-- Some results that hold for left exact modalities

-- Unless otherwise noted this code is based on "Modalities in
-- Homotopy Type Theory" by Rijke, Shulman and Spitters, and/or (some
-- version of) the corresponding Coq code. (Details may differ, and
-- perhaps there are some "obvious" results that do not have direct
-- counterparts in the work of Rijke, Shulman and Spitters, even
-- though there is no note about this.)

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

open import Equality
import Modality.Basics

module Modality.Left-exact
  (eq-J :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p c⁺)
  (open Modality.Basics eq-J)
  (M : Modality a)
  (open Modality M hiding (η-[]◯-η≃◯))
  (lex : Left-exact-η-cong)

open Derived-definitions-and-properties eq-J

open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude

import Bijection eq-J as Bijection
open import Embedding eq-J as Emb using (Embedding; Is-embedding)
open import Equivalence eq-J as Eq using (_≃_; Is-equivalence)
open import Equivalence.List eq-J
open import Extensionality eq-J
open import Function-universe eq-J as F hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level eq-J
open import H-level.Closure eq-J
open import Injection eq-J using (_↣_; Injective)
open import Preimage eq-J as Preimage using (_⁻¹_)

               : Level
    A B         : Type 
    f p x y _<_ : A
    P Q         : A  Type p

-- Some basic properties

-- The modality is left exact.

left-exact : Left-exact 
left-exact = _⇔_.from (Left-exact≃Left-exact-η-cong _) lex

-- There is an equivalence between ◯ (x ≡ y) and η x ≡ η y.

◯≡≃η≡η :  (x  y)  (η x  η y)
◯≡≃η≡η = Eq.⟨ η-cong , lex 

-- The function η-cong has an inverse.

η-cong⁻¹ : η x  η y   (x  y)
η-cong⁻¹ = _≃_.from ◯≡≃η≡η

η-cong-η-cong⁻¹ : η-cong (η-cong⁻¹ p)  p
η-cong-η-cong⁻¹ = _≃_.right-inverse-of ◯≡≃η≡η _

η-cong⁻¹-η-cong : η-cong⁻¹ (η-cong p)  p
η-cong⁻¹-η-cong = _≃_.left-inverse-of ◯≡≃η≡η _

-- A "computation rule" for η-cong⁻¹.

η-cong⁻¹-η : η-cong⁻¹ (refl (η x))  η (refl x)
η-cong⁻¹-η {x} = _≃_.to-from ◯≡≃η≡η
  (η-cong (η (refl x))  ≡⟨ η-cong-η 
   cong η (refl x)      ≡⟨ cong-refl _ ⟩∎
   refl (η x)           )

-- Separatedness

-- I did not take the lemma in this section from "Modalities in
-- Homotopy Type Theory" or the corresponding Coq code.

-- A is separated if and only if η is an embedding for A.

Separated≃Is-embedding-η :
  Separated A ↝[ a  a ] Is-embedding (η  (A   A))
Separated≃Is-embedding-η {A} ext =
  (∀ x y  Modal (x  y))                            ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  Modal≃Is-equivalence-η ext) 
  (∀ x y  Is-equivalence (η {A = x  y}))           ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                         Is-equivalence≃Is-equivalence-∘ˡ lex ext) 
  (∀ x y  Is-equivalence (η-cong  η {A = x  y}))  ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  Is-equivalence-cong ext λ _  η-cong-η) ⟩□
  (∀ x y  Is-equivalence (cong {x = x} {y = y} η))  

-- H-levels

-- If A has a given h-level, then ◯ A has the same h-level.

H-level′→H-level′-◯ :  n  H-level′ n A  H-level′ n ( A)
H-level′→H-level′-◯ {A} zero =
  Contractible A      →⟨ Contractible→Connected ⟩□
  Contractible ( A)  
H-level′→H-level′-◯ {A} (suc n) =
  ((x y : A)  H-level′ n (x  y))      →⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  ∀-cong _ λ _ 
                                            H-level′→H-level′-◯ n) 
  ((x y : A)  H-level′ n ( (x  y)))  →⟨  h 
                                              ◯-elim′  _  Stable-Π λ _ 
                                                             Stable-H-level′ n $
                                                             Modal→Modalⁿ n $
                                                             Separated-◯ _ _) λ x 
                                              ◯-elim′  _  Stable-H-level′ n $
                                                             Modal→Modalⁿ n $
                                                             Separated-◯ _ _) λ y 
                                              H-level′-cong _ n ◯≡≃η≡η (h x y)) ⟩□
  ((x y :  A)  H-level′ n (x  y))    

-- If A has a given h-level, then ◯ A has the same h-level.
-- At least one version of the Coq code accompanying "Modalities in
-- Homotopy Type Theory" contains the following comment in
-- connection with the corresponding lemma:
--   "With a little more work, this can probably be proven without
--   [Funext]."
-- Note that this lemma does not make use of function
-- extensionality.

H-level→H-level-◯ :  n  H-level n A  H-level n ( A)
H-level→H-level-◯ {A} n =
  H-level n A       ↝⟨ H-level↔H-level′ _ 
  H-level′ n A      ↝⟨ H-level′→H-level′-◯ n 
  H-level′ n ( A)  ↝⟨ _⇔_.from (H-level↔H-level′ _) ⟩□
  H-level n ( A)   

-- Connectedness

-- The function f is ◯-connected if and only if ◯-map f is an
-- equivalence.

Connected-→≃Is-equivalence-◯-map :
   -Connected-→ f ↝[ a  a ] Is-equivalence (◯-map f)
Connected-→≃Is-equivalence-◯-map {f} =
       { to   = Connected-→→Is-equivalence-◯-map
       ; from =
                (Equivalent-Left-exact .proj₁)
                (inj₁ F.id)
                (inj₂ (inj₂ (inj₂ (inj₂ (inj₂ (inj₂ (inj₂ (inj₂ (inj₁
    (flip Connected-→-propositional )

-- If f is ◯-connected and Σ-map {Q = Q} f (g _) is ◯-connected (for
-- g : ∀ x → P x → Q (f x)), then g x is ◯-connected for all x.

Connected-→-Σ-map→Π-Connected-→ :
  {g :  x  P x  Q (f x)} 
   -Connected-→ f 
   -Connected-→ Σ-map {Q = Q} f (g _) 
   x   -Connected-→ g x
Connected-→-Σ-map→Π-Connected-→ {P} {Q} {f} {g} c-f c-f-g x q =
                                            $⟨ c-h x q (x , refl (f x)) 
   -Connected (h x q ⁻¹ (x , refl (f x)))  →⟨ Connected-cong _ lemma ⟩□
   -Connected (g x ⁻¹ q)                   
  h :  x (q : Q (f x)) 
      Σ-map {Q = Q} f (g _) ⁻¹ (f x , q)  f ⁻¹ f x
  h x _ ((x′ , _) , eq) =
    , (f x′  ≡⟨ proj₁ (Σ-≡,≡←≡ eq) ⟩∎
       f x   )

  c-h :  x q   -Connected-→ h x q
  c-h x q =
         (Equivalent-Left-exact .proj₁)
         (inj₁ F.id) (inj₂ (inj₁ F.id)))
      (c-f-g _)
      (c-f _)

  lemma =
    h x q ⁻¹ (x , refl (f x))                                       ↔⟨⟩

    Σ-map proj₁ (proj₁  Σ-≡,≡←≡) ⁻¹ (x , refl (f x))               ↔⟨⟩

    Σ-map proj₁ proj₁  Σ-map id Σ-≡,≡←≡ ⁻¹ (x , refl (f x))        ↝⟨ ∘⁻¹≃ _ _ 

    ( λ ((p , _) : Σ-map proj₁ proj₁ ⁻¹ (x , refl (f x))) 
     Σ-map id Σ-≡,≡←≡ ⁻¹ p)                                         ↔⟨ (drop-⊤-right λ _ 
                                                                        _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                                                          (∃-cong λ _  inverse Bijection.Σ-≡,≡↔≡) _) 
    Σ-map proj₁ proj₁ ⁻¹ (x , refl (f x))                           ↔⟨⟩

    Σ-map proj₁ id  Σ-map id proj₁ ⁻¹ (x , refl (f x))             ↝⟨ ∘⁻¹≃ _ _ 

    ( λ ((p , _) : Σ-map proj₁ id ⁻¹ (x , refl (f x))) 
     Σ-map id proj₁ ⁻¹ p)                                           ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  Σ-map-id-⁻¹≃⁻¹) 

    ( λ (((p , eq) , _) : Σ-map proj₁ id ⁻¹ (x , refl (f x))) 
     proj₁ {B = λ eq  subst Q eq (uncurry g p)  q} ⁻¹ eq)         ↝⟨ (Σ-cong Σ-map--id-⁻¹≃⁻¹ λ p 
                                                                        ≡⇒↝ _ $
                                                                        cong  ((p , eq) , _) 
                                                                                proj₁ {B = λ eq  subst Q eq (uncurry g p)  q} ⁻¹ eq) $
                                                                        sym $ _≃_.left-inverse-of Σ-map--id-⁻¹≃⁻¹ p) 
    ( λ (p@(p′ , _) : proj₁ ⁻¹ x) 
     proj₁ {B = λ eq  subst Q eq (uncurry g p′)  q} ⁻¹
     proj₂ (proj₁ (_≃_.from Σ-map--id-⁻¹≃⁻¹ p)))                    ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ p  ≡⇒↝ _ $
                                                                        cong (proj₁ {B = λ eq  subst Q eq (uncurry g (proj₁ p))  q} ⁻¹_) $
                                                                        trans-reflʳ _) 
    ( λ ((p , eq) : proj₁ ⁻¹ x) 
     proj₁ {B = λ eq  subst Q eq (uncurry g p)  q} ⁻¹ cong f eq)  ↝⟨ (Σ-cong-contra (inverse proj₁-⁻¹≃) λ _  F.id) 

    ( λ (p : P x) 
     proj₁ {B = λ eq  subst Q eq (g x p)  q} ⁻¹ cong f (refl _))  ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  proj₁-⁻¹≃) 

    ( λ (p : P x)  subst Q (cong f (refl _)) (g x p)  q)         ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong (_≡ _) $
                                                                        trans (cong (flip (subst Q) _) $ cong-refl _) $
                                                                        subst-refl _ _) 
    ( λ (p : P x)  g x p  q)                                     ↔⟨⟩

    g x ⁻¹ q                                                        

-- Accessibility

-- If the modality is accessible, with (_ , P , _) as a witness of its
-- accessibility, then every modal family of type P x → Type a is, in
-- a certain sense, constant (assuming function extensionality).

Accessible→ :
  Extensionality a a 
  ((_ , P , _) : Accessible M) 
   x  (Q : P x  Type a)  (∀ y  Modal (Q y)) 
   λ (B : Type a)  Modal B × (∀ y  Q y  B)
Accessible→ ext acc@(_ , P , _) x Q m =
                                                $⟨  {_ _ _}  left-exact) 

  Left-exact                                   →⟨  lex  Left-exact→Connected→Modal→≃ lex) 

  ( -Connected (P x)  (∀ x  Modal (Q x)) 
    λ (B : Type a)  Modal B ×  y  Q y  B)  →⟨  hyp  hyp (Accessible→Connected ext acc) m) ⟩□

  ( λ (B : Type a)  Modal B ×  y  Q y  B)  

-- Some commutation properties

-- I did not take the lemmas in this section from "Modalities in
-- Homotopy Type Theory" or the corresponding Coq code.

-- ◯ (Injective f) implies Injective (◯-map f).

◯-Injective→Injective :  (Injective f)  Injective (◯-map f)
◯-Injective→Injective {f} =
   (∀ {x y}  f x  f y  x  y)                      →⟨ ◯-map  g _ _  g) 
   (∀ x y  f x  f y  x  y)                        →⟨ ◯Π→Π◯ 
  (∀ x   (∀ y  f x  f y  x  y))                  →⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  ◯Π→Π◯) 
  (∀ x y   (f x  f y  x  y))                      →⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  ∀-cong _ λ _  ◯-map-◯) 
  (∀ x y   (f x  f y)   (x  y))                  →⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  ∀-cong _ λ _ 
                                                           →-cong-→ (_≃_.from ◯≡≃η≡η) η-cong) 
  (∀ x y  η (f x)  η (f y)  η x  η y)              →⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  ∀-cong _ λ _ 
                                                           →-cong-→ (≡⇒↝ _ $ cong₂ _≡_ ◯-map-η ◯-map-η) id) 
  (∀ x y  ◯-map f (η x)  ◯-map f (η y)  η x  η y)  →⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  _⇔_.from $ Π◯⇔Πη s′) 
  (∀ x y  ◯-map f (η x)  ◯-map f y  η x  y)        →⟨ (_⇔_.from $ Π◯⇔Πη λ _  Stable-Π s′) 
  (∀ x y  ◯-map f x  ◯-map f y  x  y)              →⟨  g  g _ _) ⟩□
  (∀ {x y}  ◯-map f x  ◯-map f y  x  y)            
  s′ :  {x} y  Stable (◯-map f x  ◯-map f y  x  y)
  s′ _ = Stable-Π λ _  Modal→Stable $ Separated-◯ _ _

-- ◯ (A ↣ B) implies ◯ A ↣ ◯ B.

◯-cong-↣-◯ :  (A  B)   A   B
◯-cong-↣-◯ =
    (Injective-cong _)
    (Stable-implicit-Π λ _  Stable-implicit-Π λ _  Stable-Π λ _ 
     Modal→Stable $ Separated-◯ _ _)

-- A lemma used in the implementations of ◯-Is-embedding→Is-embedding
-- and Modality.Has-choice.◯-Is-embedding≃Is-embedding.

◯-map-cong≡ :
  (p :  (x  y)) 
  ◯-map (cong f) p 
   _≃_.to (≡⇒↝ _ (cong₂ _≡_ ◯-map-η ◯-map-η)) 
   cong (◯-map f) 
   η-cong) p
◯-map-cong≡ {f} =
  ◯-elim  _  Separated-◯ _ _) $
       ◯-map (cong f) (η p) 
         (_≃_.to (≡⇒↝ _ (cong₂ _≡_ ◯-map-η ◯-map-η))
            (cong (◯-map f) (η-cong (η p)))))
    (◯-map (cong f) (η (refl _))                                         ≡⟨ trans ◯-map-η $
                                                                            cong η $ cong-refl _ 

     η (refl _)                                                          ≡⟨ sym η-cong⁻¹-η 

     η-cong⁻¹ (refl _)                                                   ≡⟨ cong η-cong⁻¹ $
                                                                            trans (sym $ trans-symˡ _) $
                                                                            cong (flip trans _) $
                                                                            sym $ trans-reflʳ _ 

     η-cong⁻¹ (trans (trans (sym ◯-map-η) (refl _)) ◯-map-η)             ≡⟨ cong η-cong⁻¹ $
                                                                            trans trans-subst $
                                                                            cong (subst (_ ≡_) _) $
                                                                            sym subst-trans-sym 
       (subst (η _ ≡_) ◯-map-η (subst (_≡ ◯-map _ _) ◯-map-η (refl _)))  ≡⟨ cong η-cong⁻¹ $ sym $
                                                                            ≡⇒↝-cong₂≡subst-subst equivalence {P = _≡_} 
       (_≃_.to (≡⇒↝ _ (cong₂ _≡_ ◯-map-η ◯-map-η)) (refl _))             ≡⟨ cong η-cong⁻¹ $ cong (_≃_.to (≡⇒↝ _ _)) $
                                                                            trans (sym $ cong-refl _) $
                                                                            cong (cong (◯-map f)) $
                                                                            trans (sym $ cong-refl _) $
                                                                            sym η-cong-η ⟩∎
       (_≃_.to (≡⇒↝ _ (cong₂ _≡_ ◯-map-η ◯-map-η))
          (cong (◯-map f) (η-cong (η (refl _)))))                        )

-- ◯ (Is-embedding f) implies Is-embedding (◯-map f).

◯-Is-embedding→Is-embedding :
   (Is-embedding f)  Is-embedding (◯-map f)
◯-Is-embedding→Is-embedding {f} =
   (∀ x y  Is-equivalence (cong f  (x  y  f x  f y)))             →⟨ ◯Π→Π◯ 

  (∀ x   (∀ y  Is-equivalence (cong f  (x  y  f x  f y))))       →⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  ◯Π→Π◯) 

  (∀ x y   (Is-equivalence (cong f  (x  y  f x  f y))))           →⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  ∀-cong _ λ _ 

  (∀ x y  Is-equivalence (◯-map (cong f  (x  y  f x  f y))))       →⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  ∀-cong _ λ _  Is-equivalence-cong _
  (∀ x y 
        _≃_.to (≡⇒↝ _ (cong₂ _≡_ ◯-map-η ◯-map-η)) 
        cong (◯-map f)  η-cong  ( (x  y)   (f x  f y))))         →⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  ∀-cong _ λ _  _⇔_.from $
                                                                              (_≃_.is-equivalence $ inverse ◯≡≃η≡η) _) 
  (∀ x y 
       (_≃_.to (≡⇒↝ _ (cong₂ _≡_ ◯-map-η ◯-map-η)) 
        cong (◯-map f)  η-cong  ( (x  y)  η (f x)  η (f y))))     →⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  ∀-cong _ λ _  _⇔_.from $
                                                                            Is-equivalence≃Is-equivalence-∘ʳ lex _) 
  (∀ x y 
       (_≃_.to (≡⇒↝ _ (cong₂ _≡_ ◯-map-η ◯-map-η)) 
        cong (◯-map f)  (η x  η y  η (f x)  η (f y))))              →⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  ∀-cong _ λ _  _⇔_.from $
                                                                              (_≃_.is-equivalence $ ≡⇒↝ _ _) _) 
  (∀ x y 
       (cong (◯-map f)  (η x  η y  ◯-map f (η x)  ◯-map f (η y))))  →⟨ (_⇔_.from $
                                                                            Π◯⇔Πη λ _  Stable-Π λ _ 
                                                                              (Separated-◯ _ _) (Modal→Separated (Separated-◯ _ _))) 
  (∀ x y 
       (cong (◯-map f)  (x  η y  ◯-map f x  ◯-map f (η y))))        →⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  _⇔_.from $
                                                                            Π◯⇔Πη λ _ 
                                                                              (Separated-◯ _ _) (Modal→Separated (Separated-◯ _ _))) ⟩□
  (∀ x y 
       (cong (◯-map f)  (x  y  ◯-map f x  ◯-map f y)))              

-- ◯ (Embedding A B) implies Embedding (◯ A) (◯ B).

◯-cong-Embedding-◯ :  (Embedding A B)  Embedding ( A) ( B)
◯-cong-Embedding-◯ =
    (Is-embedding-cong _)
    (Stable-Π λ _  Stable-Π λ _ 
       (Separated-◯ _ _) (Modal→Separated (Separated-◯ _ _)))

-- Some lemmas related to _[_]◯_

-- I did not take the lemmas in this section from "Modalities in
-- Homotopy Type Theory" or the corresponding Coq code.

-- The type η x [ _<_ ]◯ η y is equivalent to ◯ (x < y).

η-[]◯-η≃◯ : (η x [ _<_ ]◯ η y)   (x < y)
η-[]◯-η≃◯ {x} {_<_} {y} =
  η x [ _<_ ]◯ η y                                           ↔⟨⟩

   ( λ x′   λ y′  η x  η x′ × η y  η y′ × (x′ < y′))  ↝⟨ (◯-cong-≃ $ ∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _  inverse $
                                                                 ◯≡≃η≡η ×-cong ◯≡≃η≡η ×-cong F.id) 

   ( λ x′   λ y′   (x  x′) ×  (y  y′) × (x′ < y′))  ↝⟨ flatten-≃
                                                                   F   λ x′   λ y′  F (x  x′) × F (y  y′) × (x′ < y′))
                                                                   f  Σ-map id (Σ-map id (Σ-map f (Σ-map f id))))
                                                                   (x′ , y′ , p , q , r) 
                                                                     ◯-map  (p , q)  x′ , y′ , p , q , r) $
                                                                     _≃_.from ◯× (p , q))
                                                                   (x′ , y′ , p , q , r) 
                                                                       {P = λ p 
                                                                              ◯-map (Σ-map id (Σ-map id (Σ-map η (Σ-map η id))))
                                                                                (◯-map  (p , q)  x′ , y′ , p , q , r)
                                                                                   (_≃_.from ◯× (p , q))) 
                                                                              η (x′ , y′ , p , q , r)}
                                                                        _  Separated-◯ _ _)
                                                                            {P = λ q 
                                                                                   ◯-map (Σ-map id (Σ-map id (Σ-map η (Σ-map η id))))
                                                                                     (◯-map  (p , q)  x′ , y′ , p , q , r)
                                                                                        (_≃_.from ◯× (η p , q))) 
                                                                                   η (x′ , y′ , η p , q , r)}
                                                                             _  Separated-◯ _ _)
    ◯-map (Σ-map id (Σ-map id (Σ-map η (Σ-map η id))))
      (◯-map  (p , q)  x′ , y′ , p , q , r)
         (_≃_.from ◯× (η p , η q)))                                            ≡⟨ cong (◯-map _) $
                                                                                  lemma _ 
    ◯-map (Σ-map id (Σ-map id (Σ-map η (Σ-map η id))))
      (η (x′ , y′ , p , q , r))                                                ≡⟨ ◯-map-η ⟩∎

    η (x′ , y′ , η p , η q , r)                                                )

   ( λ x′   λ y′  x  x′ × y  y′ × (x′ < y′))          ↔⟨ ◯-cong-↔ $
                                                                (∃-cong λ _  Σ-assoc) F.∘
                                                                Σ-assoc F.∘
                                                                (∃-cong λ _  ∃-comm) 
   ( λ ((x′ , _) :  λ x′  x  x′) 
      λ ((y′ , _) :  λ y′  y  y′) 
     x′ < y′)                                                ↔⟨ ◯-cong-↔ $
                                                                drop-⊤-left-Σ $
                                                                _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                                                other-singleton-contractible _ 

   ( λ ((y′ , _) :  λ y′  y  y′)  x < y′)              ↔⟨ ◯-cong-↔ $
                                                                drop-⊤-left-Σ $
                                                                _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                                                other-singleton-contractible _ ⟩□
   (x < y)                                                  
  lemma = λ (x′ , y′ , p , q , r) 
    ◯-map  (p , q)  x′ , y′ , p , q , r) (_≃_.from ◯× (η p , η q))  ≡⟨ cong (◯-map _) ◯×⁻¹-η 
    ◯-map  (p , q)  x′ , y′ , p , q , r) (η (p , q))                ≡⟨ ◯-map-η ⟩∎
    η (x′ , y′ , p , q , r)                                            

-- The function _[ _<_ ]◯_ is pointwise logically equivalent to any
-- pointwise stable relation R (of a certain type) for which
-- R (η x) (η y) ⇔ ◯ (x < y) holds for all x and y.

⇔[]◯ :
  {R :  A   A  Type a} 
  (∀ {x y}  Stable (R x y)) 
  (∀ {x y}  R (η x) (η y)   (x < y)) 
  R x y  (x [ _<_ ]◯ y)
⇔[]◯ {_<_} {x} {y} {R} s Rηη⇔◯< =
    {P = λ x  R x y  (x [ _<_ ]◯ y)}
     _  Stable-⇔ s (Modal→Stable Modal-◯))
         {P = λ y  R (η x) y  (η x [ _<_ ]◯ y)}
          _  Stable-⇔ s (Modal→Stable Modal-◯))
            R (η x) (η y)     ↝⟨ Rηη⇔◯< 
             (x < y)         ↔⟨ inverse η-[]◯-η≃◯ ⟩□
            η x [ _<_ ]◯ η y  )

-- In the presence of function extensionality _[ _<_ ]◯_ is pointwise
-- equivalent to any pointwise modal relation R (of a certain type)
-- for which R (η x) (η y) ≃ ◯ (x < y) holds for all x and y.

≃[]◯ :
  {R :  A   A  Type a} 
  Extensionality a a 
  (∀ {x y}  Modal (R x y)) 
  (∀ {x y}  R (η x) (η y)   (x < y)) 
  R x y  (x [ _<_ ]◯ y)
≃[]◯ {_<_} {x} {y} {R} ext m Rηη≃◯< =
    {P = λ x  R x y  (x [ _<_ ]◯ y)}
     _  Modal-≃ ext m Modal-◯)
         {P = λ y  R (η x) y  (η x [ _<_ ]◯ y)}
          _  Modal-≃ ext m Modal-◯)
            R (η x) (η y)     ↝⟨ Rηη≃◯< 
             (x < y)         ↝⟨ inverse η-[]◯-η≃◯ ⟩□
            η x [ _<_ ]◯ η y  )