-- Traditional non-dependent lenses with erased lens laws

import Equality.Path as P

module Lens.Non-dependent.Traditional.Erased
  {e⁺} (eq :  {a p}  P.Equality-with-paths a p e⁺) where

open P.Derived-definitions-and-properties eq

open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude as P hiding (id; [_,_]) renaming (_∘_ to _⊚_)

import Bi-invertibility.Erased
open import Bijection equality-with-J as Bij using (_↔_)
open import Circle eq using (𝕊¹)
open import Circle.Erased eq as CE using (𝕊¹ᴱ)
open import Equality.Path.Isomorphisms eq
open import Equivalence equality-with-J as Eq
  using (_≃_; Is-equivalence)
open import Equivalence.Erased.Cubical eq as EEq
  using (_≃ᴱ_; Is-equivalenceᴱ)
open import Equivalence.Erased.Contractible-preimages equality-with-J
  as ECP using (Contractibleᴱ; _⁻¹ᴱ_)
open import Erased.Cubical eq
open import Function-universe equality-with-J as F
  hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level equality-with-J as H-level
open import H-level.Closure equality-with-J
open import H-level.Truncation.Propositional eq as PT using (∥_∥)
open import H-level.Truncation.Propositional.Erased eq as TE
  using (∥_∥ᴱ; ∣_∣)
open import Preimage equality-with-J using (_⁻¹_)
open import Surjection equality-with-J as Surjection using (_↠_)
open import Univalence-axiom equality-with-J

open import Lens.Non-dependent eq as Non-dependent
  hiding (no-first-projection-lens)
import Lens.Non-dependent.Traditional eq as T
import Lens.Non-dependent.Traditional.Combinators eq as TC

    a b c p             : Level
    A A₁ A₂ B B₁ B₂ C D : Type a
    u v x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂     : A

-- Traditional lenses

-- Lenses with erased lens laws.

record Lens (A : Type a) (B : Type b) : Type (a  b) where
    -- Getter and setter.
    get : A  B
    set : A  B  A

    -- Lens laws.
    @0 get-set :  a b  get (set a b)  b
    @0 set-get :  a  set a (get a)  a
    @0 set-set :  a b₁ b₂  set (set a b₁) b₂  set a b₂

  -- A combination of get and set.

  modify : (B  B)  A  A
  modify f x = set x (f (get x))


  -- Traditional lenses with erased laws have getters and setters.

  has-getter-and-setter :
    Has-getter-and-setter (Lens {a = a} {b = b})
  has-getter-and-setter = record
    { get = Lens.get
    ; set = Lens.set

-- Lens A B is isomorphic to a nested Σ-type.

Lens-as-Σ :
  Lens A B 
   λ (get : A  B) 
   λ (set : A  B  A) 
  Erased ((∀ a b  get (set a b)  b) ×
          (∀ a  set a (get a)  a) ×
          (∀ a b₁ b₂  set (set a b₁) b₂  set a b₂))
Lens-as-Σ = record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { to   = λ l  get l , set l
                   , [ get-set l , set-get l , set-set l ]
      ; from = λ { (get , set , [ get-set , set-get , set-set ]) 
                     { get     = get
                     ; set     = set
                     ; get-set = get-set
                     ; set-get = set-get
                     ; set-set = set-set
    ; right-inverse-of = refl
  ; left-inverse-of = refl
  open Lens

-- In erased contexts Lens A B is equivalent to T.Lens A B.

@0 Lens≃Traditional-lens : Lens A B  T.Lens A B
Lens≃Traditional-lens {A = A} {B = B} =
  Lens A B                                               ↔⟨ Lens-as-Σ 

  ( λ (get : A  B) 
    λ (set : A  B  A) 
   Erased ((∀ a b  get (set a b)  b) ×
           (∀ a  set a (get a)  a) ×
           (∀ a b₁ b₂  set (set a b₁) b₂  set a b₂)))  ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _  erased Erased↔) 

  ( λ (get : A  B) 
    λ (set : A  B  A) 
   (∀ a b  get (set a b)  b) ×
   (∀ a  set a (get a)  a) ×
   (∀ a b₁ b₂  set (set a b₁) b₂  set a b₂))           ↔⟨ inverse T.Lens-as-Σ ⟩□

  T.Lens A B                                             

-- Lenses without erased proofs can be turned into lenses with erased
-- proofs (in erased contexts).

@0 Traditional-lens→Lens : T.Lens A B  Lens A B
Traditional-lens→Lens = _≃_.from Lens≃Traditional-lens


  -- The forward direction of Lens≃Traditional-lens.

  @0 trad : Lens A B  T.Lens A B
  trad = _≃_.to Lens≃Traditional-lens

    l₁ l₂ : Lens A B

-- Somewhat coherent lenses

-- Traditional lenses with erased lens laws that satisfy some extra
-- coherence properties (that are also erased).

record Coherent-lens (A : Type a) (B : Type b) : Type (a  b) where
    lens : Lens A B

  open Lens lens public

    @0 get-set-get :  a  cong get (set-get a)  get-set a (get a)
    @0 get-set-set :
       a b₁ b₂ 
      cong get (set-set a b₁ b₂) 
      trans (get-set (set a b₁) b₂) (sym (get-set a b₂))


  -- Somewhat coherent lenses have getters and setters.

  coherent-has-getter-and-setter :
    Has-getter-and-setter (Coherent-lens {a = a} {b = b})
  coherent-has-getter-and-setter = record
    { get = Coherent-lens.get
    ; set = Coherent-lens.set

-- Coherent-lens A B is equivalent to a nested Σ-type.

Coherent-lens-as-Σ :
  Coherent-lens A B 
   λ (l : Lens A B) 
    let open Lens l in
      ((∀ a  cong get (set-get a)  get-set a (get a)) ×
       (∀ a b₁ b₂ 
        cong get (set-set a b₁ b₂) 
        trans (get-set (set a b₁) b₂) (sym (get-set a b₂))))
Coherent-lens-as-Σ = Eq.↔→≃
   l  lens l , [ get-set-get l , get-set-set l ])
   (l , [ get-set-get , get-set-set ])  record
     { lens        = l
     ; get-set-get = get-set-get
     ; get-set-set = get-set-set
  open Coherent-lens

-- In erased contexts Coherent-lens A B is equivalent to
-- T.Coherent-lens A B.

@0 Coherent-lens≃Traditional-coherent-lens :
  Coherent-lens A B  T.Coherent-lens A B
Coherent-lens≃Traditional-coherent-lens {A = A} {B = B} =
  Coherent-lens A B                                           ↔⟨ Coherent-lens-as-Σ 

  ( λ (l : Lens A B) 
   let open Lens l in
     ((∀ a  cong get (set-get a)  get-set a (get a)) ×
      (∀ a b₁ b₂ 
       cong get (set-set a b₁ b₂) 
       trans (get-set (set a b₁) b₂) (sym (get-set a b₂)))))  ↔⟨ (Σ-cong Lens≃Traditional-lens λ _  erased Erased↔) 

  ( λ (l : T.Lens A B) 
   let open T.Lens l in
   (∀ a  cong get (set-get a)  get-set a (get a)) ×
   (∀ a b₁ b₂ 
    cong get (set-set a b₁ b₂) 
    trans (get-set (set a b₁) b₂) (sym (get-set a b₂))))      ↔⟨ inverse T.Coherent-lens-as-Σ 

  T.Coherent-lens A B                                         

-- Some lemmas

-- If two lenses have equal setters, then they also have equal
-- getters (in erased contexts).

@0 getters-equal-if-setters-equal :
  let open Lens in
  (l₁ l₂ : Lens A B) 
  set l₁  set l₂ 
  get l₁  get l₂
getters-equal-if-setters-equal l₁ l₂ =
  Lens.set l₁  Lens.set l₂                    ↔⟨⟩
  T.Lens.set (trad l₁)  T.Lens.set (trad l₂)  ↝⟨ T.getters-equal-if-setters-equal (trad l₁) (trad l₂) 
  T.Lens.get (trad l₁)  T.Lens.get (trad l₂)  ↔⟨⟩
  Lens.get l₁  Lens.get l₂                    

-- If the forward direction of an equivalence with erased proofs is
-- Lens.get l, then the setter of l can be expressed using the other
-- direction of the equivalence (in erased contexts).

@0 from≡set :
   (l : Lens A B) is-equiv 
  let open Lens
      A≃B = EEq.⟨ get l , is-equiv 
   a b  _≃ᴱ_.from A≃B b  set l a b
from≡set l is-equiv =
  T.from≡set (trad l) (EEq.Is-equivalenceᴱ→Is-equivalence is-equiv)

-- If A and B are "very stable n levels up" (given certain
-- assumptions), then Lens A B is "very stable n levels up".

Very-stable-Lensⁿ :
  (A  B  For-iterated-equality n Very-stable A) 
  (A  For-iterated-equality n Very-stable B) 
  For-iterated-equality n Very-stable (Lens A B)
Very-stable-Lensⁿ {A = A} {B = B} n A-s B-s =
  Very-stable-congⁿ _ n (inverse Lens-as-Σ) $
  Very-stable-Σⁿ n (Very-stable-Πⁿ ext n λ a 
                    B-s a) λ _ 
  Very-stable-Σⁿ n (Very-stable-Πⁿ ext n λ a 
                    Very-stable-Πⁿ ext n λ b 
                    A-s a b) λ _ 
  Very-stable→Very-stableⁿ n

-- Some lens isomorphisms

-- Lens preserves equivalences.

Lens-cong : A₁  A₂  B₁  B₂  Lens A₁ B₁  Lens A₂ B₂
Lens-cong {A₁ = A₁} {A₂ = A₂} {B₁ = B₁} {B₂ = B₂} A₁≃A₂ B₁≃B₂ =
  Lens A₁ B₁                                             ↔⟨ Lens-as-Σ 

  ( λ (get : A₁  B₁) 
    λ (set : A₁  B₁  A₁) 
   Erased ((∀ a b  get (set a b)  b) ×
           (∀ a  set a (get a)  a) ×
           (∀ a b₁ b₂  set (set a b₁) b₂  set a b₂)))  ↝⟨ (Σ-cong (→-cong ext A₁≃A₂ B₁≃B₂) λ get 
                                                             Σ-cong (→-cong ext A₁≃A₂ $ →-cong ext B₁≃B₂ A₁≃A₂) λ set 
                                                             Erased-cong (
                                                             (Π-cong ext A₁≃A₂ λ a  Π-cong ext B₁≃B₂ λ b 
                                                              inverse (Eq.≃-≡ B₁≃B₂) F.∘
                                                              (≡⇒≃ $ cong (_≡ _)
      (get (set a b)                                            ≡⟨ sym $ cong₂  a b  get (set a b))
                                                                     (_≃_.left-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ _)
                                                                     (_≃_.left-inverse-of B₁≃B₂ _) 
       get (set (_≃_.from A₁≃A₂ (_≃_.to A₁≃A₂ a))
              (_≃_.from B₁≃B₂ (_≃_.to B₁≃B₂ b)))                ≡⟨ cong get $ sym $ _≃_.left-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ _ ⟩∎

       get (_≃_.from A₁≃A₂ (_≃_.to A₁≃A₂
              (set (_≃_.from A₁≃A₂ (_≃_.to A₁≃A₂ a))
                 (_≃_.from B₁≃B₂ (_≃_.to B₁≃B₂ b)))))           )))
                                                             (Π-cong ext A₁≃A₂ λ a 
                                                              inverse (Eq.≃-≡ A₁≃A₂) F.∘
                                                              (≡⇒≃ $ cong (_≡ _)
      (set a (get a)                                             ≡⟨ cong (set a) $ sym $ _≃_.left-inverse-of B₁≃B₂ _ 

       set a (_≃_.from B₁≃B₂ (_≃_.to B₁≃B₂ (get a)))             ≡⟨ cong  a  set a (_≃_.from B₁≃B₂ (_≃_.to B₁≃B₂ (get a)))) $ sym $
                                                                    _≃_.left-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ _ ⟩∎
       set (_≃_.from A₁≃A₂ (_≃_.to A₁≃A₂ a))
         (_≃_.from B₁≃B₂ (_≃_.to B₁≃B₂
            (get (_≃_.from A₁≃A₂ (_≃_.to A₁≃A₂ a)))))            )))
                                                             (inverse $ Π-cong ext (inverse A₁≃A₂) λ a 
                                                              inverse $ Π-cong ext B₁≃B₂ λ b₁ 
                                                              inverse $ Π-cong ext (inverse B₁≃B₂) λ b₂ 
                                                              (≡⇒≃ $ cong  a′  set a′ (_≃_.from B₁≃B₂ b₂) 
                                                                                  set (_≃_.from A₁≃A₂ a) (_≃_.from B₁≃B₂ b₂))
      (_≃_.from A₁≃A₂ (_≃_.to A₁≃A₂
         (set (_≃_.from A₁≃A₂ a)
            (_≃_.from B₁≃B₂ (_≃_.to B₁≃B₂ b₁))))                 ≡⟨ _≃_.left-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ _ 

       set (_≃_.from A₁≃A₂ a)
         (_≃_.from B₁≃B₂ (_≃_.to B₁≃B₂ b₁))                      ≡⟨ cong (set (_≃_.from A₁≃A₂ a)) $
                                                                    _≃_.left-inverse-of B₁≃B₂ _ ⟩∎

       set (_≃_.from A₁≃A₂ a) b₁                                 )) F.∘
                                                              Eq.≃-≡ A₁≃A₂))) 
  ( λ (get : A₂  B₂) 
    λ (set : A₂  B₂  A₂) 
   Erased ((∀ a b  get (set a b)  b) ×
           (∀ a  set a (get a)  a) ×
           (∀ a b₁ b₂  set (set a b₁) b₂  set a b₂)))  ↔⟨ inverse Lens-as-Σ ⟩□

  Lens A₂ B₂                                             

-- If B is a proposition (when A is inhabited), then Lens A B is
-- equivalent (with erased proofs) to
-- (A → B) × Erased ((a : A) → a ≡ a).

lens-to-proposition≃ᴱ :
  @0 (A  Is-proposition B) 
  Lens A B ≃ᴱ ((A  B) × Erased ((a : A)  a  a))
lens-to-proposition≃ᴱ {A = A} {B = B} B-prop =
  Lens A B                                                          ↔⟨ Lens-as-Σ 

  ( λ (get : A  B) 
    λ (set : A  B  A) 
       ((∀ a b  get (set a b)  b) ×
        (∀ a  set a (get a)  a) ×
        (∀ a b₁ b₂  set (set a b₁) b₂  set a b₂)))                ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _  Erased-cong (
                                                                        drop-⊤-left-× λ _ 
                                                                        _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                                                        Π-closure ext 0 λ a 
                                                                        Π-closure ext 0 λ _ 
                                                                        +⇒≡ (B-prop a))) 
  ( λ (get : A  B) 
    λ (set : A  B  A) 
       ((∀ a  set a (get a)  a) ×
        (∀ a b₁ b₂  set (set a b₁) b₂  set a b₂)))                ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ get  ∃-cong λ set  Erased-cong (∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                        ∀-cong ext λ a  ∀-cong ext λ b₁  ∀-cong ext λ b₂ 
                                                                        ≡⇒≃ (
       (set (set a b₁)                         b₂  set a b₂)             ≡⟨ cong  b  set (set a b) b₂  _) (B-prop a _ _) 
       (set (set a (get a))                    b₂  set a b₂)             ≡⟨ cong  b  set (set a (get a)) b  _) (B-prop a _ _) 
       (set (set a (get a)) (get (set a (get a)))  set a b₂)             ≡⟨ cong  b  _  set a b) (B-prop a _ _) ⟩∎
       (set (set a (get a)) (get (set a (get a)))  set a (get a))        ))) 

  ( λ (get : A  B) 
    λ (set : A  B  A) 
       ((∀ a  set a (get a)  a) ×
        (∀ a  B  B 
           set (set a (get a)) (get (set a (get a))) 
           set a (get a))))                                         ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ get 
                                                                        EEq.Σ-cong-≃ᴱ-Erased (A→B→A≃ᴱA→A get) λ _  F.id) 
  ((A  B) ×
    λ (f : A  A) 
       ((∀ a  f a  a) ×
        (∀ a  B  B  f (f a)  f a)))                             ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ get  ∃-cong λ _  Erased-cong (∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                        ∀-cong ext λ a 
                                                                        EEq.drop-⊤-left-Π-≃ᴱ-Erased ext (B≃ᴱ⊤ get a) F.∘
                                                                        EEq.drop-⊤-left-Π-≃ᴱ-Erased ext (B≃ᴱ⊤ get a))) 
  ((A  B) ×
    λ (f : A  A) 
       ((∀ a  f a  a) ×
        (∀ a  f (f a)  f a)))                                     ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ f  Erased-cong (
                                                                        Σ-cong (Eq.extensionality-isomorphism ext) λ f≡id 
                                                                        ∀-cong ext λ a 
                                                                        ≡⇒≃ (cong₂ _≡_ (trans (f≡id (f a)) (f≡id a)) (f≡id a)))) 
  ((A  B) ×
    λ (f : A  A) 
       (f  P.id ×
        ((a : A)  a  a)))                                         ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _  Erased-Σ↔Σ) 

  ((A  B) ×
    λ (f : A  A) 
     Erased (f  P.id) ×
     Erased ((a : A)  a  a))                                      ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  Σ-assoc) 

  (A  B) ×
  ( λ (f : A  A)  Erased (f  P.id)) ×
  Erased ((a : A)  a  a)                                          ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  EEq.drop-⊤-left-Σ-≃ᴱ-Erased $
                                                                        _⇔_.to EEq.Contractibleᴱ⇔≃ᴱ⊤ Contractibleᴱ-Erased-singleton) ⟩□
  (A  B) × Erased ((a : A)  a  a)                                
  B≃ᴱ⊤ : (A  B)  A  B ≃ᴱ 
  B≃ᴱ⊤ get a = EEq.inhabited→Is-proposition→≃ᴱ⊤ (get a) (B-prop a)

  A→B→A≃ᴱA→A : (A  B)  (A  B  A) ≃ᴱ (A  A)
  A→B→A≃ᴱA→A get =
    (A  B  A)  ↝⟨ ∀-cong ext  a  EEq.drop-⊤-left-Π-≃ᴱ-Erased ext $ B≃ᴱ⊤ get a) ⟩□
    (A  A)      

-- If equality is very stable for A (when B is inhabited) and B is a
-- proposition (when A is inhabited), then Lens A B is equivalent to
-- (A → B) × Erased ((a : A) → a ≡ a).

Very-stable-≡→lens-to-proposition≃ :
  (B  Very-stable-≡ A) 
  (A  Is-proposition B) 
  Lens A B  ((A  B) × Erased ((a : A)  a  a))
Very-stable-≡→lens-to-proposition≃ {B = B} {A = A} A-s B-prop =
  Stable-≡→≃ᴱ→≃ stable₁ stable₂ (lens-to-proposition≃ᴱ B-prop)
  stable₁ : Stable-≡ (Lens A B)
  stable₁ =
    Very-stable→Stable 1 $
    Very-stable-Lensⁿ 1
       _  A-s)
      (H-level→Very-stable 1  B-prop)

  stable₂ : Stable-≡ ((A  B) × Erased ((a : A)  a  a))
  stable₂ =
    Very-stable→Stable 1 $
    Very-stable-×ⁿ 1
      (Very-stable-Πⁿ ext 1 λ a 
       H-level→Very-stable 1 (B-prop a))
      (Very-stable→Very-stable-≡ 0

-- Lens A ⊤ is equivalent (with erased proofs) to
-- Erased ((a : A) → a ≡ a).

lens-to-⊤≃ᴱ : Lens A  ≃ᴱ Erased ((a : A)  a  a)
lens-to-⊤≃ᴱ {A = A} =
  Lens A                             ↝⟨ lens-to-proposition≃ᴱ  _  mono₁ 0 ⊤-contractible) 
  (A  ) × Erased ((a : A)  a  a)  ↔⟨ drop-⊤-left-×  _  →-right-zero) ⟩□
  Erased ((a : A)  a  a)            

-- Lens A ⊥ is equivalent to ¬ A.

lens-to-⊥≃ : Lens A ( { = b})  (¬ A)
lens-to-⊥≃ {A = A} =
  Lens A                             ↝⟨ Very-stable-≡→lens-to-proposition≃  ())  _  ⊥-propositional) 
  (A  ) × Erased ((a : A)  a  a)  ↔⟨ (×-cong₁ λ _  →-cong ext F.id (Bij.⊥↔uninhabited ⊥-elim)) 
  ¬ A × Erased ((a : A)  a  a)      ↔⟨ (drop-⊤-right λ ¬a 
                                          _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                            (H-level-Erased 1 (
                                             Π-closure ext 1 λ a 
                                             ⊥-elim (¬a a)))
                                            [ refl ]) ⟩□
  ¬ A                                 

-- See also lens-from-⊥≃⊤ and lens-from-⊤≃codomain-contractible below.

-- Some lens results related to h-levels

-- If the domain of a lens is inhabited and has h-level n, then the
-- codomain also has h-level n (in erased contexts).

@0 h-level-respects-lens-from-inhabited :
   n  Lens A B  A  H-level n A  H-level n B
h-level-respects-lens-from-inhabited n l =
  T.h-level-respects-lens-from-inhabited n (trad l)

-- Lenses with contractible domains have contractible codomains (in
-- erased contexts).

@0 contractible-to-contractible :
  Lens A B  Contractible A  Contractible B
contractible-to-contractible l =
  T.contractible-to-contractible (trad l)

-- A variant for Contractibleᴱ.

Contractibleᴱ→Contractibleᴱ :
  Lens A B  Contractibleᴱ A  Contractibleᴱ B
Contractibleᴱ→Contractibleᴱ l c@(a , _) =
    (Lens.get l)
     b  Lens.set l a b
         , (Lens.get l (Lens.set l a b)  ≡⟨ Lens.get-set l _ _ ⟩∎
            b                            ))

-- If A and B have h-level n given the assumption that A is inhabited,
-- then Lens A B also has h-level n.

lens-preserves-h-level :
   n  (A  H-level n A)  (A  H-level n B) 
  H-level n (Lens A B)
lens-preserves-h-level n hA hB =
  H-level.respects-surjection (_↔_.surjection (inverse Lens-as-Σ)) n $
  Σ-closure n (Π-closure ext n λ a 
               hB a) λ _ 
  Σ-closure n (Π-closure ext n λ a 
               Π-closure ext n λ _ 
               hA a) λ _ 
  H-level-Erased n
    (×-closure n (Π-closure ext n λ a 
                  Π-closure ext n λ _ 
                  +⇒≡ $ mono₁ n (hB a)) $
     ×-closure n (Π-closure ext n λ a 
                  +⇒≡ $ mono₁ n (hA a))
                 (Π-closure ext n λ a 
                  Π-closure ext n λ _ 
                  Π-closure ext n λ _ 
                  +⇒≡ $ mono₁ n (hA a)))

-- If A has positive h-level n, then Lens A B also has h-level n (in
-- erased contexts).

@0 lens-preserves-h-level-of-domain :
   n  H-level (1 + n) A  H-level (1 + n) (Lens A B)
lens-preserves-h-level-of-domain {A = A} {B = B} n =
  H-level (1 + n) A             ↝⟨ T.lens-preserves-h-level-of-domain n 
  H-level (1 + n) (T.Lens A B)  ↝⟨ H-level-cong _ (1 + n) (inverse Lens≃Traditional-lens) ⟩□
  H-level (1 + n) (Lens A B)    

-- Lens 𝕊¹ᴱ ⊤ is not propositional (assuming univalence).

¬-lens-to-⊤-propositional :
  @0 Univalence (# 0) 
  ¬ Is-proposition (Lens 𝕊¹ᴱ )
¬-lens-to-⊤-propositional univ =
    [ Is-proposition (Lens 𝕊¹ᴱ )   ↝⟨ H-level-cong _ 1 (Lens-cong (inverse CE.𝕊¹≃𝕊¹ᴱ) Eq.id) 
      Is-proposition (Lens 𝕊¹ )    ↝⟨ H-level-cong _ 1 Lens≃Traditional-lens 
      Is-proposition (T.Lens 𝕊¹ )  ↝⟨ T.¬-lens-to-⊤-propositional univ ⟩□

-- Some equality characterisation lemmas


  -- An equality characterisation lemma.

  equality-characterisation₁ :
    let open Lens in

    l₁  l₂
     λ (g : get l₁  get l₂) 
     λ (s : set l₁  set l₂) 
        ((∀ a b  subst  get  get (set l₂ a b)  b) g
                    (subst  set  get l₁ (set a b)  b) s
                       (get-set l₁ a b)) 
                  get-set l₂ a b)
         (∀ a  subst  get  set l₂ a (get a)  a) g
                  (subst  set  set a (get l₁ a)  a) s
                     (set-get l₁ a)) 
                set-get l₂ a)
         (∀ a b₁ b₂  subst  set  set (set a b₁) b₂  set a b₂) s
                        (set-set l₁ a b₁ b₂) 
                      set-set l₂ a b₁ b₂))

  equality-characterisation₁ {l₁ = l₁} {l₂ = l₂} =
    let l₁′ = _↔_.to Lens-as-Σ l₁
        l₂′ = _↔_.to Lens-as-Σ l₂

    l₁  l₂                                                            ↔⟨ Eq.≃-≡ (Eq.↔⇒≃ (inverse Lens-as-Σ)) 

    l₁′  l₂′                                                          ↔⟨ Eq.≃-≡ (Eq.↔⇒≃ (inverse Σ-assoc)) 

    ((get l₁ , set l₁) , proj₂ (proj₂ l₁′))
    ((get l₂ , set l₂) , proj₂ (proj₂ l₂′))                            ↝⟨ inverse Bij.Σ-≡,≡↔≡ 

    ( λ (gs : (get l₁ , set l₁)  (get l₂ , set l₂)) 
     subst  (get , set) 
                ((∀ a b  get (set a b)  b) ×
                 (∀ a  set a (get a)  a) ×
                 (∀ a b₁ b₂  set (set a b₁) b₂  set a b₂)))
           gs (proj₂ (proj₂ l₁′)) 
     proj₂ (proj₂ l₂′))                                                ↝⟨ Σ-cong (inverse ≡×≡↔≡)  gs  ≡⇒↝ _ $
                                                                          cong  (gs : (get l₁ , set l₁)  (get l₂ , set l₂)) 
                                                                                  subst  (get , set) 
                                                                                             ((∀ a b  get (set a b)  b) ×
                                                                                              (∀ a  set a (get a)  a) ×
                                                                                              (∀ a b₁ b₂  set (set a b₁) b₂  set a b₂)))
                                                                                        gs (proj₂ (proj₂ l₁′))
                                                                                  proj₂ (proj₂ l₂′))
                                                                               (sym $ _↔_.right-inverse-of ≡×≡↔≡ gs)) 
    ( λ (gs : get l₁  get l₂ × set l₁  set l₂) 
     subst  (get , set) 
                ((∀ a b  get (set a b)  b) ×
                 (∀ a  set a (get a)  a) ×
                 (∀ a b₁ b₂  set (set a b₁) b₂  set a b₂)))
           (_↔_.to ≡×≡↔≡ gs) (proj₂ (proj₂ l₁′)) 
     proj₂ (proj₂ l₂′))                                                ↝⟨ inverse Σ-assoc 

    ( λ (g : get l₁  get l₂) 
      λ (s : set l₁  set l₂) 
     subst  (get , set) 
                ((∀ a b  get (set a b)  b) ×
                 (∀ a  set a (get a)  a) ×
                 (∀ a b₁ b₂  set (set a b₁) b₂  set a b₂)))
           (_↔_.to ≡×≡↔≡ (g , s)) (proj₂ (proj₂ l₁′)) 
     proj₂ (proj₂ l₂′))                                                ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ g  ∃-cong λ s  ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong (_≡ proj₂ (proj₂ l₂′))
    ( λ (g : get l₁  get l₂) 
      λ (s : set l₁  set l₂) 
     [ subst  (get , set) 
                (∀ a b  get (set a b)  b) ×
                (∀ a  set a (get a)  a) ×
                (∀ a b₁ b₂  set (set a b₁) b₂  set a b₂))
             (_↔_.to ≡×≡↔≡ (g , s)) (erased (proj₂ (proj₂ l₁′))) ] 
     [ erased (proj₂ (proj₂ l₂′)) ])                                   ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _  inverse Erased-≡↔[]≡[]) 

    ( λ (g : get l₁  get l₂) 
      λ (s : set l₁  set l₂) 
       (subst  (get , set) 
                 (∀ a b  get (set a b)  b) ×
                 (∀ a  set a (get a)  a) ×
                 (∀ a b₁ b₂  set (set a b₁) b₂  set a b₂))
              (_↔_.to ≡×≡↔≡ (g , s)) (erased (proj₂ (proj₂ l₁′))) 
        erased (proj₂ (proj₂ l₂′))))                                   ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ g  ∃-cong λ s  Erased-cong (≡⇒↝ _ $
                                                                           cong  x  x  erased (proj₂ (proj₂ l₂′)))
                                                                                (push-subst-, {y≡z = _↔_.to ≡×≡↔≡ (g , s)} _ _))) 
    ( λ (g : get l₁  get l₂) 
      λ (s : set l₁  set l₂) 
       (( subst  { (get , set)   a b  get (set a b)  b })
                (_↔_.to ≡×≡↔≡ (g , s)) (get-set l₁)
        , subst  { (get , set) 
                     (∀ a  set a (get a)  a) ×
                     (∀ a b₁ b₂  set (set a b₁) b₂  set a b₂) })
                (_↔_.to ≡×≡↔≡ (g , s))
                (proj₂ (erased (proj₂ (proj₂ l₁′))))
        erased (proj₂ (proj₂ l₂′))))                                   ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _  Erased-cong (inverse ≡×≡↔≡)) 

    ( λ (g : get l₁  get l₂) 
      λ (s : set l₁  set l₂) 
       (subst  { (get , set)   a b  get (set a b)  b })
              (_↔_.to ≡×≡↔≡ (g , s)) (get-set l₁) 
        get-set l₂
        subst  { (get , set) 
                   (∀ a  set a (get a)  a) ×
                   (∀ a b₁ b₂  set (set a b₁) b₂  set a b₂) })
              (_↔_.to ≡×≡↔≡ (g , s))
              (proj₂ (erased (proj₂ (proj₂ l₁′)))) 
        proj₂ (erased (proj₂ (proj₂ l₂′)))))                           ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ g  ∃-cong λ s  Erased-cong (∃-cong λ _  ≡⇒↝ _ $
                                                                           cong  x  x  proj₂ (erased (proj₂ (proj₂ l₂′))))
                                                                                (push-subst-, {y≡z = _↔_.to ≡×≡↔≡ (g , s)} _ _))) 
    ( λ (g : get l₁  get l₂) 
      λ (s : set l₁  set l₂) 
       (subst  { (get , set)   a b  get (set a b)  b })
              (_↔_.to ≡×≡↔≡ (g , s)) (get-set l₁) 
        get-set l₂
        ( subst  { (get , set)   a  set a (get a)  a })
                (_↔_.to ≡×≡↔≡ (g , s)) (set-get l₁)
        , subst  { (get , set) 
                      a b₁ b₂  set (set a b₁) b₂  set a b₂ })
                (_↔_.to ≡×≡↔≡ (g , s)) (set-set l₁)
        proj₂ (erased (proj₂ (proj₂ l₂′)))))                           ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _  Erased-cong (∃-cong λ _  inverse ≡×≡↔≡)) 

    ( λ (g : get l₁  get l₂) 
      λ (s : set l₁  set l₂) 
       (subst  { (get , set)   a b  get (set a b)  b })
              (_↔_.to ≡×≡↔≡ (g , s)) (get-set l₁) 
        get-set l₂
        subst  { (get , set)   a  set a (get a)  a })
              (_↔_.to ≡×≡↔≡ (g , s)) (set-get l₁) 
        set-get l₂
        subst  { (get , set) 
                    a b₁ b₂  set (set a b₁) b₂  set a b₂ })
              (_↔_.to ≡×≡↔≡ (g , s)) (set-set l₁) 
          set-set l₂))                                                 ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ g  ∃-cong λ s  Erased-cong (
                                                                           lemma₁  { (get , set) a   b  get (set a b)  b })
                                                                                  (_↔_.to ≡×≡↔≡ (g , s))
                                                                           lemma₁  { (get , set) a  set a (get a)  a })
                                                                                  (_↔_.to ≡×≡↔≡ (g , s))
                                                                           lemma₁  { (get , set) a   b₁ b₂  set (set a b₁) b₂  set a b₂ })
                                                                                  (_↔_.to ≡×≡↔≡ (g , s)))) 
    ( λ (g : get l₁  get l₂) 
      λ (s : set l₁  set l₂) 
       ((∀ a  subst  { (get , set)   b  get (set a b)  b })
                     (_↔_.to ≡×≡↔≡ (g , s)) (get-set l₁ a) 
               get-set l₂ a)
        (∀ a  subst  { (get , set)  set a (get a)  a })
                     (_↔_.to ≡×≡↔≡ (g , s)) (set-get l₁ a) 
               set-get l₂ a)
        (∀ a  subst  { (get , set) 
                           b₁ b₂  set (set a b₁) b₂  set a b₂ })
                     (_↔_.to ≡×≡↔≡ (g , s)) (set-set l₁ a) 
               set-set l₂ a)))                                         ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ g  ∃-cong λ s  Erased-cong (
                                                                           (∀-cong ext λ a 
                                                                              lemma₁  { (get , set) b  get (set a b)  b })
                                                                                     (_↔_.to ≡×≡↔≡ (g , s)))
                                                                           (∀-cong ext λ a 
                                                                              lemma₁  { (get , set) b₁   b₂  set (set a b₁) b₂  set a b₂ })
                                                                                     (_↔_.to ≡×≡↔≡ (g , s))))) 
    ( λ (g : get l₁  get l₂) 
      λ (s : set l₁  set l₂) 
       ((∀ a b  subst  { (get , set)  get (set a b)  b })
                       (_↔_.to ≡×≡↔≡ (g , s)) (get-set l₁ a b) 
                 get-set l₂ a b)
        (∀ a  subst  { (get , set)  set a (get a)  a })
                     (_↔_.to ≡×≡↔≡ (g , s)) (set-get l₁ a) 
               set-get l₂ a)
        (∀ a b₁  subst  { (get , set) 
                              b₂  set (set a b₁) b₂  set a b₂ })
                        (_↔_.to ≡×≡↔≡ (g , s)) (set-set l₁ a b₁) 
                  set-set l₂ a b₁)))                                   ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ g  ∃-cong λ s  Erased-cong (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                           ∀-cong ext λ a  ∀-cong ext λ b₁ 
                                                                             lemma₁  { (get , set) b₂  set (set a b₁) b₂  set a b₂ })
                                                                                    (_↔_.to ≡×≡↔≡ (g , s)))) 
    ( λ (g : get l₁  get l₂) 
      λ (s : set l₁  set l₂) 
       ((∀ a b  subst  { (get , set)  get (set a b)  b })
                       (_↔_.to ≡×≡↔≡ (g , s)) (get-set l₁ a b) 
                 get-set l₂ a b)
        (∀ a  subst  { (get , set)  set a (get a)  a })
                     (_↔_.to ≡×≡↔≡ (g , s)) (set-get l₁ a) 
               set-get l₂ a)
        (∀ a b₁ b₂  subst  { (get , set) 
                                set (set a b₁) b₂  set a b₂ })
                           (_↔_.to ≡×≡↔≡ (g , s)) (set-set l₁ a b₁ b₂) 
                     set-set l₂ a b₁ b₂)))                             ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ g  ∃-cong λ s  Erased-cong (
                                                                           (∀-cong ext λ a  ∀-cong ext λ b 
                                                                            lemma₂  { (get , set)  get (set a b)  b }) g s)
                                                                           (∀-cong ext λ a 
                                                                            lemma₂  { (get , set)  set a (get a)  a }) g s)
                                                                           (∀-cong ext λ a  ∀-cong ext λ b₁  ∀-cong ext λ b₂ 
                                                                            lemma₂  { (get , set)  set (set a b₁) b₂  set a b₂ }) g s))) 
    ( λ (g : get l₁  get l₂) 
      λ (s : set l₁  set l₂) 
       ((∀ a b  subst  get  get (set l₂ a b)  b) g
                   (subst  set  get l₁ (set a b)  b) s
                      (get-set l₁ a b)) 
                 get-set l₂ a b)
        (∀ a  subst  get  set l₂ a (get a)  a) g
                 (subst  set  set a (get l₁ a)  a) s
                    (set-get l₁ a)) 
               set-get l₂ a)
        (∀ a b₁ b₂ 
           subst  get  set l₂ (set l₂ a b₁) b₂  set l₂ a b₂) g
             (subst  set  set (set a b₁) b₂  set a b₂) s
                (set-set l₁ a b₁ b₂)) 
           set-set l₂ a b₁ b₂)))                                       ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ g  ∃-cong λ _  Erased-cong (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                           ∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                                           ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong  x  x  _) $ subst-const g)) ⟩□
    ( λ (g : get l₁  get l₂) 
      λ (s : set l₁  set l₂) 
       ((∀ a b  subst  get  get (set l₂ a b)  b) g
                   (subst  set  get l₁ (set a b)  b) s
                      (get-set l₁ a b)) 
                 get-set l₂ a b)
        (∀ a  subst  get  set l₂ a (get a)  a) g
                 (subst  set  set a (get l₁ a)  a) s
                    (set-get l₁ a)) 
               set-get l₂ a)
        (∀ a b₁ b₂  subst  set  set (set a b₁) b₂  set a b₂) s
                       (set-set l₁ a b₁ b₂) 
                     set-set l₂ a b₁ b₂)))                             
    open Lens


      lemma₁ :
         (C : A  B  Type c) (eq : u  v) {f g} 
        (subst  x   y  C x y) eq f  g)
        (∀ y  subst  x  C x y) eq (f y)  g y)
      lemma₁ C eq {f} {g} =
        subst  x   y  C x y) eq f  g              ↔⟨ inverse $ Eq.extensionality-isomorphism ext 
        (∀ y  subst  x   y  C x y) eq f y  g y)  ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ y  ≡⇒↝ _ $
                                                            cong  x  x  _) (sym $ push-subst-application eq _)) ⟩□
        (∀ y  subst  x  C x y) eq (f y)  g y)      

    lemma₂ :
      (P : A × B  Type p) (x₁≡x₂ : x₁  x₂) (y₁≡y₂ : y₁  y₂) 
       {p p′} 
      (subst P (_↔_.to ≡×≡↔≡ (x₁≡x₂ , y₁≡y₂)) p  p′)
      (subst  x  P (x , y₂)) x₁≡x₂ (subst  y  P (x₁ , y)) y₁≡y₂ p)
    lemma₂ P x₁≡x₂ y₁≡y₂ {p = p} = ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong (_≡ _) $ elim¹
         subst P (_↔_.to ≡×≡↔≡ (x₁≡x₂ , y₁≡y₂)) p 
         subst  x  P (x , _)) x₁≡x₂
           (subst  y  P (_ , y)) y₁≡y₂ p))
      (subst P (_↔_.to ≡×≡↔≡ (x₁≡x₂ , refl _)) p                     ≡⟨⟩

       subst P (cong₂ _,_ x₁≡x₂ (refl _)) p                          ≡⟨⟩

       subst P (trans (cong (_, _) x₁≡x₂) (cong (_ ,_) (refl _))) p  ≡⟨ cong  eq  subst P (trans (cong (_, _) x₁≡x₂) eq) p) $ cong-refl _ 

       subst P (trans (cong (_, _) x₁≡x₂) (refl _)) p                ≡⟨ cong  eq  subst P eq p) $ trans-reflʳ _ 

       subst P (cong (_, _) x₁≡x₂) p                                 ≡⟨ sym $ subst-∘ _ _ _ 

       subst  x  P (x , _)) x₁≡x₂ p                               ≡⟨ cong (subst  x  P (x , _)) x₁≡x₂) $ sym $ subst-refl _ _ ⟩∎

       subst  x  P (x , _)) x₁≡x₂
         (subst  y  P (_ , y)) (refl _) p)                        )

  -- Another equality characterisation lemma.

  equality-characterisation₂ :
    let open Lens in

    l₁  l₂
     λ (g : get l₁  get l₂) 
     λ (s : set l₁  set l₂) 
        ((∀ a b 
            trans (sym (cong₂  set get  get (set a b)) s g))
              (get-set l₁ a b) 
            get-set l₂ a b) ×
         (∀ a 
            trans (sym (cong₂  set get  set a (get a)) s g))
              (set-get l₁ a) 
            set-get l₂ a) ×
         (∀ a b₁ b₂ 
            subst  set  set (set a b₁) b₂  set a b₂) s
              (set-set l₁ a b₁ b₂) 
            set-set l₂ a b₁ b₂))

  equality-characterisation₂ {l₁ = l₁} {l₂ = l₂} =
    l₁  l₂                                                           ↝⟨ equality-characterisation₁ 

    ( λ (g : get l₁  get l₂) 
      λ (s : set l₁  set l₂) 
       ((∀ a b  subst  get  get (set l₂ a b)  b) g
                   (subst  set  get l₁ (set a b)  b) s
                      (get-set l₁ a b)) 
                 get-set l₂ a b)
        (∀ a  subst  get  set l₂ a (get a)  a) g
                 (subst  set  set a (get l₁ a)  a) s
                    (set-get l₁ a)) 
               set-get l₂ a)
        (∀ a b₁ b₂  subst  set  set (set a b₁) b₂  set a b₂) s
                       (set-set l₁ a b₁ b₂) 
                     set-set l₂ a b₁ b₂)))                            ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ g  ∃-cong λ s  Erased-cong (
                                                                          (∀-cong ext λ a  ∀-cong ext λ b  ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong (_≡ _) $
                                                                           lemma₁ g s a b)
                                                                          (∀-cong ext λ a  ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong (_≡ _) $
                                                                           lemma₂ g s a)
                                                                          F.id)) ⟩□
    ( λ (g : get l₁  get l₂) 
      λ (s : set l₁  set l₂) 
       ((∀ a b  trans (sym (cong₂  set get  get (set a b)) s g))
                   (get-set l₁ a b) 
                 get-set l₂ a b) ×
        (∀ a  trans (sym (cong₂  set get  set a (get a)) s g))
                 (set-get l₁ a) 
               set-get l₂ a) ×
        (∀ a b₁ b₂ 
           subst  set  set (set a b₁) b₂  set a b₂) s
             (set-set l₁ a b₁ b₂) 
           set-set l₂ a b₁ b₂)))                                      
    open Lens

    @0 lemma₁ :
      (g : get l₁  get l₂) (s : set l₁  set l₂) 
       a b 
      subst  get  get (set l₂ a b)  b) g
        (subst  set  get l₁ (set a b)  b) s
           (get-set l₁ a b)) 
      trans (sym (cong₂  set get  get (set a b)) s g))
        (get-set l₁ a b)
    lemma₁ g s a b =
      subst  get  get (set l₂ a b)  b) g
        (subst  set  get l₁ (set a b)  b) s
           (get-set l₁ a b))                                     ≡⟨ cong  eq  subst  get  get (set l₂ a b)  b) g eq) $
                                                                      {f = λ set  get l₁ (set a b)} {g = λ _  b}
                                                                      {x≡y = s} {fx≡gx = (get-set l₁ a b)} 
      subst  get  get (set l₂ a b)  b) g
        (trans (sym (cong  set  get l₁ (set a b)) s))
           (trans (get-set l₁ a b) (cong (const b) s)))          ≡⟨ cong  eq  subst  get  get (set l₂ a b)  b) g
                                                                                   (trans (sym (cong  set  get l₁ (set a b)) s))
                                                                                      (trans _ eq))) $
                                                                    cong-const s 
      subst  get  get (set l₂ a b)  b) g
        (trans (sym (cong  set  get l₁ (set a b)) s))
           (trans (get-set l₁ a b) (refl _)))                    ≡⟨ cong  eq  subst  get  get (set l₂ a b)  b) g
                                                                                   (trans (sym (cong  set  get l₁ (set a b)) s)) eq)) $
                                                                    trans-reflʳ _ 
      subst  get  get (set l₂ a b)  b) g
        (trans (sym (cong  set  get l₁ (set a b)) s))
           (get-set l₁ a b))                                     ≡⟨ subst-in-terms-of-trans-and-cong {x≡y = g}
                                                                      {fx≡gx = trans _ (get-set l₁ a b)} 
      trans (sym (cong  get  get (set l₂ a b)) g))
        (trans (trans (sym (cong  set  get l₁ (set a b)) s))
                  (get-set l₁ a b))
           (cong (const b) g))                                   ≡⟨ cong  eq  trans (sym (cong  get  get (set l₂ a b)) g))
                                                                                   (trans (trans (sym (cong  set  get l₁ (set a b)) s))
                                                                                             (get-set l₁ a b))
                                                                                      eq)) $
                                                                    cong-const g 
      trans (sym (cong  get  get (set l₂ a b)) g))
        (trans (trans (sym (cong  set  get l₁ (set a b)) s))
                  (get-set l₁ a b))
           (refl _))                                             ≡⟨ cong (trans _) $
                                                                    trans-reflʳ _ 
      trans (sym (cong  get  get (set l₂ a b)) g))
        (trans (sym (cong  set  get l₁ (set a b)) s))
           (get-set l₁ a b))                                     ≡⟨ sym $ trans-assoc _ _ (get-set l₁ a b) 

      trans (trans (sym (cong  get  get (set l₂ a b)) g))
               (sym (cong  set  get l₁ (set a b)) s)))
        (get-set l₁ a b)                                         ≡⟨ cong  eq  trans eq (get-set l₁ a b)) $ sym $
                                                                    sym-trans _ (cong  get  get (set l₂ a b)) g) 
      trans (sym (trans (cong  set  get l₁ (set a b)) s)
                    (cong  get  get (set l₂ a b)) g)))
        (get-set l₁ a b)                                         ≡⟨⟩

      trans (sym (cong₂  set get  get (set a b)) s g))
        (get-set l₁ a b)                                         

    @0 lemma₂ :
      (g : get l₁  get l₂) (s : set l₁  set l₂) 
      subst  get  set l₂ a (get a)  a) g
        (subst  set  set a (get l₁ a)  a) s
           (set-get l₁ a)) 
      trans (sym (cong₂  set get  set a (get a)) s g))
        (set-get l₁ a)
    lemma₂ g s a =
      subst  get  set l₂ a (get a)  a) g
        (subst  set  set a (get l₁ a)  a) s
           (set-get l₁ a))                                       ≡⟨⟩

      subst  get  set l₂ a (get a)  a) g
        (subst  set  set a (get l₁ a)  a) s
           (set-get l₁ a))                                       ≡⟨ cong (subst  get  set l₂ a (get a)  a) g) $
                                                                    subst-in-terms-of-trans-and-cong {x≡y = s} {fx≡gx = set-get l₁ a} 
      subst  get  set l₂ a (get a)  a) g
        (trans (sym (cong  set  set a (get l₁ a)) s))
           (trans (set-get l₁ a) (cong (const a) s)))            ≡⟨ cong  eq  subst  get  set l₂ a (get a)  a) g
                                                                                    (trans (sym (cong  set  set a (get l₁ a)) s))
                                                                                       (trans _ eq))) $
                                                                    cong-const s 
      subst  get  set l₂ a (get a)  a) g
        (trans (sym (cong  set  set a (get l₁ a)) s))
           (trans (set-get l₁ a) (refl _)))                      ≡⟨ cong  eq  subst  get  set l₂ a (get a)  a) g
                                                                                   (trans (sym (cong  set  set a (get l₁ a)) s)) eq)) $
                                                                    trans-reflʳ _ 
      subst  get  set l₂ a (get a)  a) g
        (trans (sym (cong  set  set a (get l₁ a)) s))
           (set-get l₁ a))                                       ≡⟨ subst-in-terms-of-trans-and-cong {x≡y = g}
                                                                      {fx≡gx = trans (sym (cong  set  set a (get l₁ a)) s)) (set-get l₁ a)} 
      trans (sym (cong  get  set l₂ a (get a)) g))
        (trans (trans (sym (cong  set  set a (get l₁ a)) s))
                  (set-get l₁ a))
           (cong (const a) g))                                   ≡⟨ cong  eq  trans (sym (cong  get  set l₂ a (get a)) g))
                                                                                   (trans (trans (sym (cong  set  set a (get l₁ a)) s))
                                                                                             (set-get l₁ a))
                                                                                      eq)) $
                                                                    cong-const g 
      trans (sym (cong  get  set l₂ a (get a)) g))
        (trans (trans (sym (cong  set  set a (get l₁ a)) s))
                  (set-get l₁ a))
           (refl _))                                             ≡⟨ cong (trans _) $
                                                                    trans-reflʳ _ 
      trans (sym (cong  get  set l₂ a (get a)) g))
        (trans (sym (cong  set  set a (get l₁ a)) s))
           (set-get l₁ a))                                       ≡⟨ sym $ trans-assoc _ _ (set-get l₁ a) 

      trans (trans (sym (cong  get  set l₂ a (get a)) g))
               (sym (cong  set  set a (get l₁ a)) s)))
        (set-get l₁ a)                                           ≡⟨ cong  eq  trans eq (set-get l₁ a)) $ sym $
                                                                    sym-trans _ (cong  get  set l₂ a (get a)) g) 
      trans (sym (trans (cong  set  set a (get l₁ a)) s)
                    (cong  get  set l₂ a (get a)) g)))
        (set-get l₁ a)                                           ≡⟨⟩

      trans (sym (cong₂  set get  set a (get a)) s g))
        (set-get l₁ a)                                           

  -- And another one.

  equality-characterisation₃ :
    let open Lens in

    l₁  l₂
     λ (g : get l₁  get l₂) 
     λ (s : set l₁  set l₂) 
        ((∀ a b 
            trans (sym (cong₂  set get  get (set a b)) s g))
              (get-set l₁ a b) 
            get-set l₂ a b) ×
         (∀ a 
            trans (sym (cong₂  set get  set a (get a)) s g))
              (set-get l₁ a) 
            set-get l₂ a) ×
         (∀ a b₁ b₂ 
            trans (set-set l₁ a b₁ b₂) (cong  set  set a b₂) s) 
            trans (cong  set  set (set a b₁) b₂) s)
              (set-set l₂ a b₁ b₂)))

  equality-characterisation₃ {l₁ = l₁} {l₂ = l₂} =
    l₁  l₂                                                           ↝⟨ equality-characterisation₂ 

    ( λ (g : get l₁  get l₂) 
      λ (s : set l₁  set l₂) 
       ((∀ a b  trans (sym (cong₂  set get  get (set a b)) s g))
                   (get-set l₁ a b) 
                 get-set l₂ a b) ×
        (∀ a  trans (sym (cong₂  set get  set a (get a)) s g))
                 (set-get l₁ a) 
               set-get l₂ a) ×
        (∀ a b₁ b₂ 
           subst  set  set (set a b₁) b₂  set a b₂) s
             (set-set l₁ a b₁ b₂) 
           set-set l₂ a b₁ b₂)))                                      ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ g  ∃-cong λ s  Erased-cong (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                          ∀-cong ext λ a  ∀-cong ext λ b₁  ∀-cong ext λ b₂  ≡⇒↝ _ $
                                                                          lemma g s a b₁ b₂)) ⟩□
    ( λ (g : get l₁  get l₂) 
      λ (s : set l₁  set l₂) 
       ((∀ a b  trans (sym (cong₂  set get  get (set a b)) s g))
                   (get-set l₁ a b) 
                 get-set l₂ a b) ×
        (∀ a  trans (sym (cong₂  set get  set a (get a)) s g))
                 (set-get l₁ a) 
               set-get l₂ a) ×
        (∀ a b₁ b₂ 
           trans (set-set l₁ a b₁ b₂) (cong  set  set a b₂) s) 
           trans (cong  set  set (set a b₁) b₂) s)
             (set-set l₂ a b₁ b₂))))                                  
    open Lens

    @0 lemma :
      (g : get l₁  get l₂) (s : set l₁  set l₂) 
       a b₁ b₂ 
      (subst  set  set (set a b₁) b₂  set a b₂) s
         (set-set l₁ a b₁ b₂) 
       set-set l₂ a b₁ b₂) 
      (trans (set-set l₁ a b₁ b₂) (cong  set  set a b₂) s) 
       trans (cong  set  set (set a b₁) b₂) s)
         (set-set l₂ a b₁ b₂))
    lemma g s a b₁ b₂ =
      subst  set  set (set a b₁) b₂  set a b₂) s
        (set-set l₁ a b₁ b₂) 
      set-set l₂ a b₁ b₂                                        ≡⟨ cong (_≡ _) $
                                                                   subst-in-terms-of-trans-and-cong {x≡y = s} {fx≡gx = set-set l₁ a b₁ b₂} 
      trans (sym (cong  set  set (set a b₁) b₂) s))
        (trans (set-set l₁ a b₁ b₂)
           (cong  set  set a b₂) s)) 
      set-set l₂ a b₁ b₂                                        ≡⟨ [trans≡]≡[≡trans-symˡ] _ _ _ 

      trans (set-set l₁ a b₁ b₂) (cong  set  set a b₂) s) 
      trans (sym (sym (cong  set  set (set a b₁) b₂) s)))
        (set-set l₂ a b₁ b₂)                                    ≡⟨ cong  eq  trans _ (cong  set  set a b₂) s) 
                                                                                trans eq (set-set l₂ a b₁ b₂)) $
                                                                   sym-sym (cong  set  set (set a b₁) b₂) s) 
      trans (set-set l₁ a b₁ b₂) (cong  set  set a b₂) s) 
      trans (cong  set  set (set a b₁) b₂) s)
        (set-set l₂ a b₁ b₂)                                    

  -- And yet another one.

  equality-characterisation₄ :
    let open Lens in

    l₁  l₂
     λ (g :  a  get l₁ a  get l₂ a) 
     λ (s :  a b  set l₁ a b  set l₂ a b) 
        ((∀ a b 
            trans (sym (trans (cong (get l₁) (s a b))
                          (g (set l₂ a b))))
              (get-set l₁ a b) 
            get-set l₂ a b) ×
         (∀ a 
            trans (sym (trans (s a (get l₁ a))
                          (cong (set l₂ a) (g a))))
              (set-get l₁ a) 
            set-get l₂ a) ×
         (∀ a b₁ b₂ 
            trans (set-set l₁ a b₁ b₂) (s a b₂) 
            trans (cong  set  set (set a b₁) b₂) (⟨ext⟩ (⟨ext⟩  s)))
              (set-set l₂ a b₁ b₂)))

  equality-characterisation₄ {l₁ = l₁} {l₂ = l₂} =
    l₁  l₂                                                              ↝⟨ equality-characterisation₃ 

    ( λ (g : get l₁  get l₂) 
      λ (s : set l₁  set l₂) 
       ((∀ a b  trans (sym (cong₂  set get  get (set a b)) s g))
                   (get-set l₁ a b) 
                 get-set l₂ a b) ×
        (∀ a  trans (sym (cong₂  set get  set a (get a)) s g))
                 (set-get l₁ a) 
               set-get l₂ a) ×
        (∀ a b₁ b₂ 
           trans (set-set l₁ a b₁ b₂) (cong  set  set a b₂) s) 
           trans (cong  set  set (set a b₁) b₂) s)
             (set-set l₂ a b₁ b₂))))                                     ↝⟨ (Σ-cong (inverse $ Eq.extensionality-isomorphism ext) λ g 
                                                                             Σ-cong (inverse $
                                                                                     Eq.extensionality-isomorphism ext F.∘
                                                                                     ∀-cong ext λ _  Eq.extensionality-isomorphism ext) λ s 
                                                                             Erased-cong (
                                                                             (∀-cong ext λ a  ∀-cong ext λ b 
                                                                              ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong  eq  trans (sym eq) (get-set l₁ a b)  _) (
        cong₂  set get  get (set a b)) s g                                   ≡⟨⟩

        trans (cong  set  get l₁ (set a b)) s)
          (cong  get  get (set l₂ a b)) g)                                   ≡⟨ cong  eq  trans eq (ext⁻¹ g (set l₂ a b))) $ sym $
                                                                                   cong-∘ _ _ s 
        trans (cong (get l₁  (_$ b)) (ext⁻¹ s a))
          (ext⁻¹ g (set l₂ a b))                                                ≡⟨ cong  eq  trans eq (ext⁻¹ g (set l₂ a b))) $ sym $
                                                                                   cong-∘ _ _ (ext⁻¹ s a) ⟩∎
        trans (cong (get l₁) (ext⁻¹ (ext⁻¹ s a) b))
          (ext⁻¹ g (set l₂ a b))                                                ))
                                                                             (∀-cong ext λ a 
                                                                              ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong  eq  trans (sym eq) (set-get l₁ a)  _) (
        cong₂  set get  set a (get a)) s g                                   ≡⟨⟩

        trans (cong  set  set a (get l₁ a)) s)
          (cong  get  set l₂ a (get a)) g)                                   ≡⟨ sym $ cong₂ trans (cong-∘ _ _ s) (cong-∘ _ _ g) 

        trans (ext⁻¹ (ext⁻¹ s a) (get l₁ a))
          (cong (set l₂ a) (ext⁻¹ g a))                                         ))
                                                                             ∀-cong ext λ a  ∀-cong ext λ b₁  ∀-cong ext λ b₂ 
                                                                              ≡⇒↝ _ $
                                                                              cong₂  p q  trans _ p 
                                                                                             trans (cong  set  set (set a b₁) b₂) q)
                                                                                               (set-set l₂ a b₁ b₂)) (
        cong  set  set a b₂) s                                               ≡⟨ sym $ cong-∘ _ _ s ⟩∎

        ext⁻¹ (ext⁻¹ s a) b₂                                                    )
        s                                                                       ≡⟨ sym $ _≃_.right-inverse-of
                                                                                           (Eq.extensionality-isomorphism bad-ext) _ 
        ⟨ext⟩ (ext⁻¹ s)                                                         ≡⟨ (cong ⟨ext⟩ $ ⟨ext⟩ λ _  sym $
                                                                                      (Eq.extensionality-isomorphism bad-ext) _) ⟩∎
        ⟨ext⟩ (⟨ext⟩  ext⁻¹  ext⁻¹ s)                                         ))) ⟩□

    ( λ (g :  a  get l₁ a  get l₂ a) 
      λ (s :  a b  set l₁ a b  set l₂ a b) 
       ((∀ a b 
           trans (sym (trans (cong (get l₁) (s a b))
                         (g (set l₂ a b))))
             (get-set l₁ a b) 
           get-set l₂ a b) ×
        (∀ a 
           trans (sym (trans (s a (get l₁ a))
                         (cong (set l₂ a) (g a))))
             (set-get l₁ a) 
           set-get l₂ a) ×
        (∀ a b₁ b₂ 
           trans (set-set l₁ a b₁ b₂) (s a b₂) 
           trans (cong  set  set (set a b₁) b₂) (⟨ext⟩ (⟨ext⟩  s)))
             (set-set l₂ a b₁ b₂))))                                     
    open Lens

  -- A lemma that can be used to prove that two lenses with
  -- definitionally equal getters and setters are equal.

  equal-laws→≡ :
    {get : A  B} {set : A  B  A}
    {l₁′ l₂′ : Erased ((∀ a b  get (set a b)  b) ×
                       (∀ a  set a (get a)  a) ×
                       (∀ a b₁ b₂  set (set a b₁) b₂  set a b₂))} 

    let l₁ = _↔_.from Lens-as-Σ (get , set , l₁′)
        l₂ = _↔_.from Lens-as-Σ (get , set , l₂′)
        open Lens

    @0 (∀ a b  get-set l₁ a b  get-set l₂ a b) 
    @0 (∀ a  set-get l₁ a  set-get l₂ a) 
    @0 (∀ a b₁ b₂  set-set l₁ a b₁ b₂  set-set l₂ a b₁ b₂) 
    l₁  l₂
  equal-laws→≡ {l₁′ = l₁′} {l₂′ = l₂′} hyp₁ hyp₂ hyp₃ =
    let l₁″ = _↔_.from Lens-as-Σ (_ , _ , l₁′)
        l₂″ = _↔_.from Lens-as-Σ (_ , _ , l₂′)
    _↔_.from equality-characterisation₂
      ( refl _
      , refl _
      , [  a b 
             trans (sym (cong₂  set get  get (set a b))
                           (refl _) (refl _)))
               (get-set l₁″ a b)                            ≡⟨ cong  eq  trans (sym eq) _) $ cong₂-refl _ 

             trans (sym (refl _)) (get-set l₁″ a b)         ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) sym-refl 

             trans (refl _) (get-set l₁″ a b)               ≡⟨ trans-reflˡ _ 

             get-set l₁″ a b                                ≡⟨ hyp₁ _ _ ⟩∎

             get-set l₂″ a b                                )
        ,  a 
             trans (sym (cong₂  set get  set a (get a))
                           (refl _) (refl _)))
               (set-get l₁″ a)                              ≡⟨ cong  eq  trans (sym eq) _) $ cong₂-refl _ 

             trans (sym (refl _)) (set-get l₁″ a)           ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) sym-refl 

             trans (refl _) (set-get l₁″ a)                 ≡⟨ trans-reflˡ _ 

             set-get l₁″ a                                  ≡⟨ hyp₂ _ ⟩∎

             set-get l₂″ a                                  )
        ,  a b₁ b₂ 
             subst  set  set (set a b₁) b₂  set a b₂) (refl _)
               (set-set l₁″ a b₁ b₂)                                ≡⟨ subst-refl _ _ 

             set-set l₁″ a b₁ b₂                                    ≡⟨ hyp₃ _ _ _ ⟩∎

             set-set l₂″ a b₁ b₂                                    )
    open Lens

-- An equality characterisation lemma for lenses from sets.

@0 equality-characterisation-for-sets :
  let open Lens in

  {l₁ l₂ : Lens A B} 

  Is-set A 

  l₁  l₂
  set l₁  set l₂
  {A = A} {B = B} {l₁ = l₁} {l₂ = l₂} A-set =

  l₁  l₂            ↔⟨ inverse $ Eq.≃-≡ Lens≃Traditional-lens 
  trad l₁  trad l₂  ↝⟨ T.equality-characterisation-for-sets A-set ⟩□
  set l₁  set l₂    
  open Lens

-- More isomorphisms/equivalences related to lenses

-- Lens ⊤ B is equivalent (with erased proofs) to Contractibleᴱ B.

lens-from-⊤≃codomain-contractible :
  Lens  B ≃ᴱ Contractibleᴱ B
lens-from-⊤≃codomain-contractible = EEq.⇔→≃ᴱ
  (lens-preserves-h-level-of-domain 0 (mono₁ 0 ⊤-contractible))
  (ECP.Contractibleᴱ-propositional ext)
   l  Contractibleᴱ→Contractibleᴱ l
           (ECP.Contractible→Contractibleᴱ ⊤-contractible))
   (b , irrB)  record
     { get     = λ _  b
     ; get-set = λ _  erased irrB
     ; set-get = refl
     ; set-set = λ _ _ _  refl _

-- Lens ⊥ B is equivalent to the unit type.

lens-from-⊥≃⊤ : Lens ( { = a}) B  
lens-from-⊥≃⊤ =
  Eq.↔⇒≃ $ _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
      { get = ⊥-elim
      ; set = ⊥-elim
      ; get-set = λ a  ⊥-elim a
      ; set-get = λ a  ⊥-elim a
      ; set-set = λ a  ⊥-elim a
      } ,
    λ l  _↔_.from equality-characterisation₁
            ( ⟨ext⟩  a  ⊥-elim a)
            , ⟨ext⟩  a  ⊥-elim a)
            , [  a  ⊥-elim a)
              ,  a  ⊥-elim a)
              ,  a  ⊥-elim a)

-- If A is a set and there is a lens from A to B, then A is equivalent
-- (with erased proofs) to the cartesian product of some type (that
-- can be expressed using the setter of l) and B.
-- This result is based on Theorem 2.3.9 from "Lenses and View Update
-- Translation" by Pierce and Schmitt.

≃ᴱΣ∥set⁻¹ᴱ∥ᴱ× :
  @0 Is-set A 
  (l : Lens A B) 
  A ≃ᴱ (( λ (f : B  A)   Lens.set l ⁻¹ᴱ f ∥ᴱ) × B)
≃ᴱΣ∥set⁻¹ᴱ∥ᴱ× {A = A} {B = B} A-set l = EEq.↔→≃ᴱ
   a  (set a ,  a , [ refl _ ] ) , get a)
   ((f , _) , b)  f b)
     set a (get a)  ≡⟨ set-get a ⟩∎
     a              )
  open Lens l

  @0 B-set : A  Is-set B
  B-set a =
    h-level-respects-lens-from-inhabited 2 l a A-set

  @0 to-from :  _  _
  to-from ((f , p) , b) = flip TE.rec p λ @0 where
      ×-closure 2
        (Σ-closure 2
           (Π-closure ext 2 λ _  A-set) λ _ 
           mono₁ 1 TE.truncation-is-proposition)
        (B-set (f b))
    .TE.∣∣ʳ (a , [ q ]) 
        lemma₁ =
          set (f b)      ≡⟨ cong  f  set (f b)) $ sym q 
          set (set a b)  ≡⟨ ⟨ext⟩ $ set-set a b 
          set a          ≡⟨ q ⟩∎

        lemma₂ =
          get (f b)      ≡⟨ cong  f  get (f b)) $ sym q 
          get (set a b)  ≡⟨ get-set _ _ ⟩∎
      (set (f b) ,  f b , [ refl _ ] ) , get (f b)  ≡⟨ cong₂ _,_ (Σ-≡,≡→≡ lemma₁ (TE.truncation-is-proposition _ _)) lemma₂ ⟩∎
      (f         , p)                    , b          

-- If B is an inhabited set and there is a lens from A to B, then A is
-- equivalent (with erased proofs) to the cartesian product of some
-- type (that can be expressed using the getter of l) and B.
-- This result is based on Corollary 13 from "Algebras and Update
-- Strategies" by Johnson, Rosebrugh and Wood.

≃ᴱget⁻¹ᴱ× :
  @0 Is-set B 
  (b : B)
  (l : Lens A B) 
  A ≃ᴱ (Lens.get l ⁻¹ᴱ b × B)
≃ᴱget⁻¹ᴱ× {B = B} {A = A} B-set b₀ l = EEq.↔→≃ᴱ
   a  (set a b₀ , [ get-set a b₀ ]) , get a)
   ((a , _) , b)  set a b)
   ((a , [ h ]) , b) 
       lemma =
         set (set a b) b₀  ≡⟨ set-set a b b₀ 
         set a b₀          ≡⟨ cong (set a) (sym h) 
         set a (get a)     ≡⟨ set-get a ⟩∎
     (set (set a b) b₀ , [ get-set (set a b) b₀ ]) , get (set a b)  ≡⟨ cong₂ _,_ (Σ-≡,≡→≡ lemma ([]-cong [ B-set _ _ ])) (get-set a b) ⟩∎
     (a                , [ h                    ]) , b              )
     set (set a b₀) (get a)  ≡⟨ set-set a b₀ (get a) 
     set a (get a)           ≡⟨ set-get a ⟩∎
     a                       )
  open Lens l

-- For somewhat coherent lenses the previous result can be proved
-- without the assumption that the codomain is a set.

≃ᴱget⁻¹ᴱ×-coherent :
  (b : B)
  (l : Coherent-lens A B) 
  A ≃ᴱ (Coherent-lens.get l ⁻¹ᴱ b × B)
≃ᴱget⁻¹ᴱ×-coherent {B = B} {A = A} b₀ l = EEq.↔→≃ᴱ
   a  (set a b₀ , [ get-set a b₀ ]) , get a)
   ((a , _) , b)  set a b)
   ((a , [ h ]) , b) 
       lemma₁ =
         set (set a b) b₀  ≡⟨ set-set a b b₀ 
         set a b₀          ≡⟨ cong (set a) (sym h) 
         set a (get a)     ≡⟨ set-get a ⟩∎

       lemma₂₁ =
         cong get (trans (set-set a b b₀)
                     (trans (cong (set a) (sym h))
                        (set-get a)))               ≡⟨ trans (cong-trans _ _ _) $
                                                       cong (trans _) $
                                                       trans (cong-trans _ _ _) $
                                                       cong (flip trans _) $
                                                       cong-∘ _ _ _ 
         trans (cong get (set-set a b b₀))
           (trans (cong (get  set a) (sym h))
              (cong get (set-get a)))               ≡⟨ cong₂  p q  trans p (trans (cong (get  set a) (sym h)) q))
                                                         (get-set-set _ _ _)
                                                         (get-set-get _) ⟩∎
         trans (trans (get-set (set a b) b₀)
                  (sym (get-set a b₀)))
           (trans (cong (get  set a) (sym h))
              (get-set a (get a)))                  

       lemma₂₂ =
         sym (trans (trans (get-set (set a b) b₀)
                       (sym (get-set a b₀)))
                (trans (cong (get  set a) (sym h))
                   (get-set a (get a))))               ≡⟨ trans (sym-trans _ _) $
                                                          cong₂ trans
                                                            (sym-trans _ _)
                                                            (sym-trans _ _) 
         trans (trans (sym (get-set a (get a)))
                  (sym (cong (get  set a) (sym h))))
           (trans (sym (sym (get-set a b₀)))
              (sym (get-set (set a b) b₀)))            ≡⟨ cong₂  p q  trans (trans (sym (get-set a (get a))) p)
                                                                           (trans q (sym (get-set (set a b) b₀))))
                                                            (trans (cong sym $ cong-sym _ _) $
                                                             sym-sym _)
                                                            (sym-sym _) 
         trans (trans (sym (get-set a (get a)))
                  (cong (get  set a) h))
           (trans (get-set a b₀)
              (sym (get-set (set a b) b₀)))            ≡⟨ trans (sym $ trans-assoc _ _ _) $
                                                          cong (flip trans _) $ trans-assoc _ _ _ ⟩∎
         trans (trans (sym (get-set a (get a)))
                  (trans (cong (get  set a) h)
                     (get-set a b₀)))
           (sym (get-set (set a b) b₀))                

       lemma₂′ =
         subst  a  get a  b₀)
           (trans (set-set a b b₀)
              (trans (cong (set a) (sym h)) (set-get a)))
           (get-set (set a b) b₀)                            ≡⟨ subst-∘ _ _ _ 

         subst (_≡ b₀)
           (cong get (trans (set-set a b b₀)
                        (trans (cong (set a) (sym h))
                           (set-get a))))
           (get-set (set a b) b₀)                            ≡⟨ subst-trans-sym 

           (sym (cong get (trans (set-set a b b₀)
                             (trans (cong (set a) (sym h))
                                (set-get a)))))
           (get-set (set a b) b₀)                            ≡⟨ cong (flip (trans  sym) _) lemma₂₁ 

           (sym (trans (trans (get-set (set a b) b₀)
                          (sym (get-set a b₀)))
                   (trans (cong (get  set a) (sym h))
                      (get-set a (get a)))))
           (get-set (set a b) b₀)                            ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) lemma₂₂ 

           (trans (trans (sym (get-set a (get a)))
                     (trans (cong (get  set a) h)
                        (get-set a b₀)))
              (sym (get-set (set a b) b₀)))
           (get-set (set a b) b₀)                            ≡⟨ trans-[trans-sym]- _ _ 

         trans (sym (get-set a (get a)))
           (trans (cong (get  set a) h)
              (get-set a b₀))                                ≡⟨ cong  f  trans (sym (f (get a))) (trans (cong (get  set a) h) (f b₀))) $ sym $
                                                                _≃_.left-inverse-of (Eq.extensionality-isomorphism bad-ext) (get-set a) 
         trans (sym (ext⁻¹ (⟨ext⟩ (get-set a)) (get a)))
           (trans (cong (get  set a) h)
              (ext⁻¹ (⟨ext⟩ (get-set a)) b₀))                ≡⟨ elim₁
                                                                   {f} eq 
                                                                     trans (sym (ext⁻¹ eq (get a)))
                                                                       (trans (cong f h) (ext⁻¹ eq b₀)) 
             trans (sym (ext⁻¹ (refl P.id) (get a)))
               (trans (cong P.id h) (ext⁻¹ (refl P.id) b₀))        ≡⟨ cong₂  p q  trans p (trans (cong P.id h) q))
                                                                        (trans (cong sym (ext⁻¹-refl _)) sym-refl)
                                                                        (ext⁻¹-refl _) 

             trans (refl _) (trans (cong P.id h) (refl _))         ≡⟨ trans-reflˡ _ 

             trans (cong P.id h) (refl _)                          ≡⟨ trans-reflʳ _ 

             cong P.id h                                           ≡⟨ sym $ cong-id _ ⟩∎

             h                                                     )
                                                                  _ ⟩∎

       lemma₂ =
         subst  a  Erased (get a  b₀))
           (trans (set-set a b b₀)
              (trans (cong (set a) (sym h)) (set-get a)))
           [ get-set (set a b) b₀ ]                          ≡⟨ push-subst-[] 

         [ subst  a  get a  b₀)
             (trans (set-set a b b₀)
                (trans (cong (set a) (sym h)) (set-get a)))
             (get-set (set a b) b₀)
         ]                                                   ≡⟨ []-cong [ lemma₂′ ] ⟩∎

         [ h ]                                               
     ((set (set a b) b₀ , [ get-set (set a b) b₀ ]) , get (set a b))  ≡⟨ cong₂ _,_ (Σ-≡,≡→≡ lemma₁ lemma₂) (get-set a b) ⟩∎
     ((a                , [ h                    ]) , b            )  )
     set (set a b₀) (get a)  ≡⟨ set-set a b₀ (get a) 
     set a (get a)           ≡⟨ set-get a ⟩∎
     a                       )
  open Coherent-lens l

-- A conversion function

-- If A is a set, then Lens A B is equivalent to Coherent-lens A B.

≃coherent : @0 Is-set A  Lens A B  Coherent-lens A B
≃coherent {A = A} {B = B} A-set = Eq.↔→≃
   l  let l′ = Coherent-lens.lens l in
                          $⟨ H-level-Erased 1
                               (×-closure 1
                                  (Π-closure ext 1 λ a 
                                   mono₁ 2 (B-set l′ a))
                                  (Π-closure ext 1 λ a 
                                   Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                                   Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                                   mono₁ 2 (B-set l′ a))) 
     Is-proposition _     ↝⟨  p  cong (l′ ,_) (p _ _))  (_  _) 
     (l′ , _)  (l′ , _)  ↔⟨ Eq.≃-≡ Coherent-lens-as-Σ ⟩□
     to l′  l            )
  @0 B-set : Lens A B  A  Is-set B
  B-set l a =
    h-level-respects-lens-from-inhabited 2 l a A-set

  to : Lens A B  Coherent-lens A B
  to l = record
    { lens        = l
    ; get-set-get = λ a  B-set l a _ _
    ; get-set-set = λ a _ _  B-set l a _ _

-- The conversion preserves getters and setters.

≃coherent-preserves-getters-and-setters :
  {A : Type a}
  (@0 s : Is-set A) 
  Preserves-getters-and-setters-⇔ A B
    (_≃_.logical-equivalence (≃coherent s))
≃coherent-preserves-getters-and-setters _ =
     _  refl _ , refl _)
  ,  _  refl _ , refl _)

-- Lens combinators

module Lens-combinators where

  -- If two types are isomorphic, then there is a lens between them.

  ↔→lens : A  B  Lens A B
  ↔→lens A↔B = record
    { get     = to
    ; set     = const from
    ; get-set = const right-inverse-of
    ; set-get = left-inverse-of
    ; set-set = λ _ _ _  refl _
    open _↔_ A↔B

  -- If there is an equivalence with erased proofs between two types,
  -- then there is a lens between them.

  ≃ᴱ→lens : A ≃ᴱ B  Lens A B
  ≃ᴱ→lens A≃B = record
    { get     = to
    ; set     = const from
    ; get-set = const right-inverse-of
    ; set-get = left-inverse-of
    ; set-set = λ _ _ _  refl _
    open _≃ᴱ_ A≃B

  -- Identity lens.

  id : Lens A A
  id = ≃ᴱ→lens F.id

  -- The identity lens is equal to the one obtained from the
  -- traditional identity lens without erased proofs.

  Traditional-lens-id≡id :
    Traditional-lens→Lens TC.id  id {A = A}
  Traditional-lens-id≡id = refl _

  -- Composition of lenses.

  infixr 9 _∘_

  _∘_ : Lens B C  Lens A B  Lens A C
  l₁  l₂ = record
    { get     = λ a  get l₁ (get l₂ a)
    ; set     = λ a c 
                let b = set l₁ (get l₂ a) c in
                set l₂ a b
    ; get-set = T.Lens.get-set l₁∘l₂
    ; set-get = T.Lens.set-get l₁∘l₂
    ; set-set = T.Lens.set-set l₁∘l₂
    open Lens

    @0 l₁∘l₂ : _
    l₁∘l₂ = trad l₁ TC.∘ trad l₂

  -- Traditional-lens→Lens commutes with composition.

  @0 Traditional-lens-∘≡∘ :
    {l₁ : T.Lens B C} {l₂ : T.Lens A B} 
    Traditional-lens→Lens (l₁ TC.∘ l₂) 
    Traditional-lens→Lens l₁  Traditional-lens→Lens l₂
  Traditional-lens-∘≡∘ = refl _

  -- Note that composition can be defined in several different ways.
  -- Here are two alternative implementations.

  infixr 9 _∘′_ _∘″_

  _∘′_ : Lens B C  Lens A B  Lens A C
  l₁ ∘′ l₂ = record (l₁  l₂)
    { set-set = T.Lens.set-set l₁∘′l₂
    @0 l₁∘′l₂ : _
    l₁∘′l₂ = trad l₁ TC.∘′ trad l₂

  _∘″_ : Lens B C  Lens A B  Lens A C
  l₁ ∘″ l₂ = record (l₁  l₂)
    { set-set = T.Lens.set-set l₁∘″l₂
    @0 l₁∘″l₂ : _
    l₁∘″l₂ = trad l₁ TC.∘″ trad l₂

  -- These two implementations are pointwise equal to the other one.
  -- However, I don't know if there is some other definition that is
  -- distinct from these two (if we require that the definitions are
  -- polymorphic, that get and set are implemented in the same way as
  -- for _∘_, and that the three composition laws below hold).

  ∘≡∘′ : l₁  l₂  l₁ ∘′ l₂
  ∘≡∘′ {l₁ = l₁} {l₂ = l₂} = equal-laws→≡
     _ _  refl _)
     _  refl _)
     a c₁ c₂ 
       let b₁ = set l₁ (get l₂ a) c₁
           b₂ = set l₁ b₁ c₂
           a′ = set l₂ a b₁
           b′ = set l₁ (get l₂ a′) c₂
       set-set (l₁  l₂) a c₁ c₂                                          ≡⟨⟩

       trans (set-set l₂ a b₁ b′)
         (trans (cong  b  set l₂ a (set l₁ b c₂)) (get-set l₂ a b₁))
            (cong (set l₂ a) (set-set l₁ (get l₂ a) c₁ c₂)))              ≡⟨ sym $ trans-assoc _ _ _ 

       trans (trans (set-set l₂ a b₁ b′)
                (cong  b  set l₂ a (set l₁ b c₂)) (get-set l₂ a b₁)))
         (cong (set l₂ a) (set-set l₁ (get l₂ a) c₁ c₂))                  ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $
                                                                                  trans (set-set l₂ _ b₁ _)
                                                                                    (cong  b  set l₂ a (set l₁ b c₂)) eq) 
                                                                                  trans (cong  b  set l₂ _ (set l₁ b _)) eq)
                                                                                    (set-set l₂ _ _ _))
           trans (set-set l₂ a b₁ b₂)
             (cong  b  set l₂ a (set l₁ b c₂)) (refl _))                     ≡⟨ trans (cong (trans _) $ cong-refl _) $
                                                                                   trans-reflʳ _ 

           set-set l₂ a b₁ b₂                                                   ≡⟨ sym $
                                                                                   trans (cong (flip trans _) $ cong-refl _) $
                                                                                   trans-reflˡ _ ⟩∎
           trans (cong  b  set l₂ a′ (set l₁ b c₂)) (refl _))
             (set-set l₂ a b₁ b₂)                                               )
                                                                               (get-set l₂ a b₁) 
       trans (trans (cong  b  set l₂ a′ (set l₁ b c₂))
                       (get-set l₂ a b₁))
                (set-set l₂ a b₁ b₂))
         (cong (set l₂ a) (set-set l₁ (get l₂ a) c₁ c₂))                  ≡⟨ trans-assoc _ _ _ 

       trans (cong  b  set l₂ a′ (set l₁ b c₂)) (get-set l₂ a b₁))
         (trans (set-set l₂ a b₁ b₂)
            (cong (set l₂ a) (set-set l₁ (get l₂ a) c₁ c₂)))              ≡⟨⟩

       set-set (l₁ ∘′ l₂) a c₁ c₂                                         )
    open Lens

  ∘≡∘″ : l₁  l₂  l₁ ∘″ l₂
  ∘≡∘″ {l₁ = l₁} {l₂ = l₂} = equal-laws→≡
     _ _  refl _)
     _  refl _)
     a c₁ c₂ 
       let b₁ = set l₁ (get l₂ a) c₁
           b₂ = set l₁ (get l₂ a) c₂
           a′ = set l₂ a b₁
           b′ = set l₁ (get l₂ a′) c₂

           eq : b′  b₂
           eq = trans (cong  b  set l₁ b c₂) (get-set l₂ a b₁))
                  (set-set l₁ (get l₂ a) c₁ c₂)
       set-set (l₁  l₂) a c₁ c₂                                         ≡⟨⟩

       trans (set-set l₂ a b₁ b′)
         (trans (cong  b  set l₂ a (set l₁ b c₂)) (get-set l₂ a b₁))
            (cong (set l₂ a) (set-set l₁ (get l₂ a) c₁ c₂)))             ≡⟨ cong (trans (set-set l₂ a b₁ b′)) $
                                                                            trans (cong (flip trans _) $ sym $ cong-∘ _ _ _) $
                                                                            sym $ cong-trans _ _ _ 

       trans (set-set l₂ a b₁ b′) (cong (set l₂ a) eq)                   ≡⟨ elim¹
                                                                               {b₂} eq  trans (set-set l₂ a b₁ b′) (cong (set l₂ a) eq) 
                                                                                           trans (cong (set l₂ a′) eq) (set-set l₂ a b₁ b₂))
           trans (set-set l₂ a b₁ b′) (cong (set l₂ a) (refl _))               ≡⟨ cong (trans _) $ cong-refl _ 
           trans (set-set l₂ a b₁ b′) (refl _)                                 ≡⟨ trans-reflʳ _ 
           set-set l₂ a b₁ b′                                                  ≡⟨ sym $ trans-reflˡ _ 
           trans (refl _) (set-set l₂ a b₁ b′)                                 ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ sym $ cong-refl _ ⟩∎
           trans (cong (set l₂ a′) (refl _)) (set-set l₂ a b₁ b′)              )

       trans (cong (set l₂ a′) eq) (set-set l₂ a b₁ b₂)                  ≡⟨ trans (cong (flip trans _) $
                                                                                   trans (cong-trans _ _ _) $
                                                                                   cong (flip trans _) $ cong-∘ _ _ _) $
                                                                            trans-assoc _ _ _ 
       trans (cong  b  set l₂ a′ (set l₁ b c₂)) (get-set l₂ a b₁))
         (trans (cong (set l₂ a′) (set-set l₁ (get l₂ a) c₁ c₂))
            (set-set l₂ a b₁ b₂))                                        ≡⟨⟩

       set-set (l₁ ∘″ l₂) a c₁ c₂                                        )
    open Lens

  -- id is a left identity of _∘_.

  left-identity : (l : Lens A B)  id  l  l
  left-identity l = equal-laws→≡
     a b 
       trans (cong P.id (get-set a b)) (refl _)  ≡⟨ trans-reflʳ _ 
       cong P.id (get-set a b)                   ≡⟨ sym $ cong-id _ ⟩∎
       get-set a b                               )
       trans (cong (set a) (refl _)) (set-get a)  ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ cong-refl _ 
       trans (refl _) (set-get a)                 ≡⟨ trans-reflˡ _ ⟩∎
       set-get a                                  )
     a b₁ b₂ 
       trans (set-set a b₁ b₂)
         (trans (cong  _  set a b₂) (get-set a b₁))
            (cong (set a) (refl _)))                      ≡⟨ cong₂  p q  trans _ (trans p q))
                                                               (cong-const _)
                                                               (cong-refl _) 

       trans (set-set a b₁ b₂) (trans (refl _) (refl _))  ≡⟨ trans (cong (trans _) trans-refl-refl) $
                                                             trans-reflʳ _ ⟩∎
       set-set a b₁ b₂                                    )
    open Lens l

  -- id is a right identity of _∘_.

  right-identity : (l : Lens A B)  l  id  l
  right-identity l = equal-laws→≡
     a b 
       trans (cong get (refl _)) (get-set a b)  ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ cong-refl _ 
       trans (refl _) (get-set a b)             ≡⟨ trans-reflˡ _ ⟩∎
       get-set a b                              )
       trans (cong P.id (set-get a)) (refl _)  ≡⟨ trans-reflʳ _ 
       cong P.id (set-get a)                   ≡⟨ sym $ cong-id _ ⟩∎
       set-get a                               )
     a b₁ b₂ 
       trans (refl _)
         (trans (cong  b  set b b₂) (refl _))
            (cong P.id (set-set a b₁ b₂)))        ≡⟨ trans-reflˡ _ 

       trans (cong  b  set b b₂) (refl _))
         (cong P.id (set-set a b₁ b₂))            ≡⟨ cong₂ trans (cong-refl _) (sym $ cong-id _) 

       trans (refl _) (set-set a b₁ b₂)           ≡⟨ trans-reflˡ _ ⟩∎

       set-set a b₁ b₂                            )
    open Lens l

  -- _∘_ is associative.

  associativity :
    (l₁ : Lens C D) (l₂ : Lens B C) (l₃ : Lens A B) 
    l₁  (l₂  l₃)  (l₁  l₂)  l₃
  associativity l₁ l₂ l₃ = equal-laws→≡ lemma₁ lemma₂ lemma₃
    open Lens

    @0 lemma₁ : _
    lemma₁ = λ a d 
        f  = get l₁
        g  = get l₂
        b  = get l₃ a
        c  = g b
        c′ = set l₁ c d
        x  = get-set l₃ a (set l₂ b c′)
        y  = get-set l₂ b c′
        z  = get-set l₁ c d
      trans (cong f $ trans (cong g x) y) z           ≡⟨ cong  x  trans x z) (cong-trans f _ y) 
      trans (trans (cong f $ cong g x) (cong f y)) z  ≡⟨ trans-assoc _ _ z 
      trans (cong f $ cong g x) (trans (cong f y) z)  ≡⟨ cong  x  trans x (trans (cong f y) z)) (cong-∘ f g x) ⟩∎
      trans (cong (f  g) x) (trans (cong f y) z)     

    @0 lemma₂ : _
    lemma₂ = λ a 
        b = get l₃ a
        f = set l₃ a
        g = set l₂ b
        x = set-get l₁ (get l₂ b)
        y = set-get l₂ b
        z = set-get l₃ a
      trans (cong (f  g) x) (trans (cong f y) z)     ≡⟨ sym $ trans-assoc _ _ z 
      trans (trans (cong (f  g) x) (cong f y)) z     ≡⟨ cong  x  trans (trans x (cong f y)) z) (sym $ cong-∘ f g x) 
      trans (trans (cong f (cong g x)) (cong f y)) z  ≡⟨ cong  x  trans x z) (sym $ cong-trans f _ y) ⟩∎
      trans (cong f $ trans (cong g x) y) z           

    @0 lemma₃ : _
    lemma₃ = λ a d₁ d₂ 
        f   = set l₃ a
        g   = set l₂ (get l₃ a)
        h   = λ x  set l₁ x d₂
        i   = get l₂

        c₁  = set l₁ (get (l₂  l₃) a) d₁
        c₂  = h (i (get l₃ a))
        c₂′ = h (i (get l₃ (set (l₂  l₃) a c₁)))
        c₂″ = h (i (set l₂ (get l₃ a) c₁))

        b₁  = g c₁
        b₁′ = get l₃ (f b₁)

        x   = set-set l₃ a b₁ (set l₂ b₁′ c₂′)
        y   = get-set l₃ a b₁
        z   = set-set l₂ (get l₃ a) c₁
        u   = get-set l₂ (get l₃ a) c₁
        v   = set-set l₁ (get (l₂  l₃) a) d₁ d₂

        c₂′≡c₂″ =
          c₂′  ≡⟨ cong (h  i) y ⟩∎

        lemma₁₀ =
          trans (sym (cong (h  i) y)) (cong h (cong i y))  ≡⟨ cong (trans _) (cong-∘ h i y) 
          trans (sym (cong (h  i) y)) (cong (h  i) y)     ≡⟨ trans-symˡ (cong (h  i) y) ⟩∎
          refl _                                            

        lemma₉ =
          trans (cong  x  set l₂ x c₂′) y) (cong (set l₂ b₁) c₂′≡c₂″)  ≡⟨ cong (trans (cong  x  set l₂ x c₂′) y))
                                                                                  (cong-∘ (set l₂ b₁) (h  i) y) 
          trans (cong  x  set l₂ x  (h (i b₁′))) y)
                (cong  x  set l₂ b₁ (h (i x  ))) y)                    ≡⟨ trans-cong-cong  x y  set l₂ x (h (i y))) y ⟩∎

          cong  x  set l₂ x (h (i x))) y                               

        lemma₈ =
          sym (cong (set l₂ b₁) (sym c₂′≡c₂″))  ≡⟨ sym $ cong-sym (set l₂ b₁) (sym c₂′≡c₂″) 
          cong (set l₂ b₁) (sym (sym c₂′≡c₂″))  ≡⟨ cong (cong (set l₂ b₁)) (sym-sym c₂′≡c₂″) ⟩∎
          cong (set l₂ b₁) c₂′≡c₂″              

        lemma₇ =
          trans (cong g (sym c₂′≡c₂″)) (cong g (cong h (cong i y)))  ≡⟨ sym $ cong-trans g _ (cong h (cong i y)) 
          cong g (trans (sym c₂′≡c₂″) (cong h (cong i y)))           ≡⟨ cong (cong g) lemma₁₀ 
          cong g (refl _)                                            ≡⟨ cong-refl _ ⟩∎
          refl _                                                     

        lemma₆ =
          trans (cong  x  set l₂ x c₂′) y)
                (trans (cong (set l₂ b₁) c₂′≡c₂″)
                       (trans (z c₂″) (cong g (sym c₂′≡c₂″))))       ≡⟨ sym $ trans-assoc _ _ (trans _ (cong g (sym c₂′≡c₂″))) 

          trans (trans (cong  x  set l₂ x c₂′) y)
                       (cong (set l₂ b₁) c₂′≡c₂″))
                (trans (z c₂″) (cong g (sym c₂′≡c₂″)))               ≡⟨ cong  e  trans e (trans (z c₂″) (cong g (sym c₂′≡c₂″)))) lemma₉ 

          trans (cong  x  set l₂ x (h (i x))) y)
                (trans (z c₂″) (cong g (sym c₂′≡c₂″)))               ≡⟨ sym $ trans-assoc _ _ (cong g (sym c₂′≡c₂″)) ⟩∎

          trans (trans (cong  x  set l₂ x (h (i x))) y) (z c₂″))
                (cong g (sym c₂′≡c₂″))                               

        lemma₅ =
          z c₂′                                                  ≡⟨ sym $ dcong z (sym c₂′≡c₂″) 

          subst  x  set l₂ b₁ x  g x) (sym c₂′≡c₂″) (z c₂″)  ≡⟨ subst-in-terms-of-trans-and-cong {f = set l₂ b₁} {g = g} {x≡y = sym c₂′≡c₂″} 

          trans (sym (cong (set l₂ b₁) (sym c₂′≡c₂″)))
                (trans (z c₂″) (cong g (sym c₂′≡c₂″)))           ≡⟨ cong  e  trans e (trans (z c₂″) (cong g (sym c₂′≡c₂″)))) lemma₈ ⟩∎

          trans (cong (set l₂ b₁) c₂′≡c₂″)
                (trans (z c₂″) (cong g (sym c₂′≡c₂″)))           

        lemma₄ =
          trans (trans (cong  x  set l₂ x c₂′) y) (z c₂′))
                (cong g (cong h (cong i y)))                            ≡⟨ cong  e  trans (trans (cong  x  set l₂ x c₂′) y) e)
                                                                                                    (cong g (cong h (cong i y))))
          trans (trans (cong  x  set l₂ x c₂′) y)
                       (trans (cong (set l₂ b₁) c₂′≡c₂″)
                              (trans (z c₂″) (cong g (sym c₂′≡c₂″)))))
                (cong g (cong h (cong i y)))                            ≡⟨ cong  e  trans e (cong g (cong h (cong i y)))) lemma₆ 

          trans (trans (trans (cong  x  set l₂ x (h (i x))) y)
                              (z c₂″))
                       (cong g (sym c₂′≡c₂″)))
                (cong g (cong h (cong i y)))                            ≡⟨ trans-assoc _ _ (cong g (cong h (cong i y))) 

          trans (trans (cong  x  set l₂ x (h (i x))) y) (z c₂″))
                (trans (cong g (sym c₂′≡c₂″))
                       (cong g (cong h (cong i y))))                    ≡⟨ cong (trans (trans _ (z c₂″))) lemma₇ 

          trans (trans (cong  x  set l₂ x (h (i x))) y) (z c₂″))
                (refl _)                                                ≡⟨ trans-reflʳ _ ⟩∎

          trans (cong  x  set l₂ x (h (i x))) y) (z c₂″)             

        lemma₃ =
          cong g (trans (cong h (trans (cong i y) u)) v)           ≡⟨ cong  e  cong g (trans e v)) (cong-trans h _ u) 

          cong g (trans (trans (cong h (cong i y)) (cong h u)) v)  ≡⟨ cong (cong g) (trans-assoc _ _ v) 

          cong g (trans (cong h (cong i y)) (trans (cong h u) v))  ≡⟨ cong-trans g _ (trans _ v) ⟩∎

          trans (cong g (cong h (cong i y)))
                (cong g (trans (cong h u) v))                      

        lemma₂ =
          trans (trans (cong  x  set l₂ x c₂′) y) (z c₂′))
                (cong g (trans (cong h (trans (cong i y) u)) v))      ≡⟨ cong (trans (trans _ (z c₂′))) lemma₃ 

          trans (trans (cong  x  set l₂ x c₂′) y) (z c₂′))
                (trans (cong g (cong h (cong i y)))
                       (cong g (trans (cong h u) v)))                 ≡⟨ sym $ trans-assoc _ _ (cong g (trans _ v)) 

          trans (trans (trans (cong  x  set l₂ x c₂′) y) (z c₂′))
                       (cong g (cong h (cong i y))))
                (cong g (trans (cong h u) v))                         ≡⟨ cong  e  trans e (cong g (trans (cong h u) v))) lemma₄ 

          trans (trans (cong  x  set l₂ x (h (i x))) y) (z c₂″))
                (cong g (trans (cong h u) v))                         ≡⟨ trans-assoc _ _ (cong g (trans _ v)) ⟩∎

          trans (cong  x  set l₂ x (h (i x))) y)
                (trans (z c₂″) (cong g (trans (cong h u) v)))         

        lemma₁ =
          trans (cong f (trans (cong  x  set l₂ x c₂′) y) (z c₂′)))
                (cong (f  g) (trans (cong h (trans (cong i y) u)) v))    ≡⟨ cong  e  trans
                                                                                           (cong f (trans (cong  x  set l₂ x c₂′) y) (z c₂′))) e)
                                                                                  (sym $ cong-∘ f g (trans _ v)) 
          trans (cong f (trans (cong  x  set l₂ x c₂′) y) (z c₂′)))
                (cong f (cong g (trans (cong h (trans (cong i y) u))
                                       v)))                               ≡⟨ sym $ cong-trans f (trans _ (z c₂′)) (cong g (trans _ v)) 

          cong f (trans (trans (cong  x  set l₂ x c₂′) y) (z c₂′))
                        (cong g (trans (cong h (trans (cong i y) u))
                                       v)))                               ≡⟨ cong (cong f) lemma₂ 

          cong f (trans (cong  x  set l₂ x (h (i x))) y)
                        (trans (z c₂″) (cong g (trans (cong h u) v))))    ≡⟨ cong-trans _ _ _ 

          trans (cong f (cong  x  set l₂ x (h (i x))) y))
            (cong f (trans (z c₂″) (cong g (trans (cong h u) v))))        ≡⟨ cong₂  p q  trans p (cong f (trans (z c₂″) q)))
                                                                               (cong-∘ _ _ _)
                                                                               (trans (cong-trans _ _ _) $
                                                                                cong (flip trans _) $
                                                                                cong-∘ _ _ _) ⟩∎
          trans (cong  x  f (set l₂ x (h (i x)))) y)
            (cong f (trans (z c₂″) (trans (cong (g  h) u) (cong g v))))  

      trans (trans x (trans (cong  x  f (set l₂ x c₂′)) y)
                        (cong f (z c₂′))))
        (trans (cong (f  g  h) (trans (cong i y) u))
           (cong (f  g) v))                                          ≡⟨ cong₂  p q  trans (trans x p) q)
                                                                           (trans (cong (flip trans _) $ sym $ cong-∘ _ _ _) $
                                                                            sym $ cong-trans _ _ _)
                                                                           (trans (cong (flip trans _) $ sym $ cong-∘ _ _ _) $
                                                                            sym $ cong-trans _ _ _) 
      trans (trans x (cong f (trans (cong  x  set l₂ x c₂′) y)
                                    (z c₂′))))
            (cong (f  g) (trans (cong h (trans (cong i y) u)) v))    ≡⟨ trans-assoc _ _ _ 

      trans x (trans (cong f (trans (cong  x  set l₂ x c₂′) y)
                                    (z c₂′)))
                     (cong (f  g)
                           (trans (cong h (trans (cong i y) u)) v)))  ≡⟨ cong (trans x) lemma₁ ⟩∎

      trans x (trans (cong  x  f (set l₂ x (h (i x)))) y)
                 (cong f (trans (z c₂″) (trans (cong (g  h) u)
                                           (cong g v)))))             

  -- Every lens of type Lens A A that satisfies a certain right
  -- identity law is equal to the identity lens.

  id-unique :
    (id′ : Lens A A) 
    ((l : Lens A A)  l  id′  l) 
    id′  id
  id-unique id′ right-identity =
    id′       ≡⟨ sym $ left-identity _ 
    id  id′  ≡⟨ right-identity _ ⟩∎

  -- An equality characterisation lemma that can be used when one of
  -- the lenses is the identity.

  equality-characterisation-id :
    {l : Lens A A}  let open Lens l in

    l  id
     λ (g :  a  get a  a) 
     λ (s :  a b  set a b  b) 
        ((∀ a b  get-set a b  trans (cong get (s a b)) (g b)) ×
         (∀ a  set-get a  trans (s a (get a)) (g a)) ×
         (∀ a b₁ b₂ 
            trans (set-set a b₁ b₂) (s a b₂) 
            cong  set  set (set a b₁) b₂) (⟨ext⟩ (⟨ext⟩  s))))
  equality-characterisation-id {l = l} =
    l  id                                                               ↝⟨ equality-characterisation₄ 

    ( λ (g :  a  get a  a) 
      λ (s :  a b  set a b  b) 
       ((∀ a b 
           trans (sym (trans (cong get (s a b)) (g b))) (get-set a b) 
           refl _) ×
        (∀ a 
           trans (sym (trans (s a (get a)) (cong P.id (g a))))
             (set-get a) 
           refl _) ×
        (∀ a b₁ b₂ 
           trans (set-set a b₁ b₂) (s a b₂) 
           trans (cong  set  set (set a b₁) b₂) (⟨ext⟩ (⟨ext⟩  s)))
             (refl _))))                                                 ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ g  ∃-cong λ _  Erased-cong (∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                             (∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                                              ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong  eq  trans (sym (trans _ eq)) (set-get _)  _) $ sym $
                                                                              cong-id (g _))
                                                                             ∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                                              ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong (_ ≡_) $ trans-reflʳ _)) 
    ( λ (g :  a  get a  a) 
      λ (s :  a b  set a b  b) 
       ((∀ a b 
           trans (sym (trans (cong get (s a b)) (g b))) (get-set a b) 
           refl _) ×
        (∀ a 
           trans (sym (trans (s a (get a)) (g a))) (set-get a) 
           refl _) ×
        (∀ a b₁ b₂ 
           trans (set-set a b₁ b₂) (s a b₂) 
           cong  set  set (set a b₁) b₂) (⟨ext⟩ (⟨ext⟩  s)))))       ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ g  ∃-cong λ s  Erased-cong (
                                                                             (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                                              ≡-comm F.∘ ≡⇒↝ _ (cong (_≡ _) $ trans-reflʳ _) F.∘
                                                                              ≡⇒↝ _ (sym $ [trans≡]≡[≡trans-symˡ] _ _ _) F.∘ ≡-comm)
                                                                             (∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                                              ≡-comm F.∘ ≡⇒↝ _ (cong (_≡ _) $ trans-reflʳ _) F.∘
                                                                              ≡⇒↝ _ (sym $ [trans≡]≡[≡trans-symˡ] _ _ _) F.∘ ≡-comm)
                                                                             F.id)) ⟩□
    ( λ (g :  a  get a  a) 
      λ (s :  a b  set a b  b) 
       ((∀ a b  get-set a b  trans (cong get (s a b)) (g b)) ×
        (∀ a  set-get a  trans (s a (get a)) (g a)) ×
        (∀ a b₁ b₂ 
           trans (set-set a b₁ b₂) (s a b₂) 
           cong  set  set (set a b₁) b₂) (⟨ext⟩ (⟨ext⟩  s)))))       
    open Lens l

  -- A lemma that can be used to show that a lens with a constant
  -- setter (such as the ones produced by getter-equivalence→lens
  -- below) is equal to the identity lens.

  constant-setter→≡id :
    {l′ :  λ (get : A  A) 
           λ (set : A  A) 
              ((A   a  get (set a)  a) ×
               (∀ a  set (get a)  a) ×
               (A  A   a  set a  set a))} 

    let l   = _↔_.from Lens-as-Σ (Σ-map P.id (Σ-map const P.id) l′)
        set = proj₁ (proj₂ l′)
        open Lens l hiding (set)

    ( λ (g :  a  get a  a) 
      λ (s :  a  set a  a) 
         ((∀ a₁ a₂  get-set a₁ a₂  trans (cong get (s a₂)) (g a₂)) ×
          (∀ a  set-get a  trans (s (get a)) (g a)) ×
          (∀ a a₁ a₂  set-set a a₁ a₂  refl _))) 
    l  id
  constant-setter→≡id {A = A} {l′ = l′} =
    ( λ (g :  a  get a  a) 
      λ (s :  a  set a  a) 
       ((∀ a₁ a₂  get-set a₁ a₂  trans (cong get (s a₂)) (g a₂)) ×
        (∀ a  set-get a  trans (s (get a)) (g a)) ×
        (∀ a a₁ a₂  set-set a a₁ a₂  refl _)))                         ↝⟨ (Σ-map P.id $ Σ-map P.id λ {s}  Erased-cong (
                                                                             Σ-map P.id $ Σ-map P.id λ hyp a a₁ a₂ 
        trans (set-set a a₁ a₂) (s a₂)                                         ≡⟨ cong  eq  trans eq (s a₂)) $ hyp _ _ _ 
        trans (refl _) (s a₂)                                                  ≡⟨ trans-reflˡ (s _) ⟩∎
        s a₂                                                                   )) 

    ( λ (g :  a  get a  a) 
      λ (s :  a  set a  a) 
       ((∀ a₁ a₂  get-set a₁ a₂  trans (cong get (s a₂)) (g a₂)) ×
        (∀ a  set-get a  trans (s (get a)) (g a)) ×
        (∀ a a₁ a₂  trans (set-set a a₁ a₂) (s a₂)  s a₂)))            ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ s  Erased-cong (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                             ∀-cong ext λ a  ∀-cong ext λ a₁  ∀-cong ext λ a₂ 
                                                                             ≡⇒↝ F.equivalence $ cong (trans _ (s _) ≡_) (
        s a₂                                                                   ≡⟨ sym $ cong-ext s 
        cong  set  set a₂) (⟨ext⟩ s)                                        ≡⟨ sym $ cong-∘ _ _ (⟨ext⟩ s) 
        cong  set  set (set a a₁) a₂) (cong const (⟨ext⟩ s))                ≡⟨ cong (cong  set  set (set a a₁) a₂)) $ sym $
                                                                                  ext-const (⟨ext⟩ s) ⟩∎
        cong  set  set (set a a₁) a₂) (⟨ext⟩ λ _  ⟨ext⟩ s)                 ))) 

    ( λ (g :  a  get a  a) 
      λ (s :  a  set a  a) 
       ((∀ a₁ a₂  get-set a₁ a₂  trans (cong get (s a₂)) (g a₂)) ×
        (∀ a  set-get a  trans (s (get a)) (g a)) ×
        (∀ a a₁ a₂ 
           trans (set-set a a₁ a₂) (s a₂) 
           cong  set  set (set a a₁) a₂) (⟨ext⟩ λ _  ⟨ext⟩ s))))     ↝⟨ Σ-map P.id (Σ-map const P.id) 

    ( λ (g :  a  get a  a) 
      λ (s : A   a  set a  a) 
       ((∀ a₁ a₂  get-set a₁ a₂  trans (cong get (s a₁ a₂)) (g a₂)) ×
        (∀ a  set-get a  trans (s a (get a)) (g a)) ×
        (∀ a a₁ a₂ 
           trans (set-set a a₁ a₂) (s a a₂) 
           cong  set  set (set a a₁) a₂) (⟨ext⟩ (⟨ext⟩  s)))))       ↔⟨ inverse equality-characterisation-id ⟩□

    l″  id                                                              
    l″  = _↔_.from Lens-as-Σ (Σ-map P.id (Σ-map const P.id) l′)
    set = proj₁ (proj₂ l′)

    open Lens l″ hiding (set)

  -- An identity function for lenses for which the forward direction
  -- is an equivalence (with erased proofs).
  -- Note that the setter of the resulting lens is definitionally
  -- equal to a constant function returning the right-to-left
  -- direction of the equivalence.
  -- Note also that two proofs, set-get and set-set, have been
  -- "obfuscated". They could have been shorter, but then it might not
  -- have been possible to prove getter-equivalence→lens≡.

  getter-equivalence→lens :
    (l : Lens A B) 
    Is-equivalenceᴱ (Lens.get l) 
    Lens A B
  getter-equivalence→lens l is-equiv = record
    { get     = to
    ; set     = const from
    ; get-set = const right-inverse-of
    ; set-get = λ a 
                from (to a)                ≡⟨ cong from (sym (get-set a (to a))) 
                from (get (set a (to a)))  ≡⟨⟩
                from (to (set a (get a)))  ≡⟨ cong (from  to) (set-get a) 
                from (to a)                ≡⟨ left-inverse-of _ ⟩∎
    ; set-set = λ a b₁ b₂ 
                let s = from≡set l is-equiv in
                from b₂            ≡⟨ cong  set  set (set a b₁) b₂) (⟨ext⟩ (⟨ext⟩  s)) 
                set (set a b₁) b₂  ≡⟨ set-set a b₁ b₂ 
                set a b₂           ≡⟨ sym (s a b₂) ⟩∎
                from b₂            
    A≃B = EEq.⟨ _ , is-equiv 

    open _≃ᴱ_ A≃B
    open Lens l

  -- In erased contexts it can be proved that the function
  -- getter-equivalence→lens returns its input.

  @0 getter-equivalence→lens≡ :
     (l : Lens A B) is-equiv 
    getter-equivalence→lens l is-equiv  l
  getter-equivalence→lens≡ l is-equiv =                     $⟨ TC.getter-equivalence→lens≡ (trad l) is-equiv′ 
    TC.getter-equivalence→lens (trad l) is-equiv′  trad l  ↝⟨ cong Traditional-lens→Lens ⟩□
    getter-equivalence→lens l is-equiv  l                  
    is-equiv′ = EEq.Is-equivalenceᴱ→Is-equivalence is-equiv

-- Some existence results

-- There is, in general, no lens for the first projection from a
-- Σ-type.

no-first-projection-lens :
  ¬ Lens ( λ (b : Bool)  b  true) Bool
no-first-projection-lens =
    Lens contractible-to-contractible

-- There are two lenses with equal setters that are not equal
-- (assuming univalence).
-- (The lemma does not actually use the univalence argument, but
-- univalence is used by CE.not-refl≢refl, which is only used in an
-- erased context.)

equal-setters-but-not-equal :
  @0 Univalence lzero 
   λ (A : Type) 
   λ (B : Type) 
   λ (l₁ : Lens A B) 
   λ (l₂ : Lens A B) 
    Lens.set l₁  Lens.set l₂ ×
    l₁  l₂
equal-setters-but-not-equal _ =
  block λ b 
  𝕊¹ᴱ ,  , l₁′ b , l₂′ , refl _ , l₁′≢l₂′ b
  open Lens

  @0 not-refl : Block "not-refl"  (x : 𝕊¹ᴱ)  x  x
  not-refl  = CE.not-refl

  @0 not-refl≢refl :  b  not-refl b  refl
  not-refl≢refl  = CE.not-refl≢refl

  l₁′ : Block "not-refl"  Lens 𝕊¹ᴱ 
  l₁′ b = _≃ᴱ_.from lens-to-⊤≃ᴱ [ not-refl b ]

  l₂′ : Lens 𝕊¹ᴱ 
  l₂′ = _≃ᴱ_.from lens-to-⊤≃ᴱ [ refl ]

  l₁′≢l₂′ :  b  l₁′ b  l₂′
  l₁′≢l₂′ b =
      [ l₁′ b  l₂′                ↔⟨ Eq.≃-≡ (EEq.≃ᴱ→≃ $ inverse lens-to-⊤≃ᴱ)
                                        {x = [ not-refl b ]} {y = [ refl ]} 
        [ not-refl b ]  [ refl ]  ↝⟨ cong erased 
        not-refl b  refl          ↝⟨ not-refl≢refl b ⟩□

-- A lens which is used in some counterexamples below.

bad : (a : Level)  Lens ( a 𝕊¹ᴱ) ( a 𝕊¹ᴱ)
bad a = record
  { get     = P.id
  ; set     = const P.id
  ; get-set = λ _  cong lift  CE.not-refl  lower
  ; set-get = refl
  ; set-set = λ _ _  cong lift  CE.not-refl  lower

-- The lens bad a has a getter which is an equivalence, but it does
-- not satisfy either of the coherence laws that Coherent-lens lenses
-- must satisfy (assuming univalence).
-- (The lemma does not actually use the univalence argument, but
-- univalence is used by CE.not-refl≢refl, which is only used in
-- erased contexts.)

getter-equivalence-but-not-coherent :
  @0 Univalence lzero 
  let open Lens (bad a) in
  Is-equivalence get ×
  ¬ (∀ a  cong get (set-get a)  get-set a (get a)) ×
  ¬ (∀ a₁ a₂ a₃ 
     cong get (set-set a₁ a₂ a₃) 
     trans (get-set (set a₁ a₂) a₃) (sym (get-set a₁ a₃)))
getter-equivalence-but-not-coherent {a = a} univ =
    _≃_.is-equivalence F.id
  , Stable-¬
      [ ((x :  a 𝕊¹ᴱ)  cong get (set-get x)  get-set x (get x))    ↔⟨⟩

        ((x :  a 𝕊¹ᴱ) 
         cong P.id (refl _)  cong lift (CE.not-refl (lower x)))      ↔⟨ (Π-cong ext Bij.↑↔ λ _  Eq.id) 

        ((x : 𝕊¹ᴱ)  cong P.id (refl _)  cong lift (CE.not-refl x))  ↝⟨ trans (trans (cong-refl _) (cong-id _)) ⊚_ 

        ((x : 𝕊¹ᴱ)  cong lift (refl x)  cong lift (CE.not-refl x))  ↔⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                                         Eq.≃-≡ $ inverse $ Eq.≃-≡ $ Eq.↔⇒≃ $ inverse Bij.↑↔) 

        ((x : 𝕊¹ᴱ)  refl x  CE.not-refl x)                          ↔⟨ Eq.extensionality-isomorphism ext 

        refl  CE.not-refl                                            ↝⟨ CE.not-refl≢refl  sym ⟩□

  , Stable-¬
      [ ((x y z :  a 𝕊¹ᴱ) 
         cong get (set-set x y z) 
         trans (get-set (set x y) z) (sym (get-set x z)))  ↔⟨⟩

        ((x y z :  a 𝕊¹ᴱ) 
         cong P.id (cong lift (CE.not-refl (lower z))) 
         trans (cong lift (CE.not-refl (lower z)))
           (sym (cong lift (CE.not-refl (lower z)))))      ↔⟨ (Π-cong ext Bij.↑↔ λ _ 
                                                               Π-cong ext Bij.↑↔ λ _ 
                                                               Π-cong ext Bij.↑↔ λ _ 
        ((x y z : 𝕊¹ᴱ) 
         cong P.id (cong lift (CE.not-refl z)) 
         trans (cong lift (CE.not-refl z))
           (sym (cong lift (CE.not-refl z))))              ↝⟨  hyp  hyp CE.base CE.base) 

        ((x : 𝕊¹ᴱ) 
         cong P.id (cong lift (CE.not-refl x)) 
         trans (cong lift (CE.not-refl x))
           (sym (cong lift (CE.not-refl x))))              ↔⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ≡⇒≃ $ cong₂ _≡_
                                                                 (sym $ cong-id _)
                                                                 (trans (trans-symʳ _) $
                                                                  sym $ cong-refl _)) 
        ((x : 𝕊¹ᴱ) 
         cong lift (CE.not-refl x)  cong lift (refl x))   ↔⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                               Eq.≃-≡ $ inverse $ Eq.≃-≡ $ Eq.↔⇒≃ $ inverse Bij.↑↔) 

        ((x : 𝕊¹ᴱ)  CE.not-refl x  refl x)               ↔⟨ Eq.extensionality-isomorphism ext 

        CE.not-refl  refl                                 ↝⟨ CE.not-refl≢refl ⟩□

  open Lens (bad a)

-- The lenses bad a and Lens-combinators.id {A = ↑ a 𝕊¹ᴱ} have equal
-- setters, and their getters are equivalences, but they are not equal
-- (assuming univalence).

equal-setters-and-equivalences-as-getters-but-not-equal :
  @0 Univalence lzero 
  let l₁ = bad a
      l₂ = Lens-combinators.id {A =  a 𝕊¹ᴱ}
  Is-equivalence (Lens.get l₁) ×
  Is-equivalence (Lens.get l₂) ×
  Lens.set l₁  Lens.set l₂ ×
  l₁  l₂
equal-setters-and-equivalences-as-getters-but-not-equal {a = ℓa} univ =
  let is-equiv , not-coherent , _ =
        getter-equivalence-but-not-coherent univ
  , _≃_.is-equivalence F.id
  , refl _
  , Stable-¬
      [ bad ℓa  id                                        ↝⟨  eq  subst  l   a  cong (get l) (set-get l a) 
                                                                                         get-set l a (get l a))
                                                                            (sym eq)
                                                                             _  cong-refl _)) 
        (∀ a  cong (get (bad ℓa)) (set-get (bad ℓa) a) 
               get-set (bad ℓa) a (get (bad ℓa) a))        ↝⟨ not-coherent ⟩□
  open Lens
  open Lens-combinators

-- There is in general no split surjection from equivalences with
-- erased proofs to lenses with getters that are equivalences with
-- erased proofs, if the right-to-left direction of the split
-- surjection is required to return the lens's getter plus some proof
-- (assuming univalence).

¬-≃ᴱ-↠-Σ-Lens-Is-equivalenceᴱ-get :
  @0 Univalence lzero 
  ¬  λ (f : ( a 𝕊¹ᴱ ≃ᴱ  a 𝕊¹ᴱ) 
             ( λ (l : Lens ( a 𝕊¹ᴱ) ( a 𝕊¹ᴱ)) 
                Is-equivalenceᴱ (Lens.get l))) 
       p  _≃ᴱ_.to (_↠_.from f p)  Lens.get (proj₁ p)
¬-≃ᴱ-↠-Σ-Lens-Is-equivalenceᴱ-get {a = a} univ =
    [ (let is-equiv₁′ , is-equiv₂′ , setters-equal , bad≢id =
             equal-setters-and-equivalences-as-getters-but-not-equal univ

           is-equiv₁ = EEq.Is-equivalence→Is-equivalenceᴱ is-equiv₁′
           is-equiv₂ = EEq.Is-equivalence→Is-equivalenceᴱ is-equiv₂′
       λ (f , hyp)                                  $⟨ setters-equal 

         Lens.set (bad a)  Lens.set id              ↝⟨ getters-equal-if-setters-equal (bad a) id 

         Lens.get (bad a)  Lens.get id              ↝⟨  eq  trans (hyp _) (trans eq (sym (hyp _)))) 

         _≃ᴱ_.to (_↠_.from f (bad a , is-equiv₁)) 
         _≃ᴱ_.to (_↠_.from f (id , is-equiv₂))       ↝⟨ EEq.to≡to→≡ ext 

         _↠_.from f (bad a , is-equiv₁) 
         _↠_.from f (id , is-equiv₂)                 ↝⟨ _↠_.to (Surjection.↠-≡ f) 

         (bad a , is-equiv₁)  (id , is-equiv₂)      ↝⟨ cong proj₁ 

         bad a  id                                  ↝⟨ bad≢id ⟩□

  open Lens-combinators

-- There is in general no equivalence with erased proofs from
-- equivalences with erased proofs to lenses with getters that are
-- equivalences with erased proofs, if the right-to-left direction of
-- the equivalence is required to return the lens's getter plus some
-- proof (assuming univalence).

¬-≃ᴱ-≃ᴱ-Σ-Lens-Is-equivalence-get :
  @0 Univalence lzero 
  ¬  λ (f : ( a 𝕊¹ᴱ ≃ᴱ  a 𝕊¹ᴱ) ≃ᴱ
             ( λ (l : Lens ( a 𝕊¹ᴱ) ( a 𝕊¹ᴱ)) 
                Is-equivalenceᴱ (Lens.get l))) 
       p  _≃ᴱ_.to (_≃ᴱ_.from f p)  Lens.get (proj₁ p)
¬-≃ᴱ-≃ᴱ-Σ-Lens-Is-equivalence-get {a = a} univ =
    [ ( λ (f : ( a 𝕊¹ᴱ ≃ᴱ  a 𝕊¹ᴱ) ≃ᴱ
           ( λ (l : Lens ( a 𝕊¹ᴱ) ( a 𝕊¹ᴱ)) 
              Is-equivalenceᴱ (Lens.get l))) 
          p  _≃ᴱ_.to (_≃ᴱ_.from f p)  Lens.get (proj₁ p))  ↝⟨ Σ-map (_≃_.surjection  EEq.≃ᴱ→≃) P.id 

      ( λ (f : ( a 𝕊¹ᴱ ≃ᴱ  a 𝕊¹ᴱ) 
           ( λ (l : Lens ( a 𝕊¹ᴱ) ( a 𝕊¹ᴱ)) 
              Is-equivalenceᴱ (Lens.get l))) 
          p  _≃ᴱ_.to (_↠_.from f p)  Lens.get (proj₁ p))   ↝⟨ ¬-≃ᴱ-↠-Σ-Lens-Is-equivalenceᴱ-get univ ⟩□


-- Isomorphisms expressed using lens quasi-inverses


  module B {a} =
      equality-with-J (Type a) Lens
      Lens-combinators.id Lens-combinators._∘_
  module BM {a} =
    B.More {a = a}

-- A form of isomorphism between types, expressed using lenses.

open B public
  using ()
  renaming (_≅ᴱ_ to _≅ᴱ_; Has-quasi-inverseᴱ to Has-quasi-inverseᴱ)

-- In erased contexts Has-quasi-inverseᴱ (Traditional-lens→Lens l) is
-- equivalent to TC.Has-quasi-inverse l.

@0 Has-quasi-inverseᴱ≃Has-quasi-inverse :
  (l : T.Lens A B) 
  Has-quasi-inverseᴱ (Traditional-lens→Lens l)  TC.Has-quasi-inverse l
Has-quasi-inverseᴱ≃Has-quasi-inverse l =
  ( λ l⁻¹  Erased (l′ LC.∘ l⁻¹  LC.id × l⁻¹ LC.∘ l′  LC.id))  ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  erased Erased↔) 
  ( λ l⁻¹          l′ LC.∘ l⁻¹  LC.id × l⁻¹ LC.∘ l′  LC.id )  ↝⟨ (Σ-cong Lens≃Traditional-lens λ _ 
                                                                      inverse (Eq.≃-≡ Lens≃Traditional-lens)
                                                                      inverse (Eq.≃-≡ Lens≃Traditional-lens)) ⟩□
  ( λ l⁻¹          l  TC.∘ l⁻¹  TC.id × l⁻¹ TC.∘ l   TC.id )  
  module LC = Lens-combinators

  l′ = Traditional-lens→Lens l

-- In erased contexts A ≅ᴱ B is equivalent to A TC.≅ B.

@0 ≅ᴱ≃≅ : (A ≅ᴱ B)  (A TC.≅ B)
≅ᴱ≃≅ {A = A} {B = B} =
  ( λ (l : Lens A B)  Has-quasi-inverseᴱ l)      ↝⟨ Σ-cong-contra (inverse Lens≃Traditional-lens) Has-quasi-inverseᴱ≃Has-quasi-inverse ⟩□
  ( λ (l : T.Lens A B)  TC.Has-quasi-inverse l)  

-- An equality characterisation lemma for A ≅ B that applies when A is
-- a set.

@0 equality-characterisation-for-sets-≅ᴱ :
  let open Lens in
  {f₁@(l₁₁ , _) f₂@(l₁₂ , _) : A ≅ᴱ B} 
  Is-set A 
  f₁  f₂  set l₁₁  set l₁₂
  {f₁ = f₁@(l₁₁ , _)} {f₂ = f₂@(l₁₂ , _)} A-set =
  f₁  f₂                          ↔⟨ inverse $ Eq.≃-≡ ≅ᴱ≃≅ 
  _≃_.to ≅ᴱ≃≅ f₁  _≃_.to ≅ᴱ≃≅ f₂  ↝⟨ TC.equality-characterisation-for-sets-≅ A-set ⟩□
  set l₁₁  set l₁₂                
  open Lens

-- There is a logical equivalence between A ≃ᴱ B and A ≅ᴱ B.

≃ᴱ⇔≅ᴱ : (A ≃ᴱ B)  (A ≅ᴱ B)
≃ᴱ⇔≅ᴱ {A = A} {B = B} = record
  { to   = λ A≃B  ≃ᴱ→lens A≃B
                 , ≃ᴱ→lens (inverse A≃B)
                 , [ lemma A≃B
                   , (≃ᴱ→lens (inverse A≃B)  ≃ᴱ→lens A≃B  ≡⟨ cong {x = A≃B} {y = inverse $ inverse A≃B}
                                                                 A≃B′  ≃ᴱ→lens (inverse A≃B)  ≃ᴱ→lens A≃B′) $
                                                              sym $ EEq.to≡to→≡ ext (refl _) 
                      ≃ᴱ→lens (inverse A≃B) 
                      ≃ᴱ→lens (inverse $ inverse A≃B)      ≡⟨ lemma (inverse A≃B) ⟩∎

                      id                                   )
  ; from = λ (l₁ , l₂ , [ eq₁ , eq₂ ])  EEq.↔→≃ᴱ
             (get l₁)
             (get l₂)
             (ext⁻¹ $
              getters-equal-if-setters-equal (l₁  l₂) id
                (cong set eq₁))
             (ext⁻¹ $
              getters-equal-if-setters-equal (l₂  l₁) id
                (cong set eq₂))
  open Lens
  open Lens-combinators

  @0 lemma :
    (C≃D : C ≃ᴱ D)  ≃ᴱ→lens C≃D  ≃ᴱ→lens (inverse C≃D)  id
  lemma C≃D = _↔_.from equality-characterisation₂
    ( ⟨ext⟩ (_≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D)
    , (⟨ext⟩ λ _  ⟨ext⟩ $ _≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D)
    , [ lemma₁
      , lemma₂
      , lemma₃
    @0 lemma₁ : _
    lemma₁ = λ d₁ d₂ 
      let lemma =
            cong  set  _≃ᴱ_.to C≃D (_≃ᴱ_.from C≃D (set d₁ d₂)))
              (⟨ext⟩ λ _  ⟨ext⟩ $ _≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D)       ≡⟨ cong (cong  set  _≃ᴱ_.to C≃D (_≃ᴱ_.from C≃D (set d₁ d₂)))) $
                                                                       ext-const (⟨ext⟩ $ _≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D) 

            cong  set  _≃ᴱ_.to C≃D (_≃ᴱ_.from C≃D (set d₁ d₂)))
              (cong const $ ⟨ext⟩ $ _≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D)      ≡⟨ cong-∘ _ _ (⟨ext⟩ $ _≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D) 

            cong  set  _≃ᴱ_.to C≃D (_≃ᴱ_.from C≃D (set d₂)))
              (⟨ext⟩ $ _≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D)                   ≡⟨ sym $ cong-∘ _ _ (⟨ext⟩ $ _≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D) 

            cong (_≃ᴱ_.to C≃D  _≃ᴱ_.from C≃D)
              (cong  set  set d₂)
                 (⟨ext⟩ $ _≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D))               ≡⟨ cong (cong (_≃ᴱ_.to C≃D  _≃ᴱ_.from C≃D)) $ cong-ext _ 

            cong (_≃ᴱ_.to C≃D  _≃ᴱ_.from C≃D)
              (_≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D _)                         ≡⟨ sym $ cong-∘ _ _ (_≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D _) 

            cong (_≃ᴱ_.to C≃D)
              (cong (_≃ᴱ_.from C≃D) (_≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D _))  ≡⟨ cong (cong (_≃ᴱ_.to C≃D)) $ _≃ᴱ_.right-left-lemma C≃D _ ⟩∎

            cong (_≃ᴱ_.to C≃D) (_≃ᴱ_.left-inverse-of C≃D _)         

      trans (sym
        (trans (cong  set  _≃ᴱ_.to C≃D (_≃ᴱ_.from C≃D (set d₁ d₂)))
                  (⟨ext⟩ λ _  ⟨ext⟩ $ _≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D))
           (cong  get  get d₂)
              (⟨ext⟩ $ _≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D))))
      (trans (cong (_≃ᴱ_.to C≃D) (_≃ᴱ_.left-inverse-of C≃D _))
         (_≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D _))                                 ≡⟨ cong₂  p q  trans (sym (trans p q))
                                                                                            (trans (cong (_≃ᴱ_.to C≃D) (_≃ᴱ_.left-inverse-of C≃D _))
                                                                                               (_≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D _)))
                                                                             (cong-ext _) 
      trans (sym
        (trans (cong (_≃ᴱ_.to C≃D) (_≃ᴱ_.left-inverse-of C≃D _))
           (_≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D _)))
      (trans (cong (_≃ᴱ_.to C≃D) (_≃ᴱ_.left-inverse-of C≃D _))
         (_≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D _))                                 ≡⟨ trans-symˡ (trans _ (_≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D _)) ⟩∎

      refl _                                                            

    @0 lemma₂ : _
    lemma₂ = λ d 
      let lemma =
            cong  set  set d (_≃ᴱ_.to C≃D (_≃ᴱ_.from C≃D d)))
              (⟨ext⟩ λ _  ⟨ext⟩ $ _≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D)     ≡⟨ cong (cong  set  set d (_≃ᴱ_.to C≃D (_≃ᴱ_.from C≃D d)))) $
                                                                     ext-const (⟨ext⟩ $ _≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D) 

            cong  set  set d (_≃ᴱ_.to C≃D (_≃ᴱ_.from C≃D d)))
              (cong const $ ⟨ext⟩ $ _≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D)    ≡⟨ cong-∘ _ _ (⟨ext⟩ $ _≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D) 

            cong  set  set (_≃ᴱ_.to C≃D (_≃ᴱ_.from C≃D d)))
              (⟨ext⟩ $ _≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D)                 ≡⟨ cong-ext _ ⟩∎

            _≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D _                           
      trans (sym
        (trans (cong  set  set d (_≃ᴱ_.to C≃D (_≃ᴱ_.from C≃D d)))
                  (⟨ext⟩ λ _  ⟨ext⟩ $ _≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D))
           (cong  get  get d)
              (⟨ext⟩ $ _≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D))))
           (cong (_≃ᴱ_.to C≃D) (_≃ᴱ_.left-inverse-of C≃D _))
           (_≃ᴱ_.left-inverse-of (inverse C≃D) _))                    ≡⟨ cong₂  p q  trans (sym p) q)
                                                                           (cong₂ trans lemma (cong-ext _))
                                                                           (cong₂ trans
                                                                              (_≃ᴱ_.left-right-lemma C≃D _)
                                                                              (EEq.left-inverse-of∘inverse C≃D)) 
      trans (sym (trans (_≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D _)
                    (_≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D _)))
        (trans (_≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D _)
           (_≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D _))                             ≡⟨ trans-symˡ (trans _ (_≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D _)) ⟩∎

      refl _                                                          

    @0 lemma₃ : _
    lemma₃ = λ d d₁ d₂ 
      subst  set  set (set d d₁) d₂  set d d₂)
         (⟨ext⟩ λ _  ⟨ext⟩ $ _≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D)
         (trans (refl _)
               (cong  _  _≃ᴱ_.to C≃D (_≃ᴱ_.from C≃D d₂))
                  (_≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of (inverse C≃D)
                     (_≃ᴱ_.from C≃D d₁)))
               (cong (_≃ᴱ_.to C≃D) (refl _))))               ≡⟨ cong (subst  set  set (set d d₁) d₂  set d d₂)
                                                                         (⟨ext⟩ λ _  ⟨ext⟩ $ _≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D)) $
                                                                trans (trans-reflˡ _) $
                                                                trans (cong (flip trans _) $ cong-const _) $
                                                                trans (trans-reflˡ _) $
                                                                cong-refl _ 
      subst  set  set (set d d₁) d₂  set d d₂)
         (⟨ext⟩ λ _  ⟨ext⟩ $ _≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D)
         (refl _)                                            ≡⟨ cong (flip (subst  set  set (set d d₁) d₂  set d d₂)) _) $
                                                                ext-const (⟨ext⟩ $ _≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D) 
      subst  set  set (set d d₁) d₂  set d d₂)
        (cong const $ ⟨ext⟩ $ _≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D)
        (refl _)                                             ≡⟨ sym $ subst-∘ _ _ _ 

      subst  set  set d₂  set d₂)
        (⟨ext⟩ $ _≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D)
        (refl _)                                             ≡⟨ subst-ext _ _ 

      subst  set  set  set)
        (_≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D d₂)
        (refl _)                                             ≡⟨ ≡⇒↝ _ (sym [subst≡]≡[trans≡trans]) (

          trans (refl _) (_≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D d₂)           ≡⟨ trans-reflˡ _ 
          _≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D d₂                            ≡⟨ sym $ trans-reflʳ _ 
          trans (_≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of C≃D d₂) (refl _)           ) 

      refl _                                                 

-- In erased contexts the left-to-right direction of ≃ᴱ⇔≅ᴱ is a right
-- inverse of the right-to-left direction.

@0 ≃ᴱ⇔≅ᴱ∘≃ᴱ⇔≅ᴱ :
  (A≃B : A ≃ᴱ B)  _⇔_.from ≃ᴱ⇔≅ᴱ (_⇔_.to ≃ᴱ⇔≅ᴱ A≃B)  A≃B
≃ᴱ⇔≅ᴱ∘≃ᴱ⇔≅ᴱ _ = EEq.to≡to→≡ ext (refl _)

-- The forward direction of ≃ᴱ⇔≅ᴱ maps identity to an isomorphism for
-- which the first projection is the identity.

≃ᴱ⇔≅ᴱ-id≡id :
  let open Lens-combinators in
  proj₁ (_⇔_.to ≃ᴱ⇔≅ᴱ F.id)  id {A = A}
≃ᴱ⇔≅ᴱ-id≡id = equal-laws→≡
   _ _  refl _)
     _≃ᴱ_.left-inverse-of F.id a               ≡⟨ sym $ _≃ᴱ_.right-left-lemma F.id _ 
     cong P.id (_≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of F.id a)  ≡⟨⟩
     cong P.id (refl _)                        ≡⟨ sym $ cong-id _ ⟩∎
     refl _                                    )
   _ _ _  refl _)
  open Lens-combinators

-- If A is a set, then there is an equivalence with erased proofs
-- between A ≃ᴱ B and A ≅ᴱ B.

≃ᴱ≃ᴱ≅ᴱ :
  @0 Is-set A 
  (A ≃ᴱ B) ≃ᴱ (A ≅ᴱ B)
≃ᴱ≃ᴱ≅ᴱ A-set = EEq.↔→≃ᴱ
  (_⇔_.to   ≃ᴱ⇔≅ᴱ)
  (_⇔_.from ≃ᴱ⇔≅ᴱ)
   (l₁ , l₂ , [ eq₁ , eq₂ ]) 
     _↔_.from (equality-characterisation-for-sets-≅ᴱ A-set) $
     ⟨ext⟩ λ a  ⟨ext⟩ λ b 
       get l₂ b                                            ≡⟨ sym $ ext⁻¹ (ext⁻¹ (cong set eq₂) _) _ 

       set l₁ (set l₁ a b)
         (set l₂ (get l₁ (set l₁ a b)) (get l₂ b))         ≡⟨ set-set l₁ _ _ _ 

       set l₁ a (set l₂ (get l₁ (set l₁ a b)) (get l₂ b))  ≡⟨ cong  b′  set l₁ a (set l₂ b′ (get l₂ b))) $ get-set l₁ _ _ 

       set l₁ a (set l₂ b (get l₂ b))                      ≡⟨ cong (set l₁ a) $ set-get l₂ _ ⟩∎

       set l₁ a b                                          )
  open Lens
  open Lens-combinators

-- The equivalence maps identity to an isomorphism for which the first
-- projection is the identity.

≃ᴱ≃ᴱ≅ᴱ-id≡id :
  let open Lens-combinators in
  (@0 A-set : Is-set A) 
  proj₁ (_≃ᴱ_.to (≃ᴱ≃ᴱ≅ᴱ A-set) F.id)  id
≃ᴱ≃ᴱ≅ᴱ-id≡id _ = ≃ᴱ⇔≅ᴱ-id≡id

-- The type Has-quasi-inverseᴱ id is not necessarily a proposition
-- (assuming univalence).

Has-quasi-inverseᴱ-id-not-proposition :
  @0 Univalence lzero 
  let open Lens-combinators in
   λ (A : Type a) 
    ¬ Is-proposition (Has-quasi-inverseᴱ (id {A = A}))
Has-quasi-inverseᴱ-id-not-proposition univ =
  , Stable-¬
      [ Is-proposition (Has-quasi-inverseᴱ Lens-combinators.id)  ↝⟨ H-level-cong _ 1 $ Has-quasi-inverseᴱ≃Has-quasi-inverse TC.id 
        Is-proposition (TC.Has-quasi-inverse TC.id)              ↝⟨ proj₂ $ TC.Has-quasi-inverse-id-not-proposition univ ⟩□

-- There is not necessarily a split surjection from
-- Is-equivalenceᴱ (Lens.get l) to Has-quasi-inverseᴱ l, if l is a
-- lens between types in the same universe (assuming univalence).

¬Is-equivalenceᴱ↠Has-quasi-inverseᴱ :
  @0 Univalence lzero 
  ¬ ({A B : Type a}
     (l : Lens A B) 
     Is-equivalenceᴱ (Lens.get l)  Has-quasi-inverseᴱ l)
¬Is-equivalenceᴱ↠Has-quasi-inverseᴱ {a = a} univ =
    [ ({A B : Type a}
       (l : Lens A B) 
       Is-equivalenceᴱ (Lens.get l)  Has-quasi-inverseᴱ l)     ↝⟨  hyp l 
                                                                      from-equivalence (Has-quasi-inverseᴱ≃Has-quasi-inverse l) F.∘
                                                                      hyp (Traditional-lens→Lens l) F.∘
                                                                      from-equivalence EEq.Is-equivalence≃Is-equivalenceᴱ) 
      ({A B : Type a}
       (l : T.Lens A B) 
       Is-equivalence (T.Lens.get l)  TC.Has-quasi-inverse l)  ↝⟨ TC.¬Is-equivalence↠Has-quasi-inverse univ ⟩□


-- There is not necessarily an equivalence with erased proofs from
-- Is-equivalenceᴱ (Lens.get l) to Has-quasi-inverseᴱ l, if l is a
-- lens between types in the same universe (assuming univalence).

¬Is-equivalenceᴱ≃Has-quasi-inverseᴱ :
  @0 Univalence lzero 
  ¬ ({A B : Type a}
     (l : Lens A B) 
     Is-equivalenceᴱ (Lens.get l) ≃ᴱ Has-quasi-inverseᴱ l)
¬Is-equivalenceᴱ≃Has-quasi-inverseᴱ {a = a} univ =
    [ ({A B : Type a}
       (l : Lens A B) 
       Is-equivalenceᴱ (Lens.get l) ≃ᴱ Has-quasi-inverseᴱ l)  ↝⟨  hyp  _≃_.surjection  EEq.≃ᴱ→≃  hyp) 

      ({A B : Type a}
       (l : Lens A B) 
       Is-equivalenceᴱ (Lens.get l)  Has-quasi-inverseᴱ l)   ↝⟨ ¬Is-equivalenceᴱ↠Has-quasi-inverseᴱ univ ⟩□


-- Isomorphisms expressed using bi-invertibility for lenses

-- A form of isomorphism between types, expressed using lenses.

open B public
  using ()
  renaming (_≊ᴱ_ to _≊ᴱ_;
            Has-left-inverseᴱ to Has-left-inverseᴱ;
            Has-right-inverseᴱ to Has-right-inverseᴱ;
            Is-bi-invertibleᴱ to Is-bi-invertibleᴱ)

open BM public
  using ()
  renaming (Is-bi-invertibleᴱ-propositional to

-- In erased contexts Has-left-inverseᴱ (Traditional-lens→Lens l) is
-- equivalent to TC.Has-left-inverse l.

@0 Has-left-inverseᴱ≃Has-left-inverse :
  (l : T.Lens A B) 
  Has-left-inverseᴱ (Traditional-lens→Lens l)  TC.Has-left-inverse l
Has-left-inverseᴱ≃Has-left-inverse l =
  ( λ l⁻¹  Erased (l⁻¹ LC.∘ l′  LC.id))  ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  erased Erased↔) 
  ( λ l⁻¹          l⁻¹ LC.∘ l′  LC.id )  ↝⟨ (Σ-cong Lens≃Traditional-lens λ _  inverse $ Eq.≃-≡ Lens≃Traditional-lens) ⟩□
  ( λ l⁻¹          l⁻¹ TC.∘ l   TC.id )  
  module LC = Lens-combinators

  l′ = Traditional-lens→Lens l

-- In erased contexts Has-right-inverseᴱ (Traditional-lens→Lens l) is
-- equivalent to TC.Has-right-inverse l.

@0 Has-right-inverseᴱ≃Has-right-inverse :
  (l : T.Lens A B) 
  Has-right-inverseᴱ (Traditional-lens→Lens l)  TC.Has-right-inverse l
Has-right-inverseᴱ≃Has-right-inverse l =
  ( λ l⁻¹  Erased (l′ LC.∘ l⁻¹  LC.id))  ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  erased Erased↔) 
  ( λ l⁻¹          l′ LC.∘ l⁻¹  LC.id )  ↝⟨ (Σ-cong Lens≃Traditional-lens λ _  inverse $ Eq.≃-≡ Lens≃Traditional-lens) ⟩□
  ( λ l⁻¹          l  TC.∘ l⁻¹  TC.id )  
  module LC = Lens-combinators

  l′ = Traditional-lens→Lens l

-- In erased contexts Is-bi-invertibleᴱ (Traditional-lens→Lens l) is
-- equivalent to TC.Is-bi-invertible l.

@0 Is-bi-invertibleᴱ≃Is-bi-invertible :
  (l : T.Lens A B) 
  Is-bi-invertibleᴱ (Traditional-lens→Lens l)  TC.Is-bi-invertible l
Is-bi-invertibleᴱ≃Is-bi-invertible l =
  Is-bi-invertibleᴱ l′                            ↔⟨⟩
  Has-left-inverseᴱ l′ × Has-right-inverseᴱ l′    ↝⟨ Has-left-inverseᴱ≃Has-left-inverse l ×-cong
                                                     Has-right-inverseᴱ≃Has-right-inverse l 
  TC.Has-left-inverse l × TC.Has-right-inverse l  ↔⟨⟩
  TC.Is-bi-invertible l                           
  l′ = Traditional-lens→Lens l

-- In erased contexts A ≊ᴱ B is equivalent to A TC.≊ B.

@0 ≊ᴱ≃≊ : (A ≊ᴱ B)  (A TC.≊ B)
≊ᴱ≃≊ {A = A} {B = B} =
  ( λ (l : Lens A B)  Is-bi-invertibleᴱ l)      ↝⟨ (inverse $
                                                      Σ-cong (inverse Lens≃Traditional-lens) λ l 
                                                      inverse $ Is-bi-invertibleᴱ≃Is-bi-invertible l) ⟩□
  ( λ (l : T.Lens A B)  TC.Is-bi-invertible l)  

-- An equality characterisation lemma for A ≊ᴱ B that applies when A
-- is a set.

@0 equality-characterisation-for-sets-≊ᴱ :
  let open Lens in
  {f₁@(l₁₁ , _) f₂@(l₁₂ , _) : A ≊ᴱ B} 
  Is-set A 
  f₁  f₂  set l₁₁  set l₁₂
  {f₁ = f₁@(l₁₁ , _)} {f₂ = f₂@(l₁₂ , _)} A-set =
  f₁  f₂                          ↔⟨ inverse $ Eq.≃-≡ ≊ᴱ≃≊ 
  _≃_.to ≊ᴱ≃≊ f₁  _≃_.to ≊ᴱ≃≊ f₂  ↝⟨ TC.equality-characterisation-for-sets-≊ A-set ⟩□
  set l₁₁  set l₁₂                
  open Lens

-- There is a logical equivalence between A ≃ᴱ B and A ≊ᴱ B.

≃ᴱ⇔≊ᴱ : (A ≃ᴱ B)  (A ≊ᴱ B)
≃ᴱ⇔≊ᴱ = record
  { to   = _⇔_.to BM.≅ᴱ⇔≊ᴱ  _⇔_.to ≃ᴱ⇔≅ᴱ
  ; from = _⇔_.from ≃ᴱ⇔≅ᴱ  _⇔_.from BM.≅ᴱ⇔≊ᴱ

-- In erased contexts the left-to-right direction of ≃ᴱ⇔≊ᴱ is a right
-- inverse of the right-to-left direction.

@0 ≃ᴱ⇔≊ᴱ∘≃ᴱ⇔≊ᴱ :
  (A≃B : A ≃ᴱ B)  _⇔_.from ≃ᴱ⇔≊ᴱ (_⇔_.to ≃ᴱ⇔≊ᴱ A≃B)  A≃B
≃ᴱ⇔≊ᴱ∘≃ᴱ⇔≊ᴱ _ = EEq.to≡to→≡ ext (refl _)

-- The forward direction of ≃ᴱ⇔≊ᴱ maps identity to an isomorphism for
-- which the first projection is the identity.

≃ᴱ⇔≊ᴱ-id≡id :
  let open Lens-combinators in
  proj₁ (_⇔_.to ≃ᴱ⇔≊ᴱ F.id)  id {A = A}
≃ᴱ⇔≊ᴱ-id≡id = equal-laws→≡
   _ _  refl _)
     _≃ᴱ_.left-inverse-of F.id a               ≡⟨ sym $ _≃ᴱ_.right-left-lemma F.id _ 
     cong P.id (_≃ᴱ_.right-inverse-of F.id a)  ≡⟨⟩
     cong P.id (refl _)                        ≡⟨ sym $ cong-id _ ⟩∎
     refl _                                    )
   _ _ _  refl _)
  open Lens-combinators

-- If A is a set, then there is an equivalence between A ≃ᴱ B and
-- A ≊ᴱ B.

≃ᴱ≃ᴱ≊ᴱ : @0 Is-set A  (A ≃ᴱ B) ≃ᴱ (A ≊ᴱ B)
≃ᴱ≃ᴱ≊ᴱ {A = A} {B = B} A-set =
  A ≃ᴱ B  ↝⟨ ≃ᴱ≃ᴱ≅ᴱ A-set 
  A ≅ᴱ B  ↝⟨ inverse $ BM.≊ᴱ≃ᴱ≅ᴱ-domain (lens-preserves-h-level-of-domain 1 A-set) ⟩□
  A ≊ᴱ B  

-- The equivalence ≃ᴱ≃ᴱ≊ᴱ maps identity to an isomorphism for which the
-- first projection is the identity.

≃ᴱ≃ᴱ≊ᴱ-id≡id :
  let open Lens-combinators in
  (@0 A-set : Is-set A) 
  proj₁ (_≃ᴱ_.to (≃ᴱ≃ᴱ≊ᴱ A-set) F.id)  id
≃ᴱ≃ᴱ≊ᴱ-id≡id _ = ≃ᴱ⇔≊ᴱ-id≡id
  open Lens-combinators

-- The right-to-left direction of ≃ᴱ≃ᴱ≊ᴱ maps bi-invertible lenses to
-- their getter functions.

to-from-≃ᴱ≃ᴱ≊ᴱ≡get :
  (@0 A-set : Is-set A) (A≊B@(l , _) : A ≊ᴱ B) 
  _≃ᴱ_.to (_≃ᴱ_.from (≃ᴱ≃ᴱ≊ᴱ A-set) A≊B)  Lens.get l
to-from-≃ᴱ≃ᴱ≊ᴱ≡get _ _ = refl _

-- The getter function of a bi-invertible lens is an equivalence (with
-- erased proofs).

Is-bi-invertibleᴱ→Is-equivalenceᴱ-get :
  (l : Lens A B) 
  Is-bi-invertibleᴱ l  Is-equivalenceᴱ (Lens.get l)
Is-bi-invertibleᴱ→Is-equivalenceᴱ-get l is-bi-inv =
  _≃ᴱ_.is-equivalence (_⇔_.from ≃ᴱ⇔≊ᴱ (l , is-bi-inv))

-- If the getter function is an equivalence (with erased proofs), then
-- the lens is bi-invertible (with erased proofs).

Is-equivalenceᴱ-get→Is-bi-invertibleᴱ :
  (l : Lens A B) 
  Is-equivalenceᴱ (Lens.get l)  Is-bi-invertibleᴱ l
Is-equivalenceᴱ-get→Is-bi-invertibleᴱ {A = A} {B = B} l′ is-equiv =
  block λ b 
                        $⟨ l⁻¹′ b , [ l∘l⁻¹≡id b , l⁻¹∘l≡id b ] 
  Has-quasi-inverseᴱ l  ↝⟨ B.Has-quasi-inverseᴱ→Is-bi-invertibleᴱ l 
  Is-bi-invertibleᴱ l   ↝⟨ subst  l  Is-bi-invertibleᴱ (erased l)) ([]-cong [ getter-equivalence→lens≡ l′ is-equiv ]) ⟩□
  Is-bi-invertibleᴱ l′  
  open Lens
  open Lens-combinators

  -- A lens that is equal to l′.

  l : Lens A B
  l = getter-equivalence→lens l′ is-equiv

  A≃B = EEq.⟨ get l , is-equiv 

  open _≃ᴱ_ A≃B

  -- An inverse of l.
  -- Note that the set-get and set-set proofs have been "obfuscated".
  -- They could have been shorter, but then it might not have been
  -- possible to prove l∘l⁻¹≡id and l⁻¹∘l≡id.

  l⁻¹ : Lens B A
  l⁻¹ = record
    { get     = from
    ; set     = λ _  get l
    ; get-set = λ _ a 
                  from (get l a)  ≡⟨ left-inverse-of a ⟩∎
    ; set-get = λ b 
                  get l (from b)                 ≡⟨ sym $ cong (get l) $ set-get l (from b) 
                  get l (from (get l (from b)))  ≡⟨ right-inverse-of (get l (from b)) 
                  get l (from b)                 ≡⟨ right-inverse-of b ⟩∎
    ; set-set = λ b a₁ a₂ 
                  get l a₂                 ≡⟨ sym $ right-inverse-of _ 
                  get l (from (get l a₂))  ≡⟨ sym $ cong (get l) (set-set l (from b) (get l a₁) (get l a₂)) 
                  get l (from (get l a₂))  ≡⟨ right-inverse-of _ ⟩∎
                  get l a₂                 

  -- A blocked variant of l⁻¹.

  l⁻¹′ : Block "l⁻¹"  Lens B A
  l⁻¹′  = l⁻¹

  -- The lens l⁻¹ is a right inverse of l.

  @0 l∘l⁻¹≡id :  b  l  l⁻¹′ b  id
  l∘l⁻¹≡id  = constant-setter→≡id
    ( right-inverse-of
    , right-inverse-of
    , [  b₁ b₂ 
           get-set (l  l⁻¹) b₁ b₂                                 ≡⟨⟩

           trans (cong (get l) (get-set l⁻¹ b₁ (from b₂)))
             (get-set l (from b₁) b₂)                              ≡⟨⟩

           trans (cong (get l) (left-inverse-of (from b₂)))
             (right-inverse-of b₂)                                 ≡⟨ cong  eq  trans (cong (get l) eq) (right-inverse-of b₂)) $ sym $
                                                                      right-left-lemma _ 
           trans (cong (get l) (cong from (right-inverse-of b₂)))
             (right-inverse-of b₂)                                 ≡⟨ cong  eq  trans eq (right-inverse-of b₂)) $
                                                                      cong-∘ _ _ (right-inverse-of b₂) 
           trans (cong (get l  from) (right-inverse-of b₂))
             (right-inverse-of b₂)                                 ≡⟨⟩

           trans (cong (get (l  l⁻¹)) (right-inverse-of b₂))
             (right-inverse-of b₂)                                 )
      ,  b 
           set-get (l  l⁻¹) b                                 ≡⟨⟩

           trans (cong (get l) (set-get l (from b)))
             (set-get l⁻¹ b)                                   ≡⟨⟩

           trans (cong (get l) (set-get l (from b)))
             (trans (sym (cong (get l) (set-get l (from b))))
                (trans (right-inverse-of (get l (from b)))
                   (right-inverse-of b)))                      ≡⟨ trans--[trans-sym] _ _ 

           trans (right-inverse-of (get l (from b)))
             (right-inverse-of b)                              ≡⟨⟩

           trans (right-inverse-of (get (l  l⁻¹) b))
             (right-inverse-of b)                              )
      ,  b b₁ b₂ 
           set-set (l  l⁻¹) b b₁ b₂                                      ≡⟨⟩

           trans (set-set l⁻¹ b (from b₁) (from b₂))
             (trans (cong  _  get l (from b₂))
                       (get-set l⁻¹ b (from b₁)))
                (cong (get l) (set-set l (from b) b₁ b₂)))                ≡⟨ cong (trans _) $
                                                                             trans (cong (flip trans _) $ cong-const _) $
                                                                             trans-reflˡ _ 
           trans (set-set l⁻¹ b (from b₁) (from b₂))
             (cong (get l) (set-set l (from b) b₁ b₂))                    ≡⟨⟩

           trans (trans (sym (right-inverse-of _))
                    (trans (sym (cong (get l)
                                   (set-set l (from b) (get l (from b₁))
                                      (get l (from b₂)))))
                       (right-inverse-of _)))
             (cong (get l) (set-set l (from b) b₁ b₂))                    ≡⟨ cong  b′  trans (trans (sym (right-inverse-of _))
                                                                                                   (trans (sym (cong (get l)
                                                                                                                  (set-set l (from b) b′
                                                                                                                     (get l (from b₂)))))
                                                                                                      (right-inverse-of _)))
                                                                                            (cong (get l) (set-set l (from b) b₁ b₂))) $
                                                                             right-inverse-of _ 
           trans (trans (sym (right-inverse-of _))
                    (trans (sym (cong (get l)
                                   (set-set l (from b) b₁
                                      (get l (from b₂)))))
                       (right-inverse-of _)))
             (cong (get l) (set-set l (from b) b₁ b₂))                    ≡⟨ cong  f  trans (trans (sym (f _))
                                                                                                  (trans (sym (cong (get l)
                                                                                                                 (set-set l (from b) b₁
                                                                                                                    (get l (from b₂)))))
                                                                                                     (f _)))
                                                                                           (cong (get l) (set-set l (from b) b₁ b₂))) $ sym $
                                                                             _≃_.left-inverse-of (Eq.extensionality-isomorphism bad-ext)
           trans (trans (sym (ext⁻¹ (⟨ext⟩ right-inverse-of) _))
                    (trans (sym (cong (get l)
                                   (set-set l (from b) b₁
                                      (get l (from b₂)))))
                       (ext⁻¹ (⟨ext⟩ right-inverse-of) _)))
             (cong (get l) (set-set l (from b) b₁ b₂))                    ≡⟨ elim₁
                                                                                {f} (p : f  P.id) 
                                                                                  (q :  b  f b  f b) 
                                                                                  trans (trans (sym (ext⁻¹ p (f b₂)))
                                                                                           (trans (sym (q (f b₂))) (ext⁻¹ p (f b₂))))
                                                                                    (q b₂) 
                                                                                  refl _)
               trans (trans (sym (ext⁻¹ (refl P.id) _))
                        (trans (sym (q _)) (ext⁻¹ (refl P.id) _)))
                 (q _)                                                            ≡⟨ cong  eq  trans (trans (sym eq) (trans (sym (q _)) eq))
                                                                                                    (q _)) $
                                                                                     ext⁻¹-refl _ 
               trans (trans (sym (refl _))
                        (trans (sym (q _)) (refl _)))
                 (q _)                                                            ≡⟨ cong₂  p r  trans (trans p r) (q _))
                                                                                       (trans-reflʳ _) 

               trans (trans (refl _) (sym (q _))) (q _)                           ≡⟨ cong  eq  trans eq (q _)) $ trans-reflˡ (sym (q _)) 

               trans (sym (q _)) (q _)                                            ≡⟨ trans-symˡ (q _) ⟩∎

               refl _                                                             )
                                                                               (⟨ext⟩ right-inverse-of)
                                                                               (cong (get l)  set-set l (from b) b₁) 
           refl _                                                         )

  -- The lens l⁻¹ is a left inverse of l.

  @0 l⁻¹∘l≡id :  b  l⁻¹′ b  l  id
  l⁻¹∘l≡id  = constant-setter→≡id
    ( left-inverse-of
    , left-inverse-of
    , [  a₁ a₂ 
           get-set (l⁻¹  l) a₁ a₂                                ≡⟨⟩

           trans (cong from (get-set l a₁ (to a₂)))
             (get-set l⁻¹ (get l a₁) a₂)                          ≡⟨⟩

           trans (cong from (right-inverse-of (to a₂)))
             (left-inverse-of a₂)                                 ≡⟨ cong  eq  trans (cong from eq) (left-inverse-of _)) $ sym $
                                                                     left-right-lemma _ 
           trans (cong from (cong (get l) (left-inverse-of a₂)))
             (left-inverse-of a₂)                                 ≡⟨ cong  eq  trans eq (left-inverse-of _)) $
                                                                     cong-∘ _ _ (left-inverse-of _) 
           trans (cong (from  get l) (left-inverse-of a₂))
             (left-inverse-of a₂)                                 ≡⟨⟩

           trans (cong (get (l⁻¹  l)) (left-inverse-of a₂))
             (left-inverse-of a₂)                                 )
      ,  a 
           let lemma₁ =
                 cong from
                   (trans (sym (cong (get l)
                                  (set-get l (from (get l a)))))
                      (trans (right-inverse-of _)
                         (right-inverse-of _)))                            ≡⟨ cong-trans _ _ (trans _ (right-inverse-of _)) 

                 trans (cong from (sym (cong (get l)
                                          (set-get l (from (get l a))))))
                   (cong from (trans (right-inverse-of _)
                                 (right-inverse-of _)))                    ≡⟨ cong  eq  trans (cong from eq)
                                                                                             (cong from (trans (right-inverse-of _)
                                                                                                           (right-inverse-of _)))) $ sym $
                                                                              cong-sym _ (set-get l (from (get l a))) 
                 trans (cong from (cong (get l)
                                     (sym (set-get l (from (get l a))))))
                   (cong from (trans (right-inverse-of _)
                                 (right-inverse-of _)))                    ≡⟨ cong₂ trans
                                                                                (cong-∘ _ _ (sym (set-get l (from (get l a)))))
                                                                                (cong-trans _ _ (right-inverse-of _)) 
                 trans (cong (from  get l)
                          (sym (set-get l (from (get l a)))))
                   (trans (cong from (right-inverse-of _))
                      (cong from (right-inverse-of _)))                    ≡⟨ cong₂  p q  trans (cong (from  get l)
                                                                                                      (sym (set-get l (from (get l a)))))
                                                                                               (trans p q))
                                                                                (right-left-lemma _)
                                                                                (right-left-lemma _) ⟩∎
                 trans (cong (from  get l)
                          (sym (set-get l (from (get l a)))))
                   (trans (left-inverse-of _)
                      (left-inverse-of _))                                 

               f = from  get l

               lemma₂ :  _  _
               lemma₂ = λ a 
                 trans (left-inverse-of (f a))
                   (left-inverse-of a)                        ≡⟨ cong  g  trans (g (f a)) (g a)) $ sym $
                                                                 _≃_.left-inverse-of (Eq.extensionality-isomorphism bad-ext)
                                                                   left-inverse-of ⟩∎
                 trans (ext⁻¹ (⟨ext⟩ left-inverse-of) (f a))
                   (ext⁻¹ (⟨ext⟩ left-inverse-of) a)          

               lemma₃ =
                 trans (ext⁻¹ (refl P.id) a) (ext⁻¹ (refl P.id) a)  ≡⟨ cong₂ trans (ext⁻¹-refl _) (ext⁻¹-refl _) 
                 trans (refl _) (refl _)                            ≡⟨ trans-refl-refl ⟩∎
                 refl _                                             
           trans (cong from (set-get l⁻¹ (get l a)))
             (set-get l a)                                            ≡⟨⟩

           trans (cong from
                    (trans (sym (cong (get l)
                                   (set-get l (from (get l a)))))
                       (trans (right-inverse-of _)
                          (right-inverse-of _))))
             (set-get l a)                                            ≡⟨ cong  eq  trans eq (set-get l a)) lemma₁ 

           trans (trans (cong f (sym (set-get l (f a))))
                    (trans (left-inverse-of (f (f a)))
                       (left-inverse-of (f a))))
             (set-get l a)                                            ≡⟨ cong  eq  trans (trans (cong f (sym (set-get l (f a)))) eq)
                                                                                        (set-get l a)) $
                                                                         lemma₂ _ 
           trans (trans (cong f (sym (set-get l (f a))))
                    (trans (ext⁻¹ (⟨ext⟩ left-inverse-of) (f (f a)))
                       (ext⁻¹ (⟨ext⟩ left-inverse-of) (f a))))
             (set-get l a)                                            ≡⟨ elim₁
                                                                            {f} (p : f  P.id) 
                                                                              (q :  a  f a  a) 
                                                                              trans (trans (cong f (sym (q (f a))))
                                                                                       (trans (ext⁻¹ p (f (f a))) (ext⁻¹ p (f a))))
                                                                                (q a) 
                                                                              trans (ext⁻¹ p (f a)) (ext⁻¹ p a))
               trans (trans (cong P.id (sym (q a)))
                        (trans (ext⁻¹ (refl P.id) a)
                           (ext⁻¹ (refl P.id) a)))
                 (q a)                                                        ≡⟨ cong₂  p r  trans (trans p r) (q a))
                                                                                   (sym $ cong-id _)

               trans (trans (sym (q a)) (refl _)) (q a)                       ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ trans-reflʳ _ 

               trans (sym (q a)) (q a)                                        ≡⟨ trans-symˡ (q a) 

               refl _                                                         ≡⟨ sym lemma₃ ⟩∎

               trans (ext⁻¹ (refl P.id) a) (ext⁻¹ (refl P.id) a)              )
                                                                           (⟨ext⟩ left-inverse-of)
                                                                           (set-get l) 
           trans (ext⁻¹ (⟨ext⟩ left-inverse-of) (f a))
             (ext⁻¹ (⟨ext⟩ left-inverse-of) a)                        ≡⟨ sym $ lemma₂ _ 

           trans (left-inverse-of (f a))
             (left-inverse-of a)                                      ≡⟨⟩

           trans (left-inverse-of (get (l⁻¹  l) a))
             (left-inverse-of a)                                      )
      ,  a a₁ a₂ 
           let q = set-set l a (get l a₁) (get l a₂)

               lemma =
                 cong from
                   (trans (sym (right-inverse-of _))
                      (trans (sym (cong (get l) q))
                         (right-inverse-of _)))                    ≡⟨ cong-trans _ _ (trans (sym (cong (get l) q)) (right-inverse-of _)) 

                 trans (cong from (sym (right-inverse-of _)))
                   (cong from (trans (sym (cong (get l) q))
                                 (right-inverse-of _)))            ≡⟨ cong₂ trans
                                                                        (cong-sym _ (right-inverse-of _))
                                                                        (cong-trans _ _ (right-inverse-of _)) 
                 trans (sym (cong from (right-inverse-of _)))
                   (trans (cong from (sym (cong (get l) q)))
                      (cong from (right-inverse-of _)))            ≡⟨ cong₂  p r  trans (sym p) (trans (cong from (sym (cong (get l) q))) r))
                                                                        (right-left-lemma _)
                                                                        (right-left-lemma _) 
                 trans (sym (left-inverse-of _))
                   (trans (cong from (sym (cong (get l) q)))
                      (left-inverse-of _))                         ≡⟨ cong  eq  trans (sym (left-inverse-of _))
                                                                                     (trans eq (left-inverse-of _))) $
                                                                      cong-sym _ (cong (get l) q) 
                 trans (sym (left-inverse-of _))
                   (trans (sym (cong from (cong (get l) q)))
                      (left-inverse-of _))                         ≡⟨ cong  eq  trans (sym (left-inverse-of _))
                                                                                     (trans (sym eq) (left-inverse-of _))) $
                                                                      cong-∘ _ _ q 
                 trans (sym (left-inverse-of _))
                   (trans (sym (cong (from  get l) q))
                      (left-inverse-of _))                         ≡⟨ cong  g  trans (sym (g _))
                                                                                    (trans (sym (cong (from  get l) q)) (g _))) $ sym $
                                                                      _≃_.left-inverse-of (Eq.extensionality-isomorphism bad-ext)
                                                                        left-inverse-of ⟩∎
                 trans (sym (ext⁻¹ (⟨ext⟩ left-inverse-of) _))
                   (trans (sym (cong (from  get l) q))
                      (ext⁻¹ (⟨ext⟩ left-inverse-of) _))           

               f = from  get l
           set-set (l⁻¹  l) a a₁ a₂                                     ≡⟨⟩

           trans (set-set l a (get l a₁) (get l a₂))
             (trans (cong  _  from (get l a₂))
                       (right-inverse-of (get l a₁)))
                (cong from (set-set l⁻¹ (get l a) a₁ a₂)))               ≡⟨ cong (trans _) $
                                                                            trans (cong (flip trans _) $ cong-const _) $
                                                                            trans-reflˡ _ 
           trans (set-set l a (get l a₁) (get l a₂))
             (cong from (set-set l⁻¹ (get l a) a₁ a₂))                   ≡⟨⟩

           trans (set-set l a (get l a₁) (get l a₂))
             (cong from
                (trans (sym (right-inverse-of _))
                   (trans (sym (cong (get l)
                                  (set-set l (from (get l a))
                                     (get l a₁) (get l a₂))))
                      (right-inverse-of _))))                            ≡⟨ cong  a′  trans q
                                                                                           (cong from
                                                                                              (trans (sym (right-inverse-of _))
                                                                                                 (trans (sym (cong (get l)
                                                                                                                (set-set l a′ (get l a₁) (get l a₂))))
                                                                                                    (right-inverse-of _))))) $
                                                                            left-inverse-of _ 
           trans q
             (cong from
                (trans (sym (right-inverse-of _))
                   (trans (sym (cong (get l) q))
                      (right-inverse-of _))))                            ≡⟨ cong (trans q) lemma 

           trans q
             (trans (sym (ext⁻¹ (⟨ext⟩ left-inverse-of) (f a₂)))
                (trans (sym (cong f q))
                   (ext⁻¹ (⟨ext⟩ left-inverse-of) (f a₂))))              ≡⟨ elim₁
                                                                               {f} (p : f  P.id) 
                                                                                 (q : f a₂  f a₂) 
                                                                                 trans q
                                                                                   (trans (sym (ext⁻¹ p (f a₂)))
                                                                                      (trans (sym (cong f q))
                                                                                         (ext⁻¹ p (f a₂)))) 
                                                                                 refl _)
               trans q
                 (trans (sym (ext⁻¹ (refl P.id) a₂))
                    (trans (sym (cong P.id q))
                       (ext⁻¹ (refl P.id) a₂)))                                ≡⟨ cong  eq  trans q (trans (sym eq)
                                                                                                          (trans (sym (cong P.id q)) eq))) $
                                                                                  ext⁻¹-refl _ 
               trans q (trans (sym (refl _))
                          (trans (sym (cong P.id q)) (refl _)))                ≡⟨ cong₂  p r  trans q (trans p r))
                                                                                    (trans-reflʳ _) 

               trans q (trans (refl _) (sym (cong P.id q)))                    ≡⟨ cong (trans q) $ trans-reflˡ (sym (cong P.id q)) 

               trans q (sym (cong P.id q))                                     ≡⟨ cong  eq  trans q (sym eq)) $ sym $ cong-id q 

               trans q (sym q)                                                 ≡⟨ trans-symʳ q ⟩∎

               refl _                                                          )
                                                                            (⟨ext⟩ left-inverse-of)

           refl _                                                        )

-- There is an equivalence with erased proofs between "l is
-- bi-invertible (with erased proofs) " and "the getter of l is an
-- equivalence (with erased proofs)".

Is-bi-invertibleᴱ≃ᴱIs-equivalenceᴱ-get :
  (l : Lens A B) 
  Is-bi-invertibleᴱ l ≃ᴱ Is-equivalenceᴱ (Lens.get l)
Is-bi-invertibleᴱ≃ᴱIs-equivalenceᴱ-get l = EEq.⇔→≃ᴱ
  (BM.Is-bi-invertibleᴱ-propositional l)
  (EEq.Is-equivalenceᴱ-propositional ext _)
  (Is-bi-invertibleᴱ→Is-equivalenceᴱ-get l)
  (Is-equivalenceᴱ-get→Is-bi-invertibleᴱ l)

-- There is in general no split surjection from equivalences (with
-- erased proofs) to lenses that are bi-invertible (with erased
-- proofs), if the right-to-left direction of the split surjection is
-- required to map bi-invertible lenses to their getter functions
-- (assuming univalence).

¬≃ᴱ↠≊ᴱ :
  @0 Univalence lzero 
  ¬  λ (≃ᴱ↠≊ᴱ : ( a 𝕊¹ᴱ ≃ᴱ  a 𝕊¹ᴱ)  ( a 𝕊¹ᴱ ≊ᴱ  a 𝕊¹ᴱ)) 
      (x@(l , _) :  a 𝕊¹ᴱ ≊ᴱ  a 𝕊¹ᴱ) 
      _≃ᴱ_.to (_↠_.from ≃ᴱ↠≊ᴱ x)  Lens.get l
¬≃ᴱ↠≊ᴱ {a = a} univ =
    [ ( λ (≃ᴱ↠≊ᴱ : ( a 𝕊¹ᴱ ≃ᴱ  a 𝕊¹ᴱ)  ( a 𝕊¹ᴱ ≊ᴱ  a 𝕊¹ᴱ)) 
         (x@(l , _) :  a 𝕊¹ᴱ ≊ᴱ  a 𝕊¹ᴱ) 
         _≃ᴱ_.to (_↠_.from ≃ᴱ↠≊ᴱ x)  Lens.get l)                   ↝⟨ Σ-map
                                                                        ((∃-cong λ l  _≃_.surjection $ EEq.≃ᴱ→≃ $ Is-bi-invertibleᴱ≃ᴱIs-equivalenceᴱ-get l) F.∘_)
                                                                         hyp _  hyp _) 
      ( λ (f : ( a 𝕊¹ᴱ ≃ᴱ  a 𝕊¹ᴱ) 
                ( λ (l : Lens ( a 𝕊¹ᴱ) ( a 𝕊¹ᴱ)) 
                   Is-equivalenceᴱ (Lens.get l))) 
          p  _≃ᴱ_.to (_↠_.from f p)  Lens.get (proj₁ p))         ↝⟨ ¬-≃ᴱ-↠-Σ-Lens-Is-equivalenceᴱ-get univ ⟩□


-- There is in general no equivalence with erased proofs between
-- equivalences (with erased proofs) and lenses that are bi-invertible
-- (with erased proofs), if the right-to-left direction of the
-- equivalence is required to map bi-invertible lenses to their getter
-- functions (assuming univalence).

¬≃ᴱ≃ᴱ≊ᴱ :
  @0 Univalence lzero 
  ¬  λ (≃ᴱ≃ᴱ≊ᴱ : ( a 𝕊¹ᴱ ≃ᴱ  a 𝕊¹ᴱ) ≃ᴱ ( a 𝕊¹ᴱ ≊ᴱ  a 𝕊¹ᴱ)) 
      (x@(l , _) :  a 𝕊¹ᴱ ≊ᴱ  a 𝕊¹ᴱ) 
      _≃ᴱ_.to (_≃ᴱ_.from ≃ᴱ≃ᴱ≊ᴱ x)  Lens.get l
¬≃ᴱ≃ᴱ≊ᴱ {a = a} univ =
    [ ( λ (≃ᴱ≃ᴱ≊ᴱ : ( a 𝕊¹ᴱ ≃ᴱ  a 𝕊¹ᴱ) ≃ᴱ ( a 𝕊¹ᴱ ≊ᴱ  a 𝕊¹ᴱ)) 
         (x@(l , _) :  a 𝕊¹ᴱ ≊ᴱ  a 𝕊¹ᴱ) 
         _≃ᴱ_.to (_≃ᴱ_.from ≃ᴱ≃ᴱ≊ᴱ x)  Lens.get l)                   ↝⟨ Σ-map (_≃_.surjection  EEq.≃ᴱ→≃) P.id 

      ( λ (≃ᴱ↠≊ᴱ : ( a 𝕊¹ᴱ ≃ᴱ  a 𝕊¹ᴱ)  ( a 𝕊¹ᴱ ≊ᴱ  a 𝕊¹ᴱ)) 
         (x@(l , _) :  a 𝕊¹ᴱ ≊ᴱ  a 𝕊¹ᴱ) 
         _≃ᴱ_.to (_↠_.from ≃ᴱ↠≊ᴱ x)  Lens.get l)                     ↝⟨ ¬≃ᴱ↠≊ᴱ univ ⟩□


-- The lemma ≃ᴱΣ∥set⁻¹ᴱ∥ᴱ× does not hold in general if the requirement
-- that A is a set is dropped (assuming univalence).

≄ᴱΣ∥set⁻¹ᴱ∥ᴱ× :
  @0 Univalence lzero 
  ¬ ({A B : Type a} (l : Lens A B) 
     A ≃ᴱ (( λ (f : B  A)   Lens.set l ⁻¹ᴱ f ∥ᴱ) × B))
≄ᴱΣ∥set⁻¹ᴱ∥ᴱ× {a = a} univ =
    [ ({A B : Type a} (l : Lens A B) 
       A ≃ᴱ (( λ (f : B  A)   Lens.set l ⁻¹ᴱ f ∥ᴱ) × B))  ↝⟨ EEq.≃ᴱ→≃ ⊚_ 

      ({A B : Type a} (l : Lens A B) 
       A  (( λ (f : B  A)   Lens.set l ⁻¹ᴱ f ∥ᴱ) × B))   ↝⟨ ((×-cong₁ λ _  ∃-cong λ _  PT.∥∥ᴱ≃∥∥) F.∘_) ⊚_ 

      ({A B : Type a} (l : Lens A B) 
       A  (( λ (f : B  A)   Lens.set l ⁻¹ᴱ f ) × B))    ↝⟨ ((×-cong₁ λ _  ∃-cong λ _  PT.∥∥-cong $ inverse ECP.⁻¹≃⁻¹ᴱ) F.∘_) ⊚_ 

      ({A B : Type a} (l : Lens A B) 
       A  (( λ (f : B  A)   Lens.set l ⁻¹ f ) × B))     ↝⟨ _⊚ Traditional-lens→Lens 

      ({A B : Type a} (l : T.Lens A B) 
       A  (( λ (f : B  A)   T.Lens.set l ⁻¹ f ) × B))   ↝⟨ TC.≄Σ∥set⁻¹∥× univ ⟩□
