any-++ _ _ _) (inj₁ x∈xs)) 
  index ps x∈xs
index-append-Any-++-inj₁ {xs = _  _} (inj₁ _) = refl _
index-append-Any-++-inj₁ {xs = _  _} (inj₂ p) =
  index-append-Any-++-inj₁ p

index-append-Any-++-inj₂ :
   xs {ys} {ps : All P xs} {qs : All P ys} {y∈ys : y  ys} 
  index (append ps qs) (_↔_.from (Any-++ _ xs _) (inj₂ y∈ys)) 
  index qs y∈ys
index-append-Any-++-inj₂ []       = refl _
index-append-Any-++-inj₂ (_  xs) = index-append-Any-++-inj₂ xs

index-All-const :
   (xs : List A) {bs : All (const B) xs} {i} 
  Vec.index (_↔_.to All-const bs) i 
  index bs (proj₂ (_↔_.from (Fin-length xs) i))
index-All-const (_  xs)    {i = fsuc i} = index-All-const xs
index-All-const (_  _) {b , _} {fzero}  =
  b                                 ≡⟨ sym subst-sym-refl ⟩∎
  subst (const _) (sym (refl _)) b  

-- A rearrangement lemma for Vec-Σ.

proj₁-Vec-Σ :
  {A : Set a} {P : A  Set p} {xs : Vec (Σ A P) n} 
  proj₁ (_↔_.to Vec-Σ xs)  Vec.map proj₁ xs
proj₁-Vec-Σ {n = zero}  = refl _
proj₁-Vec-Σ {n = suc n} = cong (_ ,_) proj₁-Vec-Σ

-- A fusion lemma for map₂.

map₂∘map₂′ :
   {xs ys zs} {xs⊆ys : xs  ys} {ys⊆zs : ys ⊆′ zs} {ps : All P zs} 
  map₂ xs⊆ys (map₂′ ys⊆zs ps)  map₂ (map₁ ys⊆zs xs⊆ys) ps
map₂∘map₂′ {xs = []}                             = refl _
map₂∘map₂′ {xs = _  _} {xs⊆ys = q , _} {f} {ps} =
  cong₂ _,_ lemma map₂∘map₂′
  lemma =
    index (map₂ (tabulate f) ps) q     ≡⟨ sym $ index∘index (tabulate f) 
    index ps  index (tabulate f) q   ≡⟨ ⟨by⟩ 12 (index∘tabulate f q) ⟩∎
    index ps (f q)                     

-- Some rearrangement lemmas for map₂′.

map₂′-inj₂-∘ :
   {xs ys} {f : ys ⊆′ xs} {p : P x} {ps : All P xs} 
  map₂′ (inj₂  f) (p , ps)  map₂′ f ps
map₂′-inj₂-∘ {ys = []}    = refl _
map₂′-inj₂-∘ {ys = _  _} = cong (_ ,_) map₂′-inj₂-∘


  map₂′-id :
     {xs} {ps : All P xs} 
    map₂′ id ps  ps
  map₂′-id {xs = []}    = refl _
  map₂′-id {xs = _  _} = cong₂ _,_ subst-sym-refl map₂′-inj₂

  map₂′-inj₂ :
     {xs} {p : P x} {ps : All P xs} 
    map₂′ inj₂ (p , ps)  ps
  map₂′-inj₂ {p = p} {ps} =
    map₂′ inj₂ (p , ps)  ≡⟨ map₂′-inj₂-∘ 
    map₂′ id ps          ≡⟨ map₂′-id ⟩∎

map₂′-⊎-map-id :
   {xs ys} {f : ys ⊆′ xs} {p : P x} {ps : All P xs} 
  map₂′ (⊎-map id f) (p , ps)  (p , map₂′ f ps)
map₂′-⊎-map-id {f = f} {p} {ps} = cong₂ _,_ subst-sym-refl
  (map₂′ (inj₂  f) (p , ps)  ≡⟨ map₂′-inj₂-∘ ⟩∎
   map₂′ f ps                 )

map₂′-⊎-map-id-inj₂ :
   {xs} {p : P x} {q : P y} {ps : All P xs} 
  map₂′ (⊎-map id inj₂) (p , q , ps)  (p , ps)
map₂′-⊎-map-id-inj₂ {p = p} {q} {ps} =
  map₂′ (⊎-map id inj₂) (p , q , ps)  ≡⟨ map₂′-⊎-map-id 
  (p , map₂′ inj₂ (q , ps))           ≡⟨ cong (_ ,_) map₂′-inj₂ 
  (p , ps)                            

map₂′-++-cong :
   xs₁ {xs₂ ys₁ ys₂} {ps : All P xs₂} {qs : All P ys₂}
  (f : xs₁ ⊆′ xs₂) {g : ys₁ ⊆′ ys₂} 
  map₂′ (++-cong  _  f)  _  g) _) (append ps qs) 
  append (map₂′ f ps) (map₂′ g qs)
map₂′-++-cong [] {ys₁ = []} _ = refl _

map₂′-++-cong [] {xs₂} {_  _} {ps = ps} {qs} f {g} = cong₂ _,_

  (index (append ps qs) (++-cong  _  f)  _  g) _ (inj₁ (refl _)))  ≡⟨⟩

   index (append ps qs)
     (_↔_.from (Any-++ _ xs₂ _) (inj₂ (g (inj₁ (refl _)))))              ≡⟨ index-append-Any-++-inj₂ xs₂ ⟩∎

   index qs (g (inj₁ (refl _)))                                          )

  (map₂′ (++-cong  _  f)  _  g  inj₂) _) (append ps qs)  ≡⟨ map₂′-++-cong _ f ⟩∎
   append (map₂′ f ps) (map₂′ (g  inj₂) qs)                    )

map₂′-++-cong (_  _) {ps = ps} {qs} f {g} = cong₂ _,_

  (index (append ps qs) (++-cong  _  f)  _  g) _ (inj₁ (refl _)))  ≡⟨⟩

   index (append ps qs)
         (_↔_.from (Any-++ _ _ _) (inj₁ (f (inj₁ (refl _)))))            ≡⟨ index-append-Any-++-inj₁ (f (inj₁ (refl _))) ⟩∎

   index ps (f (inj₁ (refl _)))                                          )

  (map₂′ (++-cong  _  f)  _  g) _  inj₂) (append ps qs)  ≡⟨ cong  f  map₂ f _) (tabulate-cong (++-cong-inj₂ f g)) 
   map₂′ (++-cong  _  f  inj₂)  _  g) _) (append ps qs)  ≡⟨ map₂′-++-cong _ (f  inj₂) 
   append (map₂′ (f  inj₂) ps) (map₂′ g qs)                    ≡⟨⟩
   append (proj₂ (map₂′ f ps)) (map₂′ g qs)                     )


  ++-cong-inj₂ :
     {xs₁ xs₂ ys₁ ys₂}
    (f : x  xs₁ ⊆′ xs₂) (g : ys₁ ⊆′ ys₂) {z} (p : z  xs₁ ++ ys₁) 
    ++-cong  _  f)  _  g) _ (inj₂ p) 
    ++-cong  _  f  inj₂)  _  g) _ p
  ++-cong-inj₂ f g p =
    ++-cong  _  f)  _  g) _ (inj₂ p)                                  ≡⟨⟩

    _↔_.from (Any-++ _ _ _)
       ⊎-map f g (_↔_.to ⊎-assoc (inj₂ (_↔_.to (Any-++ _ _ _) p)))        ≡⟨ ⟨by⟩ 24 (lemma (_↔_.to (Any-++ _ _ _) p)) 

    _↔_.from (Any-++ _ _ _) (⊎-map (f  inj₂) g (_↔_.to (Any-++ _ _ _) p))  ≡⟨⟩

    ++-cong  _  f  inj₂)  _  g) _ p                                  
    lemma :  x  ⊎-map f g (_↔_.to ⊎-assoc (inj₂ x)) 
                  ⊎-map (f  inj₂) g x
    lemma = [  _  refl _) ,  _  refl _) ]