-- A type for values that should be erased at run-time

-- This module contains some basic definitions with few dependencies
-- (in particular, not Function-universe). See Erased and other
-- modules under Erased for more definitions. The definitions below
-- are reexported from Erased.

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import Equality

module Erased.Basics
  {e⁺} (eq :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p e⁺) where

open Derived-definitions-and-properties eq

open import Prelude

open import Equivalence eq using (Is-equivalence)

    a : Level

-- Erased A is like A, but the values are (supposed to be) erased at
-- run-time.

record Erased (@0 A : Type a) : Type a where
  constructor [_]
    @0 erased : A

open Erased public

-- A variant of [_] that does not take an erased argument.

[_]→ : {@0 A : Type a}  A  Erased A
[ x ]→ = [ x ]

-- An axiomatisation for []-cong.

record []-cong-axiomatisation a : Type (lsuc a) where
    []-cong :
      {@0 A : Type a} {@0 x y : A} 
      Erased (x  y)  [ x ]  [ y ]
    []-cong-equivalence :
       {@0 A : Type a} {@0 x y : A} 
       Is-equivalence ([]-cong {x = x} {y = y})
    []-cong-[refl] :
      {A : Type a} {x : A} 
      []-cong [ refl x ]  refl [ x ]