-- A non-recursive variant of H-level.Truncation.Propositional.Erased

-- The definition does use natural numbers. The code is based on van
-- Doorn's "Constructing the Propositional Truncation using
-- Non-recursive HITs".

{-# OPTIONS --erased-cubical --safe #-}

import Equality.Path as P

module H-level.Truncation.Propositional.Non-recursive.Erased
  {e⁺} (eq :  {a p}  P.Equality-with-paths a p e⁺) where

  open module PD = P.Derived-definitions-and-properties eq
    hiding (elim)

open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude hiding ([_,_])

open import Colimit.Sequential.Very-erased eq as C using (Colimitᴱ)
open import Equality.Decidable-UIP equality-with-J
open import Equality.Path.Isomorphisms eq
open import Equivalence equality-with-J as Eq using (_≃_)
open import Equivalence.Erased.Cubical eq as EEq using (_≃ᴱ_)
open import Erased.Cubical eq
open import Function-universe equality-with-J as F hiding (_∘_)
open import H-level equality-with-J
open import H-level.Closure equality-with-J
open import H-level.Truncation.Propositional.One-step eq as O
  using (∥_∥¹-out-^)

    a p   : Level
    A     : Type a
    P     : A  Type p
    e x z : A

-- The type

-- The propositional truncation operator.

∥_∥ᴱ : Type a  Type a
 A ∥ᴱ = Colimitᴱ A ( A ∥¹-out-^  suc) O.∣_∣ O.∣_∣

-- The point constructor.

∣_∣ : A   A ∥ᴱ
∣_∣ = C.∣_∣₀

-- The eliminator.

record Elim {A : Type a} (P :  A ∥ᴱ  Type p) : Type (a  p) where
    ∣∣ʳ                :  x  P  x 
    @0 is-propositionʳ :  x  Is-proposition (P x)

open Elim public

elim : Elim P  (x :  A ∥ᴱ)  P x
elim {A = A} {P = P} e = C.elim λ where
    .C.Elim.∣∣₀ʳ          E.∣∣ʳ
    .C.Elim.∣∣₊ʳ {n = n}  helper n
    .C.Elim.∣∣₊≡∣∣₀ʳ x   
      subst P (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₀ x) (subst P (sym (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₀ x)) (E.∣∣ʳ x))  ≡⟨ subst-subst-sym _ _ _ ⟩∎
      E.∣∣ʳ x                                                        
    .C.Elim.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ʳ {n = n} x 
      subst P (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ x) (subst P (sym (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ x)) (helper n x))  ≡⟨ subst-subst-sym _ _ _ ⟩∎
      helper n x                                                        
  module E = Elim e

  @0 helper :  n (x :  A ∥¹-out-^ (suc n))  P C.∣ x ∣₊

  helper zero = O.elim e₀
    e₀ : O.Elim _
    e₀ .O.Elim.∣∣ʳ x            = subst P (sym (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₀ x)) (E.∣∣ʳ x)
    e₀ .O.Elim.∣∣-constantʳ _ _ = E.is-propositionʳ _ _ _

  helper (suc n) = O.elim e₊
    e₊ : O.Elim _
    e₊ .O.Elim.∣∣ʳ x            = subst P (sym (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ x))
                                    (helper n x)
    e₊ .O.Elim.∣∣-constantʳ _ _ = E.is-propositionʳ _ _ _

_ : elim e  x   e .∣∣ʳ x
_ = refl _

-- The propositional truncation operator returns propositions (in
-- erased contexts).

@0 ∥∥ᴱ-proposition : Is-proposition  A ∥ᴱ
∥∥ᴱ-proposition {A = A} = elim lemma₅
  lemma₀ :  n (x : A)  C.∣ O.∣ x ∣-out-^ (1 + n) ∣₊   x 
  lemma₀ zero x =
    C.∣ O.∣ x  ∣₊  ≡⟨ C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₀ x ⟩∎
    C.∣ x ∣₀        
  lemma₀ (suc n) x =
    C.∣ O.∣ O.∣ x ∣-out-^ (1 + n)  ∣₊  ≡⟨ C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ (O.∣ x ∣-out-^ (1 + n)) 
    C.∣ O.∣ x ∣-out-^ (1 + n) ∣₊        ≡⟨ lemma₀ n x ⟩∎

  lemma₁₀ :  (x y : A)   x   C.∣ y ∣₀
  lemma₁₀ x y =
     x                          ≡⟨ sym (lemma₀ 0 x) 
    C.∣ O.∣ x ∣-out-^ 1 ∣₊        ≡⟨⟩
    C.∣ O.∣ O.∣ x ∣-out-^ 0  ∣₊  ≡⟨ cong C.∣_∣₊ (O.∣∣-constant _ _) 
    C.∣ O.∣ y  ∣₊                ≡⟨ C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₀ y ⟩∎
    C.∣ y ∣₀                      

  lemma₁₊ :  n (x : A) (y :  A ∥¹-out-^ (1 + n))   x   C.∣ y ∣₊
  lemma₁₊ n x y =
     x                                ≡⟨ sym (lemma₀ (1 + n) x) 
    C.∣ O.∣ x ∣-out-^ (2 + n) ∣₊        ≡⟨⟩
    C.∣ O.∣ O.∣ x ∣-out-^ (1 + n)  ∣₊  ≡⟨ cong C.∣_∣₊ (O.∣∣-constant _ _) 
    C.∣ O.∣ y  ∣₊                      ≡⟨ C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ y ⟩∎
    C.∣ y ∣₊                            

  lemma₂ :
     n (x y :  A ∥¹-out-^ (1 + n))
    (p : x  y) (q : O.∣ x   O.∣ y ) 
    trans (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ {P₊ =  A ∥¹-out-^  suc} {step₀ = O.∣_∣} x)
      (cong C.∣_∣₊ p) 
    trans (cong C.∣_∣₊ q) (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ y)
  lemma₂ n x y p q =
    trans (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ x) (cong C.∣_∣₊ p)                        ≡⟨ PD.elim
                                                                     {x y} p  trans (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ x) (cong C.∣_∣₊ p) 
                                                                                 trans (cong C.∣_∣₊ (cong O.∣_∣ p)) (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ y))
      trans (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ x) (cong C.∣_∣₊ (refl _))                       ≡⟨ cong (trans _) $ cong-refl _ 
      trans (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ x) (refl _)                                     ≡⟨ trans-reflʳ _ 
      C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ x                                                      ≡⟨ sym $ trans-reflˡ _ 
      trans (refl _) (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ x)                                     ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ sym $
                                                                          trans (cong (cong C.∣_∣₊) $ cong-refl _) $
                                                                          cong-refl _ ⟩∎
      trans (cong C.∣_∣₊ (cong O.∣_∣ (refl _))) (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ x)          )

    trans (cong C.∣_∣₊ (cong O.∣_∣ p)) (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ y)           ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $
                                                                     u v 
      C.∣ u ∣₊                                                          ≡⟨ sym (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ u) 
      C.∣ O.∣ u  ∣₊                                                    ≡⟨ cong C.∣_∣₊ (O.∣∣-constant _ _) 
      C.∣ O.∣ v  ∣₊                                                    ≡⟨ C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ v ⟩∎
      C.∣ v ∣₊                                                          )
                                                                    _ _ ⟩∎
    trans (cong C.∣_∣₊ q) (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ y)                        

  lemma₃ :
     n x y (p : C.∣ O.∣ y  ∣₊  z) 
    subst ( x  ≡_) p (lemma₁₊ n x O.∣ y ) 
    trans (sym (lemma₀ n x))
      (trans (cong C.∣_∣₊ (O.∣∣-constant _ _)) p)
  lemma₃ n x y p =
    subst ( x  ≡_) p (lemma₁₊ n x O.∣ y )                      ≡⟨ sym trans-subst 

    trans (lemma₁₊ n x O.∣ y ) p                                 ≡⟨⟩

    trans (trans (sym (trans (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ (O.∣ x ∣-out-^ (1 + n)))
                         (lemma₀ n x)))
             (trans (cong C.∣_∣₊
                          (O.∣ x ∣-out-^ (1 + n)) O.∣ y ))
                (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ O.∣ y )))
      p                                                           ≡⟨ trans (cong  eq 
                                                                                    trans (trans eq
                                                                                             (trans (cong C.∣_∣₊ (O.∣∣-constant _ _))
                                                                                                (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ _)))
                                                                                      p) $
                                                                            sym-trans _ _) $
                                                                     trans (trans-assoc _ _ _) $
                                                                     trans (trans-assoc _ _ _) $
                                                                     cong (trans (sym (lemma₀ n _))) $
                                                                     sym $ trans-assoc _ _ _ 
    trans (sym (lemma₀ n x))
      (trans (trans (sym (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ (O.∣ x ∣-out-^ (1 + n))))
                (trans (cong C.∣_∣₊
                             (O.∣ x ∣-out-^ (1 + n)) O.∣ y ))
                   (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ O.∣ y )))
         p)                                                       ≡⟨ cong  eq  trans (sym (lemma₀ n _))
                                                                                    (trans (trans (sym (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ _)) eq) p)) $ sym $
                                                                     lemma₂ _ _ _ _ _ 
    trans (sym (lemma₀ n x))
      (trans (trans (sym (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ (O.∣ x ∣-out-^ (1 + n))))
                (trans (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ (O.∣ x ∣-out-^ (1 + n)))
                   (cong C.∣_∣₊ (O.∣∣-constant _ _))))
         p)                                                       ≡⟨ cong  eq  trans (sym (lemma₀ n _)) (trans eq p)) $
                                                                     trans-sym-[trans] _ _ ⟩∎
    trans (sym (lemma₀ n x))
      (trans (cong C.∣_∣₊ (O.∣∣-constant _ _)) p)                 

  lemma₄ :  _  C.Elim _
  lemma₄ x .C.Elim.∣∣₀ʳ       = lemma₁₀ x
  lemma₄ x .C.Elim.∣∣₊ʳ       = lemma₁₊ _ x
  lemma₄ x .C.Elim.∣∣₊≡∣∣₀ʳ y =
    subst ( x  ≡_) (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₀ y) (lemma₁₊ 0 x O.∣ y )       ≡⟨ lemma₃ _ _ _ _ 

    trans (sym (lemma₀ 0 x))
      (trans (cong C.∣_∣₊ (O.∣∣-constant _ _)) (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₀ y))  ≡⟨⟩

    lemma₁₀ x y                                                
  lemma₄ x .C.Elim.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ʳ {n = n} y =
    subst ( x  ≡_) (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ y) (lemma₁₊ (1 + n) x O.∣ y )  ≡⟨ lemma₃ _ _ _ _ 

    trans (sym (lemma₀ (1 + n) x))
      (trans (cong C.∣_∣₊ (O.∣∣-constant _ _)) (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ y))   ≡⟨⟩

    lemma₁₊ n x y                                               

  lemma₅ : Elim _
  lemma₅ .is-propositionʳ = Π≡-proposition ext
  lemma₅ .∣∣ʳ x           = C.elim (lemma₄ x)

-- A lemma

-- A function of type (x : ∥ A ∥ᴱ) → P x, along with an erased proof
-- showing that the function is equal to some erased function, is
-- equivalent to a function of type (x : A) → P ∣ x ∣, along with an
-- erased equality proof.

Σ-Π-∥∥ᴱ-Erased-≡-≃ :
  {@0 g : (x :  A ∥ᴱ)  P x} 
  ( λ (f : (x :  A ∥ᴱ)  P x)  Erased (f  g)) 
  ( λ (f : (x : A)  P  x )  Erased (f  g  ∣_∣))
Σ-Π-∥∥ᴱ-Erased-≡-≃ {A = A} {P = P} {g = g} =
  ( λ (f : (x :  A ∥ᴱ)  P x)  Erased (f  g))                         ↝⟨ (inverse $
                                                                              Σ-cong (inverse C.universal-property-Π) λ _  F.id) 
  ( λ (f :
         λ (f₀ : (x : A)  P  x ) 
        Erased (
         λ (f₊ :  n (x :  A ∥¹-out-^ (suc n))  P C.∣ x ∣₊) 
        (∀ x  subst P (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₀ x) (f₊ zero O.∣ x )  f₀ x) ×
        (∀ n x  subst P (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ x) (f₊ (suc n) O.∣ x ) 
                         f₊ n x))) 
   Erased (u⁻¹ f  g))                                                    ↔⟨ inverse $
                                                                             Σ-assoc F.∘
                                                                             (∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                              Erased-Σ↔Σ F.∘
                                                                              (from-equivalence $ Erased-cong (∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                               Eq.extensionality-isomorphism bad-ext))) 
  ( λ (f : (x : A)  P  x ) 
   Erased (
    λ (e :
         λ (f₊ :  n (x :  A ∥¹-out-^ (suc n))  P C.∣ x ∣₊) 
        (∀ x  subst P (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₀ x) (f₊ zero O.∣ x )  f x) ×
        (∀ n x  subst P (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ x) (f₊ (suc n) O.∣ x )  f₊ n x)) 
    x  u⁻¹ (f , [ e ]) x  g x))                                        ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  Erased-cong (∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                              (∃-cong λ _  from-bijection $ erased Erased↔) F.∘
  ( λ (f : (x : A)  P  x ) 
   Erased (
    λ ((f₊ , eq₀ , eq₊) :
         λ (f₊ :  n (x :  A ∥¹-out-^ (suc n))  P C.∣ x ∣₊) 
        (∀ x  subst P (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₀ x) (f₊ zero O.∣ x )  f x) ×
        (∀ n x  subst P (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ x) (f₊ (suc n) O.∣ x )  f₊ n x)) 
    λ (f≡g₀ : (x : A)  f x  g  x ) 
    λ (f≡g₊ :  n (x :  A ∥¹-out-^ (suc n))  f₊ n x  g C.∣ x ∣₊) 
   (∀ x  subst  x  u⁻¹ (f , [ f₊ , eq₀ , eq₊ ]) x  g x)
            (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₀ x) (f≡g₊ zero O.∣ x ) 
          f≡g₀ x) ×
   (∀ n (x :  A ∥¹-out-^ (suc n)) 
    subst  x  u⁻¹ (f , [ f₊ , eq₀ , eq₊ ]) x  g x)
      (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ x) (f≡g₊ (suc n) O.∣ x ) 
    f≡g₊ n x)))                                                           ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  Erased-cong (
                                                                              (∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                               (∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                                inverse Σ-assoc) F.∘
                                                                               Σ-assoc F.∘
                                                                               (∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                                (inverse $
                                                                                 Σ-cong (inverse $
                                                                                         Eq.extensionality-isomorphism bad-ext F.∘
                                                                                         (∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                                                          Eq.extensionality-isomorphism bad-ext)) λ _ 
                                                                                 F.id) F.∘
                                                                                ∃-comm) F.∘
                                                                               inverse Σ-assoc) F.∘
  ( λ (f : (x : A)  P  x ) 
   Erased (
    λ (f≡g₀ : (x : A)  f x  g  x ) 
    λ ((f₊ , f≡g₊) :
         λ (f₊ :  n (x :  A ∥¹-out-^ (suc n))  P C.∣ x ∣₊) 
        f₊  λ _ x  g C.∣ x ∣₊) 
    λ (eq₀ :  x  subst P (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₀ x) (f₊ zero O.∣ x )  f x) 
    λ (eq₊ :  n x 
              subst P (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ x) (f₊ (suc n) O.∣ x )  f₊ n x) 
   (∀ x  subst  x  u⁻¹ (f , [ f₊ , eq₀ , eq₊ ]) x  g x)
            (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₀ x) (cong (_$ O.∣ x ) (cong (_$ zero) f≡g₊)) 
          f≡g₀ x) ×
   (∀ n (x :  A ∥¹-out-^ (suc n)) 
    subst  x  u⁻¹ (f , [ f₊ , eq₀ , eq₊ ]) x  g x)
      (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ x) (cong (_$ O.∣ x ) (cong (_$ suc n) f≡g₊)) 
    cong (_$ x) (cong (_$ n) f≡g₊))))                                     ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  Erased-cong (∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                              (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                               (∀-cong ext λ _  ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong (_≡ _) $
                                                                                cong (subst  x  u⁻¹ _ x  g x) _) $
                                                                                trans (cong (cong (_$ _)) $ cong-refl _) $
                                                                                cong-refl _)
                                                                               (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong₂ _≡_
                                                                                  (cong (subst  x  u⁻¹ _ x  g x) _) $
                                                                                   trans (cong (cong (_$ _)) $ cong-refl _) $
                                                                                   cong-refl _)
                                                                                  (trans (cong (cong (_$ _)) $ cong-refl _) $
                                                                                   cong-refl _))) F.∘
                                                                              (drop-⊤-left-Σ $
                                                                               _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                                                               singleton-contractible _))) 
  ( λ (f : (x : A)  P  x ) 
   Erased (
    λ (f≡g₀ : (x : A)  f x  g  x ) 
    λ (eq₀ :  x  subst P (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₀ x) (g C.∣ O.∣ x  ∣₊)  f x) 
    λ (eq₊ :  n x 
              subst P (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ x) (g C.∣ O.∣ x  ∣₊)  g C.∣ x ∣₊) 
   (∀ x  subst
             x  u⁻¹ (f , [  _  g  C.∣_∣₊) , eq₀ , eq₊ ]) x  g x)
            (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₀ x) (refl _) 
          f≡g₀ x) ×
   (∀ n (x :  A ∥¹-out-^ (suc n)) 
    subst  x  u⁻¹ (f , [  _  g  C.∣_∣₊) , eq₀ , eq₊ ]) x  g x)
      (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ x) (refl _) 
    refl _)))                                                             ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  Erased-cong (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                              (∀-cong ext λ _  ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong (_≡ _) $
                                                                               lemma₀ _ _ _ _)
                                                                              (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong (_≡ refl _) $
                                                                               lemma₊ _ _ _ _ _))) 
  ( λ (f : (x : A)  P  x ) 
   Erased (
    λ (f≡g₀ : (x : A)  f x  g  x ) 
    λ (eq₀ :  x  subst P (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₀ x) (g C.∣ O.∣ x  ∣₊)  f x) 
    λ (eq₊ :  n x 
              subst P (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ x) (g C.∣ O.∣ x  ∣₊)  g C.∣ x ∣₊) 
   (∀ x  trans (sym (eq₀ x)) (dcong g (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₀ x))  f≡g₀ x) ×
   (∀ n (x :  A ∥¹-out-^ (suc n)) 
    trans (sym (eq₊ n x)) (dcong g (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ x))  refl _)))             ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  Erased-cong (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ eq₀  ∃-cong λ eq₊ 
                                                                              (Eq.extensionality-isomorphism bad-ext F.∘
                                                                               (∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                                                Eq.≃-≡ (Eq.↔⇒≃ ≡-comm) F.∘
                                                                                (≡⇒↝ _ $
                                                                                 trans ([trans≡]≡[≡trans-symʳ] _ _ _) $
                                                                                 cong (sym (eq₀ _) ≡_) $ sym $ sym-sym _)))
                                                                              (Eq.extensionality-isomorphism bad-ext F.∘
                                                                               (∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                                                Eq.extensionality-isomorphism bad-ext F.∘
                                                                                (∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                                                 Eq.≃-≡ (Eq.↔⇒≃ ≡-comm) F.∘
                                                                                 (≡⇒↝ _ $
                                                                                  trans ([trans≡]≡[≡trans-symʳ] _ _ _) $
                                                                                  cong (sym (eq₊ _ _) ≡_) $ sym $ sym-sym _)))))) 
  ( λ (f : (x : A)  P  x ) 
   Erased (
    λ (f≡g₀ : (x : A)  f x  g  x ) 
    λ (eq₀ :  x  subst P (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₀ x) (g C.∣ O.∣ x  ∣₊)  f x) 
    λ (eq₊ :  n x 
              subst P (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ x) (g C.∣ O.∣ x  ∣₊)  g C.∣ x ∣₊) 
   eq₀   x  sym (trans (f≡g₀ x) (sym (dcong g (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₀ x))))) ×
   eq₊   _ x  sym (trans (refl _) (sym (dcong g (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ x)))))))   ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  Erased-cong (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                              (drop-⊤-right λ _ 
                                                                               _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                                                               singleton-contractible _) F.∘
  ( λ (f : (x : A)  P  x ) 
   Erased (
    λ (f≡g₀ : (x : A)  f x  g  x ) 
    λ (eq₀ :  x  subst P (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₀ x) (g C.∣ O.∣ x  ∣₊)  f x) 
   eq₀   x  sym (trans (f≡g₀ x) (sym (dcong g (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₀ x)))))))     ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  Erased-cong (
                                                                              drop-⊤-right λ _ 
                                                                              _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                                                              singleton-contractible _)) 

  ( λ (f : (x : A)  P  x )  Erased ((x : A)  f x  g  x ))        ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  Erased-cong (
                                                                              Eq.extensionality-isomorphism bad-ext)) ⟩□
  ( λ (f : (x : A)  P  x )  Erased (f  g  ∣_∣))                    
  u⁻¹ = _≃_.from C.universal-property-Π

  @0 lemma₀ :  _ _ _ _  _
  lemma₀ f eq₀ eq₊ x =
    subst  x  u⁻¹ (f , [  _  g  C.∣_∣₊) , eq₀ , eq₊ ]) x  g x)
      (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₀ x) (refl _)                                            ≡⟨ subst-in-terms-of-trans-and-dcong 

    trans (sym (dcong (u⁻¹ (f , [  _  g  C.∣_∣₊) , eq₀ , eq₊ ]))
                  (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₀ x)))
      (trans (cong (subst P (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₀ x)) (refl _))
         (dcong g (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₀ x)))                                       ≡⟨ cong₂ (trans  sym)
                                                                             (trans (cong (flip trans _) $
                                                                                     cong-refl _) $
                                                                              trans-reflˡ _) ⟩∎
    trans (sym (eq₀ x)) (dcong g (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₀ x))                         

  @0 lemma₊ :  _ _ _ _ _  _
  lemma₊ f eq₀ eq₊ n x =
    subst  x  u⁻¹ (f , [  _  g  C.∣_∣₊) , eq₀ , eq₊ ]) x  g x)
      (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ x) (refl _)                                            ≡⟨ subst-in-terms-of-trans-and-dcong 

    trans (sym (dcong (u⁻¹ (f , [  _  g  C.∣_∣₊) , eq₀ , eq₊ ]))
                  (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ x)))
      (trans (cong (subst P (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ x)) (refl _))
         (dcong g (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ x)))                                       ≡⟨ cong₂ (trans  sym)
                                                                             (trans (cong (flip trans _) $
                                                                                     cong-refl _) $
                                                                              trans-reflˡ _) ⟩∎
    trans (sym (eq₊ n x)) (dcong g (C.∣∣₊≡∣∣₊ x))